The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Meeting Minutes are a detailed record of the committee's policy-setting meeting held about three weeks earlier.
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The Federal Reserve conducts the nation’s monetary policy to promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates in the U.S. economy; promotes the stability of the financial system and seeks to minimize and contain systemic risks through active monitoring and engagement in the U.S. and abroad; promotes the safety and soundness of individual financial institutions and monitors their impact on the financial system as a whole; fosters payment and settlement system safety and efficiency through services to the banking industry and the U.S. government that facilitate U.S.-dollar transactions and payments; and promotes consumer protection and community development through consumer-focused supervision and examination, research and analysis of emerging consumer issues and trends, community economic development activities, and the administration of consumer laws and regulations.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Indexes are available for the U.S. and various geographic areas. Average price data for select utility, automotive fuel, and food items are also available.
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So today the Federal Reserve is going to be announcing and Reporting their FMC minute report. this is going to be released in simply five minutes. I'm going to start sharing my screen so you can see exactly what it is that I'm looking at. This is the NASDAQ market and once the Federal Reserve begins to release uh or releases that report itself, the market will react.

One of the things that I love to remind are beginner. Traders is if you cannot tolerate a change of Direction then do something about your position size. Do it now or forever hold your piece right I Mean there's no reason to over complicate it I was bullish on the market today I Locked in profit I Locked in profits early, the market continued to go up. No one's going to feel sorry for me.

just like no one should feel sorry for me because we're all aware of this report. Um, that is about to be released right? So just so you guys can see right now, I have my one lucky share of Tkq I Always leave myself with one lucky share and I only have one lucky share of ask QQQ So I have no other open position on Tqs or Sqs. This is it for me. I reduced it around 22.60 and I walked away with 12 456.40 on the day.

So yeah, I could have made possibly another thousand to 1500 based off of you know the additional 10 cents per share. I'm not a perfect Trader I Never ever get out at perfect exits I Never get in at perfect entries. My job's not to be perfect. My job is just to learn from my mistakes, right? And one of my biggest mistakes that I can ever learn from that you can learn from is that you can lock in profits or reduce your position size during uncertain times.

and that's all we ever do. So Yep, all righty. So how are we all doing today? So right now we are running a poll. as you guys could see in the live chat.

only people that are subscribed to the YouTube channel can actually partake in the live chat. So just making sure that you are aware that if you want to participate in this chat room that you see on the right hand side of your screen, most likely it is only for people that are subscribed to the channel. So make sure you click that subscribe button, make sure you drop a thumbs up and feel free to let us know if you think that the market will be bullish or bearish. Bullish meaning that you think that the market will indicate signs of an uptrend after the report is released or bearish meaning that you think that the Market's going to drop after the report is released.

So here we go. Okay, all right, all right. that 50 point base. So I could drop the market 100 percent I Agree.

Uh, I Think the Federal Reserve should raise interest rates at least point five percent based off of our previous CPI data report. but again, it doesn't matter what. I think um the only thing that matters is you know what? What they think uh what? Jerome Powell things the big JP right? big JP with that with that rolly right you guys remember that Rolex who was here when he was flaunting his little just kidding, he wasn't flaunting. He has a very uh simple one though.
but um I know everyone was commenting on it I Actually really enjoyed the live streams that I have with you guys. um where Jerome Powell is you know answering questions those are normally after the the interest rate hikes. uh we have some people that are very funny in the live chat that love uh that the journalist that ask questions especially the prettier ones so it's always a good time. All right, we have two minutes left so two minutes left for this report to be released.

So again, just a friendly reminder. Make sure that you do something about your position size if you cannot tolerate worst case scenario that that's all we're um here to remind you: I'm not here to tell you to buy I'm not here to tell you to sell I'm just here to remind you to look out for yourself if you can't tolerate worst case scenario so it's going to be released in the next minute. So very excited to see the Market's reaction and I normally trade the Market's reaction meaning that I don't try to predict meaning I'm cash right now. So if the market reacts in a bullish way, I can go long.

if the market reacts in a bearish way, I can go short and I think that's the best position to be in to be in a position where you have options, right? So however, you don't be acting I know you want the market to crash I I don't care I would love to if the market does pull on back. Yeah, I would love to. Um, be able to buy into long-term place. I've talked to My Learn Plan Profit Group about it.

