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For the most part, especially on a stock that's not like a breakout if it's going to be a really short dipping rip. I'm going to take profits quick if it's not a long-term consolidation. I'm just scalping it for the meat of the move and I got a good move there I Sold like 1660s? No I didn't sell 17 or whatever it got to, but it's a nice move. I made like 1600 bucks on that I followed my three strikes an hour roll for the rest of them though if I can't get a ticket yeah, that was big.

just size down like 300 bucks. I did take a couple, but no, that was a nice trade. um a conclusion Matt and I have come to right before. This is like the volatility is there the first? like 20 30 minutes.

Maybe like the best ones are gonna present themselves right away. Yeah, really almost isn't worth sticking around for a whole lot longer. it's it truly is tough.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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