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During this live day trading stream I may be taking real money day trades. I will be as clear as I can to articulate what I'm looking at as I focus on actively trading stocks that are moving quickly. This is a great opportunity for you to learn from a trader with over 10 years of experience trading the markets.

Learning to day trade was one of the best decisions I ever made, but I have to be real with you. It took a lot of hard work to get where I am today. Trading is not easy, it takes a long time to get good. I encourage you to focus on beginner day trading strategies when you are starting to learn how to trade stocks.

Beginner day trading strategies involves focusing on the highest relative volume leaders among the top 10 percentage gainers each day. Not sure what that means? Check out this video here:

During todays episode I traded $CYN Cyngn Inc

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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right, good morning everyone! Well, it's about nine o'clock so as I'm sitting down right now I am not sure what is obvious and this is a problem because I really want to be focusing on obvious stocks. One of the challenges with a daily today where the overall market is bouncing is that we have a number of mid caps and large caps that are bouncing as well and so that, while on the one hand, can great opportunities. If you want to trade Apple or Tesla, these are stocks that will likely bounce if the overall market continues to bounce. But we know that these are not really good stocks for trying to do quick breakout trades on.

They're more buy and hold for a longer trend and that's not really for me what day trading is is about. That's not really how I day trade, so I'm not super interested in trying to do that with mid caps and large caps. A firm is the leading gapper right now. It's 200 million share flow price of 25.

it's a bounce off the volume bottom which was yesterday's low high volume and continuing higher. but even up here it would be a chase. And with the 200 million share float I mean you have the. The thing you have going for you is that you'll have the backing of some institutional traders on these types of moves because these are mid cap and sometimes large cap stocks.

so you know that's the way riding that wave of momentum. But I'm still skeptical as to whether or not that's really the right approach for today. Uh, yesterday. we saw, really.

I mean, an impressive squeeze on Bi Bynd beyond me. You know this thing halted up multiple times in a row. It was kind of bonkers. You don't typically expect that of a mid cap, but you got that nice bounce.

The thing is, uh, you know yesterday was really the volume bottom for a lot of these stocks and with high volume, yesterday was actually the bounce. So some of them are continuing a bit today. But I think the real move was yesterday. So the leading Gap is a firm.

I'm not interested in that really. Qtt is 85 cents and has no volume. So that one I'm not interested in Robin Hood. I have no interest in this stock.

I I don't like the company. I don't want to buy the stock. I don't. I have no interest in it.

So that one it's I mean it's a 555 million share float. Mulln is 270 million share float. No interest in this one. Too cheap.

Anyways, Auvi at a dollar and seven cents. I'm not even sure if there's news on it. Let's see if there is. Doesn't have much volume yet, so you know you could tell.

As I'm looking through the scan, we've already kind of looked at the top. Um, you know, the top few, top four or five? uh, Gappers. And I don't have anything yet that I'm really liking. so that's already sending me a message unfortunately.

So that was a Uvi no Tv Viru came up a little bit. There's a price target increase on it. Uh, but you know I. So right now I'm I'm sitting kind of the same place as I was sitting yesterday.
I would like to trade. I'd like to find something that I feel like I can trust, but I am not seeing it yet. Bmv. So yes, this one was it.

Sorry Bvm Bvm Uh Bv wait Bwv thank you thank you thank you Bwv Uh Bwv. You know, yeah, it's got this chart where it's been curling. I mean, we can clearly see that it's been curling up, but it's got this I suppose resistance level around 7 12 right there. and if you could break through that, then you've got 748 and then you've got more room over here.

Sure, if it gets over 823, I feel like game on. this thing looks like it might squeeze up to 10 or 12. but we're not there yet. So and we're a little ways away from that level, we're still at 672.

So you know it keeps kind of popping up and then pulling back, popping up, and then pulling back. I don't really feel like, um, I don't know, I I, I don't. I can't trust it yet. So so that one can be on a side chart and you know? sure, maybe if it does start to pop up we can take a look at it.

but I don't know. Veru moving a little bit higher there so you know it's just it's a funny daily chart. So leaving that alone for a bit coinbase, you know up like 70 yesterday off of the from the low back up to where it's at now. pretty wild.

from a low of about 41 up to 67. it's a huge move. Again though, I this isn't the type of stock I would typically be day trading and I I just i I missed the move yesterday on it. You know I didn't trade it.

it was a little outside my risk tolerance to try to trade it. So it's about 904 so we've got 26 minutes to the opening bell. S P 500 has gapped up and that's why we've got this, you know, sort of bottoming. That's happening on these stocks with the sympathy sort of continuation.

We've got that just giving us a little bit of an opportunity, but it's just gonna be about finding the right stock, right? So when you've got this many stocks gapping up, it can be hard to figure out which one is the obvious stock topping tail on Viru Hi, there was 1063 so that's a possible reversal indicator with a topping tail. I think what I'm really looking for is a, uh, something. something new. We've traded Vera a bit and I'm not really that interested in going back to the well on that one.

I'd be more interested in finding something new that has news that is under 10. With a float of under 10 million shares that's moving quickly, Viru meets the price and float pretty well. Uh, was the float just double check? Actually, the float's a little higher on Vero. I forgot about that.

