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#StockMarket #Trading #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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All right welcome back everyone hope, you're, hopefully hope, hopefully, hopefully with an l you're having a great weekend and um. You know so i for a while i was doing the sunday night futures open which, by the way, futures, are very flat and very boring as of right now unchanged on the dow and half a point on the spy. That being said, um drop me a comment. You know i basically quote: unquote took the summer off, you know it's like, and i talk about this a lot, but it's like in the mid in the upper midwest.

You value the like six weeks of summer that we actually have, but so, but we're heading into winter again, and you know typically trading, i mean, of course i don't know how it can pick up anymore. You know it's like i was about to say. Typically, trading picks up in the fall, but i don't know i mean it's like it's just it's not it's ins. It continues to be insane continues to be busy, but that being said, um gon na bring these back for the fall drop me a comment.

Do you like the idea of this kind of sunday night prep live okay, i know a lot. I know there's a lot of videos out there, a lot of people. You know post, like you, know the sunday night getting ready on youtube, but i don't know anybody that does it live um, i'm too much of a glutton for punishment. I seem to love this too much.

I i really do just love talking stocks and stuff. So drop me a comment. Yes or no i mean listen. If you would rather watch, i don't know, i mean football is coming back.

I mean i mean if i'm going to be competing against football. Maybe it's the worst time slot, but listen. If you're, a lions fan well used to be a lions fan, if you're stuck, you know, being faithful to the lions like, i am, maybe you'd rather talk stocks. So anyway, that being said drop me a comment, yes or no and uh.

You know, especially after i'm done um, i like the comments while i'm live, but if you can drop me a comment after we're done because it's easier to see um so anyway. That being said, let's keep working. I got a fully loaded agenda. Um appreciate all of you being here right off the bat if you're affected by the hurricane um, i you know my prayers go out to you um.

I think it's really hitting hard like right now, um. So if you're i mean, if you're managing to get on the internet and watch this, i wish you the best. If it's headed your way, you know, i hope that i hope the best for you to stay safe, do what you got to do um. That being said, let's get started.

Some of the big things i want to talk about is sprt, i'm guessing a lot of you guys want to talk about this, and justifiably so, and as always, you know i don't come on. I left the uh i didn't realize. I left you, i left the head of alf in the background, so sorry about that. That might have been a little distracting, you're, probably like what is that back there i didn't realize i left the al, the elf mask back there, but um, oh sbrt.

So that being said, you know um the the biggest recipe i want to talk about, because a lot of you guys want to talk about where's, the next sprt justifiably so, and we've got two or three stocks of the same caliber but um. If you go back, you know number one. It was on last week's watch list. Okay, last sunday, i i said: hey sprt, you know it was the featured stock.
So if you go to stocks of trade.com watch list you sign up for free, you can search your email for last sunday. We feature one stock in the email. It was sprt, okay and then also, if you remember i, it was like. I think it was wednesday.

Everyone was like tim, why are you so mad and i'm like? I was all ornery on pre-market prep because i'm like everyone was asking about every stock but sprt, and i'm like guys, guys and gals. If you're talking day trading, when you get these low floaters, you know 2 million float trading, ridiculous volume they hold up and they hold up and they hold up. Those are your best trades. Okay and i'm telling you write this down feel free to time stamp.

It 6 20 p.m. All right, i'm telling you! I know, sprt closed it. 26.33. That thing goes weak, open, ready to green tomorrow, you got, i mean listen.

That is what you look for risk of reward wise. Ultimately, you have to have a stop. You have to stick to your plan, it may or may not. You know.

Ultimately you check all the boxes and maybe you get stopped, but when we talk about lining up as many factors in your in your uh favor as possible, it's still there i mean listen. There's still people stuck in this thing. Remember when this was four bucks remember when it was seven bucks on the watch list. Okay, it ain't over now.

