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Got some updates regarding Tesla and it's worth talking about because even in the face of the banking crisis said yes, Tesla stock has fallen under 200 per share. It bounced off about that 175 level intraday. We briefly went under 175 just a few days ago and it kind of been staying above it, which is really good because that's an important retracement level. And what is some of the news regarding the latest at Tesla Well, of course a first big Financial Times article this morning talking about Elon Musk's costs cutting measures and how in the long term these uh, while in the short term are are creating a lot of drama and fear in the long term will help get Twitter the profitability hopefully as soon as Q2 or Q3 of this year which is fantastic.

Well that's exactly what Tesla Shareholders want to hear because we know that Tesla stock is Elon Musk's piggy Bank. In other news, Tesla applied to expand the gigafactory. Berlin They're now claiming that they can do so without actually increasing the necessary water usage. That's actually a big deal.

They're trying to get to a million vehicles per year at this facility, but they've been running into a lot of application delays due to essentially individuals in the neighborhood and and politicians restricting Uh permitting due to concerns over water consumption specifically environmental groups. A Tesla Jacob Berlin has a goal of about 5k cars per week. Production started late 2021. company manufactures the Y and three there.

And good news, the model Y just actually became the best-selling vehicle in Europe outpacing other vehicles by the tune of somewhere around 40 percent, which was pretty incredible bottle Y in my opinion, is actually probably the most desirable out of the Tesla vehicles. I Do think you a little bit overpay for the Snx, which I own both the Snx, so I'm kind of shooting myself on the foot by saying that. and I think the Model 3 is so close in price to the Model Y and that uh, unless there's a specific reason to get the three, I think the Y is a great deal. a Volkswagen did just announce an Id2 a 25 000 Mass market car and a smaller battery two-door sedan I'll actually show you some pictures of it Elon Musk replied in a tweet and wrote uh, pretty good uh in response to Volkswagen announcing this vehicle now, uh, the joke about that is the vehicle won't actually be available until 2025.

it claims front wheel drive 25 000 price to go on sale in 2025.. the vehicle looks like this. You could see this on screen here to see what the vehicle looks like. This is the Id2.

Four pictures here shows uh, very very Tesla-esque interior with that center console forward console. uh again, this is the Volkswagen against newly announced Id2. This is not actually expected to go on sale until 2025, which again, that makes you wonder like really, that's uh, it's gonna be a while if it starts. If it starts going on sale at 2025, that means probably not actually producing until 2026.
And the reality is a lot of the Legacy Autos uh have have really cool Visions for concept cars, but it takes them absolutely forever to actually deliver I Doubt Volkswagen is actually going to uh, you know I Here's here's how about this: Let's Make A Deal Somebody will have to remind me remind me in 2025 if Volkswagen actually delivers this vehicle for under 25 000 dollars MSRP We'll say not going to include taxes in 2025 I will buy 100 of Volkswagen stock that that would be impressive I Just don't believe it. uh Elon Musk has also along with Tesla I've also now opened the the first V4 superchargers. Now if you thought the previous V3 superchar, oh, there we go. If you thought the previous V3 superchargers were fast, these V4 superchargers are about 40 faster.

350 kilowatts of power versus 250. Absolutely incredible. They're also now rumors. well, potentially not rumors.

this is actually something circulating on Twitter Apparently Cadillac has reportedly been trying to poach Tesla owners in China offering them substantial discounts on the Cadillac lyric and they're doing this by Tesla Chargers They're also sending text messages uh to Tesla owners from Cadillac Here for example are some photos. This is a Tesla supercharging station. You see the caddy on the left side there, uh branded Cadillac There it is the Cadillac lyric. Here's video.

let's see here. Somebody driving by. Yeah. test drive the caddy by the Tesla Superchargers.

Uh, shout out to this person by the way: Jay in Shanghai who posted this content uh, he calls this Shameless cult calling by Cadillac I mean honestly I can't I can't really blame them I think it's kind of funny. Actually, it it just like the Pr of Cadillac trying to convince Tesla owners at the Tesla Superchargers in my opinion, is priceless like it's it's hilarious Tesla PR It's actually fantastic. It's like if somebody really wants to leave Tesla and go buy another car, go for it. But they'll be back anyway.

uh Elon Musk Also said uh at uh an investor conference hosted by Morgan Stanley Uh, again and this is sort of reitering. We cover covered this last week as well, but again on Twitter They're planning on cutting their non-dead expenditures down to 1.5 billion and hoping they could be cash flow positive by the second or third quarter. Talked about that already. Sorry for repeating that.

