Bryce hops out of the market early to avoid FOMO... But not before he scalped $VRPX. Tune in to see what Bryce thinks of this ticker's potential and don't miss the breakdown on $BON and $AHPI.
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Welcome back to smartcap recap: everybody trader bryce, here uh pretty pretty decent day. I mean it's only uh market time. Oh, i don't know 1 15 market time um, but i'm basically done for the day uh. I i just i'm a little tired, still still a little jet lagged and, quite honestly, i'm leaving to basically avoid fomo um.

If you guys remember yesterday, uh i lost i was talking about. I lost about 25 000 over the course of the last week. From my swing positions um - and you know what i'm not even really gon na i'll - let the charts do the talking uh, let's switch on over here. If you remember yesterday, i went over how i cut my vrpx swing.

This right here was me: cutting my 17 and a half thousand shares uh as it broke under the 430s, and that was my risk level today. It is now at 16, a share um not to not to do the math or anything, but you know with a 470 average with 17 and a half thousand shares. I believe that puts me or would have put that now. I would never have held this long ever, but that'd be like 170 grand.

Does it hurt? Oh absolutely um. I did trade at pre-market. So here's the deal. I i'm i'm kind of going to use this as uh kind of i i was very upset and not upset, but they kind of hurt.

But this is what i told myself to remind me that it's okay um. So in terms of selling this yesterday, here here's kind of my thesis again not thesis my risk level did i use the wrong risk levels. Probably um probably did. I was oversized, but this right here the support that was forming the 430s was my was my risk.

Um - and i probably should have used here but, as i said yesterday, this is a biostock and the fact that it scared me that you know i really did not want to get stuck with bad news coming out uh and getting a really big gap down so Sold yesterday this morning had a small gap up on news, had some uh fda approval, always good, and basically so as soon as i saw this spiking up in pre-market, i was interested. I was like okay, i'll probably take some again. I did. I took 8 000 shares from a 475 average.

I think um selling up anywhere everywhere from the 550s up into my best sell, was right. Ah too far too far, my best sell was at seven dollars a share um, which was really good. I was happy with it and here's the reason you know in terms of the intraday trade. I didn't trust it as much anymore um, as as i did when i was swinging it.

A lot of this actually in the beginning was a chat, pump, um and generally chat pumps do fail. Let me bring over bond from this morning. Another chat pump, which i actually did like i liked the daily chart liked this intra day action, and i i generally don't trade pre-market by the way, just letting you know this um, but i took a little bit here at 1350s. I think 1360s uh, as we were breaking out of this consolidation it spiked into the 14s and as chat bombs.

Do it just kind of got crushed uh open, tried to spike tried to do like a little dip and rip and just got it it got destroyed. I expected the same thing to happen with vrpx and honestly, the fact that it made it to seven. I was like stoked super happy um. In fact, i actually took off 69 shares at 6.9.
You're welcome um, no, but yeah once once, there's a chat room on it. It does become a little bit tougher, especially. I can't remember the last time we've had a chat pump work this well, i mean in a long time uh and obviously this seems to be the stock. That's going to try to heat the market back up um.

You know, i wouldn't be surprised to see some really nice runners over the next few days um, but there was a lot kind of going for it. So, in terms of the swing trade, i cut it. When i hit my risk, i followed my plan uh and unfortunately, it literally worked the next day and in terms of the entry like the the day, trade um, it was one of those you know. I played it really well, in my opinion, summer action we haven't had a big runner in a long time, intraday um and it was a chat pump.

So i was fine selling into the sevens. You know, 470s to seven, that's fantastic! I think i made just about 10 grand on it um. I did take a couple. Other losses throughout the rest of the day as it turns out, vrpx really was the only solid runner now one spot.

I wish i had taken um again on this was whatever here we go. One spot i wish i had taken on vrpx here was on this curl attempt we're going to make this wide or larger um right under view op right here. So you have this false breakdown, low volume. That was fine.

