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🔽Time stamps:
0:05 EYEN, PRPH, RCL stock
5:00 MRNA, OSTK stock gappers
8:33 FAT, IGC stock
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First week coming back after travel trading for two months in Taiwan! Traded some prepmarket gappers such as low float stocks like EYEN, PRPH, FAT, CREG, as well as a cannabis stock IGC. Some other day trades were large cap stocks such as OSTK, FTCH, and MRNA stock.
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Humbled Trader FAM count: 411,800

So today is the first day back to my home setup. I got back in from taiwan to vancouver late last night, i'm still adjusting to some jet lag here, but um overall, i'm very happy to be using on my home setup on my mechanical keyboard and having four full-sized monitors again like there's just nothing better than that. The laptop lifestyle only works for like so long right, so very decent way. To start my first day back, i didn't trade on monday, but today i traded, i n well e-y-e-n and a couple of the stocks, but this is my biggest winner on the day.

So i started at um smalls pre-market, to be honest after this eight dollars like if you look at these wigs on the around the eight dollars mark. That tells me there's a lot of selling around the eight dollars and actually started early. You know it flushed to 750s. I didn't cover because you know starters ice cream market, but once it reclaims eight dollars.

That's what i started to cover, so i actually took a small loss pre-market, but once that immediately rejects, i put it back. You know pre-market size short, we did try to push again, but you know there was just so much selling and the breakout was very very met with a lot of resistance. Let's just say that, and at the market open you know or nearly open. I covered into the flush and i was all out and at that point i was looking for a push right at the open to re-short into and risking seven dollars right.

Seven dollars is a line in the sand for us. If we can reclaim and hold seven, we might, you know, get a grind back to eight and maybe we'll see some more resistance again, but you can see right at the open, we're just so weak. We can barely even test seven dollars like we had this tiny tiny push here, but you know we just reject right away and just slam right back down. So that's where we can see that the selling was really heavy and you don't want to unload the dips on these kind of heavy selling stocks.

So that's why i scaled in shorts, got a very nice size covered some small but added into 620s. That gave me a very nice average on the rest of the full size around six all the way down here, six forties, because i added but again it gave us a very nice downside - cover some small around five fifties, but without most of it around four nineties And the nature on near the end of the day 498., so very nice trade and it's pretty decent size. Even though i had thought we're gon na get even more push for me to add into we didn't, but i'm very happy that i wrote it out all the way to near the very end of the day here, a second trade prph. This one is really small winner.

I actually took a first loss on the long side here. As you can see, london here rejected. Didn't work covered well, not covered sold. I tried it again didn't work.

This is why i realized you know were extremely heavy, and then i realized that there was a pumping in this, so i was like okay, you know what this is gon na tank because, like we talked about before, if there is some artificial buying, where everyone's buying And looking for the same price target and we don't get it, but it's going to sell off right, i cut my lung and then flipped short and added. Once we break down this, you can see these tiny, tiny support on 380s once that breaks, it's a nice flush down to 320s and unlike e-y-e-n, i did not have the patience to hold this one. So this one turned out to be a very small winner. Some of the stock has basically those there's some other smaller winners, but let's just talk about rcl cruise line, so this is one of the travel stocks.
That's gapping up with the entire market, same thing with al other couple. Other stocks like ccl, but you know that's the thing with these market gap. Ups, we closed around 57 and when you gap all the way up to you, know 62 pre-market and at the open we kind of just sold off a lot of times. They test the downside first and you can see downside 5860s.

That's why i started getting this area right. This is rough areas where i'm starting to get interested in the long. Why? Well, you know 58 60s, it's around some, some daily support. Is it guaranteed to hold? No, it's not, but it could right.

You know like if you look at the technical levels on the daily chart, there is a chance of holding and that's where i started looking for basing to go long and once we start getting this breakout, that's where it's confirmed and i'm selling into the breakout. So some very nice sales around 59, 70s. 59 80s. We did end up going higher later on around 60 60 ones, but i like to trade these kind of moves in the first few hours of the day.

I'm not really looking forward to hold these kind of stocks all day so overall, i'm a pretty decent way to start coming back to vancouver and i'm still adjusting to the jet lag. But i'm looking forward to tomorrow and see what the market brings. Okay, so i forgot to record the trades from wednesday august 12th. So let's go over them really quick.

