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Welcome back to another meet! Kevin report it is episode number 83 and I have to say there is nothing like a vacation to screw up your schedule even more. Uh, it was really fun, really enjoyed uh vacationing with the kids especially I I think that's really important though, you know you gotta, you gotta spend time with family and I think that's what it's all about after all I found that when uh with my kids at least uh and family I found it's a lot easier for me to spend really good high quality time with my family when I'm away from my existing uh, home and uh, the home settings. so like you can go travel somewhere. I've personally found it so much easier to dedicate so many different parts of your day to actually being with your family whereas when you're at home it's so much easier to just go back to work and your workstation over and over again.

But for example, when I was skiing just this last week I had to reset up my my studio every time I filmed uh and so uh it was sort of like build it take it down build it take it down over and over again. it was great because it like it wasn't there for me to keep going back to. Instead it's like I may as well just hang out with family which is a really good thing. Whereas you know here this studio is like always on.

so I just walk in and I can go film at any moment like yesterday I was in here at like 8 30 at night. Should I make a video right now I'm like come on man. so uh. but anyway uh I thought that was that was quite interesting and it's so what leads into uh, one of the topics that we're going to talk about this morning.

We got uh, three pretty, uh, good topics to talk. We might bring it down, we'll see, we might just do two today. Uh, so we've got a little bit of a Time Crush but we've got. uh, we've got a couple good, at least a couple good topics.

uh that we're going to cover and uh I figure we may as well get started on those. uh so happy. um uh thanks Mods. Happy yeah Happy weekend here! Hey Kevin Son is a massive fan.

Can you please give him a shout out for his birthday? Heck yeah! Aaron's son happy birthday uh being a family event is great, right? It's wonderful, you know I think it makes it makes it exciting to be here. It's difficult to to get back after I mean everybody knows after a vacation it's difficult to fix your schedule Oh I Wanted to run a poll I have a question for you all. Okay, this is a this is a good one. Uh so uh, we do an afternoon I Hate Kevin for politics? that's no uh around Prime Time say five to seven.

Okay, all right I'm gonna run this poll and I want to hear what your thoughts are? So the poll is. Should we do an afternoon meet Kevin report for politics and that would be around prime time so it'd be around like four to seven p.m And the idea here is I've I realize sometimes when I cover politics in the morning meet Kevin report it seems like there's a higher incidence. The number's still low, but it seems like there's a higher incidence of some people who are like me. I came here for finance man the bell's about to ring.
Why are you talking about Trump or DeSantis Newsom I don't care, right? So so I thought Okay, all right, all right. what if what if I separate now I don't know that I mean I I could be a lot more I can definitely guarantee being live every day in the morning I Don't know if I could do that later in the day depending on what happens with with real estate and work in that. uh, but I think pretty regularly. we could probably do like an afternoon meet Kevin report politics Edition So and then it would just be about politics and then that way people who don't care about politics don't have to watch.

uh and then folks who do. okay I don't know, it's a it was just a thought. So uh, we'll throw that poll out there and we'll see what you all have to say. All right.

So come on man, you think anyone's gonna say no to more meet? Kevin Well yeah, um so far, the answer to that is yes. All right. So uh. anyway, that's our, uh, that's our intro I mean there's there I I don't know sometimes I think there are also always people who just sandbag polls because they're just like no, no Kevin you already post enough content.

Just stop. All right. So that's our intro and poll Now we're gonna jump into pretty a neat indicator of recession. uh, that has not activated yet.

Oh and you know what? I could actually there is. where is that bullish piece I have a few pieces here on the recession and I want to balance them? uh I didn't wasn't planning on putting it in this but now I'm like wait a minute. Maybe I should. Yeah, yeah, got it.

Okay, all right, go ahead. all right here we go. Um, all right. well folks, don't sue me bro.

but we know it's on everyone's mind. and yeah, I Pressed the music button a little late, but you know what? We've all been worried about a recession and in this video we're going to go through some unique recession indicators. There are two. there are two indicators in this video that you probably haven't heard of before, and then we're going to look at a B of A piece on what just happened with something called Thrust in the stock Market.

something we briefly touched on already, but with a different perspective here from B of A. So let's talk about those three things. The first thing that I thought was incredible was this piece here by T.S Lombard Now keep in mind when you hear TS Lombard you should immediately be thinking bear, Okay, they are Burrs their entire staff I don't know what it is, but they're just Bears just like it's getting crashed, it's gonna get worse. it's it's delicate good at crap, but for some reason they're also very balanced.

