3 Steps to Help You Make Your Calls
Do you have the discipline to consistently make your calls?
In today's episode of #ThrowbackThursday, I'm sharing 3 ways to help you overcome any resistance to picking up the phone and making your calls. Start building your accountability towards your business by choosing one step that will help you book more appointments!
So, let me know in the comments what step is going to help you make your call!
For the majority of my life, Iโ€™ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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I got a hundred days left between now and the end of the year. What could i do hey so welcome back to the show coming off just a few weeks ago, at the success summit i asked 12 extraordinary agents. Could you just take the time to share one thing about your business tim smith, talking about billion dollar negotiations? Phil gert is talking about video 12 different agents from three different countries right high end low end, everything under the sun and they all shared the secret to their success. Now, of course, i was thrilled and the audience was blown away because it was so valuable to hear from your peers how they're doing it, but i think i was the only one that caught all 12 of them make their phone calls.

Yes, you want to know what the secret is. They make their phone calls, they call their past clients, they call their sphere, they follow up on internet leads, they fall upon old leads some call. Fsbo some call expires. Some even did circle dialing.

Some people just made more phone calls than anybody else. Some of them even went. Here's your real estate update, ding dong. Here's your real estate update now, i know as you're, watching this you're like okay fairy right marketing innovation, all this stuff.

Yes, i believe in all of that stuff and here's what i know when you do the thing you have the power and when you don't do the thing you don't have the power, it's that simple and in this business, as in any sales business. Whoever talks to the most people, whoever books, the most appointments, that's who wins period, end of story. So here's what i wrote down for you ready we've had 266 days already in 2020.. How many of those days did you make your phone calls? How many of those days did you send your texts? Make your phone calls follow up on your leads call your past clients call your sphere call some new sources of the 266 days that you could have moved your business forward.

How many days did you do it now? You might be watching this and saying: oh, i'm feeling guilty well heads up heads up the challenge that you have. Is you don't understand that see? Making phone calls is easy. The bummer is making phone calls is easy, which means it's also easy not to make phone calls you're busy, you're productive. There was a pandemic.

Oh my gosh. I can't make phone calls here's the problem that mindset that it's easy to do and you're like it's not easy to make phone calls. Hey, siri, call tristan it's easy to make phone calls. Don't tell me it's not it's not a difficult act.

The point is this: when things are easy to do, they're also easy not to do and the real challenge that you face. Is you think it doesn't matter see you think it doesn't matter hey today i can slip today. I don't need to do it hey today. I'm busy hey today.

This is happening in the world. Hey today, that's going on or i'm really busy my schedule totally packed. I've got too much stuff going on or i need some time off. I get it, you think it doesn't matter and that's where you fail see it's kind of like um, jeff, olson and his great book.
The slide edge would say see. People have a tendency to dig their grave with their teeth and i was like wow. That's a great statement because we know it's true and here's what he would say. You think it doesn't matter when you order the cheeseburger versus having a salad.

Well, in that day, it didn't matter, but do that 200 300 days in a row right, cheeseburger versus a salad, and it does matter because it shows up. You know what i'm talking about. It's the same thing. You think it doesn't matter because you didn't make your phone calls that one day it didn't make a difference, it didn't make or break you, but when you do it and then you do it again and you do it again and you do it again and again And again, and again and again and again and again, all of a sudden two months from now three months from now six months from now, people are like girl, power girl, boss, how you doing like you're killing it right now.

Look at all the listings. Look at all the sales and - and they want to acknowledge you for this right and they're like how did you do it? What was the secret? What was the mailer? What was the thing? What did you post and you're like no six months ago, i watched tom ferry show, and i finally got it. This is a contact. Sport and i've got an obligation to reach out to my database.

If i don't keep my past clients and my sphere and prospects and my leads informed involved engaged, so they can make good decisions and me staying top of mind, someone else is marketing to them. Someone else is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions of dollars, to get your database, your sphere, people that you know to go to somebody else's site and do something else, and you think it doesn't matter. You think it doesn't matter that you're not staying connected. You think a direct mail piece is going to make your relationship better over a phone call over a text over a personal video with a follow-up call.

It matters if you're like me, and you believe this is a relationship-based business, making the phone call matters easy to do easy. Not to do so. I wrote down for you three things, just three things i would do if you really like, if you're watching this right now and you're like darn it fairy okay, i know it. I know everyone's marketing to my database.