First trade is ostk on the short side. Yesterday, the stock they actually announced about the night before so we had some gap down and ostk is one of those stocks that you know actually rang up huge recently. So this is the trading day from yesterday right, you can see we actually gapped down and we got a pop at the market open from about 87 all the way to 91, and this one you know in i did well, but in hindsight i think i stayed A little bit too patient, you know i shorted into the pops it's a per plant and we also shorted some overnight in other swing accounts that got me a very nice average about 90 dollars, and then we added more after we break down this 88 dollar support. Where you know i added even bigger here too, so i had a really nice size and very nice average, and that was you know to be honest, looking for the flush of 85 dollars, if we can break down this low of the day, you can see on The daily, if we do break down, we have a lot of room down to 80 dollars and even lower and the offering price was 84.
So there's definitely a potential of a downside. But i just stayed very, very patient and a little bit too patient and actually gave back. You know a lot of unrealized profits near the end of the day and second trade yesterday was mrna. You can see we gapped up huge after hours and if you look at a daily chart, you know like this is one of the stocks that you know sells off the huge pre-market gaps, and it did on this day this day this day and some of the Days over there, so you know if you you've, traded the stocks many times before, like i have, you would have seen the the behavior and they tend to repeat itself and that's why you know i was more short biased on the stock.

You know i started shorting pre-markets over here and added some more around 76s, so that gave me a nice average of low 76s. I recovered into the flush. I was trying to add some more, but once we got this pop a few minutes actually half an hour before the market opened i covered, and that gave me the nice bullet to add at the open when we popped up to 75. So very nice ad.

I actually, you know, got in full size after the open over here around 73.5 and then add it on the way down as well. So you know i'm very happy about this trade. It's one of those stocks that you have seen me trade time and again and because usually the same kind of price action tend to repeat itself on the same stock. So i'm very happy about my two big winners yesterday, even though you know on the ostk trade, you know i do regret giving back some.

You know profits, unrealized profits. Here you can see. I gave some back some more at the end of the day, but sometimes in trading. You know, when you have these big picture moves and potential big winners.

I try to let it work right. It's a fine balance between you know letting a trait work and capture the big move versus taking the meat of the move and do not outstay. You know sometimes there's a fine balance in that, and you know it's hard to say exactly what i should have done. Other than you know reflecting on this in hindsight after the fact so a lot of lesson to be learned, whether it's a big winner, small winner or a small loser.

So today, on wednesday august 13th, actually a small red day for me, i'm red, but i'm i'm actually quite happy about the way i traded, because i think i managed my risk really well and you know i know it's weird - to hear people being happy about being Read but obviously i'm not happy about being read, you know no one likes to lose right, but i'm happy about the way i manage my trades and all this other losers are. You know i stopped according to my plan and they are all within my risk profile. So i'm happy about this. The first stock is f a t.

This is a small winner, so it's not a loser, but you can see we gapped up no from this sketchy daily chart. I think we were about what 150 200 gap on the day. That's why? I started short pre-market here here here that gave me an average about 10 30 and actually covered four small loss early on right. You know 11 20.
So that's a loss about what a dollar a share, but it's a small loser. It's also pre-market size and it's also within my risk profile and after i actually tried the long didn't work small size i got out and then actually flipped short cover some before the market opens and right at the open we actually tried to hold up. I was not involved, but i did start adding short after we failed to hold this nine dollars. Level started, shorting risky, nine dollars, and over here i had added you know in hindsight.

This ad was a chase, but you know i was up pretty nicely and i was trying to add into my winner and you can see later on. This is a low float stock after all and crowded. Let's just say you know newsletter alerts trying to buy this from about. You know eight dollars all the ways to nice.

They actually added on the nine dollars breakout. So you know i did get squeezed here. You can see right here. I covered half of the short for loss and i did make some small profits here and here, but overall this is a turned out to be a small winner, just because i didn't size into this and the trades you know i had.

I think i had more trades here yeah, you can see here that made some small profits, but you know it's basically a scratch trade for me, but again still within my risk profile was igc, so i was short biased on this one, because you know this stock. Literally rang up from like 60 cents by pre-market. That's why you know on this kind of you know, gap up. I was you know more short, biased.

I do understand that i essentially have to risk 390s right. You know 390s it's after hours high and also you know, pre-market high that we couldn't break above, but i started in small pre-market semi same idea as fat. Actually, i actually took a loss early on covered, my pre-market short trade, and you know i wanted to reassess and see what happens, whether it's a long or short. I ended up shorting this.

You know after you know, we flush heavy down to 280s. This is when i was thinking: okay, you know what pretty much get highs, we're not breaking higher and we actually flushed down so heavy. So that's why i started shorting on the pops to three and then three thirties, and you know you know this turned out to be. You know a squeeze.

You can see. Volume came in and actually got squeezed. I got covered here for a loss. You know lost on a short side, and this is why we entered some.