So I like them because they they actually give some realistic povs of things to watch for. So I appreciate that. You know they make it very clear that their stance is look, the credit crunch is going to probably crush us into a recession. Okay, fine.
However, they're also reasonable here and they say hey, look when you look at the U.S inflation dashboard Basically on the left when it's very rare red, it means inflation's going up and on the right when it turns blue it means inflation is going down and as you can see, it's starting to Trend down right. So so they're realistic, they're like okay, things are getting better. That's wonderful. Things are disinflating great.

Uh and uh and uh they hold. They still hold their mid-year recession forecast, but take a look at this particular chart I Thought this was a very interesting one that I haven't considered at all yet when it comes to a recession or not and it's called The Well the title here chart: four hotel room rates not yet signaling a recession and I Thought about this a little bit a little bit mostly because of Ross Gerber every time I meet Ross Gerber and I just met Ross Gerber in Deer Valley Utah and Ross Gerber I sit down with them. Uh, as he's eating lunch with his family and he's like Kevin there's no recession look around I'm like it's pretty busy when we were there. Uh, but but it made it.

Reading this chart right here made me think about my meeting with Ross because to some extent, yeah, when you're in a recession, hotel rooms tank and that hope because people travel less for vacation and people travel less for business, this makes a lot of sense. So in a weird way, maybe you could look at the CPI report as a tool which is actually doing a really good job for you. I mean if you believe the government's work to that extent, if you don't then obviously it's CP lie. But anyway, every month they are looking at a basket of hotels and they're looking at the difference in pricing of those hotels.

And so far as you can see in this chart, Hotel Pricing is still recovering pretty well. Now it's possible that it's recovering because it went so deep into a hole, but then again, we've already had this recovery fall and then recovery again. See, we actually went negative on this chart without having a recession Or an official recession. Yet technically, last year we already had a recession, right? Let's jump over here to the CPI because we had two quarters in a row of negative: GDP Jump into the CPI report.

What do you have here? Lodging away from home? Let's understand the headlines of the CPI report really quick. So we're going to look at the right three to get our seasonally adjusted and then the left two to get our unadjusted. So if I type in lodging, there, we go. So these are going to be the seasonally adjusted right here.

That's your essay and these are your unadjusted. Okay, good. so what do you have? Well, unadjusted, You got? you got some big numbers here for lodging away from home? Uh, these percentages? Seven point. That's got to be year over year.
Hold on a second. Let's go back to the front of the CPI report and the yeah, these are here over here. Okay, it's year over year and then month over month unadjusted. Okay, got it.

I'm gonna say all right. So we jump on over here. Well, that's actually still. Wow.

What? No, That can't be possible. Hold on a second. They both have to be year over year. Am I Reading this wrong? No, I'm not.

Look at that unadjusted percent change March 22 to March 23 and then Feb 23 to March 23 which is a one month change. And uh, the CPI report here on the unadjusted side, is really suggesting lots of inflation over here. Uh, on the unadjusted month of a month. But either way, on the right, you can see on sort of the seasonally adjusted yeah, you're still getting this explosion.

I Guess it makes sense: 2.7 growth in lodging away from home, month over month. I Mean think about what that is: annualized: 2.7 annualizes of 32.4 percent increase, Uh, on a year-over-year basis. If that lodging away from home goes on like this and you can see. look, it's actually getting worse.

If I draw this as an orange highlight right here. Look at that. We go from 1.2 to 2.3 to 2.7 The prices for hotels are going up. not down.

That's very interesting because according to T.S Lombard that's literally the opposite of a recession indicator, where generally when you go negative, deeply negative on hotel room pricing, that's when you tend to be starting a recession. Now, it's possible that you're already in a recession when hotel rooms go negative. In fact, if I look at this a little a little more closely, you can kind of see here. the recession on the left in 21 or 2001 starts here just about where hotels are about at that zero point.

