Join me this week in the life of a high producing mortgage loan officer as I show you what I do and what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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In this video:
00:00 Introduction to X2 Ventures ep002
1:12 Monday Projects
5:24 Tuesday Morning Shenanigans
6:37 How Google and Facebook Accounts were Hacked
14:23 Tuesday Evening Shenanigans
17:15 Wednesday Morn'n
20:47 Wednesday Even'n
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What's up guys? Sean here and you're watching X2 Ventures episode it's Monday morning just got to the office. it's about 8 10. my morning routine was completely out of whack this morning I Woke up at about 5 30, was getting ready to go to the gym, got a phone call and ended up making it to the gym. and the reason I got a phone call is that early is because I actually do a really good amount of business in Texas and really in other states.

but Texas is a big one for us and so Texas is two hours ahead of us right now. So when I got the call, it was really 7 45 a.m. But yeah, it pretty much ruined my whole morning. Nonetheless though, we have a really big week ahead of us.

I think there's about three or four networking events that I'm actually going to be heading to this week. Got a lot of loans closing this week. I Also started the week with two new escrows so that's great for the pipeline. So yeah, time to attack the week.

Thank you! We are doing a little fun! Hands-On project. So I am going to be hanging this white board over here for Rebecca who's currently at lunch who did not lock their computer. but we need to hang this bad boy. Oh yeah, if you didn't know, our office is half office half.

Warehouse We actually have this huge Warehouse in the back but I need to actually get a huge drill to drill into that brick. but we need to hang another who's calling me. this is Sean hello Yep this is him. The amount of spam calls that I get is pretty unreal, but I have to answer every call because it could be a client, could be a new agent.

you know lady boy. drill for this. This one should do the trick s this one should work. Now the reason that I'm hanging this other white board up in Rebecca's office is because we need to improve our recruiting efforts.

I Don't want to come off as a company that is always about just recruiting more loan officers, more numbers, blah blah blah. We're not like most companies, but we do need a couple more producing loan officers because right now 95 maybe more like 90. Now 90 of the company's revenue is literally all generated from my production and there's a lot of overhead. The more people we bring on, the more overhead they actually have.

Most people don't know this in mortgages, but it's not like a real estate company where you just hire a bunch of real estate agents and they have very little overhead. so when they close one deal that year, they become profitable. Loan officers are very expensive to have on at your company and if they're not producing then they're not pulling their weight and they're being a major burden on the company. So we really need like three more.

I Just need like three more good loan officers who can do about one loan A month which isn't that much to ask for. But if I can just get three more loan officers doing one loan a month which be in a pretty good position in terms of our monthly cash flow right now and that means that Rebecca needs to get on her recruiting grind and get those three people. We're putting up a board to help track her progress and there she is. All right.
like right here. Mm-hmm boom Thank you. Yes it does. Yo Yo! Okay good, how are you so cute.

just like so frustrated with the signing and I just wanted to see if you sign everything. yeah he, no, he he hasn't yet but we're telling him like Hey you know, look for this email and he goes yeah, I already got him like there's two of them and he's like yeah, I already did it and they're like there's two of them and I don't think it was really getting through to him I just sent him. Hopefully that makes things easier for him, but if not, I'll call him again. Hello hey Brandon it's Sean location I guess I didn't need the answer right away like I thought but what are you thinking I should put down just so I can blink for it.

Um so down payment of 99 000 and then your second loan amount would be be 165. Okay yeah and then you said it was like the percent was six point one something, the main mortgage, the 726 000 loan. Yeah, that one's gonna be probably around like 6.1 6.2 Okay, find that right down on the first. How does that work? It kind of depends.

You know we have to see what the break-even point is. So cool. You know it's a 24-hour thing. So okay, yeah, yeah, just let me know.

Yeah, no problem. Tuesday Morning Pulling into the office I Will say that the drive into the office is one of my favorite parts of the day. It sets my mind right. I'm usually jamming out some music.

get some Red Rock Oh looks like I was beat to the office today. Who's this man think he is working in the crosswalk? Yeah, no. Look at this man. We got the CEO of minute moving right here.

It's a Cutting Edge high-tech firm out of the Midwest awaiting you. Think you can just do that in here? Yeah no. Oh, coming in, just a meeting of the minds in here. Look at you guys matching today about the first one of the office today I Just said that.

