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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

I've got my jacket on. We're gonna take this show on the road today. I'm gonna try to answer the question in this episode of why Most Aspiring Traders Do Not find success. This is a pretty big topic I Think in some ways you could summarize it by working smarter, not harder, which is what most successful Traders do and would of course beginner and exp inexperienced Traders might not be able to do, but there's a lot more to it than just that simple phrase I Think that what we've got going on here is an issue where without making a choice beginner Traders end up taking the harder path of learning how to trade like anything else.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that trading is easy because of course it's not. and I'm not going to tell you that my results of making over 12 million dollars is typical because those results are not typical. But when you're approaching anything that's hard to do, naturally, there's going to be different ways to approach it and some of those ways to approach it will be more difficult than others. And I think this here is the sort of secret: most beginner and intermediate Traders Most aspiring Traders actually choose the hardest path possible for learning how to trade, but they don't do it as an actual choice.

In fact, it's an absence of a choice. They just approach it the way they think it makes sense. But if 90 plus of people don't find success, then The Logical way that most people think makes sense actually is dead wrong. So now what we have to do is we have to look at the few people who have found success and we have to try to reverse engineer.

What if they figured out that's working so well and how can we? what can we do? What lessons can we draw from that? So I am here today to share with you the lessons that I think have been key to my success. that I hope you can learn from and I want to talk a little bit more about some of the common traits that I see among beginner traders that I think is a recipe for disaster and I think almost pre-determines them for failure. So whether you are a beginner, Trader an intermediate Trader or even an advanced Trader This episode is going to break down some of the most important things that you should be thinking about in your journey from beginner to in to getting to intermediate and from intermediate to getting to advance and from Advanced to Simply excelling as a Trader And like I said, we're taking the show on the road. so buckle up! This is a big episode.

We've got a lot of stuff that we're going to cover today. This is, uh, an episode I'm recording here in late winter in New England So you can see we've got some snow on the ground and uh, this is the this is not the snow that's usually associated with Wall Street Uh, but you know I'm not really the type of guy that's probably usually associated with Wall Street either. I grew up in New England and I I sort of. I I'm going to give you a little of this back story because I have always kind of approached things from this perspective of working smarter, not harder.
and I'm actually doing I've got a little project going on right here. Uh, in this time of year is when the sap is running and so I've got my wood pile there and I've got my evaporator here and these are buckets of sap that I collect from the maple trees and I'm actually going to boil this down and make maple syrup which I I enjoy doing. It's kind of a backyard hobby. It's a fun thing to do, but let me give you this example of working smarter, not harder.

Hold on, let me set up my camera and then I'll show you so much like day trading, there's a lot of different ways that you can make maple syrup and the way most people are going to approach it is actually going to make it more difficult. It's going to take a lot longer than it needs to take. so I'm going to give you this as a little bit of a case study and I'm going to show you how it applies to trading. So with making maple syrup, I collect the sap, the sap from the tree and the sap comes out at about 1.5 to 2 percent sugar content.

Which means if I collect 100 gallons of sap, that'll produce about 1.5 to 2 gallons of maple syrup. So over the last week or so I've collected over 300 gallons of sap. Which is great because I can make hopefully five six gallons of syrup. But now I've got a boil and evaporate all of that water off to condense down to the sugar.

and that's where this thing comes in. And so what a lot of people will do is they'll set up a pan over a fire and they'll cook. and they'll just let it boil oil and boil and boil. and boil.

So a pan like this is going to evaporate at a rate of maybe five gallon. Maybe five, five to seven gallons an hour. And that's if I'm keeping it really loaded up and probably put a fan on it to like, really get it going. So realistically, maybe it's doing four.

Only five gallons an hour. So five gallons an hour of evaporation. So that means it's got to run for 10 hours just to get through 50 gallons. All right.

So 10 hours is 50 gallons. 20 hours is 100 gallons. All right. So now I've got to go 60 hours of this thing running to get through 300 gallons.

