7 Best Real Estate Marketing Campaigns to Attract Sellers
What are the best real estate marketing campaigns aimed at doing for you? How about attracting more sellers and taking more listings? Particularly right now, listings are your lifeblood. Because the agent who lists is the agent who lasts.
In this episode of This Week in Marketing, Jason Pantana is going to give you the seven best real estate marketing campaigns to you need to attract more sellers. And keep in mind that these are each campaigns, so you don’t need to be working them all at once. Just choose one or two and get grinding on it.
Watch or listen now to get started.
In this episode, Jason discusses…
00:00 – The necessity of listings
02:50 – AERs
06:18 – Home valuation ads
11:22 – Content CTAs
19:35 – Neighbor-only options
21:32 – Niche Facebook ad campaigns
22:56 – Epic listing launches
24:00 – Geo farming
25:51 – The work is worth it
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If you don't get listings, you're not going to last. today. We're going to talk about seven different marketing campaigns designed to attract sellers listings. Why? Because you know that you have to list to last.

We also know the marketplace has and will continue shifting. We know there are projected fewer number of sales in 2023 than in years prior, and we also know there are more agents to go around vying for that available business than ever before, which means you're going to have to work smarter. You're gonna have to work more deliberately. I was listening to Tom Ferry Talk about this.

Uh, just yesterday. In fact, he talked about the fact that there are 168 hours every week, which we all know or we knew that vaguely. I suppose and that a certain allocation you're sleeping, you're with family, you're out with clients, you're doing your life so to speak, and when you really get down to it, there's not that much time available to you to actually market and scale and grow your business. Tom has often called it working on your business, not just in your business.

And so I beg the question With the time you have dedicated to actually building your business, growing, what you want, Are you doing so with intention? Today's video is designed to help you work with intention to generate rate listings. Thinking about the outcome you want and I presume the outcome if you're watching this video. still is you want more listings If that's you I'd love to hear your goal. How many listings do you want in the comments and what is the strategy to reverse engineer your way back to that goal in terms of how you intend on attracting those listings I Hope to add a few more to your marketing mix today as we talk about seven different listing attraction marketing strategies.

Welcome to this Week of Marketing. My name is Jason Pantana I'm your host if you're new to the channel and this content welcome. This is called this Week in Marketing and we have other shows that talk about other things in terms of scaling and building your real estate business. Just tap the big red subscribe button and then hit the little Bell right next to it to turn on notifications.

So whenever Tom or myself or others publish content designed to help you grow and scale and operationalize your business, you get a little notification to say I should invest in my career today by learning what it takes to be more successful. So without further, Ado Let's dive into the content and talk about seven different marketing strategies: tactics, campaigns. All those words will work for us today to generate more listings. So before I get into the first one.

here's sort of the lay of the land, the order of operations. today. We're going to talk about annual Equity reviews with your database because they're your best source of listings and I'd be remiss if I didn't go there. We're going to talk about home valuation ads because they're just tearing it up Right now.
We're going to talk about content calls to action. How do you actually mine the opportunities out of your content? We'll talk about neighbor only opens and then Niche Facebook campaigns. We'll talk about epic listing launches and then finally we're going to Capstone it with Geographic farming. This video today is designed to be a flyover of a multi-faceted approach to generating listings.

Pick and choose. You may not do all these strategies, but pick the ones that need to be added to your marketing mix so you can list to last. First one out of the gate is the annual Equity review. This is all about your database.

I Would be remiss if I did not encourage you to start with your database past clients sphere of influence, contacts, the people who know you, like you, trust you because real estate is a relationship business. In fact, if you look at the annual reports that the National Association of Realtors publishes every year that talk about how buyers and how sellers identify and select their agent talks about a lot of other stuff too, but that's covered in it Invariably every single year, the number one way that buyers and sellers both actually identify an agent for hire is repeat referral. It's especially the case when it comes to sellers. sellers.

over sixty percent of the time found their agent. According to this report, Year over year over year, found their agent by way of repeat or referral business. Now a lot of Agents I Think don't always work their database because they're like I don't want to seem pushy I don't want to be like you know. Hey, you want to sell.

