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Remember, day trading is risky and most traders lose money. You should never trade with money you can’t afford to lose. Prove profitability in a simulator before trading with real money.

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During this live day trading stream I may be taking real money day trades. I will be as clear as I can to articulate what I'm looking at as I focus on actively trading stocks that are moving quickly. This is a great opportunity for you to learn from a trader with over 10 years of experience trading the markets.

Learning to day trade was one of the best decisions I ever made, but I have to be real with you. It took a lot of hard work to get where I am today. Trading is not easy, it takes a long time to get good. I encourage you to focus on beginner day trading strategies when you are starting to learn how to trade stocks.

Beginner day trading strategies involves focusing on the highest relative volume leaders among the top 10 percentage gainers each day. Not sure what that means? Check out this video here:

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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right Hey everyone, good morning. So uh, we're gonna go ahead and get started here. We've got about 30 minutes the opening bell. it's 9 a.m so routine as always.

I'm gonna be looking at the scanners and seeing what we can find that looks good right now our Gap scanner. There's nothing on here that I think really perfectly admits my meets my criteria for right type of stock to trade. so I'm just going to kind of wait on that. I want to make a quick announcement.

Thank you for those of you guys who joined us for my Ted talk Yesterday at 2pm. I saw a number of comments and emails of people saying that they tried to register but they didn't get the email. You can go if you want. So I saw a number of emails from people saying they tried to register but they didn't get the email or they were confused.

So I'm going to give you guys a link here. I'll post it um on Youtube if you missed the live event. If you missed the live Ted talk then what I want you to do is um, just watch the replay. We'll make the replay available so that's fine for warrior members.

It's also fine for those that are on youtube. Either way works. So missed my Ted talk yesterday and I'll just pin this to the top of the comments on Youtube. All right, so that'll be pinned right there.

And for warrior students, you're welcome to check it out. So at the Um and it ended up being a really great session we had. it was a terrific turnout so really enjoyed it. Uh did some nice Q and A for people at the end and I did put out an invitation for filling the minimum enrollment for the next round of classes and we still have.

Last I checked, 11 seats still open to hit that minimum enrollment. So anyone who watches the Ted Talk will see that there was a special link to become a Warrior Pro All-access member. And because you're helping us meet our minimum enrollment we were giving you guys extending a nice discount for you. So check out the Ted Talk if you haven't already and Um, we'll we'll have that link pinned in the top of the comments on Um on Youtube here.

All right, Warrior Pro Students Reminder: Tomorrow at 1 Pm Eastern, I've got a class that I'll be teaching you on setting up your retirement accounts so you can start actively trading in your retirement account. My challenge of turning 583 first into 100 grand, then a million. Now 10 million. Uh, I very early on I took the first Uh.

The first year I made a six thousand dollar contribution to a Roth Ira, I did Traditional Ira and then a backdoor conversion. and then the second year I did another six thousand dollar contribution and I did it again. Uh. the third year so I contributed 18 thousand dollars in uh, Roth Ira uh, contributions.

and I've now grown it to uh, well jesus, It's five over Five million dollars. So more than half of the 10 million I put away in a Roth Ira tax-free And that was a really good decision that I made a few years ago. That money now is reinvested in the market. And I want you to think about this because this is something we talk about a lot.
The for the rule Four percent. So if you put away a million dollars, you can draw four percent of that a year for the rest of your life. So that's Forty thousand dollars a year. So now you and I initially had a goal for myself of saving two million dollars for retirement because I thought, ninety thousand dollars a year.

You know that's living pretty good. Uh, I, I can be very happy with that. Well, then it turned into four million. Now it's Five million and it's still growing.

So at five million five times four, that's two hundred thousand dollars a year that I can live off of when it comes to retirement. Now, I still have 20 years before I'm at that retirement age More than 20 years. So in the next 20 years if I can grow that, even if I just keep it fully vested in the market, eight percent. Uh, roughly eight, ten percent a year because I am investing it pretty aggressively, that'll double from five million to ten million roughly in the next eight years and another eight years could go from 10 million to 20 million.