Here it goes: Uh, report is released it is 12 p.m out in Standard Time Market is reacting in a negative way. We can see that right off the bat and there it goes. It's going positive. So again, give it a little bit.

Uh oh, there are we breaking above 22.76 Those are Tkq highs. Let's see what we got going on here. What do you guys think? Yeah, we're testing that same resistance level. There it goes.

22, 71, 22, 69 . here it goes: reacted in a negative way. market is dropping. So I'm going to buy 1 000 shares down here on Tkq markets not really dropping too significant.

So I kind of like this because if it doesn't have that much of an influence on current market Direction Uh then I can see the market returning back to previous highs which is right around 22.72 and again my position size is relatively pretty light. I Normally trade with over four hundred thousand dollars I'm just explaining to you guys. So if I trade with over four hundred thousand dollars in my position size right now is twenty two thousand dollars. That is just to show you how light my position is right? It's very light just because direction is not super clear.

Right now it's not in my favor and there it goes. We just broke below the moving average. This is in favor of Sqq. Breaking below the moving average is not a step in the right direction.
so we have to be very careful here. Foreign and here it goes. we just got I Just want to make sure that I provide you guys the link just so you guys have access to it as well. Uh, so this is the February 22nd uh, 2023 minutes of the Federal Reserve Um, I can share this link with you guys.

so just so you guys have access to it I'm going to share it with you guys in the live chat. Okay, so you guys should all have access to this if you guys want to read the report. but one of the main things that I love to remind everyone is that it's also not even I Mean it's good to review the report to understand what is being said. Uh, but in my experience I Mean you can spend all the time you want reading those reports at the end of the day.

The only reason that you're reading it is just to have a better understanding of why the Market's reacting the way that it is. and ultimately, what's most important is the market. Um, the market reacting. If it's bullish or bearish, it really doesn't matter.

So here we go. so we are still testing support here at the moving average. Let's go. Bears I Really appreciate your live videos around Catalyst Events I Might start liking these just off of principle I Appreciate that George Thank you! Buying another 1 000 shares, another twenty two thousand dollars into Tqq.

it's adding a little bit more to it. My position size right now is right around 67 000, so just a heads up on that. Again, no open position on Skq just so you guys can see. I'm not shorting the market as of right now right now Market Seems to be a little bit more on the bullish side than bearish side of things, but that can all change in a moment's notice, right? So this is why we have to be careful.

It feels so good to be watching from the sidelines I Completely agree. Sometimes one of the best feelings is to just be cash and to not feel the stress or the pressure of oh my God I need to enter a trade especially when direction is not super clear, right? So I'm very happy that you said that. Uh, we just broke about VMA just added my final 1000 shares I Believe that's gonna be my final 1000 shares I Pretty close to my daily goal Um, 15 000 I Don't think I'm gonna need to be very aggressive. Um, it's my daily goal for today.

I Do Not aim for fifteen thousand dollars every day. Let me rephrase that. My daily goal every day is not to make fifteen thousand dollars off of Just What I trade So uh, today. but based off of how it started I I began to do very well.

Um I started off doing really bad uh during my live trading session with the Lpp team. So again, that's the beautiful thing about being part of our Lpp team is you get to see my good trades. You get to see my bad trades. But one of the biggest focuses was you know.

I I Shared my plan and my plan came out exactly according to plan. Uh, when it's sold off to lows of 22 dollars, we began to indicate signs of a recovery and man did we step on the gas. So although Tqq is only up 1.3 percent, remember as day Traders we don't care what it's up or down on the day we care about. You know the the margin that it moves within the day and this is a 3.2 move so far so launching you from India I Appreciate that.
Thank you for taking time and watching me overseas. I I Do appreciate that. So all right. Another perk of being an Lpp is getting to roast Ricky about his loud sneeze.

Very very true. Yep. I mean I Feel like we have a good time? Uh, during our live sessions I Do want to remind you that I Do trade live Very similar to this every morning. So literally every morning you get to see my entries just like you you know you saw right now.

You get to see my exits. You get to hear my thought process. Imagine experiencing that every day, right? And here goes. We're about to make new hives a beautiful setup.

I'm actually gonna step on the gas. You do not need to agree with me I'm just explaining to you what I'm choosing to do so I'm gonna buy 2500 shares which is another 56 000 I'm in with 148 000 just hit thirteen thousand dollars on the day. Market Directions so far is in my favor. but one of the things that I want to remind you is again: you should never be afraid to lock in profits.