The recession here has an inflection point first on hotel rooms. So you do see an inflection point down right? So you see an inflection before you get the recession. You don't actually get the depth until you're in the recession. But look at that.

Even over here during the covet era, you see the full a few months before. So really, this is suggesting. hey, in order for us to go into a recession, we need to at least see hotel room occupy even see on CPI report for April May June We could get those three months and if all of a sudden we get that in hotels, it could be a recession indicator. Kind of interesting, it's a good tool to pay attention to.

It's not the only one though, the second one and then we'll get into B of A the second one I Want to look at is this: uh, oops, it's not that one. but I'm going to talk about that one as well. That one's pretty cool. this one All right.

So this is from the Greed and Fear index, which is a Jeffrey's piece. and uh, they talk about how small businesses have slowed hiring plans to the lowest level since May of 2020. and when we look at this index over here, I drew red lines on it to make it a little easier to identify these areas of declines, but you can clearly see small business hiring goes down very slowly and it tends to lead to a recession when it goes down now. In Fairness, it really led to this sort of mild nonsensical recession over here in the early 90s, but it does appear that every time you have the small business hiring plan turned from growth to Bear mode, you do go into recession and that's what we're starting to see over here.
On the right, We're just now starting to see this small business hiring plan rotate down. It's still way elevated though, because if I take the bottom of where we are with with small business hiring plans, draw that across the board, we're still. we're still I would say the upper third of the historical average of this chart right? I Mean if I draw across sort of a midpoint over here this right this top section here would be the top third. this would be your middle third.

Uh, and this would be your bottom third here. And it, we're clearly still at the top third. But that's because of this massive enthusiasm that small businesses had during the uh, covet era. Uh, probably because uh, you know of all the stimulus money.

I mean starting a business in 2020 and 2021 was great. Here's your small business survey on wage hike plans and you see a decline on wage hikes. But again, if I draw from that low Point all the way over, we're actually sitting probably at the top 15 of Plans Plans to Raise wages. Uh, small Business optimism is one of the only things where we're actually starting to go low.

along with small business Capex Plans which you can see. these two charts here are at relative lows. These are probably in the lower 20 percent, uh, threshold. so you kind of have mixed signals here from small businesses where everything is clearly declining, right? Capex and Optimism plans are down.

Uh, Wage hike plans are down. Hiring plans are down. However, hiring plans are still up at highs when you look at the early 2000s or the mid-2000s So I think both of these indicators together suggest that we probably still have more time to go. Oh, before we're in a recessionary environment now.

Barclays did a phenomenal piece here on what happens with stocks in various different circumstances of uh, of basically um, recession or not and I'm going to show you this in just a moment. But I want to think about what these what these charts are saying for a moment. So a quick signpost here. Really? What? I think a lot of the data that we're getting today is saying uh is? First of all, don't sue me, bro.

But second of all is patience. That has probably been the hardest thing for me to like learn over the last years because everything's always been so fast and uh, since the beginning of 2022. Back in that January when I sold and then you know obviously later I started rebuying and then I launched an ETF and a real estate started myself over all that time. I The biggest thing I learned is like this: like these: Cycles take a lot longer than we think and yesterday there were actually some calls that we might not see a recession until 2024 and so what feels weird is it feels like we keep kicking the can down the road.
I Mean yesterday in the course member live stream, we briefly went through some of the JPM numbers and I'll tell you those JPM numbers without going through and rehashing all of it. Now the JPM numbers were amazing. I Mean yeah, average deposits were starting to move down a little bit. A lot of that has to do with people moving money over into money markets, but credit card and debit card data is still up substantially.

Lending is up, revenue is up. I mean JPM was absolutely destroying it I Still don't want to be in love with JPM but when you look at credit losses, you're actually seeing credit losses decline at Industrials Like Fastenal you're seeing credit losses decline like the rate of growth of credit losses. They're still increasing in some cases, but they're barely increasing. Uh, JPM barely increasing credit losses I Think one of the only places that I've actually seen increased credit losses has been CarMax.