So 16 years out. So by what Jesus by by 58, 59, 60 years old, there's a good chance that's going to have over 25 million dollars in it. And that's through compound interest because I have time. I have time on my side, right? So my job is to grow it as quickly as I can right now in these early years and let it ride.

And I want to teach you guys how to do the same thing with your retirement accounts. So you know, As always, my results are not typical. I've uh, you know, I worked extremely hard to get to where I'm at. I had to study for a very long time before I found the strategy that I'm trading every single day.

so it's not going to happen overnight and by any means. But I share my lessons that I've learned over the years and I know for a lot of you guys, it's extremely helpful. So uh yeah. So anyways, I I wanted to get that um mentioned here.

So as we're sitting here right now, we've got 30 minutes to go, 25 minutes the opening bell, it's 905. Uh, I'll put up my disclaimer as always as a reminder for those that maybe are tuning in on Youtube for the first time. that uh, trading is risky. My results are not typical.

All right. most beginner traders lose money and let's see. Oh, I'm going to put up this disclaimer right here. There you go.

Most beginner traders lose money, All right. So trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line. Do yourself that favor. We on track the typical result of traders using our software, so I can't say that you're going to find any degree of success.

I can't say that I'm going to tell you and I'm going to be as honest as I can that trading is risky and no one has ever become a profitable trader without putting in a lot of hard work. So if you're looking to get rich quick or make money fast, this isn't the place for you. It's not going to happen All right. So let's see.
Uh, you know one of the things that we talked about during the Ted Talk quite a bit. I think as a beginner trader or as an aspiring trader, I think that you should have a goal of trying to learn a strategy that someone else is already trading profitably, right? And if you can't trade that strategy profitably, you got to figure out why, Because clearly it's a strategy that is working now. I don't care if it's mine or you choose someone else's strategy, but choose a strategy that you like that you feel like you can relate to and try to learn as much about it as possible. Try to master it and if you can't you got to figure out why you know and if obviously other people have figured it out Is that is it? Something on you? Is it you're missing something? You're using the wrong tool.

You know what's holding you up. So um, and I'll by the way, um for those that, uh, didn't check out, uh, the link to the Ted Talk. so there'll be a link in the description. Also, I'll put in the top corner of this video and I'll just make a note to add it.

after this broadcast is done. I'll put a link where you guys can check out the video where I was inviting folks to register for the Ted talk. And of course through that same video you can watch the replay of the Ted talk because I will share with you how my focus was presenting to you, the seven steps that I would take if I were to start over as a trader. And so that's what I put on the table.

All right. So my routine, as always is to sit down and start by looking at the Gap scanner. So uh, this this is the software that, um, this is what we've developed. So Warrior is a a software company in a sense and this is the software that we've built out.

This searches the market for stocks that are gapping up. Our leading Gapper is I O. it's up 105 percent. Well, unfortunately it's a penny stock at 75 cents.

I'm really not that interested in it, so I know some people would like it. but um, for me, it's just too cheap. so I'm going to leave it alone for now. If it gets over a dollar, I'll consider it.

But for right now I'm leaving it alone. Wint! This one is our second leading gap. We're up 36 with a 20 million share float. It's a little on the cheap side as well.

not loving it. Uh, by the way, those tuning in for the morning show on um, Youtube appreciate you guys tuning in. Thank you so much. I would also encourage you to hit the thumbs up if you haven't already.

That really does make, um, a huge difference. All right. So thank you so much. Let's see.

All right? Uh so and yes, thanks, Uh, I appreciate that. Okay, so next leading Gapper a Lvr Alvr. So this one. The problem here on this is that well, the chart's not really set up that well as you can see, it sort of popped up, it pulled back.
I just don't really like this setup so it would need to break through the highs in order for me to be interested. and we're just not there. so I'm just going to leave that 750. We'll see if it comes back up to that level.

