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🔽Time stamps:
0:44 DAS Trader chart settings, indicators, volume
5:20 Level 2 Montage and Time and sales
8:40 DAS Trader ProHotkeys
11:00 Das Trader Data Stream mode replay for backtesting trades
14:03 Das Trader Market data subscriptions
DAS Trader FREE 14 Day Trial: https://bit.ly/2Z4CdW0
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DAS Trader pro is NOT a broker. It's a market data provider and execution trading platform. You can use DAS Trader as a stand alone simulator with real time quotes, or connect it with brokers like Cobra Trading, CMEG, Interactive Brokers, Centerpoint as trading platforms.
DAS Trader Platform set up tutorial for day trading: We go over DAS platform chart settings, hotkeys, indicators, Level 2 and time and sales settings etc in the video.
DAS Trader Level 2- How to Read Level 2 and Time and Sales
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das trader pro, das trader pro tutorial, das trader interactive brokers, das trader IB, das trader review, das trader pro scanner, das trader level 2, das trader pro hotkeys, das trader hotkeys, das trader set up, das trader pro set up, das trader hokey, das trader tutorial, best day trading set up, best day trading platform
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser nor a CPA. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
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So today we're gon na go over my broker platform trader now. I just need to say this. First and foremost, trader is an execution platform. It's not a broker by itself is a market data provider and the trading simulator.

So you can use trader to practice. Paper trading, essentially in real time and still get to use all the features that were about to talk about or you can connect your broker with trader, which is why I have I have multiple brokers: interactive brokers, Centerpoint connected with the streeter. So you know if your broker offers that feature, I would highly recommend using this trading platform. So let's go over the chart, settings indicators and all that good stuff, so go to quote click chart that pulls up a brand new chart over here.

So, let's make the chart look like let's say I want to look at Tesla on this chart. Ok, so if we go to right click configure by default, you have tons of these horizontal lines. I think this is a default chart default. I think looks like something like this and you're, just very messy right, so I want a charter, looks very clean, so go back to configure get rid of all these lines, so I have this on by keep the background color great.

So then, that you will get this setting over here, a few other things that I think I changed so I think by default, these are unchecked, so you want to check these so they load all the lines. Are you drawn in the past or the trend line? Support resistance because I want I like to keep those lines on my chart and over here go to settings. You wan na save your trend lines so that automatically save all the lines that we draw and click. Ok, once you're done and there you have it.

So I wan na draw trend lines. I go up here. Click this trend line. You can choose to draw trend, line, horizontal line, that's a horizontal line right now.

I also have hot key for these horizontal support and resistance lines which walk over in just a second or you can draw these trend lines vertically like so, if I want to get rid of all the lines, it's just right, click and remove old lines. Okay, a few other things that we can do is change the indicators. So, let's go to study configuration. You click that you can see right now.

I only have the price kendo. That's the default. I usually like to have the whap on there. So, let's look for view app, you select it and select an ad, and once you have that you commit, and you have your V WAP lying over here.

The next thing I want to change is a volume you can see the volume over here by default. It's like these volume with a blue outline, it's kind of hard to look at right. I want my chart to look like this, so I can see the green and the red volume really easily like so so what you do is go to the lower portion of the torte, not the top portion go to the lower portion, right click and go to Study configuration you can see, we have volume up here by default. You select that and go to configuration for the volume right, so the chart type it's the bar, of course.
By default it has the border you can see. The border lines is a blue line. I don't want that, so you want to check no border and I usually like to have the volume average as well. You can click display volume average and I usually like to use 13 and I think that's it once you're done, click commit and commit again and voila.

You changed your volume bar down here. So there's a few more things I want to change here. I want to get rid of this ugly ruler over here. I don't ever use that feature and I want to show these arrow charts for executions, so how you get those things is right-click, go to charts area and then go to configure area click that so um.

This is what we want to do. You want to show your trait. If you want to hide your order, you can hide it. I won't even show show orders show pending.

Orders are sitting on the charts. If you want triangle sighs, that's the execution, the buy-and-sell arrows. So I usually use three and also I want to get the ruler, so I never used a ruler, but you want to I'd like to keep the previous day clothesline. But if you don't want that, you can uncheck that here.

