Top Agents Show You How to Get More Listings | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
As an agent, the most important thing that you can learn right now is how to get more listings. Everything else comes second.
Then the question is, how do you learn that?
The answer: you learn from the best agents in the business, those agents who are listing hundreds of homes every year. On this episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, I’m talking with powerhouse team leaders Jill Biggs (600 listings a year) and Jamie McMartin (500 listings this year) about their top strategies for attracting sellers which work over and over again.
These are strategies who work for anyone, whether you’re running a team or working as a solo agent.
If you’re a new agent or even a pro who is looking to reignite your fire, these two Rockstars are going to show you how to get more listings like the best in the business do.
You may want to watch or listen to this one a few times!
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 – About Jill and Jamie
02:22 – Where their listings come from
05:22 – How to get one listing every month
08:45 – Having an open house playbook
10:27 – Building SOPs
13:18 – Back to one listing a month…
19:03 – What to say to past clients and sphere
28:27 – The training process
32:24 – Reach out to Jamie and Jill
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Foreign. If you could, sit down with two agents, remarkable individuals that are listing hundreds and hundreds of properties every single year and trying to crack the code on how to list even more. What questions would you ask about? That is what today's Podcast is all about. Jamie McMartin Katie Texas kind of northwest Houston Give people context for you and then Jill I'm coming to you as well.

how long in the business size of your team? How many properties will you list this year? Okay, so Jamie McMartin from Houston I've been in business since 2006, so right when it was really exciting to jump in. Oh yeah, yeah, exactly. We have 34 people total on the team, 23 agents, and um, this year we're listing 500 500 listings. Okay, so 500 listing seals like just a monster number for the person listening right now.

who maybe is trying to figure out how to go from 20 to 40 or something going from zero to two or 40 to 100? JB What about you? Jill Biggs Hoboken New Jersey So oh, you know I needed Dan for that question I know Um, as far as listings we you talked this morning about who can take a hundred listings in a month? Well, we had 37 listing appointments this month and we are leveling up the listing team. so I would vote. We'll take 100 listings in a month and what does that look like right? It'll probably take us another four months to get there because we've been tightening up and training. I vote I Don't know.

probably if she if you're taking 500 listings then I've got to be taken 600 listings like how's that? Yeah, just because it's better. Well I Don't want her to win, but I'm not I'm not promising a handbag I Already lost that hand. That's okay. Now now what is remarkable is that we belong to this little community people that actually are doing this stuff and you know today we were together with you know, 2800 of our friends from around the world South Africa and Italy and all over the United States and Canada and Mexico Etc and I was making the argument that if you have 168 hours in a week 168 hours you're gonna sleep I hope for 56 and you get eight hours a good night of sleep.

you got 112 hours left and and you guys heard me say repeatedly hey, if you in 112 hours you can't find me two listing appointments you did 37 last month. where did the listing appointments come from? To the best of your I know like if Dan was here Dan's Mr organized and all the numbers but like past clients, was it expired listings? Was it Geographic Farming was it Online leads help us understand. So so the truth is and this is where you poke poke the holes right? I In the probably second week of December uh decided to uh, not not be a failure and I moved my desk to the middle of the floor with the agents because I couldn't figure out what like why are they not? You know nobody's making phone calls. what the hell is going on? So um, phone calls? you stepped up I just stepped up and I started calling and I started auditing leads and listening to what was the problem with the conversation and like getting super real with the listing team as to how are the listings being distributed right? Yeah, let's see lead opportunities like because I have been doing this for a long time and I get phone calls inbound.
call me and ask me to list their house so you have agents waiting for low-hanging fruit but getting them to actually go after it and invest their time and it has has changed that. Our past clients like we spend a significant amount of money on on the internet. that leads right. but the truth is is that enjoy the listings, thank you like in my database and it's an amazing thing if you just literally Source by people raising their hand and call like we're getting appointments and so you you said a lot there and I'm going to come back because because there was so this is my past clients.

