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0:03 WWR, GRNQ
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The small cap low float markets are back! It's been difficult to short these small caps recently with so many short squeezes and breakouts. PPSI, PECK, WWR, VVPR stocks were definitely the penny stock breakouts we've been looking for. In this video we go over the small cap buying algo that's been circling around recently in the markets.
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Hey guys, we're gon na do a little bit of a different kind of recap: video different format. So let me know after you watch the video, whether you like this kind of format or the regular format. So no the background looks a little bit different because i'm currently away on vancouver island. I just kind of want to get away because have you ever gotten so sick and so tired of being alone at home, that you finally decide to go out and be alone somewhere else in a different city yeah, that's kind of how it feels like for me.

So that's why i kind of took like this little spontaneous trip in the middle of the week um to vancouver island. I kind of like to do these kind of little trips, or you know just to get out during the week to avoid crowds um to still be outside, and sometimes i'll, hang out with my friends, but mostly to avoid the crowds and also airbnb hotels and flights Or ferries, even everything during the week, is much cheaper than normal um the ticket for my flight from vancouver to victoria was fifty dollars. Canadian round trip so got ta. Take advantage of little.

You know things like these and still be safe, of course, but you don't need to be rich to travel. That's the point i'm trying to make. Let's do some recap. You know market's been hot uh.

We have a lot of these low float. Small cap runners running up squeezing up and they're doing a lot of these abnormal price action that we, you know haven't really seen before. These algos recently has been driving the stock up, pre-market drop it immediately and then squeeze it right back up, so we've been seeing a lot of those actions on stocks like opt wwr, um, peck, um, ppsi and spi. So it's sort of the same um buying, algo or the same manipulators.

If you will uh, but all these stocks, you know they're being tricky and you know it's a it's a difficult time to shorts. Let's just say that so i kind of want to go over um some stocks, that's been in play the last few days, um and kind of summarize what happened recently so today is wednesday october 7th. Let's take a look at the stocks i traded on monday this week, so we're just gon na go over the main place, because obviously otherwise, this video is gon na, be very long, and i know people don't want to watch long videos, so i'm just gon. Na recap, the main place i made the most money on and i capitalized the most um.

I do have some other smaller losses, but for the time's sake, i can't really show everything i'll try to show it, though. So let's talk about the first mover on monday, which is the major place for me, was wwr on the short side and also gr and q, and you can see you know, people used to say: oh, you can just show us everything and make money. No. It's recently it's been very hard to be a short seller, so this monday wwr was squeezed from four seven 70s.

All the way to you know, seven dollars right at the open, pretty much with two hold ups um, with no major pullback until uh seven dollars and then naturally squeeze to nine dollars. So this is a sort of low float algo that we're kind of talking about. I mean you know all these manipulators, no market makers, you know the insiders, whatever they have access to level three, which is knowing how many people are short and when too many people are short in the stock, they can very easily. You know prop it up and squeeze it higher and that's kind of the thing we've been seeing recently with the small caps um.
That's why it's been difficult to short, and i will tell you this was not an easy short on wwr. I feel like i burned. So much energy i spent so much on locate overall wwr on the short side. You know i was way too biased on the short side.

You can see. You know after we dropped to five dollars. I did think it was gon na keep on going back to four dollars, but no the weakness got bought back up. They slowly crept it up, um above up and making lower highs.

No sorry higher lows: i keep on getting those mixed up higher lows and you can see this clear trend. That's they're just trying to slowly grind it up and it's at the end of the day they squeezed everyone out all the stubborn shorts who didn't cover. You know i don't like to hold short throughout the day um. So that's why you know on wwr, i you know, even though i did go back.

In short, i did fight the trend because i was way too biased on the short side uh. I was safe. Thankfully um i never liked to hold these kind of low float shorts throughout the entire day, because this kind of thing could happen. It usually doesn't happen so aggressively, but recently that's kind of the case here so wwr you know still green, but it was not easy.

It was anything but an easy trade um and locate was extremely expensive um. So that's the play on wwr. On monday, the cleaner play for me was grnq. You can see they pulled the same kind of algo, though they squeezed a pre-market, they spiked it.

They dropped. It from you know, 270 all the way to two dollars and even sub two dollars so 180s to the weakness, and i just squeeze it back up essentially, making this v shape v shape tank to the bottom and v shape squeeze up. So it's an exact same kind of um low voltage, algo grnq. Technically the float isn't that low, even with just 20 million shares, floats that's low in this kind of market.

So another difficult short you can see. I basically you know i had a very nice average from 220s to 40s. I even added on the weakness here and on this pop i thought. Okay, this is a time for me to build some very serious size.

