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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right everyone. Well, we've got about uh, 40 minutes to the opening bell, so as I sit down here. I've already gotten a couple trades this morning and that was on uh Peggy P-e-g-y Pineapple Energy stock. So a couple trades on that one.

We also have Hpco that's on watch. Leading gapper this morning is Hpco. It's up 63 with a 4.4 million share float and you can see it. Put in a great candle here from 248 right up to almost four dollars.

and then since then it's gotten crowded and it's been really choppy. It's in a really narrow range, it's not breaking out. There's been some opportunity to trade it in this range, but that opportunity has been fairly limited just because it's The range is small, so this is a theme that we've certainly noticed over the last few trading sessions where you'll see a really nice pop, a really nice algo squeeze, whether it's on news or it's just a breakout. Whatever it is, and then it kind of gets crowded.

It gets choppy Short sellers kind of Bring It Back Down Buyers are holding it up, but it's a tug of war and we're not seeing a short squeeze. and we're not seeing a huge breakdown either. It's just sort of a slow fade on some of these. So that's Hpco.

Peggy P-e-g-y Pineapple Energy Basically very similar chart, right? Another thing that um I think Pgy has going for it is that it's curled up really nicely from 86 cents and you know it's above its 200 moving average. It has a lot of room on the daily it could open up more so I do like it from that perspective and I'm going to keep it on. Watch Hpco, What does this one have going for it? Well it's a somewhat recent IPO As you can see back here, you know one of these ones that made a kind of crazy move in one day was just pretty brutal. It was a big red candle and now is it's sort of a a dead cat bounce off the low.

So you know I mean these are these are fine. Sometimes for trades these can give some opportunities but it feels it feels crowded right now and it's not really opening up in a big way. Could you do a dip right here off of V-wap Well You certainly could I don't know if there's any real reason to think that it's gonna rip back up because it just feels like it's just not super strong. And the problem with these types of stocks is that when when they just get kind of boring like this I think Traders just sort of start ignoring them and you know as more and more Traders ignore it and say no this.

This one's just not interesting. It's not moving enough, the volume decreases and as the volume decreases, the volatility decreases. and so we just sort of see this fade. and so I'm concerned that that's um, you know what what we're seeing right now on it.

and um, so because of that I don't know that it's going to be a safe one to trade I don't know if there's going to be low risk trades on it that have high probability of being a winner. My first trade of the day was on Pgy P-e-g-y and um, you know on that one I at the time I thought I had a very realistic possibility of getting 20 to 30 cents a share and I did. And so you know if I'm looking at something and I don't think I even have the potential to get 10 or 15 cents. It just doesn't feel like it's worth the risk to even take the trade.
So you know I mean in a hotter Market I might be more aggressive and and take those trades but in this current market and just not feeling it. So that's kind of. um, what? I think about Hpco at the moment. p-e-g-y We do have some double top risk up here.

Highest volume of the day is on a red candle. all right. So that's a little bit of a caution flag. We had a big false breakout right here to 613 and then flushed down to 575, broke V-wap and sold off down to 566..

So you know that that's not what you really like to see. So I'm I'm not sure that I don't know. Um, I'm not sure if that one's going to be worth taking more stabs on, but we'll We'll keep it on watch. I'm I'm still considering it.

it's still a maybe so yeah. and if anyone else sees anything that they think looks good, definitely bring it to my attention because the watch list this morning so far is a little on the the thin side. I Just I'm not seeing a lot that looks super exciting HKD Yeah, right. So this one second leading Gap rope 29 percent.

It's for sure a wild card stock. It's a type of stock that if it goes, you know you could be getting four or five six dollars a share out of it. Pre-market high is 60. pre-market lows down here are like 44.

yesterday it put in a pretty big move. so it's possible wild card stock not something to completely discount. So I'll put that one on my level two right now you've got a 50 Cent spread on it. 53.22 by 53.79 It's not terrible, it's not great, but it's not terrible.

svre popped up a little bit there 8 am but no real follow through on that algo. Spike Imux nice move Yes yesterday. Really nice all the way up to just under 10. pulled back though to eight dollars and ten cents.

We'd want to watch that through a 964 yesterday's high. Interesting, Yeah, so that's diluting the value of the stock. Surprise, it's holding up as well as it is top of the hour. 9 A.M We'll be watching scanners see if we have any breaking news.

certainly possible. And thank you guys Uh who are tuning in on YouTube for the Morning show? I Hope you guys enjoy these episodes and I hope you hit the thumbs up and perhaps consider subscribing to the channel. Reminder: As always, trading is risky and my results are not typical most beginner. Traders Do lose money.

So you need to approach trading very cautiously. Practice in a simulator before you put real money on the line. And don't trade with money. You can't afford to lose.

So there's 9. A.M So watching scans Pegy for sure certainly needs to pull back. It's a very uh, it's right at a perfect double top. and the Ppsi sideoo ppsi.
So I do Ppsi is a power company so Pbsi popping up a little bit. So I do popping up a little bit a little algo Spike on both. Not sure either. Hold up.

