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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody so today we're actually starting slightly early, because i also have to kind of skip out early this morning, uh for a doctor's appointment, so figure might as well start today a little earlier uh so good morning there has been um a Few interesting movements today so i'm sure we'll get to covering all of those uh robots, bullish, bearish. Let me uh do something take this one over here, perfect kind of all right so good morning. That's good um yeah! So we'll start here with this screen rblx i mean i wouldn't be the biggest buyer. Wait i mean yeah.

I probably wouldn't be the biggest buyer up at four deviations myself. So yeah i mean it's pretty much just it. I mean not that it can't go higher. Sure, but i mean this is its first time at about four deviations.

I mean: that's the reason you got that big sell candle right. That's the reason why, if you look at the volume there is um, you know it's a big selling volume candle right there! That's why our ultimate volume system says there was a red relative volume spike, so there's just more active selling as all but yeah i mean, i probably wouldn't be the biggest buyer. There i mean earnings here is really what kicked off this move um, but the fact that it's trended, that strong off earnings is a good sign, it kind of um. Let me think about snapchat snapchat was a while ago, though i'll show you.

I want to say that it was this earnings report here. I remember i bought snapchat in the 40s off earnings and it was because they consolidated for a couple weeks so like earnings, big move market didn't give out for like three four weeks. So when a company does that or a stock has a good earnings move explodes higher if it doesn't um if it doesn't drop out for like a couple weeks and just kind of stays up a lot of times, that's a good sign. You could see further growth kind of shortly after there was some like famed investor i read about when i really don't remember who it was or if it was really.

I want to say it was someone relatively new, whether it be like chalmeth bill. Ackman could have been whitney tilson, but i just don't remember um, but one of those guys, some of them somewhere. I read that if a company reports earnings and has an explosive move, i guess whether up or down too. I guess i don't really remember that, but at least up and it kind of maintains its pricing of the earnings move for a couple weeks there and after a lot of times that could lead to like a move afterwards kind of like you saw there.

So this might be a situation where you do just watch rvlx um, to see if the gains. Well, i mean this is a little bit of a different situation because it kind of broke away, whereas snapchat broke up chilled for a couple weeks and then started grinding out, whereas really rblx kind of just popped pulled back and ripped. So this have already has already made kind of an expansion move, in my opinion, slightly, but anyways yeah, uh nope, there's no link to any trade ideas, live scanner anymore, but other youtube channels have them up in the online thoughts on tusk, news on multi-year contractors charging Stations so tusk, tusk was a stock. I looked at earlier.
I don't. Let me do this. I got to make sure i keep i kind of keep doing this. I keep forgetting to like leave my charts alone.

Sometimes i keep messing them up, but yeah, like tusk, was one that i had on the wat, not let's say on my watch list, but i was looking at it earlier. Um it pulled back to actually let me see huh i mean i guess we could talk about. I mean i have it up. Um you're not going to see anything too interesting unless you get over the half deviation at 3 18..

So you just know that you know you can dip by. You can do whatever you want to do, but you're not going to really see that explosive, crazy move that your heart desires unless you go over about 320. um, so yeah. That was tusk.

But i did see that one also bhtg, oh, i got ta change that chart she's. Also the other problem. When you look at like 32 million charts, it does kind of get slightly confusing. Um yeah like bhtg was another like is a biotech that was up this morning, but i haven't done a ton of research on that.

I know lvgn already moved or made a good move um! Oh that's connected to that. I don't want to do that or design connect. This stop where's the lgbn yeah yeah, so lgvn had a high of 14 today uh. Arguably, you might still see that continue.

Some bbig is there a link to this yeah so daniel. I mean long story short about trade. Ideas is just simply um just internet problems and i'm i'm actually going to be changing my internet service again, and i think actually i have no idea, but i will change my internet service one more time here. I hope that relieves the problem i was having with having scanners online at the same time, we'll see not really sure, but that yeah you just couldn't operate two streams at the same time gtec, so i will uh run through.

Let me just take a quick peek. First, that, like i need to take a quick glance, because sometimes things are moving and then we're like talking about something there's no point of talking about all right, gtec um, let me get over here. Actually, that should be on my oh, my hyat day. Scanner, which is currently covered up, makes sense.

Yeah see that's what i'm kind of getting used to too i'm running so many things, but uh gtec you're on resistance right now so should probably pull back. And if you don't, then it's got some additional strength, but that was just at a very quick glance. So let me really take my time and i'll give a more definitive answer, but from a quick glance, i already see you're on resistance but um the market's. Probably i don't want to say probably, but the idea here is if you can really get through 760s or whatnot, there's a gap fill into the eights, so you know that's pretty much it right now.
The market has resistance in this area, which is going to come in at about plus one deviation. So if markets can get through, the plus one maintained - and you can see higher sure - might be a little challenging to do right now because well you're at the plus one you're over plus three and at plus four intraday. Well, that's maybe confusing you're at plus one long term, intraday, plus four plus three, so the fact that it pulls back you're not really surprising. Now, obviously, stocks can go through the intraday levels and blah blah blah blah blah.