Maybe it does, but right now it's it's not there. Next one down crxt this one has a 24 million share float priced at 1.73 and it's already been pulling back. As you can see, I am a B, uh this one Again, it's a similar sort of pop pre-market and then pull back. so I don't like that game wwr.

These are too cheap Hcci so I just don't see anything on these that I think is really interesting. Suv. Yes, that's continuation from yesterday yesterday. Obviously you had this nice move.

Um, I took a starter there of 3 000 shares. Let's see if it breaks through 750. So I'm going to take half off the table at 42 and I'll put a new order at 7 50. I want to just see whether or not this actually keeps going.

So the starter was at Um 20 720 and now what I'll do is I'll watch the first one minute pullback. So thanks for bringing that one to my attention. So this right now is the first one minute pullback. So I'm holding a smaller position with an order at 750 to add back.

Let's see if it can prove itself. Added 738 right there for the break of 750. So uh, that was only a small fill there. but that's okay, that's interesting.

Um, so holding a smaller position. Now on this. So this is a continuation set up. Yesterday it had a high of Um 8.75 which is pretty impressive.

So high volume on this candle. It's a green candle. 760 is the high. Nice job Rob.

Nice good work. Very good. So we still have uh, four minutes, three, three and a half minutes left on this five minute candle. If this was fresh news, I would have traded it more aggressively.

But not being fresh news, I was a little more conservative on that entry and now I just want to see if it holds up. I'm going to watch it through this area for the first one minute candle to make a new high. So that's an inside candle with a high of 44. so added back at 44.

now looking for a retest of 58? let's see if we break through 60.. So now on this. I would add at 58 watching added there for the break of 58 and now we're starting to pull away. So taking a little profit off as it breaks there up to the first candle to make a new high, new order is at 770..

So those are, um, a couple of quick trades on this about 1200 of profit. It's nothing, uh, remarkable. but we got the first one minute candle to make a new high, see how the entry there was 44 and then the profit there was up to 70.. So about 20 cents a share.

Now I'm going to watch down here and dip long at 48.. So I bought the dip at 48 and I want to see how well this holds up profit at 55 54. high volume on this candle, we've got one second left so that candle just closed. A little bit of a topping tail.
I think that the level that we'd like to see break on this probably 782 and then there's a pivot up here at around 850 and then we've got 875. So maybe we'll get some more action on it. Kind of just keeping it a little tight right now trading with smaller size, which is fine. Uh, thank you.

By the way, for those tuning in. If you haven't already, hit the thumbs up for those watching the morning show. I really appreciate it as always. Makes a huge difference for the channel.

You guys are telling Youtube that this is the channel to tune into if you want to learn about day trading. Okay, so a little pullback here. We'll keep an eye on this. If you see something that I'm missing, let me know.

Good morning Trey! Thanks James! I appreciate that Tklf is their news on it. I don't remember the float on that one, so you know when we get something like this. So the low there was 26. um, watching down here.

Bought the dip at 34 on Suv. Looking for that pop back up to 45. So let's see how much higher it goes. There's 40 on the ask, there's 44..

can we get back over 45? There's 40 on the bid, 43 on the ask. So small winner on that with 1500 shares. About 3 cents. Four cents a share.

just a little dip trade. We'll keep it on watch. So yes, today is April 20th, 4 20. that's a big day for a lot of folks how that relates to certain stocks.

Sure, there are some stocks that are in the cannabis sector that may be worth watching, but I I don't really think that that just this day of the year is gonna truly be significant in terms of giving us really good price action. I saw Agri which is in the cannabis sector. Uh, popped up with some patent news but didn't really hold up that well. pulled back.

Oh happy Birthday! Okay let's see. Oh Benzenga Cannabis Conference is starting in Miami today. That's interesting happy anniversary so let's try to keep it on topic here. We've got about 13 minutes to the opening bell.

I am Mb. Let me look. oh I am a B. I am a B.