I actually wasn't looking at it because once i mean once it went to 10, i was kind of getting this fomo like i had so many shares of this literally yesterday and then sold and now here it is up at 10 and normally i do a really Good job at not caring about a stock when it goes higher um, especially if i followed my plan and i did for some reason this was just killing me. So i i walked away um, but you know right here we had this false breakdown on low volume. It had already exhausted itself and then just recovered grinded held support and starts coming back above v-wop. This would have been a fantastic entry in this area.

You know eight really anywhere from the 840s up until vue up almost i would have taken um, probably wouldn't i probably have sold into the high day test would never have held through this and up here i was watching it, but it was so extended. At this point um, you know they're they're, scary, low flows can fall just as fast as they run and right now, this is the perfect example of an intraday short squeeze kind of reminds me of spi. This pattern right here was nearly identical, although spi, i believe, was a little later in the afternoon closer to maybe one um, but it had the false breakdown. Then it just consolidated and and ripped - and this was even nicer because right now it was right under view.

Op, you know it was potentially a short trap that was hovering under view up so long shorts waiting for it. It had a pretty bad crack candle here, just cracked support um, but then it did help. You know you have to look it held this support here. Right, a lot of factors lining up it hindsight that would have been a great entry spot, but i wasn't even looking up here is just too sketchy for me anywhere up past high day, a little bit too sketchy for me and it sure it worked out really.
Well, i mean, after high a day got another five dollars. A share went up another 50, but it's just i. The risk reward. Isn't there for me, and you know it is what it is.

I missed the the meat of the move, but i'm happy with how i traded it when i traded it, and i'm happy that i stuck to my plan anyways. I just gave a really long analysis on that uh, let's head on over to hpi. This was another trade i took today and lost on, unfortunately, um so hpi, first green day idea. So let's get zoomed in here and take this off.

So we come up. You know we're over 16 a share straight down to 10 and we were green on the day for a while uh. In fact, this kind of the intraday pattern almost reminded me a bit of carve when it bounced where spike curl back up spike and then consolidate here i was waiting for this to rip up. I had a few shares from.

I think i had 7 500 from 1038 sold most up into this high day, push because again summer market slow, i'm trying to be scalpy held on to 2500 sold when it uh broke the 10 40s. This low right here and turns out that was a good move. I was planning to just rebuy uh. Actually i did re-buy rebought right here.

Small size cut under this. This trend break and i think i made maybe 1500 bucks on it. Uh. I had a couple losers, my hpil swing, i ended up adding today and then it made new lows on the day cut that for a small loss lost.

As i said, i lost on bond here. I think i lost about 1300 bucks, but this is my biggest loss of the day, um and yeah. It's just part of the game, i'm in terms of vrpx. I underplayed it, underestimated it and that's fine, but whatever it is 6 000 hundred whatever i'm up today.

Pretty good for a summer day, first day, back at the first time, first full day back at the full-time setup here and yeah moving forward, i'm gon na definitely um normally, when these types of runs happen after the market's been slow for a few weeks or even A month um, this is tough, because this isn't really a sector. It's a pharma company, it's a buy. You know it's a pharmaceutical company. You know when spi ran that ignited a sector.

So could this heat up? Biotechs and you know pharmaceuticals, it could. I don't know, but generally i've noticed that these sectors get hot for maybe a week, maybe or maybe two weeks a week to two weeks, so i'm gon na keep. You know hot runners on watch uh trying to with with some stocks trying to be the next vr px, but i'm not going to be super convicted. Yet i'll play the patterns, as i see fit, probably continue to scalp them and that's really about it.
No no plans to push crazy size, yet i don't think the market is going to be crazy hot for the rest of the month by any means um but again take what the market gives. You don't don't complain about. Uh, don't cry over spilt milk. You know.

Don't don't be wishing that you held longer? Don't let greed take over be happy with how you traded as long as you followed your plan and guys that is about it. I'm really tired, like i said, i'm still kind of jet lagged, so i'm probably gon na take a nap and uh yeah. That's it for this uh this. Today's episode of small cap recap legend.

