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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well here we are Thursday Morning we're coming to the end of the week and a small green day for me. hit a peak of about 2 700, gave back 600 on Vcig and went from up 500 on uh, Sfwl to down 900 on it. So a small green day. but um, green on the week which is good and slow and steady is the name of the game while we're in between big momentum stocks.

Because what we've kind of got going on right now is a lot of this just chop. You know, a stock like OMH I mean it made its Big Move last week and now it's on. Well oh wait was this. Monday well whatever, it doesn't matter.

So I made this big move on Monday Now it's on sort of the other side of that, you know, bounce off the low. We had Hcdi yesterday, you know, made a big move, but it's not front side of the momentum. It's kind of a weird pattern. Today we had a bigger move on Zura Z-u-r-a very light volume up 100.

it's halted back down right now. We had Vcig which is also sort of a bounce off of this big move it had back in April or early May Arbb that was a recent IPO setup I Liked the idea of it, but it couldn't squeeze through the all-time highs so that was a bummer. And M-i-n-m just chop. So you know what? These are days where hey, if I can scrape together a little bit of profit and walk away green, That's good.

This is not the type of Market where I want to take a lot of risk and potentially go deep red because I won't be able to recoup it and the risk isn't worth the reward because we're not seeing these big moves. So the better approach right here just to be patient, be disciplined. And so I started the day with my very first trade. Let's see.

um I gotta go back. It was min-mm M-i-n-m All right. So uh, didn't trade this uh on the beginning of the move but took a trade as it broke through seven hit a high of 7 18. I was in like at the top, had a false halt up there going up.

Uh, sold going into that level and that was um, my first trade on M I N M and then it sold off and I did a bounce dip trade off of V-wap which was the better of the two trades, but really nothing that exciting on it. Uh, it's coming back up right now. You know this one. It could be interesting if it could break through the 200 moving average get through yesterday's high, but it's got this history of big topping.

Tails it's not front size, it's not. doesn't have news. What's really the point? It doesn't feel like it's worth it. So I I don't want to get into chasing these things.

This isn't the market for it. So next one was ARB made uh 600 on that one. jumped in as it hit the scan right here squeezing up hit a high of 519. it looked like it was gonna go and then all of a sudden a big seller came in at five and it came back down so that was kind of a bummer volume.

it hit the scan volume came in and then it just came right back down so didn't hold up. Small winner on that one. The next trade after Arbb was a trade on Vcig. So Vcig halted a couple times going up and I bought it after a halt going down right here because it was showing a flat result.
Well, it was showing actually a pretty flat resumption. Uh, it was shown it was halted down at 475. it was showing a resumption at 471 and then it resumed a bit lower at 440 and it dips. and then I bought that dip and it came right back up to five.

That was my biggest winner of the day. That was an 1800 winner. Then I added for the Breakthrough five back overview app and I lost 700 on that so whatever. Gave back a little profit was a little risky but I had some profit so I took the risk and then the last trade was Sfwl which you know this one was so annoying because I first see it down here I take my first trade as it breaks through this level here.

I get green but not by a lot and then all of a sudden this big buyer comes in at seven eighty thousand shares sitting on the bid. so I was like okay I bought there, it goes up and then I added for the squeeze up through eight and then it drops and I lost some money and then I got back in and then I lost again. So I was over trading it. Basically it went up but I was getting a little too high, stopping out with a quick tight stop and then getting back in a little higher and then doing it again I did that like three times.

I had one winner and then like three or four losers and and then yeah. I saw Zara halt up and I was just like nah I can't chase that not enough volume. Uh, it would just be too risky for me. so I didn't take a trade on that one.

Uh, great to see and you know if it held up here you could get a second leg higher. That would be the best. The cleanest and lowest risk trade for me. but I'm just not seeing it.

it is 11 A.M Uh, so we're kind of. You know, we're kind of coming to the end of my typical day of trading Pcrx. This one does have some potential. You know it's It's interesting, but you've got some descending resistance that you can see probably in this area from the top of this candle back to sort of up in here.

so I don't know I'm just not going to push it. look a thousand bucks. It's not my daily goal, but it's a Green Day Can't complain about green days and I don't have enough of a cushion to risk pushing it anymore I Went up 2700 and gave back half the day. So uh, well, you know? yeah! I guess I gave back half of it twice 700 13.50 so get back half of it.

