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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right. well uh, scanners are pretty quiet this morning. we've got overall Market down on higher inflation. uh, you know we're we're just inflation is, uh, not coming down in a significant way.

uh despite the uh, increased interest rates and things like that, you know I was thinking about this the other day because I went out to dinner and I'll I use you know for a long long time I've sort of felt like I should you know if I have a day where I make five or ten thousand dollars trading and I go have dinner somewhere I feel like I should give a good tip. You know like if the dinner's 70 bucks, I'll be like I'll I'll just give a 70 tip and so I usually will tip pretty well because you know to me it's like if you make ten thousand dollars trading like what's the difference between a 70 meal and 150 meal you know, like it's why, why not and I I kind of have gotten into this Superstition where I feel like it's bad luck not to give a good tip I start to think oh geez, I'm I'm being selfish and you know that's not good. so I try to give good tips. uh but then just last week um I was thinking to myself, you know maybe I'm actually fueling inflation maybe I gotta cut back maybe I got to bring it down a little bit because now what I'm doing.

but even by going out, you know now I'm increasing Demand on these services and I'm giving you know an extra big tip. uh that this person can then go spend on something which is going to further increase inflation. So you know what we all really have to do if we really want inflation to go away. I Think we need to do a two-week lockdown.

14-day lockdown. This list It was 14 days. I Think we can all do 14 days. 14 days.

Don't spend a penny. Don't spend anything. Don't buy anything. Don't buy gas.

Don't buy anything. It's a two-week lockdown. That's it. And I think that's going to get things under control real quick.

And if it doesn't work, we'll do two more weeks and then we'll keep doing two weeks Until eventually we get this thing because the interest rates don't seem to be doing it. So that's uh, that's what I'm thinking and you know I'm doing my part. I have I'm not I haven't bought a new car this year I'm doing my part I'm not gonna fuel inflation. Would I like to get a new car? Sure I Don't want to fuel inflation I Can't afford it.

can't risk it. Can't do it. So you know, don't don't buy anything, Don't buy a thing and maybe, uh, this inflation thing will just go away. So we're sitting here this morning.

903 I Haven't taken any trades yet and um, you know I just there's I right now we don't have a lot to work with. All right. So leading Gappers, Lasc LA uh F N H C is actually up 100, but it's just under 50 cents a share. It's a little cheaper Lasc uh, this one nice continuation, but it's just sort of been fading back down.

It's turned into a bit of a grinder. It doesn't really look that exciting right now, so nothing really there at the moment. Uh USC a just popped up on the scanners. um, you know, quick pop-up dip, back down.
you know how to move at one point. uh, back in July but you know it's kind of slowed down second leading gapper and CV this one's 3.75 higher float stock w-k-e-y and you can see look I mean there's just not much on the Gap scanner that has volume today, so unfortunately, you know what do you do? Well, you could look at the overall market and I I Was tempted to take a trade on the cues I had it up. but um, on the CPI number that came out at 8 30 I I just I just hesitated a little bit. Um, and that was enough to feel like if I punched I'd be chasing it.

But right before the CPI number came out, it dropped. You know, like two dollars a share. a dollar a share from 61.70 it dropped down to 61.60 and then all of a sudden it ripped back up here when the act when the number actually came out. So uh, anyways, so that so I I didn't and then I didn't want to chase it.

This thing moves so fast. Um, so you could you could trade the market s p Looks like it's bear flagging right now so a short on the market or or long um, Sqq would work. but anyways, didn't trade that. don't really have the interest in trading this today.

So leaving that alone, crkn penny stock from 28 cents up to 41 cents. Yeah, you know I Usually don't pay a lot of attention uh, to these penny stocks, but you know it's obviously going up. so maybe that's where we'll see a bit of momentum. I Don't know.

So 44 cents moving higher high this candle? 44 cents. So there's 42 on the ass. 42 cents 43 Nice 43 . we'll see if it moves a little higher.

So thank you guys for tuning in to the morning show here today on YouTube I Think it's going to be, um, a bit of a slow day right now. Obviously it only takes one. You have one stock that starts to open up. Could it be crkn? Maybe a penny stock? You know it don't.