uh the uh, let's see here. the Elon Musk also has just predicted that there will be a Tesla Monopoly in the electric vehicle Market but that that's actually not his hope because the reason he likes to open up his IP like patents to other and Technology to other automakers is to actually help promote the push towards sustainable energy now. I I Can't I struggle to determine whether or not that's Noble for like you know the cause for green energy or if that's anti-competitiveness and anti-capitalism Maybe it's the perfect blend of both. It's like hey, we're kicking everybody's butt so much here as Charity How about we just give you our IP But the reality too, is the more people transition to EV, the larger the pie of the EV Market goes.
And so maybe that ends up circling back and being beneficial to Tesla Anyway, whether that's in selling Tesla solar panels selling batteries, maybe to other car manufacturers selling Drive trains, seller, car manufacturers. Heck, maybe it's licensing the FSD to other car manufacturers, right? So maybe that's the end game. Maybe that's the jaded capitalistic point of view. Is that Sure, we'll give you our IP.

By the way, when you can't figure it out, we'll sell you our drivetrains, We'll license you our FSD and we'll make lots of money off of you. Sure, people can drive their Volkswagen built by Tesla An interesting idea. A lot of reports circulating on how great the Mexico Gigafactory will be for Tesla it's not being called a genius move a bike, a Bloomberg a journalist, and uh, a combined Business Insider report thanks to Mexico's not only lower labor costs, but also its proximity to the United States. Remember, your average hourly wage in Mexico is about 3.50 That's led to a lot of criticism that Elon Musk is basically using slave labor because when you compare to minimum wages in California or Texas you're closer to 15 to 20 dollars.

and uh, and such comparisons you might think oh dear, that does seem very, very cheap. Is that fair to those folks? And the reality is, it actually puts upward price pressure on those wages. It gives Mexican workers in that Northeastern region of Mexico pricing power for their wages potentially enables them to actually make more money and raise their standards of living. That is, after all, the nature of capitalism.

The capitalist saves money, but everybody else also wins. So it's It's a win-win situation, that's at least they great. Uh, Yougov also now conducted a survey about the impact of tests of of Elon Musk's Twitter activity on Tesla's reputation. Now originally we have always been thinking that the more Elon tweets, the more he pisses off uh, like either woke people or not.

not Necessarily a bad thing. It's not meant to be a slam, uh, or or liberals or whatever people, whatever right That has regularly been an argument. Well, for what it's worth, Ugov put together a survey and they say that while Musk's tweets can generate attention and controversy, they do not seem to have an overall negative impact on Tesla's overall image. The automaker remains popular amongst consumers, and Musk's social media presence continues to be a major driver of publicity for the company.

Well, there's your PR department that's kind of interesting. I Mean it's a good idea, you know I mean we've always made this this argument that yes, it pisses people off, but are they eventually really not going to come by a Tesla Well, probably not eventually, they'll probably still buy a Tesla. But then again, I think also the people who are the loudest screaming well, I refuse to buy a Tesla Uh, because you know Elon is too aggressive or you know I didn't like he said promote fauci or uh, prosecute fouchy or whatever I Think that those folks would have never bought a Tesla in the first place. which I think is quite interesting because there are a lot of people who will never buy a Tesla and they just continue to seek more excuses as to why they won't buy a Tesla and this just happens to be another one on the list.
So maybe that Yougov survey is actually right I Think that's actually quite interesting. Tesla has also now introduced new features called charge on for power wall owners, allowing them to make better use of the excess energy from their solar panels. So basically here's the Scoop Okay, let me give you the bottom line on how this works. So if you have oh dear, if you have solar panels on your house and you're burning I don't know, five kilowatts an hour at your house, Maybe that's a little low.

Yeah, that's probably. Let's say you're burning 20 kilowatts an hour and your solar panels are generating 30 kilowatts an hour. Well, now you're using 20 from your solar panels, but you have an Xs10 and so what you do is you roll the meter backwards. The problem is, even though you might be saving energy at a cost of 30 cents a kilowatt hour, especially during the middle of the day when air conditioning is expensive and the time of use rates are up, When you roll it back, you're usually only getting like one cent.

Like the the utility companies do not want to give people large rebates anymore for having these solar panels not like they used to. Don't get me wrong, they still do. You get clean Energy credits, You get all these uh State mandated credits and stuff, but the utility companies don't want to pay you that much for Rolling the meter back. So this charge on for Power wall owners is actually very interesting because what it does is it's a feature that gives Power Wall owners which remember you can now buy a power wall itself without the solar panel system from Tesla The powerwall feature gives owners the option to charge their electric vehicles when their home battery reaches full capacity and solar energy production is still ongoing.

This solution not only maximizes energy usage usage, but potentially lowers electrical electricity costs by reducing the need for the grid to power your car during Peak or Peak periods. It's actually brilliant. I Think that's a it sounds like a small feature, but It's actually very, very smart. It's like hey, charge my car.