Both are pretty light on volume right now. Neither have a phenomenal daily chart. Um, so that's an Algo spike a dollar a share, but being below 200 moving average not a recent reverse split or recent IPO I Don't think it's a safe one right now. Thank you.

Nothing exciting yet foreign. Foreign? Yeah, a little bit, but you've got the 200 moving average at 407. The SM the Uh SMA is at 459. I think those are a little too close, but good job if you got a little trade on it through.

I mean you know from three up to 347 that's not bad. That's not bad. It's a nice bounce so I'll go Spike up to 365 drops down to 295, dip Traders off of three back up to 347. it's not bad, not quite as much.

maybe uh with a ton of volume, but you know, thank you Adtx hits the scanner, pulling up the chart. there's some news on it I just want to see what it is. So the the thing I'm a little iffy about on Adtx and I sort of missed that Spike is that it popped up the other day but didn't hold super well. so you know I could have I could have punched that I had every chance to.

but the stock I'm like uh, is this stock going to hold up and I'm not sure, right? So that's kind of the thing. So now you've got a high of 77, it's up 18 percent. The levels on The Daily that we would really want to see. a break would be like 450.

so just watch it in this area and see if it holds. So the high that candle there was 66. nice there's up to 70. 77 is our pre-market high so far.

There's 73 seller on the ask though. thank you. Then there's a buyer on the bid at 70. but order so yeah.

a little choppy, a little choppy, but nice little outgo Spike there from 315 up to 377 65 cents a share. You have to make a pretty quick decision on these. Hide this candle 77. high volume candle green, high volume on the one minute red tip trade there for me at 66.

I Want to see if it breaks through 70. new ordered add would be 73. starting to curl back up on Adtx added at 72 for the break of 73. nice green volume on this candle here.

so now let's see if it breaks through 375. watching 375. 60 of profit on it. Stopped for two cents watching for a dip off of 50.

couldn't break through that seller at Uh 73. sold half at 70, half at 69. shouldn't really be that much of a struggle to break through that level, but high is 77. Low of this dip is 48 and now we're back into this kind of range.

Thank you, Uh, for those who have tuned in here on YouTube for The Morning Show Hope you guys are enjoying it. We've got about 15 minutes to the opening bell. kind of a slow morning. It's sort of been similar this week, just not a lot moving.

So we have. You know, typically news at the top and bottom of the hour 8, 8, 30, 9, maybe 9 30. not always at 9, 30 at the open, but pre-market top and bottom of the hour consistently. And so today we've had some news headlines.
We've had a few stocks that have been moving, but nothing. uh, that's been like super super exciting and Hpco is holding is the leading gapper, but has gotten kind of thickly traded a little crowded. it's below volume weight average price. right now.

Ppsi is the second leading gapper. Another algo Spike came back down similar to sideu algo Spike comes back down adtx algo Spike and then is it going to hold I don't know it's starting. it's starting to come back down. so P-e-g-y double top up there I would do a dip here at 89 on Pgy.

this is right off V-wap and maybe what I'll do is I'll add back over six. So I'm in at 89 and now I added right there at 601 and so on Pgy. this is a dip off V-wap if we get a breakthrough 605 610 that starts to look a little bit better. So watching 605 610, this is basically buying a stock that's um, and took a little profit there 604.

this is basically buying a stock off view app. take a little profit on the bounce off V-wap and then let's see if it grinds back up towards 6 15, right? Our Flat Top is 6 19. pegy a little more profit at 601. it's kind of like slow here I'm flat on it for now.

we'll see if it keeps setting up. that was a dip off V-wap Similar to these setups back here I was 606, put a new order 607 I need to see a little bit more range, a little more volatility. Yeah, the 200 moving average is at 601 so we're kind of straddling like going above and below it. but you know the five minute is an ascending wedge added back 607 there.

Right now, it's starting to come back up towards 6 15.. So watching 6 15 to add for the Breakthrough 620 through the flat top, there's 611. added 611 right there. So I'm going to start scaling in for the squeeze through 615, there's 6 14 on the ask.

The problem is, my average is only 609. so I take a little profit there. It's just I don't have a good cost basis at 593 that I had before added back at 6 15. they're 6 17, 6 18.

these are small trades as we approach the double top, taking some profit. We'll let it pull back and watch to see if we get another five minute setup, another pullback, and then a second attempt through or a a true attempt through the flat top. So I would have done better if I just held the whole position from 593 but kind of got a little slow there 605. so now you've got a little extension.

needs to pull back watching maybe around. let's see how much it pulls back dip off of 608, Maybe six dollars. So that candle there came up to 617. we've got about 12 minutes to the opening bell.

so reminder for those tuning in on YouTube and Facebook We would love to have you join either day trade Dash or Warrior trading. You can stream my broadcast Ultra Little latency broadcast, no ads and I hope you guys use the coupon codes to join. Got a partial fill there on the dip at 608. so buying this dip and New Order goes at 6 15..
And now I'm going to look for the Breakthrough 620. So this is a little cup and handle formation added at 619 right there. Now looking for the Breakthrough 620 and let's see if we get up to 625. So first profit: Target 624 As we break through the flat top, there's 23.

