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0:05 $NETE $WIMI $TSLA stock
19:29 $VRNA $APDN Stock
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We got plenty of low float stock runners this week, including $VRNA $APDN $JRJC $NETE $INMV $IMV $GENE. These runs are not to be underestimated, especially if the stock is easy to borrow short. That usually means we could get a massive squeeze. And that would turn into a good long opportunity as the low float penny stock runs to the upside. Large caps in general was choppy and trading in a range last week.

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So, to be honest, i was kind of disappointed with wimi today had a huge run, um pre-market from the close of 15 on friday and rang up to all the way, almost 40 dollars free market, but it sold off everything and even after the opening - and it Was kind of choppy and never gave us a really clean, breakout or breakdown to for that matter. So you know read on this name, mostly from the locate too short, and i didn't even use that much short size just because it was just so choppy and i consider some shorts here, but i was thinking they're gon na squeeze it up even more, but it Just never happened. I had some long trays on the scalp on the front side and i did short some here and i took a loss on the short side and more long here, but overall, just not a clean trading day for the stock. It was really choppy.

So even the loans and shorts are mostly just scalps for me, so i am red on this sticker just because the locates were extremely expensive. They were about 32 cents per share, so that adds up quickly and i barely used any size get to use any size on this stock. So i'm just kind of disappointed with this so overall red on the sticker, the ticker i did much better on was an ete and same thing. I had a long on the scalps on the front side and shorter the back side over here and the reason i was comfortable to long.

The front side is because i traded the same ticker um. I think this day, um so june. I think that's the start of my quarantine in the hotel room. I specifically remember the way it trades exactly like this.

It likes to spike at the open, sell off, consolidate and do one more spike and that if this spike does fail, the double top um, it's gon na, sell off and give back the entire game um, which is later in the day. But i didn't hold on to it so scalped low on the dips. I know when i'm loaning these uh trash low float stocks. I want to make sure you know it's a dip to support level right, so i'm still scalping some here.

17. You know selling in 1750 or out by 18 and doing the same around here, 1640s and selling into 1617.. It would have been nice if i could get this big move to 18 and 19, but you know with these trash trash names. You want to be careful right, so i was out of the long here, and this is where i started in short.

Shorted. Starter 1840s should have added on 19, but i didn't get to add covered some and added even more after we confirmed breaking down of the sixteen thirty sixteen dollars area support. You know, i think we could see a fade. A lot to the downside.

It was reshorted covered some restored, it some more and covered and covered, and i was so out. You know miss this downside, but uh yeah. You know i'm okay with this, you have to be okay with taking the meat of the move and not getting chopped up in like a low volume grind, so very nice, um trader on this name, both low and short, the other stock i traded on alongside, was Actually tesla um, i traded the front side of the move right in the early in the morning. Um tessa had a huge breakout and i'm just buying the first major dip.
So first entry 1703's. I want to add once we reclaim v-wap. I add it here, but now here in this area, this is where you know it seems that we're going to break down. So i trimmed the position but added back in after we claimed v-wap really quickly at the back end added to full size - and this is where i was looking for a clean push to test 1790s.

We didn't get that the most we got was 17.73. So that's kind of off from my price target, but if price action is not right, if it's not even strong enough to test the highs, you know it's probably gon na roll over. So i wan na protect my gains. After all, i've been long since 17, 1703 right so you know even after the average, i still have a nice average of 1740s.

So you know locking in profits at 1760s. Here is, it's still not bad. It's a smaller win than i had anticipated, but uh you just got ta protect your downside, because if i, if i didn't take my profits, this is what would have happened so got ta, be you know, trade, your plan and plan, your trade, and you know rinse And repeat: we're gon na do the same thing again tomorrow, so it's a pretty frustrating day still end agreeing but um, you know. Sometimes, as a trader, you know, there's usually four results that you want right: either: break even small loss, small win or a very big win, and sometimes on the way to a very big win.