Vice versa. One of the reasons i talk about these patterns, okay, red to greens, dip and ribs v wrap holes. Please understand: okay, don't try and dip by this thing: okay, and if it gaps down, if it gaps down and it it ain't gon na bounce, of course, famous last words, but you know if it gaps down just say: thanks for the memories sprt crushed it two, I think three times last week, three trades on this crushed it thanks for the memories bring on the next one, but i'm telling you the gaps down. It goes green.

The gaps down breaks out a day if it gaps down trends back hugs, v-wack and perks into the afternoon. That's what you look for and again i don't care about this stock. It's just four letters: okay and it's just another piece of junk low floater that gives us the best trading opportunities and i'm telling you it was the best stock on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday friday and you can disagree - and maybe you like different setups. Okay, maybe you don't like crazy low floaters, that's cool! Maybe you like otcs, that's cool! Okay, maybe you like real stocks.

I got real stocks to talk about tonight, but i'm telling you small accounts day trading wise, there's nothing better than sprt and very similar and talking about similars, let's move on bbig, okay tons and tons and tons of dms about bbig and i'm glad listen. I'm glad you guys are recognizing it now. One thing i will say wish it was lower flow. Okay, very explosive move geez.
I didn't run this squeeze all the way into the apm close. So i do really like this as that break as that week open breaking previous days highs, but the one thing to consider is it definitely higher flow, so so understand that you have to have realistic expectations. This went from three to eight in one day. It may not be able to have the type of moves like an sprt, but but that doesn't mean listen, i'm not trying to scare you away.

It doesn't mean you can't make 50 cents buck a share on stuff like this. Just i i, the one mindset and the and what i'm trying to get through to you is understand that you know sprt is an anomaly. Okay, you can't have that expectation of making twenty dollars a share. Okay, but that being said bbg, i bb ig top contender, weak open break of previous days highs, especially on a monday, okay and then um and then hey, you know nna.

So it's oh crap too much to go over. We might be here until midnight, so bbig. The other big thing i do like the big plus for bbig look at that daily chart. Okay, i know if you're on instagram, you don't see the charts you should be able to follow along um 52 week highs, love that so what i love about - bbig, sketchy, terrible company, but understand everybody's green.

So that's the great thing about a chart like bbig. Every idiot bag holder that held this for six months - you know this this spiked in january march april june. You know this spiked six times in the last six, seven, eight months, everybody's green okay - that is the one uh, that's probably the best bonus for bbig, working and and the fact that everyone's green could very well outweigh the fact that it is higher float. So what reminded me of that was again nna we're not far from breakouts on this so and then a decent day, considering sprt, i am telling you - and this is where what what made me you know rephrase the fact of you know getting busier into the fall.

I mean you just can't um i mean in the olden days, and i know none of you want to hear about the olden days. Okay, back back when i got started day trading back when you had to walk uphill, both ways to school in eight feet of snow, you know back before indoor plumbing, okay notice, the beard you know when i was day trading, we'd, never even heard of electricity. Much less the internet, but i'm telling you it's just you didn't normally when you had something like sprt when when you had all i and i talked about many of you might have been on the steady trade team. I talked about this in the morning.

I'm like hey, be careful with a lot of these other plays, because it feels like everyone's going to be watching sprt, whatever whatever meanwhile bbig closes at the high day, nna closes at the high of the day i mean uh, uh neuro runs so you're, spoiled telling That so, anyway, love nna 11 million float 40 million shares traded on the day, basically close at the high of the day and if it pushes, through the low fours you're talking 52 week, highs and again, everybody's green and then neuro uh. If you were on pre-market prep monday morning or or friday morning, um laid it all out, you know this thing classic. What would it you know? I, like i love the multiple trend trend alignment. You know we broke that 14 level and - and you know i bring this up a lot but understand everyone - the cool thing about what i do.
When i talk about this stuff, you know listen, i know we're live, but everything gets saved too. So if you're like well, what were you talking about on neural? Just go back, i mean whether it be on youtube or facebook. You can go back and you can replay it. I mean the nice thing about facebook, i mean you can or on uh youtube.