I'm not here to do a whole class, but to put it simply, you want to see prices maintain 705 right now to see higher in the immediate with gtec. Now the news is: greenland technologies highlights launch a second electric industrial vehicle line gel 1800 front loader that just does not sound like a car. You want to be driving on a daily basis, so, like yeah bro, like oh yeah, i just got a new car. Oh, would you i got the gel 18 000 front, loader or 1800 front loader, sorry, eighteen, thousands next week when they release that one i'm gon na, get that one too just it sounds terrible.

Sounds like a dirty sex joke yeah, not good, so i think greenland technologies might need to reconsider, who is in their marketing department. Currently um maybe check the resume. I want to hire people that are coming from the p hub, but anyways so uh gtz is on the move um. I know it's probably g e l, but you know so that's gtc right now, um.

I would keep it on watch the volume's pretty good. It is not on our unusuals, which i'm kind of surprised about, but let me see it could be, or it obviously is. I know it is it's just maybe, oh, maybe not really, or is this that's? Why? Because somehow this chart is on an old version. I'm like this doesn't make any sense dude i hate running so many charts and then you have to redo all this and then you think you save it and it's like oh something's, still missing all right.

There we go yeah, so this is just a five-day chart. So this was triggered this morning at about eight o'clock. At that point there was only about man. There wasn't a ton of volume, i mean about 40 000 shares of volume um, but still it doesn't come up like that.

Let me check something really quickly. Just looking and trying to find the market cap on gtec really quickly, um, that makes total sense, yeah trying to figure out why my scan didn't populate that one this morning. So i think i know why so i'm just well scan did populate one of them populated, but i want to know why the other one didn't i mean see there. It is now, but that's pointless.

It doesn't mean no good interesting at that point. It should be pulling it up. I think yeah see that's the problem. Why wasn't i alerted at 802? See that's the thing it's like.

Sometimes this scan doesn't fully trigger when it's supposed to you know we get the alert, but it doesn't fully send through to the scan, see like right now it's on there, but it's pointless for it to be on there now, um. So still some fine tweaking to do, but yeah i mean theoretically i mean this was at at 802. Purple line triggered off so this no matter what should have been should be coming in on there. So just more problems to figure out on a day-to-day basis.
The beauty of being a human, so um we'll get to that when we get to that anyways uh gtec is at the plus one. So you already know how this goes. You want to get up over, maintain plus one then you'll see a bigger move really quickly. I'm going to go over and i want to look at this really quickly, so this is fcel.

You guys will remember. Yesterday we talked about this one. Did it do like a big, crazy analysis on it um? I said that minimum we would go to the dotted line and if we break that, then we'll see more, we didn't really go into what would happen if we broke it this or that or the other nonetheless um here we are today we'll talk about it. Some more so um g, no fcel, so fcl right.

Actually, let's, let's bring over we'll bring over a chart with just a big old, nothing right now, we'll look at a 30-day 10 minute. I mean i guess this kind of works. Let's i thought i want to zoom out a little more, maybe like that. So like this is a 30-day 10 minutes, so we were going up pull back up up.

Then we kind of dropped out now we're staying below some moving averages. So we're going down previous price action, so look at previous dip levels, so everybody's eyes look left and go. This is support. Okay.

Meanwhile, the whole time, i'm always looking at the half deviation. So when we're coming down bouncing the half deviation, balancing the half deviation bouncing the half deviation lower highs into the deviation bounce lower highs back into the deviation snap through the deviation bounce up right. So now we do what we break down so again. This is support.

Actually, trend is support, break down bounce back into moving averages kind of back to the half deviation resistance rolling down. So is this your break down bounce back, re-test break down swing back down, possibly that's what i'm watching for now yesterday or well, i guess just in general, if i were to say that this move is breaking down and this move is going to go down. We could go as far as the price of 860.. That's what i would say to myself.

That's what i was saying yesterday yesterday we only filled the gap which i, which is fine. You know, that's that's another thing too. You can see this gap so yesterday we filled the gap, so the move broke down and filled a gap on the day. Then overnight we kind of bounced back up right, but that's just kind of filling a gap.

I don't really see it as a true trend. Support so maybe we actually try to go to the trend support. I don't really know it's all a guessing game right. So if we continue lower, i would assume the markets will then try to go down two well at least on fcl.
Well, obviously, it's something we're talking about right now, so um fcel could see prices of 862 to 845 before computerized algorithms come in and maybe try to buy it up. I don't know just a guessing game, so um yeah right. So again, that's pretty much it that's. What it looks like with some deviation levels all on it and then obviously, without them there or all those thingies.

It would just look like you know like this all right so market's gone up mark. This is a 10 day 30 minute, but market just broke down bounce back as long as it remains below that trend. It will probably progress in that direction, whether it snaps down today, bounces up to it then comes down tomorrow. Chops like this, i mean as long as you're, not over that trend line trendline, you won't see a big pop okay, so for now that's kind of something i'm keeping a close eye on today.

