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What's going on, ladies and gentlemen, everybody good morning happy hump day, welcome back to another pre-market watch list uh. So specifically we're going to run over amc, gamestop, pirs, nbrv, and then once we conclude doing those, then we can touch on whatever else it is. You guys want to talk about um, so i kind of want to see amc up a little more today kind of want to see game. Stop continuing to rip.

Does it continue we'll see, i think we do um. I think we do so far. The analysis that i've had for both of them over the past week have been pretty spot on. So i'm hoping that my luck on those can continue.

Good morning, mr monroy milky fade very nice. I, like that name how's it going so, let's go into full screen here, we'll start with. I guess it really doesn't matter what we start with whether it's amc or gamestop. So we'll just start here with amc all right.

To put it simply on amc, this little green line up here for the day that that would be our target um on the long side, so into 19, would be the ultimate goal for us on gamestop today, um, let's say that it does not immediately go up To 19, but it's meant to so: let's say that the instant gratification win doesn't happen and it first pulls back and then it goes to 19.. We would probably see a situation where amc would pull down to if it's a pullback and then continuation, we would see. Maybe a pullback to 17 and 20 cents hold and then go all right. If amc isn't meant to go today, then you'd most likely see it come down to 1720 and break through all right.

So and then, if it broke through 1720 and it was more of a bearish day um, then we would probably see the price down to. Is this the same price 16.? So if, in the event it's a bearish day, we would probably pull down closer to 16.. If it's a pullback continuation, we would probably hold 17 20. if it's just straight up.

Oh i'm! Sorry! If the stream's a little choppy um right now, i apologize because there is a storm outside, so we might be running into uh some sort of uh internet issue. So i apologize uh. If that's uh, that's the case all right! So if it's an instant gratification, then we expect this whole formation pre-market into the open. Just continues up to 19..

Okay, if it's a pullback, then run 1720, if it's a bearish day break through 1720, targeting down towards like 16 bucks, or something like that, okay, so nonetheless long bias, amc still to the 19 price target right next, one on the list is uh gamestop, alright, so Gamestop little different, but pretty much the same now, just so that i know people are listening and i'm not just speaking um. Can anybody tell me what we mentioned about gamestop just yesterday at which price point would have to break, and then you would see gamestop go through a rip? Does anybody remember what i said would have to happen on gamestop before it would go through a gigantic rip and the price target, and i will literally wait until someone's either says yes or no? So if you remember, let me know in the comment section below all right, but i'm going to continue here all right, so gamestop essentially broke up now we're targeting to the 200 and just call it 240. give or take couple dollars a share below or above all, Right d, exactly correct: yesterday, we mentioned that gamestop would have to break through 197 198 for it to go through a big run and the reason being is because at the price point of 198 197 was the regression trend that white trend line that comes through the Middle, not that gamestop wasn't running before it crossed, but when you successfully crossed through that point, it's kind of like confirmation that this thing is ripping all right. So yesterday we successfully got through the regression trend, which is that red line i just put on the chart.
So you can see, look what happens as we re-ramp up once we started running up two and let me pull the volume up once we started ramping up to 197, you could see the volume started to increase and our ultimate volume system was just flashing. Relative volume buy signals all day long, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye and you can see that was leading into that breakout and then look at what happened as you cross, the 198 197 big big candle and look at the volume that was the highest. The volume was on the day yesterday was through 197, so during pre-market trading six hours prior, we say 197. Is your cross point and that's where your momentum is going to shift and pick up today pre-market we go back and look 197 break equaled the biggest volume spike on the day, so we have successfully shifted the four hour regression trend, which is a big thumbs up.

So to all the apes, the goons out there pumping this kudos to you, i'm loving what you're doing, because i've been watching it every step of the way. Since i got burned on my last short, so we've been shorting down uh and then i got burned on a short, i'm like okay, it's time to hold off they're picking this back up and then i've watched it all the way through and you guys have successfully Broken the stock out, so it's phenomenal so now that we've successfully broken out the regression trend, the next goal would be to target our next obvious trend, which is most likely 240 dollars. I wouldn't be surprised if this thing freaking jumps all the way up to 283, but for now um you know for analysis purposes, it's easier to do we're just going to look for a move, and targeting excuse me targeting towards the 200 in uh forty dollar price. On gamestop um, i don't, i don't really think it's gon na pull back.

I think it's just gon na keep uh keep jumping so watch game stop essentially on the long side. Okay, all righty cool. I don't recall, no, no, no didn't exist all right. So now, let's jump on over to uh.

Was it p-i-r-s, i believe, okay, so on over to pirs, so pirs is kind of interesting um. So this morning i was short, biased lost on a short trying to get it to break down to four bucks. Didn't work. Um, it's interesting because the news isn't really that crazy, but it blew up yesterday.
Um part of me thinks that this is just gon na end up rolling back down, but i think that's just the bear in me that loves to be bearish on things so i'll give you my best representation on this stock. So if this isn't uh a true runner on the day, then i would imagine we swing back down below 450 and then we go down to like four dollars to 370., so pretty much down to about 350 370. um on the long side. I have no idea because we've exceeded what i would use as price targets, so for me i don't have any way to justify a price target on the upside for the stock, because it's crossed through all of the trends and ways that i would come up with A price target so, for the time being, it's overbought to the point where i can't really give sound long-term targets on the upside.