Yeah, so um, maybe um, it's on the scans. it was up earlier. Um, it's just hard to know. It's hard to know if it's gonna really open up.

I would say it has to get over 1550 and then you'd look for a move back up to the pre-market high which is 17.39 The float is 26 million shares. Maybe it's a little higher so I don't know. We'll We'll see Io still penny stock Spfm? I don't think so. This chart's a little bit messed up right now.

S P 500 So yeah, we've got um, the S P 500 coming up a little bit. which is fine, so we'll see from a strong day yesterday that continues into today. or if we pull back a little bit when the bell rings? I don't know. Nice.

Good job Tim. Good work. That's very nice. Slow and steady.

So that's one trade, right? Couple hundred 100 bucks, 50 bucks, 100 bucks. One trade. That's it. I'll do it again tomorrow.
Thoughts on Airlines Now the mask mandate is done. I don't know. Um, I mean I'm not sure that that was stopping people from flying, but maybe maybe maybe maybe it is good for them. I don't know.

I mean I kind of liked it because I I would just fill my mask with pretzels and then I would just I'll just eat like a like a, uh, go to the petting zoo because I actually thought it was pretty convenient. I might keep doing it. Suv the high 720. So a little pullback on this right now.

I think it's worth keeping an eye on. You know. yesterday went from five bucks to 8.75 So it's the right type of stock to be watching. Maybe it doesn't go, but it's the right type of stock to watch.

Hmm. so we're definitely looking for obvious What is obvious today. What's the one that all the traders out there are going to be watching? I'm not sure Suv. maybe if it gets back if it had broken through 782 and up to eight? Yeah, definitely.

But um, I don't know. Maybe Lvr I don't know, floats a little higher. Uh, it's easy to borrow. I don't know.

I'm not sure if we're going to see good action on that. I do. Zack and we talk about that in the chapter on Hot Keys. There's a couple different ones I use.

It depends on the price of the stock I'm trading, both above and below, so I can offset either way. but I will do that just making a note to myself to cover some of that in the next class I teach. So again, those you guys tuning in on uh, Youtube for the morning show? Thank you for being here. We've got about six and a half minutes to the opening bell.

Got a couple little base hit trades on Suv. I do think it's a base hit market right now. You know, hit a couple base hits and be grateful for that. We did get some nice action yesterday on Sev, so that's one that I would, um, that I would keep an eye on in case it does start to open up again, but I don't know if it will.

we'll see what happens. Alvr that seems like a little slow moving. I'm not sure that we're going to get really clean action on it, but maybe over 7.50 it'll start to open up more. maybe? I'm not sure.

So I I think that you know right now just taking it slow makes sense. Looking for good opportunities, but I don't want to. I don't want to be overly aggressive. Um, until we have a bit more confirmation.

So this is, uh, high volume on this candle, but now even a little extended on the five-minute chart. Yeah, Finvis said floats around 30 million shares, so a little bit higher, so reminders always for those just getting tuned in on the morning show. If you didn't already know, trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money and my results are not typical, so please take it slow.

Yeah, Avlr opened up a little bit there, but not as much as I'd like. You can see our full disclaimer at Disclaimer: Welcome Devon So let's see, uh, four minutes. The opening bell today looks like a day where we're gonna be watching to see what gets momentum at the Open. Yesterday the trades on Stss, those were all.
uh at the Open. we didn't have really a lot of action pre-market but the bell rang and boy, that thing took off from 260 up to 360 and then sev that one opened up a little bit later in the morning as it squeezed up there. Um, from five, up to six, to seven, pulled back and then up to 780 and then up to eight. So uh, there is still hope, even though it's been a little slow pre-market that we will have some good opportunities by the end of the morning.

So I'm going to be here and try to see if something starts to pop up if I can jump on it quickly. So again, those on Youtube. If you missed the Ted Talk from yesterday, we've already got it as a replay so you can re-watch it. you can stream it.

