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#StockMarket #PreMarket #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
You can lose money trading stocks. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services.

All right, good morning, everyone welcome back. Let me just double check that everything is working. Yeah looks good. All right, hey looks like audio's working screen share is working.

I hate to jinx myself. It's almost like. I did every it's almost like. I remembered all the steps for once so uh all right.

Welcome back everyone um, you know. Listen. The trend continues: swing trading, very difficult, very annoying, real quote-unquote, real stocks very choppy, very annoying, but day trading. You know trading dip and rips and v-wap holds and abcds and red de greens on trashy squeezers um.

It's i mean it's incredible. I mean i mean you know, and i won't spend too much time on this because i think i've been. I think i've been opening with this for several weeks now, but i mean i get it you you follow, the the you know the quote-unquote mainstream narrative and you think that you know the world is ending and listen. If you look at the s p.

500, if you look at your 401k, if you look at your ira, it ain't pretty, but if you trade the stocks we trade veru, i mean they don't get much more textbook. I mean i mean veru hadn't. We had an incredible plan friday morning straight out of stocks. Trade advisory remember go to stocks, trade advisory, i'm only on youtube.

On mondays, i'm there every day. Okay, i mean listen, it's you could have. If you had a mediocre trade on veru on friday, you could have paid for like 10 years of stocks to trade advisory. Okay, immediate i mean, if you had, if you had like 10 shares of veru 100 100 shares.

Okay, you had 100 shares of veru on friday morning. You could have paid for 10 years of stocks. Trade advisory hit the link anyway um. So it's it stay.

I mean basically i'll move on i'll, get to questions but stay agile. You know, stick to your stops. Have realistic goals - and you know, listen flat out if you're trying to swing trade right now read a book. Okay do something else day trading is where it's at.

It reminds me so much of when i got started 2007-2008. Okay and i'm not saying remember, i'm not a fear-monger, i'm not saying we're. Gon na have a crash like we had in 2007-2008, but it just fee i mean back, then you, you were crazy the whole day anything overnight, and it's a lot like that. Now so steve says: what do you think about save? I hate airlines, um yeah, the problem with this is you know this is what i call a very newsy stock n-e-w-s-y.

A lot of you might be familiar with that. I hate these plays where the deal is on. The deal is off the deal's on the deal's off. Listen, there's a reason: okay, think about twitter, okay, um, there's a reason.

I i sense the since the acquisition news by elon. We have never once talked about twitter since that day i was excited. I was excited for the fact that i think that elon could hopefully save the world by fixing twitter, but remember we. We haven't talked about a trade since that day because of look at what's happening in twitter, the deal's on the deal's off the deal's on the deal's off you and you'll.
Hear me say this: all the time on these acquisition plays. You can't chart that okay and longtime members you've heard me say this if you're new, i love you, how do you chart elon saying oh, never mind, you know the deal's on hold. You can't chart that okay and plus he's he does it on the weekend. You can't trade it on the weekend anyway, and and all these acquisition plays are like that all you're gon na do you'll get lucky.

It's it's like trade and earn it's like yoloing into earnings. Okay, i mean you guys, know the yolo earnings play quite possibly the most degenerate trade out there. Yoloing earnings is worse than shorting low floats. Okay, so sorry rant over.

But you just you can't i don't now listen. If you got a strategy, let hey i'm always looking to learn, i'm always looking to grow. I i every day i'm trying to evolve, but if you can find a way to consistently trade deals on deals off buy-out plays. Let me know hit me up in the dms because i don't think you're gon na find it um clxt.

True, penny stock. True, penny stocks have been kind of hot consumer packaged foods plant spring. I i got listen i'll give them kudos for the corporate bs of the week, our experience, engineering plant metabolism and our proprietary systems to unleash the natural capabilities of the plant, the original biological system. By leveraging predictive and analytic tools.

