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Today, Tim Bohen is breaking down the 100% spike Lithium Corporation (OTCMKTS: LTUM) had thanks to the help of Tesla. Tune in to learn the details and the value of staying out of trouble!
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The StocksToTrade Breaking News community was alerted on LTUM after its first spike on no news. See the chart in the video for more information.
What is the value of curated breaking news? Well, it’s a unique feature to StocksToTrade. It’s a chatroom powered by two seasoned day traders with 25+ years of experience…
And they watch EVERY data feed so you don’t have to! Check the link above!
These analysts stayed on top of LTUM, and alerted every few minutes with new information explaining why this stock moved the way it did.
And guess what? It was a fake press release!
The Breaking News Chatroom isn’t just about helping you find the best trade ideas, it’s also about keeping you informed and out of trouble.
Tune into the video for all the deets on LTUM and how the Breaking News Chatroom is truly an asset to all traders.
Drop a comment, what ticker kept dropping those fake press releases? Do you remember?

#StockMarket #Tesla #LTUM
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You can lose money trading stocks. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services.

All right welcome back everyone today, i'm going to be talking about the value of breaking news and particularly curated breaking news all right. That being said, let's get right off the bat and talk about a feature that is unique to stocks to trade. I'm going to give you a quick overview of what breaking news is to set the context, and then i have an amazing breakdown, an interesting story. Okay, this is one of the more interesting stories i've seen in quite some time so anyway, what breaking news is? It is built into the stocks to trade platform.

Okay, it is a chat room, but is a chat room powered by two season day: traders with over 25 years of experience a piece and they have been reading the news interpreting the news for that entire time. Now, what breaking news is they watch every day to feed okay, every single news feed they watch everybody on twitter. They watch chat rooms. You might hear me talk about chat pumps, a lot and especially, if you're actually looking to make trades, i mean.

Listen, you probably don't really care about some news item about housing prices. I mean ultimately that affects the market, but doesn't really affect the market in the short term, when you're talking day trade when you're talking day trades, you want to know okay, what's this press release? What's this contract announcement, what is this um? You know, decision by congress or something stuff that actually moves stocks. Did this biotech finally release their product? Did this cancer stock actually get phase three off? Are they going to market? Okay, that's the kind of stuff that moves stocks. Now, that being said, that's what it what's breaking news is click the link below get it it's built in the platform, it's so powerful, not having to go to all these feeds.

Last point i will make. I remember before stocks trade before breaking news, i mean i would every day, like literally log, into five six seven websites, okay and java chat rooms. I know that kind of dates me and stuff, but but i mean all the launching these programs doing all this stuff. Every day had to log into all of them and all of them had a monthly fee too.

I mean 20 bucks, 50 bucks, 100 bucks for some of these news feeds it added up a lot click. The link below breaking news is way cheaper because you're aggregating all that thing you're getting ten in one and it's the price, it's like one, tenth, the price. So it's a win-win all right. Let's talk about ltum and the power of breaking news in this situation.

So this is a unique situation. We've seen these before. You know it only happens every now and then they're they're very unique, but i remember the last one would have been um. Oh man, it's it's escaping me.

I think they're d listed now, but it was that company that every single year they put out a press release that their medal was going to be like on the back of the iphone penny stock, they net again it's d listed. Ah, it's going to drive me nuts, but anyway you know this stock. They they'd say: oh, we got a deal with apple apple, be like what are you talking about? People would buy the run-up, they would get bagged. If you remember the stock drop me a comment.
I'd, let it slip producer delete that if you i remembered, i remembered, if you remember the name of the company that, like five times in the last decade, drop the ticker below i want to know. I did remember it took me a minute, but i remembered anyway um, so this happened again with ltum. You know, there's been a lot of talk of elon and and uh tesla buying their own lithium production. Okay, so many of you know there's a lot of lithium in these electric vehicles: um the production isn't keeping up with the demand.

So you know in standard elon fashion he's, like maybe i'll just mind my own lithium. So what happens is you can see it here? Breaking news: um drops it 11 47 lt um spike from 30 to a high of 67 uh 67 cents, not seeing any news, then they found the tweet looks like it's moving on uh that uh tesla has acquired the lithium-ion day, uh miner five days after he Said he would compete in mining um immediately. You know, like a matter of minutes later, hey i'm very skeptical about this. Until i see something from tesla um, this could be fake or could be real, just be very cautious.