but I've got online leads I got 60 000 and I'm also auditing my sales team which for the person listening that doesn't have a sales team that's called auditing yourself. That means like you're recording not both sides of the conversation. Be careful with that, but you're you're recording like what are you saying and then listening back right like there's all these great um Solutions Now where you can just like on Zoom It'll just track how many times you've asked a question versus made a statement. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Jamie How many listing appointments did the team have in the month of January? They had 28 in the month of January we learned and Jill and I've been talking about this for a couple of months now. A lot of our leads are coming from past clients and SOI so it's about 58. We are not good at internet leads, but we pay a lot for internet leads. Yes! So our month of December and January was really focused on making sure we have the right people handling the right leads and going on the right appointments.

And our conversion rate has really gone from a three percent in one area all the way up to ten percent just in one month by putting the right people in the right spots. Yes, so it's been very important for us to make sure we're doing that. So when I hear right, people, write spots and I know you've been there too. Um, speak to the agent that is listening right now whose head is about to pop and they're just trying to get to one listing.

One listing taken a month, not even not even a week. Just one listing taken a month, If the two of you are sitting down right now with not somebody on your team, a solo agent somewhere in the country and they're like, what would you recommend My day looks like and my activities look like and my marketing looks like for me to get one listing taken a month before I became a team I did about my last 10 years before a team we would do or I would do anywhere between 95 to 130 deals by myself, no assistant. I Remember the biggest thing that I did was treat the business like a business. come in at eight o'clock I wouldn't leave till five o'clock and I time blocked.
Called in the morning. uh did our power hour and just kept calling and kept calling because my life depended on it. We all have those stories right that that's a commonality? yeah for sure. So so do they need to have their back against the wall to be a high performer? Well can they just have the ambition? and then time block? So time block Hour of Power it break it more down in that Hour of Power and I'm assuming you're referring to like making phone calls.

were you cold calling? who are you calling in that hour? um I was really big into open houses and so I would do open houses pretty much every single day for about six to eight months. even during the week I would just put my office in this vacant house and had people coming. So I collected a lot of names. Yeah, so I would just start calling those people round and round and round again until they were ready to go.

Okay, yeah, and I'm I'm at 12 I want to go to 24. I've been undisciplined. you know, real estate's like grapes. I get no listings, then I get three, then I'm overwhelmed that I knew nothing.

Then I get them sold and then I get two and then I get none done that I get one, then I get four and then I hit 12.. how do I get consistent and get to 24? Joe I I Honestly, and it's just so simple. you have to call people, right? We do open houses. We have open house leads like 30 of them a weekend.

Those going through the leads and just calling them, re-engaging them. and I think it's amazing how many people are like the Asians surrounding me while I'm sitting there. they're talking to each other. They don't know who to call right there's you.

just have to actually call people. It's fairly easy. something sells in a building. It's not your listing.

It doesn't really matter. You call the whole building and you say did you know your neighbor's Soul or like how did you hear about your neighbor Yeah, you know. and then I think the the running your business like a business I'm so loosey-goosey and I feel loosey-goosey but I get up at five o'clock in the morning and I show up every day and do the same thing and you know and then putting a task. Every single person that you connect with you have to put a task afterwards so that you don't forget them because you can only remember there's so many people.

That's right, right? It's a numbers game and okay, let's go good. let's go say the other thing that kind of sparked for me is just putting your systems in place. If I would have done that 10 years ago when I started and had that thought and said okay, this is how I'm going to handle every open house. This is how I'm going to handle every phone call, my schedule, my listing, appointments.

we're doing that now. But if I would have done that 10 years ago, I mean Sky is the limit. So I look at uh, last year's Summit Stephanie younger mutual friend of all of ours. She she gives us a like an eight or nine page dossier that's available on You can just go download it for free, but it's everything.
It's the system. It's everything. Before the open house I was having having a conversation with I forget what it was about she said no Tom you understand when we do an open house all the flags need to be lined up like it was the attention to detail. No.

