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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So I'm gonna give you my recap for today. We had a true banana squeeze today, a stock that went up 450 percent. a recent SPAC merger. Incredible price action.

So grateful for this today. I'm finishing the day at six thousand, seven hundred seventy five dollars and 10 cents. Today is uh, day three? well, maybe day four of Trader Rehab for me. Many of you know that I had a red week last week and my goal for this week was to try to just put together a couple of consecutive green days get myself back in the driver's seat.

Unfortunately, as you can probably tell, I'm sick. This is, uh, part of being a parent to two little kids. You get sick a lot. So I'm under the weather today I wasn't even sure I was gonna trade this morning.

last night was rough but I sat down well I actually rolled over in bed this morning I looked at my Gap scanner on my phone Day trade: Dash You guys can use day Trade Dash scanners if you go to or Warrior Trading Members Starter plus Pro all have access to my scans so you could see these scans if you wanted to and you can log in on your phone. you can see very quickly. The Gap scanner didn't look that great this morning so I kind of mosied over here around 8 30. I was like uh, I'll take a look, maybe something will give me an opportunity and my simple goal was to try and just take one or two trades, get green and shut it down.

I Ended up being really impressed with the price action today. I'm gonna keep this recap short because I'm kind of losing my voice. but what I'm going to do for you guys is I'm going to give you a link right down below where you can watch the 90 minute long banana squeeze strategy lesson that is available for warrior Pro members I'm going to make that available for you guys. It's a 90 minute long lesson where I walk you through the anatomy of a banana squeeze.

So if you don't know about this setup, you've never traded this before or you know, a stock like Ocea this comes as a bit of a shock to you. This could happen. This happens again and again and again. I've seen this happen so many times I didn't capitalize on it as well as I could have today.

But in that lesson I show you a couple of case studies of some that I did capitalize on a little bit better. So I really encourage you to check that out that will be pinned to the comments and in the top of the description. So Ocea My first trade on this was at about 8 42 a.m I Bought it at five dollars and 68 cents. So what was happening at 568 this morning? Well, it squeezed up as you can see right here at 8.

A.M News came out, it squeezes up and then it came back up to view app at about 8 21 and it rejected sold off, came back up again and I bought as it broke V-wap right there it's 568. First entry: I'm in ends up hitting a high of 587. it pulls back, it breaks 587, it goes up to 594, but it couldn't break six on that first attempt. It drops back down and then it comes back up here and it rips through six.
It's a high of six. Uh, let's see Six Fifteen, Six, Twenty Six thirty and I was honestly surprised that it went all the way to 6 30. I thought First of all, I wasn't really sure that this was even going to hold over V-wap but it did. And then I thought okay, resistance at 637 this blue line the high of this candle and I thought maybe we would have resistance at the height of this candle here which was about 6 13 and we did for a second but and it broke through that level.

so uh. anyways, it comes up, it breaks through 637 and goes up to 680. double topping almost with the pre-market High So I traded it through this range. but uh, because I'm not feeling well and because today is uh, day three or maybe day four of Trader rehab depending on how you look at it.

Um, I was feeling kind of nervous I was like, you know what? just take it easy today. Get green, don't overstay your welcome. Go slow. So my first trade here I took with I think it was 2 000 shares.

Yeah, 2 000 shares in a 568. So I made a little on that trade, got back in as it came back up through six 605 uh breaks. Let's see that was uh right here it comes up to six 605 breaks I'm in at 605 with a stop at six dollars goes up to 618, pulls back. break 618 goes up to 6 30.

pulls back squeezes higher up to 675. So I traded that whole move I predicted this false breakout here I did not buy that candle. There was a hidden seller at 660. it was holding it back.

it broke and flushed. once it tried and flushed a second time it broke and I said no I'm not going in for this I don't trust it it flushed, came back up, tried to break this level I got in at 680 for the Breakthrough high of day I was so disappointed it didn't break in a better way I got out of that trade flat at this point I was up. uh maybe I can't remember actually 700 on the day. So trading with small size the winners were small.

uh at the open I took two trades to start first trade I got in right here at 680 675. it then drops to 655 and I was like uh oh I'm down 20 cents on this. This isn't good, comes back up to 685 I got out at 6.75 for more or less break even maybe a hundred dollar loss. So I was at 6 50 on the day and then it comes back up here I get back in it breaks 690 goes up to seven I took profit quick because I had just had that close call that put me up about a thousand on the day I was like okay, nice solid.