I just tried to scalp it long, but the long trade wasn't great risk reward wise. I think i only got about 20 cents on the loan trade and after this i started shorting again. So the second short well actually, the third shorts now did make me back some money, but you know i wasn't patient enough to hold for the big flush all the way down to, i guess 2 30 by the end of the day, just because i don't like To be involved in this kind of chop action, you know i prefer, when trading these small caps, a more fluid follow-through like a lot more directional based and this kind of chop action i did not like so you know i did you know, take a pretty decent Loss early on and made some back on the secondary short later on as well so, but this is the trade that put me right on the day: it's a manageable loss. So i'm happy about that.
I managed my risk i covered when i should have right here. Instead of holding all the way up to, you know 450, that would have been a lot worse yesterday, as you remember i just talked about. I was short osdk and i was thinking we're gon na flush down to 80s, and today you know i came back looking for something similar to see. If we're gon na get that today and we didn't you can see, i started shorting some pop to 92s.

You know trying to see if we're gon na this is just a low volume flood pop and we're gon na flush down to 88. We didn't get that so i covered up ended up being a small scalp small win. I tried it again here. Didn't work, that's why i covered up, so they gave back some profits, but on a stock like osdk, you really want to scale into it, because the spreads is really.

You know hard to trade and also you know it's a large cap stock that requires more capital to size in. So if your full size is 2 000 shares, you want to go in like 500 500 500, rather than going 2 000 shares all at once. So that was the idea and i try that here try to scale in small on these lower highs, but in the afternoon it's not my ideal time in trading, so i only took some. You know pretty small wins, so you know i and i missed this flush here, so that was a little bit frustrating you know i don't want to be too bearish on a stock, but this is one of those stocks where the technicals and the fundamentals just tell Me there's a lot more room to the downside, but we'll see what happens right.

You know i don't want to be fundamentally right but technically wrong, so very nice way to end the week. As you remember yesterday, i had a small red day, but you know no worries today. I traded well and i'm really happy about my recovery and more and calling a day now. Fridays are usually the days where i start giving back profit like i did earlier ftch.

So this stock - you know the nice daily breakout - was extremely strong. You can see, you know we gapped up overnight due to earnings release and we had a very nice push and i did catch a meets here around 29 70s. Ideally, you know i wanted to add to full size, but there was never a pullback to get back in, so i sold into the push most of it. I did re-add over here and here, but i did get chopped up a little bit here.
As you can see, i got stopped out in hindsight and my stop was set too tight. I got stopped out and i sold some more here and i you know did go back in for scalps on the long side again here, but you know missed the major push to 3180s. I should have sold some here, but i was thinking we're going to test 32 dollars next, but when we didn't get that and we cracked v-wap and we just kind of the price action after we cracked, there was no significant bounce after that and a lot of Times that could be a bearish outlook for the stock. Unfortunately, even though i did go back in long, i'm very careful and still protecting my downside, just because you know the stock has good news and you know i was really bullish on the stock still got a manager risk and no respect the price action.

So you know i did give back some here over here and here as well. We can see. I did try to go back and reload this thinking that we can get a push to back to at least 30 dollars. We didn't get that and the stock is just kind of chopping around near the low of the day.

Now so you know that's unfortunate. I did give back some profit, but overall it's it's fine. I managed my risk pretty well and i'm happy with the trade okay. So the second trade is tlc, so this one was the the morning gapper until the other stock creg showed up this one.

I was more short, biased. Just because you know it's gapping up on some pretty weak news. I did start a little bit too early. I will admit to that a little bit too early over here around 950s, but on small size, fortunately, and added some more around the 10 push and then once we get this parabolic move.

That's why i added to full size. I was a little bit nervous as we touched 13, but that rejected really quickly and there was a lot of selling volume that came in even just pre-market and that's where it gave me the confidence to add and hold it for the majority of the flush here. So i did cover some small just to you know, make sure i protect my downside, but once we got this flush i was so out on the short pre-market and uh at the open. I thought we might get like a 10 10 50s push when we didn't get that, and there was a lot of selling and everyone's eyes was on this other stock that rang up before the open.

There was no interest in buying the stock. That's why i went in short again, 80s covered most of it into 790s, and i was out here and here on the rest and i left about another dollar move to the downside. It's also a friday. I just kind of you know want to take it easy on fridays and uh and not get into any kind of trouble.

The other stock that was also very nice on the day is c-r-e-g craig. So this is a stock that started running. I think 20 minutes before the market opens, and this is the stock that kind of took the attention away from tlc. You know with stocks like this, i bring up huge pre-market.
It's a low float stock by the way so when it runs off 350 all the way to you know five thirties, i'm you know bearish on the stock, but i did take a long scope, but you know you can say i didn't stay that long for 20 To 440, i was pretty much out, and this is where i started shorting. I got a very nice size around five twenties and i even added on the way down as well. Just because you know this is a parabolic move right. Parabolic, move to the upside is often followed by parabolic downside i covered before the open i reshorted some small 430s and then, when we got this push very nice push to 470s.

