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Good morning thumbs up everybody, ladies and gentlemen, everyone welcome back how's it going all right, happy thursday, uh. In other news, we have amc and gamestop pretty much still going crazy. I don't know if you guys have been witnessing it uh, but yesterday i think it ran up to 72 or something like that 77 pre-market. Then it got small.

She got absolutely crushed again. All good though uh, so we're going to be covering. Obviously, amc we'll cover game, stop uh, we'll talk about bngo a little bit and i'm sure there's going to be many stocks. You guys will talk about as well.

Sofi yeah i'll make sure to write that guy down. So we can take a look here at it. A little bit later alrighty, so we're going to get ready to rock and roll we're going to start with bngo first, rather than amc and gamestop, because as more people get on they're kind of probably more interested in gamestop and amc. So we'll just wait till more people are on to discuss those okay, so starting with bngo bngo was recommended.

I don't know, i think it was recommended beginning of the week. It was even recommended yesterday, but the questions were. Is it a long? Is it not blah blah blah blah long story? Short yeah probably should be still more on the long side of bngo. It's had a good move.

We have slight resistance that it hit yesterday at 669. um. So it makes sense that we do a little pullback here or we've already pulled back. Maybe it's a little more, maybe it's not, but still nonetheless, it does look like bngo right now is trying to get bought up, trying to gain momentum and push to the upside.

So, overall, if this is a true bottom, then we'll probably see bngo swinging up to prices of like nine closer to ten dollars. If it's a true bottoming move so right now watching bngo, for you know next couple weeks, but you know hoping we see, targets and prices in the near-term future um on the stock at around uh nine to ten. So that would really be kind of the target level to get to right now on bng0. So that's we're going to be keeping a close eye on over the next couple weeks, all right, um, now that we have a little bit more on we'll jump on over to amc.

Let me put this on a full screen as well. It'll be a little bit bigger for everyone um. So again the capabilities of amc continuing are high. I mean there's so much hype, there's so much momentum.

You got everyone streaming on youtube about it. I am like the smallest person streaming about amc and gamestop. You know. There's others there that have 20 something 45 000 people watching their amc and gamestop stream.

You know during the day so think about that. There's a lot of hype, there's a lot of momentum behind it. Okay. So, to put it simply, though, anytime we're over the blue price, the market on doesn't matter.

The stock generally is overbought all right, so there's a very, very high degree, there's pretty much a guarantee that you know at some point in the future. You're gon na see amc back below the blue line, so even if amc went to a thousand wherever the blue line is at when amc is at a thousand dollars a share, there's a guarantee you're going below that blue line at some point. So that's just always a good way to think about it right if you were to buy yesterday or this morning pre-market when amc was at 77. You just just know that you run the risk of the price decreasing from 77.
All the way back down below 34 is it gon na happen, while you're holding the shares does it happen doesn't have to, but there is it's going to happen at some point. So as long as you know that and how far of a drop it could be? That's fine as long as you know that right so that's all i'm saying is no matter how high this goes, there's going to be a guaranteed drop that always takes it down below the blue line. It's a very common thing, so we know the price is overbought at this point, but the market is very strong here and the hype is still there. So yesterday the recommendation was uh pre-market.

I think amc was trading around here, what nine o'clock yeah. So when we ended the stream, which is usually about nine o'clock, we recommended that amc would probably pull down lower and then get bought up for the day. So we start pre-market with rolling down here and into the open. We go through a dip and then the market gets bought up and later goes on its run.

So the recommendation yesterday was look for a dip to start the day and then a bullish move uh to the upside. This morning we bounced on amc down here at 52.76, so that's the pre-market low right now people are still supporting amc here. I didn't expect that amc's price was going to be going through the first pre-market low. I figured it.

We would probably stay above that going into market open so for right, now, kind of watching amc for a dip buy to get bought back up and then, if it's meant to be bearish, it will happen as we get back up higher on the day um. That was really what i was thinking. I know we're overbought, so i'm not as bullish on today because of the selling pressure that we've seen pre-market. Okay, so know that i'm less optimistic about bullish trading today on amc because of this drop, i think today might just be a bounce back up and not a big breakout day.

