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Got an update on Tesla in California And boy, this is a little bit mind-blowing But folks, Tesla is now announcing that their Global head of Engineering is actually getting placed in California in Palo Alto A place where you can't buy a home. A good home for less than three million dollars. My son happens to like Palo Alto because I took him there once and their playgrounds are amazing because they got a lot of money over there. and so why the hell would Tesla build a menu or build basically an engineering Workshop Workshop More like an engineering headquarters.

Why would they put an engineering headquarters in Palo Alto California Well, Elon Musk Explained this directly and essentially. The idea is that there is a lot of engineering talent in San Francisco and this makes a lot of sense. In fact, I'm going to grab something from JP Morgan Asset Management End and some research that they put together in just the last couple days and this is the kind of stuff I do Okay I Sit here and I read research. This is an 81-page report and on page 64 of that 81-page report, take a look at this number of unicorns in other words, smaller companies that that are very Innovative and get a lot of private Equity money.

A lot of Investments A lot of dollars have a lot of skilled employees. Look at the number of unicorns by City This video is sponsored by the programs on Building Your Wealth linked down below and the experience to Shadow Me. If you'd like to do that in person, check out all of that link down below. You get lifetime access to all of the content, the course member live streams, and new information that's regularly added from the point of view of private Equity markets and what do you have.

Ah, most of them are in San Francisco about 50 percent more than the next highest city in New York Now this is a piece on China and this particular piece talks about how like Shanghai and Beijing are catching up and they are. That's really a topic for a different video though, but it's very interesting because as much as people bag on California if you want AI investment, Venture Capital Money San Francisco is the best place for that. At this point you know other areas are coming up. You got the Silicon slopes in Uh in in Utah uh, you've got uh New York You've got Miami You've got Austin which is trying to become uh, you know an area I think Miami They call it silicon Beach Silicon Slopes Utah Right Silicon Valley Obviously, uh, uh, San Francisco and such.

But it's very interesting to me because Tesla made it clear they've got 47 000 direct employees in California and uh, Elon Musk made it very clear that Tesla Fremont is the most productive Automotive Factory in North America Now that will change Elon Musk here is trying to be complementary to Tesla or to California and I'm going to give you my thesis on exactly why that's happening, but that's that's true. For now, it won't be much longer because the most productive Factory in North America will probably be in Northeast Mexico or the Giga taxes, right? And that's also where the Tesla headquarters are. but the headquarters of Just Engineering are going to be in California and this facility will employ about 1400 engineers. And what I thought was really interesting about this is oh well.
Also, it's worth noting that Nvidia which just smashed earnings phenomenal earnings. Huge player in not only Autonomy, but also in AI Artificial Intelligence Data Centers a cloud-based artificial intelligence, but also, uh, just smashed earnings I mean absolutely incredible. They they're talking about an inflection point in AI, but they also are a massive Automotive player. Nvidia is right in that they're trying to sell basically systems on chips to companies like Mercedes so they can actually more effectively conduct software updates.

Right now, only about 31 of Mercedes recalls, according to Forbes are done over the air, whereas 99 of Tesla's recalls are solved by an over-the-air update. and Nvidia actually provides a lot of the backbone for a lot of other Automotive companies. Whether it's Nvidia I'm sorry, whether it's Neo Mercedes Volkswagen they provide the backbone for a lot of of the chip technology and guess where videos located. Ah, Santa Clara the valley right up by San Jose San Francisco Like this, this is the AI Hub Like, say what you want about California that's the AI Hub I Just flew from San Diego to to Uh Ventura California Yesterday we got to fly along the coastline and then we crossed above Malibu and saw all the crazy homes and everything from from a pretty relatively low altitude.

Gorgeous. like California is freaking beautiful. Uh, but but the point is NorCal is fantastic for the AI autonomy and Engineering world. Now maybe that'll change.

A lot of work from home is changing that and and messing things up. but there's nothing like the in-person startup culture. That's why with my startup we require anyone who's being hired new hire. They've got to work with us in person.

Come travel with us, work with us, Be with us is a massive difference from in a startup culture. So I think really, what Elon here is doing is twofolded. Number one: it's trying to Foster the startup culture to always be at the front of innovation. There's no better place for AI innovation in my opinion, and clearly, uh, Elon Musk at least somewhat agrees with this.

NorCal Now the second thing that's very interesting because you know Gavin Newsom tried to turn this into like a politics thing and he's like, you know, we've got more jobs in California We've got more hunting jobs, more fishing jobs. We've got more Manufacturing in California than any other state. Elon's response to that line was fantastic. Elon's like, well, it is a big state and and he's basically kind of saying like dude, Gavin Newsom like stop stroking yourself Okay, that has nothing to do with you.
You have the highest population out here. Of course, you have the highest amount of jobs in all these various different sectors. Fantastic. Quit back from Elon Musk.

