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wtf the stock market sucks.

Hey lauren, you want to be in my video you're in it: okay, uh, hey everyone meet kevin here, so obviously, we've uh well we're back to sort of disaster mode, especially since it sort of feels like netflix might be that harbinger again of uh disaster. Remember q1! Netflix started earnings off and everything was a disaster looking towards q4 uh earnings which reporting q1 and uh it was total crap show. Now, i have to say i'm glad i never invested in netflix, but i also my heart goes out to the people who are now suffering about a 38 drop on the day from netflix, and so a lot of folks are wondering. Kevin is now the time to buy the dip on netflix.

What does this mean for the broader market? What did procter and gamble say today? What are my expectations for tesla? Am i going to live stream tesla today, uh, you know why uh like then. I get questions people like kevin. Why isn't your house fancier it's like? Well, because i spend all my money on stocks, but anyway, so uh, let's, let's just go through some of the madness going on today. Mortgage interest rates also hit five percent, which has some implications for some stocks actually sold a company that i really really love talk about that here.

So let's just get into all this uh keep in mind. We just spent about 50 minutes together with course, members answering a lot of questions and and brainstorming together, strategizing, it's really fun. So if you all love it or say something in the comments, if you're not part of it, yet check out that coupon code link down below it expires today, it's the tesla or cyber kevin coupon code, yeah from uh gigarodio, which i'm still wearing my bracelet from, But anyway, so let's get into this so netflix they were expecting two and a half million subscribers and uh such a disaster. They were expecting to lose one million from uh from russia and they were still expecting two and a half million of growth.

They ended up only losing seven hundred thousand accounts from russia, only seven hundred thousand uh, but uh. The fact that overall they reported a loss of 200 000 accounts, a company, that's a growth company. That's contracting makes a lot of sense in terms of why the company's now dropping like 38 on the day. Now that doesn't mean we can't get a nice bounce off of this, but look when a growth company becomes a not growth company.

It's a terrible, terrible thing. Even if you take out the russia loss - or you add that back in so to speak, that would be a gain of 500 000 accounts, which is really just terrible faltering growth. The company is blaming the noise of covid and the pull forward of demand and account sharing, uh and also competition, which all of those things are terrible for for really the probably the next year, or so at least uh is this. You know bill.

Ackman was one of the people who bought january's dip on netflix, and he probably just lost four to five hundred million dollars today on that bet, which is just insane uh netflix actually jumped quite a bit after he announced that he was buying the dip and uh Oops, anyway uh, so you know, i wanted to talk a little bit about what two things here: one the account sharing thing, which i actually think is very very bad uh. What netflix is trying to do and then number two. I want to talk about what i buy them. So netflix is doing this thing where they're like oh, let's uh, let's try to crack down on account sharing and let's advertise more, which i love hearing.
First of all, advertise more because i'm a big fan of investing in companies like trade desk and trade desk is one of the few companies that's green. Today. I just bought a lot more of trade desk right about 60 dollars when it fell just a couple days ago. It's like 70 bucks right now, so i'm really happy about that.

That doesn't mean i'm always a winner uh. I think who is it rana shout out to rana in the course member live stream? This morning says: they've been tracking all of our trades and we're at 89 profitability which, honestly in this market i'll, take so okay. This this the advertising thing makes sense, maybe trying to get some more ads in on netflix. I think that'll be great for advertisers, probably not so great for netflix, though, because i think they're going to piss off their users in addition to pissing off their users.

I want you to consider this. What happens when people like account share? Like let's say, i share my netflix login with ross right. I, in my opinion, if i share my netflix account login with ross gerber. I believe i become a more sticky member for netflix, i'm less likely to cancel, because i have now given ross something of value and if all of a sudden netflix is like well now we're going to charge you for two accounts because you're sharing with ross, we See the different ips like we're on to you: it's like okay uh, then i might get to that point where it's like wait a minute, i'm not really watching netflix anymore anyway: hey yo ross! Are you watching netflix? Ah, no, not really! I don't have time for it anymore.

Let's just cancel it so, in my opinion, they're they're trying their attempt at trying to monetize all the account sharing is actually just an opportunity for people to say yeah. I don't really need netflix right now. Anyway, it is. It's almost like a catalyst for people, pausing their accounts or canceling their accounts, and it's like i'll sign up again in the future uh.