You want to sell because they didn't raise their hand and volunteer that information that they're thinking about selling. So wouldn't it be better? They say to go generate leads who are raising their hand and actually potentially signifying some intent to want to sell their house. And the answer is leads are great. but the stats tell a different story because I can give you a thousand leads of Sellers and I can predict that if you don't already know them.

if they don't like you, trust you. If there's not already a relationship with those leads, then over 60 of them are going to work with some other agent they already know like and Trust despite being your lead, my point to you is not to say leads are bad. I'm going to get into leads in a second. My point to you is to say we got to start at home.

We got to start with your database. This is a relationship business and one of the easiest ways to execute on this idea is an annual Equity review. It is what it sounds like. Once a year you conduct a one-on-one Equity review with every person in your database.

Now every person, your head may be exploding just depending upon the size of your database. I'll leave it up to you and your coach to figure out how to actually implement this just depending upon the size of your database. All I'm saying is this is a know you like you trust your business. There's over 60 percent of listings 63 Last year, percent of listings found their agent by way of repeat referral.
So to me it makes the most sense in the world to prioritize ties this strategy. Whatever it takes Now the best trigger so to speak in terms of when should you do. This is what I would call their home anniversary. Oh congratulations, it's been six years in the property.

It's time to schedule your annual Equity review. it could be on Zoom It could be face to face. That's your prerogative I like face to face if it can be accomplished. But I get it.

It may be difficult to do, but this should be a personal touch whereby you go over the numbers. Here's what's happened in the marketplace. Here's how that impacts the value of your home. This is not a pushy pushy.

you should sell your house conversation. This is a Let me give you the information and perhaps that information compels them to say we should sell our house. But without the information, there's no way of that seller being able to make that choice. Make that decision.

This is not a pushy conversation. This is uh I'm gonna give you the information because that's my value proposition. They'll be informed because of you. They're your clients.

Whether they're selling or not, they're your clients. They'll be informed because of you. Which means you're in a prime spot to be the one to win that business to earn that listing. I Plead with you I beg you for the sake of your business.

Don't neglect your database and try out the annual Equity review. Yes, there's a lot more you could do in terms of working your database, but this is one campaign that is designed to get listings I encourage you I implore you put it into motion. Listing Attraction Strategy Tactic Number Two is an oldie, but a goodie. This is kind of like how history repeats itself.

sort of like how I don't know. Everybody appears to be wearing 90s clothes again, like it's the first time we thought of this. Am I the only one who's noticing this anyways. I Digress: If you've been in real estate for, call it five, six, seven years or longer, I'll bet you remember the trend that was oh so popular of basically your own zestimate.

The zestimate came out where you could type in your address as a homeowner and Zillow would give you like bam your home is worth approximately this and from that inspired many tools that were basically the same thing. Agents were given landing pages with just a bar where somebody could type in their own address and it was connected to the MLS or tax records or other different data sources. And that home valuation landing page was programmed to create basically an estimate of value predicated on sales around the area and other factors. Now, sometimes they were relatively accurate, sometimes they were wildly inaccurate.
It would depend on a lot of variables, but we had the tools and so what happened is everybody. Everybody was running ads on Google on Facebook and other platforms to try to pick up on traffic or anybody who was curious about what their home is worth and they would click the ad Campaign which would direct them to the landing page of that respective agent and then the person be like oh, I wonder what it's worth? This is so easy and they type in their address and then they press submit, put an email address in there and cha-ching you got yourself a lead, a hand raiser, seller lead and these were really popular in the beginning and they were effective in the beginning. and then they started to get worn out. It was like getting old and the style started changing and all of a sudden these things kind of flatlined and they've been producing leads but really low intent leads for quite a while.

Now that is, until lately as the marketplace has shifted and all of a sudden we had all this appreciation, appreciation, appreciation and homeowners like they just couldn't not make money in terms of owning a house. But then the news starts changing the narrative and it starts talking about Doom and Gloom and fear-mongering and the Market's gonna fall apart and ah and all this stuff and this drama which then made a lot of homeowners scratch their head and say have we lost, have we lost value? Has our Equity gone down? I'm curious I wonder what's happening? Is the sky falling and what do they do? They go to Google and they start typing in what's my home worth and they look for these estimators. these calculators. These valuators to determine what their home is worth.

And so what's happening right now. Inside of our ecosystem of coaching clients is a lot of our teams and agents we coach have renewed Vigor in these landing pages. Same tools. Nothing's changed, but the running ads on Google on Bing on DuckDuckGo on Facebook on ad platforms that pick up on traffic of people who have intent or curiosity around what their home is worth and so it's simple.