We are approaching overbought levels, meaning that we are a little bit more on the overbought side. We run the risk of this thing potentially pulling on back. so if you are a beginner Trader If you are a beginner investor, then again and the idea of locking in profits should never be something that you overthink right, You're learning how to trade. The making money part really should be coming later, right? Not something that you need to focus on so much right now.

but um, all together I Just I want you to see I want to see you be excited to continue to trade in the market, right? And the only way that we're going to be able to do that is if we focus on getting better. So let's not be greedy, let's not be afraid to lock in those profits. Um, actually I'm going to reduce it just a little bit. Uh I began I Began to see it struggle a little bit here, so it's already beginning to show signs of a resistance.

our size, overbought, macdues, overbought. But again, the biggest thing that I focus on is indicators are never 100 accurate. Indicators are are not even accurate that that often. My main focus every single day uh is Market Direction and progress.

If we're not seeing continuous progress, then why do you still have an open position in something that's not showing you signs of continuous growth, right? Because any open position is a position that's open to risk. and I'm going to continue to say that until it's embedded in your head. But the reason I say that is because if you have an open position and then it's no longer making you any more money, yet, you still have it open and again. What's the point of that? Are you hoping to get lucky again? That's the last thing that we want, especially during critical times like this.
where at and again all in one minute. All In One Minute Market Direction can change So I'm liking this pullback to the EMA right now. Oh, let's let's hold up on hold off on this real quick. It's pulling on back.

But again, one of the cool things is being able to see my entries and my exits every day. It's not for everyone I Can't say that it is, but if you kind of like what you're seeing right now, then just kind of ask yourself. You know, imagine being able to see this every day, right? Being able to see my entries, my exits, hear my thought process. I Do it with one team and one team only I offer nothing else.

There's no. there's no paid other group, there's no other service I offer one thing and I trade live every day with our Lpp team. So if you want to learn more about that to see if it's a good fit for you, it's literally the second link in the description down below. It's a one-time payment lifetime access and you get to watch me trade live every day.

And you can watch me trade live as soon as tomorrow. So it's our biggest sell that we're running right now. Then again, it's the second link in the description down below. So if you have any questions even before you sign up, feel free to message me via Discord or via Instagram And that's the first or third link in the description down below.

I Do want to let you know that to join my group, it is Not free. I'm not here to pretend like what I what I'm going to offer you is going to be for free. It is paid. That's a one-time payment.

but again, it's a very simple question. It's you know, will you either try to learn and try to figure all of this out on your own? Which you definitely can, right? But how much money will you lose And how much time will it take? Or would you rather just join our team? watch me trade live And then you get access to the A to Z video. Lesson Library So um, every morning I trade anywhere from around 30 minutes to an hour every day. So Monday through Friday I try to get as close to 252 trading days a year and remember, if you signed up back in 2018, you get access to every video, right? Every live stream.

So yep, here it goes. Going back to retest: Nice push, nice push. Let's close this up. I Don't want to focus too much on how much again we have a thing that we talk about within Lpp.

It's in one of our videos It's called The Blind trading Challenge And it's also trading based off of not how much you're up or down, but when you actually just hit a specific resistance level right? something that the charts are actually telling you and not what you're up or down a lot of beginner. Traders I Don't know if you've ever made this mistake, but I even to this day I Can't say that I don't make this mistake anymore because that would be a lie I Do make mistakes. um and then some. Very similar to you guys, but sometimes I get very caught up on the idea of like I want to hit you know, 5K today or 10K today or 15K today or 20K and again.
sometimes we obsess about those numbers a little bit too much. too much to the point where if you really begin to think about it, it's like you know, hey, what? Well why am I trading off of how much I'm up or down and that has nothing to do with the actual trade opportunity. You know what I mean. It's kind of a funny concept, but um, you know as time goes on, that's kind of the Hope right that you you hope to learn from your mistakes and actually Implement some form of change.

Um so one thing that I do want to let you guys know is I do have a Target I would love to sell as close to 22.90 but if this thing begins to change direction, I will have to accept the change of Direction and then I will have to cut losses on this trade And that's just the way it is right. If you can't accept the red days or really, if you can't tolerate the red days, then you haven't earned the green days I Think that's a good way to put it. Here it goes. Let's be careful here.

watch for the break below the moving average. That's going to be what I'm looking out for right here. Big change of Direction look at that all given in two candles. Again, just in two minutes.