If, if i want to uh, so i think that's actually a really bad thing trying to monetize the customer's customer base. A lot more, i personally do not believe this is a sign of demand destruction. I think this is a sign of just netflix destruction. It's a growth company, that's no longer a growth company and so netflix right now has an eps of 11, which, at current, the current prices, puts them about at a p e ratio of about 20 20 pe for 2022, which seems really good for a growth company.
But they're only projecting to grow revenues at 10 per year for the next five years and i honestly think those anal the expectations. Those 10 growth expectations are going to fall after a report like this, and so that means you're paying a peg ratio of about two which is a little expensive for the growth that you're getting and that growth is, is on a downtrend, not an uptrend, that's bad! So so for me, even though i think it would be reasonable to to assume hey, you know, buy the dip. Yolo will call option at close at the closing, sell-off and, and then you know, fingers crossed on on a big tende. It's not a company for me.

So it's not what i've been interested in and you know, maybe if it's peg ratio got down to like one uh but uh. I i think, even if it's peg ratio were at one, i still think their growth estimates are going to decline and they're realistically, probably like a peg of three or four right. Now, it's not great so uh. For me, netflix is a no, but that's for me.

Now, let's touch on procter and gamble, because this was interesting because that question is coming up about consumer demand, destruction and the suits are sort of debating about this on wall street and one of the things that's actually helping. Give us a little bit more color is procter gamble. Just like the banks last week told us that we expect incomes to actually rise this year. We expect bank balances to rise this year and we expect spending to continue to rise this year, not just because things are more expensive, but because people are willing to pay more well.

That brings us to procter and gamble. So procter gamble is that company that you probably actually have no idea what procter gamble makes, but when i mentioned the brands that procter gamble owns you'll recognize, probably all of them. Let's try tide cascade, febreze gain, pampers loves the cheap version of pampers bounty, charmaine, uh, tampax, gillette braun anyway. I'm sure you've recognized, probably nine out of ten of those so uh they just increased uh their buybacks uh great dividends.

I'm not so worried about the exact details of the company. I want to know what they're telling me about for other stocks right and to me they're reiterating why we've been talking on this channel for the last four months about this transition away from consumer discretionaries and into consumer staples. Now, i'm not a big fan of buying consumer staples myself, so for me, i've been more of a purchaser of tesla, but one of the things that i did do over the last few months is i completely sold out of a firm i completely sold out of Etsy i completely sold out of um, basically any kind of consumer discretionary stock and i'll even tell you another one that i sold out of through towards the end of the video and i've been increasing my bets on advertising and tesla uh trade desks. My advertising play right and the reason i'm i'm betting on those rather than going into the staples or the commodities is because i think these are a temporary, safe haven and the staples and commodities will rotate back down and they're creating buying opportunities in other companies that Do actually have serious growth, trade, tesla, uh and i'll talk about end phase in a bit but anyway.
So it's important to remember before i talk to you about what was in the earnings, call that if consumers have 100 to spend you you get less product today than you would have if you could buy, and i'm just gon na make this up 20 razors with A hundred dollars now, maybe you're only getting 18 right. That is an example of inflation. Now, if you say well, i'm going to spend 110 dollars to still get 20 razors yeah now you're spending more, but you are making the choice to spend more uh. So this is a very big misconception when it comes to consumer spending more if consumers are willing to spend more, that's a good sign, and so the information that we actually got in their earnings call reiterated this.

So here you go listen to this. So, first of all, they expect a margin hit from higher inflation they're only passing on about 50 percent of their cost increases to consumers, but listen to this quote. Shoppers continue to pay for premium items such as fragrance free diapers and high-end razors razors, despite rising prices. In fact, the wall street journal reported that procter and gamble said quote: the priciest offerings were in highest demand and are still in the highest demand, and they have not seen a trend towards discount products, yet, in other words, people uh, who used to be lower income.

Households or are still lower income, households switched to premium brands during the pandemic and then did not switch back to discount products or have not yet switched back to discount products. This still could right. Procter gamble is still planning on hiking prices. Their next big price increases are coming in july, which uh obviously not good for inflation.

That's gon na be another inflation issue. There uh it's one of the reasons. In my opinion, you've got costco killing it they've been killing it all year, they're one of the staples that have regularly been cheering uh they're at 600.. They just crossed 600.