What? Otherwise I would be rolling the meter back like top my car off when otherwise I'd be rolling the meter back because that will save you generally more money than rolling the meter back. Rolling the meter back, by the way is also like an old school phrase to the disk meters that actually would spin. We generally don't use those anymore. They're electronic now so you just kind of get like a backwards Arrow Anyway, uh okay, so this.
uh, let's see here. the next thing is. uh Tesla on March 14th won a lawsuit against a famous car reviewer and Tick Tock celebrity known as Boss Kai for damaging Tesla's reputation. Now there's there's more to this than me just talking about some random tick tocker.

Okay I want to give you what I think this actually means which is very important. Uh and and yeah, in June of 2022 Tesla sued Boss Kai for infringing on their good name by spreading false rumors through a video posted on his channel and demanded on the Chinese version of Tick Tock and Tesla demanded 720 000 in compensation. in October The court found the video's content was fabricated. Well now the person has been sentenced to pay one hundred thousand yawn.

Uh, Yuan It's just it. Uh, it's the Chinese Renminby uh. which divided by six. What is that? That's like like fourteen thousand dollars.

It's somewhere around fourteen thousand dollars. I'm pretty sure. Uh, but anyway. Uh, order to compensate that and post an apology on his social media pages and leave them there for at least 90 days.

Yeah, it's 14 500? Yeah, uh. Anyway, here's what I think this actually means and I think it's actually a big deal for Tesla and China Uh, First, it means that you should check out the programs on building your wealth Link down below because we've got that expiring St Patty's Day week coupon code and the price will be going up again. Remember, Get lifetime Access course member live streams, ask questions. Uh, join in the fundamental analysis we do every day.

I Try to do fundamental analysis every single day to keep me sharp. It's a perfect way to do it together with y'all answering your questions. Fundy analysis Real estate analysis. When when people post deals that they have, it's great.

Check that out. Link down below. No. The actual implications here, in my opinion, are this is this is in my opinion, at least some evidence that China is actually really proud of.

Tesla and they are willing to dare I say let the normal systems flow rather than potentially rig the court system. anti-tesla which is kind of what you get a little bit in California Now I know I'm being opinionated here. Okay, the regaining of in California courts I feel that way because I've been in them. especially when I ran for governor in California.

Uh and uh, they're extremely biased in favor of the governor because eventually those judges want a federal appointment went in. If a California governor becomes President, it's it's all just a hierarchy chain of rigging. Anyway, if there's any place that I would expect that happens the most outside of California, it's in China And the fact that Tesla China is is winning not only this lawsuit, but also in another one against Uh, the Uh, Byd store that was defaming Tesla Uh, and also the publication of information that the Uh protesters who were complaining that Tesla's brakes failed that no evidence has come out to that That claim, like the China is actively spreading this sort of positive news about about Tesla China. In my opinion, it's actually a sign that China is actually very proud of Tesla China and they realize that companies like Foxconn with Apple and other companies are starting to go to India and Taiwan and and China is losing that edge to attract Manufacturing And that's bad for their gross domestic product.
Remember, the consumer in China only represents about one-third of their economy. Uh, that that means foreign manufacturing is actually very, very important as a percentage of GDP next to housing. Uh. and so I think that uh China actually has a bias towards encouraging Uh Tesla's developments and Tesla's success.

Uh, even in competition with Byd. But I believe that because I think Tesla is their poster child of an American company that can get things done quickly, efficiently and have large margins by operating in China it is the best made in China ad in my opinion you could think of it's one of the best I'm sure there are others, but I think it's a fantastic I mean maybe next to like Apple, right? because the Apple iPhone you know, manufactured or assembled in China that I think that's fantastic. those are ads to go to China So I think this is this is actually very good. So uh, at the same time we have uh, apparently this feud between California and Uh Tesla which is not surprising at all.

Apparently, Tesla was on the verge of receiving around four or five million. No, actually it was only 1.6 oh, 1.6 per project. Okay, Tesla was going to receive a few million dollars to build four large supercharger projects it was going to Total about 420 stalls of course. Anyway, Drive Tesla has learned Tesla has informed California that they're no longer wanting California's money.

In a letter, Tesla's lead explained that the program was unnecessarily cumbersome because the program, led by the California Clean Energy Commission required multiple point-of-sale methods, including the opportunity to physically swipe your credit and debit cards in addition to the mobile app payment options that are offered by Tesla. Now, Well, Tesla's like, look, we're not putting terminals on all of our superchargers. We don't do that We use an app. That's it.

