I made $40,000 today with an open position I have in TQQQ. This is my first week investing with over $1,000,000 in the stock market. The stock market has crashed this year and now offers great deals for long term investors. When is the best time to invest in the stock market? I believe this is when the market is extremely oversold like it is right now. Here are the top 4 high growth stocks that offer amazing ROI!
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Why is the market going up? Inflation decelerates slightly from 40-year high as CPI rises 8.3% in April. April’s consumer price index report expected to show inflation has already peaked. How to read a cpi report and when will it be released?
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The Stock Market falling/ crashing can be a scary thing when you are not informed on how to make money during a stock market crash! The corona virus isn't getting any better and opportunity is among us, let's take time to inform ourselves and make the most of this opportunity!
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Hey, what's going on guys, so i was actually just planning out uh, some of my kind of like long-term trades, and i thought i would just make a video on it kind of just like sharing my thought process kind of just thinking out loud. So i hope that you guys enjoyed this video um and if you learned something new, i hope that you can consider subscribing. I upload new videos every single day and let's just go ahead and jump right to it as the market's been very very oversold. Now stack market since the very beginning of 2022, it's been pulling back.

This has presented great opportunity for potentially new investors. I don't expect the market to recover anytime soon, but i've been making sure that when i work with my learn plan, profit group we've at least dedicated time to prepare for a market recovery, because i think that's one of the worst things that you can do right. It's market selling off that's one thing but not preparing for the recovery. It's when the market then does recover.

If you don't know what stocks you're going to take action on, if you don't have a plan, if you have no intention or structure, especially some form of risk management, um, then you're just gon na be left behind right. Looking at the 2020 pandemic, when everything pulled on back looking now back, it's like it was a huge opportunity, but yet it recovered so quickly that very few people were able to take advantage of it and that's just what i'm trying to avoid right. So one of the trades i'm going to be breaking down a couple of my trades uh. This is when i'm fully invested.

I actually was just running through some of the numbers um. This is a goal. It's something to work towards. I know that it's never going to be or to work out like this perfectly, but the four positions that i plan to you know partake in are tesla amazon, apple and tqeq.

At the end of the day, one of the things that i always try to encourage our learn plan profit members to do is to invest in companies that they see the most value. In i share my experience. I share the why behind mine, i don't expect everyone to agree with me. Everyone, you know, tolerates risk at a different way.

I think it's very level-headed to respect that about one another um. So one of the things that i wanted to break down, i'm going to start off with tq eq, just because we have it here, so i already have an open position on tkq right now. I have a little bit over 14 000 shares today. I was up 40 000 on the day very grateful for it.

I'm about 50 invested in my position. I plan to double my position. My intentions to be in with 30 000 shares um, and i just kind of like broke down my plan right now. My average purchase price is uh eighty cents.

If you look at the overall lows of um tqqq, it hit lows of 26.69 and being very realistic i'll get to that at the very end. Um entry 3080. As of right now, my desired exit previous highs is around 91 desired. Exit's gon na be right around eighty dollars a share.
I set that to be a little bit more realistic based off of previous highs. I might hold a couple more shares, but i'm definitely not going to hold my entire position in hope that it does approach um or surpass previous highs. So i set 80 as a more realistic um. You know resistance again.

I can expect that to happen in either a couple of months and or maybe a couple of years, there's there's. No, i think the thing that you can, that is one of the worst things that you can do is set false expectations in thinking that hey. This is going to happen in the next month or two months right that instant gratification. I know that the market's not like this um so the way that i'm trying to approach this uh is with proper intention and knowing that it can take months, the market can get worse before it gets better.

I need to understand that. That's why i'm 50 invested right now, so whatever it is, that you intend to you, know trade with or invest with, imagine cutting that in half and making that a rule that hey, regardless of what happens until the market, begins to indicate signs of recovery. I won't take more than a 50 position. That's the idea behind that and then cutting losses if it breaks below 30.

But again, that's when i'm more heavily invested, uh the risk to reward ratio on this. Obviously, it's very very high 61.5 out of the all the other ones um. This one definitely has the highest roi. Just because you know, tkeq is definitely considered of greater risk.

High risk high reward type of approach. I would not encourage this for any beginners uh, the one that's not triple leveraged is qqq. So if you want to look into that, that's the nasdaq etf. It follows the nasdaq market.

There's an s. P! 500 etf. It's called spy. Look into that and there's also a dow jones um etf, and that is, i think, you down if i'm not mistaken, udo w uh, as you can feel free to look it up uh, but my overall intention is to be in with 30 000 shares right now.

I have 14 000, as you can see, so this would bring my potential profit at 1.4 million and this would bring my overall dollar amount invested at right under uh right over 900 000.. But as of right now - and i can make this adjustment - i have 14 - so let's say that in a perfect world you know - or let's say that tomorrow you know on monday the market opens and it's at 80 right. I have 14 330 shares as of right. Now uh, which means that my dollar amount invested uh my average purchase price is 441 000.

