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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #moneysupply #depression #recession ⚠️⚠️⚠️
00:00 Intro.
03:55 25-Day Recession WARNING.
09:36 Great *Depression* WARNING.
18:16 URGENT Catalysts.
19:26 Biggest PAPER HANDERS.
21:05 Cathie Wood CONCERN.
The collapse of the m2 money supply has a lot of folks concerned we're entering not just a recession, but another Great Depression. Especially since we have not seen this collapse of the money supply since 1929 or since the 1800s. That's scary. Just like First Republic Bank, the Diesel Crisis, Tucker Carlson's 25-day warning, cathie wood's ark and her inflation insights, Nestle, Google, Microsoft, and more.
📝Contact Information for Kevin & Liability Disclaimer: http://meetkevin.com/disclaimer
This video is not a solicitation or personal financial advice. See the PPM at https://Househack.com for more on HouseHack.

Here's the reality: We have 25 days to avert economic catastrophe. Catastrophe is what will happen. Tucker Carlson Warns we have just 25 days left. Jim Cramer's tweets of Death A strike again and yikes.

The mainstream media is once again peddling fear, uncertainty, and doubt that the global Elite seems to be sending you messages to continue to be fearful to continue to move to cash because how dare you start acquiring assets and trying to build your wealth. You need more fear. And now we've found an element of fear that hasn't happened since the Great Depression And guess what? if the media has it their way. You'll run to your friends and family and warn them about this chart and what just happened which hasn't happened in the last 90 years.

Of course, my goal is to give you perspective on everything that is useful to your money now. and that includes what the heck happened to Tucker Carlson's 25-day warning. Well talk about Jim Cramer's tweet of death in First Republic Bank Oh my. Lord Then we're going to talk about this depression issue.

We'll also talk about what generation of investors were the greatest paper handers in a study conducted will also look at a critical data set that you should be prepared for Thursday and Friday two critical data sets and we'll uncover not only the answers to this, but as a thank you for liking the video and hopefully subscribing if I've earned it. I will show you a picture of Kathy Wood replying to me first Jim on March 10th Jim tweeted First Republic is new Focus Very good bank. well you know what that means not Jim Cramer Loaded up the shorts as soon as Jim Cramer tweeted that first Republic is a very good bank and sure enough, the stock fell from approximately ninety dollars per share all the way down to under 13 per share. When Jim Cramer tweeted, the First Republic torture will continue at its regularly scheduled 9 30 a.m and then of course as if On Queue First Republic Bank started Rising again only to fall another 50 percent yesterday.

now down to even lower than where Jim Cramer Warned about the dangers coming. Can First Republic Bank is now sitting at just about seven dollars per share and a lot of folks are worried that this company which just lost about 40 percent of its deposits and has 10 times more debts than it has deposits is next to go bankrupt. That is leading First Republic Bank to consider a 100 billion dollar asset sale. So that way they could sell off notes and securities.

Problem is now they have to be marked to market, right? Nobody's going to pay market value for old loans that are worth less now because rates have gone up and they're probably gonna have to take some big L's but it'll actually raise cash, which would be useful for potentially saving the bank. But right now things aren't looking good. and if you just bet on the opposite of what Jim Cramer does, well, you'll be part of the inverse. Kramer Club We're having a field day now.

We've got to talk about Tucker Carlson in the 25-day warning which there are plenty of memes circulating that on Friday Jim Cramer said Tucker Carlson is great and has a great show. And sure enough, on Monday Tucker Carlson was fired but that was just a joke that didn't actually happen. However, what is this 25-day warning And then what is the depression issue And then who's the biggest generation of Abrahamas what did Kathy would say? Let's continue after the 25? Day Warning Here's the reality: We have 25 days to avert economic catastrophe. Catastrophe is what will happen if we run out of diesel fuel.
Ah yes, remember the 25 Day warning. This is from the diesel crisis and I'm bringing this up because well, first of all, what did I say about the diesel crisis? Yes, prices might go up a little bit, but is this really a big deal and are we going to run out of diesel? Well, we actually run out? Probably not. Well, that's what happened. As usual, things just weren't as bad as feared.

And I have to tell you, this is the story of life. when I find that I'm going on a vacation for example, I Always find that life always follows you. Your vacation will never be as great as you expect. Well, maybe sometimes it exceeds expectations, but oftentimes things don't go perfectly as planned, right? Just like life.