But then again, you're dealing with used car buyers who are more likely to be subprime. Uh, which is bad credit score, right? So overall, I Have to say, like you know here we are in: April We could potentially have another year of no recession I'm not saying there won't be a recession, it's just we keep kicking the damn thing down the road. The more we kick it down the road, the better though, because the more we kick it down the road, the more the cancer of Inflation is potentially negative and we just go back to cranking the money print. Not saying that's exactly what we want because we don't want to just repeat this over and over and over again and end up with three waves of inflation.

Like the 70s, right? But I already debunked the three ways to inflation yesterday. You could type into YouTube Three waves of inflation Me: Kevin You'll see what. but look at this. This is really fascinating.

Equities on average continue to rise after the last fed raid hike. Oh wow, that was interesting. Look at that. Here's the end of the hiking cycle.

That middle line right there. You get some volatility going into it, but on average it looks like most equities tend to rise slightly after the last Fed rate hike. However, on average you tend to get a fall on average after the first cut. Now, obviously I've made the argument many times before that the reason the FED is would it cut is because the cancer of inflation is gone.

They're not going to cut until that happens and in my opinion, there's a chance to stop. Stock Market could actually see through that because again, once the cancer is gone, it's like okay, yeah, we just have to go through a little bit of pain and then and then we're good again, right? Who knows. But that has happened before. Look for example, at the stock Market in 19 in the 1980 recession, which is interesting because that came right before the Paul Volcker.
but they were raising rates to fight inflation without having to go Paul Volcker level yet. And look at what happened. it's this light blue line right here above that red line I Just Drew equities did very well. In fact, from the cut to the end of the in 1980 cycle, stocks went up like 25.

However, when we got Paul Volckerd stocks actually went down about I'd say about 15 and then the average is the red line. here. Now the average is actually phenomenal. The average suggests flat, so that's weird because everybody's like oh my God the first raid Cuts Gonna crash the market? Well, not really.

The average is the red line right there and it shows flat after the First Rate cut. but after the pause, you actually get about a seven to eight percent rally in stocks. Kind of interesting. This is really interesting data.

All of this data isn't very bearish. Combine it with PPI retail sales CPI Uh, a Pce from last month. A lot of the data that we're getting just is not that terrible now. Uh, this was the breadth indicator that we had talked about.

uh, and Bank of America is basically also reiterating how this is a bullish signal. Basically, this was a the Bloomberg chart that I shared yesterday essentially suggesting that oh, this is bullish. Like usually when this indicator flips, it's very bullish for markets. and uh, the that thrust indicator flipped.

We talked about it yesterday. Bank of America did a whole piece reiterating how bullish it is now. I didn't want to get blindly. you know bullish here I Feel like I'm already bullish enough.

But I Think the the argument here is we might still have time. We might still have a good chunk of patience ahead of us before we actually hit a recession. It might not be as soon as June or July. It could be a Christmas recession or A or a q1 of 24 recession.

and by that point it could be so mild because inflation could be so low. I mean who knows, but it'll be very interesting to pay attention to. And I think now we've got a couple good leading indicators. not only the small business leading indicators, but personally, if you want an easy one, look for that inflection in hotel rooms.

Uh, because we have not seen that inflection in hotel rooms yet. So I know it feels nuanced, but it it very much hits people's sentiment when they say or it's an it's evidence of people's sentiment changing when they stop traveling right? and I think that's really you know throws back to the Ross Gerber argument which is there's no recession you're looking around at basically what people are actually physically doing. Uh, so we we like to refer to that as our Ross Gerber research where you physically go somewhere like yesterday I went to Red Robin and I'm like oh my god there are a lot of people here and I thought this was a charity because they lose money anyway. Uh, so that some of my thoughts on the recession here.
Uh, if if you uh so please make sure to check out the program. so I'm building your wealth link Down Below in lifetime access to the courses on building your wealth goodbye now pay later to join. Probably about 40 of people who are signing up right now are using Bnpl, which is pretty awesome. Uh, it gets, uh, gets people in who've been waiting to get in and uh, hopefully we can build your wealth to make it so you never have to use Bnpl again.

Let's get you out of there. So um, a pretty good trade the other day too. Hope to hope to do some more of those so you get Buy sell alerts as well in the stocks and site group. And folks, let's get to the next segment.

