Stock Scanners | Penny Stocks | Pre-Market Scanners
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody welcome back to a another pre-market watch list, sorry for hopping on a little late here today, but this is as quickly as i was able to get on pop everything on and get running, so uh. Sorry about the little delay there. Uh we're gon na run through amc, we're gon na talk about gamestop, we're gon na talk about spce and then whatever other stonks. You guys would like to take a look at so normally i always kind of start running through the stocks.

You guys are wanting to look at around um. Excuse me: 8. 45 a.m. Well, today, we'll probably push that to about 8 50 and then use the last 10 minutes trying to do like a lightning round of everything you guys are looking at um as quickly as we can.

So, let's just sort of jump right into it and then hopefully i don't miss any of the other stock today, all right now, the reason i'm not. I don't have ap or anpc and a few others in there, because i figured you guys would ask about them in the first place, all right all right. What happened to the scanner? The scanner is on a separate channel um. So i will post that link here.

In just a second, i even made a youtube video about the scanners being on another channel, so i've been making posts about it, but somehow it's not quite getting out to everyone fully. Let's see so from now on. The scanners are on this channel, so i just posted the link in the chat, that's where they go uh from now on, all right, let's pop on we're going to take a look at we're going to start here with spce, i believe all right so spce. This is one that we talked about yesterday, um.

If you watch the pre-market video, the recommendation was to watch the market long bias at the price of 23.52 all right. Well, there was there was really a couple recommendations that was to watch the market bearish. To start the day with the price target down to 23.52 and then 23.52 could be where your dip buy is at on the day. So after the tag of 2350s win a bouncing all the way up to here to 27.80, so that's cool um.

So, realistically, i'm not thinking you should be extremely short, biased, nor extremely long bias. This kind of thing we want to wait and let and just kind of see how this progresses. At this point, and the reason i say that is, we got overbought into resistance. We pulled back down to trending support we bounced back up by the end of the day yesterday, which generally is a stronger sign um.

So i mean i don't really want to be bearish, but i don't think we're set up to really rip so kind of just playing it by year. Now, what i would be looking for on spce on the long side would probably be a move back to 2731. I believe that's where our current resistance is that so yeah. If you look at that dotted trend line there that dotted trend line, trendline trendline trend line, that's probably why the market stopped at the end of the day where it did on spce.

So today, if we're gon na get a break out, we would have to go through the half deviation mark at 27.44, a successful break through the half deviation of this like 20, it's actually 27.33. So if we successfully go through that, then we could see a greater move so for now maybe i'm really just long bias spc with the potential, with the target being like 27 33 and support still being down at 23.50 for right now. I think that's how i'd go about it all right, moving on amc and then i'll make sure to double back on some of the ones you guys are asking about so amc uh. If you follow the channel yesterday, we did suggest that amc was probably going to be along yesterday, but my target was only up to 1280..
We got to 1280 and it ripped significantly further than that. So we were right about it being long, not right about where it would essentially top target was met, but it just kept cruising so congrats to those who ended up trading that i ended up, not trading it um. So anyways amc ends up jumping kind of pulling back um support, 1317 uh current resistance, slash breakout level of 1415., so 13 17 breakout yeah, so maybe dad dip down towards 13 17 try to hold support there um, but those are my two key levels right now. You have 14 like 20, 14, 15 slight resistance and then support which is slight support down to like 13, 20, 13.

17.. So, with this on amc, you can see that we held this really good bounce. Yesterday we ended up squeezing i'm coming back, so there's still strength in amc. The bears are gone right now, i'm no longer shorting it.

I was shorting it back here and here and here and getting it to drop, but once we couldn't drop here and reversed, we haven't been short since the bowls have been strong enough to reverse it for short squeezes and so on. So, for now still more on the long side, something that i think we might see is you know like a pullback, we consolidate we dip here we hold and we push up even to 15. Again, maybe go for like sort of a retest of this high. So if we do hold a successful dip and we see amc break up to the upside, probably going to target somewhere in the 15 price - okay, all right next, one on the list is gamestop, so gamestop kind of similar to amc in a way but uh gamestop Has already pulled back and retraced back to its previous high, so for now we're kind of just watching amc and gamestop slightly on the long side and gamestop's target right now is back to on the long side.

It's at most and breakout target is 197.. So, basically we're just looking for a our gamestop to revert back towards its statistical mean, which is a basically 198 right now and if we can get there and then get the price through 198, that's where we could force a mega mega short squeeze. So right now, everybody on gamestop has been talking for a long time about squeezing the squeeze of the squeezes of the squeeze of the squeeze one more time and where that can actually happen, is a successful cross. Through the statistical mean, which currently is 197 dollars, which currently lines up with all the past previous tops, which therefore would signal break right so through 197, would be cool on gamestop.
That's what you want to see for a bigger squeeze. Okay, now we'll take a look at pretty much everything you guys have been mentioning here in the chat, so we'll start with tesla tesla. I think we even suggested being slightly on the long side yesterday um long target up on tesla. For me right now is you know 6 30 355 to oh.