So this is why we talk about locking in profits I'm glad that I at least reminded some of our beginner traders to do that I had a specific Target we didn't hit that Target Again, a goal is something to work towards, not something that happens every single day. I even closed my P L just so I could focus on hey I don't care about how much I'm up or down I want to focus on just selling at a specific resistance level Ended up biting me in the butt I still didn't hit even 22.85 So if they're raising rate hikes, why are you long? I'm not long for a swing trade I'm long for a day trade right? markets going up and Market indicating signs of an uptrend and although yes, I do believe that market could go down if Market is currently going up, then why would I over complicate my trading right? Why wouldn't I be long if Market is going up? Remember, it doesn't matter about what I think that I'm I'm all for having my opinions, but at the end of the day, if markets react in a very specific way, then my job is to respect that right? Here it goes. Beginning to test this reversal. Okay, testing support or testing the same support Again, it's not rocket science.

We're testing the same support that we were originally when this report came out. There's nothing new here. We're literally testing that same support range. another 1500 shares added.

when is the meeting? I Think this is the part that a lot of people have confused is today is a minutes report. I think I made like three or four videos and some of you guys asked Ricky why do you say the same thing sometimes in your videos because people still don't listen right? Guess what? Today is the FMC minutes report and it's just the reporting. It's just a summary of how they came to the conclusion of the 0.25 interest rate hike. We've already talked about it.
We've already showed the link in the live chat and you can read the the minutes report and it's a huge I Mean you actually read it? Where is it One side? Okay I don't know if this one's it. No. Oh, and we're selling off. Careful here.

One quick second. Uh, but it's all available on this website and there it goes. Active Sell-off Be careful here. going from green to red, so can you hold Sqq overnight? Of course you can, right? But again, it's not just because you can that you should.

Um, but it's asking the question of, you know why would why would it be worth holding something overnight when you can just close it and re-enter it the following day without taking on any form of risk? Is it because you really see there to be a huge opportunity with Sqq and the potential for the NASDAQ Market to gap down that by the time the Market opens, Usq is up? If so, then sure, right then you can justify as Kiki Q But if right now, right when looking at the NASDAQ Market if right now NASDAQ is still trading within range for our time frame, right? We talked about this support previous resistance range here on NASDAQ is now acting as a new support range so it's not like we have an active active sell-off. We did sell off, we did pull back, but now we are approaching a potential support Zone based off of a previous resistance zone. So you're more than welcome to hold Sqq. The reason I decided to close my short position is because I am still uncertain if the Market's going to continue to sell off And remember it's that same principle.

if the market is not showing signs of progress on the way down or on the way up, then why do you still have that open position right? And the point five percent interest rate hike hasn't even been factored in. Not saying that that's what the Federal Reserve is going to do, but we all know that inflation data has not been good. So how do you determine your stop loss? Good question. I Was looking to see if we broke below previous support zone so right around Uh 293.80 So if we made lower lows below that, you know I would have to respect the idea that hey, this is kind of a break if pattern I could have even cut losses at the moving average, but because that's where it hit, it hit below once the report was released.

I was kind of indifferent about rushing into cutting losses I didn't want to cut losses too quickly. Um I I Don't know if you guys have experienced that before, but sometimes I feel like you know if you follow too tight with a stop loss. Um, you know you end up putting yourself in an unfortunate position. right? Here it goes: testing moving average.
Let's see if we get to form some higher highs. The RSI and the Macd look pretty solid. The Macd is already beginning to curl back up. Price action looks pretty solid.

The RSI is, you know, coming back up as well. It's a pretty decent setup for Tqvq. My first resistance range that I'm going to focus on is going to be this EMA line, so pay attention to that. So right around what is that? 22.60 foreign.

Remember you using the EMA 40. Why are you using EMA 45 today I changed between EMA 40 and 45. So if you're part of the Lpp team, you know exactly why I changed the length of it I explained it in the course. so if you want you can feel free to review the course or we can talk about in the Lpp group chat.

but I give an explanation on the why if that's my biggest thing. I Just I like to explain why I do what I do not because I feel like you need to but I just want you to understand my why I think that's what's most important. Sometimes people are so focused on can I just copy you and not so much on why did you even initiate that trade or why did you sell that trade right? What's the why behind it? That's always what's most important. Foreign I Feel like we are still bearish? I Completely agree with you Manish in the sense that if you look at this on the one hour time frame for QQQ, we are still bearish.