Two steps forward, one step back and just like the fears that we have usually don't end up being as bad as we expect. No, don't get me wrong, I've got a lot of fears as well. I had had fears when I was a child and I lost my childhood home or when my parents were going through divorce and I had to live in a motel for months I was fearful of them or I've been fearful of my Adult Career But I'll tell you the diesel crisis and maybe some of the other things that we're going to address. Sometimes just don't turn out as bad as fear.

Think about the diesel crisis. Everybody was worried the world was going to run out of diesel because we weren't going to have enough diesel to warm the countries in Europe and we're gonna run out of diesel which is so important for Trucking in America and the world was going to come to a higher stop and we were going to be in a Great Depression Well as Elon Musk says fate loves irony and what ended up happening uh, literally the opposite. We are literally in a situation now where diesel is down 50 percent from last year's record, even though gasoline is trending up a little bit, it's Fallen a lot as well. But diesel is plummeting.

One of the reasons is according to JB Hunt a transporter we are in a quote: Freight recession. the winter was a lot warmer even and which is weird because California had record snowfall because they had a lot of rain, but that didn't necessarily make the winter warmer or colder in Europe we had a warm winter. Overall, we had a relatively warm winter. Now you got Californians freaking out because we're about to get a heat wave and that's going to melt so much snow so rapidly California is going to have again too much water.
It's always too much or too little in California. But focusing on this diesel issue. look OPEC plus just massively cut crude oil production and usually that sends oil up, gas up and Diesel usually. and it did when they first announced their Cuts.

Yet what's happening now? Well, unsurprisingly oil and Brent are uh, that is WTI the Western blend and Brent the international blend are basically back to where the levels were before the OPEC production cut and Diesel is plummeting. Why is that happening? Well, a lot of folks are worried about the FED cooling the economy so much so that manufacturing activity is Contracting and slowing down. Isms and S P surveys are just not looking that great. Warehouses are generally overstocked from the pandemic and we've had massive plummets in Imports Just look at UPS They had their first Revenue dip since 2009 this week and their stock fell about 10 percent.

Companies have also been less accurate in predicting their Freight needs, which is a sign that companies that were saying hey, yeah, we should have some good Freight orders coming. you're going. Just kidding. We don't need those raid orders anymore and what is that doing? Well, It's screwing the truckers.

My heart goes out to the truckers. that's actually a hard ass job and you're alone. A lot. My heart goes out to you.

And now what do we hear? Well, you've got Bob Costello of the American Trucking Association he's a chief Economist There he says the trucking companies are seeing their fleets in the size of around two to three hundred trucks failing at a rate of one per week. one trucking company going Banker per week. This is also bad for trucking companies and individuals. not just like a JB Hunt but also people making bets on this Trucking transformation with companies like Nikola or Hylian so beware.

Okay, but what about this Great Depression thing? and I do want to also just quickly mention hey this is this was not to bag on Tucker and I'm not a Tucker apologist by any means. Okay, I'll call out Tucker uh, but you know I I I Don't think people should be fired so we'll see what happens with that. But I Want to be clear regarding Tucker It's not just Tucker who was talking about this diesel crisis. Everybody talked about the diesel crisis.

It was trending for a very long time. It's just useful for you to see how things weren't as bad as feared. and that's going to be quite useful when we. Analyze This Great Depression Fear-mongering that's circulating on the internet right now.

It's going viral on Twitter It's going viral on YouTube We just have to be honest about it. As a quick side note, solely because it's funny. Did you know that Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon hired the same attorney to defend them? That's true Brian Friedman A famous Hollywood lawyer who's negotiated multi-million dollar settlements for people like? well. Actually, he's still working on negotiating Chris Cuomo's he's looking for 125 million dollar wrongful termination payout, but also secured payouts for Megan Kelly Julia Roberts Mariah Carey Seth Rogen Quentin Tarantino He's worked for all these folks even Chris Harrison from The Bachelor and Michael Jackson's estate.
Okay, sorry tangent, but what about the Great Depression Yes, Okay, so what's happening? Well, I'm gonna try to make this as simple as possible because it can get complicated. but I Trust that you are with me in wanting to get to the bottom of this. So what's happening is everybody's freaking out about the money supply expansion having turned negative and people call this a massive economic warning. They say the money supply hasn't contracted in 90 years.

In fact, other periods that the money supply has contracted Nick I'm borrowing your chart dude I Appreciate you I respect your opinion I Think you're wrong about this one, but that's okay. We could still have coffee or beer together I Don't know, maybe not be. We'll figure it out. We can still hang out.