The only thing i can do is give you intraday, which intraday max would be nine at nine bucks. We would no longer consider it. You know a great long, so kind of hard to judge right now, but given the fact we held this bottom here pretty strong and a lot of buying volume. I think you kind of have to watch this more on the long side to start the day um and then, if it just falls apart, it falls apart.

But for now probably going to watch this slightly more long with maybe a first target on the day being 560, which would be kind of the after hours high. So we're going to watch pirs if it starts to fall apart and it looks really bad and it's coming down, then we'll probably target a short somewhere into the 4 to 370 area and then on the long side we're just going to be going after each individual Deviation within the intraday, okay, okay, um. Next one is nbrv. Now nbrv, i am uh, it looked better earlier.

Always do um yeah this one. This one i was sort of optimistic about, and the reason i was optimistic was because it still had kind of a far way it could go in its trend. So it's you know you look at this trend. I mean it still has a long way.

It could run, but it's been a downtrending stock for a long time. It naturally does not have big jumps and runs it normally pops and then sells off, but i was going to be slightly optimistic today and the optimism was if, in the event we can get nbrv up and through two dollars and 30 cents 2.31. That's where we could probably see a jump and if it squeezes off i'd, imagine it would try to target up to about 282 and if we're lucky and it breaks 282, we'd - probably squeeze to 350., so for right, now kind of the atmos target. I would go for on.

Nbrv would be 350 with the break through the 230, and that's the only way i'm really looking at this. I don't think i'm going to trade this bearish, even if i can, i don't even know if i can, but i i'm not going to trade a bearish, even if i can so for now, just more optimistic that nbrv can provide a play again. I'm sorry! If the stream is kind of cutting out, i'm currently in a thunderstorm okay, so we got through things yeah pretty fast there. For the most part, we got uh yeah.
We got done pretty quick on what i wanted to cover so i'll go ahead and start taking. Some of your guys's requests. I will look at um m-a-r-a, mr monroy um i'll. Take a look at it just for a second to see if something's changed, but i don't think it really has.

The recommendation was to watch m-a-r-a on the long side with bitcoin as long as bitcoin's going long, so it's still kind of grinding up. Ideally, you need bitcoin to pop before mara does now. I will say that if bitcoin pops pretty soon you'll, probably see mara near prices of 27 to 26.80 26 27, something like that: okay, um, let's go down to pltr next one here, all right, so with pltr pltr has been holding okay um, i think pltr. It's still on the long side of its move and it's going to continue trying to go long bias.

Let me just double check another time frame, so that's a daily chart, um yeah. I think i think you're just still on the long side of pltr, also the market's kind of been on the long side so yeah. For now i'm i'm just still long biased pltr i mean i didn't really think it was going to come back to 24 so easily. But for me the only target i could really look for on the upside that would make sense to me would be 24 bucks for pltr, so 24 target pltr.

For now, i think, is the best way. I could look at that. Sndl sundale growers uh sundale growers. It basically bottomed, i mean realistically this is a price point where you would buy sndl for a swing trade um.

So yeah i mean you've retraced down into previous price action, support levels and you're trading on the one deviation trend slightly below yeah. You could be looking at realistically a bull flag here in this bottom, so yeah you're kind of looking for that bull flag to break up in through this trend line, and then you should get a pop. So i would say s and dl is more of a swing long right now and then you'd be targeting back to maybe a dollar 28. Something like that revert back to the mean um on slow days.

You just probably stopped trading. You don't really have to sit in front of the computer all day long. I try not to sit in front of the computer all day long. I generally don't usually stop trading 10.

30 11 o'clock, especially if the day's slow is generally how i go about my days. Okay, well gamestop hit a high of 235 there, which means we are six dollars off that target that we talked about. So, essentially, you know six dollars off the recommended target for the day on a gamestop so far, okay, all right so expr sos um. I would imagine those are probably moving because gamestop and amc, and so on so exp you're.

Looking for a move back to about 429 for right now, um, what was the other koss koss koss? Actually i mean because amc and gamestop so so this is a situation. If koss is going to continue moving generally, you would have to have game. Stop continuing to move so if gamestop reaches 240 and then doesn't really do much um, then i think koss would struggle. But for now you want to be on the long side of koss, with a target back to about 25 to oh you're.
Already back at trend did you cross, though um there is gamestop 235 32 new high? Can we get a 241 come on baby? Let's get it 241. um, but yeah. I think you stay in the long side of koss only while um gamestop is on the long side. As soon as we get bearish activity into gamestop and or amc, i would imagine the same thing's probably going to happen to koss uh.

