Starting from Scratch: Plays for Young Real Estate Agents | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
You may have heard that this isn’t a good market for young real estate agents to make their start. But if you believe that, then you need to hear how 20-year-old Vincent Kessel managed to go from nothing to $15 million in volume over just 12 months.
Vincent may be son of a real estate giant, but he got no help from his dad (not even a job) and moved to a new city where he knew no one to build his reputation from the ground up.
In this episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, I sat down with Vincent as well as Rockstar agent and role model Byron Lazine to examine Vincent’s story and see what young real estate agents can do to make a name for themselves in this market.
If you’re a new agent who has been in the business less than three years, this is an absolute must-watch. And if you’re an old pro, you better watch anyway, because these young real estate agents are coming for you...
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 – Vincent enters real estate
04:15 – Vincent’s biggest deal
06:33 – For the person uncomfortable calling
10:20 – Delayed gratification
12:21 – Get in the room
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Foreign. Are you a brand new agent? three years or less in real estate trying to figure out how you can take your business to the next level? Or heck, how about just get a business? Today's Show is entirely for you Vincent Kessel Welcome to the show Byron Lezine back on again hanging out in Vegas Vince How long you been in the business? Uh, just about a year and a half now. Just be okay. So uh, just for context and how old are you now? 20.

20? and when did you turn 20 in August in August So you are not legal. You can't buy a drink. No, my kids are trying to get you a fake ID We want to talk about anything else, right? Oh, stay away from Danny deals. We want to talk about how you went from zero to just under 15 million dollars in your first year in the business.

but I'm gonna I'm gonna give people a little contacts I've known you your entire life. Your pops is a legendary real estate agent who said you can't come work for me, right? You instead of being in the family, nest in Melbourne on the Mega Team the number one Compass Volume Team Transaction team. He said you need to go figure out your own stuff. really And you and you chose a really easy Market Palm Beach right? Wow, So give us the back story.

what did you do in the beginning of your career and how did we get to 15 million dollars or just shy of 15 in your first year in the business? So getting in the business? right? I was a total introvert in high school I had no friends like nothing like all I did was work right? So in high school? Yes, Correct. So right out of high school I was like my dad was like how are you gonna get into real estate you have no social skills I was like okay well first of all that is confrontations. Yeah. So first thing right was I worked with DJ and Lindsay and we were doing over 100 calls a day.

So 100 calls a day right? My confidence was like just boosting. People would tell me to f off stuff like this your confidence was boosting as people were telling you. not nice things. Yeah because I was like because I was thinking about it right? like I was doing the numbers and I was like every time someone tells me to f off I'm making 38 on that call so the more calls I make the more money I make.

So that was boosting my confidence. In addition to that, what is that? Okay, so for the person that doesn't understand what you just said, what, how did you get paid 38 when someone was rude to you? So I did the numbers right I was like all right. So 15 million in volume. how many calls am I making a day on average on those calls and I just divided my volume by the calls a day.

So I did like your volume. My commissions my commissions divided by how many calls correct whether they say yes or no I made 38 dollars. Exactly why did you do that? Because then I was thinking like, okay, so the more calls I make the more money I make right because that's the more appointments I set the more appointments I set the more appointments I go on the more appointments I go on the more contracts blah blah blah blah right? right? So that's like all right. So like a veteran, blah blah blah blah blah Right right And and on top of that right to boost my confidence even more.
I would go to networking events like I couldn't carry a conversation with anyone back in the day. Yeah, Yeah! so I would go to these networking events where there's a hundred lenders, 100 financial advisors like just all the same people and I'd bring 10 business cards and in order for me to leave I'd have to give out all 10 business cards. Yes! and it was like like there's like nails on a chalkboard for me because I hated talking to people but I learned to get comfortable I learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, right? Yeah, so that's that. really put me outside my comfort zone which I believe definitely helped me get to my goal.

Tell us about your first transaction. It was my first transaction first week of the business just hammering the phones. New lead comes in, set the appointment, showed them one house, they bought it for 800 000. did you just think you were the yeah? oh my gosh, I was stressed and then the worst thing that could ever happen was this 22 or 21 22.

it was beginning of 22. So quarter one quarter to 22 makes sense. World's on fire right? Absolutely. Deals are just happening everywhere.

Interest rates are still low, but two totally different markets, right? Your second half of 22 in your first half of 22. Night and Day Yeah, Night and day which is good for your first year. Oh, you see both sides of it right? right? What a year to come in on it. Tell us about your biggest deal.

Biggest deal was about 4.3 million. Um, it's just for context. how old was the buyer or seller that you represented? Um, she was about 70 years old. Um where did the lead come from No lead lead came in.

yeah she At First she ghosted me, didn't want to talk to me whatsoever. Yeah and I just kept calling her that 38 call I kept calling her and Connor and finally like after enough emails and calls, set the appointment. first house. No no no no no no no no no no no He said you're calling, you're texting, you're calling, you're texting.