On resumption from the halt, we popped up to a high of eight 30. we dropped down and we curl back up here to a high of 870. It was a little choppy and we flushed down choppy price action. I was like ah I don't know about this not sure and then I got back in for the Breakthrough the highs right here.

We got the squeeze to the high up to 920 and we actually hauled it up at 9 37. then it continues. It hits a high here of like almost ten dollars. It sells off to 880.
I bought the dip at nine it hits 909 but I was like uh-oh it's not really bouncing I thought it was Bear flagging I got out small winner I got back in for the Breakthrough 9.50 A little bit of a sort of false attempt there. it's 980. it drops back down, then it breaks 980 goes to 1037. Quick scalps, in and out, it resumes.

There was a dip and rip here I didn't get in off 11. there was a hidden buyer at 11. I I sort of hesitated I punched it at about 1160. it squeezes up to 12 10 I took the profit most of it off the table.

halt again On resumption here, took a little more off the table and then at this point I think I was all out I was like I You know I was trading a small size and I was like I'm fine with this so it ends up going quite a lot higher. but notice these are 10 second charts. It would halt, resume and be open for like 10 to 20 seconds before halting. Look how fast this was.

Halting within 10 seconds there was no training time. There was not a lot of volume. Even so, it's kind of crazy because it went from 18 to 28 on literally about a hundred and seventy thousand shares of volume. Two hundred thousand shares of volume.

it goes up 10 points. How is that even possible? It's got 20 million shares today. Well, it's the mystery of circuit breaker halts the way they affect the market. but you got to Halt down and then from there a Gap lower it opens, lower, curls back up.

so while a well Ocea was going higher I started looking for sympathy. Momentum: I took my first trade on am it hits the scanner and I was like yup, daily Continuation: Okay, this looks strong I got in at 5.95. it's a high year of 620. no sorry it was on this candle.

It's a high here of 605 and then flushes back to 575. made 100 bucks on it and could have been a loser I was like whoa Okay, can't trust that stock anymore I'm leaving that one alone I saw lion was halted up so lion this stock gets halted up ends up uh, it was halted up right here at about 9 35 I was like oh man, okay that's interesting. it's a similar setup, it's a recent spec I saw Ggaaa altered up like six times in a row. 12 14, 16, 18, 20 hit a high of 27.

so I was like okay, that one's interesting vgas I saw that one hauled up and on this one I got in at 50 15.78 I bought a thousand shares I punched it it holds it up at 1674. it resumed went up to 12 30 and I took profit at 12 30 and then it uh opened a little higher and I took the rest off the table at about I said 12 30, 20 35 uh going into the Hall took the rest off the table at 2050. Best exit this I was nervous about because by the time these were long halts and by the time this was resuming, uh Ocea had reversed and was halting back down. So I actually made more in a sympathy Momentum stock than I made on the main stock.

mostly because the halts were so quick and the spreads were kind of so big I got scared. uh, but on Ocea or sorry on Vgas, the spreads got tight enough that I decided to pull the trigger and I got a quick uh, four points out of it just about. It was really phenomenal. So a great trade on that one and that put me at 6700 on the day.
So I left some money on the table I saw some Traders today who were up five, eight, ten, fifteen, sixteen thousand dollars. There's some traders that did much much better than I did today for sure, but I'm grateful to be green. I'm always proud to see students who do well. It's wonderful to see and you know this has been my last 60 days or so.

about 130 000 in profit before those four big red days last week recovered with a tiny red day on Friday that's not really recovering, but small red day on Friday green on Tuesday green on Wednesday and now a nice green day today. uh, was down 7 400 on the biggest red day. So today I made back most of that loss in one day. but I still have uh, you know, three more days of losses to recoup.

But one of the things I talk about being in trying to rehab is that my first goal is try to make back about half of the loss and do that by just hitting base hits not being too aggressive, slow and steady. and I ended up getting a couple of nice base hits on Ocea and then one. uh, kind of just great trade on Vgas which is wonderful that doesn't always happen but I definitely uh, was grateful for it today. so that's my brief recap.

I Encourage you guys to check out the lesson on trading the banana squeeze. It's a banana squeeze strategy, so check that out down below. I Think you'll get a ton out of it. It'll help you better prepare for the next time one of these comes along.