We did look at p-i-r-s, but we'll we'll double back on that one, just because it's a popular one here, um, let's see dks yeah, so dks had earnings. So that is up. Currently i mean realistically i would be long biased. But if we just draw a channel here, so if you look at this channel like this, i mean in realistically, i should probably do averages.

So it'd be more like that. Something like this. You know if you look at this channel you're on the high of the channel, so if dks is meant to uh, you know keep trading the way it's trading, then you're not going to really get much longer by its movement, stock's, more bullish, but you're not going To see a ton of long bias movement, so that's the only problem i have with dks. Is it's really been in this channel for a long time? So, unless you're in on the low side of the channel you're really buying the high unless the stock breaks out, which it hasn't been breaking out, so i'd probably be neutral on uh on on dks for right now, game, stop game! Stop game! Stop! Um! I mean how do you control it? I mean most of it's really just practice.

At the end of the day, i will say: there's there's a side of me that believes pirs is going to end up rolling over and dropping out on the day, but that's just my bearish mentality, so um we'll see, like i said earlier, pirs held a really Nice bottom here really nice squeeze, but we're really overbought, and i can't i do there's a part of me that just thinks we're gon na roll down on the day to like 370.. So i'm kind of hoping it just stays where it's at right. Now till the open - and i can make a decision based on how we open um so for right now, i'm kind of neutral until i see price action going into the open - and it might result in me - just betting bearish on the stock for it to retrace Down to the 370s okay, four bucks, 370 area, um amd, we can take a look at amd, um yeah four hours, downtrending daily chart is still up trending, so the longer term chart had uh amd and a head and shoulders, and then the head and shoulders held Support um yeah, so in the textbooks they would tell you to short the head and shoulders pattern here as it breaks through this price, but really you're supposed to be shorting the head and shoulders here. So if you go to google right now and you look up how to play a head and shoulders pattern, they'll tell you that you're supposed to short the breakdown here when support breaks but you're actually supposed to short it here on that top and the rejection, a Trend so right now we're in a situation where we have a long-term head and shoulders.
The bearish move did not break support, and now everybody who is betting, bearish or dip buying. This has held it and they've pushed it back to trend. So you can see we're back to trend here so really you're not really extremely on sale with amd and amd's been trading kind of sluggish. So you probably would only want to be now.

You want to be slightly more long, biased this with the anticipation that the overall market's going to continue up, but on the long term, long term, long term, i'm bearish amd like well actually like long long, long, long term, i'm actually bullish, but next couple years. I think i'm bearish, and that's only because of where the market's at and where we're at and trend from the 20-year chart we're way overbought. So you can see the way that i would trade an intraday. The way that i would normally go about swing trading would suggest that you bet bearish when you get to the blue, and ever since we got to the blue, we broke up, pulled back, pushed up, pulled back, pushed up, pulled back and we've created a bearish head And shoulders pattern.

So for me, i'm kind of bearish and i think we might see amd end up pushing up a little higher to about maybe 80.81 and then selling back down to try and start a trend. Bearish - and this is really the same thing with almost every stock you look at in the market - you can see. Tesla ended up getting bearish as it got over the 20-year weekly. Excuse me.

I think the same thing happened with apple right. Apple's got up to the three deviation on the 20-year weekly we're starting to go bearish. So when we look at all the long long long-term charts on pretty much everything they're all extremely overbought, p e ratios are very high and they've made it into statistical parts of trend that that normally end up being bearish and then we're starting to see bearish formations Occurring across the board on many of them, you can see mu, amd, um uh, look at roku, maybe roku not as much maybe shop shop, not as much uh tesla for sure um. So i mean long story, short cciv.

You can see it right there. So anyways. We've definitely gotten to prices where i think markets are a little exuberant: okay, fubo, so fubo cciv, all those like spak companies. Well, this isn't a spec but um they've all sold off and gotten crushed they've kind of gotten to a price where people are trying to buy them up, but the trend has been just too strong to reverse it.
For the time being, you should be slightly more long, biased.

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9 thoughts on “Amc, gme, pirs, nbrv | stonks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sir Mungus says:

    Have you found a good relative volume tool for intraday that will let you know when traders are coming into the stock?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Errol Barr says:

    Hey Connor i signed up for your free watchlist and have not gotten anything? checked spam and all. what would be the name its coming from? does it take a few days?

    i got something from trader pro but that doesnt look like boiler room style/name. i signed up again today incase some error. thanks again.

    Go Blue

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrorbit2u says:

    Wow, MF'N BOSS BOY!! Join in the chant… CON NOR! CON NOR! CON NOR!
    I'm studying the course man, got dang I'm studying!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Mac says:

    Thanks again, Conner! You da man!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avnish Gupta says:

    You predicted $PIRS to fall to 3.70. Its 1pm and PIRS just hit the 3.70s all the way from $5 at open. YOU SIR ARE A LEGEND!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heather Tokman says:

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  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M M says:

    Please do daily trade recaps again!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chadsoandso says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alex jackson says:

    Womp, feed dropped out

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