Meta reported $28.6 billion in quarterly revenue and $2.20 earnings per share, smashing consensus analyst estimates of $27.7 billion and $2.02, respectively.
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Everybody welcome back to the channel. In today's video, we have to address Meta. The company announced earnings and stocks skyrocketed by 12. So we're going to talk about what to expect tomorrow and how you can make some money off of it, right? So let's dive right into it Right off the bat.

I'm going to change this to metal Against this topic of today's video, let's look at it all right. So Meta has been chopping along with the overall market for a while between 220 222 and between 208. All right. And as as the price was approaching the earned state, the contracts again we trade options.

If you don't already know that the contracts were inflating and inflating, especially at the money contracts, so is this move Highly, highly profitable. For anybody who bought calls, I would say I would say that the contracts will probably be up by around 40 to 50 percents, maybe a little more than that. All right, Like a really massive move that can move all the way up to 250 would be where you would expect the 200 300 and then some of the out of the money contracts. like the further out of the money contracts will be worth.

Wow. Seven to eight hundred percent, right? But as of right now like this, this is a massive move. Don't get me wrong, an 11 move is quite big, but but it needed a little bit more in order to really see those gains. and I think I think we might see that.

Now let's look at the details of the earnings report. So this is Google again I'm 13 I type metal earnings right there. Let's scroll down to see how they've been doing all right now. as you all can see, this is how it's bent Went throughout the last four earnings and this is the one that they just announced rates here.

So their APS was at 1.95 and It Beat It by 13 and they also had it. Um, they also beat their revenue Expectations by 3.57 All right. So um, good earnings report Solid I think this is going to I think I think it's going to go a little bit higher. All right, but how is it going to do that? That's the main question.

So that's what Brooklyn wants to talk about in today's video. Now we're going to zoom out. We're gonna look at the daily now on The Daily charts. There are some things to consider we're gonna.

we're gonna zoom on the left and we're gonna zoom in some more right here. Yeah, so there is a gap for starting from 243 all the way up to 322 which has to be filled again. If you don't already know this, 90 of all gaps in the market get filled at some points in time. All right.

Um, it's not really. It's not obvious exactly when, but sometimes the Char makes it obvious by showing some Clues Now here is another Gap right here at 200 226 between 226 and 231. All right now, let's go back to what's going on right now. So those gaps did not get filled during the month of April Now let's let's dive more deeper into the 10 minute.

all right now. Right now, we're right above it. Now my my expectations, My expectation for the price action of tomorrow I Think it's gonna go like this. It's going to chill out here.
it's going to open at around probably the same price 233 and then it's gonna have a pullback bursts just to take care of the Gap at the bottom. So anybody who is interested in making money to the short side like those puts are going to get annihilated like I'm talking like negative 90 like right at the open, they're going to get crushed, like the implied volatility is going to take a toll on it. and also the negative Delta That's again this, it went the wrong way. So those spots are going to get annihilated, so there's some some opportunities to make money in the morning during the initial drop.

right here between 33 and 27 depending on the value of those contracts. If they work like a hundred or 150 bucks, those contracts during that specific drop could go up a 100 to 150 percent Within 20 minutes I would say right? and then after it does that, it's probably gonna chop for a few moments trap some greedy short sellers. Again, it's important not to be greedy. The stock crushed earnings so there's a lot of people expecting some upwards momentum with the stock.

A lot of people are gonna want a Fomo in, especially after it gives them a chance to buy it at a lower price. So the first day trading opportunity is from here to here and then the next one is from here all the way back up to 35. It could go even higher, maybe at like 237 or 238s or maybe even 240. who knows.

all right, but just watch for that move. a drop. first, consolidation and then the move all the way up to around here. I Don't know when it's going to get up here I don't know when the the stock is going to go into the 270s and the 280s.

It might need some time to do that. all right, but as of right now, that's what I'm expecting for Meta I will be watching this one um closely. um I Was a bit shocked to see to see a good reaction on it. I Thoughts I Thought the stock was actually going to go down like low like at to like 190 or 180 so that the overall markets can have a red day and then Amazon can save the market by bringing it up all right now now that we're talking about Amazon let's look at the chart again.

it's been a while so let's talk about it all right? So this is Amazon and Amazon moved and simply I believe this was from the uh Microsoft move. Yeah Microsoft earnings. That's what it is. The contracts are still inflated.

They used to be worth like 70 cents. Um, a piece. Now they're worth 200 250 dollars. I'm talking about the at the Money contract all right.

And as it approaches it gets even higher because of the implied volatility that is being pumped into those contracts. Now this thing right here again. we're gonna look at the daily I'm not bearish on Amazon again. I Thought I Thought metal would collapse so that Amazon could kind of save the market and bring everything back up right? but despite what uh Meta did today metacross running, that's fine.
I think that Amazon is probably gonna do well I wouldn't bet against I wouldn't bet against the stock. This current market cap is at exactly 1 trillion so a pump like a boost and that will be wouldn't surprise me like a a 10 to 15 jump would not surprise me at all. With with Amazon and relative to the other stocks in the market, it's not as it's not as high like it had it. It had a run, it had a decent run.

It went up by 25 like from from the beginning of the year to now itself 25 of the tech stocks are up 50, 60 even a hundred and fifty percent. All right. So this one I would say is kind of lagging and earnings might be the reason or might be the cause of it catching up with the other stocks. So I would definitely watch this one again.

Holding anything through earnings is one hundred and fifty percent gambling. All right. I Always say this. so if you're gonna do it, manage your risk All right.