Uh, I mentioned during uh, the middle of the talk how we're bringing on uh, 35 Traders that was a goal to bring on 35 traders to meet the minimum enrollment for classes for the month ahead and we still have 11 seats that were open as of the last time I checked. So make sure you go ahead and check out the Ted Talk and if you decide you want to become a Warrior Pro All Access member. During the end of the talk, I gave a link where you guys could join for a nice discount because you're helping me our minimum enrollment. So thank you guys for um, checking that out.

I'll put the link right in the top corner here for those on Youtube and I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning for the morning show right around 9 00 a.m Alright, I'll see you guys all first thing tomorrow morning.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

17 thoughts on “live $alvr 42% $sev continuation – live stock trading – day trading with ross!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MKTUBE says:

    I have about an hour into the Ted Talk replay and it reset and there are no player controls!! Can’t forward.. Do you have a version available that has the player controls enabled?? It was amazing content but It’s hard to watch again with the fear of resetting again!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars crypto boy says:

    So expect that wint is a little bit cheap there's no reason for not trading it ?? That's the only reason ??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Winters says:

    First day following your techniques, Ross. Picked good base hit stocks, managed risk well and finished green. Really appreciate your candor and willingness to share proven strategies with the rest of us.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SGL says:

    I really appreciate these wrap ups and your morning shows. I have a couple of questions about entrances and exits and I'm hoping either you or some of the more experienced traders here can clear it up for me. A lot of entrances depend on the next 1 minute or 5 minute candle making a new high. When exactly is the entrance? Is it as soon as it makes the new high or is it after the candle closes? I've seen green candles make a new high after a pull back and then wind up closing red. Was the entry point when the candle was still green making the new high or do I make sure it closes green (or even wait for the next candle)? And exits should be the low of the previous candle. Say its a bull flag, 3 or so green candles, then a pull back two short red candles then it goes back to green candles. The exit is the low of that last red candle as I understand. Now what if the green candle following it is kind of wimpy and might not even cover the spread. Then it moves on to the next green candle. Is my exit still the low of that red candle or is it the low of that wimpy green candle? If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it greatly.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johan Garza says:

    CRXT you skipped!! 🙉🙊🙈

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lan juan says:

    Thanks for your advice Ross, I bought two commercial building last week each worth about eight hundred thousand dollars from profit I made from stock trading in less than two years

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oatmeal Gamer says:

    ALVR was my win today as well… I should of held longer. I got in at like 6.5 and held to the first little pop to 7.17 ish and got out quick. Then watched it halt to like 8 something.. Better safe than sorry and im happy with my in and out.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N&K Family says:

    Buy more sev stock

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike F says:

    Hi Ross! I am watching your TED talk but I cannot pause the video, or scroll the playback navigation button… is this on purpose? …patience building exercise?

    I am downloading it and I will re-watch your TED talk, several times. I want to be successful Day-Trader more than anything. I believe you are the man to teach me how! Thanks for your great work and inspiration, Ross. I am going to try to get as close as I can to you, to learn and be successful. I am aware of how much I don't know and how much I need to learn. I am all in. I will do anything and whatever it takes to make this a reality.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cook Easily says:

    I really loved it, share more videos of these type 😍😍😍

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephan's Larry says:

    Ross I started trading because of you , that was 4 years ago. You sir are the MVP!! 🙌🏽

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Rathburn says:

    what system does he use for his charts is that lightspeed?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allen magnus Reece says:

    SEV was red 🍒 day

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iamTaylorMadeX says:

    Been really hesitant to trade since losing over $500 last week. Traded ALVR. Got in real sloppy ended up +$150 for the day. Felt Like i could get more but just going to take my $150 and try again tomorrow. I really need a gap scanner because I get in on these trades so late.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    hoping you grabbed some LLAP after 5.50 …. Keep ER Green

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Cahill says:

    you are so easy going…thanks

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LM says:

    Made $800 w/ ALVR @8am. Done for the day Good luck 🍀 Thx Ross

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