Do you always enter the markets too late just when it's about to reverse?
Or do you enter your trades too early, only to watch the market continue moving against you?
Well if any of the above sounds like you, then today's training is for you.
Here's what you'll discover:
** How to develop sniper trading entries without relying on indicators, news, or signals
** Price action patterns that work so you can use it to better time your entries in bull & bear markets
** ONE thing that's more important than your entry-which determines whether your trade is likely to be a winner or loser
** And much more…
Then go watch it right now.
The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading:
The Monster Guide to Candlestick Patterns:
Pro Traders Edge:
Pullback Stock Trading System:

Hey hey: what's up my friends so in today's training right, it's all about sniper trading entries appeal right, so you'll discover four simple price action patterns right, so you can. You know better time your entries predict market turning points and overall improve your trading results. So i don't waste any time. Let's get started number one, the breakout with a build up right.

So this is a entry technique right that helps you identify high probability, breakout trades and here's the thing to look for number one. You want to have the market right to be in a range for at least 80 candles or more, and the reason is simple, because, based on my observation, all right, the longer a market range, the harder it breaks. So, for example, let's say you compare a range one that is like this and another one that is like this when the price breaks out right, which of these two range market will lead to a stronger trend. If you ask me it's this one over here, and the reason is quite simple actually is because when the market is in a range, the longer that it's in a range, more resting orders will accumulate above the highs of resistance and below the the lows of support.

Why is that simple right when the market is in a range trader, will look to buy low, sell high, you know, buy support, sell resistance when you buy at support the lows of support. Where will you put your stop loss? Probably you know below the lows of support and, if you think about this right, if you are long at support, your stop loss is in essence a sell. Stop order, make sense. So the longer the market is in range, the more sales stock orders will accumulate at the lows of support, and likewise, when traders who are selling near the highest of the range at resistance, it will accumulate right.

A number of buy, stop orders right from traders who are short, they are stop. Loss order is in essence, right a buy stop order. So when the price breaks out of this range, this cluster of stock orders will be hit, and, if you imagine, if the price breaks out of resistance, it hits a cluster of buy, stop order that is buying pressure to push the price up higher. So this is why we look for the market to be in a range for at least 80 candles or more now, you don't have to get too.

You know anal about this right. The market is in 78 candles. 79. It's fine! I just leave a general guideline to use as 80 candles.

The next thing you look for is for the 20ma to support the price before the breakout, and what we are looking for is for the price to consolidate just before it breaks out like this, like this consolidate. Okay and the reason we want this consolidation is, for two reasons, number one when it consolidates near the highs of resistance. This is a sign of strength. It tells you that buyers are willing to buy at this higher prices.

That's one number: two: you have a logical place to set your stop-loss, because now your stop-loss can just go. Let's say below the lows of this uh build up, maybe somewhere about here distance below it somewhere here compared to let's say the consolidation didn't form. It looks something like this right, let's say, market in the range it breaks out. The nearest point where you can set your stop-loss is below these lows of support and it's usually pretty done large.
So when you have a build up, that's being formed when you have a consolidation, it offers you a more favorable risk to reward on your trade. So let me share with you a few examples about the breakout, so first one over here. Okay, you can see that this market is a dollar against the chinese union uh. First and foremost, you want to see at least 80 candles from here the start of the range all the way towards the end like i've said right.

80 is just a general guideline. If you have 75 77 78.69 whatsoever, it's fine! So how do you know there's 80 candles over here, so what you're looking for is again, you can use a tool like this one over here on trading view, pull it from left to right. You can see that at this point in time you have about 86 bars on this on this chart, so for forming this range. Okay, so that meets our criteria.

The second thing to look for is remember. We are looking for a breakout with a build up, so this is where the build up has formed. Okay - and the key thing to note, is that you want the 20ma to catch up with the lows of the build up to tell you that, to signal to you that the market is getting ready to make a move. So just pull out the 20ma.

And at this point some of you might be asking oh rainer: should i use the 20 ema or the sma, the wma honestly doesn't matter concept is what matters if you use ema sme whatever me, it's not gon na make much of a difference all right. Well, in this case, i use an ema, okay, but again won't make much of a difference, and you can see over here. The price has, or rather that 20ma has caught up with the lows of the build up. This tells you that the market is ready to make a move, so what you can do is simply to place a buy, stop order above this heist and your stop-loss can now reference this swing low right to set your stop-loss, because imagine if, if without this build Up right, your stop-loss will be referencing from this low over here and it's very wide and that you know kind of you know doesn't offer a good risk to reward on the trade okay.