We drive down the production - oh my god. This is thank you thank you clxt for quite possibly the best corporate bs i have read in in months like literally months. This is almost as good as efficient inept, timely users powered by energistically, exploit tactical deliverables and proactively predominate team, driven synergy through objectively embracing just-in-time catalysts for change, no short it or ignore it. I got ta save that, though clxt well done with the best corporate bs.

I have seen in months what, in that dtst tiny floats: four million float. Five million shares traded, quote, unquote, earnings winner d eh. This is interesting over 350.. Yes, yes, yes, um! Yeah! Let's break this down! Uh dt s, t whoops! Let me increase my font and uh.

Puny float good volume earnings winner in quotes nice breakout over 350. yeah. This is day for hey love. The the monday morning press release.

Um, i mean you guys see what i'm looking at right. You get over three. This thing is, i mean this thing has had hardcore resistance at 350 for six months you get a dip and rip through 350 beautiful. I would watch for the chat pump on this guy um.

Considering the float considering the volume smells like the chat pump. Du jour watch for that, but um keep an eye out for the 9 a.m. Chat pump, as always for noobs, 9 45 rule keeps you safe, especially if the chat pump comes in so love. This probably probably top one or two ideas this morning, and i know i've said it.
This is the third time i've said it, but just keep an eye out for the chat pump. You know remember: the chat pump doesn't blacklist it. It just tells you yee who's that who is that which one of you guys is hitting the ask, knock it off, knock it off. We don't do that here, okay, or is that the chat bomb? Let me guess anyway, don't hit the ask at 8.

40. Okay, wait for a dip and rip d-wack everybody's all excited about dwack. Today, bag holders, baggies um, i would short a late day. V-Wap fail on dwack.

Tim said short of stock. Yes, i did ebook pattern. It's over for dwack um. Well, wait! Wait! I will say this: i'm going to give myself a way out: okay, it is over for d-wack unless elon destroys twitter, so so, if, if elon like, destroys twitter by tearing it apart from the inside and twitter becomes myspace, unless that happens, unless elon self-destructs twitter, it's Over for dwack short late day, v whack, you got the ebook okay, it top five favorite short patterns anyway, read the ebook pixie uh weekend watch list and basically a push through 69..

Let's say this in honor of elon, because we all know elon is on every free market prep in honor of elon we're going to trade breaks of 69 bro, not 68, no, not 70 cents, 69 bro in honor of elon, but seriously squeezes back on through 69.70. So um pixie weekend watch idea through 69 bro in a hat tip to elon all right. I got ta go over v-e-r-u and then i need to run. V-E-R-U is so it's going to be tough.

For me, the big thing with dtst is i'm concerned about the chat pump, love veru through 14. I think we get a day through day two squeeze um. Let me take a peek at oracle, so veru very top of the list. For me, dtst pixie, uh, sofi um, so far, it's a dip and rip too.

So those are my mains as of now and yeah, so number top top plays. In my opinion, dtst buying pre-selling pre. Unless there's a chat pump, then it's 9 45 rule uh pixie. Through 69, so fi dip and rip v-roo through 14 and then a late day, v-rap phil fail on d-wag.

All right have a good day. My friends check out stock straight advisory. I'm here every day, never miss. I love each and every one of you.

Let's grow. Let's get better, let's get smarter, faster, stronger together one percent a day, my friends and we don't care about this market crash crap. We don't care about this crypto crash crap. We don't care about all the other bad news in the world because we focus on what we can control.

I can't listen. I can't control. What's going on in ukraine and russia, it's terrible. I can't control.

What's going on in north korea, it's terrible there's a lot of terrible things in the world. There have always been terrible things in the world, but what we can control is ourselves our own actions of the circle around us and we can get better grow. Our accounts grow as people and as we grow our accounts and we grow as people. We can expand our circle of influence until eventually we can solve all the world's problems have a great day.
My friends see you next time, so you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

One thought on “Pre market prep- stock market 5/16/2022”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Got Milk says:

    Check the mid-May to June pattern for Juneteenth. So far swing working. Low volume though. But $CARV $UONE runup for 7 days into May, sell-off, then runup again for 7 days. Still working

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