We are trading below the moving average and the EMA. But if you look at this on the day chart, remember this is why I Talk about look at different time frames, right? What do you see here on the day chart? We're pulling on back and kind of like a textbook setup right here. This is the previous resistance range. It acted as a new support range and we're above the moving average and we're above the EMA.

So on the larger charts, we're still bullish. We're still above the moving average even after that pullback. All right, we are above EMA here. Oh Wrong one.

Let's not get into that one. What platform do you conduct your Lpp live? I'm considering joining. Um, it's all it's They're unlisted. They're private videos.

Uh, private live streams on YouTube. So just like you're watching this, just imagine watching this every morning. It's live just like this one is, but private. so it's only for our OPP team.

Good question if you want to learn more about it again. I Literally explain everything that's included. So if you want a little bit more of a better understanding of what's included I'm I'm literally just click the second link. It takes two minutes.

Click the second link. see what's all included. It's a one-time payment lifetime access. Just get a breakdown of of our blueprint of what's included.

You can watch this video. It's super short. Um, and yeah, there's There's nothing else to it. It's literally a super short welcome page.
It's if you want to join join. If you don't, then don't over complicate it. I'm not here to convince you that you need to join my team. I'm just saying that if you want my time, if you want access to me, if you want to watch me trade live every day, then this is what I offer.

It's that black and white foreign for our Lpp team. So do you scalp? uh Traders are too risky for you? Um I would say that's more for like Momentum plays I don't do that as often I do enjoy it. Um I used to do it I don't do it very often. No because I trade things like Tqs or rescues.

That's my bread of butter. Just so you're all aware. Um, that's my go-to that's my bread and butter. Do I trade other stocks from time to time.

Yep, like right now I have an active short position on American Airlines I've also traded AMC right during those Momentum plays I was one of the few people that was you know shorting AMC or day trading AMC while everyone else was telling you to hold I'm very open about what it is that I do and why I do it I was making videos about hey I wouldn't hold this right I don't believe in the movement. this is just the hyped up Momentum penny stock. To me right? it's a it's a pump and dump. So I did take other trades from time to time, but ultimately I try to focus a little bit more on my bread and butter and my bread and butter doesn't uh, need to be traded super aggressively.

So that's that's the best way I can put it is. this isn't something that tends to move unless unless the report is being released. Um, it's not something that tends to move. you know, 5, 10, or 15 in just a couple of minutes, right? Scalping is more for that style.

But I don't I don't really I don't trade pump and dumps I don't trade penny stocks I just choose not to. They're too risky for me I trade with a dollar amount that respectfully like it would be too risky for me I I don't know if I would want to. you know, put myself through that kind of risk. Um, that's pretty much it.

all right. going back down to that moving average and this time it did form kind of lower highs. right? If we break below this move at our moving average, it's not the best side. Wait, wait wait.

so amen. Uh, just became part of your LPB team. How can I join the Discord So uh, within the first section of the course uh, the first three videos, it explains to you exactly how to watch me trade live. So as you can see here once you are signed up, this is the course curriculum.

So you get access to the course curriculum. You get access to the Discord chat. You get access to the live trading. You get access to our Tech funds HQ within the first three videos.

the welcome section. it shows you how to get Discord access and it shows you how to get access to being able to watch me trade live. Please take what is this five minutes and watch this part right. The welcome section.
Please please please please please please do yourself a favor. And once you sign up, just watch those three videos. It will show you how to get access and and how our group works. Okay, uh, what is your average position size when you short positions for Airlines I I Don't do anything other than American Airlines I Do not short sell.

It's it's more like a Lpp team. What would you guys call it? My short positions on American Airlines It's kind of just like a I only trade American Airlines like that I don't do it with like Southwest I don't do it with Spirit Airlines um I go long on it when it's at 12 or 13 and then I go short on it anytime. it's above you know, 15 or 16. Uh yeah, it's a grudge.

Yeah, it's It's literally just like a stock that I mess around with. um I don't I'm My position size though is anywhere from around. right now it's around twenty seven thousand dollars. Uh, but I can go up to like I don't know I don't like to go over fifty thousand dollars with that short position.