Okay I Still respect you man. But Nick here on Twitter says the money supply is contracted in the Great Depression 1929, the depression of 1921, the Panic of 1893, and the 1870s banking crisis. And in other words, Nick says what amazes me is that nobody is paying attention to this. and now we are about to see a massive amount of economic pain because the only time this happens is during periods of massive economic campaign.

Well, what the hell is actually happening here? Well, to some extent Nick could be correct. Maybe this is going to cause a massive economic depression. However, there are some reasonable explanations for why this is happening. The first is something known as a return to Trend Okay, here is the money Supply expansion.

Remember the global lead central banks? They're always printing money to make your cash worth less. I'm not defending the government I'm not an apologist for the government. They are making your cash worth less so they have to pay you less money and so your wages are worth less. This is why real income is basically negative for every income bracket.

It's part of the game. It's how debt gets paid off easier and how capitalists make more money. But guess what, when you understand the game, You invest in things like stocks and real estate and businesses and then you learn to play the game. And then you also get wealthy.

That's my goal. That's my goal of what to teach you on this channel. It's very important. but if we have a return to Trend, that means we're either above or below Trend right? Well, are we above or below it? Let's look at the chart.

Oh, we are well above a 2020 or sorry. I should say a 2000 to 2019-ish level of Trent. And so we're turning to Trend Means of course the number is going to go negative. So number one, return to Trend.
That's a normalization. Number Two Base effects. The chart that Nick showed you and other folks are showing you on the Internet is a percent change chart. Of course, when the Federal Reserve is printing 80 billion dollars per month when inflation is six to seven percent like they did in March of 2022.

which is insane that they were printing money as little as 13 months ago. Well, what happens when you stop and all of a sudden you print just one less dollar or you take one dollar out of circulation? Surprise Surprise. Of course you're gonna go negative. Duh.

That's how the math works. We have not expanded the money supply this rapidly. Uh, hint, ever think about that. We have never expanded the money supply as rapidly as we did during Covet.

In fact, take a look at this chart here and what I want you to see is that the blue line that goes up and down. It's pretty volatile. The blue line that goes up generally goes up and down around a trend, and so when you see between 1965 and 1985, it goes up around a trend. You get a down there around the 1990s and then you get the slight increase from 2000 to 2020 end of 2019.

That is very normal. And because again, the global lead is printing money to make your money worth less, we know that that is normal. Again, not justifying it. That's just what happens.

What is it actually mean Like when does the expanding money supply create inflation? Well, if you look at 2000 to 2019, the money supply as long as it expands at a relatively Trend level. Hint It does not create inflation. You driving at 50 miles per hour and running the money printer at the same rate of speed does not create inflation. Even though people say when you print money, you create inflation, That is not what happened between 2000 and 2019.

Yes, we had like 1.5 inflation. That's nominal. That's not right away. Inflation right? What does create inflation? Well, using the car analogy, when you step on the gas and all of a sudden you're going 130 miles an hour because you're driving from Tesla Model S plat on the freeway and you're trying to get away from a stalker.

Well now You're going to create some problems and the economy. That problem is inflation. If you slam on the brakes and the rate of change is rapid, you could also expect rapid disinflation. Okay, so now go back to this chart.

What I noticed is I Identified three periods of time with an orange arrow where the money supply expanded rapidly out of a recession. Now, out of a recession is important because if it's expanding in a recession, you don't necessarily have inflation because the economy is Contracting But out of a recession, you had an expansion in 1972, 1976, and 2021. And what happened with an average lag of 16 months thereafter? Well, you guessed it, you had rapid inflation. which you could see here based on the red chart 23 months later after the 72 74 era.
In fact, I Put a little chart over here: Uh, 23 months after the money printing downtrend begins in 1973, you have in an inflation Peak Uh, 23 months later after the money printing downtrend begins in 1977, it takes 38 months for you to actually hit Peak inflation. Uh. And then in February of 2021, it took about 16 months for us to hit Peak inflation. Assuming that we've already hit Peak Inflation Now, generally Peak inflation matched a recession.

That's scary because after you hit Peak inflation, you actually were in a recession People realized after the fact. Oh damn when we hit Peak inflation, we were in a recession. oh crap. Well, wait a second.

What did we actually have in the second quarter of 2022 when we hit Peak Inflation negative GDP We were technically in a recession when we hit Peak Inflation. Oh my. God Look at that now. Does that necessarily mean we have a Great Depression ahead of us? Well, the one scenario where the answer is possibly would be 1982.