I Literally just hey, who made a mess right here. It's the last time you guys are allowed in the office first. Uh, why don't you guys do some work today? Okay, let's leave this open. It's nice out.

Yeah. so if you've been a subscriber on this channel and you've been watching the videos over the last couple months, probably have noticed that my YouTube channel was actually hacked a couple weeks ago and I've explained this situation over a hundred times now and it's driving me nuts. So I need to make it in a video so anytime someone asks me, I could send them this video which is exactly how I run my business. But here's what happened on Easter when everyone was having the best day of their lives I literally had one of my worst days I've had in a really long time I wake up and the first thing I see on my phone is not an email.

it's not a text. it is a alert from Facebook that my account password has been changed now I'm sitting there going I don't know how that happened. jump out of bed, get on my computer. Sure enough I cannot get into my Facebook account.
someone got in, changed all of my passwords, changed all my recovery options, got banned from Facebook then appealed the band and got Perma band. So I literally cannot get into my Facebook at all. Now some people would say oh Sean you don't really need to get into your Facebook you know you could do without social media and you're right. So I saw that and go Yeah, you know I'll figure this out later.

it's not that important and I literally thought in my head, as long as it's not my Google accounts, I'm good. Mistakes were made. Let me just tell you that then I go outside I hook up the boat. we're going to the lake and everything with my family so I'm like hey, I'm gonna go get everything hooked up and I'm gonna drive over there and pick them up as I'm driving to pick them up I get notifications that all of my Google accounts besides my work one thank God all of my Google accounts have been signed out at this point.

I'm like oh my gosh, someone got into my Google accounts no worries I have backup recovery passwords I'm already on the way to the lake I'm gonna enjoy my Easter try to enjoy it and then I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna figure this out. Well the lake was literally horrible. You don't realize how much of your accounts are linked to all of your social media and Google accounts my Spotify and anything else I would need on my phone I could not use and then the cherry on the top were literally out there enjoying the lake and the boat starts having some problems which actually reminds me I need to make a call to the dealer to see where they're at. with that they're not open yet so I'll call them in a bit.

Long story short, it was like the worst day ever. Nothing was going my way. I Ended up coming back home trying to figure out how to get back into all my accounts and I couldn't All of my recovery and backup options were changed. And let me give you a fair warning.

if this happens to you, just know you have no options. You have to start new with brand new accounts. There is no support for Google and Facebook because all of their support flows online will lead you to the exact same area and even if you somehow manage to get someone on the phone, they are literally going to direct you to the exact same support flows. So yeah, I was literally living my worst nightmare on Sunday on Easter And the thing that really put me in like a mega depressed state was the fact that all of my YouTube channels were completely changed.

all of the content was deleted. There was like some stupid live stream that went up about Elon Musk or Bitcoin. And then of course when all that stuff happened, so many people reported it and then the channels got taken down immediately. So I was sitting there Sunday night going.
Wow! I Lost 10 plus years of work like that? It sucked. Honestly, I was I Was not in a good State at all. but let me back up and actually explain how this happened. I Got an email on the day before Saturday basically stating we want to partner up with you Here's a new sponsorship opportunity.

We get emails like this all the time. So I went into it I checked it out. it looked legit. I went and downloaded it I was checking out the software and I was like you know what tomorrow's Easter I need to go to bed I'll figure this out tomorrow.

Well, lo and behold, everything that I downloaded that night included 15 Trojans If you don't know what that is, it's essentially just a mega intense virus on your computer that pretty much opens the door to anything. And I had no idea about this. How could this have happened? How could there have been a security breach? I have two-factor authentication on everything. There's no possible way that someone could have gotten into my account without me being notified on my phone while it was happening.

The only possible way that could happen is if someone was sitting at my actual machine sitting at my computer doing that. So I booted up Malwarebytes ran a scan and of course there's where all those Trojans came from and it sucked. But one thing I recommend for everyone to do. get yourself a back getting call.

You already know this I Gotta take it. this is Sean uh, where was I Security keys I'd recommend everyone to go get a security key. Okay on Amazon they're like 20 or 25 bucks and it is the ultimate backup option. It is something that cannot be changed and that's ultimately how I got Mega locked out of my accounts because the attacker went in, set a new security key that they had I didn't have access to that security key.