I'm gonna shut it down here and this is my this is my Approach I Closed down the platform and I'm not going to look at this for the rest of the day I'm not going to look at these charts for the rest of the day I don't even want to see them I'll come back tomorrow. No Fomo? All right. I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Reminder: As always, trading is risky.

My results aren't typical so make sure you take it slow and I'll see you guys back here. Live streaming tomorrow morning.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

23 thoughts on “$vcig daily breakout setup”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 💰 Earn $635 Daily says:

    "You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you had to overcome to reach your goals." -Booker T. Washington

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M. G. says:

    Hey Ross, trading Monkey says you are going to be on her show????????????????????????????????

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NDL AK says:

    Will you do a small account challenge any time soon?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars twinquist says:

    I've been focused on a couple swing trades the last couple weeks on 2 stocks I'm very familiar with. I'm anticipating a $20k gain in that timeframe. I'm staying away from momo (other than the obvious ones and sticking to small share size) for now until the market gets heated up. Seems like 80% of breakouts have been "failing" lately

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Fullam says:

    Hey Ross, been following along for a while now, you've taught me so, so much. I've noticed you ski and live in Vermont part time, I grew up in Springfield and skied at Okemo and Stratton. One thing I have picked up on, are those goggles you wear, old Smith Vice goggles. If there was one way I could repay you, it would be some new goggles and helmets for you and the fam. I work for the company who made those, get a hold of me, like I mentioned it's the least I could do.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars verilucis.com says:

    Thanks, Ross! Happy Thursday!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Macon says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Stu and Lucky the Dog says:

    Another great video ser, thank you for updating us on your daily adventures!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Parkinson says:

    I was watching the halts in VCIG but was too scared to enter a trade on a down halt. Yet you entered a trade when it went even lower after the down halt and won. What was the clues that you saw that made you think it was going to rebound up? Teach me oh wise trading master.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul says:

    I see the spammers have gotten more creative – start a conversation, answer it, then leave the intended spam – ugh

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Scott says:

    Thank you for these updates, Ross. This is my second month on a real money account and you confirming what I am thinking is helping a lot. Happy Green Day.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Paulson says:

    Can you please explain why/how can a stock (SPFM) heading up with serious momentum come into a 2nd halt with only Buys showing flush immediately at reopen from the halt from $1.40 down to $1.20 killing all momentum ? I’ve been caught in flushes before but Never heading with alot of momentum into a halt. Ty in advance.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Triad Trading says:

    Ross said “I’ll see you guys back here LIVE-STREAMING tomorrow morning” 👀

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars themenace says:

    Thanks for the recap. You see the set ups better than me and I always learn a lot even from you just telling us where you entered a trade!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars themenace says:

    Ross, I'm struggling with risk management. Sometimes i see a stock squeezing up, I enter a trade because I think i see some set up, but i dont know when to sell. I know how to find some key logical stops, but i cant always find them. I guess if I can't find a logical stop that gives me good rr i shouldn't take the trade

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HappyStrengthJonah says:

    Do you or did you ever hold trades for several days or weeks instead of everyday trading?? ✨

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Watch_alert says:

    I agree, sometimes you need to just shut it down and call it a day.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle D. says:

    Nice job being green. Tomorrow's opportunities await us!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Jacoby says:

    What’s your overall P&L?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Zaki says:

    And thanks for posting these wrap ups!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars menow says:

    ChatGpt: how high baba be at end of year? ans: BABA is a real winner. It should be up 1500% by year end. Buy all you can

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars infinitelysearching infinitelysearching says:

    thank you Ross!💥

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul says:

    The ratio of short traders to long traders has to be 2:1

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