You have to accept the fact that a trade that could be turned into either small wing or break even or even a small loss. So so there were a couple of trades that you know. I definitely you know, did plan for it to be a big win. The setup was there, the price action was there, but it just didn't end up working out and it had to turn into a small loss and a pretty much like scratch.

Trade, small win and one of those trades was tesla. I had a loan bias early on, but when we failed to break above this 1600 mark, that's why i thought. Okay, we have a lot of downside and at the time the s p 500 was also rolling over right. So you know for tesla.

You know on a stock like this, that's been so extended on the daily chart. There's definitely a lot of room to to um to to fall. So you know i scaled in shorts here and over here and uh. Once we go red to green is when i thought: okay, we're, probably gon na get a lot of downside, and you know i did cover some, but it was very minuscule like.

I thought we would really test. You know the lower range of 1420s and the 1400s, but we just didn't get that you can see after this flush we reclaimed really quickly and uh. You know pretty much just never went back down, so i did have a react here. Thinking that this could be just a bounce and we're gon na continue seeing more downside, but you know the the the market was just you know connected everyone are dirty.

I feel like the market, just kind of did a bear trap today. You know at the time it looks like everything was panicking. Everything was selling off, but we just kind of reclaimed really quickly um with some news etc, but uh. So you know this tesla short, you know it's.
If you look on this chart. This is literally a hundred dollar bounce, so imagine how much profit was given back still ended up being pretty much a scratch trade, not really a loss, but uh. You know the the the amount of money given back was a little bit. Frustrating i'm not gon na lie um so, and this is a really similar thing with roku roku.

So actually my roku shorts turned to into a small loss which is okay, because you know it really is same as tesla trade. It really did have a lot of downside to give um in my eyes and uh. You know. Ideally, i should have covered something to 142's, because that's one of the targets, but you know price action at the time really.

Just sometimes you know when i have you know a good plan, a good trade, a good size and a good average. I want to let it ride for as long as possible point i should have covered, but starting in small shorts. You know it's just a similar uh trade as tesla's a similar setup on the daily charge, we're pretty extended and we're going uh red on the day and scalding. Here i'm really happy with the scale, and so that gave me a really nice average after this ad about um 147 50s.

Maybe i should have taken this five point short and cover some here, but i just or just i you know i had a lot of room to add. That's a thing, because i was scaling in slowly right same as the test of trade. I did have a react here on this bounce, and this is where i covered the first ad thinking. Okay, i want to give it some room.

I don't want to size in too big too quickly. I want to see how it reacts to this 147th level and when we started reclaiming and spy was, you know, going red to green and it just doesn't seem like at the time we're gon na you know, sell off anymore and the selling pressure. All the panic was seems like it disappeared all of a sudden, and you have to respect the trend um when we put in a double bottom on the on the on the bigger market. You know roku, you know it was kind of doing the same thing.

So, at the end, you know a very nice potential. Big win turned into a small loss which i'm perfectly okay with it's, not about the p l. It's about the process. I still stuck with my plan, so those were the two trades that turned out to be either small, win or small loss.

I n mb so really low float stock um the stock closed at, like here nine dollars, and it went all the way to twenty two dollars pre market. So somebody do a math. That's like uh, like a two hundred percent gain on the day pre-market. It's a low float stock.

That's one of the reason why and you know, when the momentum shifts, i started shorting some pre-market small size and you know when it starts working immediately. That's that's amazing and i shortly reshot it on this pop add some more added. Some more and cover it into the flush and right here. Well, you know you can see some pre-market levels around here um i was hoping we're gon na test 13 or 1250s.
We didn't get that and this is where you know. I would have seen that. Okay, we're potentially having a double bottom and i actually covered everything and put on a small lung. It was so the loan was so small and i never got to add, because this stock is extremely strange.