So this is what a breakout with a build up looks like. So, let's look at another variation so for this variation you can see that the build up formed right before resistance for this one over here euro dollar, just going back in time. You can see that over here we have this area of resistance somewhere about here and this time around the build up actually formed after the price has gapped above this area of resistance. So this is another variation to it.

So here's the thing about technical analysis as much as i can share with you so-called textbook examples cherry-pick examples. But when you are trading in the live markets, it's very important to understand the concepts that i'm teaching, because the examples that are going to unfold itself, maybe for your market for your time frame, will be different. It's not going to be. You know, exact picture perfect.
So this is why it's important to understand the concept and whatever variations is being thrown at you right. You can still grasp it right. So in this case, you can see that in this case right the market broke out of resistance over here. Then it formed a build up at the highs or just above the highest of resistance.

So, if you think about this logically, what is the market telling you from the looks of things it's telling you that hey prices get up higher break out of resistance, and the price is now consolidating at the highest of resistance it could hit higher. It could hit lower it's anyone's guess, but the fact that it can still consolidate at the highest of resistance without you know, without you know, breaking down below it's a sign of strength, telling you that hey buyers are still willing to buy at these higher prices. So what can you do to to to trade? This breakout again same concept? You want to make sure that the build up form is long enough, so pull up your 20ma and make sure the 20mm has caught up with the lows of the build up. In this case, it did over here at this point, touch the lows of this build up and it starts to reverse so at this point, you could place a buy, stop order above this highs.

Your stop loss. Can reference now below this lows below this lows right to set your stop loss? Okay, so this is another example of a breakout with a build up, but a variation to this is that the market this time around, has actually broke out of resistance. First, before you know, it forms a build up, so one more example to to take home this point so another variation to this right. So if you understand the concept so far, it's skin looking for a range of at least 80 candles waiting for a build up to form at resistance or at support.

If you're looking to sell the market and then let the 20 may catch up with the lows of the build up, so in this case you can see again price form. A series of higher lows into resistance. 20Ma has caught up with the lows of this uh. This ascending triangle over here, so what does this tell you again? This is another sign of strength.

It tells you that buyers they are willing to buy at this higher prices. That's why you have this series of higher lows higher low higher low higher low coming into resistance? So where can you enter a trade? You can set your your order, just above the highs of resistance somewhere here again stop-loss. Is there a logical place to set your stop-loss well, looking from this setup right, you can see that you can actually reference it now from this swing low, to set your stop-loss, maybe somewhere about here, because you have this a built up. You have this higher lows that you can reference from to set your stop-loss make sense okay.
So this is what i mean by the breakup, with a build up and obviously right. The opposite of a breakout of with a build up is just simply a breakout without any build up where it goes up like this breakout right. This is the type of breakout that i avoid because there's just no logical place to set your stop-loss so moving on the first pullback. So here's the thing right.

Sometimes you are trading the breakout with the bitlock and you might miss the move. Maybe the market doesn't make any build up and it just go boom right, just breaks out of resistance. So what now? This is where you want to pay attention to the first pullback, because whenever the market breaks out, there is a high probability that it's going to make a pullback right. It needs to rest.

Take a breather pause know. You know. After you run 100 meter, you need to take a pause. Look for the first pullback and the key thing to look for is that uh number one? What your first use allows you to catch a trend, even if you miss the first wave of the first move.

So what you look for is a breakout of resistance, a weak pullback, so a weak pullback simply means right that the the range of the candles are nice and small, so very nice and tight. So it's not large, but just small range candles on the pullback and the 20mm has caught up with the price. So, as the price makes a pullback, you want a 20ma to you know to slope up higher and to catch up with the lows of the price kind of similar to the breakout, with the build up that you've seen earlier. Okay, so let me share with you a few examples of you know the first pullback.

So if you look at go okay, you can see over here. At this point, price has broke out higher okay and a mistake that many traders make new traders is that they're gon na buy the breakout they're gon na buy this bullish move over here. Oh reyna! Look! How bullish this market is it's going to the moon right? It's time to buy what you're waiting on the sidelines you're in right. You have to be buying right now, rainer! Well! That's me when i started trading like you know, maybe 10 years ago.

