Yesterday was a bit slow. It felt like the market was in wait-and-see mode.
There were still a few movers — there always are — but nothing really incredible.
Happily, it feels like there’s some frothiness to the market this morning. I’m looking forward to seeing what the day holds...
Here’s what I’m watching today…
Yesterday’s crop (not crap, as I accidentally said in the Pre-Market Prep session — ha!) of potential plays wasn’t amazing. However, NanoVibronix Inc. (NASDAQ: NAOV) had a decent morning move.
It wasn’t an ideal setup, but it was definitely the best of the bunch. NAOV just announced earnings — so as of the premarket, I consider it a watch over $4 with risk on VWAP.
Speaking of earnings winners, LM Funding America, Inc. (NASDAQ: LFMA) has a pretty interesting chart pattern. It’s had a number of runs in the past — from about $3 to $8 as recently as July.
I’ll be looking for breaks of $6.25 with risk set at $5.75. Don’t miss my commentary in today’s session … I offer a detailed discussion of using the chart and past ranges to determine stops with risk management.
Is last night’s OTC gapper Cybernetic Technologies (OTCPK: HPIL) worth watching?
Well, I normally blow past OTCs, but I do like this one. It closed nicely last night. As always, I’m gonna point you toward my top three approaches to OTCs. See the link in my NO-COST resources in the P.S. below.
A follower asked about Bright Health Group Inc. (NYSE: BHG) … Listen, I know yesterday was slow-ish, but there’s no need to go dumpster diving! This chart tells you all you need to know. If you ask me, there are far better plays out there.
Bon Natural Life Ltd. (NASDAQ: BON) provides “bio-ingredient solutions.” I’m not really sure what that means, but I think it’s related to health food or essential oils. Seems super sketchy to me ... But it’s only got five million float and it just dropped a press release. Those factors could make it worth watching...
I didn’t realize that Powerbridge Technologies Co Ltd. (NASDAQ: PBTS) was back in action! Thanks to the follower who alerted me.
PBTS dropped a crypto-related press release early this morning. If this stock fails to dip and rip, I think someone needs to call up their Investor Relations line and clue them in on the rules of the penny stock game. An 8:30 a.m. Eastern press release is much more likely to create chat pumps than one issued at 6 a.m.!
Nonetheless, I think this has potential as a post-9:45 a.m. dip and rip...
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#StockMarket #PreMarket #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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All right, good morning, everyone welcome back um. I meant to you know. I meant mentioned this the other day, but just remember i did drop a a tweet this morning, um. If you're here from twitter welcome um.

You know i saw a few people. Think saying you know: where did pre-market prep go uh for what it's worth i've been here every day? Well i didn't miss a day last week because of a storm but um and remember we knew this was coming, but twitter did deprecate periscope. So if i you know, if you're here from twitter welcome aboard i'll, be here every day, 8 30 uh facebook still works. Obviously instagram still works, so you can kind of pick your favorite but again um welcome all twitter, peeps and uh.

As always, you know drop your comments in your associated chat, whether you're on instagram, facebook or youtube, and i will answer as many questions as i can, as in the time of time. In the time allotted um right off, the bat naov was probably a little bit slower day yesterday, but naov was probably the best morning mover and a bunch of you did really well. Uh got several dms. Some emails well done.

Well, the i i mean flat out uh, you know it was kind of the best of a okay crap crack crap. How was that for a freudian slip? Uh crap, i meant to say, crop an okay crop of stocks. Meanwhile, my brain inserted crap because most the setups yesterday were pretty crappy. Well done.

Would that be? Like my amygdala, you know what what's what's like? That's like the lizard brain, the that little little peanut like at the base of your skull, dropped in crap, but anyway, uh well done many of you on naov. I would not say it was like an ideal setup, but it was kind of the best we had yesterday. That being said, um a little bit frothier this morning you know, listen, i we talked about it yesterday. I won't recap: it really felt like the world.

The market was in a wait and see mood yesterday morning. You know a lot of what i talked about was being very selective feels like we're. You know we got a little bit of frothiness back. That being said, my number one would be naov over for risk on v web.

As of now, you know number one. As of 8 33 a.m, rips through for risk on b web. You know they dropped earnings. Last night, it's a joke! I i love it our! We increased our revenues 20 to 308 thousand.

I love it. You know three 318 000 in revs and they got a 90 million dollar market cap love. It love. It love sketchy, penny stocks, so anyway, that'd be my number one.

As of right now, edison asks about lmfa and i believe i have to sneeze wait for it. No, i defeated the sneeze uh so anyway, lm live tv, live or live streaming tv that shows how old i am so uh edison asked about lmfa speaking of earnings. Winners, you know they dropped earnings last night, very similar chart pattern to what we look for. I would look for breaks of 625.