I mean you can speed it up, you know or, or you can skim through it, you can scrub through it look to see when you hit neuro, etc, but anyway, 14 was a break of thursday night's highs. It was a break of pre-market highs and it was a multi-week breakout too. So multiple trend alignment beautiful push um when it broke 14. Now it got a little choppy midday, but when it broke 14 man almost straight to 17 - and you know again - maybe you make 50 cents a share, maybe make a buck 50.

Maybe two bucks a share, not bad. What was that? I don't know something beeped. Oh, it's a okay, oh and just so you know i actually pulled the plug. I got this cool new studio that i was gon na do sunday night live from, and then i forgot about my microphone so anyway.

Ah you don't care about that. So um tomorrow bbig don't sleep on sbrt, nna and neuro pro and then let's uh, let's segue right into real stocks: okay um! If you have the weekly watch list in front of you, which, if you don't, i don't know why you wouldn't but um. Let me run through the recap on that: nvidia love, nvidia they're, crushing it technology wise, very similar idea to amd from a few weeks ago. If you remember, i did that swing trade sheet um.

I think that webinar is still there. If you go to stocks of trade, dot com, slash three dash, webinar um and actually go there, if you, if you haven't watched it um, if you, if you wonder what is the methodology, what puts a stock on watch for a swing trade stocks of trade, dot Com free dash, webinar it's on amd and man, it worked perfectly now again. I did that did that live before the move on amd nvidia, very similar idea crwd, i did forget crwd um, and this is one of the reasons i did want to talk about that. I did forget earnings, tuesday, okay, so everything i said on the watch list.

I stand behind love this beautiful breakout, love the sector, love the company, but remember if you trade it monday, if you trade it tuesday, you do have. You do have earnings coming up on tuesday, so you got two options: just wait and then react to how earnings play out or just please be out before tuesday. Don't play earnings guessing games, don't be a degenerate, don't be yolo in on earnings. Okay! So but i expect great earnings out of crwd um btu peabody energy.
Again this is a theme. We've talked about oil's going higher pxlw speaking of the swing trade methodology monday. Last monday night we did a swing. Trade sheet on pxlw talked about the break of six friday, broke six closed at 689, um and and broke seven right, so yeah geez hit 750 beautiful so and then other stuff on the watchlist.

Now these are all the kind of slower movers, okay, um and then sbrt was the degenerate trade. We already talked about other stuff. I want you to keep an eye on um. We already talked about nvidia uh, dvax, nice, looking breakout, bill.com good, looking breakout as well.

Um dats uh, that's that recent ipo just just keeps smoking shorts. I cannot believe people keep trying to guess the top on. You know. On a i mean, that's his kind of sketch.

I mean it ultimate d-a-t-s, it's a little sketch, but recent ipo it just it. Just breaks out every day, it's crypto related, it's it's it's it's buzzwordy! You know, chat social media, um, ebay, no kidding and then um, oh uh, uh ung. You know very similar to to btu. I think um.

You know, especially with the hurricane okay. So we've talked about this natural gas idea uh last week and and remember i had you know i i i always feel i try and be a nice guy. You know i try and be i try and be like the nicest guy out there. Okay, i know i get a little angry now and then i know i lose my temper every now and then, but i always feel like i got to give the disclaimers.

I don't want anything bad to happen with the hurricane, but you guys know when you're talking golf and you're talking hurricanes, you're talking uh, you know pipeline shutdowns, uh refinery shutdowns, and we already had you know. In my opinion, we had the bowl case for oil and gas and nat gas. You know we got all the problems in the middle east. We got pipeline shutdowns thanks to the government which you know.