They just squeezed me out and my stop out, would that be. You know 250s if it starts holding and they start rejecting, and we can see sellers starting to step in. So that's what they've been doing squeeze out all the shorts on these squeeze candle, like you, can see right here. This kind of meal is six million shares volume squeeze all the shorts out from 230 to 270s and all the sudden, all the buyers are gone and they dropped it right back down so very difficult to trade um, both on the long side and short side really Like if you look at this candle, this momentum should have continued.
It should have with this kind of volume, with this kind of strong candle, but there's just no follow through on grnq. I stopped out for another smoke ring uh and i did try to show it on the back side. So you know made some back on the on the breakdown of the wap after two dollars and 20 cents come from the breakdown, so i did short it back down here covered some. We added some more and also out near the end of the day here and here, but the front side was not easy um, so that's been really tricky.

So, let's take a look at tuesday october 6, where we had a major runner that everyone thought was going to be the next spi and myself included. That was way too bullish on the stock, but i did make some pretty decent profit on the long side. So ppsi is the main play on tuesday and, unlike the place, i did on wwr yesterday, i'm more long, biased on ppsi um. Just because you know of the research and all the planning we do pre-market.

It's very important that this is why i wake up at four o'clock and get ready by 4 30 a.m, pacific time to get ready and plan out for the trades i want to take otherwise you're trading blind. You can't just go and short everything, because if you did on a stock like ppsi, it went from three dollars all the way to nine dollars. If you're, just shorting all the way on the way up, you would have blown up um. I used to do that.

So, that's why i do my homework and i don't um just short everything, because you know very, very dangerous and expensive too so ppsi. The reason i'm no long bias on the stock is first of all, we are in the market condition where these low flow stock is especially if it's you know around three dollars. Two dollars range it just kept on squeezing um and then there's the buy algo that we're talking about and also ppsi doesn't have that much dilution and a lot of room on the daily charts to run, and it's like a three or four million shares float. So that's definitely prime for a squeeze, and you know we have that thesis.

Now. Price action doesn't confirm and yes it does it kept on trending up. You can see when, after all the squeeze break out, it doesn't actually dump it doesn't dump like grnq and wwr. It will squeeze pull back some, maybe 50 and start consolidating four and made another squeeze and by the way, ppsi was easy to borrow so very key elements here to to know you can.

You know there's many nuances and many many criteria that adds up to a trade thesis. So you got ta, do your research, so i'm actually more lone bias on the stock, and once it starts holding this five dollars level, we can read the price action. You can see the consolidation stage and that's why i was starting to scoop up a lot of loan positions towards the five dollars support. If five dollars breaks down, if i'm wrong, then i will get out for maybe 30 cents, 50 cents loss.
But if my thesis is right, then the stock actually squeezed all the way to seven, eight and nine, and i kept on adding on the way up just because you know that by algo that we're talking about volume was still strong, shorts were still getting squeezed um. You once you figure out who is in pain, um and who the big players are. You know there's a lot of upside to you know at one point i thought it could have gone to ten dollars and above, but you know, we touched nine dollars. That's pretty good, so this is like a cleaner execution chart.

You can ignore the piano. If you want this, it doesn't really matter but um. But you know the majority of my profits were from the long side um. I did have some scalps on the short side, but i was mostly long with a thesis that it's gon na squeeze and i did think that it had the potential of becoming the next spi and go.

You know ten dollars twenty dollars, but it didn't happen. You can see i had some um shares left over long um with an average about. You know six six dollars, because you know i. I could see that there's a potential move, but at the end of the day it broke down and got stopped, though you know the final position i stopped out for about 30 cents lost.

So you know this is the importance of you know when you're right, you want to be very right and when you're wrong on a trade you want to take calculated risks. The final position on the loan side i had i had it - was calculated right: i'm using profits from the day um, risking a certain small percentage for a potential squeeze move um to towards power hour. It didn't happen, that's a shame, but you know, and it's still a pretty decent day on ppsi and also on monday night. We actually launched wwr overnight and made some very decent profit on the swing overnight.

So it's always nice to wake up soon. Some profits in the morning i did have some smaller wins, as you can see, but the majority of the profits were from wwr and also um ppsi, both on the long side, okay, so, which brings us to today. You know another very hot day with all the market and all the other stocks in play. Let's talk about the losers first um dkng today, you know i was early.

I had a small long position, but the idea is that i want to build a core position along around 52.53. I don't mind adding on the way up, but i won't add along the trend - and i you can say i just got stopped out so ended up being a small loser. I never you know it didn't end up working on this offering um long, but you know i was kind of trying to manage a few other positions, and i couldn't really watch this, so i just got stopped out automatically with a stop loss, basically right at the Bottom, so the few major plays um. You know this is actually a very small play.
Tlc there was just no buyer all day ever since pre-market. I don't know you know what made the stock actually squeeze to. You know five dollars and to 12 and just basically bit less there's no one buying the stock. So even with a very small short position i was made able to, you know, make some pretty decent profits on tlc um.