All right next. So the next segment that I want to talk about is oh yeah, we gotta talk to Elon Oh you knucklehead Yeah. Okay, here's a guy called Flazek. He says stop Shilling that every five seconds bro, you know it's been 22 minutes and I've mentioned it once.

So technically, according to math, I only shelled once in 22 minutes. Which means 22 minutes, 22 times 60 is 1320 seconds. divided by 5 means you think I shelled 264 times I Shield once. That means you're wrong by a factor of 264 or a magnitude of 26 times.

That's pretty embarrassing. All right, Okie Dokie. Next topic: take another sip here. Well Elon Musk is back at it again.

You've got a lot to uncover in this one in terms of what stocks could be benefiting from what Elon Musk is up to, how you might be able to actually invest with Elon Musk And what the hell is Elon doing again? Because on one side you've got especially the Democrat side. And remember, my goal is to be neutral here. provide both sides. On one side, you got the Democrats going.

Hey man, you signed and helped lead a letter saying no, no, no, no, we need to pause AI development for six months. Keep in mind when I heard about that letter, I made a video and I tweeted that that is just literally stupid because all it's going to do is create a prisoner's dilemma and the people who choose not to pause will end up winning. The people who pause lose. It's very simple.

that's that's Humanity Well it turns out that Elon Musk around the same time as he was signing the letter created a company called X Dot A I and he is apparently trying to start an AI startup specifically focused on AI that is separate from the AI you have over at Tesla and so Democrats are like there he is being a hypocrite again and Republicans are people who lean more right or maybe you're more in favor of Elon Musk you're like dude, no, like this is a hedge. like he could sign the letter and then if everybody agrees, he could also agree. but if he doesn't agree or like if everybody else doesn't agree, then at least he's had and can actually get into the race. You know I mean that one sounds pretty logical, but I I guess it depends.
Do you like Elon you believe the logical one you don't like Elon you say the other one you know. Just like, for example, there was a another little hit piece from MSNBC uh and uh, you basically had uh, one of the Uh anchors suggesting hey, you know Elon Musk could basically control political outcomes by turning the dial on what kind of media coverage we get. You know we could get less Democrat coverage and Elon Musk that is brilliant reply to it and this is not me trying to chill Elonge, it was just a fair reply. He replied to that tweet and said, you know that's exactly what the prior Administration did to Republicans Now he's right about that.

Now do we know that with certainty those kind of shenanigans won't happen in the future? No, of course not. There's no way to know that with certainty. If you like Elon you think it's all going to be free, Transparent and clear and free of that sort of dial tuning, tuning, dial tuning. Uh, and if you're if you're a Democrat you think it's definitely that I Mean that's just the way it is.

You like Elon or you don't right? But what is this new company that now he's talking about? What is this? X dot A I What could this possibly be? Well, what it is is Elon's potential AI division as part of his Everything app. Remember that Elon Musk actually just changed the name of Twitter Uh, the corporation is now going to be called X Corp and that is what Twitter is now called X-corp and the parent company is called X Holdings And as part of X Holdings now Elon Musk has filed for X Dot A I and it appears based on interviews that the Financial Times has conducted that Elon Musk is looking to raise money uh, up to Uh to sell up to about 1 100 000 shares I believe it was it was 100. It doesn't really matter uh, somewhere around a certain number of shares they want to sell to investors uh to to help Elon fund his AI startup. Now they are privately going to larger whales like SpaceX and Tesla investors and uh Elon Musk is starting this company separately from Tesla which is leaving a lot of Tesla Bulls wanting to rip their hair out suggesting what the hell you said Tesla was the AI company.