So no that's not a good idea. You don't want to be buying right now and again. Remember i mentioned that if you were to chase breakout, if you were to buy breakout without a build up, there is no logical place to set your stop-loss. If you look at this price structure, the nearest price structure you get is this possible previous resistance that could become support, so your stop-loss might be somewhere about here, pretty done large.

So remember. We said that if the price breaks out - and you miss the move, don't worry wait for the first pullback right, the first pullback and what you want to look for is for the price to retrace right with small bodied candles. So in this case, we have a retracement over here, okay and let the 20ma be your guide, because here's the thing right when the price pulls back like say at this point over here, it's starting to pull back you're wondering man. Is it time to enter the trade, so this is where the 20ma is so useful, let the 20ma catch up with the price first.
So at this point you can see that the 20ma is still a distance away from this uh. This price point, this low of this candle so give it some time, give it a few days for the 20ma to catch up with price. So, as you can see over here when the 20ma. Finally, finally, on this uh, this bar it has caught up with the lows of this build up of the order, rather the lows of the pullback.

This is where you're ready to place in order to enter this market and again very simple, buy. Stop order can just go above. This highs logical place. You set your stop-loss can now be below this swing low over here.

So can you see the difference between chasing the market and waiting for the market to come to you? Okay, so this is what i mean by the first pullback. So, even if, though, you've missed the first move, don't worry opportunities can still come around okay. So, in this case uh, this is where we got the first pullback price eventually broke out of this highs. Then you can just reference either this swing low as your stop loss or if you are more conservative, even this low next example, aussie canadian same thing.

Okay same i'm going to walk you through the psychology of traders who are looking at this market, so over here boom right price breaks out and what traders will do is they will make their way for a pullback, possibly to previous resistance that could act as support. Sometimes the market does re-test; sometimes it doesn't so. What now remember the first pullback? What you're looking for is a weak, pullback small range candles and let the 20ma be your guide so pull out. The 20ma 20ma has to touch the lows of the pullback first, so in this case it has touch it over here great, it has touched the lows of the pullback and if you look at the range of these candles, it's very nice and small, very nice and Tight, that's good because it tells you that there isn't any strong selling pressure.

You know controlling the market and about to push the price lower. If you look at this right, this is strong selling pressure, strong selling pressure, strong selling pressure. Look at the range of all this bearish candles and you compare that to this one over here. Do you see the difference? One is where the sellers are in control, the other one buyers and sellers.

They are inequitable no one's in control and you want to see this type of price action where the candles the range are small, so now 20ma has caught up with the price great. What now so again, you can just go with a buy stop order above the size. Selling stop loss can just go one atr below this lows, give it some buffer, maybe somewhere here, and that's how you trade the first pullback make sense next one and by the way, if you are enjoying this video, so far smash the thumbs up button. If you don't, then hit the subscribe button, so next one the false break price pattern right.
So this is simply a reversal price pattern right to profit from losing traders i'll explain more later. What you're looking for is a strong move into support or strong move into resistance depending on your trade direction. So let's say we are looking for a strong move into support right. You want the price to trade below the low of support and close bullishly above it.

Vice versa, for short trade, so in other words, what you're looking for is for the price to come aggressively bearishly into support, take out the previous low of support, okay and then close bullishly back above it. This is what i call a false break, because this is a false breakout of this loss. So an example to illustrate my point dollar against the uh. Sorry, not this one uh pound, canadian.

Okay. So let's look at pound canadian. So this one is the uh strong move right into resistance. You can see how bullish this move is.

Let me just zoom in the chart and you can feel the bullishness price made a strong bullish move into resistance. Taking out this highs. Next candle, we have a sudden reversal, so earlier i mentioned right is a reversal pattern right to profit from losing traders, and i want to ask you this question: who are the losing traders? Can you think of an answer and answer is quite simple: the losing traders are those people who bought the highs of this breakout. So can you see that, when the price break above the highs of this breakout, do you want to be buying? Earlier? We talked about the breakout with a build up, did any build up form before it broke out.

Didn't right, just made a strong bullish, parabolic move into this area of resistance and then reverse lower. So those traders who bought the breakout of this highs - or maybe when it closes above here they are now in the rate, because the market made 180 degree reversal against them. So this is why i said: don't chase breakout, don't buy breakout without a build up. This could happen to you.

How do you trade this very simple? Next candle open, you can go short, okay, next candle open, you can go short stop-loss or i can just go a distance above this heist somewhere here. This is what we call a false break. In essence, a false breakout, another example aussie against the new zealand. How about a weekly time frame same concept over here? Okay? So so this one, i want to share with you.