Run: Google search campaigns. somebody types in what's my home worth you have the keywords that are supporting that kind of intent that idea. So what's my home worth? Home Value Calculator: Yada yada yada all that kind of stuff and it drives traffic to the landing page and chaching. you get leads.

What's super special right now is we're seeing a lot of leads come in for a low cost per lead, and we're also seeing a High rate of conversion whereby those agents and teams generating these leads are very effective at being able to get appointments and actually take listings because of them. This is an oldie, but it's a goodie. It's got renewed. Vigor Right now.

Home Valuation ads Now a couple of things to just kind of send you on your way. if your website doesn't already provide a home valuation tool. There are lots of tools out there. maybe Cloud CMA maybe home value leads, maybe Prime seller leads.
There are lots of tools out there and if you don't know how to run ads on Google or Bing or go, you're going to want to hire a PPC manager a pay-per-click manager to help you do that. Or it could be that your website actually has the ability and capacity like a Y Lopo for instance, to do that on your behalf. This may be something where you need to bring in some specialist support, but if you want to get more listing leads, now is the time. I I Actually don't think this is going to work that long.

so depending upon when you're watching this video and depending upon what the marketplace is doing that Curiosity may have fizzled out. there is a strategic opportunity I would argue now to get after these. Now let me step back and give you sort of a B side of this record if I could. I'm talking a lot about PPC campaigns pay-per-click So Facebook Google all that kind of stuff.

It could also be deployed through postcards. if you're sending out postcards to maybe your Geo Farm or maybe it's just a cold audience, just an area around town you're blasting it. You could leverage postcards with QR codes. They make the same basic offer as your ad campaigns.

curious what your home is worth or something to that effect. The homeowner scans the QR code and it links to the same landing page. You're not limited only to PPC ad campaigns. With this kind of a strategy, you can drive traffic from a postcard using a QR code to your landing pages.

Again, what really matters in my mind is the Curiosity because of the conversation happening in the news, all around the country, the world, so to speak in terms of home values, We've seen this Market just skyrocketed and soar in terms of appreciated value and now there's a lot of people wondering what's happening, what's going to happen. That curiosity is what's sparking the renewed Vigor of these ad campaigns. Whether they're online or offline, home valuation offers are working right now. Next up, let's talk about your con: Content: calls to action Content means videos, blogs, emails, all the stuff you're producing from a media standpoint.

because I presume that you are. If you watch the show, then you know how I feel about content. I've said it before that Marketing without content. videos, blogs, emails, just your stuff.

Marketing without content is like a bow without arrows. It doesn't have anything to fire off. It's useless. It's empty.

It's null. It's void. So I'm a major believer in content. but I also believe your content needs to be structured in a way whereby it actually invites people into doing business with you.

A it should talk about the stuff relevant to your business. But B you should be able to put out calls to action in a regular basis in routine places that invite customers into doing business with you. not in a pushy salesy kind of way. not that I'm opposed to that per se, but in a way that says hey, by the way, if you want more of this, click here.
Or go here. Or do this. or here's what's available to you If you're looking to buy, Sell, Invest, or refer I've dropped a link in the description of this video that will go to a resource of the things I'm about to get into in terms of have some overlooked places where you can include your calls to action. Now again, what are your calls to action? Buy Sell Invest.

Refer People doing business with you. Schedule a consultation, Join the team. What is it you want folks to do based upon the content you're putting out there? My point is, you should be making content with an outcome in mind. you make content for people like this to get them to do what and the what? Those are your calls to action and they should be included in various destinations because you want to make sure you're capitalizing on getting as much business as possible from all of your content.

Otherwise, why are you doing it now? The first one to think about is your email signature. This one is just low hanging fruit. a big opportunity. The average American Professional, for instance, sends over 40 one-on-one emails every single day.

I would argue for most of you watching, that's probably a low number I'm guessing you maybe send even more than that I would encourage you to think about well, who do I send emails to on a regular basis, clients, other agents, who is it and which calls to action would therefore best align with getting the outcomes I want from those people because your one-on-one emails have nearly a 100 rate of open and the read rate is ridiculous. Which means that the calls to action that are tucked inside of there in the post script or in links in the actual signature have a really strong likelihood of a getting seen and B getting clicked or the action taken. Your email signature matters. Next up is your Google business page products.