And my suspicion is that we will be seeing some more momentum in the coming weeks because usually it's a move like this that triggers momentum. So I'm gonna be looking for the next round of momentum. Got some good action today. Let's see if we get more tomorrow.

Thanks as always for tuning in. Reminder: As always, the trading is risky. My results aren't typical and there's no guarantee you'll find success with your trading owner. You'll learn from me, so make sure you take it slow and practice in a simulator before you put Roma down the line and I'll see you back here first thing to tomorrow morning.

I'll be live streaming for members at Warrior Trading. See you guys tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Banana squeeze on $ocea 450%”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Burke says:

    Lol I'm doing trader rehab. 6 red days in a row. Lol you always have good a bad weeks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike McKinzie says:

    First off, if you caught what I still have, I caught my "cold crud" two weeks ago yesterday, it lasts a LONG TIME as I still have an occasional cough. Zicam, Emergen-C and Mucinex got me through it. Next, I watched LUNR and OCEA all day yesterday and never pulled the trigger. I almost hit BUY on LUNR at 50, thinking it would bounce and it was 22 in a short time. I almost hit BUY on OCEA at 15 but it was the wrong side of the move. So, as in Poker, some of the best hands you play are those you FOLD and sometimes NOT hitting the BUY button ends up being wise. I am watching OCEA and LUNR today and may take a small stab if it is set up right. Or maybe I will just play SIM trading and not risk money until I build up more experience and confidence.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gareth noxon says:

    Hey Ross, does warriors simulator have hot keys? Also is it pretty similar to sterling?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ema Fernรกndez says:

    hope you get better soon Ross! love to you brother

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo_Joe says:

    You need to drop the penny stocks and just get on blue chips..

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HOSTILE TRADING says:

    I was in after the first halt. Had the amazing halt-upโ€™s and had a profit of 52K today. Sometimes you just have to take the risk in order to see the huge amounts๐Ÿ”ฅ.

    Get well soon Ross๐Ÿค’!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michaล‚ Szyszka says:

    Hi Ross, what about not thinking in a way that you are "making back" what you lost? Isn't it not the best approach from psychological point of view?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karim Daim says:

    get well soon brother

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cashoutkevin says:

    im drunk but you da man

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE SMART INVESTOR X says:

    i couldnโ€™t find Day trade Dash in uk app story

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boyard0z says:

    hope you get better ross!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa says:

    Letโ€™s go Rosssss!!!! Awesome work!!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Armando Lleras says:

    Market makers are crooks

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beezy Talking Shit says:

    I paper traded $294,000 on paper trade. I got in OCEA, LUNR, and ATLX. Shorted all 3 at the right moment. RSI was in the 90s on all of them on the 15min chart.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael S says:

    Hopefully this is a sign of things to come. Feel better soon, Ross. Vernorโ€™s, whiskey, and some raw honey โ€ฆ bring it to a boil and shoot it down the hatch. Right as rain๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Geraldo says:

    Did OCEA soar 450% in wake of research data or was it purely a squeeze? Its currently around 120% after hours so clearly didn't hold up. Anyone know?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay C says:

    nice day. $1000 profit with 200 position of Ocean Bio.๐ŸŽ‰

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Stock says:

    I watched everyone else make money on this today

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lil porky says:

    Isnt it crazy how much u get sick from the kids going to school. I didnt notice this untill i got older n baby sitting. germs go crazy! I need a scanner/warning/news thingy for moving stocks/crypto i'm missing alot of the moves by being late. Any suggestions anyone?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chiko says:

    Are you trading on a real or demo account?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ernesto Salas says:

    Ross what scanners do you use?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zoe Liu says:

    I saw this stock on the scanner list but I didnโ€™t pick it๐Ÿ˜ข because picked a few stocks from the list this week but didnโ€™t do very well๐Ÿ˜… so how do you determine which one is profitable instead of chasing high Ross? ๐Ÿ˜Š

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G says:

    Hi Ross,

    I would like to be a student. I got in at 17.50. I didn't know about this type of squeeze. I lost about a grand today, but I think it will gain momentum tomorrow or later next week. Hopefully, I can get out and continue to stay green. Anyways, where can I begin to be one of your students?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art H says:

    That's amazing!! You're the GOAT!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slumped says:

    The last 2 weeks were slow but boy the triple digit gappers are back!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vitaly R says:

    I found this one on Finviz. Awesome scanner

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