Before anything else, I’d like to share my respect for the U.S. Marines who lost their lives in Afghanistan.
I’m deeply saddened by this staggering loss. I love our country. I truly appreciate everything that our military does to keep us safe.
It’s because of the protection they provide that we have the freedom to trade.
Here’s what I’m watching today…
Full squeeze mode —, Inc. (NASDAQ: SPRT) is still in play. But if you’ve been tuning in daily, you already know that. It’s my #1 watch for roughly the 500th day in a row.
Cybersecurity has been trending lately. Plays like Crowdstrike Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: CRWD) could benefit. While I like this stock as a lower-risk swing idea, it’s hard to give it a read in the premarket today due to lack of volume.
I’ve personally been avoiding Chinese stocks recently due to all of the changes in regulation. It’s making them unpredictable. I think that Xpeng Inc. (NYSE: XPEV) could follow the same trajectory as Pop Culture Group Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ: CPOP) the other day — a fail at the open followed by a slow fade.
I’m generally into gaming plays. So I like the idea of SharpLink Gaming Ltd. (NASDAQ: SBET). I like it over $7 — but keep in mind, there’s heavy resistance at that level.
Neurometrix Inc. (NASDAQ: NURO) is a low-float stock and a former runner. As of the premarket, I don’t see any news. Nonetheless, I’d say it’s a dip-and-rip contender. I’d wait until 9:45 or later…
A follower asked about former OTC runner Life Clips Inc. (OTCPK: LCLP). It was hot in July. I love yesterday’s chart — a truly beautiful gap.
But you know what I have to say about OTCs — follow my three standard approaches. Find the blog post on the topic in the P.S. below. The same goes for TPT Global Tech Inc
It’s possible that Takung Art Co Ltd. (NYSEAMERICAN: TKAT) could run again. I like it over $13. However, SPRT has a lot of traders distracted. There are only so many shiny objects for traders to chase. Keep that in mind.
A follower asked about Vivos Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: VVOS) … It was an incredible runner last week but it’s had several red days in a row. It’s about to fill the gap on the downside.
Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do to bounce this stock. If you’re bagged in this stock, I can’t save you.
Will it continue? Lordstown Motors Corp. (NASDAQ: RIDE) had a nice squeeze yesterday. It closed nicely. I’ll be on the lookout for afternoon VWAP holds...
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#StockMarket #PreMarket #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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Hmm so uh welcome back everybody um. You know new music today, um, so i'll tell a story. While we get started so um. I'd like to take a moment, i don't even i don't really have the words but um to pay tribute.

I i don't know. If that's the right word but to give respects to the uh to the 13 marines that lost their lives yesterday, the 95 last i knew 95 wounded um. You know i've. Many of you know.

I've got nothing but respect for for the us military first responders. You know military police um again. I won't spend too much time on it, but i was actually talked out of military service by an idiot high school guidance, counselor um and then you know 2001 happened. 911 and you know you guys know.

I don't like excuses, but at the time i had i had my first son on the way he he was due in in six months. When 911 happened yeah i had a business, you know i had employee business was just getting started. You know i had employees that depended on me. It just you know anyway, um, you know, i'm not one of those guys that looks back and regrets stuff, but not you know not serving the greatest country in the history of mankind in the military would would be, and i'm not blaming anybody well, except maybe that High school guidance counselor but um.

I just want to say that that, and and most of you know that no just nobody respects what what you do or or your sons or your daughters or your dads or your moms or your uncles or your aunts, whether it be military, police fire first responders. More than i do and um i don't know so, let's make the best of it great uh wait, wait way to get us fired up tim way to get us fired up. Um uk fan ask for ceo, so sprt in full squeeze mode. All i can say is i mean if you were here every day, um, you know the other day.

I was all ornery because nobody wanted to talk about sprt. I believe that was like tuesday, so um number one watch 500 days straight, so uh uk fan for life asks about crwd. Excuse me um, you know i like this as a cyber security play. Um, definitely potential that this could be on the weekend watch list.