That's ceo and part of the reason was because i you know, did a pretty good job at you know predicting it yesterday, so i would assume there might be some follow-through on it today. Oh, oh man, sorry tired, not even, but that was just a good little stretch. All right. I'm gon na go through a couple questions here, hop in the gel whip yeah.

It might really not be a cardiac right front. Loader doesn't sound like a car. Now doesn't um so jim miles, so that's a chart setting so go into your chart settings and you need to uncheck uncheck yeah. You need to uncheck yourself.

Those aren't good to have around uh. You want to uncheck the uh fit studies. There's a like a setting. It's right here that you get out of that when you do that it scrunches your chart.

Sometimes that's probably the the issue you're running into. If i had to guess, um sharky tore, i'm not sure what stock. That might be. Your remember.

Your remark is into um, but you so you wait till after it made a move that you make your decision um, not necessarily, but i mean if you're referring to fcel um. I was in fcl yesterday a little bit so not necessarily, but it can be easier to spot something after its move for sure yeah. I'm waiting waiting for the coffee to warm up. Uh myself, it's just been it - has been a crazy couple weeks.

I got ta tell you, i've been sick and then uh i mean work has just been endless, so it's just uh. It's just me. You know growing up from a little child into a grown boy, having a fix problems on a daily basis. So it's always a good time all right, yeah, so we've uh we've hammered those ones out pretty good.

Let me um actually go get my coffee and i'll be right back all right guys, i'm back here and i have a cup of coffee. That's still warm! So you guys just you just pipe it down for a second. Why sip on this uh gtec breaks eight could be a good one yeah and let me just make sure, because what i always do is i always like look at you. Guys's requests and i change over all the stocks on a bunch of my charts and then like.
I look back 10 minutes there. I'm like this is nothing about what i'm was looking at, so i just need to make sure i don't uh flip-flop too many things today, but i am so this one's connected to that one. This is also the other problem, as you guys can see firsthand when you have too many screens and you're streaming and doing other things, but so those are going to be all the penny guys on the day. So lvgn still looks you know pretty decent.

I mean it's holding above previous swing lows. I mean you're still creating a potential lower high right now um, but that's got some momentum. There was that uh that what was that stock from yesterday voso all right, voso yeah, is that when i post that video about, i wonder what this guy does for the day, because arguably well, when market opens, that could change a little bit. And let's get this off of there because that's just pointless like why is some old stuff, so arguably this could have like a squeeze so still kind of might be worth following.

Like yeah, i mean, let's see joe. Let me read the news on this because i really didn't even like yesterday: dig it didn't even like look at any of anything on this um, so they complete their merger. I would have to do some research on this for a sec. So so really am i.

I mean obviously i'm not might not be. I don't know everything, but if they completed their merger, we want to know what is the value of their merger, and then we just want to find the outstanding share count and see if there's still some valuation this puppy could have. So let me just take a second to do that, finviz, which probably should have been doing this yesterday, but then again i had to leave so early yesterday too. It's i couldn't even really get into the day too much same thing with today i got ta be.

I won't even really be able to stick around and do a whole lot um. So that's not helping me. Uh voso has no info on zafin viz. So now we have to go somewhere else: okay, we joe global leader business wire, all right, i'm trying to find some info on it.

Maybe you guys know: let's see we show now um gotcha yeah. I know they did that yeah because they just merged. So they completed merge all right. Um looks like no nothing's really changed on this one.

I would say it looks like we might have got some sort of change. Uwmc is still holding pretty good here today. Um, let's see uwm holdings late thursday evening reporting will accelerate the buy back plan in leo previously announced secondary, offering concurrent stock repurchase shares are saying, hire for company announced. It will accelerate its buyback plan, training higher excited by big plan, okay, cool so news.
They will accelerate their buyback plan uwm all right if uwmc is going to amount to anything cool. It's going to maintain above the price of eight kind of 65 for right now, like if it's gon na do like a pop off quickly. It'll stay above this price, all right, um. If it wants to take out and drop lower, so be it, you might get a gap fill and a hold down at 607.

um. This is on the unusual volume this morning and for the past couple days it looks like it's kind of been on it. So, let's see um five day, five minute i mean yeah this day, one two three so it looks like it has been triggered uh, maybe not that day. Arguably definitely there definitely there definitely here.

So it's been triggered a couple days in a row and now we've done this big spike, so it doesn't amount to anything more arguable. A statistical mean is here. So that's a pop level, phun news, huh um. What was i yeah hold on yeah? I mean it is popping some.

This has to no matter what is b. I guess i mean i'm probably probably not gon na. Do it, i'm not even gon na i mean. Maybe it amounts to something, but i just can't right now: um lvgn still moving halfway decent um, you know and feel free to kind of run through, and you know what i should add to this.

That probably would just make that a lot better. This phone here - hmm - i guess they don't really provide anything like that. Um all right, let's pop back over it's one so gtec up to nines um, so you just got to a half deviation resistance. So just be mindful.

