In today's video, you'll discover 5 ways to grow your trading knowledge, for free.
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Hey hey, what's up my friend, so in today's episode i want to share with you five right five ways: you can grow your trading knowledge for free right. I know that's everyone's favorite word free right, so yep this uh. These are stuff that you know you can get your hands on for free. The first thing that i want you to check out are trading podcasts, so for those of you who are not familiar with it, so podcasts are stuff that you listen on the go kind of like uh listening on the radio, but this time around the the topics That they cover are all trading related.

So a couple of podcasts that comes to mind is number one chat with traders by uh aaron fifield. He basically uh interviews. You know, traders of different backgrounds. Some are prop traders, some quantitative traders.

Some people are actually from outside of the trading arena as well, but it's pretty interesting, so it's kind of like the modern day market wizards, but audio version right. So again, you can learn a lot of uh tips, techniques trading concepts from all these different traders and it's free okay. So that's the first podcast to check out another podcast to check out is better systems trader, so this podcast right focus primarily on quantitative trading. So this is for you, if you know you're into corn trading, you want to trade stuff with.

You know, mechanical rules right, you don't know where to start. Then hey, you know check out better systems trader where they, you know interview these quant traders. They will share their trading concepts. You know how they trade and you should be able to.

You know, get some insight, some strategies that you can extract and then do your own back testing and see if it works for you or not. Okay. So that's the first resource right trading, podcast number two right check out. You know trading hubs or trading academy, for example all right if you're into forex trading.

Okay, i'm sure you have heard of baby pips right. If you have, if you have not right, then go and check it out so baby pips, it's a free website where it basically right gives you a solid foundation into fx trading right. He shares with you the basic stuff. Like you know, what is a pip? What is a forex market who trades it, and then it goes into the more advanced stuff, like you know, indicators, trend, lines and so on and so forth.

So it's very dedicated to forex trading and, on the other hand, right, if you are not a forex trader, maybe you're a stock trader, then you can check out the trading with rainer academy. It's free as well just go down to the website. My website Then the academy button is at the top and over there, at the academy, we have again right uh courses right, free courses that cover stock trading, forex trading candlestick patterns right common trading terminologies.

Then we have lessons on price action trading. We have lessons on indicators. We have lessons on candlestick patterns, so a lot of stuff down there and it's free as well. So these are kind of what i call trading academies trading hub right, where you can just come in with a blank slate of mine right and you will leave it right feeling, like hey man, i learned a lot of stuff after you know like a week or Two uh resource number: three right is your trading journal right.
This is a game. It's free right! You just need to use like excel or even pen and paper. If you want to, then your trading journal, what you're going to do is to pretty much record write your trades right, the the trading setup that you're taking what is it breakout trading reversal, trade, continuation whatsoever. I don't care just record down your trades, then you also want to record down the outcome of the trade right uh.

Is it a winner? Is it a loser? How much do you make? How much did you lose right? You want to record down in terms of r. So, for example, let's say you risk fifty dollars and you make a hundred dollars. That's a profit of two hours so record down 2r right. If you risk 50 and you lose 50, that's a loss of one hour.

So put negative 1r. So what you want to do right in your trading journal is to once you, you know, execute the number of trades. Let's say 100 trades: you can identify right which trading setups right are the ones that are making you money and then which trading setups are the one that are costing you money. I don't want that, i'm not as profitable, then.

The key thing here is to actually focus on the setups that makes you money and avoid the ones that cost you money again. This is free knowledge, but this is so so so powerful. I'm sharing this with you right and i'm pretty sure 90 of you out there who are listening right now, will not do it, but the 10. Who does it right? It's a game changer for you trust me.

Uh resource number, four, all right books right so trading books out there, it's uh uh. To be honest, it's not exactly free right! You have to spend money on it, but i know some of you are pretty resourceful. You know win-win right. You have your own resources to get stuff for free, so i'll, just classify as free, okay and yeah.