It's just it is a little bit more risky because American Airlines does have a wider range. It moves anywhere from like 15 to 30 percent. Um, and a way to respect that movement is to respect it with your position size right? A Lot of people freak out sometimes like oh my God how are you trading something this risky? But remember if you only bought one share of that risky stock, he wouldn't be freaking out, right? Just one share. It's a love-hate relationship I Like that JC Okay, we are breaking below uh or going back to retest this same support range.

so I want to join? Is there any UK Trading platforms uh that have the same QQQ index? Um, you wouldn't be trading QQQ because it's an ETF into my understanding. Uh, they're not available in Europe but you can trade Futures right? So that's something that you can trade that we don't trade too often over here so you can trade Nasdaq futures. It ends up being pretty much the same thing, especially if you're trying to trade. QQQ It's single leverage, right? So there are four features.

it's You can approach it that same way as well. but look into Interactive Brokers I've heard I've heard I've heard I've heard good things about interactive brokers. So um, it's a it's a respected trading platform. It's reliable to my understanding.

Um, and it's available in your country If I'm not mistaken. IB is great I like that. Happy to hear how was it run today? mainly on don't say that I haven't gone on my run today dude it was raining I don't where are my people from Arizona at I don't know how many of you guys are from Arizona but it was pouring this morning and yesterday it rained and I and I yesterday it was sprinkling and I still went for my run. but today it was raining and it was super windy and then it was cold.
It was like the 40 or 45 degree temperature. Um, it is windy and I I'm sorry I just didn't want to put myself through that. So I'm still gonna go on a run. but this is my first time trying to run four to five miles on a treadmill.

So if you're part of my Lpp team, I'm just gonna have to follow up and let you guys know um, how quick I'm expected to run quicker on a treadmill, right? I Think that's the expectation because I normally run like on the streets or you know on on Trails So I will see today if I run a four or five mile run and how I feel. My biggest thing is I don't even care about so much of my Pace I want to see how I feel do I still feel the pain in my hips dude I'm getting old as dirt bro I feel it in my knees I feel it in my back. We had a meeting today in Tempe or Phoenix I don't know where it was I had to go. it's for our GTR giveaway.

um and I went to go check out this facility and I was just walking around and on the drive there my back was hurting on the walk around there I kept having to stretch my back. dude it is I don't know I don't know what to tell you but it hurts to get old. You're like 25 I'm 28. no man I feel it dude I feel it in my back I feel it in my knees I'm trying I'm trying to be trying to be fit though trying to feel good creatine helps I'm on Creatine ain't helping much dude I know I have a bunch of people saying are you kidding me but no I'm not kidding you man I'm just telling you how I feel Okay so let's set these alerts well.

One thing that I'd love to remind our team is to make sure that you adjust and update any of your alerts right. Sometimes I Feel like alerts are very overlooked? Because anyone has alerts, anyone can use alerts. You can set alerts for anything and a lot of the alerts that you set are probably not super important. But if you can learn to set good alerts especially for trade, do you actually want to take? They could be pretty useful.

So as you guys can see, based off previous support levels here on Tqvq, I'm going to be putting my alert here because if we break below that, that's a break of pattern and I'm gonna have to cut losses on it if we break above 2267. I'm just going to call it quits and I'm going to lock in my profits on Tqq. I Just want you guys to understand my intention and my goal. Uh, for TQ You remember a goal is something to work towards, not something that has to pan out exactly according to plan, which is exactly why we have some form of risk management if it breaks below this 2225.

so what is your net worth? Um, I Think like a Chipotle bowl with some guac on the side. so maybe what is that? 11 and 15 cents? Um, but yeah, I Appreciate you guys time. I Hope that you guys enjoyed, um, this little stream again. I Do trade live every morning if you want to learn more about that.

That's the second link in the description down below. I Do upload new videos every single day on YouTube They're more based off of updates on economic reports. A lot of them can get very annoying if you're not actually someone that's trying to get into the stock market. I'm just letting you know right now.
Or they're informative, right? Because if you are trying to get into the stock market. then I Literally upload two videos every single day, keeping you up to date with the different economic reports such as the initial claims and continuing claims that are going to be reported tomorrow. The GDP report uh, GDP estimate right? We got Pce prices coming in on Friday So if you're someone that's trying to stay up to date, then my job here on YouTube is to keep you up to date. So make sure that you click that subscribe button, make sure that you drop that thumbs up.