But these this is just like the site play. Uh opt was also a good one. This one i tried um the short early on because you can see right here. Pre-Market 320s stopped out break even because it just looks like it wants to squeeze, and i did go back.

In short, you know basically stopped out for breakeven, so this ended up being a small loser. I believe some w was another play. This is the energy stock that we traded in the past before um. It's kind of running, alongside with you know, all the battery names with the solar energy, etc.

It doesn't always make sense, but it's up on the same time as opt which is also in the energy sector, but some w. No, if you look at a daily chart, a lot of upside selling pressure right just from two weeks ago, and that's why um the stock had, you know very little little chance of continuing the gap up and go all the way to eight dollars on the daily Charts um so had a small, scalp short pre-market and then get squeezed to you know 495 dollars. I shorted it pretty small size, but you know i just took the meat of the move and covered 420 and also out at 390., so very clean trade and sometimes the the best trades are the clean ones, because i'm gon na show you some examples of over Trading on wwr and p e c k, i'm very frustrated because you know i i was. I had a very good morning, um right off the bat right off the open.

As you can see on pe ck, i was short biased on the stock. It's a stock. I traded many times before i had a very decent sized position, short shorter at the open and shorter. The spikes had a very decent size, around 13 average.

After all the ads and i was covering on the weight down - and i was basically all out right here - around 10 70s and then 11 - that was pretty pretty nice. I was up good, i should have just walked away, but you know the sort of low float algo kicked in and you know there's no excuses. I definitely felt like i was overly confident and i added back size way too quickly, trying to short the stock. No excuses, but i basically gave back eight thousand dollars of profits um on this squeeze up, which is half the prop more than half the profits on pck.

So at this point i was very emotional um around 11 11 o'clock, 11 30 and, like it hurts right. You know giving back money, basically it's the same as losing. So you know i, it was not a good trade. You know the type of v-shape algo that we talked about grnq wwr from you know, monday and tuesday.
It's the same scenario here and i should have been prepared for it, but i got a little bit too aggressive and i was just a little bit too confident. Uh i got too cocky and you know basically got my ass handed to me. I'm p-e-c-k, i still ended green on the ticker, but i was just so stressed out around this area around. You know 12 dollars and all the way up to 13.

I was so stressed out and i did cover for a fat loss on pck and it's a very similar thing on wwr. So that's why today, i'm still agreeing, but i'm very, very not happy with how i ended the green day. Let's just say that so wwr, you know: if you look at a daily chart yesterday it looks bearish and that's why i was leaning short bias on the stock, especially pre-market was sold off so much gains, and so that's why i was short bias on the stock. You know i started in early small size, pre-market um.

The idea is to add into pops um at the open, so we got a small pop. You know i had some small starches already pre-market, i added into the pops and i was covering into it. Then i re-shorted on the pops covered all over here. This is fine like this initial short trade.

As you can see on wwr with all the ads, i had a nice average about 1130s and was covering into 1050s and then 1040s. So that's, that's! That's decent profit! That's a dollar share, i was allowed and i should have left it alone same as peck uh, and then i got chopped up again here. The the exact same kind of low float squeeze move that we talked about. I should have been prepared for.

I went back and re-added back too big too fast. Um and uh basically gave back a little bit more profit, not as bad as peck, but still frustrating. So that's the thing i kind of want to talk about, i'm still green on the day as you can see, but i'm not happy about how i ended green and i much rather have a cleaner day like i did on tuesday on ppsi, where i traded according To a plan and all the risks are really well managed. Um, the profit is not as big as today, but the key to trading isn't to stay green or isn't to make big profits every single day.

It's to be disciplined, and today i definitely broke that. You know if i, if i you know, let myself go and you know celebrate that profit from today, even though i traded wrong and i traded you know terribly speaking tomorrow could have been could be the day i gave back everything i made today, tuesday and monday, And go and blow up, even so, that's why you know, i think it's important not to judge yourself and analyze your own trading, buy your p l and buy your green days with red days. I think it's more important if you want to stay in this game. For the longevity you want to have good trading discipline, you want to follow your trading rules.

You want to have good risk management, and today i broke a lot of those rules. So that's why this video is also for me to look at too um, because you know you, you can't celebrate those wins where you broke so much rule to make it. So if you watched it till the end to this far, please let me know in the comment section below whether you prefer this kind of format of trading recap. Where i sit down talk to the camera and recap - maybe the past two or three days or do you prefer the daily recap? Videos where i just do a screen recording of myself going over the place um.
I don't think i can do that on a daily basis and still film myself, just because it's too much work and i'm usually very tired at the end of the day. But if i do this collectively, you know to pick out the main place from the last few days. I think i could do this um. I wouldn't be able to talk about every single trade, the small ones, the big ones, but i would only be able to go over the.