It only takes one. So um, have to be a little bit patient. But obviously some days it's gonna feel a little cleaner and a little easier than others. And today so far feels like there's a lot of headwind with what's going on with the overall market.

So I don't know if we'll have any really strong continuation. Yeah, back to Lace so it's a little bit. Um, it's a little. it's a little crowded, it's had a really nice move at like seven and then has come into this kind of period where you have a lot of topping.

Tails A lot of dojis. It's not in a huge range about a 40 Cent range. Uh, seven million shares of volume. So one time float rotation roughly.

this was sub V-wap so we got back above it. If you broke through 415, you'd be above V web and pulling away so that would be a stair stepping up kind of level. Could you take a trade there? Well, sure. if you want.

If you felt like it, your target I guess would be a move up to First 420 425 and then 4 30, 4, 37. Yeah, I agree. Carl That's always the case with um, with penny stocks. You definitely need to take larger size to accommodate the fact that you know it's 50 cents a thousand shares.
You know if you go if it goes all the way up to 60, you know that's a 20 return. So that's pretty solid. but you'd only be up 100 bucks on a thousand shares. So you do have to start usually trading bigger size on those ones.

Imux. Let's look I didn't check that one out. Yeah, so that you know it's a continuation setup. Um, yesterday was sort of similar.

It's been higher weaker pre-market and then you got a red to Green move. So now it's been higher now. weaker pre-market Maybe you get a red to Green move again. Yeah, penny stocks kind of do live in their own world.

So um, they're even less sensitive than small caps usually to what's going on in the market. So watching penny stocks might make sense today. Yeah, well. USC um EA it's a somewhat similar setup to Lace, right? It's back at 95 6 000 shares for sale at 95.

seems like maybe a hidden seller at 94. Fngr yeah, but I really think today is probably just going to be quick base hit. Trading So if but what we probably need is for something to feel obvious at the moment, crkn back to 42 cents. Dip down there on a pullback.

Coming back up here, this would be a better one for TD Ameritrade uh or E-Trade free commissions. So we've got about a little over 15 minutes to the opening bow. You can trade pre-market any trade you may have to change your um, time and force on the order. I don't recall if what they have, but so yeah.

I would watch Imux if it gets over 1050 volume weight average price. That could be interesting. Continuation red to green. Kind of like what it did yesterday.

So I'll put that one on a side chart. Foreign Rlmd sold off pretty hard. Gap down, Big gap down 78 percent, floats a little higher. At 30 million shares, it's easy to borrow.

I Think they had a bad um trial Fails to meet main objective. So you know the problem with these Um companies is when they're you know, super hyped up on something that they've got in, um, you know, in the works and then that fails. It can be really devastating so you never know. Some people might end up buying it up because gosh, it's already so low.

but I don't have that much interest in here. I Think that it has to be super obvious today. So something hitting the scanners. Okay, if it's hitting High day scanners, that's that's helpful.

People will notice stocks hitting High day scanners. So if a stock is hitting a high day scanner a lot, that's going to help it gain some attention. More people are going to see it. Um, being on the top of a gap list is going to help.

So Lasc, it's not going to hit the high day. Momo Scanner Uh, well, it depends on different different scanners will work differently with pre-market and regular trading hours, but it is the leading gapper. but it's back below Vwap so it's not really positioned super super well here. So we have a headwind today.
This is a Time to let the gains from previous days of previous weeks tied you over. Do not need to trade every single day if there is not something obvious. If there's not something clean, it's better just to sit tight wait for that one obvious setup to form. So that's kind of my game plan right now.

Uh I Wish you know that the market was super super hot and whatever. but you know it is what it is. What can you do? Trade the market you're in Mmat shows that it's a 283 million share float right there. A green streak doesn't end with a no trade day in my book.

It ends with a red day. That's just. that's the way. I Look at it.