Now you're creating a separate AI company. when is Tesla going to get its CEO back? Tesla now has to has to deal with Elon playing with Twitter and dealing with Xai what's going on and I've been getting a lot of messages on this and while I think the the concerns are valid I don't think that Elon's starting a separate AI company is actually net negative to Tesla Yes, Elon's going to be more distracted, but let me put it this way: I honestly think that in some extent and I'm not trying to compare myself to Elon but I think to some extent Elon is is very much going to be distracted and and uh, interested in new things all the time. Anyway, whether it's Xai or something else, it's going to be something I find I do that as well like I'm really gung-ho I could get a lot done for my YouTube channel for my real estate startup and then I want to go do something else and then I go back and that keeps me excited about regular literally working on the different projects. So I Personally do not think the lack of of Elon necessarily being in the factory every day is a net negative to Tesla I Don't believe that in some cases I Think insiders might actually say it's a debt positive like let the company operate.
damn it. you know, get the boss away from over our shoulders. Now there are some arguments that people are making that, but wait a minute. AI was supposed to be part of Tesla No full self-driving was supposed to be part of Tesla The dojo supercomputer is part of Tesla and the dojo supercomputer is still part of Tesla Now some people say, but Dojo was supposed to be the AI basis for all these other AI projects.

That could happen true and it still can be. In fact, it is entirely possible because Tesla created the Dojo Supercomputer, it could potentially lease its superpower technology or or or sell you know, some of its assets I would hope some kind of lease. so that way there's some kind of residual revenue for Tesla Uh, there is a way to basically monetize the research and r d that has been done at Tesla for the benefit of Xai which then also benefits Tesla without distracting Tesla Engineers from what we should really be focused on which is full self-driving So let Tesla be what it is, What's going to be the best and biggest car company in the world with the best margins in the world, the best factories in the world, The robotics uh, the Optimus robot? uh and and the dojo. Let that operate the way it is and let Elon play is is artificial intelligence game.

Now if you think back to one year ago, maybe about May One of the things that I regularly talked about is E. Elon's purchasing of Twitter actually and potentially allows him to create a verbal neural net like a language-based neural net. It's going to be a little pisser and a jerk and really cynical because if you base any neural net off Twitter it's going to be an but uh. but.

But one of the things we talked about is oh, this is interesting. If he buys Twitter he could maybe create some kind of verbal artificial intelligence which you could then use in the Optimus so you could actually go both ways right? You could say yeah, maybe the AI company starts leasing compute power from dojo and some of the research from Dojo but then vice versa that could go back into Optimus. So I don't really see this as such a negative thing here. I'll tell you what I think is the biggest beneficiary and then investing with Elon Musk How that works.
So the biggest beneficiary in my opinion is actually Nvidia Oh yeah, that's also one of the big Holdings uh that I personally am exposed to. There are a lot of ETFs uh that have Nvidia in it. I'm a big fan of it I Think it has a lot of pricing power Twitter apparently has been buying 10 000 plus Nvidia Gpus. Not only that, but Elon Musk says uh said in an interview it seems like every it was a Twitter spaces quote.

it seems like everyone and their dog is buying Gpus at this point. Twitter and Tesla are certainly buying Gpus and it would be assumed that after this Xai gets started that there will be a lot of Chip buying as well. So I'm a massive fan of not trying to be part of this crazy AI gold rush. I'm a big fan of selling the pickaxes.

Look, you all go kill each other with your AI whatever ma'am I just want to sell you chips. so what am I going to do? I'm gonna go down the stack I'm gonna go where the stimulus money is because guess where there's no stimulus money in AI But guess where there is stimulus money, chips and energy. What do you need for AI Chips and energy Nvidia AMD Asml to manufacture the machines that make the the chips. Uh, the Fabs your Intel super undervalued with the potential that Intel might be able to pull off with its Fabs that it's creating thanks to stimulus dollars.

Tsmc uh AMD and yeah, look I'm talking my book here. but it's because I believe it like I'm not gonna go try to speculate on random AI startups. The barriers to entry are like zero. dude.

anybody can download the API for chat GPT and boom, you get started with your AI startup. So uh anyway, look uh, my belief is uh, this. this is not a net negative for Tesla Wax. Now when it comes to investing with Elon Musk the odds are you're not going to uh, I'm just being blunt about that.