I could be wrong, but all i'm really looking to do with amc today is be bullish, probably back up into areas of here and then once we get there. I'd have to completely re-analyze the stock and make a decision from that point forward. So really just bullish. For a bounce back up on amc, maybe back into like 68 70 bucks, today, okay and then gamestop, all i'm going to say with gamestop is amc, goes up.

Gamestop goes up, that's it. Amc goes up. Game stop goes up, that's all! That's all we have to do with gamestop. Alright, that's all we have to do with bb and whatever the what other meme stocks are moving.
That's all we really have to talk about with those ones. Okay, i would love for amy yeah me too, no kidding um. So yeah amc like i said. Let me just go back and do one more little look-see before we call it.

So i don't miss anything. I mean yeah. I don't don't really see yeah nothing else. It's probably yeah camp down yeah! I don't i just.

I just see maybe a slight bounce back up on the day, but not that's it. So that's all we got for emc here, folks, all right, uh, first one we'll take a look at is this sofi. That was the first one. On the day, hit a high of 25 yesterday pulls back.

So this is a recent ipo okay. So this is a recent ipo stock when it comes to recent ipos or ones that just start to debut on the market. I really don't do any analysis because to me it's basically pointless um, so with sofi. I i really can't do much for you.

I apologize about that. There's just not enough data really to go off. Of that gives me any sort of historical pattern. Any sort of data to calculate so it's all just very fresh.

So, based on how i look at things, i can't do that, so i can't give you any any help there really. Okay, so wkhs wkhs was um. Well i'll. Show you we'll do the analysis here.

All right, uh and then we'll also go look back at bb, we're gon na look back at bb today, because i also want to show you guys for those of you that watched yesterday. I don't know if my chart is still like. You know real quick. Let's go look at bb, no, i deleted it, but you guys remember yesterday, when i put all those colors on the chart - and i said that i don't remember at this point - it was from yesterday what i said.

That was the resistance, but was it here might have been yeah. I don't know i was drawing all the supports and i was drawing all the resistances for you guys, but anyways bb. I think we um we're talking about the breakout level being right about uh. 1412..

Oh yeah remember: we talked about, we pulled down to support, so this was yeah. We talked like this was the support area that we had to hold and then the resistance area was like up here and that's what we had to break out. So, first we ran up to the resistance on the day and then it stopped right. So we ran to the resistance, stop stop and then we broke through.

So yesterday we were recommended that this was where your dip support was at, where you'd want to be long into as long as it doesn't break down. And then this would be your resistance on the day and your breakout would be through that price point and then once you got through jump and then of course, but also amc went on a big run. So today, since we're on bb already it's the same thing, bounce back up with amc. If amc rolls down ames, then bb is going to go down and if amc continues going up in the day, then bb is going to continue going up on the day.

It's pretty, i think, pretty straightforward there with that, all right, so now we'll jump on over back to wkhs wkhs. This is we'll. Do the analysis on all right um. So we didn't look at this yesterday, but our recommendation from i think the other week was getting back to this price point and then a break through that was going to lead to a bigger jump all right.
So we have regression trend here and it stopped at daily. Chart half deviation here. So this one's kind of hard to judge, but the first resistance you had to get through was right here at 11 26. You can see, we tag tag broke out.

Then we ran to the next level squeezed above that yeah. I might be confusing you guys, but anyways um. To put it simply, this was resistance. If we broke this red line.

The next target would be this red line, and if we broke this target, then the next one would be this red line. We ended up holding resistance at this red line and pulling back down to this red line to bounce. You can see that right, um. If i go to the four hour chart, you will see that we uh this.

You see this pullback to that trend line so that trend line comes into play. So we broke up. We pulled back to that trend line and bounced so you've already missed the low risk bounce from wks yesterday now you're on to trying to track and trade with momentum. So this is more or less to me still slightly on the long side, because i think i think you should still be trying to bounce this from 1270.