Probably risk on 575 might sound like so so let me write that down. You might be like whoa, 50 cents or 50 cents a room on this thing. Tim whoa. I don't know about that, but here's the thing this is a five milli.
Well, let me write this down um breaks of 625. Let me let me explain: risk on 575 v web area. Now you might say whoa, that's a tim! That's a lot of it's a lot of room for a sketchy penny stack. I i get where you're coming from and if you said that well done, i respect you for that.

But what you got to understand is you got a 5 million floater here with a history of huge moves. Okay, so we're just looking at the one day chart here back in september, two to six back in january 4 to 12 and then next day, all the way up to 19 a day in february 10 to 16. i mean look at all these big candles, big Wicks, as recently as july 3 to 8, okay, so now understand: if you're, given 50 cents of risk, you got to be positioned properly. Okay, if you're not willing to lose 500 bucks, you can't have a thousand shares okay, so i mean you guys.

Listen if you don't understand that i almost feel like i mean i know we got newbies here. I almost feel like i shouldn't have to go over this, because if you don't understand the absolute basics of risk management, please please stay so far away from stuff like lmfa anyway, the point is: if you're not willing to risk 500 bucks, don't have a thousand shares. Have a hundred shares that means, if you lose, you lose 50 bucks, but if this thing puts in a multi-dollar move like it has in the past - and you got 50 shares - i mean hey, maybe you catch three bucks, a share. You know if you got a really small account: 150 payday, you know with with with 50 of risk.

You know that's that three to one risk to reward methodology. We talk about so again, i get it you're right and and if you and if you called me out on that well done, i mean 50 cents a lot of room. But look at the chart understand and again i'm not saying this thing's going to 19 today, but the chart tells us the potential of what the stock can do. History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes.

You can't have a 10 cent. Stop i mean if you want a 10 cent, stop on lmfa, don't trade it it's too tight. It's a 5 million floater with a history of big moves. You're gon na get stopped so um detailed discussion of using the chart and past ranges to determine stops with risk management.

Of course, i know it's social media, so it's like nobody has any risk management. Once i started talking about risk management, i should look at the traffic stats, probably like once i started talking about risk management, probably like half the people dropped off so anyway, danny asking about hpi l, that's last night's otc gapper um, you know i know. Normally i kind of blow past the otcs, but this is like the only it was the only otc gapper set up yesterday so danny. I do like it.

It closed nicely last night. Remember: what's our three different approaches to an otc gap? Uh do it to any otcs! Excuse me if you took the if you took the gap number one first rule of trading otcs. If you took the gap, sell the gap number two look for morning: panic dip buys number three, if you again, so, if you're, not in it, if you're not in this well, let me back up if you're in it sell the gap, if you're not in it, Wait for a morning panic dip buy. If you don't get a morning, panic dip by wait for an afternoon otc swizzle, which would be a repeat of yesterday's action.
Um scott asks about bhg. What is bhg um boring? Oh, so this is the classic hijo. Kids, hijo wife kind of chart, so i don't know you know, listen, i love you all, but i don't know why you're trying to go dumpster, diving! Okay, we are, i mean, listen. I know yesterday was a little bit slower, but where it's still the post 2020 world, we still have a ton of runners.

We still have. I had 90 stocks on the breakout scan yesterday. Why? Why do people want to dumpster dive? This chart is telling you all you need to know all this stock does is go lower and when it does bounce it fades the next day. So i mean listen.

I love you but go dumpster dive behind mcdonald's. Maybe you might, you know, don't they have to like throw out the big macs every hour or so? Okay, if you time it right, maybe you'll get a kind of warm big mac behind the mcdonald's. Just camp out, wait for them to come out the back door. I think they got ta.

I mean i've never worked at mcdonald's, but don't they have to like throw this stuff away? Every so often go camp out mcdonald's wait for a warm big mac. It's way better than bhg um nicholas that's about lmfa. We already talked about it. Uh michael asked about b-o-n and i can't evidently b-o-n bond natural life.

Limited uh, 5 million floater just dropped a pr. What do these guys do? Consumer package goods, so it's china, um, is this like chinese health, food, uh, nice web page? Come on um products, what do these guys do? Bioactive? Is this like essential oils? I i mean it's china, so all right, i mean it's a 5 million floater and they got a press release, but it's china related and it might be essential oils short. It short. It with risk on hard um, bon sketch, uh health food, essential oil, china stock, oh um, michael michael.

I am, i appreciate you for haunting my nightmares tonight with this stock uh rosanna else about cones cohn. So we got a scam x, low floater, one and done's dead, uh pbts holly is pbts back pbts ran a week or so ago. Oh nice, so pp. Thank you good one to finish on.

Thank you, holland. I did not realize pbts was back so, oh, oh! Yes, they dropped a bitcoin crypto pr well done at did they drop it at 8. 30 6 am oh, come on, come on power bridge too early to er, so pbts. If this, if this fails to dip and rip, i want you to call up the investor relations department at power bridge and tell them the rules of low flow penny stocks.
Okay, you call them up. You ask for the head of ir investor relations and you explain to them when you are a sketchy low float stock. You drop your press release at 8, 30 p.m or 8 30 a.m. Eastern.