460S. That's why i re-added short, and then i was out here and here at this touch of 380s, and i did try to re-add here and then i got some and then i stopped on the wrist. I re-hit it again after you cannot even reclaim v wap with a four dollars area, just so weak, because a lot of people chased it up right in the pre-markets as well so, and that was all out over here 350 saying a lot left. A lot of downside as well just like tlc, but you know i'm just trying to take the meat of the move and also had a red day yesterday, even though it wasn't big.

But i just want to be more careful, usually on the day after the red days. I'm i just want to trade well and take the meat of the move and lock it in and have a stress-free weekend. Hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes if you want to see more day trading content, make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more.

If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time.

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24 thoughts on “Day trading loss recap- igc, creg, tlc, ostk stock gappers”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cardeneye says:

    Which broker do you use? I've recently become consistently profitable (grew a margin account from 27k to 56k in 40 days) and am debating changing brokerages. To fit my trading style Im looking for one that can short small cap stocks and has fast execution without fat margin/reg fees per trade that eat up scalpers. Do you have a recommendation given my criteria? I've been hard-pressed with finding one that fits both requirements, so I've been thinking about using one brokerage for each (ex. CenterPoint for shorting / Lightspeed for scalping) but I'd rather keep my money in one account if possible. What is your take on this? Thank you very much for reading

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Tater says:

    Do you buy stocks for dividends? look at CRF .18 per month, do you think it is safe?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Myers says:

    We fight the daily battles-be mindful of the Tao and where it guides us

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Poteau says:

    Thanks for the breakdown HT. I appreciate the straightforward approach, no fluff. I was wondering what that platform you are using in the video. It looks nice and clean and simple.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ignat vova says:

    Everyone is just complaining about losses. It reminds me of how much I lost a week ago.😥😥😥😥🤧

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Roof says:

    Lost on a pump and dump! Don’t have time to day trade. Would like to know more about when you worked and swing traded. I have a business and it keeps me tied up. I guess I missed the jokes today, welcome back and have a beer! Thanks,

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heath Whatley says:

    love your videos and big thanks for all the help you give! I'm newish to trading and trying to figure out my personality of trading. im more into swing trading so will the techniques you give work as well for swing trading and also is there any other techniques I should be using for swing trading

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars funrise3080 says:

    I have a question about a trade on reverse split Onvo on TOS. the platform would not let purchase this stock before the split. did I do something wrong or is it just TOS. this stock ripped and I missed it. thank you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayush Bhakar says:

    Sir what i will get if i own 40 % stake in a company??
    What part of profit or how much profit??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian m says:

    Why don't you send educational videos anymore? Tips, strategies ……

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pablo Villaronga says:

    Thanks for the insight ! just started 2 weeks ago , and can i ask what volume you trade ? or just to have a reference , you trading 1000 a day every stock ?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yas Naseri says:

    Hi there,
    can you explain what is this and why it dropped over 60%?!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Salo says:

    do you short trade because you are short in height, just kidding, keep up the good work!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars george ts says:

    hey im from greece i admire your work and your honesty i want to ask you what platform is the best to use for paper trading and later in actual trading im on a budget so if you can help me i will be very gratefull thank you.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FurrKnight says:

    Thanks for the video, may your jet lag fade away quickly!. I just look at the volume and quality of stocks pre-market scanning for something decent and honestly, it's a wasteland. Margin accounts are not to my liking (only cash) so I can't short and that is fine with me. I'm very green for the year, in no rush so i can wait it out.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Winnie W says:

    Hi Shay, Im a completely brand spanking new trader, are your courses/discord suitable for people like me? Thinking of joining but want to know if suitable or not. Really enjoy your videos! Fellow Vancouverite here 🙂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UnNerd Academy says:

    I had no idea that you have a Taiwan connection. I'm in Taiwan, trying to cater to Indian audience by building a bridge. Good luck on trading, cheers.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2 M.c says:

    dear Shay,I wanna ask will u use any ea trade ,algo trade?or u only trade by urself by hand😂? may I ask will u write any program for trading ?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars COLIN BENJAMIN says:

    Happy you are back! What software do you mainly use for charting? Who do you recommend?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jitendra Solanki says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Pare says:

    Welcome back HT. Really like everything you share on YT. Could you, one day, explain how a Canadian can short low float stocks? Seems really hard to find a broker we can open an account with that will allow that. Thx

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zakaria Habri says:

    Hi ! Anyone has links to crappy pump and dump newsletter or chat room ? I'd love to fade them 🙂

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fei Fei says:

    Hi Humbled Trader! Would really like to know about Algo trading VS human traders. Hope could have a video like that from you soon 🙂

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HalvinAlvin says:

    Hi Shay,

    I see you're viewing the intraday stocks with the 2 min timeframe. Do you intraday trade using the 2 min timeframe as well? If so, why do you prefer it over the 1 min?

    Great recap video btw. Thanks!

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