Your Google business profile has a section called products whereby most agents put like their listings there and you can click learn more if you see the listing and go learn more on the website. That's great. What about your Calls to action? What about like PDF Downloads Buyer guide, Seller Guide Join the team Careers What about invitations to schedule a consultation? Your Calls to Action should be inside of your Google Business Page products either instead of or in addition to your listing Listings come and go and that you have new listings, you sell them. You have to take them off the Google Business Profile product section.

but your Calls to Action can stay there all the time lying in wait for a High intent. Prospect Who says That's what I want? Click and then they take action. You should include your Calls to Action links to whatever destination landing pages or contact forms or the things you want people to take action on. They should be included all the time in your Google Business Page products.
Same as with your Google Business Page products, is your Lincoln Bio. Now first, what is a Lincoln Bio? Well, it's the link in the bio of social sites like Instagram or Tick Tock where it only gives you one link to all your other platforms and so this becomes like Link Routing link dispatch. Using a tool like Linktree or Links.co you have the ability to create multiple links on your own little private landing page that drives traffic to whatever destination they want to take next. So my advice is include your Calls to action and your Lincoln bio.

Warning Though, don't include too many because if you have too many calls to action, it's like information inertia and nobody's going to take action on anything. My point is right now, you should leverage these key destinations to always have an invitation out to customers to doing business with you. However, my advice for you to get consider is getting really, really clear in terms of refining what are those offers. What really moves the needle in my business is it to join the team Link: Is it the scheduled a consultation link? What's going to be the thing that's going to move the needle? Another option is with every single YouTube video inside your YouTube Studio Studio.youtube.com there is an option to customize your channel whereby you can include upload default text that goes in the description or caption section of every video you post going forward so on my channel for instance, and here in Tom's Channel inside the description at the bottom of the description.

We typically add additional caption text in the top with every respective video. but there's that default text always in there that drives viewers attention and traffic to our key calls to action. And the beauty of the upload. Default text is if you post a lot of videos, every video becomes a little evangelist for your calls to action.

Here here here here. every time you publish a new video, your calls to action are in that description. Every time. Go check out our description and look at our calls to action.

In fact, when you look at the description option, there is a link in there that drives to one of our calls to Action for Marketing Pro which is an online training platform where we talk about subjects like Facebook Instagram Tick Tock YouTube We talk about your Google business profile. We talk about your email marketing. so click the link and see what happens. Next up is pinned posts which applies to platforms like Instagram Facebook Tick Tock whereby they let you pan a post to the top of your profile.

That means if you publish new content, it will show up on your grid on your profile below the pinned post. What is the first impression that you want to create with somebody who, maybe for the first time, navigated to your profile? or maybe they're coming again and again? Maybe they're a borderline a stalker I Don't know. You want to be able to invite them into some kind of an action. Not in a way that's overly salesy or pushy per se, but in a way that lays the expectations for.
hey, here's who we are. Here's what we do and how we can serve you. if you have content like that published on Tech Talk Facebook Instagram Any of those platforms, it deserves to be penned because it's going to be a constant reminder every time somebody comes to your profile of how you can serve their needs. Next up is Messenger Bots Uh, these were popular several years ago.

I'm going to be really quick about this. There are tools like Manychat m-a-n-y mini chat that can be integrated into your Instagram DMS whereby if somebody types in a keyword, it's called a trigger term. So I could say like seller or list or valuation something like that you can program it however you want. Manychat gives you the ability to create a whole chat sequence that's automatic and it can even like time it out like you can say wait three seconds and then say this and if they say this, then say that or that and it allows you to basically structure out an automatic conversation inside your DMs.

So I would encourage you not to get in the rabbit hole of this, but maybe look at tools like Manychat integrated with your Instagram DMS Manychat also works with text messages as well and other things like that, but it's triggered by keywords. What a lot of folks do is they include include those keywords in their bio like hey, message me blank if you want to know more about this which then sets off their chatbot experience powered typically by mini chat. It's another way to drive customers and actually doing business with you sellers in particular. And then last one here on the list of calls to action is what I call dog Whistle Calls to Action which I talked about on an earlier episode just a few weeks ago.

The idea is pretty darn simple as you're making videos on Instagram Facebook Whatever. You can't just sell so-so hey, you want to list your house today? not today. How about tomorrow's video? Maybe the next video I'll do it. Then you can't just be overly blunt in terms of people wanting to sell their house or take really bold actions.