We don't talk politics here, but you know if you ever want to there's a lot of things i get angry about, but shutting down american pipelines, but we won't go there stay cool, let's relax, just chill him so, but but anyway, we had all of these bold Cases for oil and gas, and now we got the hurricane possible shutdowns in the gulf btu uh ung, um oxy, you know, there's a lot of oil and gas plays out there, so um geez opens hahaha. It's see i mean it's like and i know i say this a lot, but i just love talking stocks, man, i'm i've got through like three of my agenda items so far, um earnings coming up this week so keep in mind um. I think the best resource out there, obviously i'm biased, but stocks to trade, get stocks to create trade. Okay, we've got a trial, you can check it out, go to stocks to trade.com, get the trial um, but i do recommend you know we.
We do have an earning scan. One uh twitter account that i bring up a lot. You'll hear me talk about on on sunday night, a lot not affiliated with them in any way, but e whispers, and what i love about them. I greatly respect what they put together.

They put together this graphic weekly of the top most volatile earnings plays, and we've got a lot this week. You know cloudera zoom, i'm just running through some of the names that jump out at me as momentum stocks chewie's been a momentum. We got smith and wesson um your guns and ammo play asana a recent i'll see a chart of asana. Looking that's a recent.

You know they ipo'd jeez man, asana beautiful man. That was all the way back to october. Oh time flies, asana went public in october. I thought it was like two months ago anyway.

Keep i'm telling you you like cloud computing, like technology, she's perched to break to break out to 52s, especially good earnings, um crwd, docs docs and that's probably most of them so and then, let's keep going through the agenda. Oh keep in mind something i'm gon na start doing and you can go to um. I will link it i'll. Do a swipe up when i'm done and i'll link it.

I'm gon na start doing um twice a month info sessions. Okay and they're gon na be an hour long, they're gon na be at night and you're gon na you're gon na submit your question in advance. Okay, so as much as i love all the live stuff, i love doing this stuff live these info sessions and keep an eye out. We'll start emailing it the first one september 8th.

You know we got nine days nine days so i'll be reminding you about it, but just so you know hour long question submitted in advance i'll be able to prepare and it won't be as like off the cuff. You know again, i love the live stuff, but i'm going going going jumping around you know, i'm forgetting where i was - and you know so anyway excited about that, especially as we go into the fall. I think it's gon na be wild, so keep an eye out for the we're calling it. The steady trade info sessions and oh also market, grind uh, go to stocks to trade, dot com, slash market grind, market dash, grind we're doing a daily free newsletter with like all the hot stuff in penny stocks, so check that out and then watch liz to the Hurricane swing scan bbig n, a neural, sprt um and we're gon na finish on china.

Okay, so last topic of the night remember: i will be live: 8 30 eastern every single trading day, pre-market prep! You can um on youtube, instagram, facebook so be there. You know we talk about the trades of the day, probably going to be talking: sprt, bb, igna and neuro, but last topic of the night is um china and remember this. Is i don't talk politics? Okay? I don't talk foreign policy, but i'm gon na continue to beat this drum, because i see as much as i respect barons. You know as much as i respect cnbc um there's a there.
There seems to be some sort of concerted effort to lead the the retail trader into chinese stocks, and i don't like it. Okay, um and remember again: this is this: is i'm talking trading here? Okay, i just look back at the luck in coffees. I look back at so many of these china fraud plays um. What was the uh? I can't believe, i'm forgetting what was the ipo that like and again i respect jim cramer, but there was like that ipo that he was like.

Oh, it's the greatest thing ever and then, like a week later, it got destroyed and i think it's delisted now. Okay, so just be, i say, avoid them. Okay, when i look at all of these, you know the swing trade opportunities in u.s stocks, okay, amd's uh. You know nvidia's, you know uh uh, uh, uh, adobe's asanas, you know dede.

Thank you. Thank you guys dee dee yeah. What did did that thing? Is that thing even still trading yeah, i mean well, it's still trading, but it's at eight bucks. Okay.

So anyway, thank you guys well done so um. So that's the biggest thing i want you to be careful of is there's so many great breakouts and and listen there's frauds i mean i mean obviously there's frauds all over the u.s markets as well, but i think there's less likelihood of of some of the sketchy Stuff that we've seen in these china stocks and my my you know my little voice. You know many of you know i'm a magnum pi fan and and uh. If you're old, like me, you'll remember magnum had that little voice in the back of his head.