We already hit it never mind, um, that kind of changes things now doesn't and well. No, we probably broke nah wait. No, we didn't so watch this. So remember.

Just a second ago, i'm like my target's, going to be 6, 33, 55 or whatever, and i was like well, let's check the other time frame and then i'm like watch so just a second ago i was on the four hour chart, and i mentioned to you That the target for me would be back to 6, 30, 4 55 or something and then i went to the daily chart. I was like and look what happened so when we go to the daily chart. You see this next yellow trend line. Look at what happens.

I'm going to put a price over there: 6. 18. 94.. Where did tesla stop running yesterday, pretty darn close to that trend line so effectively tesla bounced on the day, almost all the way to that trend and stop.

So i think you stay on the long side of tesla, because the move was just so bullish from yesterday and you'd be looking to get it up to 618 and if you can break 618, which might be hard to do, then you would look for 6 32.. So for now it's just a long move to 618 and then see how price action is respecting around 618 to justify whether or not you might look to get it to go further or higher than 618. uh m-a-r-a um. So m-a-r-a, i think, as mentioned yesterday, was gon na be a slight long.

You can see that mara ended up being a slight long and then it pulled back so mara, pretty much bitcoin m-a-r-a bitcoin emmerich. If m-a-r-a is gon na go up generally you're gon na need bitcoin to go up and bitcoin is still slightly sluggish. You know we even made videos about being long. You know for a move from in here and here back up to like this trend line.

We bounced back close but never quite got there we rolled over. Then we talked about being along like ethereum and bitcoin in this dip and it worked but we're already getting sold into so the bears still kind of have some control on this bottom and now i'm less concerned with being long in this bottom and actually kind of Looking for maybe price targets of bitcoin down to 26 000 um, so we've kind of tried being long, bitcoin this bottom and then in ethereum, and it's worked for quick little reversals. But we haven't been able to reverse the trend yet at least um. So now we're just giving it more time to consolidate and pretty much create its wedge pattern.
At this point, since we couldn't get like a two leg run, we weren't able to get a reversal, pull back and run it just faded back down, and now it's created a bearish symmetrical wedge um that we're just kind of waiting on. So until this bearer, symmetrical wedge plays out, you're, probably going to see mara try to do something similar which is wedge out. So if you look at the way, uh bitcoin looks right down bounce down bounce down kind of wedging to the side, and then you go over here and look at mara. What is that doing that is drop down? It's just kind of wedging to the side.

Right now, so essentially mara is doing something very similar to that of of bitcoin, so i think you're on standstill with mara on the long side and you're still just watching for the day. That bitcoin finally concludes this sell-off and bases out and then you'll have a better long opportunity with mara neo. Yes, we could take a look at old neo, damn damn just looking at the stock ocgn. This morning we mentioned it could be a long up to like 8 53 and it got there and then it just continued ripping.

So that's cool. I got the three deviations, though so it's like it could also be a short trade uh, neo uh i mean if you've been neo still on the long i mean pretty much we're still slightly long by his tesla, so that means we're slightly long, biased, neo. So neo's right on resistance slightly over it, so yeah, let's see daily, chart yeah looking for neo to get back up to prices of 37.78 for right now. So i think if you get long neo, you will end up seeing prices of 37.78 on it here.

Pretty soon almost 38 bucks yeah ocgn just kind of cranked back up here - hmm, what's this yeah trash i mean, maybe not, but yeah ocgn is starting to pull back some yeah, so this was anyway. This was a stock that we were looking at earlier in the day that you know, started, jump up and ended up having a pretty good run is always really talking about earlier all right. So let's take a look at next one here on the list. Give me a second okay, one.

Second, one. Second yeah, there's a lot of tickers a lot of tickers, um, dk and g yeah. Dkng is kind of interesting, uh. Interesting one here give me a second, so dkng uh was something that we recommended could be a re-swing trades on the long side when we were down here in these prices of like 42, and the reason is because it sold all the way off to the negative.

Two deviation price point so overall um still on the long side of dkng right now, myself um definitely like dkng more on the long side um. So let me just walk you guys through this. So again, dkng sells all the way down to this bright, green line. On the chart, that's a negative two deviation price.

That's where stocks are going to tend to reverse and anyway so we come down. We start to bottom. We bottom some more. We reverse a little bit here.

Then we consolidate, we grind back up. We hold kind of a flag pattern we break over. The previous tops in this bottom creates the spike um. Now you know we're kind of on to the long trend, so yeah we're still long on um on the stock dkng a little bit and would probably be looking to get the price back.
Uh, maybe as high as 51.73 51 51 yeah 5150 to 5170 is probably where i would try to get dk and g up to at most. Now i'm not swing long. This i'm not long this. If i i, i should be hindsight, 20 20.

I should be, and even when i was looking at it, i'm like i should be long this and still didn't get long um, but just know that this is where i would. Typically. If i was going to try to swing trade, this, i would have been getting long down here around 40 and into these candles down here. Looking to do this now that we've started doing this, if i were swing trade long, i would start selling as we start to near the 5150.