That means that i would make 705 000 profit. So one of the things that i wanted to talk about is obviously, as i begin to buy more my average purchase price. As my average entry is not going to be at 30 and 80 cents being realistic right, so, regardless of what this says, as you know, i do i do intend to be in with 30 000 um shares, but one of the things that i talked about in Yesterday's video is how important it is um to understand that there's no such thing as a perfect trader right things go south. You know when you average up.
It doesn't go exactly according to plan when you exit it doesn't go exactly according to plan um. So, instead of my average entry being 30 and 80 cents, because we have so much margin to work with, i'm really not going to be stepping on the gas um, probably not until we break about fifty dollars a share. So by the time that i start adding at fifty dollars a share, i would see my average purchase price being more in the like hot mid to higher 45 right right now, i'm at 30, i would say a more realistic average purchase price once i begin to Average up i'll set it at 45, just just be a little bit more realistic, and even at that 45, with my let's say, desired exit is at 80 a share uh. This would put my potential profit at uh, just over 1 million dollars.

So you can see that from 1.4 we go all the way back to 1 million. There's a discrepancy there of about four hundred thousand um that comes with the territory of as the stock begins to indicate signs of an uptrend i'm going to choose to average up into that position. My the way that i average up is not going to be perfect. I'm sure that i'm going to buy some at 40, i'm sure that i'm going to buy some at 37.

I'm sure that i'm going to buy some at 55 right, i can buy some, as my biggest focus is. I just want to continue to buy as long as the direction is in my favor. That's really what i'm going to be paying attention to uh the other one is tesla so tesla. I just started taking a position on this one hit lows of 670.

I viewed to be very oversold again same intentions. I don't expect to make money on this anytime soon. Things can definitely get worse before they get better again. I understand all of this, i'm okay with this, i i am taking into consideration with my current position size.

So with that being said, i plan to be fully invested with 200 shares that would be about 170 000 at an average purchase price of 8.50 a share, so i'm already in it and right now it's at 7.69 and the great thing about this is that again, My average purchase price. I set it to be at 850., so i have a lot of room for error. I think that's one of the great things about this is that you know i see how much margin i have to work with, and then i you know make it very personal right. I understand that i'm not perfect, and i know that the way that i'm going to average up and and the way that things might go um my average purchase price might actually end up being higher right and i might you know, uh hope, to sell at twelve Hundred dollars a share, but hey i might sell at you know 1300.

I might sell at 1100. I might sell that any indication of a resistance right if it gets rejected again at 1150, just like i did last time my job's to lock in profits uh. This is simply a goal. This is something to work towards and i'm really excited about it um, but yeah, uh.
Being in with 170 000. I would potentially make a 70 000 profit on tesla. With the setup, i would say, pretty conservative average purchase price. It's almost a hundred dollars more than where it's at right now, so i said that i think of that to be pretty realistic and then the exits.

The only thing that overall highs or all-time highs is twelve thousand 400 or 1243, and how long will it take for tesla to get there? I know it's going to take time. Will it ever get back there again? This is why i talk about. I'm definitely not afraid to lock in profits early one of the other ones - apple uh. This is one that i am yet to take a position in apple, very consistent, overall uptrend pattern.

Right now it has or it's trading. At 147, i set my realistic average purchase price to be 155. apple, one of the most valuable companies that's publicly traded. I feel much more comfortable, taking a heavier position size in apple.

I don't feel apple to be. As of a risky. You know trade or an investment decision, it's a company that, even after it approaches previous highs, you know i set my exit to be at 175. I might even consider holding apple.

I see apple to continue to grow and scale to you know, continue to leap. The market um in in what it does right. I think someone uh because of how much it's pulled back recently. It gave up its number one spot for the most valuable company - that's publicly traded but uh.

In my opinion, and again it's just that um. I think apple is no question going to recover and i just wanted to make sure that i uh take time. I plan out my trade. I set up a dollar amount that i'm okay, with investing in apple right.

Two hundred thousand my potential profit on this is nothing crazy right. It's twenty 26 000. Some of you guys wouldn't do that because you're like well, that's not worth it in comparison to. You know why i can trade amc and all i agree right.

It's it's. Definitely not for everyone, and this is why i'm making this video - i want to remind you that, like some people are willing to take greater forms of risk, some people are a little bit more conservative. I think that's the beautiful thing about the stock market. It's that there's there's a space and spot for everyone.

If you want to take a more conservative approach, just formulate a plan and make sure that it meets your criteria. Who cares what anyone else says if they think that it's you know? Well, it's not worth it right or it's not enough profit for how much you're investing it's like. Okay, then don't do it right. The beautiful thing about investing amazon is one of the only ones as of right now, if i'm not mistaken, uh amazon is sitting at 2200, a share already beginning to show signs of a recovery based off previous patterns.
3 700. uh. I personally wouldn't mind holding amazon for quite some time. I just uh set a more realistic kind of like tesla of 170 000 invested with 75 shares.