And here's the thing with collecting sap. It doesn't stay good for long. You have to boil it down really quickly. so if you get 300 gallons of sap in three days, well, three days is only 36 hours.

I'm going to be way behind and so I had to ask myself a question. What are the professionals doing? What are the people who are actually doing this for a living who are actually making maple syrup and making money? What are they doing? Should I just get a bigger pan? Do I Just need to build a bigger fire. That's not the answer. Let me show you what the answer is.

The answer is Reverse Osmosis Now I Wouldn't have guessed it either, but in fact, that's what the big maple syrup producers are using. and they can invest hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars in this really fancy equipment to help them produce syrup more efficiently. So I looked up how much is a reverse osmosis system? They start at 5 000 bucks and they go all the way up well over a hundred thousand dollars now. I Could have said well forget reverse osmosis I'm not a big pretty I'm not producing at the level and so I'm just gonna disregard it.
That right. There is a trait that will lead you to failure: disregarding what a successful person in that space is doing just because they're bigger and you think you can't afford it or it doesn't apply to you, that's a mistake. So let's bring this back to trading. So with trading, as you probably know right now, I'm trading with a larger account I have a six-figure account and so I could buy 10 000 shares of a stock and if I make 12 cents I'm up 1200 bucks and you might say Ross that's awesome.

but I'm only trading with a three thousand dollar account. If I make 12 cents on 200 shares I'm up 24 bucks. It's nothing so for me to make 200 a day I have to with those 200 shares, get a full dollar or share out of the market and that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to get a dollar a share out of the market and if you are approaching trading from that mentality, what you're doing is you're disregarding what the successful profitable Traders are doing.

You're throwing it out the window. You're saying oh, that doesn't apply to me because I have a small account and that is exactly wrong and that is going to lead you to failure. It's wrong, What you want to do and this is I Believe this with 100 of my heart. What you want to do is you want to look at what those successful Traders are doing and you want to try to replicate it on a smaller scale.

And now I'm not trying to tell you to blindly follow me or anyone else. You should not do that, but you should learn the strategy and apply it on a micro scale And that's exactly what I did here with reverse osmosis. I said I can't buy a five ten thousand dollar Reverse Osmosis System for this little small backyard hobby I've got. but I can take the concepts and I can apply them and I can actually do this myself.

And so what I've done is I've built a mini backyard Homestead Reverse Osmosis System In this system, what it does is it actually decreases my boiling Time by about 75, which is staggering. So from having to boil for 60 hours, right? Remember before I had to do 60 hours to get through those 300 gallons of sap. Now I can get through that same amount of sap in 15 hours. Less than 20, for sure.

50 at 12 15 hours. That is awesome. That saves me firewood. That saves me having to get up in the middle of the night to feed the fire.

That's a win-win and that's a lesson of learning what someone who's really successful is doing and applying it on a micro scale. You probably wouldn't have thought there'd be so many comparisons between making maple syrup and becoming a Trader Well, it doesn't stop there. Both the backyard hobby maple syrup producer and the aspiring Trader need a period of proof of concept to figure out whether or not your micro scaled down version of what the professionals are doing actually works. So remember when I said that with 200 shares? Oh, it's not worth it.
I'm only making twenty four dollars on that same 12 cent trade. Okay I Understand that doesn't feel like a lie. and with my kind of backyard system here, you know, collecting five gallon buckets like this, this is a lot of work. This is a lot of manual labor to come and collect all these buckets.

You know what the big guys do is they have all of these trees all tied together and they all feed into one big common bucket that has you know, 500 gallons and they pick that up and they bring that up. But this is proof of concept. I Have to first figure out whether or not my RO system my collection method. These trees, whether or not this system even works before going all in trading is the same way.