I mean I did an open house this weekend because I it was a past client of mine and I needed it to sell so that I I didn't have to deal with it again, right? So I was showing up myself and it's been a really long time because I've taken you've done it. Yes, right? Yes! So I showed up and they handed me a binder. I'm like it was a binder and it had every single thing you could ever need for an open house and I was like it was as old school and stupid as that sounds it. it was wonderful.

It makes it easy. Yeah, it makes it easy. Everything out of your head so you can do no and then having a system in place. Every single person who came in that said they lived in the building I got where their address was what they lived in I made every note right and then I put them in.

So there are people in that building so that we can set them up with a plan and follow up every time anything in the building happens right? I might not get that listing today, but you know when those people list, we will touch them every time anything in the building happens and we'll get the listing back right? Jill Biggs hits my arm more than I know people's arms. hey hey hey, is this like a punch in the throat? One of my dear friends, literally like I'll just start you this. it'll slap my hand okay. running plays at work.

So you said systems. Um I interpret systems as Sops standard operating procedure I I interpret systems as having a checklist for the things that I do repeatedly that I don't want to have to remember how to do right? How do you two go about building those? Like what? what's your pro like? Just let's just take prepping for an open house. Do you mind map it? Do you write it on a wall? Because I think a lot, not the person listening right now. they're they're beyond this.

But someone might get this and they're gonna go yeah. Like systems like they think it might be software, right? I think halftime. it's just a freaking checklist. Yeah, so how do we build those? I have a Manifesto um I think you had brought that up a couple of years ago.

So the I love that you call it a manifest. Well, he's such a great yeah. I Remember that I remember this I think it was in Nashville But anyway. so I went and did a Manifesto and we actually Revisited every quarter just to make sure we haven't changed anything.

So every Department revisits their section and that's where we put everything. So when you have an open house or a listing or by your presentation, everything is in there step by step. Typically we get our leadership team that will start the document. We take it actually through all of our agents too just to get their input and making sure we didn't miss anything.
And then we put it in the manifesto for everybody to see. and in the Metaphest though, it actually has links to all the supporting documents and everything that you need. So love it! Yeah, so is it a like a digital inside of like Google What is the person listening like? What are you two talking about? It's where your agents can go. It's like, uh, it's an online Elements learning management system and every single thing right is in trainul.

So all of your checklists for everything that happens are accessible and everything is videoed. So if you need to look at a script, you can take a look at somebody doing that and it's you. Know it saves time right? so that you don't have to repeat yourself over and over again. We've been talking a lot about transferring skills because I think we both need to do that in different aspects of our jobs.

and um, that's to me that's a really big place that you can transfer skills is put it into annual so that it's there, everybody can view it. and there's this Today show is not brought to you by tranual. Yeah there's there's many of these Lms's as I referred to. but but I think what I'm hearing is going from sop checklist to a video showing someone how hey, this is how we use follow-upause this is how we use our CRM whatever it may be.

Um, so there's a lot inside that I hear that and I think well yeah, that's Ray Crock that's McDonald's 16 year olds right able to go do all these tasks every single day and eventually robots which will be even easier and more exciting. Um, sorry 16 year olds at McDonald's I Want to go back to that person that's doing 12 listings a year? I Think the two of you are struggling with answering the question because you have so take one agent on your team. Okay, take one. I want you to get one brand new agent on your team and I want you to help that person get 12 listings this year? Well, I mean what does that person have to do? That person has to have conversations right and they honestly it depends I guess on what you're doing to generate business? we're we're doing these seller lead, seller landing pages which is very interesting the we're getting them.