You can see it doesn't trend it just kind of does. Like a v shape up and down right, so it's like a v shape here and like went all the way up and all the way down, and it goes all the way back up. So you know a very strange price action, so you know i had a small, you know small long here never got to add it was so so small never got to add, and you know i was happy to sell at this point i was like oh wow. You know like even just even if you had just 100, you know this stock literally went up five six points i'll take it, but you know, of course i wish i had more size, but no no one would have known.

This was gon na. Do a v-shape upwards as well, and at this point where i started going short, i did get squeezed here. You can see. I had a small cover, but i did try to add - and i got squeezed here add here here and i got squeezed here and that's fine right.

You have to respect your stop because at the time it does seem like it did seem like we're going to reclaim this 23s and squeeze all the way to 25 27., and when we got this 23, we i covered all the shorts, took a loss. It's a decent size loss, but it's okay right! You have to respect your stop, but once we start rejecting these highs again, the 24th. You see this wicks here it means what the breakouts are being sold into. It means that could either just be a short squeeze or the or someone selling at the top, or a little bit of both right here is after the rejection at 24's is where i scaled back short 23.25, but sadly, the size was no nowhere as decent, as I had earlier when i had started scaling in so you know it is what it is.

I guess lots of disappointments. Today, 23 20, i shorted and right after i showed it kind of just started. Flushing cover some partial. I did get a re-shorts here um, but when we started holding this uh 20 sorry 1950s 1920s areas where i covered everything and you know miss a lot of downside and but it is what it is and at the time i was also very tired from the Roku and tesla short, so i was just kind of leaving it be so end up being a decent win, but uh.

I think i was still upset about the roku and tesla trade, but it is what it is. You know you can. You can only plan for your trade and execute to the best you can, whether it's a small loss, small win break even or a big win. You know you, you can't you can't.
Just you know always get what you want in the market. You have to take. What the market gives you, so i nmb was decent. The other trade was that was the most straightforward.

Trade was imv this one. You know i also took a loss early on, which is perfectly okay. Right, like i said you wan na you know, if your plan is not working cut your loss, you can always re-enter later, so i took a small loss free market on the short side, but around this area is where i re-entered seeing a lot of sellers coming In around the eight dollars area, and so i joined the sellers, um re-entered short re-added at the open on the 6 20 rejection, and then i didn't recover some, i'm thinking that we're gon na reclaim six twenties and go higher once we fail again. I put it back and that gave us a nice downside hold and uh.

I covered most of it here on 490s and also out at five dollars. So you see what i mean. Sometimes you have to take small losers in order to get a big win. This is one of those examples you have to take small paper cuts until you are right on your setup.

That gives you a big win, so this is kind of what i mean. It doesn't always make sense, but it is what it is right. That's kind of the the the trace from today still ended the green, but i'm just you can't help, but being a little bit upset with some trades that you know that would have been a very nice winner. So pretty wild market today started off as kind of slow for the small caps and the large caps were kind of chopping around, but then jean showed up all the sudden.

If you trade, a gene before you know this company, you know you know why they are popping with a brand new covet 19 pr, extremely dirty, violins, dilution and uh. You know no, they definitely seems like they're due for to race soon. So i did short for like a small win, but it didn't it wasn't much as you can see um the bits were just holding too strong around 480s and they literally squeeze to seven dollars, but i'm all done for the day. Jing is actually just one of the scratch trades.

I had um. The biggest trade for me was a marinade, so i had a long and short thesis, but the short happened first and i did have a long after the short is done. We identified a key support level of 85 dollars once that's broken really quickly. At the open um i jumped in short covered some of the flush and mrna is one of those stocks that when momentum is strong to the downside, it sells off a lot, and you can say i did cover a little bit too soon.

I tried to scale back in and re-add it, but i did cover all the shorts here. Thinking that we might um start grinding up but uh. You know i tried too long. The long didn't work and i flipped short.

So it did look kind of messy here, but there's a few small long trades and then a short trade on here i did. I did lose on a loan trade on this part. The loan didn't start working until we put in this bottom, and this is why i flipped long london here loaned some more um. That's considered cheap at the moment, um.
If you're risking 82 dollars, we got a push towards 85.50. That's where i was all out. I was out about three quarters a minute long holding for a potential um squeeze move when we didn't get it. I was so out of my lung.