You shouldn't go all in putting a huge amount of money in an account, investing in all of the very best or most expensive tools before you get started. In fact, it's not the quality of the tool that makes you know the furniture, it's the Craftsman who does it so only a poor quality Craftsman blames his tools. So if you're out there saying oh, Ross you can afford better tools. Tools are not really what changes the game.

Yeah, of course it's great to have better tools and there's a spectrum of you know, better or worse or you know, excellent but that's that's really that's sort of aside from from the point. The point here is, can you prove proof of concept? And so when we're talking about trading with 200 shares, right? I said 200 shares to 12 cent winner Ross That's only twenty four dollars? That that's not enough money for me to justify Trading Now I understand that it's not, but that is about proof of concept that is about you doing what the successful Traders are doing on your scaled down version. You know I'm only producing a couple of gallons of of syrup on your scaled down version. Maybe you're only producing 20 or 30 on that same trade, but it's about efficiency.

and if that's the strategy that other Traders are using to produce thousands of dollars, then it would be foolish for you to overlook it. And yet, that is exactly what so many beginner Traders do. And that is why they fail. Because essentially what they say is oh, I'm not taking any profit on a trade unless it goes up a dollar a share or two dollars a share.

and they're trading with tiny size. But then what they're trying to do is they're trying to predict huge moves in the underlying stock. Now Season professional Traders Like myself, we recognize how hard that is. We realize that it's a lot easier to pick out small opportunities to capture 10 15, 25, 30 cents a share and to do that with larger size then even for us to trade with smaller size to try to get the full two dollars a share out of the market? You don't see many of us doing that and there's a reason.
So why is it that so many of you guys as beginner, even intermediate Traders are totally overlooking what a seasoned successful Trader is doing? This is where I think you're working harder, not smarter. You're making it so much harder on yourself and you're saying oh well I have to I can't afford to only trade two hours a day I need to spend, you know, six eight hours a day in front of the computer because if there's you know, a one dollar a share move. maybe it's going to take longer to form or it's going to happen later in the day. So then this is another trait of a Trader that's going to lose money is going to fail.

You're not doing what the successful Traders are doing. You are over trading. You're putting way too much time in and that doesn't pay off. traders who lose money ultimately are losing money because they're not doing what profitable Traders are doing I mean I Guess that goes without saying.

if they were doing what profitable Traders were doing, they'd be making money. So where's the disconnect? Well I think the disconnect for some people is very big. They have no idea what profitable Traders are doing. They're just shooting from the hip and there's other people who maybe have a sense of what profitable Traders are doing, but they think that that doesn't work for them.

They're like, well, I'm working a nine to five. so I'm just going to try a day trade on my phone using like a Robinhood app that's probably not going to work so well right? How many six figure seven figure Traders are doing that? Probably none. So you're trying to reinvent the wheel and do something that's kind of like, not possible. Or maybe they're saying there's people out there who are saying well I know what the successful Traders are doing I know what Ross is doing he's you know, taking 15 average winners.

but I have a small account so I'm just gonna try to focus on getting you know a dollar a share out of every trade. Well okay, if you're able to do that with 100 shares then you can scale it up to 10 thousand you're going to become. you know the next. Warren Buffett There's a reason that most successful Traders aren't trying to do that.

It's because it's extremely difficult. So again, you've created a gap between what successful Traders are doing and what you're trying to do. So what? I encourage you to do If you've watched this much of this episode, clearly, you're invested and you're very interested in this topic of why Beginner Traders Lose money Why Traders in general lose money and I want to give you a chance to learn the strategy that I trade. So I put together a link down below that's going to give you a PDF of my small account strategy a PDF of my micro pullback strategy.
Those are the two strategies I trade hand in hand and I have some other resources I put in there a technical analysis guide for beginner Traders There's a few other things and I'm also going to give you a link for I'll email you a link for a two-week trial so you can actually watch over my shoulder for two weeks and see whether or not you like my strategy. Now the fact is, there's a lot of trade. Now this is different from maple syrup with maple syrup. There's probably like, you know, kind of like, one way to really make it and to be super super efficient about it.