She has to go online and say well, it looks a lot like my grandson and but when did she crack? Why did she crack and I don't mean cracking a derogatory what? When did she finally accept the call and engage with you And why? I Because I kept sending her emails of properties like I would send her like hey, saw this property just hit the market and thought of you right? Kind of tried to be a little touching in that sense. Yeah, and finally I sent her something that she just fell in love with and she was willing to come like meet me right? Um, but that was I sent her probably 50 properties and there was finally one that just happened. I don't know if you realize this or not, if you. If you've kind of researched 10-year vets, 20-year vets, even in a competitive market in a high-end market like you're in, there's a lot of 10-year vets that are good agents that haven't done a three plus million dollar sale in their career, right? And so you did it.
And and that also speaks to those agents that are like poo poo in those RDC leads, right? Yeah, and poo poo in the the follow-up Well, they didn't connect with me right off the bat. I reached out to them, we didn't We didn't set an appointment right away. so they're they're a dead lead, right? You did the complete opposite. which is why in your first year you got a three million plus deal.

Correct, it's not going to be just some out of the blue thing for you if you continue to do that type of work, right? right? It's insane. What's the lesson? Do you have a lesson yet in all this and and what what do you mean by that? What have you learned? I've learned just one. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable and be consistent consistent with your schedule, your calling, your appointments, and just you know, don't stop, Just keep making the calls. So what do you say to the the new agent that listening right now and saying, well, my dad isn't the number one Compass You know, volume transaction I Didn't grow up in that situation but I can kind of relate to the introverted side I can kind of relate to the you know that that piece I'm just I'm just not I'm not comfortable making phone calls.

What do you say that person? Well, do you want to make money? I mean if you don't want to make money, then don't make phone calls. or I mean whatever you're comfortable with, right? Like if you're comfortable with door knocking or making phone calls, or just networking, just going to a bunch of events, find what you like, what you're good at, and just hone in on that, right? What I think is even more interesting is you know they maybe say oh well, but your dad didn't take you into his team, right? right? So so now your dad's super successful in real estate in a variety of different ways, but you went out and joined another team. What do you say to the agent that's starting out That's saying I'm gonna do absolutely everything on myself I Don't need a coach I don't need a team, you know I'm not a mentor I've got a broker hanging my license and I'm gonna go out there and do it. Do you believe if you weren't on that team that has coaching that has mentorship that has that type of leadership? Knowing what DJ and Lindsey are all about right? that you would have been that successful if you had not gotten around the right people? Absolutely not.

I I Think it's all about team. Um, you know, just teams are coming in a variety of different ways. Yeah, you could be a broker that takes you on another wing and it could be joining a team. Yeah, you know, just people like you guys run.

Try to visualize doing this business a hundred percent on your own, hanging your license somewhere. What would it have looked like 15 million to what I mean if I were to? So are you saying if I were to go by myself? Yeah, any brokerage, no names, but any brokerage, you're hanging your license there and boom you are just doing it yourself. I Mean it would have been unimaginably hard I mean just because you want, you aren't surrounded by the people that are doing the volume. You're not surrounded by like-minded people.
Um, there are no leads to call exactly exactly to be afraid of. Well, now he put it up and paid for on his own. Oh, you did that. No.

tell him that. sorry I didn't know that was PJ and Lindsay lead? No yeah. Um so so I moved from DJ and Lindsay went to Compass Um first like six months was rough like yeah. I was like what do I do what is a lead? How do I get a lead on my own right? Um, so then I was like okay I got to start I learned a few things with your time on the team.

Correct? Correct. So it's called Arbitrage right? right? So then I was like okay, I'm really good at on like converting online leads. Let me buy some leads and you know, moving? You know, 19. think about that right? The investment in himself in this business, right? right? And money not to coach? Larry Webb By the way, Love Larry Love Larry Couldn't have done it without Larry I mean first six months did two million volume, following six months did an additional 10 million with Larry Larry held me that halfway.

Um, but I mean swallowing. So the first lead spend was thirteen thousand dollars and mind you, didn't have any production for the following six months. after DJ and Lindsay it was on my own. like had an apartment.

like really starting over. Yeah, like off the team. Yeah, into the plan right? Yep, Yep. so I was like okay.

bank accounts running low, kind of stress in here, but failure is not an option right? Yeah, so then just went back to hammering the calls like the more calls I make the more money, make 38 a call and that's when I started gaining traction and then one month I did gosh 6.3 million in volume one month and that was just like it was like a bowl that was just relieved off my chest. Yeah and that that really kind of gave me that Kickstart to keep going even more. Love it. Yeah so you text me and said hey, should I buy a Porsche What was my answer? Absolutely not absolutely.

Why do you think I said not only do I love you, you're like a like another son right? Why do you think I told you after you had a bombing year, don't go buy a car. Well I mean it's one, ego is I would say a big one. um and two, it's just financially doesn't make sense right? Yeah, I mean I mean Thomas told me no, don't make that investment let alone buy a toy right? right? right and depreciate NASA And for the person listening I mean it. This isn't just because of the the close family bond and you and I have just our relationship forever, it's it's like you need to have some delayed gratification correct right? You need to realize like I you know like I'm 34 years into doing what I'm doing and now I can say okay I can kind of you know do some things and and have different experiences because I've earned it right? right? Like I don't want to see people put themselves behind on payments and that stuff just scares me.
Interesting that it was the car. Did you play a trick on your mind thinking if I buy the Porsche I'm gonna do more Three million dollar deals? Yes and yeah, but it also change people's perception of you 100 Yeah. Definitely. that's the story you were telling yourself of course.