they don't have any phone numbers, no email addresses and so one two, three, four Banana Street right? Sometimes you don't even get the name, you just have the address and they've been marking them as dead leads. So December I'm there and I'm looking Dead lead So I whip out like the White Pages or you know Mojo or any data phone numbers whatsoever and I'm cold calling this I Got three listings this week, right? I Met some guy on the side of the road between the Holland Tunnel um on the entrance and the exit in his tractor trailer. Yeah and I'm calling things you see every day Jill your realtor Eventually, even though they hung up on me a few times I'm Jill their realtor he signed million dollars like in the car. So I'm getting my agents to think outside the box, do the work, pull up right, do the research, and then we're helping them I've put them together I Want to interpret super Advanced for someone? maybe how they heard that.
So you're saying there's opportunity everywhere and let's I'll take an easy example. You go into your MLS if it's if it can be done in your MLS depending on like if you're in Canada many of them have remind right? Well, I use Canada as an example like in Canada you can't necessarily Market to an expired listing, but using just expires. As an example, most expirates that the phone number is removed right. So the person that goes the extra mile to find the phone number is an infinitely better opportunity than the person that makes no phone call or just sends that personal letter.

Let's say they don't have any leads, they don't have any Google they but they can do expireds or they can do open houses I want I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna keep pressing you two to say help me get 12 listings you can look for a certain property right? Whatever. Whatever it is that you're trying to to sell alcohol houses in Hoboken that look old yes and say hey, just checking in I'm selling the house whatever two doors down and I wanted to know like what are you doing I know you've lived there a long time yeah click and then I call them again I'm like hi, it's still your realtor and I like that eventually those people like you yes, you know I mean as ridiculous as it is if you get your first, your first I don't know, two seconds down you just have to make them like you and then they like talking to you and then you you know and I take very good notes and I think that that's you know that's the secret sauce and then when you call them again remembering oh your sister Olivia right You know she doesn't want to move out of that house because she lived there for 90 years right? However, right things are good. She might want to go to fly and I keep over right? And that's like starting from nowhere I got no relationship with this person right? and I like there it wasn't like I had any contact. he didn't come to my open house like I when I started got the tax records I think and I called cold.

Call people for no reason whatsoever, right? Like around town just just to have a conversation I have people hey, jailbegs, banana real estate I'm like hauling just see I know you own, blah blah blah blah. How's it going? Everyone hangs up on you. No. and who cares when they hang up on you, you don't know them Anyway, that's right.

Okay, that's interesting because you know you talk about the beginning of your career and here we are doing. she's doing the same thing at this this stage of your career. and last year you guys sold 400 houses and and I think that's an important distinction for the person listening. that uh, what makes people extraordinary is they do things like this.
That's right, they have no short-term memory. They have been a short-term memory. They get up every day, right? Well, But you know, and if you're making millions and millions and millions of dollars and you're doing something that you genuinely care about and love, then yeah, I'm I'm okay with the like. falling in love with the Monday I agree.

Okay, I think part of it's like you, you've got to want it. First of all, yeah, um I I wanted to win like you Oh yeah, I always wanted to win. but if looking back at where I went from 12 to 24 I focused on different lead pillars so I never was one that just did something I did four or five different lead pillars and I learned everything I could about the lead pillars and that's where I would dig in. That's like important Yeah, right? when you ask Dan and I to speak about something, we go in a huddle and we're like, well, we're mediocre.

We just do everything. Yeah, and it's not true. We're just literally ticking it off that we kind of yeah, you've got to be because not ever. You're not going to be good at everything.

right? Consistency, right? And so you pick those four or five things, you go all in on those four or five things and you go all in for for a very long time and hit it hard and consistent and learn everything you can. What do you want your team saying right now to your past clients and centers of influence to find out? Are they a potential hand? Raiser Good question. I Think right now what we we are 58 of turning our SOI and past clients into business, right? We have a really strong following with that, So for us, a lot of it is just calling to see how we can be a resource to whatever stage they're at. A resource for finding vendors, A resource for a tax person, a resource for a school, whatever it may be.