But here's the 4D chess move. In my opinion: Elon Musk has also very clearly aligned himself with Uh Texas and Republicans for manufacturing and Manufacturing Freedoms right? that's obviously very in and sort of Freedom of Information via Twitter Big fan of aligning himself with Republicans right? That's been whether that was intentional or not. He's done a phenomenal job over the last year of basically being the greatest Republican Advocate ever. Okay, obviously from a political point of view, people on the left do not really like Elon Musk right now.

look at what Elon Musk just did by employing about 1.4 percent of Tesla folks engineers at an new headquarters in California creating potentially new jobs. Although we don't even know those are going to be new jobs. People could just be moving from their current old headquarters into that headquarters, right? So they might not even be new jobs. It could have literally been as simple as Elon Musk Like signing a lease and then moving 1400 people to a new engineering headquarters.

Which is like kind of a line. Anyway, it's like, okay, like you had an engineering department there. Anyway, now you're just signing a New lease and calling it the Engineering Headquarters right? Like like come on, this is a 4D chess move. You know what the 4D chess move is to make Democrats like him Again, it's freaking brilliant.

Elon Musk was just at the White House shaking hands with Biden Folks at the transportation department. Why? It's so they can get billions of dollars of tax credits to expand the Tesla supercharging Network in exchange for slowly in a way that doesn't affect congestion. although I think it will affect congestion. Really, that's just sort of me.

kind of being a little skeptical and jaded. But anyway, that's because I'm a Tesla owner right? So obviously like I don't want other people at the touching stations because I don't want to wait. That's me being selfish. Okay, but anyway, Elon Musk Working with the White House to build billions of dollars more of charging infrastructure is great.

Why? Because it gives Tesla billions of dollars to make the greatest charging Network even greater and even better and even more Innovative. But that also makes but the Biden Administration shout out Elon Musk and Tesla about how great their being for sustainability and climate change something Democrats like. So Republicans we already got we got enough Republican Elon Musk right? We we had enough of that in 2022. now he's playing the other side.

Hey, uh yeah yeah. Give us billions of dollars in tax credits and we'll expand our charging Network and we'll let y'all plug in. And don't worry, we'll charge you Democrats Who don't drive Teslas more money to charge at our stations. but oh well.
we'll take the billions of dollars of tax credit. Freaking brilliant. This guy's a genius. He's playing both signs.

Elon Musk is brilliant. Now he goes to Gavin Newsom The epitome of the left. The poster boy of failed schools, failed homelessness, failed mental health education, a failure of a state They will send stimulus checks to people making 500 000. No joke.

Look it up. Five hundred thousand dollar people. a households making up to 500 000 in October of 2022 got stimulus checks rather than actually making the appropriate investments into the state that needs it most. actually trying to make California more competitive again.

Geez, Lord That guy. Why would Elon Musk Go talk to that guy and quip back at how great California actually is by actually kind of trying to undercut Gavin Newsom In like, at the like, the perfect moments. Why is he announcing this? Because again, Gavin Newsom's the poster boy of the left and even though Elon Musk might not actually be doing anything special or unique, it makes it feel that way. Hey, let's have an event.

Let's celebrate the signing of this new lease hold interest that we have in NorCal We're gonna move some Engineers over here. it's great Gavin Newsom's like oh, I wish we could be cutting a ribbon right now. oh yeah, and Elon Musk like is such a dummy. Uh, and in the meantime, guess what? Now all of a sudden the lefties who hate Elon Musk are like damn Elon Musk is helping out Biden he's helping out Newsom he's he's coming back to California Yeah yeah California is great.

Yeah well yeah yeah yeah, this is great. It's like he just opened up the demographic again. he just he's bringing Democrats back to Tesla This guy is absolutely freaking brilliant. Okay, like he realized he went a little too far, went a little too right last year and now he's flip-flopping to the other side.

not in a way that insults the right. Okay, nobody on the right in my opinion is insulted by Elon Musk going to the Biden Administration getting billions of dollars in tax credits to expand the supercharger. Network like that's not offensive to the right. Okay, you're putting 1400 jobs that may already be there in NorCal that's not offensive to the right, but it's uh, like it's like a it's like a boner to the left.

You know it's like this look Elon is brilliant. This is this is like the the biggest 4D chess move and it is so perfect coming right on the backs of all. like the Twitter files and all the drama, it's like damn that guy. Okay, that's all I Got to say that's that's all I Gotta say he, he he's brilliant all right.