Has it that next week, matthew monaco will be back in the building? Is it true, i don't know you'd be the judge all right guys until tomorrow trader bryce out. We hope you guys enjoyed that last video thanks so much for watching and being a part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. If you haven't already, our goal is to get 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without your help. So if you enjoy what we're putting out and want to hear more, be sure to hit that subscribe, button i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Small cap recap: +$6k | bryce follows his trading plan on vrpx”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fishindaytrader says:

    does anyone know what chatroom was pumping this one i sure would like to join some of these chats that know about these stocks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adis Burzic says:

    "69 shares at $6.9, you are welcome" XD Best comment. Glad it was a win for you, after that swing loss.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    VRPX had FDA news – "FDA greenlights clinical testing of its anti-viral barrier spray." That's real news, not a chat pump, IMHO. I'm sure many chatrooms got involved in it, but that's because of the FDA news which can move biotechs.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew H says:

    Bryce is laughing his butt off right now as VRPX hit 39 premarket, this stuff is just great

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    ive noticed something after years in when China tickers are the hottest stocks out there NAOV , CXDC and a bunch of others were getting pops on decent volume the rest of the market is crap and when the china stonks go away we usually see the black swan to heat things up again

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    so you got in bcuz it went over your swing entry the next day .. sounds like fomo and you got lucky it spike at the open.. not hating jw was that a pattern or what?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2RipChic says:

    Was green $135 on day, played AMC and VRPX.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S4h4r4 says:

    I'm an idiot. Bought in at $8.05, sold at $8.42 because I didn't want to chase. Next thing you know it ran to $21 😐

    Oh well, another day, another opportunity.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Dix says:

    I try to emulate your mindset if that wasn't obvious!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RaisedOnMetal says:

    great video – but the subscribe BELL and stuff is waaay too loud.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Smith says:

    In at 8.20 out at 14.76 2nd best trade on the year.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon says:

    I made a dollar fifty a share on this one in the morning, walked away, closed my broker to avoid over trading. just checked it after hours, up to 22 from when i sold around 10. Lordy.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LegalPimp Trading says:

    VRPX was amazing for me today. I got long 8.13 sold some into squeeze towards 14. Added shares back at 13 in afternoon and sold more into afties squeeze at 20. Added more shares at 19. Holding overnight with a 14 average. Planning on either selling into morning gap up or buying morning shares into a morning panic. Ended up locking in almost 8K which is big for me. Nevertheless I think there will be good opportunity on this name tomorrow. Also got long FLGC into close at 11.55…..should get a bounce of some sort tomorrow morning.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Humes says:

    Dude. VRPX was a ridiculous monster today. Barely took a small piece. But hey, green is green.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JORGE GARCIA says:

    2 questions,1)how do you know it was a chat pump and 2)what broker do you use for executions.
    thanks my friend

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Isakov says:

    you coulda bought so many robes bro… one for everyday of the week and then sum. but don't worry buddy we know you'll nail the next!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A R C A N E says:

    I took quick profits on VRPX, I thought it would drop and fade after it hit $10. I hope the market continues to see this kind of momentum

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Milk Kash says:

    I'm so sorry Bryce. I feel for ya. I was frozen with a mix of fear and fomo today and didn't trade it at all.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S L says:

    BTW Bryce how much shares did you have on BON?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S L says:

    I actually lost on $BON the same amount -$1,300 13.00 Avg.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Dempsey says:

    Was a mere seconds away from him reacting to that rug pull on VRPX lol

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pedro rivera says:

    Great video lesson, i see why you entered at 4.75ish on that premarket, been In the challenge for a couple months. My only problem is staying consistent to what I know. I lose my gains on stocks that "look like they are gonna go". Appreciate the content.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Ferger says:

    Thanks Bryce I always enjoy your stories and their is always a good learning lesson.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stu Clott says:

    The new social media link pumps I hope die out. The sound is annoying and if someone really wants to follow you on social media they will find you.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Killian says:

    How do u know that it is a chat pump is?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David DeFea says:

    Bryce, great story about your money losing venture into swing trading. lessons abound. Nice play on VRPX. Matt's missing out on all the fun.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Vance says:

    Been losing on some swings. Going back to day trading

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farhan says:

    I fomo it all day I don't know why i didnt enter 8.30

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Pulido says:

    if it hurt much id say its a long term learned lesson ⬇️
    great trading bryce

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