So I think that's it. So click commit and you got rid of the ruler and unfortunately you have to go to the bottom part of the chart to get rid of the ruler for that part. So you do the same thing again. Chart area configuration show ruler, uncheck, that and while that you have a very clean chart now and before I forget the tool bar up here - let's go over this really quick.

You can change a time frame, so one minute two minutes, five minutes or you can do what I do is have hotkeys for all those different time frames a day B, five minutes. I think I have the 60 minutes the weekly chart as well and we'll go over the hotkey in a little bit. Okay. Next, let's go and look at the montage, which is the level 2 over here, so I like to have the level 2 window.

Besides my time in sales, so let's look at some of the setting over here on level 2. If you right-click go to level 2 configuration. So what I like to do, first and foremost, is change the size of the font. So how do you do that? Click over here this window click this and you can change the size to.

I think default is 10. I change to 12, so it's easier for my grandma eyes to see, and so I can change it to 14 now, for this example, and you can also boat the letters and numbers if that makes it easier for you, I can't be the only person who struggle To see all the tiny prints on level 2 right and once you have that click OK and I think this is a default default. We have the market maker, surprise size on level 2. So we'll leave that you can change other things.

I don't like to change. My order size when I click on level 2. So that's why, by default, it's unchecked by check these two, because I don't. I just want to download the price when I click level 2.
I don't want to change it route and I don't want to change my order size so because that's led to you know some mistakes in the past. So that's why check those things so that might help you out and click commit. So once you commit this is what you get. I honestly it's a little bit too much, so I'm gon na change that back and how you link your level two to your charts and your time in sales is, if you click this little anchor icon up here.

You click that you just drag it to your charts, so you do that with all the charts you can see. If I drag it to the bottom chart, that's gon na change, the ticker right and you do the same with the timing. Sales. Okay.

So, let's go to time in sales now, so the same thing go to configuration now by default. The font is also very small. So if I want to change it to 14 - and I want to be bolded - I can do so and then I think by default. You also have the time up here, but I like to get rid of the time because I really don't need.

I just need an exchange quantity in the price and I think everything else looks good and just click. Ok and you can see my font. Size has changed, but now it looks like extremely crowded. So that might be too much so next, let's talk about order.

Entry now so this is what your order entry looks like on the montage. By default, we have the buy or buy to cover the sell or short, it's all the same button. So that's very convenient for me. The cancel and then replace order over here.

You have all the different routes, depending on your broker and what kind of routes they offer the my usual route by the default is Erica limit and I also have a hotkey for that and also I use edge X, sometimes to and the order size over here. That's pretty straightforward, they account the price or you can load the price by clicking on l2 and since we had the you know, l2 configuration earlier when I click it, it doesn't change the order size or the exchange route. So, let's talk about the exciting thing that everyone wants to know hotkeys. These are my trader with Interactive Brokers hotkeys over here.

So if you want you can you know, make modifications to it or use the same ones as I have some of the ones I use not. Other route changes have control a for ARCA control s for Ajax control, M for market or, I think, control D for limit by default, and then some other ones other. You know, obviously, the by different by order sizes by a bids by a ask if I'm buying breakout while buying to cover different sizes of covers over here. So that's a lot.

I'm not gon na go over all of it over here I have the different time frame, so we talked about F, 1, F, 2, F, 3 or 4 different time frames. That's easy for me to access and switch my chart back and forth know the panic button. Like you must have it if you're just in case something you know bad happens, you wan na. Just you know, market order out everything.
Some other ones are. You know horizontal mine, that's a default, the page down button, so some other ones, the short sell or the sell orders. The old 1, 2. 3.

4. 5 through 9. Sheer size change and cancel order. So you can take a look, but let me go over some of the most common ones that I use over here.

So I'm a montage, your common. Why uses again the route switches control a a and s to switch my routes also control D to low? To my sheer size, so if I have you know a thousand shares of beyond and already long, if I control D that just loads the sheer size over here and left and right will switch, it increase the share size by hundreds on the up and down would Change the sense right over here change the price and, if I click, control, right and left that changes it as well by thousands control up and down changes it by ten cents. So that's really useful. So let's talk about one of the newest features on trader, which is called the data stream mode.