It's uh something interesting right, so aussie new zealand. If you look back okay, we had a false break previously at this area of resistance right previous support that could act as resistance once twice and came back here over here over here is a false break. All right price got rejected at the highs of this resistance, but as much as possible that you know this is a setup that you could trade. I want you to know that trading.
Easy isn't. Like you know, you enter set your stop loss, you say a target boom market stereo, give you profits, doesn't work that way, because if you look at it, market can consolidate play with your feelings made. You cut your loss prematurely and before you know. Finally, reaching your target, for example this one over here it gives you a false break.

Consolidate here goes up, comes down, goes up, comes down, goes up, comes down, goes up, comes down and maybe finally right reaching your target that, depending where you set your target, you know maybe at this uh this lows over here. Perhaps you could set your target. One possibility is at this uh this lows over here. That could be one possibility, but you can see that the market didn't just went smoothly in your direction.

You play with your feelings. Right goes up, goes down, goes up, goes down so so, although topic, today's topic is just about trading entries. I want you to know the importance of trade management. How are you going to manage your trade if the market moves against you? How are you going to manage your trade if the market moves in your favor, so this is a very important topic that you know i can't cover in today's video.

If not you'll, be you know a few hours long, but you have to think deeply about this and another one over here again, this market uh isn't making it easy for traders. You have a false break at this heist of our resistance over here, a false break. Again goes up, good sorry goes, down, goes up goes down now. It goes up again.

It's playing with your feelings right man, should i take profits or should i should i hold on to my trade or should i follow my trend and let it hit my first target and let's say maybe at this swing high, where i could become a previous swing High could become support. You know these are questions that you have to think about. I can just show you the entry sniper trading entries, but it doesn't mean that it's going to be easy as one two three, where it's gon na reach your your target quickly right. It's gon na talk with your feelings: it's gon na mess with your hit and this uh questions, or these are things that you have to be aware of, and you know plan for it ahead of time.

Okay, so this is the another example of the fault break and one more is the dollar against the mexican just to share with you. So in this case, this false break is basically against the trend, but still is a valid set up. So, as you can see, trend is towards the upside price. Had a strong sell-off or a strong pullback, then you stage another rally right and re-test the previous highs over here this heist, then it get rejected and closed near the lows of the day.
This is a valid false break, can look to sell, stop-loss can go, 180 are above the size, and your possible first target could be somewhere about here. Okay and again, in this case, uh uh. Well, it depends if you depend on how you set your targets. If you set it at a smack at this extreme lows, probably won't get filled market, in fact retrace against you tall with your feeling, give you some hope toy with your feeling.

Give you some hope, talk with your feeling and then finally collapse lower and then hit your target over here so again right. I just want to bring you to the reality of trading. Okay, no fancy pensive stuff over here and next one. Okay, that's the third technique! The false break price action pattern, and finally, the last one is what i call the brick of structure.

So the break of structure is a pattern right that allows you to catch the turn of a new trend with low risk. I'll explain why later so, the key thing to look for is number one: a downtrend approaching support areas of markets in downtrend ticket lower high and lower low. Like this, then, let's say - let's say this line over here - is the key area of support right that this key area of support is uh can be seen on the higher time frame. Okay, then, what you're looking for is a break of structure, so the current market structure now is lower high, lower high lower high lower high and lower low.

So what you're looking for is a new series of higher high and higher low, something like this goes up. Higher pulls back and then breaks out higher. So at this point you now have to have a higher high and higher low make sense. So this is what we're looking for, and the key thing again right is that you want the market right to come into key price structure that can be seen on the higher time frame.

So, for example, let's say you're looking at a break of structure on the four hour time frame, the price has to come into support on a higher time frame or resistance on a higher timeframe. So let me explain what this means right might sound confusing, but this is key because you want to trade off strong levels on your chart, to increase the odds right that you know the market will reverse first, one over here dollar against the norwegian chrono okay. So you can see over here. I think the weekly time frame price has came has come into this key area of previous resistance that could act as support over here.