The bummer is, i can't really give a read in pre-market because of lack of volume but um listen, we got cyber security issues. This is something i've talked about. You know what i i think. Just this week, state department got hacked, i mean crwd, palantur, etc.

Cyber security play uh needs volume, but for sure a low risk swing idea. So i do like it um. You know standard approaches if it's overview app into the afternoon on sorrow, asked about xp, ev um, you know i just i i'm begging begging beg you. We had what was it copa two days ago, you know low price sketchy.

China stock was, was it copa c pop, so c pop sketchy china play failed at the open, went lower every day. Yesterday it was gsmg sketchy chinese stock. You know failed at the open. This did squeeze a little bit in the close but um.

I just i, i think, with all the regulation, with all the news out there. I just think there's better plays than china-related stuff. Now that may change okay, but i mean you guys should be following the headlines. A lot of this talk of d-listing.
You know, there's all this battle in. In the you know, the chinese stock market in u.s listed stocks and the u.s market and china listed. So just that's, that's my opinion. I think there's better stuff out there than taking the chance on china-related stuff andy asks about.

Sbet gaming play a lot of resistance at seven, so um, you know gaming's been hot, and i like this over seven. What about neuro, no news says uh. Let me check breaking news. Is there any news on neuro former runner uh? What's this link breaking news? Had a link yeah, it doesn't look like any news, but remember this is a former runner from back uh, oh geez, he's a month ago.

I thought it was further ago. So former runner low float, no news textbook dip and rip. Ideally chat pump. Ideally breaks 14.

945 or later so god dang it. I forgot my ipad, so i got ta use my phone for questions and my phone like locks after like 10 seconds, um tptw. So sorry um, i don't know where i put my ipad: um, no volume. Uh, daddy! Sorry! You know i say the same thing on otc's it's in and if you're new understand, i'm not bashing otcs, it's just.

I can't give you a read when there's no volume, so let's talk about otcs in the afternoon when we see if there's volume uh alex lclp. Another otc sorry hey, you know, i mean i love the clothes on lclp, oh beautiful, so so beautiful gapper and this thing has been one of this - was one of the hottest otcs back in uh july loved the chart. I love the way. It closed yesterday closed.

It at 52 closed at an all-time high, beautiful, beautiful beautiful. But what am i gon na say? I just i can't i can't there's you know 12 000 shares traded on a 5 cent stock, so i hope, listen if you gap um alex it looks like it's going to gap and what i'm always going to tell you is. If you took the gap, zelda gap and and congrats congrats uh tcat possible run again, you know the only thing um i do like tcat over 13. The biggest thing we kind of got to see.

Guys is what sprt does you know right now and, and this might be the best tip of the day, no matter what sprt does and no matter whether you trade it or not, it's gon na have a lot of people distracted. So what i'm getting at my number, one tip for you is be very careful with any morning runner like a t-cat until sprt settles down okay, um. That makes sense. I mean i mean it's a.

I call it a shiny object. You know everyone's trading. Basically, like 70 of day, traders are are trading sprt and then like 20. The other 29 are just like watching sprt in awe.

So then that leaves you like one percent of the remaining day traders. You know to trade tcat over 13, okay, so that and as always, it's just my opinion, but i think if you've been around, you would tend to agree. It's just everyone. You know there's only so many momentum day, traders and everyone, in my opinion, is either trading or watching sprt.
Michelle asked about vbos, i think vbos is dead, isn't it yeah um michelle? I love you michelle, i'm glad that you're here, but it's about ready to fill the gap to the downside and - and i don't know if you're in this or not, but i would think that, with this breaking support with this getting ready to fill the gap down, I'm guessing you're only asking because you're bagged and if you're not bagged, i'm not trying to i'm not picking on you but remember i can't i can't save you. I can't save you from a bag. Okay, you can, and you can ask - and i and i will - i won't yell at you or anything, but me discussing this stock. Isn't gon na save you from a bag? The number one thing i can tell you to do is move on regain your capital journal.

