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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #Tesla #TSLA #ElonMusk ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Tesla Stock crash
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Make sure you stay to the end on this one, because, right as i was uploading, this video elon went back at it again, we'll talk about it. What happened at the end of the video hey everyone kevin here. Let's talk about tesla, there's some good news and there's some bad news boy. We've got a lot to talk about in this.

I do want to mention, though, that in addition to that coupon expiring today, i'm launching something new, a 20-minute phone call: uh 869 bucks, 20 minute phone call i'll do one a day after the market open live streams when i'm back. So if you want to schedule one of those, if you're ever interested in that consider that link down below in the course uh course section where you see all the other courses on sale with that coupon expiring today, uh but anyway, uh and you can also email By the way, if you want a bundle, kevin meetkevin.com there are bundles listed, but if you have questions about it or whatever feel free to email, i'm just getting overwhelmed with emails, though even this morning in the live streams. People like oh my gosh, this lowe's deal is so cool and people are loving. It like the new people who joined in addition to the many thousands of people who are in there, so um always trying to add value.

Tell you all right. Let's talk about tesla. Now so uh multiple stories about tesla's pricing action today, along with a lot of the tesla fud, that's going on. Obviously, tesla has fallen dramatically, especially since the bloomberg article came out where they suggested that elon musk might be distracted by the twitter purchase.

We're going to talk a little bit about the twitter disaster going on as well, but i want to tell you about this. This was very interesting, so a couple stories both in bloomberg and behrens today talking about tesla's price action about how tesla is now a company that has been profitable for 11 quarters in a row. I remember it was a big deal when they actually went profitable and obviously we know they have massive long-run production goals to the tune of wall street, estimating that tesla's likely to grow at 50 this year, despite supply chain disasters and the likelihood that uh, we might Even hit 60 percent growth this year, according to what elon musk mentioned on the earnings call from last earnings that'll become important in a moment, but listen to this an average or the average analyst price target on wall street for tesla right now is 984. That's the average now it ranges a lot.

It goes anywhere from like 230 dollars all the way up to sixteen hundred dollars and, of course, yeah kathy woods forward, targets that are like four thousand six hundred dollars, although she's also selling tesla and so everybody's like okay. But anyway, so the average analyst price target right now for tesla is 984. That's about a 28 gain from where we are now and according to barons, they did an analysis on when the last time was that we had this kind of juicy spread. It was in march of 2020..
This was back when adjusted for the split shares went from 85 dollars to 650 in 12 months. That's like 600! That's insane right, no guarantees! Obviously, that kind of crazy move is gon na happen again, but consider this tesla usually only sits below the average analyst price target 25 of the time. This means over the last three years. At least this means most of the time we end up trading above the average analyst price target, now we're nearly 30 below it, and that only happens about a quarter of the time and - and so really a lot of this could be because of either shanghai or Just the general market sentiment right now, which is uh very, in my opinion, overly pessimistic.

Obviously, we've got massive issues: war, inflation, the fed tightening cycle potential for a real estate and housing move to the downside, consumer sentiment at the lowest levels that we've had since the pandemic, actually by some accounts. According to the economist, we have lower consumer sentiment right now than we had in the pandemic. Could you imagine that well we're locked up at home people were more optimistic than than people are now like. That's like freaking incredible to think about now.

Obviously, a lot of this has to do with the market, but there are also some tesla issues that we have and we're going to touch on. Those uh tesla is not the only tech stock, though doing this consider apple, it's down seven weeks in a row. Right now, and do remember that uh back that there that there is more pain ahead that could come bloomberg was talking about this and they said if we go past the pandemic and we go all the way back to 2019 levels, the spread between the average annual Analyst price target and the current price was actually 50. So remember, i just said the spread was 30 roughly it's like 28 right, so the price targets are here and the current price of tesla is like 28 below that.

