Here’s a piece of advice for new traders…
Do whatever you can to free up your Friday.
In recent memory, the biggest squeezes have happened on Fridays. Study up. Know the patterns. Have a plan and be prepared if and when they come along!
Here’s what I’m watching today…
I know it sounds nuts. But one of my top watches today is a red-to-green on Sphere 3D Corp
(NASDAQ: ANY). I know, I know. It fell apart, and there was a recent offering.
But it’s not a dip buy. If it never goes green, I’ll just move on. In today’s session, I explain my strategy and approach...
Another top watch? Cellect Biotechnology Ltd. (NASDAQ: APOP). My one complaint is that they put out a press release at 4:30 p.m. Eastern yesterday. It would have been a lot better to drop that PR at 8:30 a.m. this morning…
I pull up the chart and do a drawing to demonstrate what I’m hoping to see with this potential play. I think it could be in play all day — tune in for my detailed explanation!
I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. I was dismissive of Meta Materials Inc.
(NASDAQ: MMAT) yesterday. Then it had a beautiful close and squeezed after hours.
Today, I’ll be watching for a reclaim of $6 with risk set at VWAP. Still, I’d wait until mid to late day because of the higher float.
I’ve heard so-called biotech specialists talking about how Cassava Sciences Inc. (NASDAQ: SAVA) is kind of a sketchy company.
I’m not sure if it’s true, but I’d definitely be careful with a play like this. It’s also a $2 billion market cap, higher-priced stock. Personally, I’d rather focus on lower-priced stocks...
I talked about Asana Inc. (NYSE: ASAN) yesterday, and plenty of followers seem to be interested.
As of the premarket, I love it as a weak open red-to-green. It might even nab a spot on the weekly watchlist…
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#StockMarket #PreMarket #Stocks
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So so all right good morning, everyone welcome back uh busy day. As always, you know this right off the bat. I know it might sound a little crazy but um a lot to watch, but top of my list is a ready green on any, and i know what you're gon na say: um. You know this fell apart.

I know the offering okay. I know all of this. Okay and all of this exists, but ultimately, when i see the you know again and and it's been a while since i've joked about the cheeto fingers bros, but i mean listen, every bro that somehow managed to survive the squeeze from eight to twelve is now chirping. Chirp chirp chirp they're all crowing.

You know they're all yapping about how they're geniuses to hold this thing overnight. When it squeeze, i mean look close. I mean right into that. 8Pm close so now understand understand what did i say: okay, red to green, i'm not saying dip by okay, i'm not saying 758 850.

No, a red to green, ideally in the afternoon, is the idea definitely top of the list for me now. If it never comes, you know i just set an alert. You know i'll have an alert at 950, 940, 950 and but again i want to be clear because i know a lot of you have selective hearing. Okay, i'm not talking about buying dips.

Okay, there's there's a good chance, there's a very good chance. This never goes green on the day, but if it does i'll be ready, okay, second is definitely a pop one. Big thing i don't like about apop is why why why you put out the pr at 4 30 at night? Why don't you drop the pr right now i mean you couldn't wait. You couldn't, instead of dropping it at 4.

30. After the close, you couldn't just sit on that pr till this morning, but that being said, let me quickly draw it for you and again, as always, drop your tickers in chat, i'm just kind of going over my two mains. You know you guys see me doing this drawing a lot. Why do i have purple yuck what a gross color? I do not like that purple anyway.

As always, you know i talk about this almost every day. Currently, the hot is undefined, but what i would what i would like to see is - and you've seen me draw this a million times kind of this. This idea what it's doing right now chops around v web okay. Currently, i would and again i know you might be like well tim.

The high day is 9.85, but this is you know i i fixate day traders tend to fixate. I mean everybody fixates on these whole dollar half dollars these key levels: okay, um! So what i would like to see is just kind of some chop around. We get the market open, maybe a v fail to lure in the shorts and then that reclaim of that 950 level 945 or later - and this is this - is one of those situations where i say in play all day number. One several reasons why i say in play all day: primary reason: okay, you've got float rotation, so it's already rotated to float and it's friday, you know you know um.

I won't bore you with with repeating you know. I almost repeat it every friday, but i say whatever you can do to free up your friday afternoons to trade. These types of plays work with your schedule. Do what you can so all right.
Let's get to some questions here, whoops. What am i there? We go and walleye gill asks about a pop to over 10 low float, dip and rip yeah again um walleye, if you prefer 10. I certainly have no issue with that for me right now: i'm kind of pivot or i'm kind of focused on 950, because that was the spike and fail last night and this morning, but you know again i'm not going gon na nitpick over. I mean look.

Listen! This stock is up from five to ten, i'm not gon na nitpick over 50 cents. If you prefer 10 for an entry, i'm not i'm, not gon na argue with you. I mean in essence we're talking the same idea. You just have a different target than i do so.