What it does is it allows you to go back in time and replay the price action. So that's really useful. If you want to go back and practice certain stocks, price action and back tests, your strategies so to access a feature, go to file click data stream mode, so that pulls up this quote mode and right now. Obviously you are in real-time normal right.

If we want to go back in time, we go to replay and click apply and go. Ask you. Are you sure you want to go to replay quote mode so when you're in replay, you cannot place any real-time trades in the market right now? Obviously so I'm going to click yes, so let's say I want to back test this stock CEO DX yesterday, which is May 14th, so select a date, so you want to download that stock. First, you want to download the data and all the price action.

Now that says, downloaded let's go and load that up CEO DX and we want to play the action from May 14th right. So you wan na load. It CEO DX of click yes and play, and you can change the time over here. So if you go to one minute, you can see, let's go to 3 minutes.

This is the price CEO DX was trading at May 14th, around 7:30 a.m. so at the moment. At the time of this recording they don't have little to data in the data stream mode, but hopefully they have that updated. Some time in the future, they'll be extremely useful if I'm really wan na back test.

So let's say I want to get a MCO DX and this current price you can see, I got in at 27 70s and that's see where it goes, and we can also sell in data stream mode. Of course. So let's say I want to sell out. You know 2880 or $ 29, click that, and you can see, I just got filled and made of lamborghini money in simulator, and you can also change a time and then no, you can speed it up.

If you want, you can click over here to control. Can speed up four times if you want, but if you really want to study the price action, you probably you want to practice in real time and you can also move on forward. You can see where the stock is trading at around eleven o'clock, so this is really useful if I ever want to go back and back test certain strategies or practice certain setups again, so in my opinion, trader is the best trading execution platform. Like I said, I have it connected with multiple brokers and if your broker allows it, I would know, definitely consider it.
So that's trader has a few different data packages. The one that have with interactive brokers is the elite, so that allows me to have level one number. Two options quote OTC Oracle book and that's all I need really so I have the elite, but they also have a couple of other different packages for you to look at if you want, if you want to try it out for free for 14 days, I have A link for you to sign up below. I also have a video on reading level 2 and timing sails with trader if you wan na check that out.

So hopefully, this video on vas trader tutorial hot keys, all the chart, settings and level 1 level 2 really helps you guys out. If it did, please remember to drop a like and the bottom of the video. Thank you guys so much for watching. As always, I'm the humble trader and I'll see you guys next week, hey guys thanks for watching.

I hope you enjoy the video and the bad jokes. If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on Twitter and Instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watchlist and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and I'll.

See you guys next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “Das trader pro set up- day trading platform tutorial (chart settings, level 2, das trader hotkeys)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thuc Vo says:

    Heyy, when you said you have to pay multi subscriptions for multi accounts through Das. Do you pay $175 for cobra trading and another $175 for IB?. or you subscribe through cobra and do the add-on for the IB?
    Thank You!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dang Huu Tri says:

    Hi humble Trader, Lightspeed and Cobra broker which one is accepted in Canada?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prasanna kumar says:

    Great tutorial. How do you male the borders black (dark). Mine does not allow configuration of the chart borders. Thanks.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smart1 says:

    I lost all of the configurations cause I didn't save all that when I closed. It turns out we have to save it manually for next time

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rigo Galvez says:

    thanks for this instructive video,,,i have one question: if i buy a Elite Package, it coming with some Buying Power??? or i need deposit in a account aditional money for trading???…..

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad Ghelichkhan says:

    Would you please be able to link this setup as a "desktop" file for us to download?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! YH Photography says:

    What about locate shares? I use TradeZero and I like it so far. But I have heard DAS has less locate fees.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felix Lo says:

    Hi! Would you recommend using DasTrader for the speed and execution – for day/swing trading stock/options. I have been using IB Canada TWS and it's been hard to deal with the slow loading

    I see ToS with a lot of its great support and scripts and option analysis but sadly did not sign up last year when they were still accepting canadians. Know a way around this?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Juray says:

    So much better than the dude that works at DAS haha

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gianluca Cupo says:

    How do you connect DAS to multiple accounts at the same time ? I have IB and Cobra and they said that it's not possible to connect both account on the same instance of DAS , so you have to run two instances on two different pc or Virtual Machines I guess.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh A. says:

    I just want to know how to change my Lvl 2 to dark mode

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Novaxx Tv says:

    My background is white and looks nothing like yours

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon says:

    do you know how I can get %gain of each trade in DAStrader (if you can)? instead of $fixed risk? or the math of %gain? thanks

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enrique Sanchez says:

    Nice video as always Humble! How is DAS for hard to borrow low float tickers? I just got TradeZero but I'm finding that I hate their order entry system, and the fact that they charge you for everything. How is DAS for Hot Keys and bracket orders? Does it allow for multiple brackets on both longs and shorts like ToS? Thanks!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marwan Naji says:

    Hey hi:) wanted to ask you my vwap keeps disappearing as price plummets or rockets . I have to use up and down arrows to see it visually but then my candles get zoomed out too much. Is there a fix for it. In TD vwap line is always visible

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raj v says:

    are there any way to see p&l on montage or charts

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Eger says:

    Hey! Is there a hotkey for buy orders for a certain percentage of my buying power or a hotkey that I can use to place an order for a certain amount? For example, an order worth 1k regardless of stock.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rizwan101 says:

    Do you need a level 2 subscription with IB (broker) if you're using Das l2 data package? Thanks

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Racz says:

    First of all, thank you so much for making these videos, I can't begin to explain how helpful they are. I'm using DAS, currently in a simulator until I get used to the software, Really like the setup but I'm having a few issues with my stop loss. First of all, my stop loss doesn't cancel when I liquidate my position which has made me lose money on multiple occasions as it essentially reverses my position. The other issue with the stop loss is when I sell 30-50% of my position with a hotkey, the share size on the stop loss remains the same, reversing my position by the amount of shares I sold off when the stop loss is triggered. I really like the software and don't want to have to stop using it but these issues are too much of a liability for me to short term trade on the platform with real capital. Thanks again for the amazing videos !

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peejay Lal says:

    Which one best analysis platform for trading future options? Not for stock options.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Malinowski says:

    Hey Humbled Trader, Any chance you'd be willing to share your hotkeys setup?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derrick 2019 says:

    Is das and tos a good combo? I need some help because tos has major lag lately at market open, and only basic hot keys. Will adding das trader help with the lag issues and maybe faster executions? Thanks

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars louis viciedo says:

    good stuff, I really enjoy your videos. Question how do you remove the pervious day price dotted line on the charts?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Latino says:

    As I'm a long-term trader with modern brokerages, this makes me soo confused and unintuitive. I mean, where is the account balance, where is the profit/loss? Makes me a headache because it looks soo out of date.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yousef rezaie says:

    hello humbled trader
    can you please show me how to chnage my das platform to balck i mean the title bar , mine is kinder light blue want to change it like yours

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diego Manriquez says:

    Hello!! What's the difference betwen Das Trader Pro and Sterlin Trader Pro???

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete Law says:

    Thanks for the video, it was really helpful, I am using the 2 week demo, should this have level 2 included?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wolfie says:

    what are those blue candlesticks ?
    I didn't see them in any other platform

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt G says:

    Just hit your affiliate link for the Trial. Thanks for this (and many) great videos. Keep it up!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bartosz says:

    Do you know if Das Trader has upgraded their Data Stream mode to include Level II and Tape since this video was created?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars simple rick says:

    Wouldn't it be a good idea to share your Hot-Key file here?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darryl B says:

    Your all fuzzy,,,,or is it on my end?
    I don't seem to have this issue with other YTbers vids?
    For info but the fuzziness makes it difficult to watch.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Huang says:

    I appreciate your teaching. I've been using IB since 2014. I trade options a lot plus day trading small cap stocks. I definitely will try DAS platform. Thanks for the video. Please keep up your good work. Thanks.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendon Moses says:

    How do you change the font of the level 1 and order entry on Level 2

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dummygo8 says:

    Do you recommend DAS for options? I use IB for options momentum day trading and wondering if DAS will give price improvements?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobi Jones says:

    why is DAS trader better then Interactive Brokers platform?

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