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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? Well here we are. Wednesday morning halfway through the week and, uh, hitting my first red day of the month last week was relatively slow. Some nice green days this week. so far Monday was okay.

Tuesday a really nice green day yesterday, but today, catching a red day so it was bound to happen. It's better to kind of just get it out of the way. let it happen. Let it be a small red day.

A successful red day for me is a red day where I don't hit my max loss number one, and a red day where I voluntarily choose to walk away. not because I'm down so much I can't possibly keep trading, but because I just say, you know what? I don't think it's worth continuing to trade. And then a successful red day is also one where you don't give in to emotionally impulsive kind of trading. So today I went right on my first trade of the day.

uh, six hundred dollars. I rallied back with 700 profit on the second trade, putting me up like 15 or 100 or whatever it was. Um, and then I made my way up to plus 400, then up to plus 580 and I mean this was so slow we just could not get anything going today and then took a 300 loss. Another small loss was then to flat on the day, then took a 600 loss was down 600 and then took a bigger loss on Qrteb and I'm sitting down 1700.

Right now I went as low as minus 2600, made back about uh 1600 of that off the law, off the low, and then gave back another 600 and leveled out now at minus 1700. So you know versus 5000 yesterday. Uh, giving back a third of what I made. Not a big deal that that's tolerable.

Um, one of the things I think is important is not to chase the loss you know like to get so fixated on. I don't want to be red today so I'm going to try to. I'm just going to keep trading and try to make back this loss because next thing you know, if there's nothing to trade, I'm just going to dig the hole deeper. And then I'm down 2 500.

then I take a big hail Mary pass and I'm down 7 grand and I'm furious. and then I'm like screw it I'm going all in and then I'm down 15 000 and in one day I've given back. You know all this progress. So this for me was an opportunity opportunity to say you know what, it's a red day, but I'm still green on the week.

Right now you know Monday was good, Tuesday was good, and I'm still green on the month. So let's just make this a successful red day. A successful red day can be a red day where I walk away early where I don't get super emotionally kind of riled up. Hang on.

One second, let me just finish my my recap. A successful red day can also be. It can be a day where I hit my max loss, but I walk away. At that point.

I don't continue to trade past the max loss. I have a max loss set on my account right now at 3 000. so if I'm down below that amount, I would have to call my broker and ask them to enable like increase the max loss amount to let me keep trading, which would not be a good thing. So uh, you know, today's a day where I didn't go below max loss.
I did take a couple trades after that big loss on Qrteb. I was feeling a little frustrated. I was like, you know, kind of annoyed and took it out a little bit and then pretty quickly was like you know what, the liquidity on this stock is so poor I think I just need to let it go and my best bet is just to come back tomorrow And so I'm shutting it down here and that's the plan. So I'll recap.

Um, the trades I took traded eight stocks today and my biggest winner was only seven hundred dollars. My biggest loser was like twenty four hundred dollars. Uh, but I'm uh, recovered some of that. So about half of it.

So sitting down 1700 here at the end of the morning? All right. So uh, reminders, always. trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money.

Even season traders like myself can fall into the traps of having big losses. The hardest part of trading is the psychological component, the dealing with the emotional responses to loss. So today was one of those days. it's a red day recap and I hope this is helpful.

But remember, take it slow. there's no guarantee you'll find success. so I will see you back here first thing tomorrow morning for the morning show right around 9 a.m I'll be streaming for warrior members in the chat room starting a little after seven, and hopefully we see some good opportunities tomorrow. And maybe the market stabilizes a little bit after the Cpi numbers today.

And um, we can kind of find some direction for the rest of the week. All right, So that's it for me. I hope you have a great day and I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. All right everyone.

So I'm gonna do my recap here. Go over the trades from today: Traded two, four, six, eight stocks, green on four, red on four down 1700. Uh, the biggest losses were on Qrteb and so we'll go over that one first. This one was very difficult for me to trade.