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So check that out. link down below Okay So for investing with Elon Musk You really? Basically you have to a have a lot of money so you have to be an accredited investor. In some cases, you have to be a qualified investor and you have to be part of the network so you probably would have already had to be in an early Tesla investor an early um, uh, SpaceX investor Or know somebody who is an asset manager that has billions of dollars under management. For example, like a Ross uh, who has connections with the investing fund round leaders inside Tesla and the reason they do that is because when you have a private holding and people come to you, you don't have to go through the crap with the SEC which In Fairness is is fair game if you want to solicit to everyone, it's fair that you have to go through the SEC I'm not trying to bag on the SEC here so far.
I like the SEC um knock on wood but anyway, like when I did my house hack rag uh reg D for accredited investors for me to do that here on YouTube I had to put a filing together and get that filed with the SEC for us to do a reg. A we have to put a filing together and go through the SEC which we're in the midst of. Everything takes longer than you expect uh, but that's that's if you want to advertise to everyone, there's no way in hell Elon I think is going to go through that because he can get enough money from his private circles. so there's no ticker symbol.

there's nothing to invest stand, it's just. here are the ideas that Elon Musk is up to. and if you're interested. uh, then pay attention and subscribe to the channel so that gives me or gives you rather, my opinion on what's going on with Uh Elon uh what's going on with this new Xci company? Uh and uh yeah, that's um.

it's very interesting, you know. uh AI platform next to you know, some kind of competitor to chat GPT you know he used to be a co-founder at Open AI left due to disagreements over AI safety pretty wild. This is going to be pretty interesting to see how things develop. Uh, but I'm a big fan of uh, we have a lot of um, uh, did I press the wrong button I may press the wrong button I'm going to press it again.

There we go. I'm a big fan of believing that uh, the sum of, uh, all the parts. all these AI projects is, uh, greater than the individual pieces alone. In other words, it's not a zero-sum game.

This isn't If if Elon spends some time on an AI project, Tesla's gonna lose. Don't think that way. there's this is an opera. There's so much opportunity in this world.

You gotta have an abundance mindset and go optimistic on this. All right, don't sue me bro. foreign. So I'm all hang out for a moment and do a little bit of uh Q and A I do actually have to go though.

but uh, let's do a little bit of Q a should people try to be YouTubers um I think that everybody should try to throw their hat in the ring but I'm just gonna be honest I think I got lucky I think it's a lottery so it's hard because I think it's very luck based. uh, you know and and I think that's that's going to be very discouraging. Unfortunately to a lot of people I'm not saying don't don't play the lottery, don't try right? Uh, but you? But yeah, it's not. It's not the most guaranteed.

Um, you know, and it comes with its own problems. As with everything you know. I uh I I Try really hard. Uh, and uh, there are a lot of it and I'm fortunate that people enjoy my content.

Oh, we have to look at the poll result. What was the poll result? 65 Said do it out of uh, it's a little over a thousand votes. That's pretty cool. Thank you All right? Well I'll look into that, so excuse me.
But yeah, I mean it's um, a lot of people do a lot of hard work, but the thing is, the harder you work on YouTube does not necessarily correlate with you know how much you're gonna, how well you're gonna do and I think that's the part. That's very frustrating to people because there are a lot of people work very, very hard and it just doesn't go anywhere. Let's do another couple questions here and then I Gotta go I Gotta go Thank you for the bless you. uh uh.

I'd only do four to seven. It doesn't take away from the current live streams. Yeah, I I Agree with you, that's a good point. Thank you Brandon that's that's a really good point.

Why you have a course? Well, because there are a lot of people who are who really want the best chance right? Uh, and so uh, you know and and what you learn in the YouTube course has a lot to do with communication and and working with people and prep work as well. So you learn skills that are very lifelong skills. But yeah, I mean look, people who want to have the best shot at at uh uh, you know, creating a YouTube channel or are interested in in learning everything they can and and so of course we have a product for that. Uh, but yeah I mean I'm not going to be dishonest about you know the odds.

Um yeah I agree with you. Max On the R D team there look favors the brave oh man Tesla Phones clickbait sweater looks comfy it is. This is an aloe aloe sweater. It's like some yoga company I saw in New York I don't even do yoga I can't do that I touch my toes my dude yoga I did it once with uh it.

went to yoga with my aunt in Germany and I'm like yeah, not doing this again. What's that dog called the reverse the I don't know I just I don't know what coffee do you like black I like everything black every time I go to Starbucks I just ask for a big black Uh, someone here says this is kind of ironic. the American one with a political hat in their icon says Kevin no politics, sports or religion, you'll lose subscribers. This is old wisdom I mean that may be true, but uh, you know I'm I I Really think that I can talk to anybody about politics I think yeah, there's always the risk of losing the far extremes on the far left or right.