Learn from it understand that this was an incredible runner, the other day a week ago or whatever, but four red days in a row. Basically, today is like the fifth red day: volume is completely gone, it's breaking whole dollar, half dollar support, and i love you but there's nothing. I can do to bounce vbos and get you out of your bag. I can't i can't do it and i'm sorry and i apologize matt asked about ride.

You know nice squeeze yesterday morning on ride did close up nicely. The afternoon v-lap holds on ride so all right, guys, i'm gon na run, and i you know again, i'm sorry um i mean i mean you know you guys know i mean i uh, i try. You know i try you know and i we still got some good work done. I think we accomplished some work.

You know i try and show up all fired up, get your rip raring ready to go but um. You know it's just i'm sad. You know i mean i mean i wish i could uh. I wish i could pretend you know to be all happy on a day after 13 marines die, you know, i guess i should work on my acting somebody get me tom.

Cruise's number give me brad. Pitt's number - maybe maybe i need to learn from them on how to pretend but um something that i that i live by and and something that i try and do is is you know, live a life of integrity, live a life of honesty, and you know i Try and be the best version of myself i can be. I try and be as helpful as i can be um, but because of that, i can't pretend to be happy. You know when, when 13 people that i respect more than anybody in the world died, protect protecting what i you know so that i can sit here and and live stream from my house.

You know, and and trade and click a mouse and and make money trading stocks. You know they paid the ultimate price. So i can do this so so again, thank you to to everyone, military police fire first responders for what it's worth. Nobody respects you more than i do and uh i tried.

You know we got some work done. We got some work done, you know so have a great day everyone and we will uh we'll see you next time. Um weekend watch list. Stockstraight.Com watch list goes out.
Every sunday have a good day, so.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

20 thoughts on “Pre market prep- stock market 8/27/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C says:

    No recap today 😢

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Spera says:

    yes baby $SPRT got in at 16.10 out at 37.61….it was a great overnight swing, I actually got in the day before at 10 and when I put a stop loss I messed up and got right out I was pissed because I wasted a day trade, but it's okay I paid a little more the next day but I got the move, and it was frigging awesome…wooo hooo

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Spera says:

    That was beautiful and I feel the same way..Just know everything happens for a reason, and I'm just glad that you are here to teach us everything you know, and you know you would be awesome in whatever you did in life… Praying for our country right now.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myro says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Cody says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rita Mizokami says:

    Thank you for your kind words/thoughts for the military. Not everyone "serves" in the same way – support means a great deal to us veterans. It's nice to hear your appreciation. I appreciate you and your trainings. Hoo ah!! R

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Campbell says:

    Woohoo!! BBIG all the way baby!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dani Schei says:

    You think these former low floaters are sympathy plays to SPRT? Former Squeezers?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Callaway says:

    Semper Fi my friend. Former Army LT myself. God bless their memory– we love those brave Marines who gave all.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Krimm says:

    Semper Fi

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jrhprop says:

    your one of the good guys

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sebb says:

    Thank you so much Tim, and GOD BLESS AMERICA

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Campbell says:

    Is it just me, or have Late day VWAP holds been virtually non existent all week?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaye DeLeon says:

    Thank you Tim for showing respect to the most important people in the world. It’s funny because I say the same about myself, that nobody respects and loves the military, first responders, etc. more than I do. God bless you and your family. RIP to those who gave all, prayers for their families. Slow hand salute 🇺🇸🙏🏻💔

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars New Investor says:

    Respect buddy, you'd have been a great brother in arms! RIP warriors your duty is done.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars El Presidente Electo says:

    RIP Marines. Biden should watch pre market and learn that you have to have a plan and stick to it.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading-Pennies says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2RipChic says:

    I got in SPRT yesterday at 18.00, sold way too early in 20's.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading-Pennies says:

    God rest their souls!

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