You have to be a little bit more nuanced in terms of how you make your offers and so we call them Dog Whistle Ctas. Basically, it's an offer or a call to action that only the lead can hear right. The name probably needs work. No, I'm not calling leads dogs.

it's just that the dog whistle is a really good metaphor for something only the intended subject can hear. So it's things that are subtle so to speak, whereby you might say like hey, I was out showing a property to a first time buyer the other day and blank and it just lets the seed kind of land and the ears of the person who might be a first time home buyer and goes oh, I didn't realize they work with first-time home buyers I Want to go super deep on this today, but my encouragement is think about what are the talking points those subtle offers Hey I was out at a listing appointment the other day. How can you seed what you do in terms of making subtle calls to action? Dog whistle calls to action that only people who are in market for the offer actually here? Next on the list is Neighbor Only Opens Now I'm a major proponent. A huge fan of open houses.
Open houses give you something to promote to your database in your marketing. It's an experience whereby buyers and sellers alike literally walk inside the thing that's for sale and you get to have conversations with them about what their next steps are and where they're at in that journey and all kinds of good stuff. And then finally, it's an opportunity to generate leads that you can follow up with over time. Because as time goes on, the intent of a lead typically matures and you can be the one to position yourself as their agent of choice.

I Like open houses, the idea here is specifically Neighbor Only open houses. What does that mean? It's really simple. It means you invite all the neighbors to a time slot that's only for them. a preview.

So to speak of the open house of the property for sale before the open house itself, you'll need to get the consent of the seller. Of course, getting the neighbors to come is as simple as door knocking. Sending out letters, sending out postcards. You go knock knock.

You have a conversation with a seller and you say Hey Listen, we're hosting an open House this: Sunday from two to four to get your neighbor's property sold for the highest the best terms possible. We're going to put a lot of effort into that and we expect it to be really, really busy, which is why we're offering a neighbor only preview from one to two just for you all to come and see what the neighbors have done with the property and what it looks like. just so you can be aware of what's happening with home values and sales in your neighborhood because they directly impact your home in the event you ever decide to sell. So I'd love to have you come.

It's going to be from one to two. We're going to serve some light hors d'oeuvres or whatever it might be. You make your offer and you invite the neighbors. Even if they don't show up, you can still hand them your business card and they're going to see how busy the open house is is and is positioning you as the agent who hustles to get things done in that.

Marketplace Neighbor only opens are a great way to meet neighbors who are going to be like wow, You seem like the really qualified, competent listing agent to list my property for sale. How about it? In fact, when I was a brand new agent, guess where? I Got my first sale from a neighbor at an open house who listed their property with me. It works. I'm living proof.
Next on the list is Niche Facebook Ad Campaigns Now I'm not going to get into all the details in terms of step by step of how to run a Facebook ad campaign. However, inside of our ecosystem, we're having a lot of clients who are getting a lot of success running Facebook ads whereby they make an offer like hey, download this, how to buy and sell at the same time PDF Or it could be. For instance, hey, you want to download a list of single level homes or Download a Pdf That's a guide to new construction. Now if you zoom back and look at the mechanics of what's actually happening here, it's a Facebook ad campaign whereby you're targeting folks in your local marketplace with an offer that would be enticing to, presumably somebody who has a property to sell before they can get whatever you're offering, which was for example, how to buy and sell at the same time or a guide to new construction which would imply that maybe they have a home to sell and they want to build a home that's custom or it could be this one's been working really well.

A list of single level homes for sale. From a Facebook functionality standpoint, you could run an ad that drives traffic to a landing page and that's where the handoff goes down. Where they get the PDF so it's a link. click They go to your website, they fill in their information and then Boom! Your website gives them or has the way of giving them the PDF or you can make it really easy.

Facebook offers what are called lead formats whereby somebody could actually fill out a form inside of Facebook or Instagram because it's owned by Facebook or Meta and by doing that, Facebook or Instagram would actually provide them the PDF download and receipt of them giving you their contact information. My point to you is, it's another way to get some seller leads. Number Six is epic. Listing launches.