That would always tell him when something wasn't quite right, and i just i just. I would really really prefer you not swing trade, these stocks, it's just so dangerous. You wake up to such bad stuff, so frequently. So there we go.

I think that is the last of the agenda i was gon na. I was supposed to do 15 minutes. I did 30 minutes and actually i got two more things to go over, but we will move on it's past, my bedtime, so all right, everyone again when i'm done in the post below. Please give me a comment: whether you're on youtube, facebook or instagram.

Again on the post, because if you post in chat, it's gone, you know it goes by. I don't see it. Let me know if you like this format, you know it's not rapid fire like pre-market prep. Let me know if you like the time frame and uh or or if you don't.

You know again, if you think listen, if you would prefer saturday night or i don't or friday night or whatever you know, give me a comment. I want to help you guys. Uh, you know i it's like people ask me it's like: why do you do all these videos, videos, podcasts blog posts, and i mean it - and i wa and - and i mean this from the bottom of my heart: okay, the post 2016 world - and if you listen To the podcast you've heard this a million times but day trade i started in 2007 day trading was always amazing. I mean the potential etc, but then we had that shift in 2016 and then especially 2020, and i was just like i started pre-market prep in 2020..
You live every day free, i mean, i don't know anybody that does that, but because i see the potential and i really want all of you, if you're interested in finance, if you're interested in trading i've just never seen the level of opportunity, i mean again, it's Just the dark days of day trading: okay, 2012. 2013. 2014. It was bad, it was bad.

Oh we would. I mean we would wait days for one for one stock, like we had five of on friday. Okay weeks i mean you, never saw an sprd, i mean i mean i mean an sprt, never happened, but we would wait weeks for an nna or a neuro. So i want all of you to maximize your potential and you know strike when the iron was hot or iron is hot.

Okay, now i will be clear: i'm not one of those fear mongers. Okay. I um i'm not like saying. Oh it's gon na end.

I just think this is the new normal and i don't think we're anywhere close to going back to like it used to be, but i'm going to end with one of my favorite sayings the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today, okay, so i don't think it's ending anytime soon, but the sooner you learn this stuff, the sooner you fall in love with it like i am the sooner you get obsessed like. I am you know it's like planting the tree. 20 years ago you know all of a sudden.

You got this amazing maple tree in your front yard. Okay, so all right, everyone have a great night. 8 30 a.m, don't be late, i'm never late, i'm always there. So all right have a good night and we will uh, hopefully see you on pre-market prep.

Don't forget to give me a comment too, please, especially in relation to the time frame, yo sunday night. Please let me know so.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “Sunday night market prep- 8/29/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen D'hooge says:

    Great video Tim! I enjoyed the Format and since i live in another Timezone this is perfect!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Jovale gomez says:

    Did ammo play could be boom if America going into war against Taliban?? @TimBohen ??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Tecul Real says:

    Tim!!! As always… Very useful, to the point and cutting the crap out of it. Trully believe you are one of the few honest people out there taking time to do valuable reviews. Time doesnt matter to me as i follow you from spain… So 3 am eastern would be as good as 3pm Lol!!!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fictive Artists says:

    Thank you Tim, for the time you put into your videos. Sunday night prep was AWESOME…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Spera says:

    I like Sunday night, and after watching you, I do my own list for the next trading day, It works for me.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faulk Smash says:

    The time slot is great! I caught the stream late (about 15 minutes before it ended) and was thinking "Wtf, Tim's streaming on a Sunday?!" haha.

