How to overcome "Invisible Walls" In your life.
Life is always moving along smoothly until suddenly it isn’t. Some obstacle always seems to pop up to try to stop us.
When this happens, are you the person who gets stuck banging your head against it? Or are you the one who leans in, thinks sharp, and keeps moving?
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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You've got to learn to not do this and just get stuck and say: wait a minute. This unmovable object go left, go right, so we set our goals and we decide the path that we're going to take. But you know what there's always going to be an obstacle in the way, there's always going to be something that's trying to stop you from achieving the things you want to achieve. So what do we have to do? You got to learn to not do this and just get stuck and say: wait a minute.

This immovable object, go left, go right, get around it, keep moving forward. There's always going to be something that wants to stop you. A market can adjust. Interest rates can go up, a buyer, a deal could fall apart.

None of that stuff matters. It's bobbing! It's weaving! It's moving forward, it's being willing to pivot, it's being willing to change it's having that growth mindset, the willingness to lean in when you don't understand to lean in and not just get stuck bonk bonk doing that over and over again we all know someone by the Way that does that that wonders why their head hurts all the time and you're like it's, because you keep banging your head against the wall. Maybe just stop banging your head against the wall and pour yourself back into learning something new, creating some new synapses. Some new inspiration, some new ideas, because when you do that you get into action, you start to implement.

You start to be inspired to go out and do the work we're all going to be bobbing and weaving. It's just the nature of the universe. Keep bobbing keep leaving keep winning that's what this show is all about. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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