It's more of the just touch to make sure that they are nowhere here, nowhere ready and know that we're knowledgeable about the market. I Love that everybody can make those phone calls I Also call like just regularly but at the end I'm always giving them a tiny bit of they'll ask me if I ever spoke about how's the market or whatever. Yeah, but you know if there's no inventory, it's super easy, right? If you're thinking about selling, there's no inventory right now, you would have a big bidding war. Obviously, if you have nowhere to go, we'll table that and talk about it when I call you next quarter.

Yes, yeah, you know I mean okay, you just mentioned something quarter how often? Um, big shout out to Jack Baton who's now retired from Real Estate even though he does a bunch of Investments And then he just races cars, right? Because for at least the 11 years that Jack and I worked together in Santa Monica California Every single person in his database got a phone call every 90 days. Hey, Jack Baton checking in, it's been 90 days Jamie how are you and and whatever? it was a thematic. Just want to find out. did you guys see what happened in the neighborhood? because it was all kind of in this sort of Santa Monica Marketplace which is a big city but like he took it on like the whole thing was his Geographic farm and this was people who met at open houses.
Zillow leads that he may have bought, you know, 40 years ago or whatever. Like it didn't matter. Every single person was in Jack sphere whether they met about an open house and he met them one time or they had bought 10 houses from him, everybody got the call. A lot of people if you call it, how many how many real estate agents you know that retire I What? How do most real estate agents retire I have a listing I'd like to yeah and then they everybody's like oh my god get her leads right like it's it's this weird, like most people don't retire from this industry.

He was able to retire because he did that repetition every 90 days. He had a database yeah he said attack, he built a database and he set a task. He added everybody and he wasn't a secret agent and notes on every single person, every conversation because whoever has the greatest memory Jamie When we were talking last you had mentioned, did you guys get that done you would ask me about a handyman I think I referred you to you know to my buddy Randy Did just those little things make people you are the like you're caring about them. They are the only person that matters I Met an agent today actually that does 1500 deals and he has a person that does just that on a daily basis.

Eight hours a day just goes through their database and he says he does not pay for any leads. It is strictly that right which I thought was mind-blowing which is amazing I know oh I got one for you so ready. shout out to Lisa Munoz right from down in Austin so so she says talk I Just did a podcast we're just going to come out I think next week So sweetheart Lisa love you She literally says okay so here's what I did I got like five licensed people on my team but I'm the only agent but everybody can go out and show property and do all the things you got to do. but I'm I'm the only agent so that's her model right now, right? And she's scaling up.

Um, she has 1200 people in her database. 900 of them are past clients. Wow! Everybody gets contacted by a new role that she added in the last 12 months. The job description is Care Bear remember the Care Bears right? Yeah, Splash you with my heart of whatever who we do cartoon character and Care Bear all she does is just reach out to every hey Jill just checking in.

how's it going? what? and just looking in the notes having conversations. They had 170 inbound referrals last year and close like 97 of them. Yeah, like that's kind of an ass now. She is like you.
She is a veteran so maybe the new person listening is like how do I start that? Well, you take the 28 people in your phone and you don't call them every 90 days and say who do you know that wants to buy and sell real estate The other thing is is when I started just I joined things well I made my kids go to four different schools just so I could have a bigger like a bigger a bigger sphere I love it. Yes, yes like and that was. was that intentional yes and I even moved them. No, we're done with that school I've sold everyone I bought a house in the next town so I could send them and get that school.

Yeah so that you put your mother over there but you lived over here I know how you run yeah like I think that and then with my team I made them join different things I think that's a simple tactic Now now there is a you join something if you show up and you're that guy or that gal I was like here in my car and Nightmare primer oh no no I mean like yeah I think people Miss just the subtle art of Hi how are you? How did you get to be a part of this group? What do you do for a living? Tell me more about that. That's right. oh my God that's hey, have you met Jill yet? You guys would really get along and being that person which by the way is all scripted, it's all all practice I Do it in every room I go to I No one knows what I do until finally someone says who's that guy that just introduces to everybody Is he the mayor I know it's Tom he lives in the building. oh what's he do right? like yeah he makes connections.

it's like my like a I have a memory and I remember right A lot of people but I love to connect me Jim you got to beat this person and I think if if people can just take a little bit of that and do that in your community amongst your sphere, that's why having parties are fun and social events and being that connector that everybody's like like that guy over there Kurt Kessel is the mayor of his town. everybody knows him I can see that forever and he does the same thing oh my God Courtney you gotta meet this need like and that's a secret. Nobody wants to be sold anything yeah I am that person who if you come to help me I'm an easy sell and I want to buy something I will walk in right? Yep. but if you come in and you chase me I will leave.

