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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #shocking #economy #adp ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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My goodness, this is an absolutely shocking report. I Am blown away by this because folks this chart that I'm going to show you in the next 30 seconds here is a mind-blowing first of all. I Just want to empathize. Most business owners are like man, this is no 2021 anymore I empathize with that Sales and revenues are not what they were in 2021.

by no means now. I Did get a surge yesterday because we announced this new AI feature for our Elite Hustlers course which we're rebranding as a make Money and get Sh9t done faster course and we had a surge in sale so numbers are great. Check out that link down below. We've got the price going up on Friday but what's important is that most businesses right now are seeing declines in numbers you know I Took a pause from doing Affiliates or sponsorships for a while.

uh, because they it really it was the right thing to do at the time and I tried a few Affiliates and sponsors again just in probably about for about a month uh, ending about a week ago and I'll tell you they're still not worth it. You know it used to be back in 2021. As a business owner, you could say hey, go to Metcaven.com stream yard and you get an explosive return for for doing that. Uh, even though the product is still phenomenal paid sponsors like this or Affiliates like this, they're not worth it anymore.

Now you can still do that, but they're not worth it anymore. And so by many regards the economy is softening right? If you're super super poor, you're stock paying high electricity bills and food bills. Grocery bills. Everything is is off the charts right? Restaurants have gotten obscenely expensive.

If you're middle to upper class, you're feeling the recession because valuations are down for your assets. homes Autos Uh, boats. Uh, you know, stocks. everything's hurt right? If you held bonds beforehand, it hurts.

Yeah, now we can get higher yields on our cash, which is great. But but wait a minute. Is the economy actually in a recession or not? What's going on? Well, if you look at this ADP report that just came out, the economy is doing just fine. In fact, look at the trend.

First, the ADP report expectation was 150 000 jobs would be added. But I want you to see the trend of the last six months. For ADP reports you ready for this? It is right here. What the heck That is a trend up? Now we know that jobs data is lagging right? Everybody keeps talking about how jobs data is lagging.

They should be going negative soon. Well, if it was going negative soon, it should be trending down, not trending up. I Mean that either looks like a RuneScape party hat or an uptrend. and for the sake of this video, it is an uptrend.

Look at this report that we got. the April report was 296 000 jobs. The expectation was 150. This Friday at 5 30 a.m I will be live streaming it.

We are expecting 186 000 jobs from the BS Report uh or the BLS report. uh Bureau of Labor Statistics will be releasing their jobs report. We're expecting 186 000 jobs. I will be live streaming that live at 5 30 A.m Pacific Time mark your calendar for that.
but we didn't expect this ADP report to come out with a double. It doubled the expectation from 150 to 296 is basically a double, which is really remarkable and it's also the strongest ADP report that we have gotten Uh in the last six months. which is also remarkable because wait a minute. I Thought companies are laying off and things should be slowing down.

but wait a minute. If you actually think about this, think about how many excess job openings we have. Even though you hear Morgan Stanley is laying off all the tech companies are laying off Dropbox laid off 500 people because they think artificial intelligence can do their job for them. Uh, IBM says 30 of their back office staff in the next five years is basically going to get fired because artificial intelligence will just do their job like Human Resources employment verification stuff like that.

Uh, parts of HR Obviously not all of it, but that's shocking that I mean AI is revolutionary. If you're not studying artificial intelligence, you are going to get left behind. That's why I'm including it in my making money and get more stuff done faster. Course: Check out that link down below because the price will go up now that we're adding this that is on pre-sale All that AI content is coming out.

The actual productive AI content is coming out on June 1st Mark your calendar for that. But what's remarkable is the jolts report suggests we have about an excess of three million jobs yesterday. I Referred to this as the insulative blanket, right? It's the blanket that lets our economy stay strong while we go through job losses. But if you think about it, you could literally get 1 000, Morgan Stanley 3 000 job layoff reports.

You can get 1 000 of those headlines and you would just be at par par. Think about that for a moment here. Let me show you that visually because it's a big deal. It shows you how strong the economy still is.

despite the fact that a lot of us as business owners or even employees, we see the softening like the softening is here. the softening is happening. We are feeling the pinch. it's starting.

