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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well, I'm gonna do a second recap for today. First recap: Uh, I was down 1300. second recap: I'm down 8 500. oh boy.

Well, this is typical and you know what? It's so dumb it was so so completely avoidable if I had just maintained the discipline to stick with what I said I was gonna do which was to walk away and I'm putting this out there just to show you that there is no such thing as being completely immune to making these kind of mistakes. Now I've talked about this a lot. Losses happen. Losing money and having a losing trade doesn't necessarily mean it was a mistake.

I'll close this by the way so you don't get carsick. Oh, I'm sorry. so having a losing trade it does not necessarily mean it was a mistake. You know my accuracy is like 69 70.

So you know the fact is I'm wrong 30 of the time and those losers are not mistakes, they're they're just losses that happen. However, when it becomes a mistake to me is when you deviate from the rules of the strategy that you set out for yourself. So today I trade in the morning I was right on my first trade 3000 bucks trading a continuation stock which is a little riskier because it wasn't one of the top gappers or gainers. In fact, we didn't have good action today on any of the top gappers.

or Gamers So I came into the open down about thirteen hundred dollars. Trading through the opening range didn't make anyone any any more money really. Uh, and then I had a trade on Rkda that I got in at about 11 50. the bid dropped to like 10.85.

it comes back up and I got out for a hundred dollar loss and it breaks 11.50 rips up to 12. goes up to 13, goes up to 14 15, 16, 17, 18 a share and I still managed to lose money on it. This is you would think impossible, but it's not impossible. What happened for me and many of you that I'm sure can relate to this is I uh, I I So I had a decent entry at 11 50.

and then I got out because it chopped me out. It goes up, it halts, halts twice in a row up to like 17. I'm sorry I'm still under the weather by the way. so I'll stop at like 17 twice in a row and then it resumes and it hauls down.

It pulls back quite a bit and then it holds the nine moving average and it curls back up and I was like you know what this is, this is looking good. I got back in, it squeezes back up to 18. it actually halts or was it 18? I don't know. Anyways, it squeezed back up and halts up.

uh on resumption. Huge volatility. two points up to 18 down to 16. huge range and I added and immediately was down a dollar a share against the bid and I was like oh my God I stopped out and on that trade I lost I went from up a thousand on Rkda and then on that trade I lost 2 500 bucks so I was like son of a gun.

All right So I'm back down now to Red like four thousand dollars on the day and then it stops me out and then it comes right back up to where I was in and I was this was the moment where I kind of just said screw it and that's never a good thing and and I think for me for sure being sick and just not feeling well I just was frustrated and my fuse was shorter today and I was like you know what, screw it So I added back 4 000 shares and it pops up like a dollar a share and then it did the same thing again and I lost a full dollar a share with the 4 000 shares I went from down four grand to down eight eight thousand five hundred Boom just like that. Wow, that was my cue to walk away. So you know I I deal with this just like any other. Trader I've been doing this for such a long time and you would think at a certain point you know you would never have these kind of days where you trip over your own feet and you know make these kind of silly mistakes but it still will happen and you know, I I maybe look, maybe I'm not as good as someone else who's been doing this for as long as me I don't know I mean maybe there's someone who's been doing this for you know, 10 plus years who's got way more discipline than me and you know what but good for them? That's awesome, but it we're all we all are, who we are.
comparing ourselves to other people probably isn't that helpful. and the fact is for me I find myself uh, for sure getting emotionally triggered while I'm trading and there are different things that trigger me: today: my first trade: buying from a hidden seller on a continuation stock and taking a three thousand dollar loss. that's a trigger that's very frustrating. puts me almost to my five thousand dollar Max cut off which is below 5000 I won't take any more trades which was the same today so you know it right away.