Yes so yes the recordings feel the same way. Absolutely I think so yeah that that recording of phone calls even recording yourself. yeah forget recording others recording the other people. No but even listening to your own phone calls, you can see where's the disconnect? Where did I lose that? What did I How could I have done that better and then correct right? Because there is.

If if you're following a transaction the whole way through like and you're having problems with conversion, there's a breakage, right? How many times we have had to find the breakage in the transaction and make that part better? It's about the relationship building though. Like even just the connections between you and I between clients. If you're not making it trying to sell somebody, it's just a genuine connection and it's being able to do it at scale. And again, I'm going to go back to and you said it is.
put them in the CRM take good notes and set up a task every 90 days. If the person listening right now just takes the 97 240 to 83 whatever 5 000 people in their database and they just do that once a quarter, it's just Tom Ferry Favorite Realtor checking in Yeah, how's it going Jill Did you see the sale that just happened down the street Jamie Did you find out about I Just wanted to make sure. Hey, congrats your home value. Probably just went up based on that last transaction.

I Mean my goodness, you know I Said this to an audience recently I Said my dentist calls me every six months and I I think it's because she wants a new Porsche right? She's like, hey, it's time for me to get in here like She's gone. You need a cleaning? You need this. You need that right? But every six months my dentist calls me and says come get a check in. My financial planner calls me every month not to make an offer or tell me to buy something but he's like how are you and Captain what's going on and every now and then I'm like, well Keith like is there anything that we should be? Oh well, you know there is something that came across my desk and and this guy manages like I'm a peon in his world but there is just something to the repetitive.

How else do we build relationships? We have to stay top of mind right? And I think we've all forget that. It happens like it doesn't matter. I've had people list with other. It kills me.

Yeah, Oh you know I think part of it scaling it too, right? Like when you're starting out, you don't have a lot of people. you should be making the call and then when you get to a point where you have a huge database then you just scale that up right with this client Care Care bear or whatever. Isas you know, a Clank a client care team right? A client care team could be the the most interesting thing for people like us to look at and say what if I just had a group like Lindsay on my team does this for like for a lot of our clients. She's just she's reaching out.

how's it going? You get set for combo yet like what are you doing like having someone on your and that may sound crazy for the person listening like I'm still trying to get to the 12 listings or 24 listings but I think it's the it's the approach of making every single person feel super special and then doing it at scale. Yep, right and they build up to it and then 10 become 100 become 500, become a thousand and then of course you got to add an ad and add to to support that. but that's what we're talking about. Yeah, all right.
Closing thoughts: 500 listings, 600 listings I Think there should be. You know we'll be. You know, because we were on our way up here trying to break down the training process like what? what are the holes and and you know we both have great transaction management and lists and all of that, right? The training right? Yeah, list on your behalf and and later we're not ending the podcast. Let's talk about that.

So what did you come up with? What do they have to do? So that's where it's very hard because we're we're both controlling I didn't hit you I held back I know you were ready but I have a lot of trouble with that right? You asked me where the listings came from and I I Gotta get over myself, right? it's not that easy to transfer skills, but breaking everything down and now I've made Partnerships with my agents so that if somebody is an area specialist, right, they're going and they're taking a junior agent, right? and we're okay teaming. Yeah, they have a better shot at, you know it. I Think what to add to that? What's been helpful for us at least is that we're sharing stuff and so, um, I think we're a lot of alike in a lot of ways and different in a lot of ways. But so we're both sharing all of our information back and forth.