So i wouldn't even be sitting with my full position trying to get to that price. I would normally be selling on the way up um, so it just becomes a slightly higher risk to be long, as things have already started, moving to a degree but anyway, so the target would be for me, 51, 60 to 51.50 in that area. Okay, that's dkng! I know i know i was. I was exactly perfect to the t on the spc analysis.

Yesterday same with anvs, i was i treated like garbage. I've been trading pretty bad like past couple days, just haven't just something's, not right, but even my analysis on anvs was perfect like to the not the penny, but it was perfect. We started pre-market, we said and vs probably gon na jump, long into 69 and then it's gon na sell off and sure enough it jumped into 69 and then it sold off to what our target on the sell-off was going to be down to the prices of 57 to uh 56.50, then we sold down to 57 56.50 did a sl. I tried to do a little bounce here.

It worked for like a half a second and then it just chopped around. So i took a small loss on that um, but yeah. I just didn't trade this one good at all right. It should have been due like small long up to here or just went short at 69 and didn't listen to any of it.

So i was pretty pretty frustrated myself after that bn geo, so bngo a little cheaper, um kind of bar code-ish. It's a swing, long move! It's not a day. Trade move, but i would say: bngo is at prices where you could start considering to be more of a swing long candidate yeah. I think i think you should probably just be more swing.

Long be ngo, with targets back to like 850s for right now, maybe nines yeah eight fifties to ten would be swing. Long target, probably you'd, be looking to buy low and swing the stock back to its mean so long term. This is the statistical average and stocks are known to swing through it. So below swing, two swing over swing back down, two big bounce swing below swing down here swing back two etcetera etcetera, so i would just probably be a little more swing.
Long on that myself. Here's like a great example with what's happening on like watch bng out here, ready like know how i was just talking like stocks like to swing back and forth to the statistical mean blah blah blah ocgn watch this. So look at watch. What happens when we go to the daily chart, so we're going to change this time frame to the daily chart and then i'm going to delete these old drawings because they're just kind of so delete these old drawings right? That's the statistical mean right.

There see that that white line in there now, let's go look at i'm going to put a line here now. Let's go look at what happened pre-market ready so that red line is the statistical mean for when we go look at the when we look at it on a one-minute chart. Look at where the stock went to this morning. Pre-Market ran all the way here broke slightly over and then what did it? Do it pulled back and where are the candles holding right? There see that we ran to it candle squeezed over because there's some people that are shorting it here, because they know it's resistance.

So squeeze over and then pulls back down, two pulls back down two. So, as we cross back below this red line of 872 you're gon na see ocgn snap probably or have a candle that snaps down um because it just it just will that's just generally how that would that would play out so uh anyways, that's uh. Just a little bit of learning for you, i guess all right, 857 ccl trying can't get to all of them, but i'm going to ccl here. I would be slightly on the long side of ccl statistical means back to 29.

So it's just a very quick analysis. 29 price target ccl same thing for nclh. I think nclh is near a statistical. It's going to head for its statistical, mean right now, xfls, so yeah really low cheap stock.

It has a flag pattern, um with resistance at eight cents to six amps. So that's so. Look at this chart right so when we go when you're looking at this and going oh, why aren't we breaking that high? So you can see where the highs are at right: move to blue line, move to blue line move to blue line. So that's your resistance! So that's your breakout right so that trend line there.

That's your breakout point realistically um! So yeah, it's a good looking chart, but you don't have a lot of room before you're gon na hit resistance. So unless this is a true break, breakout breakout, then you're only gon na jump up to about eight cents, so you're only going to move three pennies before you would hit resistance in this situation, so valentine yeah, i mean a better way of putting it is me And you we don't: oh you see what happened to ocgn one second remember: we said there was going to be a snap candle through that red line, so you go through the red line and candle snap yeah, so valentine. For example, me you, we don't really move the market me, you we're not generally the ones controlling the market, making the trends start and stop. Those are usually probably done by market makers and computers and the algorithms in the system and the matrix.
The things that we just are never really going to fully know exactly how they work um. So it's to me it's it's not necessarily about us using it all and other people using all, but it's more or less computers, um using those price levels. Um myself. That's that's what i think happens so just because you don't have them doesn't mean that they're not being used by softwares and computer systems and algorithms and so on so forth um.

So to me, that's that's what it is right because by using standard deviation you can give yourself a form of it. Doesn't i'm just over talking? It doesn't matter so anyways. That's all we have for you guys here today, it's nine o'clock, a little past got a run, so i will catch you guys, all on the flip side and all on the next stream which will be tomorrow morning. So it's really not too long from now, anyway.

So catch you guys tomorrow morning, everybody that being said i'll see you soon.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “Spce, amc, gme | stonks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M M says:

    Hey don't you do daily recaps of your trades? Would really appreciate that

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Dennis says:

    Big up Connor…. Thought I missed you today. Thanks for the daily analysis. Appreciated….Respect

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Manahan says:

    I don't see the link to the live scanner

    and can you put a voice shout out on the scanner that calls out the high of day or momentum movers?

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