Okay and the break of structure here can be seen on the lower timeframe, the eight hour timeframe. So remember this black line, you know, let me just split up my chart, so you can see what i'm seeing okay so on the eight hour time frame. So this is, let's see this is the weekly. Then this one here be the eight hour time frame.
This point over here is in essence, right this portion here, so if you just zoom out and look towards the left right, you'll see that this is the area of previous resistance that could actually support. So the break of structure is pretty much as what i said earlier right: a series of higher high and higher low. So if i just to keep things constant, this would be the black line that you have seen on the weekly time frame. So what you're? Looking for is at this point, you have a series of lower high and lower low, lower high, lower high lower high low high and lower low.

So you don't want at this point. You don't want to be buying just yet, because price has not formed a new break of structure, so what you want to see is a series of higher high and higher low. So at this point you have a higher high right and it pulls back. This is key right.

Look at this pullback, it's very weak! Let me just you can see over here. The range of the candles is nice and small, and this is what you want to see because it tells you that the sellers are not in control. Okay. So you have a higher high higher low.

So when the price breaks above this highs, you will go long and again, i'm not just blindly trading this break of structure. It's because big picture-wise you've seen that on the weekly time frame, okay, uh, which is this one over here, this uh this sorry. This should be the weekly timeframe. Okay, this weekly timeframe over here - okay, it's in an uptrend and it's in an uptrend - and also it's coming into this key price structure over here, where previous resistance declaration support.

Only then right on this lower timeframe, the eight hour time frame. Do we do we uh trade, the break of structure, so i'm just going to find this break of structure over here again right. Only then do we trade this break of structure. Does it make sense? So i'm not trading this pattern blindly.

There is uh the context of the market to consider as well so another example right poundian. Let me just go to pound, yet let me just uh make the chart big again: okay, so poundian, daily time frame. Uh i want you to see - is this portion here? Okay, at this point, price has come into this previous support right that codex resistance. Previous support support against resistance and resistance.

So for those of you who trade off the daily time frame, there might be set up that you could trade this price rejection over here. Okay, but that's not the only set up to trade because again, if you go down to a lower time frame like let's say the eight hour time frame from the four hour time frame, i'm gon na share with you what you will see so on the daily Time frame, let me just find that chart over here, okay, so over here at this point, is equivalent to this juncture. This over here is equivalent to this portion here. Okay, so at this point in time right you can see that if you just zoom out market seems to be in an uptrend right series of higher highs and higher lows, higher lows, higher lows, higher lows, higher lows right.
But you know that the big picture was on the daily time frame. The market is actually in a downtrend as you've seen earlier, and it's at this area of value. This price structure, this area of resistance. So at this point in time, right when you're, looking looking at this uh forward time frame, you are waiting for clues from the market that this market is about to reverse lower.

So what are some clues to look for again, one example is the break of structure. A series of lower highs and lower low at this point you have a lower high okay and when the price break below this low, you now have a lower high and lower low. This is what we call a break of structure, so you can go short when the price breaks below this low stop loss can just go 180 r above this size, just a buffer above it okay. So this is what i call the break of structure.

So one more example just to hammer home this, this concept called the break of structure uh. How about oil? Okay, so just go! Look at the big chart. The big picture oil you can see over here again daily time frame price - has come into this area of resistance that you see over here. Okay, you can see they look left right.

This is an area of resistance tested once twice twice, and it's back here for fourth time and again, if you go down to a lower timeframe, i'm just going to split the chart up this one forward. It's gon na look like this. Okay, the four hour time frame so over here this portion here right. This area of support right is what it looks like on the four hour time frame: okay and the break of structure in this case occurred somewhere near here.

We look at this. The price made a series of higher high and higher low at this area of resistance. You now have a series of higher low higher low when the price breaks above this highs right, it's a valid setup to go long. There is a break of structure.

In fact, this is very similar to the breakout, with a build up that you have learned earlier right, so another variation of it basically uh stacking concepts on top of concepts. So at this point you can see over here. This is the area of resistance, and this is support right, and this is the same juncture that you saw earlier on the daily time frame. This is uh coming to a higher timeframe, support and over here you have this, build up, that's being formed at resistance.

Okay, so eventually, when the price breaks above this highs, you can look to get long. Stop loss can now go 180 below this low somewhere here, but in this case i think this trade didn't win too well when in your favor and then pretty much reverse and collapse. So again, that's the reality of trading. Nothing goes in your favor all the time.
So with that said, right, let's uh move on right talk quite a bit on the break of structure. Next thing i'm going to talk about is context matter, so, yes, i spent a lot of time talking about entries right, the false break, the first pullback yada yada, but you have to understand that the context matters. So what do i mean by this? Let's say you know above like i'm sure, let me just explain what is a blue flag, so blue flag looks something like this: okay price pulls back form a flag pattern breaks out. This is a bullish sign, but let me ask you: do you want to be trading a blue flag in a downtrend or a blue flag in an uptrend? So you can see that let's say, for example, a blue flag.