I don't have a few more loan scalps over here to give back. In hindsight, of course, you know look looks like i should have scaled back in short, but um. You know at the time i didn't see that the market was rolling over as well and we are indeed fading um down to 78. Now we're having a temporary bounce, but uh you know, would have been nice to catch.

This um backside move to shorts as well, but i'm so i'm happy with both my shorts and my long trades. I was a bit distracted because i was also trading um, jrjc yeah one another one of those chinese stocks low float stock, um the stock was up 300 or 400 percent all the way to 31 from nine dollars. That's just insane and guess what the pr was or just about um they're, getting direct access, newswire or some bs from dow jones, like that's just that's just complete bs news and the stock is up 300. So that's why i was a little bit more short, biased on the stock um.

It is a low float, so you know i kind of started trading it just like i did on. I am i n m b yesterday really similar price range lower float and i started scaling in small scaling and some more um, but i want to wait till the open to add full size and we did get a nice push to 29, so 21931. That's where i got a very nice size and i had a pretty nice average about um 29 low 29s, and you know no pretty nice average and i shorted covered some and covered most into this dump over here, so that was a pretty decent. You know five four five dollars a share on the short side, but this is why i started scaling back in shorts.

Again. You know shorted some covered some more and then this is the squeeze. It was a perfect opportunity to add back to a pretty decent short size around 2750s and some more around 29 50s um. I did cover some just to start painting myself in case.

We start grinding and consolidate and make a new high, but we didn't it stayed very, very, very heavy and covered some, and i was mostly out here and also out on this hold down. We got halted on the way down and also out so pretty straightforward trade. To be honest, it didn't give us that many headaches, like a few other low flow stocks, did earlier in the week. So you know overall made pretty decent gain on the short side.

On the long side i had pretty tiny loss lost about 50 cents, a share which is okay, and that was pretty stupid because i didn't take profit on the way up, and i know it as well. Loose on my day is on bowen. I did try along here. You can see, tried a long position around 184 20s and when that didn't work, i took about 80 cents to a dollar loss but starter size.
So i'm, okay with that and now we're kind of reclaiming and going back higher jean. It's a last trade on the day, pretty small scalp scratch trade, i'm done with a sticker, but i wouldn't be surprised if they try to do a midday offering on the stock um. You know they've done this before midday, offering or offering tomorrow or the day after. This is the agenda every single time they push it up, just like um, pstv and sncr.

So you know i kind of want to short this and risk seven dollars so ended the week pretty nicely with vrna and apdn vrna. You know i was short early on um. The stock is easy to borrow. So when that happens - and you know stocks easy to borrow, that means a lot of people have access to the short side.

Then a lot of times that could lead to a short squeeze. If momentum is to the upside - and you know all the shorts trying to cover at the same time, then that's what could cause this kind of massive squeeze and you can see the stock um. You know squeezed all the way from pretty much 10 to 16 and then sold off at the end of the day, because the shorts are already squeezed out right. So you got ta, be careful if you are shorting these.

I was short early on and i took a loss here on this. You know squeeze uh ten dollars to eleven. I took a loss on the short side and that's when i flipped long and then you know made some decent profit on the long side, so took a loss on the short flip long and made you know made out okay, you know you can't get in the Habit of, like you know, adding adding adding short on the way up. You have to you kind of have to respect that.

So i'm sure that some, you can see you know just small scalps, but when we started holding this view up level around um 9 30 and we're not breaking down, that's where i was covered covering my shorts here i tried it again. You know, risking, you know, pre-market levels, thinking that we're going to reject and slam back down when we didn't do that, and we actually squeezed into a halt and added on hold. I quickly covered for a loss. You know so that uh loss took out my profit from uh before on the scalp, which is okay, because you know the loss is if it's very much worth it, because after seeing the stock um later on going even higher than you know, i'm glad i followed My rules - and this way i did go back in for some small long scalps.