But notice the money supply didn't really rapidly expand in 1982. It did a little bit after the recession printing out of the recession. But what you had was a de-anchoring of inflation expectations. and this is where I can warn you about what's happening tomorrow.

But let me first, just give you a quick summary so we can put this money supply issue to bed. Okay, so quick summary on money supply normalization. return to Trend makes sense. Base effects makes sense that we're going negative and number two what you want to look at for the math nerds.

Okay, that's why I'm going to keep this really really short. Number Three Now I'm going to keep this really, really short and put it in sort of little summary segment. Here, you need to see a rapid expansion of the money supply at a rate of growth that is higher than Trent outside of a recession. And then you get massive inflation.

In other words, it's the first derivative. It is the acceleration, the rate of change of the rate of change. Right when you do that, you can see that the positive rate of change or the acceleration of money printing. In other words, when you speed up how quickly you're printing money, that tends to lead to inflation with a lag of about an average of about 17 18 months.

That's exactly what we saw this time. So this is completely normal for three reasons: It's normal. It would be expected. In fact, if you just went back two years ago, fed should have seen this coming.

Why didn't they? Because the FED doesn't actually pay attention to the money supply as a tool for measuring inflation, They prefer the CP light. I mean the CPI report? Well, I Technically they prefer the Pce, but who cares. Same crap. Okay, so what do we want to pay attention to tomorrow? Who is the biggest paper hander? What happened with Kathy Wood Come on man.
Kevin You're leaving us hanging here first. tomorrow. we are going to get GDP numbers. Now this is important because the GDP numbers are going to be indicative of do we think we might be trending towards a recession.

We are going to get a quarter over quarter GDP growth number and then that is going to be multiplied by four to get an annualized GDP number. Please don't use exponents. I'm not doing a math lesson. It is a simple multiplication number.

Don't over complicate it if we get a 0.5 The survey says which is what the survey says. We should look at an annualized GDP of two percent. The prior read was 2.6 If we get a big Miss on GDP the stock market's gonna lose their poopy doopies and they're gonna have diarrhea because they're gonna be worried that we're going into a recession. If the number comes in hot means higher for longer from the Fed.

So as usual, maybe you want something close to estimate or a little bit soft, but not Mega soft, you get a big mess. It's gonna be a problem. Next, Inflation Expectations: You don't want another Paul Volcker of 1982. we've talked about this plenty of times before, but tomorrow you're not only going to get the Pce release for the Federal Reserve but you will also be getting those University of Michigan one year inflation Expectations which did de-anchor that comes out on Friday That's going to be very important now.

what other news do we have? Well, first, I'd like to say which generation is the biggest paper hander? Well, congratulations Millennials are the biggest paper handers? Not only are millennials the biggest paper handers, but they are the perfect example of apparently the group of individuals who have to learn this lesson on screen now that investors pay a steep price for missing the best days of O'reilly Here's the performance of ten thousand dollars invested into the S P 500 over 20 years ending 2022. And if you were fully invested, that ten thousand dollars turned into about sixty five thousand dollars. If you missed the ten best days, you had half as much money, miss the 20 best days. Eighteen thousand dollars Thirty Best Days Eleven thousand dollars.

You get the idea and you start going negative. You be careful. I was one thing I've learned massive patience over this last cycle. and it's not just timing the market once it's getting back in.

Oh boy. and I hate to say it, but I'm your poster boy of a millennial. So next I think they're going to start doing surveys of flip-floppers The good news is I'm heavily invested I am very very excited about our economy what's to come in the future and I'm a big believer in the sort of elongated Nike Swoosh over this next decade. I Believe wholeheartedly that in 2030, we're gonna look back and go.

Damn, those were some really good deals. Glad I bought no guarantees. Now what else we have to talk about? Let's talk about: Kathy Wood All right. so Kathy What indicated that she was concerned that 3M you know the industrial manufacturer, the one that used to make a lot of masks and stuff.
The industrial manufacturer provided a negative growth uh to their revenues and Kathy Wood argues that she is or looking at 3M can usually be an indicator that the economy is going into recession and Elon Musk replied to Kathy Wood and suggested are they simply looking at old data or are they ignoring the bad data that they have Kathy Wood replied and said they're ignoring the bad data and this is a big problem that when 3M comes in with such negative numbers, it's a bad Omen for the economy So I responded and said hey, Kathy Wood how would you say Nestle works that's a Swiss company in a uh leading indicator scenario versus 3M their quarter One Price Growth below spooked me a bit this morning and I'm in Camp disinflation. But remember I don't just tell you what reiterates my thesis: I'm gonna go oh crap when I see something okay I did not like that McDonald's has massive PP in their franchises. Again, they raise prices on their franchises franchisees. Yeah, the people running the franchises uh, and McDonald's has pricing power over those franchises.