There was nothing I could do. but you're watching this video today on this channel and it's not gone. So how do I get it back? Well, luckily, when you have a little bit of clout on YouTube there's some low-key Support options that you can kind of take advantage of. Luckily for me, I reached out to a couple past YouTube buddies.

They gave me kind of where I needed to go to get the help that I needed I Went there and you will not believe this. I can't even begin to explain how frustrating this would be for someone who doesn't have a big enough following or who doesn't matter to these platforms. But what this support option basically told me was hey, Sean you need to go to this link Now that link was the exact same link that I was doing. all these support flows on that were just dead ends.

So frustrated I was typing up this insane response and then they respond with oh yeah, we have to whitelist your email, what's your backup email that you're using So I gave them my backup email I clicked the link again after my email was whitelisted and sure enough, completely different web page. same exact URL It blew my mind to be honest. Then I filled out the form that I needed to fill out within like three to four hours someone emailed me and they said hey, we're looking into us, we need these extra details to kind of get it all ironed out and then I'm not even joking. 24 hours later I got access to my Google accounts if I didn't have any sort of contact, I would not have gotten my channels back but anyway got my YouTube channels back.
Luckily I went in and changed all my passwords for everything I had like a thousand passwords saved to my Google Chrome I literally just deleted all of them but I went ahead did that I basically had to reformat my entire channels so I went in I made all my videos public I turned on everything again I had to re-customize with the channel graphics and the one thing that I don't have from this whole debacle is Facebook Now remember I'm not a big enough player on Facebook so I really have had no contacts or no help in getting that account turned back on. However, yesterday an old friend of mine reached out to me randomly out of the blue wanting to schedule a time to catch up and as we're chit chatting and getting the scheduled I just kind of mentioned. hey you know my Facebook's hacked I know that's where we usually communicate I'm glad you found me on LinkedIn and then he goes. Oh I have a lot of friends at Facebook let me message someone for you real quick.

the gears in my head are churning and I'm like, oh, this is it Baby Got me in contact with the skilled data scientist and he basically put in what's called an Oops ticket. He needed very similar information as to what Google needed for recovering my accounts. He put that request and this is as of yesterday: I Guess there's a two-week turnaround on this because of all the layoffs at Meta lately. But yeah, that's kind of the progress.

So hopefully I get that account back because I honestly thought it was just Dunzo. So this is a warning to all of you. It could happen to anyone. I am probably one of the most tech savvy people there is, and all of my accounts were hacked, right? So some warnings turn on two-factor authentication for all of your accounts.

Two, get yourself a security key 25 bucks, it's a peace of mind and three I know how much we all hate doing this, but change your passwords regularly in the mortgage World We'd have to change a lot of our passwords every quarter. it's super annoying, but we're in a very sensitive industry and we can't really afford security breaches because of the personal information that we're using. I'm telling you, we are becoming very dependent on these massive tech companies and they have no support if something were to go wrong. Anyway, it sucks.

I'll keep you posted on the status of the Facebook account, but luckily I do have everything else back and everything is secure now so that's the important thing. Just one more to go. What's popping slime? So I got a question? Yeah, let's chat about the challenge. Do you need your computer? Always my sleeping? I bet.
All right. So I think I'm good with this one. however I messed up. My only thing is back-end DTI and what they're going to do with their current home and walk you through that once you get pulled up.

Oh this is like under contract or not under contract yet. but he's ready to put in an offer Shadow loans. As you know, as little money as we make on them, it's a lot of business all right. Let's see.

So we got a front end of 20 back into 46. Oh I gotta do it a 25 year turn. So I give them that I Think your best bet on this is to do less money down and pay off some debt. Your front end ratio looks great I would play with the numbers.

You could do as little as 10 down on these. Oh also your taxes. those are gonna be way cheaper cheaper than 64 bucks a month. I Know it sounds crazy but yeah, what are we doing? Dude, we should be living in single wides.

I Mean we can have a crew. we could all be in single lines. just chilling the earnings on here. This is a mess for me to look at.

The only thing that I did is I put in the sales commission for every year and then this year's year-to-date was the lowest. So I used that. He says yes, you got mattress money bonus Yeah, you definitely have a bunch of bonus income you're not using. So I think what you're doing is totally fine.

If they need to use bonus income, you just get a VOE straight into the pipe. Yeah dude. and that was a call from I think 9 30 this morning. That's awesome and she already sent me a deal and potentially ready to go.