Well, it meets the price, but it's not. It's not a fresh momo stock, that's that's sort of the problem. so I just don't think that that's going to be one that I'll do particularly well on, even with you know, higher level of short interest when it comes to just quick day trades. I just don't think that I'm going to do particularly well on it.
So I know what I'm looking for. And now it's a question of having discipline to sit and wait, knowing that when I see something, I can jump on it, get aggressive and do well. But if I start over trading setups that aren't quite in my wheelhouse, that's where I can have unnecessary losses. Amc Gamestop didn't trade either of them.

yesterday. I was already kind of checked out when gay, uh, Gamestop started squeezing up. I was what time was. This was like 10 15.

It halted up and I was like, I don't know. I just I don't. I don't think I can do it. Halted up at 90, Resumed to dip and Rip halted.

Second time at 99. Resumed dip and rip into a third halt and halted down twice. So you know I. I don't know I, I just didn't want to risk it, just thought there was too much risk on that one.

So let me throw this at you. Good morning. Nice job. that's awesome.

214 thousand dollars on a firm. Good for you you nice. Nice sound bureau. No interest for me, but nice to see it opening up a little bit.

You so leading Gapper continues to be a firm second. leading Gap or notv right now, but very light volume Qtt a little too cheap for me Robin Hood still no interest 1060. Beeru Eleven dollars pulling back a little bit M-u-l-n no interest in this one. float on C Bat: 78 million shares some news on Xxii there, but it's below the 200 moving average which is a 268 virus on short sale restriction.

I can see short sale restriction on my level 2 so this shows easy to borrow E whereas Veru shows locate and then Cb which means it's on short sale restriction. The news on Veer was a price target increase so that gave you that squeeze from 950 up to 11.. The daily chart: You've got uh, resistance there 10 55 which it's over right now and then you've got room up to 13. but it is pulling back a little bit here about 11 minutes to the opening bow.

I don't really have anything I'm looking at, uh, closely at the open here because nothing really looks that good. Our leading gap is only 37 percent and it's a large cap stock, so you know there's really nothing that looks that great. We know that stocks or companies are less likely to put out really good news on Fridays because you know we post sort of bad news comes out on Fridays and hope by Monday people have forgotten about it so we're more likely to see good news coming out earlier in the week. Towards the end of the week we can have wild card Fridays and we've That's exactly what we had last Friday.

we had a wild card Friday and I finished the morning up just a little under. uh, what was it? 30 000? So you know that's certainly possible. but we would need something to start to open up and become very obvious. And one of the problems right now is that these stocks are going to make anything much more difficult to become obvious because there's a number of other stocks that are, you know, kind of moving higher and taking attention away.
I think so last Friday was actually a little bit better. A reminder is always that my results are not typical. trading is risky and we make absolutely no guarantee that you will find success as a trader. So manage your risk and take it slow.

Yeah, pull back on Twitter as well. So I mean it's just a bunch of drama there. It's it's so ridiculous. I I don't even really get it.

The deal's on hold pending details of spam and fake accounts. Like, of course, there's Spam Fake accounts. Everyone knows that. and it's on every social media platform.

You know, Like, how does that even make a difference? He's already said that his purchase is not about the economics. So what does it really matter? how many are spam like? I don't know. Whatever. I have no interest in in trying to trade that though.

Bye uh, idai. Yeah, it's There Was some news, but it's below the 200 moving average, so I'm not really looking at that one too closely right now. Yeah, the short interest for bureau is higher. I think someone said 25 or someone else said 30 percent.

But uh, so that's yeah you. so you have that going for you, I suppose. But okay, five minutes to the opening bell, so no trades pre-market As I said, mid caps, large caps bouncing with the overall market. You'll have some sympathy continuation on these.

but right now, I don't see anything that really fits within my criteria for being the right type of stock to trade. Actually, the shares of Vero are really cheap to borrow on my side for what it's worth. So even though there's a high level of short interest, the shares are cheap to borrow. So so I did trade the Spy on Wednesday, and that's what put me in the red.

I'm not. I'm really not, interested in trading it. in this area. I would trade.

I consider trading at once at extremes and I thought on Wednesday that we were going to roll over and have a big sell-off. But we it ended up. We did. but it was later so my timing was wrong.

Anyways, it doesn't really matter. So that was my um, that was my S P 500 trade. So sitting tight at the open and we'll see if between now and 10 10 30 if something starts to open up and becomes you know a stock in focus. price is a little too high and that's what looks like an Etf.

Oh maybe I was reading that wrong. Uh, this one. Yeah there was some news out, but it's below the 200 moving average. First five minute candle to make a new high on Verus around 11 and 10 cents.

This is a bull flag. Hi there was 11 36. 000 share seller coming in at 11 20.. all right.

So two and a half minutes to the bell we'll watch. We'll see what starts to open up. Maybe Vero goes higher. Maybe I'll decide to trade at some point, but so far not that interested in it.

So waiting for something that looks a little bit better to me or that I think has parabolic potential. and then when I see it, I'll step up to the plate. So I'm going to be patient. I'm going to sit tight and watch and wait for something that starts to look good.
Reminder: As always, trading is risky. My result is not typical. I'll be back at it first thing on Monday morning. Thanks for those tuning in on Youtube and I hope you hit the thumbs up if you enjoyed the broadcast.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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