I Walked into a Hugo Boss in New York and they're like, you know, we're finally starting to see the signs. That's a red flag. So I'm not trying to make like a you know, super uber bullish thing here, just saying. This jobs report is mind-blowing this morning and I understand things get noisy but again, if you look at that that six month Trend right Here the six month trend is up and it's remarkable that the six month trend is up like this.

But understand this about the Jolts report because it will help you understand how much of an insulated blanket we have and why the FED can play this higher for longer game. If we have three million excess job openings, right? Three million excess openings and we have, let's say roughly for simple math, 6 million unemployed. This means we have nine million openings, right? We could literally lose all three million of those excess openings. So three million people could get laid off and take those three million jobs.
And then you would still be matched with six million openings for 6 million unemployed people. How crazy is that? That's what the Federal Reserve is trying to mine down, right? They're trying to get that ratio to a one-to-one balance Right now. You're like a one to 1.5 1.6 if you do. The numbers exactly balanced, so there's plenty of this insulated blanket until we get to one to one.

I I Don't know if we could price in cuts and this ADP report at least it's not an in wage price spiral style report. You know the ADP report was actually good. In terms of wages, look at wages, you're still seeing wage gains of 6.7 percent for people who stay in their jobs year over year, 13.2 percent for job stayers. But what I'd like to do is rather than just show you this report I'd like to show you the comparison of this report to last report and so I manually wrote this out in the course member live this morning.

Uh, you remember when the course member lives daily? when we do them when the market is open. We we talk about things like the forward earnings call AMD evaluations and fundamental analysis. So if you want to passively listen to this really high value content, you want to be part of those course member live streams. We might be moving sort of and integrating parts of the meet.

Kevin Report I had been doing live pretty regularly on the channel into the course member lives now and starting those earlier. There's a lot of people are asking for those in the course members, so we'll probably start the course member live a little earlier. But anyway, look at these changes. So I just wrote them in Blue on the right the April numbers compared to the March numbers.

Holy smokes Job Stayers, You're seeing a decline in every category of wage gains now. I'm not cheering people making less money. People are actually making more money here, right? But none of this is showing you a wage price spiral because none of it is showing you that wages are actually going up at a higher rate than they were last month and these are all year over year comparisons as well. I'd Love to see the month over month that on this.

We'll get that in the jobs report this weekend or sorry this Friday But look at these changes in establishment: Hiring small businesses went from 101 000 to 2 or 121 000 job hires, medium went from 33k to 122 and large went from 10K to forty seven thousand. All walks of businesses are growing. Look at the different types of businesses. here.

you still have a Slowdown in manufacturing, which just to explain that really quick. That's because wholesale inventory is still so high. If the Orange is inventory, then you have to manufacture less and you can still sell products to Consumers right? Uh, so it makes sense that you're seeing some manufacturing slow down because we just built up so much excess inventory because of Kova Days. Uh, and we're not growing like we were in 2021.
Obviously. So even though we planned for that kind of growth, we don't have that kind of growth. But look at leisure. and Hospitality I mean here: Massive increase 98 000 jobs to 154 000 jobs? You're seeing less job declines in the declining segments with the exception of manufacturing.

But otherwise everybody's back to hiring. So it makes me wonder. were these layoffs just a Q1 adjustment and the economy is back to Crazy growth. But again, go to this April report and the fact that this April report is showing us we added twice as many jobs as back to 296 000 that's setting up for we're not in a recession yet.

Maybe the recession was last year and that's it. And and inflation goes away and things are good, We just Nike Swoosh Recovery I Still believe the Nike Swiss recovery. It's every single day that people like. Oh Kevin you flips up every day.

No I don't like literally I told you and I've been saying it. Nike Swoosh Volatile recovery. The stuff you buy today I Think we're gonna look back 10 years ago from now, we're gonna look back and go. Damn.

I wish I bought more. It's gonna be volatile. Yeah, there's gonna be a, you know, an Sh-9t storm uh, every day with with this volatile data. but that's because we're in such uncertain times.

But I try my best to to parse through all of the data and the data just isn't that scary. Uh, the banking crisis is nonsense. Uh, yeah, we're gonna have Fringe Banks fail. But I really don't see something massively systemic.

And I'm not just trying to reiterate talking points. The First Republic balance sheets weren't actually that horrible. Yeah, they were. They had way more loans than cash.