You know you're supposed to probably do a slight pullback here. Okay, so remember like earlier we're talking right, you need to maintain the plus one, so pretty much you'll see it hit, it pulled back, got back up and over right. If you determine that was the hold for you, then so be it. You will see that a ton of volume kind of started coming into those couple candles on the buy side up and through so momentum here still looks good.

Remember. We were talking about the market going up filling the gap trying to get through all this to fill the gap, so your markets filled the gap. So arguably another little reason for a pullback is now the gap has been filled. Um.

Something also to take note of is, as this market continues up on gtec, the momentum is dying out. You are seeing a bearish divergence as this market continues up. Does that mean it's going to fall apart now? No, not necessarily, but there are already bearish signals that the stock is seeing. So is it because it's filled a gap, momentum's dying off i mean i don't know.

Is it because your grandma didn't put your inheritance into the stock this morning i don't know, maybe so. Nonetheless, you know do be mindful of that. You are seeing a bearish divergence. You are on half deviation resistance.

You did just close the gap, so there are reasons for people to consider selling here all right, i'm just gon na pop on over to good old, f and little little fc, al magoosh or magustra mcgee did go down a little bit. Nothing too crazy, but is down slightly um, it's still holding above yesterday's low. So until you go below that, you're not gon na see anything too crazy um, but yeah yeah, oh man, mrna boosters um. I just never on demand, never works for me anymore.
It's also been a long time since i've tried it, so maybe i could give it a go again, but yeah i mean it. Just uh just doesn't work well, uh, no i'll, probably never switch to trading view. I really don't like trading view. Maybe it's just i'm not used to it and just really got ta get used to the settings and that's probably what it is at the end of the day.

I know it's a pretty awesome platform for most but um. Maybe i'm just stuck in my ways, but so far i really don't care for trading view. I i just don't like the layout. I don't like the feel.

A lot of it seems scrunched together. The flow seems like you know, so maybe it's just me not giving it the uh proper time, probably but yeah yeah lvgn, you know, got another dip moving higher yeah. So maybe that's it. I don't know so i'll.

Consider it, but i just don't yeah. I don't know whenever i look at trading video, it's just like eh amd. I mean yeah amd's up um. You know you've come from a pretty explosive move.

You know it's! It's really not at this point a surprise all right. I think most of the public's pretty aware that it's up it's been moving good, might be why you're getting a little more choppy, um and because you're up in higher points, so you're kind of in high points for amd right now i mean i wouldn't really be Much of a buyer there, myself um yeah, that's pretty much it for that. Um nvidia i mean nvidia had earnings, it moved well, i mean arguably it's slightly on the high side. You know, depending on what cycle you are looking at to me.

It's arguably actually nvidia is not really that high, i mean it's kind of, but not really. I mean this has, in my opinion, slightly more room to go up, but it's already been on such a good move um, but the earnings are good. I mean look at this right right back to highs, so i mean this is a pretty straightforward play as long as the price is maintaining deviations on the downside, so you're pretty much. I mean yeah you're, pretty much buying the dip into every deviation and just selling the move up until it doesn't work on that.

So deviations right now are in like 3 11's 310's. If it doesn't go there, then you just maybe don't get an opportunity. Shorting lgvn with an average of 12.79, but i'm getting my ass, kicked lgbn so um and go over. I guess we can look on this one um, the purpose, all right.

So i don't know if you watch my video from yesterday, but you should all of you. Um we talk specific, we always talk about the blue and the purple. It can be whatever color you want, but um. What was the stock yesterday voso, i mean bozo also had the merger deal, so it kind of doesn't really it's not it's not a true equal, but anyways.
You know, you've breached the blue and the purple. So, like you know, this is a flag pattern inside the blue and the purple, so you had a flag develop inside the plus three plus four broke. The plus four short sellers are getting squeezed right now. Hence yourself right because yesterday people shorted here because it's plus three and big snap down, then they got squeezed up again and people shorted here plus three and went down and came up.

And so you break the blue and you go directly to the purple and again sell down again sell down roll down, brought some people in this morning right. It kind of look like it's shifting down so you're, almost getting like a rolling head and shoulders. So people added and it maintained, plus three over plus four - there goes the squeeze so um yeah, you know um the problem. Is you never really know exactly how far a squeeze can go? That's that's the issue um as we as we all saw with car right.

I mean we saw a car whatever. How long ago was that you know this day it went to 300 topped a little bit then squeezed to six then came down so so this is, you know this is the reality of the situation right. So carr went to this price, let's say 310 and then it had a short squeeze all the way up, just basically 545 and then once the squeeze stopped. It came all the way back down to 310, which is the area the squeeze started.

So we could argue that lv gn, i mean you can build the case. This is not the case as to why you should hold, but you know you can build a case that a squeeze is starting here and once this is done, it's going to revert back to there or here, which i already know, that's going to happen. Um. I don't know when, obviously it's just kind of trading the trend when it's up when it's down breaking this breaking that um, but that's how it works um.