- i'm not going to trade it because i know the low risk entry was down here. So the best entry for the long move in the market on wkhs for right now has already passed. So i'm not going to involve myself, but something tells me that this still is going to want to try to go a little long bias. But what i would say is that this is your support area 1272..

So if this rolls over and drops that's the level that needs to hold, or else this is going to go, much lower, okay, all right, let's pop on over to ocgn um oc! Well, we looked at uh sos the other day. Let's look at ocdn here, all right, so ocg on squeeze up squeeze up. So this is probably more of a long. I would imagine yeah, so we looked at ocg on the other day.

I don't remember exactly what we said, but let's see what's going on, we're probably close to trying to make a move. Okay. So now i remember all right, so you have daily chart regression trend here at 908, so that means we just broke that yesterday and then we got over that one okay. So if this is legit legit, we want yep okay, so i would be more on the long side of ocgn and the reason being is right.

Now the price of ocg is currently located over the daily chart, regression level, so pretty much. All i'm saying is this: has the potential of continuing higher if it's legitimately bottomed and we're actually breaking up, then the move should go to about 11 on ocg right now, 11 is not it's almost possible okay, so this is. This would be the target for ocgn on a legitimate breakout. Today your target would be up here, one second, i should have just i don't.
I should have moved that more to the right. I don't know why i didn't but anyways this green box on ocg. This would be your lit. This would be your price target on a legit breakout today, um, it's not possible to really hit that price.

It is, but it's not because this blue line does not match up there, but later in the day, this blue line will and or be above, and then it will be possible for the price to get there so for right now, i would still be slightly on The long side um as long as the price of ocgn is over 907 right. You want to hold over 907 because then you can force a long move up higher, so kind of kind of like oc gm. It also generally trades kind of challenging too. It can be a little challenging very back and forth at times that tricks you so just be mindful of that.

There um tll is a very interesting one. We can talk about um. I am more bullish on tel2. We talked about this way earlier in our group.

Right now, the price target you're, probably going to see on tel today, is going to be six dollars to 607. we're already up and through that that's 559. yeah at least for now. I think you could even go higher than that, but i think you might try to get to about six bucks right now and then pull back um.

But if you look at the four hour chart, this is a very bullish sign for a stock all right. This was going up up up, had a really harsh pullback and then got bought up right away and then just continued running. And if you look at this four hour chart look at the four hour chart right. You can see it ran up, pulled back and then, where to the bottom of this red candle and the bottom of today's pre-market candle go to went exactly to that one deviation price there, so you can see that orange line price is right on it yeah.

So bottom of pre-market and after hours today that was that was your low risk, buy level for a bounce. Now, it's bound so it's starting to get up slightly to higher levels or more uh. Excuse me high risk buying points, but either way tell when you look at the four hour chart it had this big pullback in the middle and then it came right back up. That's a bullish sign, so i do think you're going to see tell run higher for now price target's going to be 607, then resistance at 607 and once the price can actually get through 607.

That's where you could say it can go higher, but first 607 should be resistance on tell who um nope didn't? No, i didn't play amc yesterday, believe it or not, because by the time it started running, i was already taken off by the time before it started. Really running i was um. I had already left my office for the day, expr um, so yeah expr. If you're asking about this expr, just crashed to good dip buy, so we kind of just missed the dip buy on expr.
You see these look at these red levels here. Let me just delete them right. You can see that look at this right, so you can already see that on my chart, i had these levels here. So it's not like i'm doing something on the stream with you guys that is different than what i would do already.

But if you look at where the bottom of this candle is look at where it bounced right, it bounced kind of right on that red line. So that was already there for a reason and i'll show you why so let's delete it. So you know i'm not just yanking your chain. Believe me, i really don't wan na yank your chain, it's not something i'm into so.

If we go, look at the four hour chart all right four hour chart you see where this trend comes into play right there and then maybe there's one on the daily chart here, um, so not quite right and then there's you go down here. There's a trend! There, so that's why i had those two trends there all right which we didn't actually get to. So i'm not sure why i had the other one that i had it could have been there yesterday, so they could have slightly moved a little bit from yesterday, but you can see those two red lines come into play there. So we went to the four-hour chart in daily chart and found long-term trending support and put it there, and so that's probably why we're getting this bounce on exp this morning down there so slightly on the long side, expr low risk.