I've been saying so I've been saying cool I will uh, let me dig through the emails after I get this thing settled away and then I'll tag you in. it. Cool. sounds good if you watched the previous episode I Talked about how I always want to have my months ending with about 3 million in volume.

Well good news. I Just got a new contract and it's a bigger one. So with today being Tuesday this week I actually as of now have over 3 million in my pipeline for next month. so I'm happy.

but you know me now that I hit 3 million. I want to get 4 million next month so we'll see if we can make it happen. Whoa! Wednesday Morning a little more casual today because I got a networking event tonight. Won't have time to go home and change.

We're gonna have to rock this. but today I woke up to some good news and some bad news. Well I guess not necessarily bad news. Good news is that we got another contract accepted last night which throws another loan into the pipeline.

so that's exciting morning. Rebecca Badish news. We got a response back from the Texas Regulators for our audit. Now, most you don't know this, but all mortgage companies have to abide by States regulations and compliance rules in that specific State and also at the federal level.
So the fun part of being kind of in the mortgage industry is that we go through regular audits to make sure that we are following all of the rules and we're not doing anything shady. And they suck because it requires providing a tremendous amount of documentation and it can literally be one of thousands of pieces of documentation that is required per loan that's closed. So essentially we send them a list of all of the loans that are in our system or that we've had funded and they basically get back to us and say hey, we need XYZ on these very specific loans and you have to provide all that information within a certain time frame. It's actually like pretty stressful because if we don't meet the requirements that the Auditors are looking for, we have to pay pretty high penalties which can pretty much bury a company.

Not that I'm saying we're doing anything wrong, it just kind of makes you a little bit nervous, but luckily it looks like some of the things that are missing are pretty simple so we should be able to get those in and hopefully get a good audit. Score and ultimately no penalties. And that's why I love having Rebecca because here's how she responds: foreign mode because I'm just now getting to lunch and I'm starving. but when you got a lot of work to do, being busy is good so I can't complain that much.

so I wish my health wasn't out of sacrifice whenever I get busier sometimes I'll literally just skip lunch because I don't have time for it And the crazy thing is is this isn't even like a Sean thing. This is like a very normal thing in the mortgage industry I have a lot of buddies who are big producers and they skip lunch a lot. You only have a certain amount of hours in a day to really push your loans through the pipeline, so sure when you're going out and getting your own business yeah, you can do that around the clock weekends whenever. but you've got set banking business hours to get your loans closed and funded and sometimes you don't have time to do anything else.

So I just get them done. Hey, how's it going? The best way to describe it is how I do it with new employees is loans have so many little steps in the process that when you just delay by just a couple of hours on one of those steps, it has a massive domino effect on the rest of the process. So if you really want to efficiently get a high volume of loans funded every month, you have to be able to jump on things when they make it to the next step in a process within an hour or two. and sometimes one of the steps of the process is just replying to an email saying yes, looks good or yes, send it out takes me two seconds to do it.

but if I don't respond to that email and it takes me a day to do that I've now just had this massive delay cause on that loan. so during business hours it's really important to be super dialed into all of your stuff to make sure things get done quickly. I Will say the one benefit of eating lunch super late is that there's going to be zero line in this Chipotle Feel good feeling right here I'm leaving the office with only three emails in my inbox. That's a pretty legit day for me.
The boys are here. Zach Tyler What's going on man. 20 seconds? Why are you different than most loan officers? Why am I different? Yeah, Go! I'll give you two examples. Okay, all right, Tyler you're up.

It's hard to top that. Definitely, let's let's see the Cavs maybe Flex accounts. All right. Did you guys bring business cards? Yeah I did not I have them in the truck Do I need them? Uh no.

I don't usually bring business cards to networking events. Are you being sarcastic? No. I'm being I'm being serious. Don't get business cards because business cards.

They don't save it in their phone. it's going to get thrown out. Got it? But if you get their Instagram or their Facebook or their LinkedIn they're forced to see your marketing content because they follow you. Like it.

I like it. So I like that a lot. Go! Network Our pants off.

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3 thoughts on “Google facebook accounts hacked x2 ventures ep2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars contact Ace_tech_fixes on Instagram says:

    Thanks 👆👆 for helping me recover my account

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thedark64 says:

    We are glad ur back im gonna smash those ones that hacked you

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MahadiGaming says:

    First Comment,Also glad to have you back on imaflynmidget.

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