I guess the major plays of the day if you will so let me know your thoughts. Thank you for watching i'll, see you guys next time, hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes if you want to see more day trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources.

Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time.

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29 thoughts on “How to trade low float stock runners- wwr, peck, pssi, vvpr trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aprendiendo para niños says:

    well day trading as you know is not a regular job and emotions get in the way and it's when things like this happen. I did blow up 50% of my entire account but now I am back and i am planning not to make the same mistakes..!!! hopefully : (

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sean fisher says:

    is there any way to set up a low float scan on ThinkorSwim?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason says:

    Do you like MENE:TSXV as a low float stock for the long term? 57% held by GoldMoney & Insiders.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Chan says:

    Really love this kind of candid video journaling —- thank you for sharing! The “travelogue style” is cool too.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Blades says:

    I learned a lot from this format. Some may say it’s lengthy but not if you are trying to learn multiple strategies. Thanks so much for your analysis. You are definitely entertaining and knowledgeable.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MiddleOfTheMap MAF says:

    Talk to us about the process of locating markets
    Your morning routine so to speak
    Not coffee and breakfast but the research process.
    This format seemed more informative too btw.
    I think I like this format personally.
    Seems really genuine

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Gazi says:

    Thank you for helping me establish good rules for trading. Your advice saved me so much money as I've learned to become more disciplined. I owe you a beer!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Giovanni says:

    Check this out this stock NMGRF graphite is essentially needed in the future let me know what you think

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Herber says:

    I think that this is a great format. I like hearing you talk through the trades. It's interesting to listen to you critique your performance, and talk about the emotions that you deal with.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jmo1992 says:

    I know what u mean as far as being alone at home, and then just wanting to be alone somewhere else lol. Change of scenery always good 😉 love and appreciate every video you put out. Please keep them coming! 🙂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deezplace says:

    I like this recap format. It’s the best way into the/your trading mindset of the day. I am curious – you say you spent a lot on locates, what percentage do you think, of your gross profits, comes from short plays?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deezplace says:

    $50 round trip ? Faaaaar out ! I’m moving to Canada. I love the cold and day trading from Australia is pretty obtuse with the time zone difference.
    You new setting seems great but you do seem … tired. Hope the change gives you the recharge you need. G’luck

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Goode says:

    Great video Humbled Trader but it wore me out watching it and I think I have to go and have a lay down now. Not sure if day trading is for me it looks pretty complex and very time consuming. Think your remarks regarding strategy and discipline very relevant to any type of share trading. Keep up the good work….your a legend

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill T says:

    I love this style of video much more! You seem much more relaxed while you’re speaking.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Forshay says:

    I really need more explanation, how does the market (makers) manipulate the price?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maxjoey sirrock says:

    Yes I like it it's like I'm on vacation with you

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CAPITALISM says:

    as a new trader that is growing a small account I think this lessons and the advice you give while also doing recap on some stocks is very helpful. I liked this video

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Joe says:

    I like this kind of review. I watch trading charts way too much already, so seeing who is teaching me helps. And seeing other people and how they handle the emotional aspects of trading also helps.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabe French says:

    Come on back and short WWR. We would love to squeeze you again next week.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sun That Never Sets says:

    I think I’m in love with you.. no not crazy in basement type. Like successful, educated, fit in mind body and soul type.. please find me..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 14575552dgtrt says:

    Hi, what you think about VVPR? I am loosing money on it…dropping price 9 days in a row:( is it pump and dump stock or i can bag hold couple weeks with stupid hope?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pbs1982 says:

    anyone else giggle when anyone says VWAP during 2020?….me neither…:-|

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Herman says:

    I like this format. Especially the analysis of the high momentum plays.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Wood says:

    PLUG I have a high average will this recover I don't do options?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Isaac says:

    Thank you very much for much. I like this way (Recap). Specially learning from all your winners and losers.

    By the way, how much do set off for Trailing Stop….. a $1.00, 0.50,…or less ? You mentioned that put a trailing stop and you checked it out before the market hours close.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bazer Ra says:

    Good video, be safe. Just wondering which Trading Platform do you USE ?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eve Baker says:

    I haven't seen the other format yet, but I did learn things from this video, so I liked it. I'm a new subscriber and very grateful that you are sharing your knowledge, tyvm!!!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie Mac says:

    I like your analysis of yourself and your trade. It makes it easy to say to myself – "Hey, I've been guilty of the same thing." and learn from it. thanks for sharing. i did watch it till the end. like the format!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrei says:

    I would like to hear more about your strategy, like what entry/add setups do you use, targets and stops. Perhaps you have a video on these topics

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