We know that. but every Bank does so does Sulfi. Okay, way more loans than cash. They've got about 25 of their loans in cash.

It's not me saying oh, pull your money on a sofa. No, it's just I'm not not I'm not saying there aren't going to be more banks that fail, but do we think we're going to have a 2008 style banking crisis? No. Do I really worry about dollar D Dollarization? You know, losing the reserve status of the world? No. Do I really worry about the debt ceiling? No.

but I've also made that clear in all of my videos over the past month. Am I really worried about you know, uh oh, we this was a great stat by the way. we did this in the course member live stream. uh our good buddy Steve he's like hey man, but you know what if International Imports slow down and we did the math and we're like okay, if Chinese Imports of United States products fell 10, it affects our GDP by like six basis points.
So in other words, if our GDP is one percent minus 10 Chinese Imports we'd be at like point nine four percent GDP Kind of interesting Europe had about twice the impact. Uh, but anyway, that kind of analysis I think is very interesting because it really lets us cut through the emotion of the headlines and see wow, there are still some really strong shoots and this economy. That's not saying we're not going to go into a recession, but the idea is what we're what we're doing. I Really like the insulated fire example.

Okay, because I think it's the best. Example is what you're doing is you're saying here's us and we're uncertain. And we're we're in a box. Okay, we're in a box that has insulation that looks like this.

And the insulation is Jolts. It's excess personal savings. Still in excess of a trillion dollars. It's a personal, uh, you know, a percentage.

It's the percentage that people are spending on their debts for their household expenditures is actually at a lower percentage than it used to be. Even though yes, debts are rising, people are spending Less on a percentage of their income on their debts. Which is good. Uh, then uh.

then it's Jolts. It's job openings your ability to get another job. And really, what's happening is you have this fire right? And the fire is trying to burn through this insulation. And the fire is the Fed raising rates.

It's kind of like a cavity. you know, trying to drill in to get to the nerve. and this is creating a lot of fear and uncertainty. and that fire goes away.

And that cavity, so to speak stops growing as soon as inflation is gone. So the hope is that we can kill inflation before it penetrates the box that we're in. and as long as we could do that, we could go back to being happy. Uh, but there's still a little bit of an uncertain face right there.

Uh, but the point is, uh, obviously, get into that course that's going to have an amazing AI segment uh June 1st before uh this. Friday So you could get the best pricing on it because we'll be raising the pricing since we're adding all this extra content. but everybody inside is getting it for free. Uh, and if you join, you get those same benefits right? You get lifetime access and when I add new segments, you get those as well.

Uh so it's I'm always wanting to reward and give back to people who have given to me and I think that's important and also you the viewer. very important I continue to provide value every single day here so thank you. If you like this kind of content, make sure to subscribe like the video and share it. But look bottom line: am I really worried about the Feds 25 BP hike No because economy is just fine right right now.

The concern is inflation. So mark your calendar because we will know how much longer that fire has to burn based on the calendar. Now keep in mind today, we are not going to get a summary of economic projections. The next one will be June 14th which is the day after the next CPI report.
Actually there are two CPI reports coming out. There's a CPI report coming out a week from today. I will be covering that live Mark these on your calendar. Okay, ready for this.

Uh May 5th, 5, 30 A.m jobs May 5th 11, 59 pm Course price goes up May 10th, 5 30 A.m Pacific CPI June 13th 5 30 A.m Pacific CPI June 14th 11, 30 A.m Federal Reserve Summary of Economic Projections and press conference. The summary of Economic projections actually come up 30 minutes before that same thing today. You've got the FED meeting today. We're going to get 25.

We'll get some hawkish commentary about like, well, we're going to be data dependent. It's really the FED meeting today is going to be here's 25. We're going to wait for the next two CPI reports to see how much longer we have to keep this freaking fire going. At least this number from Nick T here is falling which is the quits data Which is actually really important to see that people are quitting their jobs less because when people quit their jobs, it's a sign that they think they can get a better job somewhere else.

You don't quit your job. if you think you're gonna be unemployed and you then you stay. So anyway, look not nervous. I'm going to continue providing analysis on all of this information.

but I Really believe in the Nike Swoosh recovery. Yeah, there's no flip-flop. It's just gonna be volatile. So we're going to get Negative information.