Long was all the way down here so late to the best buying point, but still might have a little bit of a trend up to buy into starting the day on expr um, okay, okay, um sndl again bb is just to be followed with uh amc. Whatever amc does bb is probably going to do um sndl sundale growers. So if you follow the channel we mentioned, sndl was a long, biased trade down here and we still have the flag pattern from when we draw the past couple weeks. So this was sndl.

The recommendation was to be long sndl like last week or something like that in this flag pattern, and you were going to target back to about a dollar 28 or was it here i might have forgot hold on. Let me just double check. No, it was not a dollar twenty eight. My mistake, that's a lie.

Our target for sndl was recommended to go back to the one dollar price point, because that was the first easiest obtainable price target, so we recommended just trying to go to a dollar and i don't think we touched any further on that, because at the time we Were down here so i'm like first, let's just get to a dollar and then we'll see what happens, and so we just broke the regression trend and went to our next resistance, which is right here, um, so we're supposed to have pulled back today today. It makes sense that s and dl pulled back, but in order for sn deal to continue higher you're going to need to reclaim the price of a dollar 29. So for now you're, probably so you can see. Look at what's happening right.
Sndl went over a dollar 29, we got a little heavy, we pulled back down below the dollar 29. We bounced back to a dollar 29 pulled back now, we're bouncing back to 1.29, and you can see how it's you can see. How we stopped went through held went down back to so this is the shift point. A dollar 29 is the current price level that needs to be maintained by either the bears to continue down or back up and above for the bulls, to continue up um.

So i think you're going to get more of a choppier trading day on sndl than you are going to get just like a trending day, because the move is already so big you're back at regression trend. I think this is a good place to consider. Hesitation and sndl is going to stop and maybe start to pull back more cj vegas. I you know, i don't know, i don't know how i have 169 000 followers, but get such little traction on the channel yeah.

I'm always always wondering you know, i don't know we'll see who knows couldn't tell you and i'm not sure, couldn't tell you. I know it's kind of crazy right. Some channels have, like you know, like sixty thousand look at like ten thousand people watching a live stream, and then i have 169 000. You get so you know, i have no idea, i don't think i'll ever really crack the whole algorithm or youtube or figure it out fully um.

What do i think about bctx? So this? Let's take a look at um. Was this that one from yesterday yeah? This is that stock from yesterday i think we put, i think we talked about it and i thought it was gon na go down which it did go down to my price target. So i was right, but i wasn't right on how or when it got there. So my recommendation yesterday was that this was going to swing down and it was going to go to the price of 580 to 570 and it eventually did swing down to the 585.70 here and bounce.

So for me it was a bearish move down to 580.. Well, it's squeezed up. First, then it went to 580, but even this was just i mean it pushed up rolled down squeezed up pushed down squeezed up then down, so it wasn't very easy to trade. I didn't even touch it once after seeing it push up roll down and then squeeze up and pull back.

I'm like you know what i don't even i just don't even want to touch that. So i think today the same thing is going to happen with bctx. I think it's going to give you really annoying confusing trading, but for now, unless it breaks down 614, it's okay, i i would still say unless you're breaking down six dollars and 14 cents on bctx, you still have an opportunity to cause a short squeeze on the Stock qqq um, so yeah qqq um. I actually did a small trade on this this morning.

Um took a loss of only 11 because i was longing it and then i was getting onto youtube. I'm like i'm, going to close out the trade just in case something random happens while i'm on here and i can't focus on it um so anyways. But our recommendation was to be long: the queues today off the price of 329.72, so it popped up a little bit. I grabbed it long.
We started to pull back about the same time. I didn't get on the youtube, so i'm like whatever i'll just close it out and sure enough. We did end up kind of curling up out of a bull flag and going long so it would have been a winning trade, but it doesn't even really bother me. So the recommendation this morning was to be long off of this.