Well, we got all the way to the point where the stock would have to rally up 20 up 50 to get to the average analyst target that was in 2019, and that would imply that if we could fall to that level now through all this fun, it Would imply that tesla could follow another 277 dollars, which is roughly uh 475 to 500 bucks. It's getting pretty tough out there, tesla's pe it's price to earnings. Ratio for 2022 right now sits at about 57, which makes its peg, which is where we take the growth that elon is forecasting which he could be. You know overly optimistic, but if we divide the growth rate of sixty percent by uh the p e ratio of 57, we actually have a peg ratio of under one that's like dave and buster's levels.

That's crazy! Most of the time. By the way, when you read articles and they're like oh, you know, other car companies peg is 10. Then you're like yeah. Well, what's their growth, oh uh, negative, they're shrinking or it's like three percent.

It's like tesla's growing at 50, freaking percent a year. That's insane! But whatever one of the big issues, though, that we have is the market's trying to price in what what's going to be a disastrous delivery quarter for tesla, because the shanghai shutdown, uh and there's an article from the economist, that's just a complete disaster about shanghai. Okay, now i'll talk numbers in a moment, but listen to this, the economist does not believe the shanghai lockdowns are going to let up anytime soon. Just like there is a very low chance that ftx is gon na, let up anytime soon with reminding you that you can get free crypto.
Every time you trade crypto worth over ten dollars using the link in the description down below when you download the app you just throw in meet kev and boom, you get the special okay low chance. Ftx is gon na stop with that, but why would they when you've got people like sam bank, bringing free who's gon na donate 99 plus percent of his wealth? The charity in the future may as well check it out. Link down below they've got a cool uh they've got some great trading tools going on as well, but anyway, listen to this shanghai tells us that restrictions in shanghai are getting tighter, not looser. This is despite the fact that average cases have gone down from 25 000.

A day in mid april to less than 2 000 cases a day recently and the situation, there is so tough that they're installing barriers to seal off housing compounds that were previously accessible and now they're putting barriers in despite cases falling this much just to keep people Cut off and quarantined from each other and they create these small uh haphazard. They call community committees. Now i'm gon na butcher this because i don't know chinese, but i'm going to try my best juwi hoy are what these are called and these basically get power over specific communities, these jewish house house, whatever uh, and they control the movement of people and the rules And there are multiple levels of rules. The first category is the strictest, where you're not even able to step outside of your house uh, which your house might even get barricaded so like you're forced to stay inside.

This sounds insane. The second level allows residents to walk around their housing compound, but not on the street, and the third level allows you to get passes to walk around your neighborhood jeez man. This is like freaking, brave new world kind of stuff. Next thing you know china's going to have the thought police coming out here, my goodness, obviously their president xi jinping is super pro uh, the the tightening fight against kovan and they got people walking around with bull horns issuing alerts, but anyway, obviously this has hit tesla Tesla usually produces somewhere around 2 600 units per day they're trying to get back to that level.

They've delayed this full reopening they're, trying to get back to 2016 units 2 600 units a day by may 23rd right now, they're they're sitting around 1200, which is less than half of the usual production they've only gotten a few deliveries out, for example, their second batch Of deliveries that they got out uh since the lockdown started at the end of april, uh was somewhere around 4 000 vehicles that just got shipped out. That was just the second batch, so like they're, really struggling to get these vehicles up here. So you know at 2 600 per day and uh. Let's just assume they work every single day, that'd be about 78 000 vehicles.
You know they're, probably about 70 000 vehicles, shy right now, just from these lockdowns to date, which is uh unfortunate and - and you know the stock market's, obviously going to give it some fun because of that and some dumping. Because of that, we also got ray dalio who's dumped tesla in q1, he's completely out he jumped on over into berkshire hathaway instead, which has actually been performing quite well outperforming the indices. Freaking warren you got ta give the guy credit he's he's brilliant. We can learn a lot from warren buffett anyway.

Then, of course, you have the twitter fud right now there are some people who are actually cheering that the twitter deal collapses and fails because they believe that it'll lead tesla to jump, maybe as much as 10 to 20, because they actually think that elon musk is Going to get distracted by this twitter deal, elon musk also tweeted, that the deal's on hold over the weekend, which freaked people out on twitter - and i think that's one of the reasons you're seeing pretty much all of the stock gains that twitter had since elon musk Announced his intent uh in in buying twitter evaporate. In fact, if you go back to when the announcement was made right around april, 1st twitter was trading for 39.31 and now it's trading for 38, so it's actually below that now elon had been buying since january. So he'd been getting some some twitter shares in the low 30s, but um yeah after he tweeted that or the reason rather, he tweeted. This the deal is on hold is because he wonders and and doesn't believe, that the public filings are correct when they say that oh yeah uh, you know we have less than five percent spam bots.