What am I getting into? Well, when you do get a listing, blow the roof off the place. Not literally, but in terms of how you promote and Market the property I Want you to make sure every neighbor every homeowner in the area surrounding is like clapping up for that listing agent because they really went to bat in terms of getting the highest and best value for that property which then bolsters up my value. The neighbor says it's gonna make my home worth more because of how hard they worked. and you know what if when the time comes to sell for myself, or if I have an opportunity to make a recommendation for a listing agent to perhaps a neighbor I'm going to think of that agent.

They're going to be top of mind. There's a lot of agents who are slacking off right now. They're not doing the videos or they're only doing like one video. Not enough videos.

They're not marketing. The Living Daylights Out of every property and now more than ever that matters, we're all like complaining. Oh, the days on Market's going up good I'm being I'm being a little bit contrarian, but good. That means you have more time to Showcase what your skill set is to every single neighbor in every single homeowner surrounding those listings.
Now if you missed two episodes back, I Did a deep dive like a training course on starting and leveraging a geographic farm. so go watch that. We talked about mailers, handwritten notes, letters, signage, volunteerism and involvement. We talked about sponsorships, door knocks and door drops, calls and voicemails, cold calling Circle Prospecting all of that sponsored post on social media and targeted ad campaigns on Google YouTube and other platforms like that, we went into the nitty-gritty details of farming.

In terms of the actual marketing mix of geographic farming. My point right now to you, is farming is really a great way to get listings if you are consistent over time in terms of marketing to the same area and building up your brand and creating credibility and consideration for you as a listing agent. Guess what? You're gonna get listings. One of the underlying psychological reasons why marketing works the way it works is called the mere Exposure effect.

And what the Mere Exposure Effect basically says in the context of marketing is that people do business or they hire businesses with which they're the most familiar. Now, the word familiar can easily be confused for the word trust, but they're not quite the same thing. but it's really about familiarity. And here's the way it works.

If you send out postcards, just for instance, to a farm, you're a Nobody But If you keep sending out postcards over and over and over again. and then they see a couple of your yard signs over time, they start to be like ah, I'm familiar with this business I Start to trust this business. Why? Because they've been here for a long time and because they've been here for a long time, they must be credible and legitimate. That's sort of the basic equation going on in the minds of a consumer from a psychological standpoint.

So my point to you, is, in farming, this has got to be a long game over and over and over again. Keep marketing to them, keep building credibility, keep creating consideration for your business, and then guess what? You're going to start to get listings. Now it's not cheap. It doesn't take a little bit of effort, it takes a lot of effort.

But if you want to get listings, you gotta hustle there. You have it. Seven different strategies, tactics, campaigns to generate more listings. And guess what? None of them are going to be easy.

Because you know what real estate is not an easy business. If it were easy, the rate of failure would not be 87 in the first two years. But in fact the rate of failure sadly is 87 in the first two years. Agents don't make it.
Why? Because it's not easy, it takes a lot more effort. So my encouragement to you is roll up your sleeves and say I'm Gonna Last Therefore, I'm going to list do the work that moves your business forward. Thank you so much for watching today's video. If you liked it well you like it and will you let us know in the comments below.

Until next week This is this week. And marketing? No, no.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

11 thoughts on “7 best real estate marketing campaigns to attract sellers”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Kehrig Real Estate Team says:

    Always great content! Thanks Jason!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashley Davis says:

    Always some great nuggets from Jason. I always plan to implement one thing and this time it's the neighbor only open house.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MtnGrl585 says:

    Thanks, Jason for another great video! It's like drinking from a fire hose, so much info here, will need to rewatch again!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ReneetheRealtor says:

    Great content! Thanks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Carlson says:

    I'm glad I got into crypto when I did because its been a turning point for me financially, been my best decision so far

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicci Fears says:

    Thanks again Jason this will help me a lot!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 👉 BUY YOUTUBE VIEWS 👉 Link in Bio says:

    If you posted more my day would be so much better…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victoria Luhring-Valle says:

    As always great video. Thanks for all the suggestions. I love love all your insight.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Berman says:

    I have a buddy doing the annual review and out of every 5 he does he gets a referral

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Costanzo Toscani says:

    To my understanding this just proves how much we need an edge as investors because playing the market like everyone else just isn't good enough, we just need to hold onto our hopes and wait to see how things turn out because market movements are almost always unpredictable. In my portfolio, I'm noticing more red than green.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Shipway Property says:

    Prospect while you're sleeping! Use Video and social media.

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