So if you don't know where to start just go down to amazon right, if you want to learn about price action, trading, just search price action trading, whichever books comes up right and the ratings are pretty high, like you know above four stars, those are books that Are probably pretty popular right among traders, so you can start with those books right more than four stars and you know have a high number of ratings, like let's say more than 100 reviews. That's up that should be pretty decent or, alternatively, you can go down to like google search for, let's say if you're into stock trading best stock trading books. Again something will come up. I'm pretty sure you can read those books all right, compare it to amazon and kind of like cross referencing, whether you know the books on google that are being recommended.
Are they popular on amazon as well? If they are, then there's a good chance, they know. That's a book that's worth reading, okay, so forthing right is books and finally, the fifth thing that you can use right now to level up your trading knowledge is youtube videos right! That's what you are watching or listen to listening to right now. So a number of youtube channels that uh i would, i would recommend to traders for especially for those of you who are new to trading uh number. One is a humble trader: it's a female lady in talking about day trading, stuff, very real right.

So if you're into day trading the u.s stock market, you can check out humboldt trader uh number two. If you're into price section trading, you can check out uh the trading channel right by steve right. So again he dives deep into price. Section trading right covers a lot of stuff about it.

You can check it out. It's free and the third channel that i would like to recommend as well is from adam kuh. He shares a lot of stuff as well. There's indicators, there's trading, that's investing again.

It's all free, okay, so so, ultimately, right i would say: there's a lot of resources out there, but it can be overwhelming right if you do not know what you're looking for so. First and foremost, you got to be honest and ask yourself right: what are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to be a price action trader? Are you trying to master investing? Are you into options trading once you know your goal once you know what you want, then it makes your life easier right to know what to look for, because if you do not know what the what the beat you're looking for and anything that comes your way Right might be something that you know you want to dive into and eventually you get overwhelmed so instead right take a step back all right. Ask yourself, honestly: what am i trying to accomplish if, let's say you're trying to be a forex trader, then just dive deep right into all the forex trading materials out there ignore the options trading stuff, ignore the stock trading stuff, ignore everything else except forex trading right. So once you kind of you know, uh learn as much as you can about it right and you have level up enough and you want to dive into other areas like options trading.

Then here feel free to do so, but just don't do it right at the start right when, when you know chances, are you overwhelm yourself? Okay, so just a quick recap right to the five ways you can grow, your trading knowledge number one is through podcast. I recommended chat with traders and better systems. Trader number two is trading academy. You can go down to or you know the trading with renal academy.

Number three: is your trading journal number four is books? Alright, you can get it from amazon or just google. You know best trading books out there or best forex trading books, best stock trading, books, etc and number five right check out youtube channels. Again, most of them. I think they're, all free right.
You have a humble trader, you have the trading channel and you have adam cool. So with that said, i wish you good luck and good trading. I will talk to you soon. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “5 ways to grow your trading knowledge (free)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul says:

    Is there anything about 212 traders – using a free platform, fractional buys and cannot short – advantage – very low overheads and I feel this is good especially in your first year of trading when you are still learning it all. And you can short if you have stock you are holding and you want to sell it to buy back at a lower price – not exactly the same but helps with the learning as you are practicing spotting reversal patterns and downtrending stocks/markets.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee L says:

    I’m so happy that find your channel. Thank you Rayner.πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ™

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elynn O says:

    Hey Rayner,
    How come do not have your own YouTube channel recommendations? haha
    Recently jux came across wit Adam stuff ?
    Anybody found it useful ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Humbled Trader says:

    Thanks for the shout out Rayner πŸ™‚ appreciate it man and love your content!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aiezatt Ahmad says:

    Hello rayner
    I am very new with stock trading. I found that your channel is very helpful for newbies like me, would say that i gain alot with your videos.
    Hope you can put more videos in your stock trading category in the future.
    Thank you for the knowledge you shared.
    Would like to have some coffee session with you when i come down to singapore.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AC22 says:

    You know Rayner is a good honest dude when he is promoting other YouTube channels. Rayner is the best though!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Putih Comel says:

    You helped me a lot… I love your content and its all free what a good guy

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars julie matos says:

    Hi! Rayner, would it be possible that you explain the difference between buy stop and buy limit? with that easy to understand method of yours?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anish Kumar G says:

    Sir, I have a doubt. They say trade with the trend. More reliable trend is higher timeframe major trends. Others are just noises as per Dow theory. So there is higher timeframe major trends and secondary trends which is pullbacks in major trends and minor trends which is small ups and downs in secondary trends. Actually when you say trade with the trend, which trend a day trader should follow? If major trend shows uptrend, minor trend maybe a pullback downtrend. So We trade with The major trend , secondary trend or minor term trend ? And You say counter trading when you trade against the major trend OR the trading in same direction of secondary and minor trends (pullbacks in major trends) ? Trading in same major trend direction but against minor trends, then it's a counter trade ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abraham Anthony says:

    Hey Rayner, I started the Trading journal from the 20th of July and I bet this is helpful. Never thought, documenting what you do and why you took certain decisions for a trade builds up a strong foundation to become a better trader. I'm growing gradually and should be very thankful to you for your tips.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oladeji Isaac says:

    Met done on telegram impersonating you that you provide signal

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stan ley says:

    Hello Rayner please can you send me the copy of your books thank you a lot for all your teaching you are a hero. My email is stanleebezs@gmail. And please what is the best way of contacting you or your team

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Usman Khan Masood says:

    sir i learnt a lot of things from your first book now i download your second book thanks a lot for this now i scbscribed your channel

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars javier guzman says:

    Rayner what is ur ig Name u got two profiles

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julyandra says:

    yeah books are free winks winks hahahahaha, i love that part so much.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Custer says:

    I have been devouring your videos and taking notes like crazy. This channel has helped me to really help understand charts and technical analysis. Thanks for the great content.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ACMA VINESH CHINTA says:

    Till now most of the traders on you tube don't tell the truth, but now a days we are having some professional traders likel rayner , humble teader etc. Great work bro πŸ‘

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BRILLIANT ACADEMY says:

    Please suggest best simulator for Practice

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Bailey says:

    Does it make me old because when he said "you know where to get free books *wink*wink*".. I thought of the library?….

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amit Patel says:

    Can you make a video on trading new multi-year highs (like gold now) how far can it go, how do you determine a profit target? Do you go back to monthly charts?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zerohunter64 says:

    And what about your channel??? I have learned stuff from you too πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akintunde Olasupo says:

    What youtube video channels do I focus on for binary options / High frequency trading?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ansh Pratap Singh says:

    Hey Rayner,
    Great video as usual man. Thanks for this.
    Would you suggest I upgrade to Excel for trading Journal as I use a normal diary right now?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anton Marion Gicana says:

    Hi,sir are you sending trading signals also?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars avinash goud says:

    Thank you very much ur videoes helped me a lot how to understand stockmarket

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars one aryf says:

    I like humbled trader esp her dry jokes.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moc Mail says:

    i have a hard time differentiating when a channel is best for the forex market or the stock market. does all strategies the same for each?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pollito says:

    All i need can already be found in your channel Rayner. 😎

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Humberto Montenegro says:

    The best Way To Grow Your Trading Knowledge is watching this Youtube Channel.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alice says:

    I watch humbled Trader too but her trading style seem quite different from yours as it's all about day-trading.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RAHUL BHARADWAJ says:

    I am amazed by your selflessness, You are a man with a golden heart rayner πŸ’›

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rolly Atienza says:

    Love the wink on books my frIEND LOL ^_^

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gou Mate says:

    Thanking you bro… I really do gain alot from you !!
    Please keep uploading specially for beginners !
    Love from India

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skye says:

    Hey Rayner!!! LoLed @ ur, "Forrrr FREEEEE!"……πŸ˜‚@ 9 seconds….. into the video…..and I'm already smiling. Thank you!😊

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarath Chandran.k says:

    Hey hey.i do already watch chat with traders.very useful. two free audio books in YouTube I watched are very very amazing. Trading for a living and Trading in the zone.

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