This line here, uh 329.75 on the nasdaq. So basically, we are bullish on the market going into the open and then we would look to maybe so basically, if the market's going to be really bearish, which i don't really think it is, we would look to be bearish after a bounce. But i don't think the market's really meant to be extremely bearish, so who knows, but i think we're going to start market today with a bounce and um. Let me just show you how we got the 329 price, so the 329 price um remember just yesterday.

I said we don't have to be nervous about the markets getting extremely bearish until we're crossing through 329. So yesterday we had said that um was it yeah. It was a daily chart. So yesterday we had recommended that you don't really have to be super concerned with the markets getting really bearish unless the price goes through.

This trend line, which is at 3, 29. 63. 29. 70..

So this morning we came all the way down to that trend line. So yesterday we were rolling over, but i'm like you don't really have to be concerned until we get through 329, so we're down to 329. So unless the markets are really breaking this down today, we should bounce and we should kind of grind back up, but i would start being concerned about bearish movement through 329. If we go through 329 and some hell breaks loose, then at that point we might look for markets to be coming back down to fill this gap in the market from 320 or sorry, uh, 323.89 to 332.90.

So long story short market goes through this red line. Up here, then, we might actually see some bearish activity takes us back down to this gap, filled price and or the next trending support, which is all the way down here at 321.65. So the same buy points that we recommended for the nasdaq last time or here and here the new recommended buy point for the nasdaq on the dip is going to be here so the next time that we're really looking to be extremely long bias. The market for like a dip bounce is going to be at 321.66.

The only way we can get there is if the market does not support 329.70 and we get weakness and we roll down so right now we're trying to hold a dip support to continue pushing the market higher. So i'm staying on the long side of the market. For now, i'm not going to bet that the market's bearish and breaks 329 and goes all the way down here for right. Now i'm just optimistically bullish that this dip gets bought up and we continue trending higher and if i'm wrong, then we swing down and we'll formulate a new game plan.
Okay, that is all we have for you guys. Thank you all for tuning in for almost 400 of you guys, thanks for tuning in make sure to tickle the like button just a little or you can even give it a little titty twister a little yeah right there little and i'm sure that number will go Up and that dramatically helps the stream. I've actually noticed the amount of viewers increasing day by day, so, whether that's just the consistency of me coming online and being a goofball or it's because you're actually hitting the thumbs up. I don't really know, but it all seems to kind of be working, so let's just keep giving titty twisters and smooches on the like button and everything's gon na be gravy baby.

All right guys. I will see you guys tomorrow morning for friday and other than that. Keep it real i'll, see you guys on friday in the next.

By Stock Chat

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10 thoughts on “Amc, gme, | stonks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goddson frank says:

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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars reloading time says:

    You are the best teacher out there and it is appreciated. I always hit the like button before the video even starts.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Gragg says:

    you're the man! thank you for the dev channel. it has changed my trading dramatically. love your laid back straight forward analysis. you're the only video i watch premarket. keep up the good work and thanks again.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grant says:

    You guarantee it will go back to the blue line? There are no guarantees in the stock market lmao. Am I saying it won't come down? Hell no, but if you can guarantee what it will do then you wouldn't be here. You would be the richest fucker on earth

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Manahan says:

    I am bullish on your likes and following. this is great content highly under rated and yes I gave the like button a titty twister

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Manahan says:

    Why are you using the same long term chart on AMC that you use on other more rational charts? shouldn't you use a much shorter day aggregation for your standard deviation predictions?

    I am thinking instead of the 180 day 4 hour chart you could use a much shorter period that better fits the recent action. what do you think about viewing it on a shorter aggregation?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chef 1 Chop says:

    Thanks for all the info you share.
    Are you using (TOS) thinkorswim?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Mac says:

    So glad I found your channel. Your advice has been solid!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Lie says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael McGowan says:

    What do you think about the coordinated attack on AMC and GME this morning? Isn't that illegal? They happened at the same time and had the same exact drop, is that market manipulation?

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