It gets you a much higher likelihood that the short bros are going to short it it. It increases the likelihood that the chat is going to pump it at 9am. You need to understand the rules of the game. Pbts.

Call their investor really be polite, be polite. I don't want you to be rude to them ex, but explain to them. If you're going to be a sketchy penny low float, penny stock, you need to play the rules by the rules. Well done tim anyway, post 9, 45 dip and rip.

But i would wait till 9 45 because they dropped the pr too early, so pbts, post, 9, 45 dip rip all right. My friends have a great day um again new podcast dropped, um or go to, uh or or you can search for it. On itunes, uh android play blah blah blah. I think we're on.

We should be on spotify or you can go to the youtube, but um yeah have a great day, my friends and uh. We will see you next time, so you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

14 thoughts on “Pre market prep- stock market 8/17/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brauna jerlene says:

    <Bitcoin hasn't made any huge noise in the cryptomarket of late. It has chosen to confine itself within the $ 35-$ 40k price range. What’s more, the likes of Cardano, Litecoin, and XRP, alts, doge that had once taken off on independent rallies, have now begun to follow the king coin’s footsteps, but nevertheless, the alts market is predominantly green today, though the gains are relatively insignificant. Most crypt0 currencies are charting increases in the range between 2 % and 5 %, with a few exceptions. At this point, it is essential for the trading volume to pick up the pace, Only when that happens a potential rally can be expected. And accumulate in the BTC market which has become a frequently discussed topic within the cryptocommunity. With the previous subtle re-accumulation pattern expanding, coins have been shift from weak hands to strong hands. BTC’s slumping liveliness on the 7-day moving averages chart pointed towards more market dormancy and increased accumulation or Holding patterns. For most investors in the space today holding seems to be the only way they know and it's due to this fact, coins have been shifting hands, I trade daily so I can keep raising my portfolio regardless of the price condition of the market. Investors and traders need to embrace trading and be more open to it because there are many services these days to help you stay profitable in your trades. I trade with signals from Mr. Rick Richard and I’ve increased my portfolio from 2 btc to over 8.7 btc, his signals are that good and accurate. Rick is a pro trader who has proven his worth and his trade signal service is second to none which is why I’d recommend them for anyone looking to stay profitable in the space. He can be reached on Telegram [ @rickrichardcrypto ] for more details about his services or for any crypto-related inquiries.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Tierney says:

    Journal entry for VRPX
    Previous close 420 cents.
    News catalyst 9:00 AM
    FLOAT 2.059 million
    Surpassed my 21 percent hurdle at 9:25 AM
    420 to 515 = 22.62 percent.
    Bought 20,000 shares = cost basis $103,000
    Sold 20,000 at $21.50 at 4:44 PM
    Profit per share $16.35 x 20,000 = $ 327,000 dollars.
    Total volume as of 8:00 PM 156.860 million shares or
    76.18 times the float.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Hearne says:

    This is hilarious!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Racz says:

    lmao these trash companies should really hire you as a consultant

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike C says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HUG A VET says:

    good grief! you blow out my headphones. back up a step when you yell like that. love the content

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricrdo Mnzo says:

    Learned something specifically from the risk management part that I experienced yesterday thank you and keep it up!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrPmj00 says:

    Yep, I bought a ton on the dip. It's getting cheaper relative to its current earnings (half compared to last year).

    Amazon invested $14 billion in the last quarter alone, the same as it spent in 6 months before that. It is a do not sell stock.

    …With the Delta virus coming at full speed ahead, pandemic sales will make a comeback.

    Amazon is investing so much money, that no competitor will ever be able to catch up.

    Amazon's not going anywhere so I know that eventually it will come back.
    Fidelity considers Amazon as a large growth company (probably because as big as it is, it still only has 7% of the retail market)

    Get on board or be runover, it's up to you.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrPmj00 says:

    The problem about waiting for the stock market to tank 5%-20% is that while you are waiting, it probably went up by the same percentage so you're buying at the same

    price now as you would have months ago.
    And if the market doesn't tank, then you're buying higher.

    that's what they said last year and now those who stood on the sidelines are paying 60% higher because the market goes up in the long term!
    That's what those who stood on the sidelines in 2009 said and now it's 4-5 times more (or 450% return) because the market goes up in the long term!

    I bought these on the dips in the last few days.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaye DeLeon says:

    Glad you’re feeling better today!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WelzTheGreat says:

    I told y'all about that HPIL lol. Great video Tim! I did great for GMER yesterday .32 to .42🔥

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rene Trujillo says:

    Haha "Hide your kids, hide your wife kind of chart!"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Remco Moojen says:


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