Really? I mean maybe there's two ways, but there's really just one way with trading. There are certainly different strategies and so you may find that you learn from me and you say, well. Ross Um, I don't really like your strategy I'm gonna learn from someone else and that's fine. You could learn from whoever you want.

just make sure that you're learning from someone who's actually a profitable Trader Because Red Flag. There are people out there who claim to be profitable, but they don't actually make money trading. They only make money selling classes or doing YouTube videos or things like that. and unfortunately, that's the reality of this industry.

There's a lot of people out there, they're simply lying to you, so make sure whoever you're learning from is actually profitable. Otherwise, all of the time you spend on proof of concept learning their strategy may be completely a waste of time. All right. So just that.

that's a word of caution. but this is what I encourage you guys to do. Those of you who are interested in my strategy, download the links or check out the links, download the PDFs and start practicing the strategy that I trade do a period of proof of concept, see if you can achieve the metrics that justify trading that strategy with real money. And if you're not able to try to figure out what's the disconnect, what am I doing differently from what Ross is doing.

And the good news is, if you're part of the warrior trading, Community you get the support. Along the way, you're not doing this on your own. So if you have questions and you're trying to figure out well, there is a gap here and I'm trying to figure out what it is, you're going to get answers to those questions. Now, if you want to just download my PDF strategy and go through it on your own, you can do that too.

And if it helps you in your trading, that's awesome. So this is a moment right now where you're kind of at a fork in the road. You know the path that a lot of beginner Traders are on. 9 out of ten is for losing money.

It I would encourage you to take a a brief detour off that path to learn a strategy that is proven profitable by someone else. Even if there's no guarantee it'll work for you, spend time learning that strategy out of that path. you may still end up not finding success. You may say this isn't going to work for me, but you will at least have understood better what the Gap is between why you're not successful and why someone else is.
Maybe it's an aptitude issue, Maybe it is a time of day. Maybe it's because you are only able to trade on a mobile device, but maybe some of these can be overcome and you won't know unless you try. So I Encourage you to take the leap and you know this is the thing with trading. You have to be an optimist.

You have to be optimistic. You have to be hopeful. It's just like a lot of things in life. there's certainly risk.

My results aren't typical. trading is risky, but people do it anyways because they're willing to take the risk. So if you're willing to take the risk, I Encourage you to check out that link down below and I would love to be your guide your Mentor as you're going through your learning curve and going through your journey of learning how to day trade. All right! thanks for tuning in! I Hope this has been a really interesting episode.

And please if you have any questions comments, leave them down below and I hope you hit the thumbs up and I hope you're already subscribe to the channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Telling the truth about why most day traders lose money”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cricket Legends says:

    LEGEND. i am now a successful trader watchingyour videos and learning the hard way. If i get green, in 1 2 trades, i turn it off and don't look at the market again unless i am notified of a massive move or some crazy news. Because of you brother ross

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cam says:

    Awesome video Ross. I have noticed this to be true but fell into the mindset of my small size needing bigger moves while being bull-headed and not taking the small wins instead. It's actually why I would go a week or two of small green trades and then lose all that progress in one day. I would lose patience in small gains while comparing my wins to huge wins of other traders and knowing I need to take more risk I was doing it incorrectly. If I stick to small wins Im green 70%+ of the time and I know I need to stick with that even though it'll take longer to gain what I want to gain.

    Thanks for the reminder brother.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars forbidden customs says:

    so true

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hazey says:

    One thing that I hear successful traders talk about is tracking their trades. I have a dashboard and run reports, but I don’t really track every individual trade that I take. I wonder if I won’t be successful unless I start doing that.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tracy neighbors says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Abdulqader 👑 says:

    So if you made roughly 12mill on stocks, how come you can’t afford a 5k-10k machine…. Please explain what I’m missing. I hope you’re not one of those fake dream sellers who post videos an make money off what they post and not what they are dishing……..