It's really incredible, i mean they've done. They did great during the pandemic and they're just killing. It now phenomenal company, but uh. This was interesting guess what else procter gamble is spending a lot of money on to convey their innovation and value advertising? They are quote: uh increasing.

Well, not. This is a paraphrase. It's not a quote: uh strong top-line growth in advertising, as we continue to communicate the value of procter gamble anyway, so inflation costs are, though, broad-based and continue to increase, with little sign of near-term relief. That was not good.
That was a very, very, very bad line, but the fact that the consumer is still spending is a very good thing, but how long does that last well, they actually gave us a little bit of guidance. They said that they expect all this inflation to be a quote: temporary bottom line rough patch that consumers have about 20 to 30 percent, more price elasticity than usual. That's a way of saying that consumers are willing to spend 20 to 30 percent uh or, as prices go up, they're losing 20 or 30 percent fewer customers than they thought they would lose as prices go up. In other words, people are sticking with products and higher and the price increases they do not expect that elasticity to hold into q4, though, but right now they are really branding trade up to procter and gamble products, and they want to really advertise that pretty heavily kind Of interesting, so for me this is an incredible measure of the consumer.

It's basically the consumer, saying hey, no we're we're willing to spend on the stuff we want. We still have the money to do it again. We don't know how long that'll last you know today. We had the yield curve flattened a bit again we're only at about 28 basis points of a spread.

We've got tesla earnings today, tesla usually turns red after earnings, but it's already red you've got steel dynamics reporting after the bell today that that'll be huge uh. You know rumors that they're going to be the cyber truck steel company they're, a texas company and they've - been killing it as a commodity play. Obviously, but i mean golly, you look at the market right now. Anything stay at home related is just getting wrecked.

Now i'm going to talk about real estate and then phase in just a moment, but i mean netflix: 20, 36 roblox, 12 shopify, 10.5 wayfair, 9.6 percent, peloton uh, end phase, all these companies down seven to ten percent and and to me it's just. This is a clear sign that anything stay at home related is getting smoked, but not just stay at home, related uh, anything related in my opinion, and this is going to come more and more to the real estate market. I expect also to get hit so i actually closed my entire end phase position, which i feel so terrible about, because i love en phase. I was just showing my tesla or my end phase, but it's not my end phase battery and solar panels.

To course, members and i've i had like i mentioned earlier, i already closed all my etsy and the reason for that is, as mortgage rates continue to rise now they're over five percent. I highly anticipate that we are going to see people spend less money on homes and at home, they're going to spend more money on services. We already expect that transition to occur and, as that happens, companies are going to be more inclined to spend more money on advertising. Now tesla doesn't advertise tesla doesn't need to advertise, so i'm optimistic for tesla long term.
I uh continue to add to tesla and i do expect the stock probably to fall after earnings and if it goes up, it'll be a nice treat uh but uh. Advertising tesla is where i'm at. If i was going to play commodities uh and um uh in the staples costco target steel dynamics - yeah, you know the wheat etf. I've been pitching the wheat etf since uh since before the war so uh and that that's just absolutely killed it.

These are some wonderful things if you're looking for sort of that sector diversification but anyway, if you want to ever ask questions or are curious, or you want to have some amazing lecture content that you can sort of watch in the mornings or nights weekends. Whenever you want, or on the go, make sure to check out the programs on building your wealth, you've got that coupon code expiring today, we'd love to have you there and i know you'll, learn a lot a bit whether it's business formation, insurance protection liability, real estate, Uh longer term investing everything is there for you, it's absolutely wonderful property management, you name it so i think you'll love it thanks. So much for being here, good luck out there stay strong and we'll see in the next one. Goodbye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “The stock market is screwed sold.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Connormaster 360 says:

    The fact is, BTC is the future of crypto and the question most people ask themselves is – if this is right time to invest? I feel those who would allow the market dynamism to determine when to trade or not are either new in this space in general or probably just naive, the sphere have seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders continue to make good use of the dip and pump even acquiring more equities towards trading sessions, I’d say that more emphasis should be put into trading, since it is way profitable than holding. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 9 BTC when I started at 2.5 BTC in just 5 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from Paul Charlton, I would advise you all to trade your asset rather than hold for a future you aren’t sure about.You can reach Paul on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉PAULCHARLTON

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Rogaine says:

    Maybe you'll eventually learn to stop voting Democrat

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A R says:

    Jim Rogers one said cash will become highly valuable very soon

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A R says:

    I love that Kevin gives just a couple of recommendations and then a sales pitch to join his course

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 00MrPanda00 says:

    Blaming Covid? Didn't Covid boost their profits?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fit & Finish says:

    Warning don’t listen to this guy. You will lose

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ales Kolenc says:

    Woke movement will destroy streaming platforms

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayden R says:

    Market going down because the millionaires keeping it going cant find more working class suckers to invest in the great scam. Now that everything costs more no more extra spending.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jesse elting says:

    wrong lighting 🙅🏻…. Are you mixing yellow LED’s with white? Fuck I need to get out of afirm🤦🏻

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Schiefelbein says:

    I have no interest in stock at all! Why am I watching this guy. Lol, yet I keep doing it.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stephen19l says:

    Sell Your Disney stock Florida lawmakers passed a bill to revoke the media giant's special tax status in the state it will be signed and this will cost the company millions

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cole Martin says:

    I couldn't imagine having security cameras in my home.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah says:

    Goldman Sachs was issuing mortgage backed securities and selling them to the fed and buying spy. How can we recover if the fed tightens?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heinzbuck Sandcastle says:

    Bad news is just beginning, sorry to say.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Religion LOL says:

    You are such a stupid clown. This dude has made his bs announcements that he's sold, he bought in, etc. So glad I am not stupid enough to follow this idiot.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    I took all my money out of Robinhood. I don’t want to fomo into this market

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Winnie will says:

    <Thanks for continuous great videos, I feel those who would allow the market dynamism to determine when to trade or not are either new in space in general or probably just naïve, the sphere have seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders continue to make good use of the dip and pump even acquiring more equities towards trading sessions, I'd say that more emphasis should be put into trading,since it is way profitable than hodling. Tradlng went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 9 BTC when I started at 1.5 BTC in just 6 weeks implementing trades with signals and insights from Fadwa signal. I would advise y'all to trade your asset rather than hodl for a future you aren't sure about

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrJohnnyLondon says:

    Netflix is just a propaganda masonic shit shit of a company… pushing agenda after agenda….people are waking up.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Mavus says:

    Can you say woke ism in contents…people are not swallowing this.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crispypoyo says:

    Ahhh the beauty of capitalism. Competition is the driver

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WTP WTP says:

    PLEASE put your camera at face level. It is very uncomfortable to keep watching videos at a low angle.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JM PdO says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rüdiger Möller says:

    advertising slumps in recessions and supply side induced inflation. stay away

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WaltWW says:

    Canceled Netflix several years ago when they started adding mostly woke shit content. Netflix was already a dumpster fire two years ago and Covid actually floated them for a few extra years.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Channel Bitcoin says:

    Very few stocks are compelling and there is no real ownership… it’s a claim on equity that a third party holds. It’s systemically vulnerable and equity appreciation is largely dependent on unsustainable M2 money supply growth.

    I feel so much better owning sound money (bitcoin) that I custody and that I control. Uncensorable, permissionless, global money. Bitcoin is freedom.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Connor Man says:

    So would it be a good plan to invest in netflix or no?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Empire Foundation says:

    "Netflix and Chill" has just chilled da fuk out

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renaissance Man says:

    People are not staying with premium products… they were when they were getting free money… that’s no longer the case with the prices going up and income flat or down. WTF are you smoking?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renaissance Man says:

    Well 2 problems with Netflix … wokeness and the entire country is using the same 5,000 accounts

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ANTHONY V says:

    People that piggy back off others accounts are not potential buyers. If anything, they should add a very small surcharge.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Hayes says:

    Anyone use Kodi lol like this is 2022. Technology you can literally watch 4k pirated TV for 0 n easier than Netflix. I've never seen YouTube ads ever.. 😳

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Be Better says:

    stop scammin your viewers. you are lying about everything at this point. google should remove you

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich B says:

    Powell has painted us into a corner. The only way to subdue inflation is to raise the federal funds rates above 9%. He can't because interest payments on the $30T debt would explode to $2.5T per year with 9% interest rates. 30YR mortgage rates would go above 12%.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meet Kevin says:

    Worth clarifying I sold ENPH in the 190s for a $1m profit from Feb buy and am MORE in the market on the red days. I’m more invested than I’ve ever been before. I’m bullish.

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