Sometimes you do get like a stair-stepping stock that just like never comes down, or it takes a really long time to come down and then you're, just not gon na hold short forever, because then you're just paying overnight fees, and so that's really the dynamic. With the penny stock world that they don't tell you about on the short side, and that pretty much is you know not every stock, you short is just going to instantly come crashing down, they can keep grinding for like three days up and then you know, even Though you're short might not be that underwater, you can really manage the pain and it's all good, they keep it up, and then they have you pay overnight short borrow fees for like two weeks before it actually comes down back to like where you'd make a profit And at that point it's just like just burning your pockets because there's no point holding short that long. So that's the other dynamic to the market um. You know i mean if i only had one opportunity to suck as much money from somebody um.
You know like like, for example, the stock uh. What was that stock? F, atbb f-a-t-b-b, so like this one uh, which is actually kind of interesting, it's uh, not i mean kind of it kind of worked kind of didn't so like fatbb. This is a five letter. Ticker five letter tickers, like always crash um and so um yeah you'll, see this blew up that day and then it basically crashed the same day a lot of times.

That's exactly how the five ticker symbols work and then they dud out um. But yeah i mean the short locates on this were ridiculous right, so it's like say this was only meant to go up one day then crash down and i'm the broker right and i'm gon na make money from charging people short locates. Well, if it's only got one day up and then it's gon na go down and then nobody's gon na be interested in shortening again, because the moves already happen, i need to juice that puppy up and basically get as much money as possible. Now, arguably, the shares are hard to find it's hard to locate, like sure.

Maybe it really is, but i would really like to see the back end of all that just so, i can like see how that truly works, because i really don't think it's that hard for a computer to find a share on the internet and then when it Is hard to find, i don't really think it's worth. You know 150 bucks or whatever it might be, for the computer to find one share, 20 shares or whatever it might be. I find that kind of uh funny so anyways um short locates are going to be. You know expensive on stocks that you know are probably going to come down right and they're not going to be on specs as expensive and stocks that probably aren't going to come down.

So the game knows what you're trying to do. The system is by design right and the game isn't stupid all right if a stock's going to crash you're going to juice the puppy up before they allow it to come down and make you pay for it right so um, it's all by design right. So when you understand it's by design, then it becomes not as confusing, sometimes um, because you just rationalize the situation in front of like okay. If it's all about making money, what would i do? I would charge people as much money as possible right on the short low case.

B4 comes crashing down um, you know, so that's that might help you so fatb be kind of interesting steven ducks loves shorting stocks with uh five that are only a five letter ticker when they're a five-letter ticker steven ducks jumps on them to short them. So when i saw this move coming down, i already just envisioned steven ducks was shorting this and then i made a post on twitter just for fun, saying that i know someone's shorting it and if i was him i would make sure i cover basically into the Tens and that's probably where you could cause a squeeze and you'll, see that we kind of fade out to about 10 50 and then the big squeeze happens the next day. So arguably that just means that people wanted to buy it down there and or we had uh sorry guys or we had people that were also short from the previous day covering into that morning into that low point, and this low point was the plus three plus Four, on the way back down so plus three plus four break out here, go parabolic crash back down to plus three plus four. If you want to buy it for a balance, you buy it for a bounce.
If you're short, maybe you cover, and that was the end result you know um and then it ends up staying up right and so that's kind of funny um. But anyway, so you get the point um. So that's that's that gte sees kind of. I don't want to say popping up, but it did make like a slight move.

Um yeah, but you already know the deal unless it gets over the half. Deviation: it's not going to really amount to anything too crazy. Good morning, guys yeah steven's, a great trader. I've learned some things from steve and i've watched his videos learned a couple things myself, which one of which was the the five ticker thing which um i had seen the past myself, but didn't really rationalize it and then kind of watch one of his videos in One day - and i was like oh yeah - that makes kind of perfect sense.

So then, like this year around when i saw the five ticker symbol pop back up, i'm like well, i know who's playing that one right, that's not a surprise um. So then, i started building a plan around what he might do and i'm like well, if i was him and i had a big short position - there's no way that i would hold my short past this price, because it's not going to go past that price. So if i was short, i would probably have to cover there like no matter what so i'm like yeah i mean you could probably just start buying in the tents and squeeze a short out right and then the next day it blows straight up after 10, 50.. So so that was a new thing for me i'd.

You know i want to say new, but, like you know, i wouldn't really think like that. I probably wouldn't have thought like that before. So it's like next year around you know, there's gon na be a five ticker symbol stock that ends up jumping just like it did this year, and so i'm kind of developing how i could play around all those things i saw this year because it'll probably happen Very similar to how it happened this year, great when i watch you, i mean uh. Well, that's good to know, that's good to know lgvn, so lg vn has a lower high from the 1444 high, so it's starting to kind of trickle down.