There's 24.. now can we get through 24 and 25? A little profit up there? Nothing huge but watching. Now for a dip I I Don't love having that candle make the high but then drop back down. My average is 11 selling the rest break even I Got a little profit at 624.

It's a really nice high volume candle, but it pierced that level and is not holding above it. You've got about 40 seconds left on this current five minute candle. If it closed red, that would be devastating. Hopefully it closes at least green, but it's still a topping tail.

So 10 seconds for this candle on the five to shooting star right now Pierce through that level wasn't able to hold it. so Pgy I've gotten some profit on it. Nothing huge. P-e-g-y uh adtx a small winner.

So sitting right now at 2 917.11 it's not a bad day. This is base hit trading. This is Bear Market stuff just taking some small breakouts not sizing up big smaller share size. My biggest position today: 6 000 shares.

So you know six thousand shares of uh, six dollar stock is a thirty six thousand dollar position. If I was trading with a um, you know, five thousand six thousand dollar account with six times leverage, that would be more than sufficient to be able to day trade this. So um, you know the account on a five thousand dollar account would be up almost. You know, over 50 in one day? That would be pretty phenomenal.

Of course, I'm trading with a larger account, but most of my account my account is just going unused in this kind of. Market but it's ready. You know if something starts to open up, it looks really good then I'm I'm ready and I'm funded to scale up big time so the market can shift on a dime. and when we get that opportunity I want to make sure the cash is ready to trade? So I'm ready to go, but just kind of sitting tight, trading conservatively taking the base hits and waiting to see something that starts to really get interesting.

So with eight minutes to the open, um, those of you guys tuning in on YouTube I'd encourage you to check out My Bear Market strategy and I'd also encourage you to check out my uh, scalping strategy because I think both of those certainly right now in this market are really I mean those are like the go-to so check out the Bear Market strategy Check out the scalping strategy I Hope you guys enjoy those episodes and we do have a new episode on the podcast today. Uh which? I Hope you guys will also check out. So those of you guys who listen to the podcast and watch it I'll um I'll be able to let's see I'm going to put the link right here for the podcast so you guys can check out my newest episode of the podcast Ross's podcast episode nine. All right.
so check that out and I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. A reminder. As always, trading is risky. My results are not typical, so make sure you take it slow, practice a simulator before you put real money on the line, and don't try to blindly follow me or anyone else.

Most Traders lose. So really take it slow.

By Stock Chat

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18 thoughts on “$pgy 23% during the live day trading morning show with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars martin happy says:

    Why PEGY daily chart have two 200 MA ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M.O.B says:

    Hi ,,, what is the discount code for Dash app ? If any body can help … appreciate it

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark M says:

    Hi @Warrior Trading! I just sent an email about a potential Youtube collaboration. Please check your email 🙂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Nice guy says:

    Ross I just hope i can be 1/10 as good as you are. I have always looked up to you overall, as a retail trader, business owner and as a person overall. This sounds funny to say "I have been watching you everyday in the chatroom since 2019". If you don't mind me asking how many people belong to chatroom? Along time ago you use to be able to see how many people where logged into each room.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LoiD Lil Peep says:

    Hey Ross, do you ever trade with Heikin-Ashi candlesticks, on some of the smaller stocks?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maruz dumucruz says:

    thanks rose i cant see the l the whole level 2 only the bid colum

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red says:

    Hey ross I have a question. Does volume count as just 1 transaction or two, for example if someone buys 1k shares, does it count as 1k volume or 2k since their was technically someone else selling?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Lueken says:

    clawed back to +50, from down $290 premarket. 8 in a row:) pre-market is not for me. lol. just dont have ross speed (yet), and feels way more dangerous. although sometimes the best stuff happens premarket, and it would also be awesome to end the workday before 930am someday. tomorrow is another day. starting to wonder what ross' "university" will look like 10 years from now.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zh Ow says:

    Hi Ross. What is your PRICE OFFSET range on your BUY ASK and SELL ASK hotkeys? I use +0.02 on BUY ASK and -0.05 on SELL ASK. Robert

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Child of The One True King says:

    PEGY broke UP big after you got out

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Bad2 says:

    Hey Ross. Thanks for the great content. Question. Do you change anything in your approach before and after the bell? If so can you please do a video on that? Thanks.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yakir says:

    How can you learn the method?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Laporte says:

    You know what stinks Peggy's on my watch list but I never initiated A buy on it I could of Maybe made $4 on it

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Laporte says:

    Peggy's up to $7 how do you know that's gonna happen

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Bates says:

    Drop us that podcast >.> Don't have a mac!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Carter says:

    What books do you recommend to start trading?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Garcia says:

    Thank you so much for these Ross! The information you share is so valuable, I really appreciate it. Youre the man!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seth Smith says:

    This isn’t live?

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