By no means am i disagreeing d hat d hagler asked about a t: e r, oops, atvr, um, no volume, so d, haggler, sorry, um, t murphy, mmat yeah. This is definitely definitely definitely a top watch and i would look for that reclaim of six and then risk on v web. This was uh, i kind of didn't i kind of poo poo this yesterday morning. I think i did didn't.

I um. I don't see my notes, why don't i see, i think, hey and, as always i'll say this over and over and over again um whoops. Let me t my notes break down and why red to green and a pop dip and rip? Oh, so i what i was about to say before i forgot to do my notes, um. I have no problem admitting i'm wrong, you know, and this is something again.

I repeat this and i repeat this be very, very, very cautious. You know in twitter as twitter's the worst for this about these, these guys that are always right and when they're wrong, they get really defensive. They block you, you know they. They call you an idiot, you know they.

They mock you. You know stuff like that. Listen, i again, i don't have nodes, but i'm pretty sure pretty sure i downplayed mmat. I don't think i really liked it had a beautiful, close squeezed in after hours.

This is definitely a reclaim of six with risk on v app and i got no um. No problems admitting i was wrong. Love this on six reclaim risk on v web. You know higher float, so i'd wait till midday late day, rdk asking about sava, you know, saba is one of those ones.

Where again, i have no issue being wrong. Um there is such a battleground right now, uh, you know a lot of these people, so here's the thing with sava number one higher priced stock and there's a lot of these biotech specialists out there. Well, i think, they're. Here we go again, i think they're biotech specialists.

Of course, they've all got these weird profile. Pics on twitter, they've all got a fake name. You know they're all like biotech genius, 8-4 underscore 33. They got a cartoon character for their for their avatar.

Their location is like mars or something that being said. I've read the stuff. Evidently sava is sketchy, so i'd be careful with it. Just because the cartoon character, biotech experts on twitter say it's a scam.
So i and my thing is it's a 2 billion market cap high price stock. I think listen, most of you guys and gals. Most of you guys, slash gals uh have small accounts you're trying to grow your small account. I would be more inclined to steer you towards the lower price stocks.

You know the a pops, the any's etc. So do what you want, but i don't know this is. This is one of the times that i will tend to agree with the weirdos on twitter. For what it's worth um, it's friday looks like ipha could squeeze man.

I don't know about that. I don't i mean i just this is not my type of pattern and, and that is not a digital view. It's not a bash, it's just! I i don't see. I don't see anything here: um nicholas asked about asana and i'm going to wrap up on this um couple things.

You know a lot of. We talked about asana yesterday and so understand, love this love this red to green. I think it's going 100 plus, etc. Earnings winner technology, so a lot.

I got a lot of comments about asana yesterday and i love that you're. Not all penny stock degenerates so understand what i do with the steady trade team. You know you might have seen my blog posts. You might have seen some of the videos that i do.

I don't i'm not just a pure penny stock guy and now on pre-market prep. We lean towards you know some. We lean towards the four dollar low float stocks that are up 300 percent, because that's what you guys have told me you want to focus on and from a day trading perspective, listen a pop, a n y. I mean i mean these are the best day trades, but if you're more interested in swing trades, if you're more interested in real stocks, i'm telling you check out the steady trade team.

I again i do hours of webinars a day and we very frequently talk about real stocks. Higher price stocks - it's not just you know, 400 runners. So that being said, asana love. This is a week open, ready, green, probably going to be on the weekend, watch list etc.

And that being said, how do i end every friday go to watch list? Free watch list goes out every sunday and on that note i'm guessing 99.999 percent of you know, but we do have some people that are international. So if you're international - and you didn't know this monday is labor day in the us, so the stock market is closed. No pre-market prep on monday i'll probably still go live because i'm a degenerate - and i love doing this stuff, so i don't know when but follow all of our social media. But again just so.

You know. Stock market is closed monday i'll be back pre-market. Prep. 8.

30, eastern, you know - and don't you know you can sleep in on monday - is what i'm getting so all right. My friends have a great day. Um just give us that red. Oh all, i need for a happy three day weekend is a ready green on a y might not get it might not get it, but if we do we're gon na blow up some cheeto fingers, bros and they're all gon na have to spend all labor day Weekend in mom's basement cleaning the toilet because mom's like you're, not moving back in unless you clean that disgusting toilet that i don't know what mom's like.
I don't know what you do to that toilet, but you need to quit eating so many uh. What are the the? What are the hot cheetos like the fire, hot cheetos and canadian mist, because mom's, like i ain't, going near that bathroom, so, let's blow up the bros, have a great holiday weekend. Everyone take advantage of the time off, go to stocktontrade.comwatchlist and hope to see in the steady trade team. We'll see you next time so.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

4 thoughts on “Pre market prep- stock market 9/3/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vidhya muktha says:

    I am not getting the weekend watch list eventhough I signed up many times

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrii Gorevych says:

    $APOP – Tel Aviv-based company. A lot of smart people there might be something behind posting news last night.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiesa Smith says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zach Bush says:

    Thanks for all the help! Happy trading everyone

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