He thinks there actually are a lot more spambots to which the ceo has you know, come out and said: hey. You can't really look at the public data. We ban, like 500k accounts a week, uh that are all spam. Bots we're doing our best.

We think for the last four quarters, it's been under five percent, but you can't look at it externally. You have to use the internal and external data to know that it's under five percent. So if you just take like a random sample of a hundred twitter users who reply to elon, musk tweets or to whatever tweets - and you find that more than five percent of bots, that doesn't necessarily mean that more than five percent are bought. And so because of this twitter has come out, argued that elon's violating his nda, and so this is leading more people, especially hedge fund managers, to think that elon's just being a loose cannon here.
He is violating agreements again. He does that with the sec. He smokes weed on the joe rogan podcast. It's honestly, it's it's all this stupid fod.

I think it's all relatively ridiculous, but you know the way i look at it is just consistently. I. I actually believe that tesla is trading for a substantial discount. I think had we been in a normal market like the summer of last year and we had the earnings we just had.

Oh, that was loud. It was like uh, it sounded like an earthquake, but it may probably just thunder or something anyway uh. I believe that tesla stock would be somewhere around 1500 bucks uh. You know that's like twice where it is now now.

Obviously, no guarantees i mean who knows but um boy, oh boy, yeah tesla's been in for a ride but anyway seriously check out the programs on building your wealth down below. If you want one-on-one coaching for 20 minutes, there is a deal for that as well. All of these prices are going to be going up uh at the uh they all expire at the end of the day. Today, if you email me, though i can, i can make sure that uh you're still honored.

Until obviously, you get a reply uh, i will be uh, i'm personally going through a lot of these as well, so it's kind of cool but uh. It's also been a little overwhelming so anyway, thanks so much check out the programs on building your wealth down below. Remember this is all about long term get prepared for the real estate market, especially and get those lows: discounts, okay and uh folks, we'll see in the next one thanks. So much for being here subscribe, check out, ftx and see you then bye all right! So remember how prague, the ceo of twitter had a 13 tweet or rampage response, trying to use all this logic and common sense about how hard it is to identify bots and how hard twitter works with humans, thousands of humans working to remove bots and how they Remove 500 000 bots per week, but it's hard.

You know you have to use internal data and external data to measure the five percent bots, and so it's not that easy. You can't just use external data. Only all these excuses right so elon musk replied to this and to me it was the perfect example of how twitter is so well, i'm sorry how elon, musk and tesla are so freaking efficient, elon musk's reply was simple: the poop emoji, that's it elon musk calling Bs, the richest man in the world calling bs using a poop emoji in one of the most efficient tweets ever in response to bs by the ceo of twitter.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “Wtf is happening: tesla stock.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    This is some major 🍆 riding for Elon.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan says:

    Kathy woods $4600 price target is for something like 2026.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Marshall says:

    Tesla along with every other hyped garbage stock/ ETF/ Index is returning to… get this… fair value😱
    You think this is bad? Wait until Tesla returns to a PE ratio of under 16 hahaha.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy says:

    Why isn’t Elon yelling at the govt of China about the lockdowns like he did in the US??? I wonderrrrr. Building in China will backfire on him

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blipblop92 says:

    Funny Elon has so much trust in the chinese government. He should invest in Vietnam or Thailand instead. They have similar or even better work ethics

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Megan says:

    Bahahahaha he said they all expire at the end of the day.
    A guy with 20 million and he acts like the sleeziest sales man out there.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Megan says:

    Why do your coupons expire every week? You’re like the Beth bath and beyond coupon of 20% coupon is on at all times 😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Lee says:

    Short or long?
    My brokerage couldn't even find a client who had 10 stocks of TSLA for long.
    Every body is either dumping TSLA or going short.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jacob Whitney says:

    Don't buy TSLA, market saturation for EVs, competition not good for TSLA, overpriced garbage. You will lose money on TSLA for three next 2 years.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lancelot Xavier says:

    Be careful of mis-information by the industry and even government.
    2/3 only accounts for oil and coal. the rest is natural gas which elon musk and and industry labels as "renewable".
    As for solar, solar cant replace fossil unfortunately, unless we want to carpet huge lots of land. It's just not powerful enough.
    Only thing that can begin to replace fossil are nuclear and hydro. And environmentalists are dead against them.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars True Colors says:

    I begged from Tesla community.for $$$ as a Poor Homeless Christian for 6 months and none gave. God is Now making easy work of em all. All WILL Pay for the lack of 1 CHARITABLE human in whole community

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill T says:

    Cathie Woods' 10% rule is stupid. She's sold off millions of shares so that she can get an extra 1.75% for "trading around volatility." (Although it sounds more impressive if you say 175 basis points.) That's pennywise and pound-foolish.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mariusz Skonieczny says:

    You are an incredible scumbag. You should be paying people $869 to listen to your for 20 minutes.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlackCro says:

    Who's gonna pay for those phone calls.. ridiculous lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muneeswar Reddy says:

    Content is not good & information doesn’t useful at all. It’s a waste of time watching. He is just making some time pass videos for getting ads & sponsorship.😢😢😢

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheQuickChef says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Rocco says:

    I think broski discovered Miami Booger Sugar judging by that car vid. And now he needs to charge 869 for phone calls. Big yikes

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosalie Thomson says:

    Elon Musk still has the government. He is still a great inventor. And, he took enough out to be cool.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TwoCool 2Trip says:

    Did Elon Musk uncover bot program that inflated democratic follower likes and subs manipulating Twitter numbers for ads, users, etc 🙄

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Imogen Royce says:

    I've been seeking some investment guidance and It seems like I am never able to identify trends, options always go against me, and I can't utilize scanners efficiently. I am looking for a simple, reproducible passive income strategy that supplements my income and will eventually replace my wage income. I will really use some advise please

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mayra Karle says:

    Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank says:

    I think I'd rather just yolo GME right now then touch any other stock in this market

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandy Luna says:

    I have about 5% of my portfolio in uranium stock any advice on any other stock that I can grow my $300k capital to a million dollars?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William M says:

    Its funny.. I didnt buy a course, and im upset about that because knowledge would have properly prepared me to be in line with Kevin..

    Crazy thing, the other people who didnt buy a course just think Kevin is here to scam people and lie/bullshit his way through life… This man is offering true knowledge, only for sour bitches to be mad that they aren't educated.

    Fk you haters

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB ATL says:

    People have been telling me to buy Tesla for years, so today I put in a limit order at $350. One day people will learn!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hangender says:

    When retail give up on even Tesla you know it's bottom.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muranaman says:

    Buffet has just been shorting the market like crazy. And it's easy for him to do, because if he sells his own stocks, the stocks will drop anyway. He's still making money from the short sale.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Zhao says:

    If I never watched Kevin’s channel. I’d probably 40k richer than I’m right now🤣

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lusk Bela says:

    Even with the fluctuation in the economy,I'm so excited I've been earning $45,000 from my $10,000 investment everyday 10ddays.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica al says:

    Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sagitarriulus says:

    I’m gonna keep saying this f the Chinese government

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mourek says:

    If you still have that $7 million of margin on Tesla Stock – the Stock Bocker is cashing you out NOW. No shit

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mourek says:

    Tesla $375 that means you will be down over 50% because your average cost is $825 – the big question CAN YOU Handle IT?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Chase says:

    <I think we are going to double bottom before rebounding. Unless the Fed increases rates, we still have a long way to go until inflation at least slows down. Trade a small percentage of your portfolio rather than going in and out every couple weeks trying to time the market. Thanks to Bobby Lucas, for his amazing skills for helping me to earn 9 BTC from 3 BTC through day trading.

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