And if there's anything that I can do to better assist you, then again, I Hope that you do not hesitate to send me a direct message via Discord or via Instagram and that's the first or third link in the description down below. I Really do appreciate Gadget's time I Will see all of you Lpp Traders at Market Open tomorrow And also don't forget if you guys want to learn more about our GTR giveaway, that is the fourth Link in the description down below and we will keep you up to date, especially as we come around the month of March. So I am using the Weeble trading application myself. so if you guys want to use the same trading app that I'm using, then that is going to be the fifth Link in the description down below.

I Appreciate your time like always. Let's make sure that we end the year on our green. Now take it easy.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Live fomc minutes report: february 2023”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TAPP Channel says:

    Is it really crashing?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Li says:

    This guy is really good at talking, but he doesn’t know how to trade from the simple indicators he’s using. We usually do much deeper TA analysis professionally. 😅

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IULIAN ZAGAN says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Swae P says:

    /// Only 36 Day$… Til the Start of Production of Faraday Future… FF 91..Futurist. SUV EV…. March 30 th. A New Species of Vehicle. * FFIE.. Charging Up 80 % in 3 Months.. Thumbs Up Video/ Thanks. ///

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars motion Emage says:

    Sounds great But if YOU Looking for stock to buy in 2023? GOGY has remarkable record of growth and innovation in the fast-growing energy drink segment. GOGY is primed for long-term success.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coco says:

    I buy short term treasuries.I will start buying stocks when market at-least goes to 3450

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Lion says:

    Hi Ricky. I'm subscribed to the Chinal, but would you please tell me how to join your live trading ? Thanks.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angie Nguyen says:

    So did you get stopped out of that trade? It dropped to $22.06. I noticed you were buying above $22.46.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Alberes says:

    if you werent so soft more people would watch

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luka Brcic says:

    Ricky my man i got a question
    Do you only trade pre market hours?
    Cuz i want to join your LPP and this is importat to me

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vols519 says:

    Are you trading options?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamaal King says:

    I want F to $11.79

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamaal King says:

    Ford thoughts please

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Robertson says:

    Understanding personal finances and investing will most likely lead to greater financial independence. By being knowledgeable about money and investing, individuals can make informed decisions about how to save, spend, and invest their money.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Balding says:

    Ricky check out Knees Over Toes Guy and Xero shoes.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Atwood says:

    I think that we already had the majority of the panic selling over the last few trading days.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yasss Gawwwd! says:

    When will we drop? I’m thinking 350

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yasss Gawwwd! says:

    Like 869❤🎉

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jenisly jensen says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TAPP Channel says:

    You anticipate market drop after latest data and big position of TQQQ on the line? LOL

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boss says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tan SpaceX says:

    I'm still in the SQQQ & expect the TQQQ to drop to less than $21. Good luck!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lou Rolon says:

    Hey Ricky is it the $6.99 per month? Is that how I join?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drive Through says:

    Ricky is talking about market crash and he is trading TQQQ with a half M dollars hahaha… This guy is a Ken Griffin soldier 🙂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars الــيمانيه اليمانيه says:

    مناشدة 😭 :قال عز وجل [[مَّآ أَفَآءَ ٱللَّهُ عَلَىٰ رَسُولِهِۦ مِنۡ أَهۡلِ ٱلۡقُرَىٰ فَلِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ وَلِذِي ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰ وَٱلۡمَسَٰكِينِ وَٱبۡنِ ٱلسَّبِيلِ كَيۡ لَا يَكُونَ دُولَةَۢ بَيۡنَ ٱلۡأَغۡنِيَآءِ مِنكُمۡۚ وَمَآ ءَاتَىٰكُمُ ٱلرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَمَا نَهَىٰكُمۡ عَنۡهُ فَٱنتَهُواْۚ وَٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَۖ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ شَدِيدُ ٱلۡعِقَابِ]]انَيَ انَتٌْخيَكِ انَيَ دٌِخلُةِ ْعلُى الُلُُه تْمٌ ْعلُيَكِ انَيَ فَيَ وَجُْهك انَـيَ اخـتْكِ انَـيَ اتْرَجْـاكِ اتْـوَسِـلُ الُـيَـكِ انَـقًـذَنَا لُـوَجُْـه الُـلُُـه. يَــشِــُهدِ الُــلُــُه يَاٌخـيَ انَ مٌنَ الُــصّــبّاحُ حُـتْا الُـانَ يَــحُــرَمٌ ْعـــلُيَـنَـا الاكل غير الماء ( (اخواني اني اقسم بالله العلي العظيم على كتاب الله انني بنت يتيمه من اليمن ومعي اخوان صغار اقسم بالله على كتاب الله ان اخوتي ماعاد يقدرو ينطقو بكلمة من شدت الجوع وصاحب البيت يريد الإجار او بيخرجناإلئ الشارع و اني اسالك بالله وانشدك بمحمد رسول الله يااخي لوانت مسلم وتحب الخير واتساعدني ولو ب500ريال يمني ان تتواصل معي اوتراسلني وتساب علئ هذا الرقم00967716649494 وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيااخي انت رجال إذاشفت اسرتك جاوعين تعمل المستحيل من اجل تامن لهم الاكب ولكن انابنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي اب مثلك يسمح دمعتي ويحميني من الذل والاهانة😢 واخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدناوانقذناقبل أن يطردونا في الشارع نتبهدل او نموت من الجوع انااقسم بالله ألذي رفع سبع سموات بلاعمدوبسط الارض ومهداني لااكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ماطلبتك إلئ من ضيق ومن قسوت الضروف والحال الذي آحنافيه واناوأسرتي،اخي اول گٍلّآمٌيِ آنآآقسمٌ ببآآلّلّهً علّى گٍتٍآب آلّلّهً آنيِ لّآآگٍذٍب علّيِگٍ ولّآآنصِب ولّآآحًتٍآلّ آنيِ بنتٍ يِمٌنيِهً نآدحًيِن مٌن آلُحٍرٍب آنآوآسرتٍيِ وعلّيِنآآجُآربيِتٍ آلّشهًرب20آلّفُ يِمٌنيِ وآلّآن علّيِنآ60آلّفُ حًق3شهًور وصِآحًب البيتٍ مٌن آلّنآس آلّيِ مٌآتٍرحًمٌ والله يااخي انه يجي كل يوم يبهدلناويتكلم عليناويريد ان يطردنا من البيت للشارع لانناماقدرناندفعله الاجارومايروح إلئ بعدمانبكي ورجعوتكلموعليه الناس ومهلنالاخرهذا الاسبوع وإذامادفعناله حلف يمين بالله انه بيخرجناإلئ الشارع بدون رحمه نسالك بالله لولك مقدره علئ مساعدتنا لاتتاخرـــ عــليناوجزاك .ألله خير الجزاء يااخي اناشدك بالله ورسوله انك تحس فينا وترحمنا وترحم حالتنا يااخي احنا اسره ايتام وفقراء ونازحين من الحرب مستأجرين بيت الشهر بع 20 الف ريال والان صارت علينا 60 الف متاخرات حق ثلاثه اشهر واحنا مانقدر ندفعها وصاحب البيت بايخرجنا من البيت إلى الشارع بين البرد بسبب الايجار
    واحنا الاسره ثلاث بنات وامي فقط وحالتنا صعبه يرثى لها يعلم الله يااخي انني ماكتبت لك هذا الكلام الا من ضروف صعبه كان عايشين قبل الحرب وابونا عايش ولاكن نزحنا من بلادنا بسبب الحرب وابونا توفى الله يرحمه والان احنا نعاني من ضيق الحال ومن قسوة الضروف وحكم الزمن القاسي والاسئ والشدائد اخي اني اسالك بالله العلي العظيم اعتبرنا بناتك او اخواتك واني ابوس جزمتك وابوس رجلك تساعدنا الان بلذي تقدر عليه اقسم بلله انني اكتب لك وعيني تذرف الدموع من القهر والاسئ ولكن الحمدلله على كل حال اسال من الله وساعدني ان يجعلك بكل ريال قصر بالجنه وان بشرك بشفاعة سيدنا محمدﷺ وان يسترك يشهد الله من عالي سماه اننا عزيزين نفوس ولانريد نهين انفسنا عند احد ولكن الضروف اجبرتنا ﻳﺎﺃﻫﻞ ﺍﻟﺨﻴﺮ ﺍﻟﻲ ﻋﻨﺪﻩ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺭﻩ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺴﺎﻋﺪﺗﻨﺎ لايتاخر علينا لحظه هاذا رقمي واساب 00967716649494 الـذي يقدر يساعدنا يراسلني على الواتساب نرسـله ألاسـم يـــحولنا بقدر استطـاعته الله يجزيك خـــيـــر،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.،.

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