This is honestly a situation where you probably just shouldn't even do anything and just let it work itself, especially if you're new, if you're new, there's there's really no point of you doing anything on lbgn right now. Maybe it goes up. I don't really know, but i mean it really is: buy the dip sell the rip which, again, if you're newer, don't even just don't even try um on lvgn. It's just probably not probably not gon na be easy for you unless it just goes straight up or what you do is just buy like two shares buy something really small see if you can actually catch the dip and sell the rip um airborne.
12.. You end up paying his profits you're, absolutely right about that. First time here, airborne! That's crazy! Wow! We don't get too many first timers here. I wonder where you stumbled on the internet to find me uh.

So yeah i mean thanks for tuning in. I really hope you uh stick around for at least one day's session or maybe just like two days session, or you could just watch some of the old live streams, but pretty much. We use a standard deviation system to help map out where market should go decently. Okay from time to time, um so like today, right now, gtec you see the candle.

That's popping up right now it just got through a half deviation price. So that's the volatility, but you can't you have to maintain that right. So you see how all this volatility is happening on gtc right there, that candle that candle just puckered up some short sellers bunk hole right there. It started popping over the half deviation.

Those guys was like whoa whoa, whoa uh. What are we doing here so um? Let's go take a little peaky at that, so right there that dotted line. That is the long-term half deviation price. So, mr airborne, you may not know what that is because you've never been on my channel so i'll, just kind of recap this one for you.

So this is a standard deviation channel. Basically, all of these levels are important um. This basically shows you where resistance is at and supports that without even having to look at previous price action. Sometimes i mean to a degree so, for example, i'll just put those two on and when you look at it now, you will see that the markets ran to sustain then move to the next one.

So now we're trying to fight to get over this one. So, in the event, the market truly sustains. This half deviation price. We would then start targeting up to like 960s, which is right there, which i'll color code red, because that is the plus two deviation mark.

Now we didn't even do the daily. The daily chart probably also tells a little bit of a different story which it does and you might be like wow. This is starting to get confusing, but it's really not so i'm just going to run. I guess everyone's going to be learning this whole system.

Over again for at least gtec this morning, so that one's going to be the next one here boom boom, it takes a little bit to get used to it, but at the end of the day, it's all pretty straightforward. So, by the time we get done, adding all of these lines, you'll, probably just see the stock trades in between you know all of them. Okay, so right, basically, market breaks out goes to the plus one. We pull back at it because it's a known resistance buyers are very strong, as by volume they get us back over.
We move to the half deviation. We pull back, sustain, half deviation, move up through this half deviation hit the positive one here same thing as down here, so hit that one pull back, you will see, then we dip below the half deviation. Half deviation becomes resistance so until we actually get up and reclaim the half deviation price. We're kind of struggling to a degree now whole way up.

Market is up, trending higher low higher low, and then we kind of just do this weird slide. But we didn't really take out the previous big swing low. So arguably this is still in an uptrend right, um, so yeah that's kind of how it works uh early today. It's because i can't stay very long.

Today i got a doctor's appointment, so we will be uh i'll, be out of here, uh fairly, really ish, all righty uwc huh. You know uwmc still holding it's still doing. Okay, so arguably it turns into a candidate for the day. So a lot of the so so i mean, if you go to my youtube channel, well, you're already on it.

I guess, but if you do go to like the home page. Actually, if you look at the description of this uh stream, like all the way in the very bottom, i linked three of the most popular videos i have on this subject: won't cover like everything you need to know, but it can at least get you set up For free for the most part, we also have like paid versions and stuff, but there's at least three videos down there. If you look um, you could learn to set the system up pretty much free and then we have like paid versions that if you really like the system, you probably end up getting that. But you could at least check those out for now down there um and when i say like free, i mean it's not like you know like it.

You really are still gon na have the same system for the most part, all right, so um, uwmc kind of interesting. This morning, um we talked about this earlier. Having some potential it kind of did, a whip saw we kind of spiked up. We hit the plus one.

We came back down to the halfway marker so like. If you look at this basically the market's ranging from this line to this line right, so we go up, we go down. We've pulled back we're in like the 50 level, so i mean we are kind of down trending. Arguably, so let me think, let me look at a couple.

Different time frames i mean yeah. I already know: there's not going to be a big pop unless you go back through 690, that is the statistical level and right now we are holding above the half deviation. So that's kind of good yeah, so dips up to 690 look to break 690. Hopefully so there you see lvgn kind of snap down slightly just a little bit uh we're still working on the tradingview one, because tradingv1 you actually have to program in the time frames that you want to use as opposed to like think or swim.
The time frames are just kind of there and you just flip through time frames and the deviation just kind of goes to whatever. So, on trading view, you actually have to program the script, to basically accept the time frame so that when you click this time frame, then the script goes. Okay, we're supposed to put the deviation channel this many back on this time frame, and so you actually have to code the time frames into the script. So right now, i'm kind of going to the process of asking some traders in our group in our chat rooms and around the internet.

Uh and you know, downstairs locked away in my dungeon. You know hey what time frames do you guys like to use now? The ones in my dungeon really just want freedom, but you know i'm still trying to figure out what time frames i want to use on the scripts um lgvn crash, i mean not really i mean i just pulled back a little bit you're still above the previous Swing low, so it's fine until it actually goes below, like uh until actually gets below 12 40. Nothing too bad is going to happen. Um, that's probably the worst of it until you go below 240 right um, but yeah.