They expanded revenues at like 10 and they grew their margins. That's great, but they don't. On the food side, they actually had negative pricing power on the actual restaurants that they operate. But anyway, back to Nestle here.

So my initial thought was this represents likely volatile food categories. but then again, if they're able to raise prices because food prices are going up, why are milk prices down nine percent and other food prices down And so Kathy would replied she quote tweeted replied me and I felt uttered anyway. So Kathy Wood replied and said look at the volume declines, The consumer is railing against higher prices I have never seen declines of this magnitude in unit volumes of Staples In short, this is a short-sighted strategy to bolster margins and it will backfire to the benefit of generics and store brands. Okay, a lot to unpack there because it was actually a phenomenal observation.

So I responded great point I Revisited The table and focused focused on this specific number that is known as real internal growth. Look at that chart on screen here. This paints a different picture. It actually real internal growth is basically saying hey, how much when we take out inflation did our sales actually go up And in many categories they're actually negative rather than positive.

So now all of a sudden I Write here. In other words, even though the company feels like they won because their pricing was slightly greater than their volume decline temporarily rewarding shareholders. Consumers are reducing volume and if competitors reduce volume uh, or reduce price, that is if other competitors are like oh, our volumes are going down, let's reduce price to compete like store brands and generics Nestle will be forced to lower their prices or end up suffering from a loss of market share now. I Don't think this is like a Smoking Gun that says oh my gosh short this company but I do think it is an indicator that maybe once again when we first look at data that says oh all the headlines Financial Times or whatever Nestle is Raising prices They have all this pricing power.
We actually look at the details. it's like, well, their volumes are going negative in a lot of categories and it's maybe a red flag that we could see some temporary leftover inflation, but we're still mostly on the trend of disinflation. Now this is bullish, right? Well, not according to the Wall Street Journal see. Apparently, Quants are out of buying power.

170 billion dollars of global shares have been loaded up in the last 30 days the highest level since early 2022, and now positioning is near a peak, and unfortunately Quants may become sellers if we continue to downtrend. Yikes. So are we in a slowing economy? Well, certainly, if you look at Google we are in a slowing economy. Not only did a Google and Google did decently, they beat on EPS.

Now some of that was due to some fancy accounting tricks. We're talking about that in the course member live stream uh, as well as Microsoft. We're going through their earnings in detail, but what's something that's very important when you look at the Google earnings report and I'm not trying to be a Google bear here I Love Google I use Google Cloud I Have friends that work at Google I actually think they're a phenomenal company. The problem is 68.6 percent of their revenue comes from Simply Google search and Google Network Google network is falling eight percent Google search is only rising two percent and I don't think that Google is taking Ai and how it's going to disrupt search as seriously as Microsoft is.

Microsoft actually rallied because they're talking about multi-billions of dollars of opportunity. If they get AI right, they are being serious about AI they are being smart I think Google needs to get serious serious because 68.6 of their revenue is on the line. So buckle up my friends! We are going to go through a transition and no I don't mean a Bud Light style transition I Just mean things are going to change now. Do I really think that we need to be extremely fearful and and if you find this inspiring I really encourage you to share this video like the video subscribe.

Let me know what you think in the comments down below. I'm I've been reading the comments I Really appreciate your support. This fear. Is it founded well? Things just aren't actually that bad in my opinion.

in terms of broad economic data, Could it turn bad? Of course, things could get a lot worse. Maybe we're looking at information that is is you know, lagging and and maybe maybe things are worse than they appear. But there's one thing that I can tell you whether things are worse than they appear or better than they appear. As long as you're alive, knock on wood, you're healthy and you can invest in yourself to make yourself more productive.
Whether you take courses to educate yourself, you read books, you try to be a little bit more efficient every single day. When you travel, you pack your bag a little bit better so that you don't keep missing stuff when you go travel. I do the same thing too. I'm trying to get better every single time I Do something and that's important.

You know, people make fun of me. Sometimes they're like, oh, Kevin's changing his mind again. Yeah, I changed my mind when there is a better tool, when there's something that provides better value to the customer, better value to my team, better value to myself, my family. I will always change my mind and you should too.

and I will always promise to do the same thing with the companies that I operate. For example, my real estate startup House Hack I will guarantee you one thing I will always flip-flop to what I think is the most profitable strategy and that is exactly what shareholders hire Executives to do. and this is why I think Google needs to quickly flip-flop Anyway, thank you so much for watching this. Please stay strong Be Inspired Invest in yourself and you'll get ahead of all of the drama.