But the reality is you did a three million dollar deal with what car by Mercedes Yeah yeah yeah, yeah. used yes for sure you so I made it right? Yeah, you got to sell the Jeep You got to get a real estate car. You can't drive around here I have an agent yeah uh that I'm partnered with. she's like she's a legacy agent on our team.

Shout out Anne who's like Byron all agents should get used Mercedes-Benz They're reliable. They're a great real estate car. You look good. You can relate to the median price point.

You can relate to the high in price point use Mercedes She just swears by them. so there you go. Stick with that. Yeah, and her brother sells used Mercedes Yeah, maybe why not like this, Why not? Whatever you want to do? Yeah, yeah.

All right. So so Vince First of all, thank you for being on the show. Um, you know Byron's been on would be a bunch. We do all this kind of stuff.

This is cool. It is very cool to see someone I've known your entire life to watch you struggle I mean I remember that we're in Miami at a Mastery uh, Mastery Mastermind and Kirk and I and then he's like okay, she just said this right his 4.2 meter. She just did this. We're like, okay, just use this line and then we go back and have a glass of wine and he's running away.

Everyone knows what I'm talking about like in the middle of this. He's like the commission and we're just like having a glass of wine. just you know, giving some coaching to watch you go through all that struggle and all that hardship and to know what's in front of you I know with your dad watching I Wish I could buy like 25 of your future earnings right now on the spot because it's going to be ginormous. it'd be the best investment.

I'm in for 12 and a half. We'll split this down. Listen, you're getting in the room. Your dad said no and you didn't You didn't take that as like okay, I'm gonna go do something else.

Real estate's not for me. You went and still got in the room anyways. correct and I think that's a big takeaway for agents no matter where. you are right in your career, right? Get in the room with the people that are doing it.
That's right. You know these big time athletes, they're not just going and trying to figure out every move on their own. Yeah, right. What did Kobe do He got in the room with the guy that brought Jordan to the next level right? Get in the room.

you're getting in the room over and over again I just listen to a podcast on Kevin Hart which I'll send to you and he said the same thing he said, you know man in my culture like no one told me about these rooms that everybody else was getting into and the second I started getting into these rooms all of a sudden I was like wait a minute I should own the production company I should own the studio I should own this and they they all laid out exactly what I had to do and that like I think for the people listening right now they're entering the room with us. so as we wrap this up, thank you so much for watching. Definitely follow this character right? Yes, absolutely watch them because this is just a star in the making. You have a lot of work to do, kid? Yes, you know I Love You you got a lot of work to do, but you had a good start.

You had a good start. Closing thoughts before we bounce: I'm super impressed Man, you're way ahead. Uh, certainly where I was at 19 20 years old I was making huge real estate mistakes at that age and so take the advice from Tom like really I wouldn't be worried about every dollar you're making this year I'd be worried about how do I invest into more rooms like this to get the knowledge because in 30 years I mean in 10 years when you're 30? oh my, you're gonna be so far ahead of so many people. Yeah, so hats off to you starting early.

just keep that mindset of delayed gratification. like like Tom said I Love it and every person that reaches out answer their questions on you know Instagram Yeah right beat. Be a support for others as this community has supported you and that will it. will pay you back more in here than anyplace else.

Just be a support for everybody else too. I Love that! All right guys! Thanks so much for watching. Leave some comments, let us know what you think. Follow these guys and listen.

keep up the good work. We got your back. We're behind you. Let's go foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

11 thoughts on “Starting from scratch: plays for young real estate agents”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Richardson says:

    Great Conversation!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Fields says:

    Great video and I love to see people and Tom Ferry ecosystem succeeding!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eno says:

    Phone calls , by phone calls leads system such as redx , Vulcan7 you mean.. ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Turner says:

    So when he says he makes phone calls, phone calls to who about what?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Where to Live in Oakville and Burlington says:

    TF … brings his own people in the show that are in his coaching programs and becomes his testimonials. However, he never brings someone who has been in his coaching program for 5 years and still struggling. Only 5% of TF coaching agents are successful. That’s 95% agents failing that’s 87% agents quit in first five years. That’s a fact.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tatyana Kaucic says:

    Or if you don’t have any sales yet, you can figure out how much commission you want to make and how many calls you have to make on average. You can treat it as “collecting no’s to get to a YES!” Don’t attach to the outcome and just get through it. 😅 great Job, Vincent 🙌💯☀️

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julie Kennedy Munden says:

    I have to say, I really don't care what kind of car my realtor shows up in to sell my house. I love cars too.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tatyana Kaucic says:

    Woo woot! I’m a new agent and love all the content you provide here! Priceless! ❤😊 Thank You!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Morgan says:

    Let me guess, their gonna talk about "limiting beliefs".

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Morgan says:

    Do you have any techniques that aren't used car sales stuff?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lê Trọng Tấn Official says:


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