You know it get. It gets really messy around here, but i did have a long round here along here and the final short um scalp down here, but overall, i'm very happy about the way i traded this. I couldn't stick around any longer because i was getting ready for my benzinga webinar but uh. You know very nice ticker during the webinar.

I was watching this stock on the side and i was just like. Oh man, i'm missing so much action. You can see the stock later reclaimed, v-wap and then squeeze all the way higher. So you know very nice, very nice runner and i think it's about 8.9 million shares float.
So definitely you know. Hopefully it will give us another pop on monday before you know just fading off, but the second stock i traded is a little bit more straightforward. Is that apdm? So this is a stock that you know i've traded many times before, i'm very familiar with the price action and i know how to scale in slowly, especially if you start in pre-market, i had a small starter pre-market, the stock later squeezed to 17. But that's okay.

You know in hindsight i should have added at 17 but uh. You know that was really early on only around 7am. I was thinking you know we're gon na i'm gon na come back and reassess at around eight o'clock and see whether i wan na cut it or add um to my shorts, and you know: that's a stock with a wide range right. 17.

All the way it pretty much came from nine dollars, so you you know when it's trading this kind of volume you don't want to you know, put all your bullets into one one shot. Essentially, now, even here at the open you can you see, you can see, it was pretty weak. We didn't really get a pop. I was looking for, but i still still scalding short slowly and added here around this uh 14 test and when we failed cover some just to pay myself.

But i was holding majority because i know there's a lot of downside to fade. I covered out most of it for the benzinga webinar. It started around 12. um.

You know. Obviously i don't want to have to have a full-size position as i'm you know, speaking in the webinar and uh, you know i'm just looking on the side. Seeing the stock is fading, i really wish i held it all the way to tens, but my best cover was 11 40, so left around one dollar to a downside, um on the table, but that's okay, this kind of stock. You know, look at a daily charge.

Right every time it spikes it never holds gains and that's what gave me the conviction to scale in short, never again, never you know one full size in one one arrow it's about scaling in and managing the position and take it off. As i see fit end of the week pretty decently, i'm really happy about my discipline and the way i treat it. If you guys want to check out the benzinga webinar, i think it's now posted on their youtube channel. Thank you guys and i'll see you guys.

Next week, hey guys thanks for watching, i hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes if you want to see more day trading content, make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time,.

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33 thoughts on “Day trading low float runners $vrna $gene $inmv $imv $jrjc trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamar Vance says:

    Omg MRNA is at $160, thank you I’m learning a lot from you 😊😊😊

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Audio Now says:

    I love the way you frame your videos!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saurabh Sharma says:

    Hey very nice vedios, recently joined ur channel and have watched almost 25, vedios till now. Thnx… Just a suggestion of u cud also explain on each trade the reason behind getting long or short then will help us as new traders to learn☺

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ratna Prakash says:

    In India we have huge brokerage commission.
    So scalping is what I wish to do. But couldn't do 🙁

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott M says:

    "with these trash names" I love this girl

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Russell says:

    hi im using TOS in Canada and i have tried using a bracket order in Active trader to set up my stop loss and profit targets at 2:1 ratio. but I was told in Canada this type of order is not allowed in Canada by using the active trader? Have you experience this? If this is true, is there a TOS script that could mimic this bracket order? I've tried using the custome buy order > OCO order but its too slow as the Active trader is much faster to use. any other fellow Canadians with and hints or send me in the right direction. thanks in advance!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HowToExcel says:

    How do you trade 5 stocks all at the same time or are you trading them all different times of the day?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Baboi says:

    hey, I read that book you recommended, Atomic Habits, it's good. A friend of mine also recommended "Getting started in Technical Analysis" by Jack Schwager and "Japanese candlestick charting techniques" by Steve Nison. Do you know of any others that are good?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo Pazhouhfam says:

    Hi, I have been trying to develop a strategy to make 1% a day with an oversized account, haven’t been successful just wanted to know if you could make a video on that!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett Gentil says:

    This is such a great channel. I am just finishing my Commerce degree at the moment and your videos are so good for putting the theory into practice! Keep it up HT!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Winstead says:

    I love your videos! Im trying to get into trading and Im learning a lot! I know you recommend having an account of at least 4-5k to start but a question I have is what percentage of my account should I be willing to play with in a day as I start to grow my account and get more experience? Thanks a lot!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The86er says:

    The mover tmrw tmrw hopefully will be draft kings

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The86er says:

    What do you guys think of supercon tech, vaccinex and bionano genomics?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fasting For Health says:

    You have by far the most reasonable and informative channel about day trading on YouTube. I have learnt so much from you – sincerest thank you 🙂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hohyun Yoon says:

    🍻Cheers Shay! Thanks for great contents

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edgard Rodriguez says:

    Would anyone recommend raising your stop loss at a certain point as to not lose money. Let me explain, normally I would risk 5% of my initial investment with a goal of a 20% profit. When the stock price would rise to a 5% profit I would raise my stop loss to the purchase price in order to not lose money. This runs the risk of the stock dropping to the purchase price and then rising again (happened to me today). The stock did not drop to the point I would take the 5% loss but it did raise back to the 20% gain. I lost $0.09 so I'm not bothered by the decision but my question is because instances like this happen every now and then I would like to ask someone with more experience using a long trade strategy is the risk to reward worth it to not raise that stop loss. Thank you.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hmong Muas says:

    Just downloaded the etrade platform but it sends me to the subscription center. Do i have to purcahse Totalview and nyse openbook?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hmong Muas says:

    Humbled Trader, are you using etrader pro platform right??

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dakota M. says:

    Can u talk ab the run on MPT this morning I watching it, but didn't get in, used to trading pullbacks, is there a way to have an idea if a stock is going to run when market opens? It was pretty sideways during pre-market.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daily Data says:

    I am learning perfect Chinglish from your videos ! Great job shorting TSLA thats always a smart move !

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Zhao says:

    What platform is it that you are using ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cesar Marquez says:

    I'm holding GENE still… to the moon! XD lol

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yeshwant S says:

    I am from India 🇮🇳
    I started to invest stocks, so I am a beginner
    I just wanted advise, how should I proceed in BSE and NSE.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahsan Nazar says:

    Hi Humbled Trader. A quick question how did you open an account with Cobra trading as being Canadian Citizen and resident?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Osmel Gonzalez says:

    With TDAmeritrade(thinkorswim) most of the penny stocks are not available for short selling. Could you please guide me on how to resolve this issue? Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge. Be safe 😷

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Woolsey says:

    You rock! You moved up my learning curve months. As an ESL teacher your story is awesome, I will tell my students about you! ❤️

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J W says:

    We watch this channel to see you and you don't even show up in your own videos anymore!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars do gl says:

    It's better to teach new traders how to lose than show them 100% profits all the time. Thank you.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obi Juan says:

    GENE, GENE, the money machine. Is it just me or is there much more action pre-market these days? The leading gappers are getting burned out by opening bell, too much pre-market volume. GENE saved my week .

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry says:

    Nice to watch you to talk about these tickers, my bigger lost and the only lost in this week is at NFLX.
    I should not bet at the option on their ER, but I did. Just like you said on your video nobody will always right .
    Lets hope we make some good killing in the coming week.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lena Petrova, CPA - Finance, Accounting & Tax says:

    I love your sense of humor and how much energy and effort you put into these videos. One of the top YouTubers, in my opinion! 💚👏

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matthew davis says:

    How long do you trade each day? Are you the typical 2 maybe 3 hour day trader wrapping up at 10am or do you play all day?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gordon Rademacher says:

    I sent you guys an email over 10 days ago and haven't received any response yet.

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