That's being formed like this price is in a downtrend, then it forms a blue flag like this. Okay and you compare that with the blue flag, that's formed at this point in time. Both of them are flag pattern but which one do you think has a higher probability of it working out this one over here or this one over here. So this is what i mean by context matters, okay, so, first and foremost right.

The key thing to look for look for is to trade in direction of the trend. Right could be the current time frame that you're trading or the higher time frame trend, especially for, for example, you saw a little break of structure. It might seem that it is counter trend trading, but you're, actually trading in the direction of the trend. The higher time frame trend, i don't trade, the break of structure if the, if i'm trading against a higher timeframe trend, because it doesn't make sense because the odds of it working out is low.

I only trade the break of structure if i'm trading align with the higher timeframe trend, so the first thing is to really write whatever price patterns that you're trading you want to trade in the direction of the trend as much as possible. It's possible okay for advanced trader. If you're gon na take counter trend trade, that's fine, but if you're new to trading you want to improve your odds, trade in the direction of the trend. Number two: don't trade! Far from an area of failure.

Let me explain what this means, so, let's say, for example, if you know that the market is let's say in a trend channel like this okay and you clearly, you want to buy, since this is in an uptrend, but from the looks of things right. Do you want to be buying at this point? Let's call this a or you're going to be buying at this point, let's call it b. I hope you said b and that's because b is an area of value for buyers. If you buy at a yes you're trading with the trend, but there's a good good chance, this market could retrace and pull back, and if your stop-loss is too tight, you will get stopped out on the pullback.

So don't trade far away from an area of value, a is far from an area of value, no goal. You want to trade near b, because it's near an area of value, so just a quick example to illustrate this point. If you look at euro dollar, i'm just going to zoom back out and time, this chart remove some lines uh, you can see that this area of value somewhere about here - okay, just obviously i'll - draw this this. This trend line something this something like this over here.
So the key thing to to note right is that you can see that this is actually respecting a trend channel over here. Possibly you'll draw this and when the price breaks below this lows over here, yes, the overall trend is in a downtrend. When the price breaks below these lows, i hope you're not trying to sell over here. Yes right but rain, i'm trading with the trend, you say trade with the trend.

Yes, i said trade with the trend, but at the same time you also want to pay attention to the area of value. If you're looking to sell in this market condition. Where is the area of value? Okay, just look left zoom out area of value, possibly, is that this this area over here you want to look for selling opportunities at this upward, this upper boundary of this trend channel not the lower boundary, not here here. Okay, don't trade far away from an area of value, even though you might be trading with the trend? If you trade, far from an aerial value market, is about to make a pullback there's a good chance, you could pull back when it does occur.

You'll get stopped out, so that's the second one and finally higher time frame price structure confluence. So what do i mean by this? So this can really enhance the odds of your trade. If you are trading, where higher time frame, where you're trading right, where there's a confluence of the higher time frame, support resistance, for example, let me just share with you over here: let's say you: euro, new zealand dollar. Okay, let's hit a four-hour time frame.

You have a very nice bounce over here. At this point right, many traders might be hesitant to buy this uh. This falls break over here right right now. Look how bearish this is look at the big bearish bad ass candles coming to support rainer.

Are you sure you're gon na buy now? If you just look at this chart on its own right, it can be daunting to buy. But if you understand higher time frame price structure, things will change, because if you look at the big picture at a daily time frame, okay, you realize that that level is a key level. Let me just split the chart, so you can see what i mean right. So this is the daily timeframe that you've seen earlier, and this over here is the four-hour timeframe.

So basically, what has happened is that, if you zoom out on a daily timeframe, you can see that this is previous resistance that could actually support, and this portion over here this portion over here, i'm just going to zoom in this candle that you see over here Is formed on this forward timeframe, this false break that occurred, so you can see that on the daily timeframe, this is actually a key level. This is actually a daily level, not just a four hour level, okay, and that will increase right. The odds of your trade, especially when you lean against higher timeframe, support resistance. So this is what i mean by you know: higher timeframe, price structure confluence.
This will really, you know, put the odds in your favor. So as much as you know, sniper trading entries. You know i want to say that it's just memorizing a few chart patterns, but that isn't the case because context matters or are you trading with the trend? Are you trading from an area of value? Do you have the confluence of higher time frame support resistance? All this matters not just some magic pattern that you just pluck out of there and you know find it on your chart. Okay, so a quick recap number one, the false break price pattern that we spoke about right.