Got me to that point and then I had no chance of recovering. So today I was green on I think two stocks and the winners were tiny and I was red on three I think it was or maybe four and those losers were all a little bit bigger rkta being the worst so you know. and the thing today was once it was you know, 11 or whatever time it was um, dirt road uh I was just I was like wow at this point you know, maybe I should just stick around because if something does squeeze between now and you know one or two o'clock I certainly don't want to miss it having already overstayed my welcome. And that's a trap because that's how you then find yourself sitting in front of the computer until 4 pm and then watching us see what's moving after hours.

because that's like that, right? there is. Fomo, you're afraid of missing a move, you've already screwed up, you're in the red and now you're refusing to let yourself just walk away. And those are days where it can spiral. so you know.

I The one thing that I've been pretty good at and I'm grateful for is I cut my losses at a certain point and you know when when that when that's done, it's done and I walk away. So I do have red days and I have them as a frequency. maybe a little more than I might like once a week roughly. but uh, I stop.
You know, once I'm down more than five grand ninety percent of the time. uh, maybe more. I have my biggest red day. In the last year or so, it's been about eight thousand dollars, which is about the same as today.

It's a day where I was was down four thousand, five thousand right at my Max loss. Took one more trade and then was below it and that was it. So that's for me, that's risk management, you know. and this is coming from someone who's made over 12 million dollars in gross profit.

So you know in the last 90 days I've probably made a hundred and I don't know, well over a hundred thousand, so you know I'm I'm fairly consistent I certainly have weeks and months where I'm doing better than others. But one of the things that has been key to my success has been walking away when it's bad. even if I overstay a little bit longer than I should I'm not someone who just goes Full Tilt all out until I Either recoup losses that day or I blow up my account. So and they're You know this is something to really look at in your trading is, cut your losses quickly and move on.

You know, to the next day, just water under the bridge. So today is a little bit of a setback because I had you know it was up 6 000 a week ago, 18 000 a week ago Friday and then I was up three on Monday, five on Tuesday and 1500 or so yesterday. So an eight thousand dollar red day. Oops, an eight thousand dollar red day today is a little bit of a bummer, but um, you know it is what it is.

Uh, it's it's all. In a sense, it's already wandering on the bridge I try to tell myself not to lose more than I can make in a good day. and if I'm not down more than what I can make in a good day, then I shouldn't really worry too much about the loss because it's it's negligible. It's not even close to the biggest loss I've ever had.

it's obviously not the biggest Green Day I've ever had, but it's just an in-between day and this is just part of training some. And this is what's very hard about trading and why it's so difficult is that you just have to Simply find a way to get okay with the fact that you're going to be wrong. or you know, lose money. You know a certain percentage of time, which means you're gonna have a certain percentage of days where you're close in the red and that no matter how long you trade, it's going to happen unless you're a market maker.

But if you're a Trader it's gonna, that's how it's gonna be. So if you're red today or if you watch the stock go up 200 percent and you lost money on it I am right there with you I know how it feels. It is frustrating, but some days are like this. Some stocks are like that but being very whippy with big spreads and very choppy and um, site these are the higher risk stocks that I'm really trying to avoid for the most part.

but the lure of the big win sometimes calls me back. and on a day today where I was already in the red I think I had a bit of a weakness for jumping in something that was moving quickly because I had the chance of recouping my loss. so that's something to certainly be aware of and be careful of in your Trading And yeah, that's it for me I just thought I'd come on here and let you know that I screwed up and had a disappointing afternoon trading today and if you're in the same boat as me, we'll uh, we'll try it tomorrow to be more disciplined and I hope that tomorrow we have better stocks on a Gap scanner because the Gap scan today was terrible and that's something that's really tough for me is when the Gap scanner is bad just being like Oh well so should I not trade at all and that might be the right answer, but it's a hard. it's hard to accept that sometimes.
especially you know you get up, you sit down, you want to trade, you feel like that's your job. but it is okay to have no trade days. I say that to myself because I'm I don't like no trade days. it doesn't feel okay for me.

but I gotta work on that. That's something that I need to work on. So anyways, I just thought I'd update you on my um, my just embarrassing performance on Rkda and uh, live to trade another day. Water Under the Bridge.