It's up 115 right now and I managed to lose money on it. so it halts up once twice and then three times. My first trade was following the third halt up, which is always a little risky. So um, it was halted up.

At that time it was like 9 55 Halted up at 584 and I was like all right. Well I don't know if this is gonna give us more opportunities, but you know, let's see. let's see what it does. So I jumped in it.

um let's see, it's hard to even see. This chart is so crazy. Okay so it was right in here. all right.

So uh, it had gone up and you can see on very light volume. So I bought right here. On resumption from this halt it hit a high of 75. it looked like it was going to halt up and then it falls, halted flush down.

I added right down here in this level at 612 and then when it broke 6 I stopped out at 596. literally like five cents off the low. and then it rips up right here to 642 and then was halted up at 678 and I was like frustrated. Naturally as you would be to stop out in the moment.
After you stop out, it's halted up, it resumes a little lower and then it pulls back and right here it does a false halt. It looked like it was gonna halt and then it snaps back up and goes right into a halt up. I watched that I normally would be interested in trading a false halt, but I was just I didn't I didn't take that trade. I was too slow on it.

It resumes high. We got a dip and a rip up to eight, a flush. Back down here to seven, a pop, back up to Eight Fifteen down to set Six Ninety three. Another false halt.

It rips back up to eight, up to a high halts up. Uh, let's see, did this haul? No, it was a false halt up. then it pulls back, sells off for a little bit and then we kind of get into this more choppy consolidation. So this was real.

What was interesting for me was, um, it had very poor liquidity so it was hard to get in. and then all of a sudden if you tried to sell you couldn't get shares filled and then all of a sudden the bid would drop 50 cents. Not really with any sell orders, it would just drop 50 cents, the bid would just would just disappear. And so it was very whippy.

And you know, so I'm down thirteen hundred dollars on. I mean you know all things consider this a small red day for me. Whatever. but uh, you know I.

So I. I went right on Qrt eb. Um, that was a risky trade and a was a risky trade. This was the ipo from yesterday and I bought it into the break of 12 here thinking that if we squeeze through this pivot of 1251 we would halt up.

Uh, yesterday's high was 1339, lost 600 on that 678.. My first trade of the day was P E T Z, so I went red on my first trade of the day by 600 and I tried to buy this for a break volume weight, average price right here and I stopped out as it dropped here and it just went lower from there. Apn I took two or three trades on this uh, one trade for the break on over 518 five minute setup that was a winner. That was a nice trade and then added back at the open to anticipate the breakthrough 543 and that was a loser.

Uh, down 300 on it. Veru made a hundred dollars on this buying it at 16. hit a high of 16.78 but I sold two soon. Goss made 126 on this, buying it around 8.75 for the squeeze to nine, hit Nine, pulled back quickly, not much profit.

Wyy made 140 on this, tried to take the break over V app it rejected, hard, sold off and my best trade was on Xrtx. This one had news at 7 00 am. spikes up right here and hit a high of 304. I jumped in as it was spiking up.

My first trade was like 225 230 but I sold very quickly because there were some big sellers that came out right away and I was like this is weird it did end up going higher, but now it's come back down. So weird. price action on that one as well. Uh, overall market today sold off Cpi excuse me Cpi numbers? um, higher than expected.
So we had that sell-off rallying back up a little bit now. but uh, yeah, that's where we're at on the overall market. That weighed on things a bit. Uh, so at the most Today I was up 500, maybe 600.

and then I took a 600 loss on N A. and then I took a loss on Qrteb. So at this point my daily max loss is at 3 000 right now, so I'm not below my daily max loss. I could keep trading if I wanted to, but I don't really think that there's a good reason to keep trading even the things that are moving.

I'm not making money on because the liquidity is really poor. the it's just not good. So you know that moved 100 and I still lost money on it. That was my biggest loser so I think it's probably better just to call it a day.

Today I did have a good day yesterday. Uh, which was great. I'm grateful for that. So nice green day yesterday.