No Trade Days I Mean what if you're sick, you call that the end of a Green Street No, if it's a no trade day, it's a no trade day. So this is where I'm at right now in the month. Um, let me clear this out here so you know we've holding it together pretty well here. Started a little rougher.

more red days. Been trading pretty well since June May was good too. Only three really? April I mean really been pretty solid this whole year. I Mean can't really complain that much.

so you know there's a couple no trade days here and there. Some of them are holidays, some of them are just no trade days it happens. Didn't trade on my birthday this year after losing 275 000 on my birthday last year. So for me it feels like the cleanest and most obvious trades are on the early side pre-market The window where I do the best is between around 8 30 and 10 30.

so you know we're in the middle of that window right now. but I haven't taken any trades yet. so I haven't built a cushion which means going into the open I'm going to be feeling a little bit uh, you know, nervous about overstaying my welcome. Foreign? Well you have to let it be water under the bridge.

Um, my mom was I I invited my mom to come on a vacation with me. um and she was like oh well. my JetBlue voucher just expired yesterday. She had planned a trip like a year ago trip got canceled.

She got a voucher. it's for like 150 dollars. She's like oh I don't know I don't know I don't even know if I ever want to fly again and she's she's like that that losing that voucher it was just so disappointing. She's been talking about this JetBlue voucher for like I mean basically since that first flight got rescheduled and you know I'm like come on.

I mean it's 75. You know, 100 150 what it's You gotta let these things go, you know I've I've lost 275 000 in one trade and in a period of like 15 minutes. you know I mean and it's She's not tight on money, you know, so it's just. but it's just a it's a it's a way of looking at things.

It's all relative And I told her I said it doesn't matter because I was gonna pay for that I was gonna pay for your plane ticket anyways. So oh yeah, wow, it's it's the point I don't think I don't think she if she if she was actually gonna use JetBlue she'd probably have to have like three layovers. You know what I mean like it wouldn't even have been logically the most. Community I was checking the flights and they were all Delta So you want to do non-stop Delta or like three layovers with JetBlue So all that is to say that I really think it's It's very healthy to be able to accept loss and just to let it go because we're all going to have losses in one way or another.
Okay, maybe it's maybe it's A and and some of them feel big. losing 275 000 was a lot that that felt big, you know? But um, on the flip side, when you don't have a lot of money, losing a 1500 can feel big. Oh, you know, losing 150 can feel big. But what does it serve you to keep holding on to that loss, right? And that's that's just sort of.

The thing with trading is that trading forces you to experience loss and forces you to reconsider the way you think about and hold on to loss because you won't survive if you just keep holding on to these losses and and holding on to that pain, you have to be able to let it go. You have to because you know this is trading. It is risky. We do lose money.

This is a high risk type of job so it's it's a little hard for me to hear someone you know and I told her I said you know I mean I I explained to her my point if you wanted with my losses with trading and and how I think it's really important just to just to let it go I mean what are you gonna do it's out of your control. It is. It is what it is Let It Go But yeah, someone was just asking how I handled um that big loss and you know I have a recap on it on YouTube so you could you could check it out. um foreign I recovered.

So we've got about five minutes to the opening bell here. Overall: Market might see a little capitulation selling at the open as we break 350 maybe I don't know, but I don't doesn't really matter that much. I mean in terms of looking at what's the leading Gap or what's moving up today I'm not going to try to short the market so um, Vlcn popping up there. exclusive co-branding distribution partnership with an electric Europa I don't even know what this is.

so um, maybe I'm just not in the loop on this industry but I I don't know. So popped up a little bit makes it the second leading Gap or it doesn't take much Imux coming up a little bit still below V Web side chart for red to Green move Okay, so with um, so a question, there was wondering why you use um, the buy button and why you use hotkeys. Why do you sort of, when do you change or decide to use one or the other? So generally the hotkeys will be. if someone's like hey, Ross pgy is spiking up I type it in and it's just faster because as soon as you type something in, you know Zvzt you can press, you can press the buy button instantly.
You don't have to go into your um, you know into this window and then manually click so the workflow of you know typing and pressing. Z Z V whatever. this is not easy ticker to type in Zvzt just like that I'm in right now. it's a test stock Okay So it's test stock but just like that I mean that's faster than typing it and then coming down here and making sure I'm on the buy button.