    I think you absolutely nailed it with the timing, the length of how long you stream for, I think, is entirely up to you. Anywhere between 15-30 minutes, with the occasional 40
    … if you're feeling up to it on any given Sunday? πŸ€”

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Cody says:

    Because of your teaching in pre market prep, August is my first true green month in 18 months of trading. AUGUST! I’ve studied like a madman all this time but ah ha moments have come from you in pre market prep. Sunday night is prefect time. Take it easy on the old man jokes born in 73. We ain’t that old lol πŸ‘΄πŸ»

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Cody says:

    Yes SirπŸ‘πŸ» I’m here after the fact. I usually am. But I get A LOT of info/teaching lessons from you in this β€œprep time” format. I’ll be here every Sunday and pre market prep. Thanks for your time

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren Martin says:

    Great content Tim, we a need a bit more anger to get the point driven into our sub conscious. Time is really good to…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conley Lockett says:

    Good to see you back on Sunday evening. On Pre Market Prep will you please go back to the format where you list your 2 to 3 top watches before you go to questions. I personally recieved much more value from that format. Thank you for all you do for the trading community. Your one of the good ones..

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Huntsman says:

    Great time great format
    Keep doing what you're doing. It just works

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Breigh Ard says:

    Love Sunday night prep! I often struggle to get my mindset focused and where to begin prepping for the trading week, so I feel like Sunday nights will be a great help preparing!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neal Hawk says:

    I dig the time slot. Thanks Tim. If you keep doing it, I'll keep watching.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Jones says:

    Love the format and time Tim! Really appreciate everything you do for free!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randilyn Smith says:

    Thanks for the help with the Sunday homework! Really appreciate you taking the time to do this. Perfect time for me personally.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jad alexander says:

    Love it. Thanks Tim… more info to help prep for Money Monday!! I may not watch live as my schedule fluctuates, but if I can’t watch live I will find it on YouTube and watch before morning.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jignesh Nair says:

    Really good!! Definitely like the idea of doing Sunday night prep! Keep up with your insights!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diane Newman says:

    Great session/education!! Date and time works well for Sunday homework! Appreciate all that you do Tim! Thank you!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:

    I like this format for Sunday night – I think this could be broke into types of trades, for example, Break-Outs, Swing Trade potentials or Shorts/Longs.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Medic43 1 says:

    Hey Tim been using STT for about 1.5 years now and I love these videos. Watching these and listening to you gives me motivation to get that million dollar account for the sole purpose of helping people that are in my shoes and giving them the motivation and this skills so they can do it their own selves!

    Keep up the good work man and thank you again!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shayne Eaton says:

    thanks for being here Tim. Time slot is good. I enjoy the extra time you give. Yes you are a giver. Thank you sir.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravi says:

    I love the time slow by the way and the day, it's perfect to have a rundown before Monday hits.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duane Schwartz says:

    I can’t believe this content is free. I love the time and content you put out. Please keep it up. I would love if this would continue every Sunday.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Johnston says:

    Love it! You are awesome! Thank you for doing this. Great time slot to get ready for week!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Disenchanted Truth says:

    Thanks, Tim! I like this timeslot …. I don't care if you just talk stocks …. I prefer that to discussions on futures. Length-wise, it's fine … as long as you avoid trolls and keep your cool. In morning pre-market, I've found that you manage to avoid the trolls more when you're keeping to a very close time schedule. If the additional time is going to allow you to have trolls suck you in … it's not worth it.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ι›»η£ιΌ ε…‰εŒ–ε­¦γƒžγ‚¦γ‚Ήγƒγ‚€γƒ³γ‚ΏγƒΌ says:

    That prep is for me the best what to deal with stock. Like, don't dip and buy.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Brandt says:

    Your genuinely a breath of fresh air Tim!! So glad I came across your channel… Straight, simple and in line with my own personal strategies and moral compass
    Kind of hope your stream DOESN'T blow up to keep the spam out. you're the opposite of EVERYone on YouTube πŸ˜‚ πŸ‘πŸ‘God bless πŸ™

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim. For me I am from the UK and although I may not always be able to watch this live because of the timing, I will always watch it first thing on a Monday morning here in UK. Your content is always so good I will always either try and watch it live (like the daily pre-market prep), but if I cannot watch live i will certainly watch it afterwards.

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