Basically, you know profiting - or rather it's a reversal right, uh trading pattern number two, the breakout with the build up right. Looking for consolidation before you buy a breakout number three, the break of structure, so you can enter the start of a new trend with low risk. Number four, the first pullback right. So even if you miss the first wave of the move, don't worry you can look for a first pullback to get on board the trade and finally right context, methods, matters.

Okay, so so don't just focus on the pattern right spend your time, focusing on the context of the markets as well. So with that said, right, i've come to the end of today's training. I hope you've enjoyed it if you do smash the thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel, and i will talk to you soon. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Sniper trading entries to profit in bull & bear markets (that nobody tells you)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pipil Chocolate says:

    Possible dumb question or just a dumb person, but would this concept apply to trading stocks?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unholymethod says:

    Novice question hear…
    Why specifically a pull back to the "20MA" rather than say… a "25MA". is this market specific for forex or could this be applied to crypto?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Reams says:

    Can this method be used with any MA's or EMA's, 9, 21, 50, 200???

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaurav Parab says:

    You are Genious Man,Thank You so much For this , You answered My all the questions

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars neeraj kumar prajapati says:

    What a punch …if you like this channel then hit like button and if don't hit the subscibe button…..hahhahhaahahah🤣

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars O J says:

    Im a thumbs up groupie lol. Ray is the man. Great tutorials! thumbs up man

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirJ School says:

    When you say "buy stop order", do you mean we should set our entry price at that blue line?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vinscent Steve says:

    Rayner, man thanks so much bro , just looking through your videos and made a playlist out of this so I can learn, started to learn trading a few month ago, so far it’s okay.. a lot to learn … may I know if these strategies u taught can be applied to crypto entries as well

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nizam Khan says:

    Too good, added a new level of understanding to my knowledge
    Thanks a million

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neca says:

    I really appreciate your videos, this is the best educational trading channel on the youtube for sure, thank you Rayner, you are the man!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OMN1TR0N says:

    I'm sorry I'm new in Forex. What does 20MA mean? Moving Average over a 20 Day Period?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan says:

    The lessons and informations shared in this video is highly valuable to profit in this difficult market. Watching it once is not enough. I’ll be repeating this video until all these techniques become 2nd nature before I trade 👍. Will be backtesting some of these technique for sure. Thanks a bunch Rayner

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars doraemon says:

    Hi Rayner, when you scan for the possible trading opportunities which timeframe you look at first: Lower time frame (entry) or Higher timeframe? Thank you

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christine Locs2travel says:

    Hi Rayner! Are you able to use these strategies on a volatile stock like AMC? can you use the AMC chart to demonstrate these examples? trying to Identify these points but need confirmation if I’m doing it correctly….enjoy your content!!!! Learning so much 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SERGE VERSTRAATEN says:

    i really love the way you structure youre information im learning a lot from u thank you for being you.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Black says:

    If you don't like it then hit the subscribe button. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tango says:

    Its miracle.. Rayner.. whatever I lossed in last 2 years..I hardworking with your ideas and tricks..And confidentiality recovered all my loses in just 4 weeks..Thank you so much .

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Basim Ali Yoshiguchi says:

    How can I use a stock screener to find said ranging markets? Thanks!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alnir Zaly says:

    Rayne da ge. Forex trading. Would news like say NFP affect HTF trading? And are your books still on promo? Best regards from 🇸🇬

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lehlaga Oliver says:

    Hey hey my friend. Since I started watching your videos last month, my trading skill its improving. You are the best brotherman. God bless you 🙏 ❤.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sashankkv says:

    You are an amazing guy Rayner. I admire your passion to share and help lesser mortals than you.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoonLightCrest says:

    "Oh Rayner look how bullish this market is, it's going to the moon its time to buy" XDD Why is this initial reaction so true

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sébastien Duval says:

    LOOK AT THAT, BIG BARISH BAD AS$ CANDLES XD XD, omg You killed me haha

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Narayan Vengurlekar says:

    Trading guru one ..Rayner hey hey how r u my friend

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