Is my overall desired um? What's it called max position and then my average purchase price at 2300? Again, amazon? Being one of the market, leaders and e-commerce, i'm very excited to follow up. I set up a conservative, sell point of 3 300 and i would walk away with 75 000 profit after investing 172 000 and i think that's a nice chunk of change uh for investing in some of the most valuable companies. That's publicly traded and, of course it's super easy with you know just typing in numbers, and you know hoping that things go according to plan, but one thing that we always take into consideration is you know? When do we have to cut loss and that's something that you have to follow up with and just make sure that you hold yourself accountable? This is why we talk about position size. This is why we talk about waiting for confirmation, don't put yourself or don't buy more than you can tolerate.

Don't just think about best case scenario. You need to think about worst case scenario, but i think that's why it's so important right to be able to surround yourself with people that remind you to stay level-headed. We get asked this question all the time of. Like you know, do you need to join like our group, or do you need to be part of our group to learn how to invest or to learn how to trade? No, i mean one of my most popular videos on youtube is literally sharing how i learned how to trade - and i didn't i didn't - learn how to trade from a course right.

I learned how to trade from trial and error, but think about it. How much money did i lose? How how long did it take for me to learn how to trade it probably would have been more cost effective and less time consuming. If i would have learned through eight course right and at the end of the day, you simply want to surround yourself with people that motivate you to be the best version of yourself and if you can condense the time that it takes for you to learn. What is already laid out in a structured format, and you can work with people that encourage you to be the best version for yourself an example preparing for the market to recover.

While everyone else is freaking out setting proper expectations, not expecting the market to recover anytime. Soon, but if it does, you at least have a a plan in place and i think that's what's most important, it's you have a team that holds you accountable. Even when you don't originally or intentionally um, you know intend to come up with. You know that trade plan, it's it's knowing what other people are doing, that are well versed in this market and how that can put you in a better position.

So again, if you guys ever have any questions about you know wanting to get started, especially if you're an absolute beginner. I do have a free discord group that has over 40 000 members and it's the first link in the description um. Also, if you're ready to join my team. I trade live every morning when the market's open, so you get to watch me buy, sell.
I get to share my thought process. Any questions you have i answered in real time and i do this every day at market open only for my learn plan, profit group. So again it's not that you need to join. It's asking yourself.

A simple question would being part of our team, be of value to you, and only you can answer that right. So if you want to learn more about it to see if our group is a good fit for you and all that, it includes that's going to be that second link down below to learn a little bit more about our learn, plan profit group and to see If it's a value for you, i hope that earned your thumbs up. I hope and wish you guys an amazing weekend and of course, please consider subscribing like always. Let's make sure that we end the year on a green now, take a digi team.

By Stock Chat

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18 thoughts on “Day 1 investing with $1,000,000”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hassan Awad says:

    Hey Ricky, you are an inspiration to me. I have $200,000+ invested in ticker BLIN and hope that it will make me a millionaire like you one day. Keep up the great work!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hamiltime says:

    Can you make more videos like this?

    Where you show the excel sheet and we can better understand what your thought process is and why. Not to copy your trades but learn from the planing portion. Seeing it on the excel sheet makes it easier for visual learners.
    I’m in LPP and have been for years. It is extremely helpful! You might lose more money in the market not knowing what you are doing, than you would spend on his course.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Cranford says:

    Join the team guys! I started 6 months ago and had a 1791 dollar day yesterday!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benny says:

    Thanks for the knowledge, Ricky!
    Been a long-time follower, wishing you nothing but prosperity and good luck.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Beck says:

    Man, I'm 98% red on my life savings of $22,000. I can't imagine playing with that kinda money, I guess as of right now good thing I didn't or the losses would be 100 fold. Hope I'm able to get my losses back.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Cranford says:

    Thanks Ricky

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cuong Le says:

    do you have trade with forex?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Griffin Thomas says:

    80 on the TQQQ gonna be hard imo, leverages etfs drop a lot harder than they go up. I like to swing trade it for a couple days personally and look to re enter on a red day or two personally. But I’ll be in it with you!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Houghton says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DOM says:

    How come you made today $ 40k if the market is closed? Thanks in advance

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HeyItzRyan says:

    What’s the reasoning behind a $80 target on tqqq? Just seems like a weird target price cause if the market recovers and tqqq actually hits $80 it seems like the market would have no problem breaking new highs at that point

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mouad NV says:

    1st !!! can we get something by being first on the comments please.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STAY GREEN says:

    Fire set up 🤑🤑🤑

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slave of Almighty ALLAH says:

    Dude the market is red

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tech Nomad Tribe says:

    U can say u did it now

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Supertraders Street says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars uraveragekyle says:

    Gme to the moon

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amree Aziq says:

    first comment hehehehehe

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