So I think you should mention, right? Yeah, the biggest thing? we're those those people that we're exposed to here, right? You don't? We don't get to meet people like that like I'm a lunatic in my own world. so working all the time I don't necessarily short of going out and being nice to people I don't really have conversations like this. How to list 1200 homes a year? No, but we're as a as a group a bunch of us will send each other what's working? Yeah, right. Like Stephanie didn't have that nice mailing and that we didn't do it and it's not being launched now and that she's not launching hers in two weeks and there were not exchanging this because all of these things cost a lot of money, but they don't necessarily have to be done over like we can copy each other.

It's a wonderful thing and then and then get the Sops together. So we're talking about our Sops and making sure what's worked, what's not working. So yeah, it's so interesting to add a client who said I did that same exact mailer that we talked about at the summit the QR code. Curious about the value problem and then what we came up with last night in The Mastermind I Think there's going to be some new variations to to get a lot of hand raisers? Well Steph's got 500 people that raised their hand and filled out a full form fill out that are curious about the value of their home I mean that's bananas and that a client say to me recently I did that mail I said it's 10 000 people I didn't get any listings and I was like oh well, where did the leads go yeah I sent him directly to Homebot I was like oh that's just a mind yes it's the so it's not Homebot.
You want him to fill out a form, you get the form you're now reaching out. You made him sign up for a system that they didn't want. they just want to know the value of their home. That's right.

And like just like the the subtle difference between what looked like a good idea that he didn't get to bounce it off a couple other people that have already done right and had the experience I said ooh, don't do that No, no just having fill out a basic landing page, get their name and information and then you will immediately send them a video afterwards that says hey, thank you so much or what you know, whatever the process is and now he if he's listening right now, he knows exactly what I'm talking about. He's like, yeah, it wasn't the mailer, the mailer worked, but the system behind it that's exactly running that place. But you don't know what, you don't know what, you don't know until you spend that money. And it is so nice when you have people that will share so that you can learn from their mistakes, get a leg up and hopefully not burn money.

Yes, right, Yes, yes, it's been. It's been very helpful. Yeah, if you're anything about me, you do not like to lose money. Yeah, no, yes or waste money.

Okay so we gotta end the show. Ladies, if they've got a question, cell phone, email, how do they reach you that someone is going to go I'm really resonating with I'm really resonant I Wanna I wanna understand more? where do they reach you Uh DM Instagram probably be the best at Jane at the Jamie McMartin group The the Jamie and Jamie is J-a-m-i-e yes I think y'all spell it wrong sometimes I'm sorry, it's okay, it's okay. but the Jamie McMartin group I don't spell it wrong. So for me, it's 973-495-6038 That's my, uh, my cell.

it'll if you shoot me a text, it zaps over to my other self. But we'll definitely get it. and um, hey, I got a question Jill How do I what? I learned or like. both of our names are everywhere.

If you send me a message, somebody will answer you and connect you so that I we're happy to help, right? Yeah! I Love it I Appreciate you both. Let's go have some fun. I think there's an event happening downstairs we should all participate in. Thank you for jumping in and listening! Um.

I've been probably in this set multiple times now. Uh, we've been together in Las Vegas with about 2 800 of our friends from around the world just just having these conversations. about more conversations, more appointments, doing the things give us the power put inside the checklist. follow-up follow-up follow-up and you know what? The stuff isn't basic.

this is Advanced because if it was basic, everybody would do it. And since nobody is doing it at scale except for these wonderful people, it's Advanced So choose to be a dance. Thanks for watching.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “Top agents show you how to get more listings”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars San Diego Real Estate Agent | Alex Saavedra says:

    What is the correct way to use home value landing page & mailer? I use Homebot & got zero responses.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Staci Bell says:

    Thank you ladies! Y’all are amazing 🎉

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 👉 BUY YOUTUBE VIEWS 👉 Link in Bio says:

    great video, best of luck!❤️

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