And so Tesla's like, yeah, no, you guys aren't worth it bye he was just another example of bureaucrats in California making things harder than they actually ought to be. But then again, that's uh, that's California for you. Uh, visions that uh, that that sound good, but in practice are quite ridiculous. It's California for you though.
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27 thoughts on “Tesla stock”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    if he hadn't opened the I.P. he would be d3ad by now! Some "accident" for sure!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Visit👉WWW.DOUBLEXRP.COM👈Official Giveaway! says:

    This website is a lifetime opportunity!!!👆🎁

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Williams says:

    Minimum wage here in Oklahoma $7.25 soooo there’s that 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoked Tesla says:

    Love when right wingers bash CA…funny how it still has the most people who love their after getting pay raises that allow them to live in nicer area…funny how all the top companies on earth still start in CA…funny how CA doesn’t pay a slave wage like Texas and Florida…funny how you can have any store provide woman with brith control on CA but not right wing states. Funny how you love to bash CA when it’s still ranked the top state to live in, has the only tropical claimant in the country and if the only reason you have any money. Try doing what you do in Texas…you wont make any money selling cheap homes to poor people all while being surrounded by bigoted low life rasist

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoked Tesla says:

    Anyone who thinks Elon is ruining Tesla is a moron. We had 10 teslas on our street 6 months ago. It’s not 6 as 4 have traded in for other cars and yes they say it is due to Elon and him becoming a dictator far right cult leader. All have canceled cyber truck orders as well. All 5 household

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Jamil says:

    How tf are you a financial advisor? License FSD? Lmao youre dumber than I thought

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TJ says:

    People complain about lower labor in Mexico. But they don't complain about lower labor in China. Funny.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tsudagenam says:

    He knows nothing, he is not responsible and its all your fault if you lose. If so then why even watch this guy. he is just milking

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moore Smith says:

    Great video as always, congrats on reaching massive Subs and I thank you for breaking it down once again!! Despite the economic recession, I'm so happy 😊I have been earning $60,000 returns from my $8,000 investment on short period.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khoi Nguyen says:

    X Plaid is pretty good priced at the moment too 😅

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Okane says:

    I'd love to know how many litres of water a car consumes being built.
    Then maybe compare to other OEMs.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sašo Muc says:

    i dont know but it's electric… you cud make so much more with id2

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Param Singh says:

    Tesla going to 70-75 dollars

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nocare says:

    Tesla set the bar really high on EV's. They need to do a lot to deliver good competitive products. However, tesla is seeming way to idle with its dominance.

    Honestly though, dropping 100k in VW right now would probably work out. They will all evolve and grow to electric, among others.

    Tesla is the iphone of cars. I own an android. Tesla right now is simply allowing the creation of android. You can say they have won when they are dominating the 5-15k market, imo.
    Right now you can only afford a tesla responsibly if you are already upper middle class. Thus, after all this time I have not met a single Tesla owner in person.

    I think Tesla could stay enough steps ahead to remain on top. We shall see if they drop the ball or not. I think china sees Tesla as an opportunity like Apple. They would be crazy stupid to be blocking that. They could even potentially sweeten the deal enough for usa to lose tesla, etc.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S Sing says:

    Doesn’t matter if they even produce a car. It’s what margins they will make which is 2% margins 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars treehouse and diy says:

    I used 12 kW yesterday and that still costs me a fortune lol but I'm from the UK 🇬🇧 and energy is really expensive atm

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smurf_R says:

    Kevin, Lucid was doing the same thing at The Promenade in Westlake Village just a few months ago.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul danne Lachica says:

    Tesla is elon musk piggy bank to keep twitter a floating. Sell it guys the value of the stocks will never grow

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ml219 says:

    Think this happened before, isnt this a classic MSFT Bill Gates move? In the 90s, 2000s, put Windows everywhere, buy new computers/internet connection to all libraries in the US, not make much fuss in China, where at that time approx 80%+ were using pirated Windows copies, even though MSFT has some of the biggest/toughest anti-piracy task groups around the world. Just to grow market for Explorer and Office and other MSFT products.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle says:

    Just like the Cybertruck that was supposed to be out already

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Read says:

    Just think if Kevin would of bought a good dividend fund like SCHD instead of all the millions in Tesla, he’d be getting huge ass dividends every quarter 😂

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RicOma says:

    Now, Let's convince China to leave Taiwan alone.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jon Hunt says:

    Kev you sound tired and look tired .if I didn't know better $ir .

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Volkman says:

    I thought you were going to be the only one to sponsor your videos from now on, yet you promote webull 🤔

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monalisa says:

    Living in Mexico is 10 x cheaper. 3.50 / hr is good pay. I live in Mex part time

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Winter says:

    Cheap shot at VW, cause Tesla always sticks to its release dates! Suspect VW will be closer to release time and price than Telsa will ever be lol, nothing against Tesla but that comment was a bit cheap

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gloria Cabrera says:

    Wow 3-6 videos a day? Insane!!

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