I'm just showing you my opinion I think that is it's gonna I think it's gonna go up it slightly. maybe to like 109. Oh, it's really gonna jump to like maybe 150. Again, that's just my thoughts on Amazon All right now let's talk about let's talk about some other stocks again.

Y'all have been putting some questions in my previous in the comment section of my previous videos, especially the I am buying this video where I told you guys that I was buying coin for a long somebody asked about it so I might as well just do a recap on it. Now with coin coin the structure that I showed you in that last video. it was only four hour and it was from here to here. the Fallen wedge on the chart and I told you that I was watching this one before you move all the way up to 76.

all right. but I also told y'all the video that followed after that again the next video after that one I told you that I got rid of it like the day after whenever I swing something I I swing it for like usually it's to get rid of it the next morning again I try to take advantage of the morning run and then I just get rid of it. It's very rare for me to hold things throughout multiple days unless unless the structure is really, really, really good. All right, that was the Fallen wedge, which is not really my favorite the other ones.

the other stocks in this sector like Mara for example played out really really well. That's something that I would consider holding for multiple days because the structure is one of my favorites. Again, if you've been watching the channel, you know how much I like this. Alright, so this one held for multiple days in rent for multiple days.

So and they did this thing I told y'all in that video the I am buying this video that Mara specifically was going to go to at least 1050 at most 11.50 and I think went all the way up to 12 before collapsing and it collapsed for very simple reasons. Number one, it reached the top again I told y'all 1160 and then they surprised Us by going to 12. All right. Number two was riots and riots Riot formed a double top at 14 on a four hour.
All right. So the downtrend was a minute and the sell-off that happened on Monday with coin was due to a fallen. well, it was due to, uh, a bearish strangle right here, which I did warn people about it at Discord like I Saw this thing on the 21st and I said a coin is breaking down I'm not sure if it's real or if it's a bear trap but it was there like it was bearish and I I thought it was like in the best case scenario this thing is supposed to fall and it did fall. Looking at it on what happened on Monday it fell along with along with Riot and Mara and then Consolidated and right now it's playing this little game where it doesn't really where it doesn't know exactly where to go.

which is fine because I think I think it's gonna have a little bit of a rebound because when I look at Mara again, you have to like look at the other stocks in that same sector to find out the clues and to find out some hints about where the entire sector is going to move next. Or you could just look at BTC because BTC right now is up by 4.73 It actually jumped within the last like two hours. So for this one again, it jumped overnights, had a little move and then it sold off in the afternoon. Retested the previous level of resistance or I would say support Retested that all right, and this is kind of a good spot to expect about, but especially that the crypto Market is up right now.

All right. So with regards to more specifically I think it's gonna go back up and retest 10.50 tomorrow. All right. So that's the updates for the people who have been asking about that again when: I Swing trade I Usually swing trade for the next day.

All right and or for multiple days. depending on the structure, the structure has to be really good. Now here is an update that I'm gonna do on another stock. Let's talk about Mu and with Mu this one I Think this one is going to make a push fire I Made a video about Mu on the I believe on the 18th or the 19th or yeah, I believe on the 18th I Told her to watch it for a drop to 58 because of this Gap right here.

It took a sweet time. It was kind of annoying, especially just chopping sideways like that. and then on. Monday and Tuesday I finally did its thing.

it finally got here. but it took like a good two weeks to get there from the moment that I released. Well yeah, from the moment that I released a video about five, not two weeks, a week and a half. right now right now there is a Morning Star on it and I think I think that it's going to push a little higher.

It might not be tomorrow, like tomorrow, we might see some red, but it's probably gonna close as a doji like this. All right. And then maybe Friday we will see a continuation back up to 63 dollars. That's what I'm expecting because I do think I do think the indices are going to be a little red tomorrow, just a little bit, just a little bit before we rebound.
All right. It's kind of like what happened today today. we started out red, we dipped until around like 9 20 a.m central time before rebounce and then we dropped again in the afternoon. So I think the beginning is is it's gonna be a little similar for tomorrow, so that's what I'm expecting.

So that's that's my thoughts on Mu. Now the last stop this video is getting a little long. The last stock that we're going to address that stuff is AMC All right, an update on AMC for those of y'all who love the stock steel um in the video a while ago I think it was that run like six dollars. That's all.

I Warned you guys about this little Gap at four dollars and that eventually is going to fillets. All right, it didn't take too long to get there. it actually dropped within two weeks after I released the video and it really got there in the middle in the beginning of April after a gap down and then from the island Gap reversal and right now we're approaching earnings I Think it's going to like it's already super low. Like how much lower do you expect it to go? So I to me I Think the reaction is gonna be positive.

they're gonna put out something and the stock is going to spike. so just be on the lookout for that. And in the meantime, expect the contracts to inflate in value as we approach that earned in States Those at the money contracts will go from like 50 cents all the way up to 300 because of the implied validity. So just be on the lookout for that.

So yeah, that's my honest thoughts on all of these stocks. And oh no. and that is the end of the video again. I Gotta fix that.

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9 thoughts on “Meta stock skyrockets by 12% on strong earnings”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crystal Cai says:

    Thanks for the updates
    I just got some after your analysis
    I’ve been watching your channel for about two years
    Very helpful ❤

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StockHub says:

    I wish I could join the group back again

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StockHub says:

    I like how you were so happy 😎

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StockHub says:

    Crazy right 😎

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SSY333 KK says:

    Thank you!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quân Ngô says:

    No, meta current earning is not that good when compare with previous earning

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aikoka shima says:

    My life is totally changed because I've been earning $15,250 returns from my $4,000 investment with Mr Jeffrey

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big-Eyed Fish says:

    Could you please break down about SQ in your next video?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big-Eyed Fish says:

    Thank you Paul!

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