Move on, move forward and hopefully I can finish the week with a small green day on Friday and then you know, have the weekend to kind of just let it go and then be back at it on Monday All right I Hope you guys had a better day than me, but either way I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. All right, see you guys in the morning.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Max loss on a stock up 100%”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike movila says:

    I do not make any mistakes when it comes to day trading made 20k in AMC I gave everything back then I realized this game is not for me so stopped

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LG says:

    Your only human no one is perfect im actually more a fan of yours because ur transparent showing us ur mistakes an it actually teaches us traders showing us how serious trading is an how we need to be careful an take trading serious even the best like yourself have red days also

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Davis says:

    Ross – you’re the realest out there! Your recaps are LIFE for us growing traders! Thank you forever for your insight and vulnerability! It means more than you can imagine! I imagine these recaps are cathartic for you on some level .. but the value they give to so many of us are 10x I believe. Thank you for being a trailblazer retail trader and sharing your journey with us!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabrielle Farmer says:

    I broke my rules today too 🙄🙄 was up a couple of grand and ended up red; accuracy is 72% I’ve been practicing about 3 months; I’ve been doing pretty good but today got me lol

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosen Crantz says:

    This helps Ross. I feel like this mirrors exactly what I did last Thursday. Great to have this reinforced that others have it and not to doubt myself. Been tough lately.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Norvick says:

    I really do appreciate you being honest with losses as well as winners. Today I was green right (in simulator) away and quit trading and just watched, (which is hard for me, haha) but I learn that way too.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Canaan says:

    I know you probably hear a lot of the positive reinforcement and some negative, but you show the real ups and downs of trading and the emotions involved. Forget being a teacher, I see a great mentor and role model 👏

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie Smart says:

    Amazing video and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 15,200 returns from my $7000 investment every 14days……

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lalo Dominguez says:

    we've all been there🤣

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rod Gray says:

    yup,thats why I dont trade,,,,,lol,,,,I dont have 8k….lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AndreVD says:

    as a trader who just entered his 3rd year and is NOT yet consistently profitable it is refreshing to see and hear that it's even after all this time Ross has under his belt kind of "ok" to have a brainfart.
    while i am all for pushing yourself to get better, the pressure you apply to yourself should not become self-destructive either.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doss says:

    Ross, inasmuch as this was a painful trade-day for you, I really appreciated your transparency with your mistakes. I'm new to day trading and have been watching many of your videos. I recognize that I will certainly have days like this, and this is a great testimony for how to handle it. You've gained my respect. Thank you

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars commentoria says:

    I saw that the gap scanner was terrible this morning and the fact I could recognize that tells me I am learning because 6 months ago I would not know if it was good or bad. I ended up netting $2.80 in profit after giving back most gains today.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Piazza says:

    No big deal Ross! You’ll make it back in no time! Are you ever going to bring the morning show back on YouTube. Looking forward to it! Good luck 🍀

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Go Explore says:

    I see skis in the back, sweet. have fun on the Mountain.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LM says:

    Come back stronger brother 🦾

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Kendal says:

    Noooooo! Ross 😢

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P says:

    Is there any Reason for turned the market from bearish to bullish in just minutes ?!!!!!! 🫤

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah Schnapp says:

    Well $8500 loss sucks. However, It was funny listening to imagine your running over small rodents out of anger with the heavy bumps

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Gazi says:

    FOMO is a bit@#… Thanks for keeping it real man!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Marteney says:

    Happy little accidents LOL — bob ross

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sri Avula says:

    all good gang

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel catherman says:

    I'm sorry bro I know how it feels..not that size but it still hurts

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Entrepreneur says:

    Ross I have said this so many times! I just said it last week.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Igor Rembi says:

    Jeez… Thast's normal. )

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M. G. says:

    I couldn't find an emoji for licking ones wounds, so…………..

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ELie A says:

    We are together in this red day boss 😊

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SailorMoon says:

    Thank you for these videos and pep talks. It's really helpful for aspiring successful traders

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LBZ_2K says:

    take lesson learn

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle D. says:

    Thank you for the transparency!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Bannister says:

    Thanks for sharing this, means a lot!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cashoutkevin says:

    you can see a profitable trader/investor by how calm and chill they are

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:

    that’s only 0.0007% of your overall P/L.

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