Thanks so much and we'll see you soon! Bye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “25-day warning: this has not happened since the great depression.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zanther Stone says:

    How many videos of Kevin warning about something or other yet no reason to change action? At some point this videos become ridiculous

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sonicvi says:

    I fear people like Tucker Carlson.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Hosteen says:

    I give it another 25 days until something has to gives 😢🎉

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S K says:

    buy a house now? if usd is toast? or will they just let more banks fail?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RiverRaven says:

    Fuck Carlson and Craemer those guys specialise in being morons

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Gosnell says:

    Its called being objective, no one does this anymore.tnx kevin. Most economist just want to protect thier therories, so much for the flat earth,lol.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Molloy says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Box says:

    Back up 1 foot dude you face it way to close to the camera its freaky…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis De Jesus Torres says:

    While I appreciate this kind of longer form video. I have had the need to tune into that morning live. I say you go back to those please!!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete H says:

    Funny…..$10k invested in Tesla 2012 instead of $64k: About $2 MILLION DOLLARS!!!! or about 31x MORE than and index fund : D Still time to grab Tesla. The BIG growth has just barely begun IMO/FACTS/DATA says so too.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leek says:

    You’re right about millennials having paper hands. I’m up over 100% over the last year, but if I held a few good positions longer I’d be up even more.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kelvin smith says:

    Bro your headlines and thumbnails for as much as I can remember, it’s completely based on spreading fear. Don’t be a hypocrite.😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaquami Williams says:

    Jim is a 🤡

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james thurston says:

    So spy will return to trend too. 320

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZzPapiLovezZ says:

    Good for you being heavily invested, truth is we will see much lower numbers. You have the advantage to continue to buy. Most of your viewers should not go all in now as we are to see 3000 sp500 or less. Tesla at under 100. You should have a better sense of responsibility for shilling a constant bullish narrative when thats absolutely not the case. Other than that i love how you dive into so many views and analysis in the markets. Very thorough and Organized. Keep it up i humbly request to step back on the shilling pedal

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mourek says:

    Fox News has how much liability insurance? $10 million with an umbrella going to $100 million possibly $200 million – Why?
    Fox News last week agreed to pay voting equipment company Dominion $787.5m to settle a high-profile defamation lawsuit

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mourek says:

    How to get fired? Fox News last week agreed to pay voting equipment company Dominion $787.5m to settle a high-profile defamation lawsuit

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CQuintana says:

    I will never trust AI data. I asked chatgpt the same question 5 minutes apart and I got a totally opposite/contradictory response from the first. LOL

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kittenx kore says:

    Kevin u are smart! Thanks for the info 🤘🏻🫶🏻🌞

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dialectical Monist says:

    I don't have to agree with Kevin.

    But he provides deep, detailed and contrasting analysis that includes a long term narrative perspective which helps frame my thinking. This is valuable.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Tompkins says:

    Youre babbling like an idiot

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Tompkins says:

    The depression is coming sooner than you think:)

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JKP guy says:

    Kevin. You are best flipflopper. Few days you are doing live streams and next day just flip and nothing. This is not first time you flipped with your videos or live streams. It is like stock market and when there is not stability in stock market- it is not good. Than you want people to buy your courses. But I have no confidence in you because you can just flip again. For me your course cost a lot of money, as you know not every country has the same salary level. So I am not investing into your course because you can just flip again whenever you want. Don´t get me wrong – your videos are great, probably best on the youtube, but flipping and instability? You are young and it is your choice and I think you should slow down and enjoy life because we don´t know how much time each of us has. Youtube or videos are not important- life is more important.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ana Trankle says:

    Kevin, I’m sick of CNBC’s negativity! They have a huge influence on investors! Look at what Cramer says!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the cat Squad says:

    And Kevin if you are a billionaire want to help the common folks they knew nothing about investments what would you recommend they do to retire and not have to be Walmart greeter's 😢 to afford to live and pay for healthcare?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the cat Squad says:

    Okay Kevin you mentioned what smart investors do during times like these but thing if the common folks we're running the country? What should they do not the Warren buffett's or the Kevin what would you recommend common folks do during these times ? The screw the rich folk win?🎉🎉🎉

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tara Peniston says:

    My father will always say “if a man can’t change his mind he’s not a man”.

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