but I I think I I'm pretty reasonable and I'm open to everybody's perspective Like you know: I don't care who you are I I'd go I'd go to, you know, a coffee meeting or a dinner with anybody. Whether that's Nancy Pelosi or Kevin McCarthy or Chuck Schumer Mitch McConnell I Think it'd be very interesting and and quite frankly I think if, uh, if you talk to some of these people, as much as you might hate some of those people, you might see, uh, you know they're just a regular human trying to do their best I don't know. maybe maybe I'm just too optimistic about people. Uh, but that's that's what I think All right.
I Gotta go. Really appreciate.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Stagflation economic crisis meet kevin report 83 4/15/23”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick H says:

    Are those grey hairs? Shit.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mel On Blast says:

    In the great depression sales in entertainment and make up went up. Also it depends where the crash hits, if we consider it would probably stem at the commercial real estate level until the quarter with budget cuts hits.

    Also traveling after covid could completely skew this indicator because people were forced to stay home for so long so it has become a higher priority

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mbanza1 says:

    cute intro kev

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gustavo Cadena says:

    Where's the poll at?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boney99 says:

    No politics. It’ll only bring you headache and frustration especially trying to stay in the middle. People will undoubtedly be offended by something you say. Not worth it

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Senuda Rajapakse says:

    kev, please cover more of earnings season in these MK reports

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tactileslut says:

    When BofA writes of thrusting I clench.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Anthony Thomas says:

    Yes on afternoon report

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars captkeebz says:

    kevin, if you're reliant on external factors like environment to control your addictions (inability to suspend work), you're an addict. i do agree with you though

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hedwegg says:

    1. To the Quik: Topic: [Crisis]: "Debt Deflation"! [Include]: [Inside Trading] & [Mismanagement]!
    i.e. Banking!
    2. To the Point: Stagflation? [Debt Deflation] for now! i.e. Housing!
    3. What do you do? Pause! Why? (a) ["Real" Income] Benefits! (b) ["Inflated" Debt] Abates!
    (c) [GDP] Grows! Keep up the good work, Kevin!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ENTREPRENEURISM says:

    yes do one in the afternoon, you'll focus more…thanks for what you do and your perspective, i wish all your business endeavors the best

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sidney Paulson says:

    Don’t separate. I think your politics is focused on economics and future of our system. Also it more relevant if you do it as it happens. Thanks

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Run It Up Roil says:

    Kevin is the hardest working youtuber on finance and politics give him his 🌹

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hipanderos says:

    Politics and finance belong together. More politics

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dawn Addleson says:

    That ALO jacket, have you washed it yet? You sneeze every time you wear it. Maybe the chemicals it ships with?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Marmolejolu says:

    Im "like" number 666👹

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zeke Z says:

    Whatever direction you take your content, just stay healthy Kevin. Seriously. Control your vices man, you won capitalism and you are setting an example for a lot of people.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee G says:

    Project Icebreaker,
    The decade old conspiracy theory is being realized.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna Stillman says:

    Biden cannot get oil from any country. He is banned from opec.I think the oil industry does not like Biden trying to shut them down with his electric agenda.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrett Hartle says:

    I think life is complicated. You can both love someone and hate them. Elon Musk I can love for forcing EV's and his innovation. His long term outlooks on environment and colonizing Mars. At the same time I can hate when he opens his mouth and talks about politics, and can think it's terrible for Tesla for him to push away clients with his actions. I hated Twitter before Elon. I do wish he hadn't spent Tesla to buy Twitter… But you know it's his money to do what he wants with. Life is complicated and I think it's important to remember it can be both ways.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars this is Bert says:

    God meet Kevin sucks these days

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Miles says:

    One idea is to do politics only at the end of the livestream so people can hop off if they aren’t interested (I personally appreciate your political opinions)

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Casper says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DiscreetBtm xxx says:

    “Elon is always distracted anyway” hence he needs FSD to drive him around

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars allen says:

    Try it out but I think doing it all together is more efficient then again I don't like politics is your show so do want you want

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