We'll get positive information. Look, we in the course remember live this morning we went through Ford We went through AMD We're looking for signs of a wage price spiral. We're looking for signs at the bottom. We're looking for someone when one of these numbers are going to get better.

For uh, for AMD it's probably Q3 Q4. However, they're getting smashed today. Absolutely smashed it now. Is it a buying opportunity? Depends what PEG ratio evaluation you want to put on them.

and if you think they're actually going to get to about 250 in EPS this year and maybe pop that up to about 420 next year. Uh, you know, if you get that 250 this year, you're probably at somewhere around a 2K uh for the company and assuming about a 14 growth rate. So uh. but anyway, these are things we could talk about more in more detail.

Uh, but uh, look for me, I'm doing everything I can to put one foot in front of the other. make sure we can increase as much revenue as we can. So that way we and and we're going to do that by providing as much value as we can to the community. Uh, and we're going to keep providing value to these courses.

Uh, and then what we're going to do is uh, we're going to invest in the stocks and companies that we believe in because we think yes, the Nike Swoosh is going to be very volatile. It may take years to go back to this Nike Swoosh recovery for for it to actually progress. And that's okay. even if it takes a decade we want to be in and adding now and increasing our ownership of great companies.
Now during all this uncertainty because not very fearful so that's my take. Obvious personalized Financial advice but again, if you found it helpful, please consider sharing the video I Really appreciate you being here and uh Hey folks we'll see in the next one. Thank you.

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26 thoughts on “Shocking report *just out* the coming recession.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karen Clayton says:

    I diversified to an experienced platform who’s method are top notch and profitable due to some losses I incurred in holding coins.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Young says:

    When you say you don’t see a 2008 banking crisis.. can you elaborate on your criteria? (e.g., clearly you aren’t talking about assets held when comparing now to then)

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars backliteyes says:

    Student loan payments resuming is going to suck some of the air out of the room. That’s a lot of money people are not paying on debts right now.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Time says:

    Why do kevins pictures on new video's, always look like, he need to see his psychologist

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars will says:

    I’m Tired of this fool Kevin with his dam recessions

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Weekend Home Projects says:

    "The economy is polishing brass on the Titanic" – Tyler Durden

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abdul Ahmad says:

    You become a politician now

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stork1122 says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dare Gug says:

    It’s all lies you think the banks are stable too don’t you Kevin
    Look at the homeless you pompous poop for brains

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dare Gug says:

    Markets Jobs and the dollar on the brink of collapse
    Yes keven 90% devaluation coming to a city near you

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hunty49 says:

    Oh Kevin. It doesn't matter the result, it matters who counts it. And the counter is the government. Like the fake inflation numbers. It's all a cover up to hide how badly they've mismanaged the economy.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Truth Hope says:

    Do you realize that you are mimicking Biden's talking points. Lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nafiye Ari says:

    Excellent content. I used the last dip to stock up, buying Fb44TC now its cheap, can't miss the presale.

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    My life feels fixed after horrible markets but Fb44TC is the one I believe in!

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  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hakan Açıkgöz says:

    Fb44TC has the most potential to do more than X10. ETH and BTC will most likely do a X5-X6, but that's fine for me. Gotta look for better entry points while I stake IRIS and PGEN, then wait for Polygen's next raise as I also look at their new partnership with Kenzo Ventures.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sezer Oyun videoları says:

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  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bulut Özen says:

    Myself during this Bear Market only trying to focus on BTC, Fb44TC, ETH, SOL, MATIC. not losing sight of BNB and GALA. 🇨🇦

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bilal Dag says:

    Wow I'm so surprised you mentioned Fb44TC . I have been keeping eye on it for a while and it seems very promising.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Senay Karabatak says:

    Hell yes $ Fb44TC. Going to have a huge Q4

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sucuklu yumurta says:

    I bought 2500 Fb44TC tokens, too. It will be great profit when it is listed for $2

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yusuf says:

    Exciting times for Amazon’s Fb44TC and it's community.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hasan Oyunda says:

    Something so fishy about those Fb44TC comments. Proceed with caution.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FUTBOLHERYERDE. says:

    Fb44TC is my safety asset along with tether so i'm really glad to hear all this!! thank you very much

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rei Lagji says:

    RuneScape party hat comment had me dying

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