What if I click there I Gotta So when I have to trade fast, that's when I'm more likely to use um, hotkeys when I have to add fast Whether it's because I'm buying something that is I just typed it in or I'm adding to something that's moving higher. Now if someone says hey, watch it I'm like okay and let's say view app is like 10 15. I say I'll put an order at 10 15. I like the look of that and I'll put the order and I'll watch and if it starts to curl up then maybe I'll say you know what Boom I'm in.

So I'm in 3 000 shares that you know there and then as it goes higher, I can put my orders out and sell with a hotkey. you know, hotkey on the ask. So I put my order um, selling the ass, whatever, take some profit and then eventually hotkey to hit the bid and bail out of the position. Uh, maybe if I'm in at 10 15 or 1005 and then I say I think I want to add to this position I could press shift 1 or shift 2 to add to it.

Um, but TR you're I mean in terms of workflow? Um, you're always going to be faster if you can avoid using the mouse. So as much as you can avoid using the mouse, the faster you'll be. So using you know, using the mouse if on a trade where you don't really need the speed that much because you're thinking about it calmly and it's not a rush, then that's fine. But if it's if speed is important for the trade, then the hotkeys are going to be the fastest way for me.

So Zvzt is a NASDAQ test stock so you could buy it, sell it just to practice your hotkeys. You know, all day long if you want it shows them down 298 dollars. But if I log in to my actual platform they they exclude that trade. They exclude the commissions that they would be on it and so it's it is.

It's called NASDAQ test stock. It is just a test stock. The the gains and losses aren't real, they don't. they don't.

They're not considered all right. So uh, here's the opening bell. Good luck for those that keep trading today on YouTube Uh, thank you for tuning in. I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

Hopefully we have a better day. Uh, tomorrow we can finish the week with a Green Day reminder. As always, trading is risky. My results are not typical so make sure you take it slow and don't trade money.

You can't afford to lose. Dwac AZ So you know, seeing some stocks hitting scanners here? We'll watch these scans. Yep, Okay, so we've got some scanner action here. This is good.

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19 thoughts on “Live day trading morning show with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney J says:

    No recaps ..did you trade today DWAC around the open ??

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro Alvarez says:

    how do I catch you live…
    what time has most trading activity?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro Alvarez says:

    hey there.
    you've been popping up on my radar..
    I seem to like what you're saying about day trading…been at it 2 years..
    yr 1 = awesome
    this yr = I got destroyed

    2k to re-strategize.
    so I'll watch you to learn more..
    thank for your work

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Golden Eagle says:

    Hey Ross do you know any group where they give price alerts?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlea Brown says:

    Appreciate you Ross 🕊

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I am Darionix says:

    Dinner in vermont 70$.. Dinner in LA 700$ 😅😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lofi remix says:

    Good I see your video👌🏻

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MARUZ DUMADAC says:

    Is lightspeed implementing pdt rule

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MARUZ DUMADAC says:

    Wow.. Your the one

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allison Vrana LLC Atlantic Shores Realty Expertise says:

    BINGO!!!!!!! Just experienced my greatest financial in last month….and I am glad I did! I think this is going to be my defining moment for my breakthrough!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eagle Paraglider says:

    Ross for president!!!✌️

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Marteney says:

    you lost more on your b-day last year than i make in 3 years lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Gillenwater says:

    haha lockdowns, hilarious!!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Olsen says:

    2 weeks to flatten the curve… works every time 😂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Lueken says:

    9 in a row:) – strongly considering taking a week vacation from job to see what it would be like to trade full time for a whole week.

    That has to be one of, if not the hardest parts of this. Eventually, you have to take a leap, to build the trust in yourself, to be consistently profitable, with no "safety net."

    Also would need to see long streaks of green (hence counting).

    As always, thanks for everything Ross (and the team that help enable his overall program)!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hector Carrillo says:

    Ross most of the advise you give to have discipline in day trading can be applied to regular daily life. Like right now I'm going on a two week lock down probably a month , thank you

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Dupree says:

    What broker are you using to trade?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VIC IGITOL says:

    Do you have a discord?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kee says:

    B/c I am starting with 1k, I seen a while ago where you said to look at the 30min chart instead of the 1 or 5 min chart. Why is that and am I holding my position for that long?

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