Enough of that. Enough enough because I'm Gonna Get Enough comments of people being like: Okay Kevin just get on your knees for Elon All right. Like, come on man. I Think you could be on either side and be looking at this going.
Yeah, no, you're not wrong. Kevin But still get on your knees Okay, oh dear. Lord Oh, I'm having too much fun with this um, supposed to be going to the course member live stream Uh, here soon. We've got a a new Flash sale by the way.

an inspiration of the uh uh Tesla investor day coming up on uh March 1st. So if you're looking for Lifetime access to the programs on building your wealth great pricing, check out that link down below. uh, any of the programs most most popular right now uh is the Uh Stocks and Psychology Money Group a lot of folks joining that pretty regularly. Uh, and then of course, the zero to millionaire real estate vesting course.

and I think that's partly in part because I think it's pretty clear real estate or uh, stocks are likely on an upward. Trend While real estate is still on its downtrend, we're going to get that delayed cycle. uh, which is, uh, you know, pretty pretty well expected right now for.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Elon musk’s *new* 4d-chess move cunning.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Hernandez says:

    Democrats have money republicans don’t

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Redacted says:

    Tesla guy smart narrative pretty thin after seeing him in real time on twitter.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My 2 Cents says:

    Growing the engineering is how Elon sees growing Tesla. Tesla can afford to invest in it's future. Lots of other companies are down sizing or right sizing. Tesla is growing. Roughly doubling it's sales every 2 years. This is not easy. Tesla can take innovation and apply it to an industry. In other words Tesla can wake up an industry that is sleeping.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evgeny Onishkevich says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Umbers says:

    Well picked up Kevin. A while back Elon was doing a podcast with the All In guys where he stated that he had never voted republican because he thought the Dems were the kinder party. Because of his stance on climate change that didn't surprise me. The next thing he comes out hard on the right which shocked me. Initially I thought, the idiot Dems have finally turned an ally in to an enemy. Then I thought maybe he is just making it OK for republicans to buy a Tesla. Then he is at the Super Bowl with Rupert Murdoch and I think maybe his has really swung hard to the right. Next thing the Dems are sucking up handing out billions and Elon is shaking hands and sending love tweets. It's a funny old world.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alien Grey says:

    Chevy Bolt, half the price and the interior is not made with cheap inferior materials. Yes, they had a fire problem several years ago, but thy fixed it, now what, Tesla? You just can't compete with good old Chevy, fascist boy.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars True Freedom says:

    Why undercut what he is doing by pushing it in democrats face?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Klay Tee says:

    That’s how stupid 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑are

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Klay Tee says:

    Go to Johnny bravo if you want to learn. Stop being a 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Klay Tee says:

    Tesla will crash!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Klay Tee says:

    Who the hell can stand this democrat? Annoying voice! I do give this fool credit for drinking and driving

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Studeb says:

    Anybody who knows a lot about Elon will not like him no matter what he does.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harutyun G says:

    For the record, Miami was always silicone beach ( . )( . )

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Gilmore says:

    Democrats will slander and hate Elon as long as their cult tells them to. He won’t be liked as long as he supports reason in not voting democrat

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Gilmore says:

    California would be awesome if it wasn’t for anti-American democrat ideology.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cali Boy says:

    Don’t trust Musk guys he is full of crappp

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dialectical Monist says:

    Could someone explain to me how Elon Musk went "right"?

    Is freedom of speech "right wing"?

    Is that how far gone we really are?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Go Girl says:

    Oh poor Kevin…yr tin foil hat is screwed on waay too tight. Liberals hate Elon & even tho they LOVE his amazing "status symbol" car now they say "im soo embarrassed to be driving a Tesla" ONLY bcuz he is exposing their swamp..& how much Hate, bullying & censoring liberals were doing on Twitter. Elon doesnt give a rip who "likes" him. Besides all those "elitist" Liberals have already bought a Tesla. Ha ha. . 🤣 😆

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UnTwisted Truth says:

    Democrats don't care about saving the Earth, they care about power and control. Musk purchase of Twitter proved that: suddenly he went from hero to demon.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nicholas muni says:

    Alright Kevin get on your knees and do what to Elon Musk?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Talesfromthecrypto says:

    Not really a 4D chess move when your opponent has the memory of a house plant. More like connect 4D

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tactileslut says:

    I like you, Kevin, but when your voice gets loud and nasal and a-every a-word a-gets a leading a-vowel I seriously have to a-tune a-out.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alwayz smarter says:

    "Explain it to me like im 16"

    "Its like getting a boner"- Kevin

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    My Precious Shit. My boo boo forevermore sweetness sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my boo boo forevermore sweetness sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my boo boo. Is my precious. Point Blank. Always. Take Note: people. I kid you not.

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