Once you go through 240 you're going to get like mick, mangled and schmidt angle, so um aside from that, remember what we talked about earlier on lg vn, again like if this is really the short squeeze portion of it, that the market will reverse back down into That level, so you know if you were a part of the people shorting and the market squeezed you out, and you took the pain you very well could be reversing back down to your breakeven here at market open now. Obviously, that probably will end up happening. If you take out the 1127 low, if you take out 1127, the market will probably um let the shorts have their money back. If you don't, then you're gon na get pushed again, which is never too fun some things to make.

You feel better if you are short, is look at the high at um 710 and look at the high at 14 44.. Actually, i feel like that is never mind that doesn't actually i was getting ahead of myself. There isn't really a bearish divergence there. I mean kind of, but not really i mean the momentum is going down as it should be if the price is going down.

So there's really nothing. That's surprising about that. So there isn't actually a bearish divergence there yeah but anyways like i said earlier. You know if it's a short squeeze and this market's going to help the shorts, then they'll - let you come back down to here, but i wouldn't bank on that.

So far, this market is still kind of uptrending, so many drawings. That's why i got to use zoom more often, because then i put all these random drawings to help teach and then it's like gets me all confused, so i've got so much random stuff on there. Your youtube keeps ignoring the bell setting to. Let me know when you're live yeah i mean can't say i'm surprised, uh phu and i'm still kind of i wan na say the same ones, but uh phu1 another little.
You know what i really didn't put forth a good analysis on phu and i should have. I didn't even really think about it, and that was dumb because it did turn out to be good enough. I was like yeah and i really didn't even just give it the time of day and that's a missed opportunity right there um hindsight 2020, obviously, but i mean there was obviously a low risk dip by in the 350s that just wasn't even you know. So what happens when you look at too many things just like yeah, but yeah i mean that end up.

You should be selling this down now uh fyi, so i would not be getting long that for sure yeah. I didn't even really think about it because you popped up. You broke through this and so realistically i should have been looking for dip ads kind of into that level. Yeah i mean you broke out, you look for dip ads and minimum target up to 380.

got a little pair of bao baos sucked in some retail traders and now they're going to get yapped. You know so you know like this is this is really the way the game works, and i kind of missed it today, and this is this is what it takes to really kind of to be one of the best i'm on a day-to-day basis, which, arguably i'm Not, but you know, i'm slightly: okay, i'm still getting there, but yeah i mean like today. This was a missed opportunity. Somebody mentioned it way earlier and it's not that i didn't think it could have a move.

I just didn't really give it the time of day. If i gave it the time of day put it up, we would have probably been able to attack this so um regardless. This is the situation we had today with phun, we'll talk about the price action without any levels on it and then we'll bring up the levels and then you'll be like holy. This is clear as day so um.

You know this starts to spike you're like is it gon na be good? I don't really know if you're looking at something like a four-hour chart, the previous swing low in the downtrend is kind of where the market's breaking out from so you see, markets are going down. That's a lower high, that's a lower high, that's a lower high! Is there a lower high below that? I don't really see it here on this time frame, but we already know there is one on a lower time frame. We just got to go find it, so we would say to ourselves that this market broke out today, at least on this time frame here now you might be like, oh well, what time frames do it just just don't confuse yourself too much, don't worry about it! All right now, let's go look at like a 10 day, 30 minute or maybe a 30 day 10 minute and be like well. Is there a lower high other than that and it's like well markets, downtrend markets, downtrend market kind of bounced and still went lower.

So arguably, there is kind of like a lower high scenario here and then you're like well does there's another lower high down. Here i mean you could argue that this is one right. If you want to, but most people aren't most people aren't looking and be like. Oh yeah, like that's for sure the lower hybrid uh, you know so most identifiable would be like here.
Um, then probably here. So when we just go. Look at simple price action: it's a no-brainer that when we go to a one-minute chart like oh yeah, we broke out there and we went above that level in hindsight, 2020 right, like that's all pretty pretty straightforward um, but the concept here is is that when we Break over the downtrend we're entering an uptrend, and if that uptrend is going to be legit, it's got to maintain sort of that break point. So we quick spike up, pulled back actually below got, bought up and then went through it.

So we'll just say that we maintain the breakout level and then we even went up above kind of a next previous swing high, so we're breaking up right, um, so cool, also phun, holding a flag pretty decent, we'll maybe have to do further analysis for an upside. I thought that would give out which it might still so we'll we'll get to that, though um. So now, when we put the deviations on the chart, this should all become significantly more. I would say significantly more clear, but it might make a lot more sense and p-h-u-n now that i'm looking at it right theoretically, this does have more, i mean, there's always more room a stock ago.

It's just whether it does it or not. So now, when we look at this chart the way that i would view this is we had negative one deviation trend here, which can be seen as a support, if you don't truly break it down right in this case, we kind of sifted below it came back Above it, and then we have a half deviation level here. Um we have a plus two deviation resistance at four. So that's going to be green flip back here because i forgot to mark some stuff and then we have.