You know today's a small red day. Sometimes you can get so bent out of shape trying to, um, you know, make back. You know this seventeen hundred dollars that you lose sight of. The fact that you know trying to chase to make back this 1700 could put you not only red further red on the day, but you can end up red on the week.

So sometimes it's better to step back and be like all right. Well, you know what? I'm red today, but I'd rather preserve the gains I have from the last week or from the month or from the year. And not just you know, get so fixated on not having a red day today that they end up digging the whole a lot deeper. So that's the plan here.

Shutting it down and we'll be back at it. We're saying tomorrow morning, hopefully we have some better opportunities. Market today was pretty soft, pretty cold. so red day, but no big deal.

all right, So had to lock up a red day at some point this month. So getting the first red day out of the way and uh, we'll be back at first thing tomorrow morning. Reminders always. Trading is risky.

My results are not typical, so take it slow. There's no guarantee you'll find success as a trader whether you learn from me or you trade on your own. All right, I'll see you here first thing tomorrow morning. And that right, there was an entire video with no ads.

I don't monetize my youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. but do me a favor. Please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about Daytrade.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

23 thoughts on “Red day recap day trading recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:

    I had similar day hit my pt order didn’t execute down a small amount today.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wowstreet says:

    Thanks Coach

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammad Farouk says:

    Many thanks for such recap, uou are always Great Ross 👍 💪

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammad Farouk says:

    It was too much opportunities afternoon session But the day as you said in the morning session Slow day .. over all not momentum trade day 😴 hope to tomorrow being better

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chan jiajie says:

    Trading is like betting pot in each poker game because there are variance and DD may happen in the middle of the game. As long as u survived in the game, there always opportunities. Just wait the right time to bet on the next game.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ashraff jawfer says:

    hey ross what time does it show on your charting software is it EST?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rock o says:

    In Poker, there's a term for someone who is experiencing some bad luck and continue to play recklessly and loses even more money. That player said to be on "TILT".

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamon Roest says:

    Ross how often do you trade the same stock , and if you do what makes you go back to those stocks

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars says:

    Thanks, Ross! Happy Wednesday!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dex says:

    I'm sorry your day was red. Wise to shut it down before it spiraled. It was a tough day for momo traders.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Pekol says:

    Thanks for the recap and as always for your sincerity Ross. Glad it was a successful red day, and we have two trading days left in the week where you can easily make that back up. 😊

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ajcook7777 says:

    I bet you were sick of making mediocre gains and tried to force it today…
    Bad day for stocks because of the inflation data! Maybe try not to trade heavy on CPI or Fed Reserve announcement days

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Dark says:

    I got killed today… -$500

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dulce de Leche says:

    Awesome video man! Do you suggest copy trading as good approach for beginner to start with trading or should I just invest long term while I learn things on how day trading works?? Thank you!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Geraldo says:

    QRETB 666….The beast! I would have closed that position immediately lol.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 20lollol says:

    Wow, you really showed a huge control of your red days. I am so happy for you Ross.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yamalet medina says:

    Thanks for the recap. I also had a red day darn!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rizwan101 says:

    To walk away without hitting your max loss for the day. That is one hell of a feat. Someone who hasn't traded would never understand.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pauline Njeri N says:

    Thank you Ross. I had an incredibly awful RED day. Its ok we live to trade tomorrow

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gjonezy9 says:

    Daily Affirmation: Charles Barkley and Muggsy Bogues – SNL

    -YouTube 😜

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Lawry says:

    I had to shut it down after QRTEB as well. Could feel myself about to get frustrated, so I just walked away. Thanks for recap Ross! Keep the red days small!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars roomba says:

    Same here; could not get a sell fill on ORTEB, and sold too quick on VERU. Red day. I have to start using market sells on those very fast halts so I can get a fill.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vols519 says:

    $620.00 loss today. I completely agree with you. My max loss is $1200.00. But I’m very green for the week. Thanks Ross for all that you do.

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