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam W says:

    Gotta get me some maple syrup

    Great vid, btw

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave says:

    great information but didn't need the outdoors back story, should have skipped all that.
    thumbs down only for including it.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Grace says:

    So true, it is important to appreciate small gains. I lost a lot of money trying to grow my money fast

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Done Deal says:

    Study charts. Apply. Win. Only thing that can bring charts unexpectedly to a rise or fall is the news. So keep up on that too.. Im new trader and i profit 8/10 times

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Petersen says:

    Hi Ross. Just started watching your videos. Very much enjoy the content. I see you mostly trade stocks. I recently started trading ES futures contracts. How much of what you teach can I apply to my futures trading? Thanks!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PUBG Adventures says:

    Great video Ross.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Strickland says:

    If my summary in my previous comment is flawed, I apologize. Just what i have absorbed from the content of your videos. Thank you again.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Strickland says:

    Only been interested in the possibility of trading in the last week. So many on You tube, promoting big bull push, leaps and puts. Others dive into large break outs, mass profits. Your straight forward transparency of basic format. Go slow.Take the base hits regardless which league you are in. Small % profits are still profits. Simulate, get your skills, go in small and work your way up. Progress in small accounts, increases as the skill set grows. Keep your strategy simple. These are things I have learned from you in less than 10 videos. Will join warrior traders when funds allow. Practicing on webull. Thank you for your content. I was at the point of just dismissing the whole venture of trading before I found your channel. I greatly appreciate the time, effort and quality content you provide. Have a blessed day.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bizzlebox Productions says:

    Thank you Ross! The first link in the description is broken. FYI.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RealLilSpazz says:

    Curious what kind of camera you use when making your videos

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chuck smith says:

    Quite possibly the best video ive seen on trading! Hit the nail on the head! Thank you.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremiah Newsom says:

    love this channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ross is the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michel Raymond says:

    In Québec, to make monney with maple sirup, the create artificial shortage. But good luck !

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan Jagger says:

    That 70% win rate is impressive Ross.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Merry says:

    Hummm. Now I want pancakes… 🥞🧇🥞

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheBkdot says:

    You know what, I started trading in 2020 and I used to trade TSLA specifically, often turning 1 $700 contract to $1200. Imagine now trading SPY specifically and taking profits on 10¢ moves with 100+ contracts. IMHO, most people just don't have the upfront cost.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars onefixitman says:

    I am using a 550K account to profit 500$ to 1500$ per trade. I get in, I reach a very small profit target and I GTFO. If at any point I am down 500$ or the trade goes to zero I GTFO. I just use smaller profit targets. Some people think I am crazy to use 300k to 500k to make 1000$ but it works for me. After I am profitable by over 1500$ I turn the computer off and stop trading. No more risk for the day. Trading in an IRA so if I want to short I use inverse ETF's

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Misael Virgen says:

    Great advice coach!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Morton says:

    You could literally spend all you have on 4,000 shares…. Wait for it to go up a penny…and profit 40 bucks repeatedly

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jtuno122 says:

    If those stats are accurate and 90% of the people who tried day trading fail and move on to something else, I believe it’s because they thought it would be easier and decided to go the easy route and work for a guaranteed paycheck every week or they gave up and didn’t give themselves enough time to become successful. I’m a firm believer that we can do anything we’re willing to work for and not give up. Some people take a year, others take several years but anyone can do it if they don’t give up

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Whiz says:

    Can you do some more live trading videos and post it on YouTube? I would love to see what you see when trading. Please!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amy Manihera says:

    I want to learn.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Westcoast Dogos says:

    I appreciate all you do with your teaching, but off subject . Is that a vw bus 🚌 n the background! It looks nice

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jane doe says:

    “Purchasing said common shares for personal account and For investment without any intention of reselling or redistribution of common shares”.. anybody explain what this means in simple terms on a stock purchase (subscription)agreement ????

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