The um deviation resistance there. So now, when we look at this right so now we have the deviation levels on and we go and we'll look at sort of this chart again. So now we put the deviation levels on, and this is a one day one minute right. Remember the red levels are previous price levels: the deviations are statistical levels, alright, so on the upside, the deviations become the target and the top resistance point.

Okay, on the downside, the deviations were also the breakout. You know you look at the price and go or breaking over price or you could say, hey we're breaking over the deviations, regardless the deviations line up with the breakout, and that's always going to be the case. And then, when you look left right, if you just look at price action, when you look left you're gon na go, oh well, there's also kind of resistance there. True, there is, and there's also deviations right, so deviations always end up being about where the resistance is at and deviations end up, basically being the support and the breakout.
It's the distance between the deviations that helps you understand how far the stretch can be to calculate how much reward you might have to calculate how much distance something might go before it pulls back so that you're not buying into a high or you're not buying, with Only 10 cents more to go before you get your head chopped off right so with phun. Today it was a missed move and the way that you would go about trading. This is this morning when you guys said hey. This is breaking up and i was too naive to put forth my effort in analysis.

You will see that from the previous low, which was 338 right when this pops up even from the high of the pop-up, you were only 10 percent off the low. So you only had 10 percent risk on the downside. So even if you bought this and it just stalled out and did nothing okay, you lose but you're not going to lose a lot right and then from the absolute low it was only three percent risk. So, even if you bought here worst case scenario, it just dropped straight out, you'd lose three percent.

Okay, whoop! You do right! On the flip side, you would say yourself: well, the deviations are here if we truly break out the next deviations are there. So if we truly break out and go from deviation to deviation, we have a move that is potentially 15. So when you're, looking at this dip and you're saying if we break out which we are breaking out, because we already saw the candle break up and through resistance, so it's just a matter of - does the pullback actually sustain and do we move back over the highs? If so, we're probably trying to break out some more so break up. Only three percent downside risk if break out, go from point a to point b.

Fifteen percent up three percent downside risk. You do the math, that's a one to five. Okay, so missed opportunity. This morning, to say the least: now when people say it's just another pump, i mean yeah, i mean this stuff happens all the time and that, regardless of a pump regardless of a true ripper, i mean this is pretty much how how the game goes now, remember If a stock is going to stay uptrending, it needs to maintain its.

You know, trend right, so stock broke up, pulled back right, so stock is down trending down trending pop up holds, support, goes up. Breaks out again runs to deviation resistance, which is also a previous price action. Resistance starts to pull back if the uptrend is going to keep working. It's got to do what it's got to maintain its breakout, slash the previous swing low high right.

So if the market's down trending down trending down trending, then what cons you know what makes it an uptrend well coming back up above right, so we're down trending down trending, now we're up trending we held the uptrend we broke up more. We hit resistance, we're pulling back to see. Is the market going to maintain this level and stay up trending, if not then well down lower? So you should, in this case just expect. This move goes back to about these red lines, not because you see a previous candle holding there, but because you know that the market works on an uptrend downtrend basis and the uptrend downtrend basis is determined by maintaining above a previous swing.
High swing low up down blah blah blah blah right, so if the market's going to go up, it needs to maintain its previous breakouts right. So that's where its next previous breakout is. That's why the pullback is coming to here. That's why it's going through that low! That's why it's not holding this is not support.

It looks like it because someone bought there before, but the reality of the situation is it's just not. Okay, it's just not! So that's why a lot of times you're, just gon na, lose when you try to buy this level, because you know hey it's bounced there before. So you draw a flat line. It's a market zone markets, don't move sideways, they move up and down diagonally right.

So a lot of times your horizontal support, yeah, it's going to get clipped so anyways, here's a little spiel for you this morning, good hold! I wonder if we're gon na get a nice bounce back from these boys today i mean it would make sense. A little bounce back from bl and k wouldn't be surprised. So so they moved scl down to the previous low holding support here. So it just might be a situation uh where they wan na.

You know i mean double bottom: it bounce it back up here, maintain this price for like two days and then bring it down a little lower. Um wouldn't be surprised. I mean markets never want to go up down perfectly, so you know why not swindle magoo it back up. You know, and realistically i mean if the market wanted to go to this price, we only did a quick little bounce stopped.

There didn't really go to it. So you know why not trick out some of the shorts squeeze it back up. That's another possibility, i'm watching today on fceo, so we'll see if they just want to do the old, droppy magoo or if they actually want to uh yeah pop it back up. Do a retest then bring it down in another couple days.

They could very well do that and if they do, it'll actually make the down drop more severe because well i'll, say more severe brother, but i mean kinda, because you can see the trend of these lines. Go down so if this pops up and chills for two days then rolls over then, instead of going to 860, we go to 8 820 et cetera, et cetera. So, theoretically, the drop could get worse.

By Stock Chat

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