So that's the interpretation and that's the experience of saying man. This doesn't smell right, okay, so right there. If you see lt um show up on your scan you're immediately you go to breaking news. I mean listen! Here's your lesson! Okay, listen! If and you'll hear me talk about this all the time on stock straight advisory, if you're buying any stock without knowing the why oh i have failed okay, i have failed okay now i know i've heard all the trade, the ticker stuff.

I get it. We talk about that, but if you're trading, some otc penny stock that went from you know 3 cents to 60 cents and you don't at least have an idea of what the. Why is and you're like. Oh trade, the ticker you're doomed, it's all over for you! Well, i i tried to help you okay, so what you would have done is you would have went to breaking news.

You would have seen the stock on your scanner. You go there and right there. Very skeptical, 11 57 am right here in orange. My gut instinct is this: is a fake press release.

We will see what happens okay again if you're reading that and you're still buying the stock. Ah man, sorry to repeat myself: it ain't gon na end. Well, you got an analyst with decades of experience telling you man. This does not look right.

Okay, so a lot of people bought it. I mean look at the spike. Look at the volume huge volume there's how who knows hundreds thousands of people that just bought because they're like oh lithium and maybe they saw the tweet and they bought oh elon, bought it. No, not until you get it substantiated.

Vice versa, 1202 pm ltu, i'm in the pr here's a screenshot of it. The time says: 4 27 a.m. So here they're doing the research for you. They they dig up the tweet.
They find the screenshot 4 27 a.m. The stock spiked at 11 30 a.m. Okay, eight hours later they say hey. If this was true, somebody would have picked this up.

They breaking news would have seen this on one of their data feeds. Nobody picked this up. The company didn't even put out a press release. This is most likely fake.

All right take it through to 12 17 a.m. So i mean we're talking 20 minutes here, developing this uh trade. Developing the breakdown walking you right through it, 12 17 a.m or p.m. Sorry, the news is actually fake.

Comes out. Ltum ceo says the post about the tesla news is fake news. The tom lewis comments by email confirmed fake from the company. Okay, now they've chased down a statement from the company.

They've done all the work for you and again, if you're not just a complete newbie making terrible decisions, they kept you out of the trade. It gives back the entire move in the matter of 15 minutes later and then basically closed unchanged on the day. Okay, now, you might say: hey tim, what's the point of breaking news, if it doesn't make me money number one, they have the best trade ideas every single day, the best interpretation of the news, but don't underestimate the value you'll hear me. This is one of my favorite trading quotes.

Don't underestimate the value of staying out of trouble? Okay! Listen! If you don't ru, if you don't don't rush into this thing and you don't lose 500, you don't lose a thousand. That's a huge deal! Okay, a lot of people lost a lot of money on this thing and if you stay out of trouble, you just don't trade it, because these guys are telling you it doesn't look right. All of a sudden you're. Let's say you got an 8 000 account.

Okay, you end the day at 8 000. You don't end the day at seven or sixty five hundred or five okay, because you piled into a stock that you didn't know the why you rushed in and you didn't use the power of breaking news, all right, everyone! Let me know if you remember that apple stock, that crappy penny stock, that did exactly like lt um, like five times in the last decade, drop me a comment below hit the link below to check out breaking news. I tell you, i use it every single day. Stare at it every day, they're there bright and early all the way through the market close, it's an amazing tool and it's built into the platform.

We'll see you next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

6 thoughts on “Breaking news: $ltum fake press release spikes 100% with tesla s help”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don-Sees-Your-Sheyd says:

    DPW. They changed their name last year

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodriguez Jones says:

    <<<I keep on getting $380,000 every week from a new trading platforms in town.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Proj_Doomsday says:

    Liquid Metal. I was working at apple at the time. :D. I got caught in the pump.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just An opinion says:

    LTUM ok 👌

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alej347 says:

    It was LQMT ???

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StocksToTrade says:

    Drop a comment, what ticker kept dropping those fake press releases? Do you remember?

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