I've lost business. I i called the past client. I sold the house to five years ago. They forgot who i am like if i've ever experienced, that in my life that i get it once and for all you're right, i got a hundred days left between now and the end of the year.

What could i do? Could i take on that discipline? Could i do the thing as emerson said, do the thing and have the power, or am i going to finish the year saying i didn't do the thing and i don't have the power and it's somebody else's fault every day, what you do matters every day in Business and in life you know it. I know it own that and let's commit so. I wrote down three things you can do to overcome the resistance, because the resistance right. What is that you're? Like okay? I got to make my phone calls and then, like the resistance, says in your ear, don't you have to go to the bathroom? Maybe you need to check the stock market.
Hey. Did you follow up on the joneses? Do we get that transit like next? You know you're gone and you know what the bummer is. The vast majority of people buy into the resistance. More than doing the work remember in all acts of ambition, improvement, making yourself better moving your life forward right, the resistance shows up and says: don't do it? Take the path of least resistance have the easy way eat more cookies sit on the couch watch old oprah.

Then the resistance doesn't want you to build your business. The question is: do you want to build your business? Can you remove the resistance or not listen to the resistance and take action? Here's what i wrote down number one number one thing: do everything to get prepared the night before? Why did most people fail? Okay, i'm gon na go to the office tomorrow's the day. You walk in your office you're like john wayne. Bang you open up the door you're like i'm gon na get on the phone, i'm gon na make it happen and you get your desk and your paperwork is everywhere and you're like well.

The first thing i need to do is get everything organized, so i need to get this over here, and this probably needs to go here and - and you know what i'm talking about the next thing you know 45 minutes had gone by and you did not pick Up the phone, why? Because you didn't prepare the night before the day before, what do you do? Who am i going to call? What's the theme, what's my outcome, what questions am i going to ask? What am i trying to do? Am i nurturing, or am i nudging to get an appointment? Do i want to say hey, do you need to get a refi? Have you had any thoughts of selling like you got to get yourself prepared? So when you walk in it's, if you've ever played a sport in your life, you know what i'm talking about. It's the same thing. You don't walk out there and go all right girls. What do we want to do? Okay, guys, like anybody got any plays.

I don't know: let's just go out there and see what happens? That's what the amateur does the professional says? Okay, this matters spend a little time get it all prepared, walk in the office. Here's my list open up my laptop everybody's there. I know what i'm going to say. I know what my objectives are.

I know how long i'm going to do it for and bam. I go right into it. Number two. You got to get yourself in a peak state.

The resistance is going to stop you and the moment your shoulders go like this. I haven't called these people in a while. Oh i don't feel good about them. Oh, what's going on on instagram, what's going on social media notice, how that makes you feel versus, like hey, siri, call the right and start dying the phone? So what do you do you stand up? You put your shoulders back.
You put a smile on your face. I love this one. I'm a lean mean appointment setting machine, i'm a lean mean appointment, steady machine, oh yeah, like i'm, going to get myself moving and grooving. You want to know why? Because the way you move, your body impacts your mind.

So if i'm like, hey man, this is going to be super fun. Your mind's, like oh, really, we're about to make phone calls, i'm not sure but like, but your body's, like hey we're gon na, have a good time and make some phone calls, and i literally would then ask myself some power questions. What do i love about? My clients, i love my clients, i'm so blessed right. What do i love about booking appointments? Oh my goodness! Every time i get an appointment, it's like uncertainty and certainty together right the uncertainty of well, i get the listing.

Is it gon na work out? Can i get it? I can do this when i do this. I'm gon na move my business forward like there's so much like energy. In that you know when you wake up in the morning and you open up your account. You're like i got two appointments today.

One with the buyer, one the seller right you're on fire. What do i love about booking appointments? I love it. I love it. I love it right and then i might ask myself like hey what do i love about? Helping people buy and sell real estate like what do i really love about it? Oh there's just nothing better than handing a person a key or saying congratulations.

We got you five offers and you know let's go through it together, like if you love it, you recognize that this is how you get to do more of it easy to do easy, not to do every day. You do it. It matters every day. You don't it matters the last one number three i wrote down.

You should publish your results. Yes, i'm asking you to literally go like this. Bang just had 10 conversations with past clients and sphere keeping them informed on what's going on in the market every day. I do this, i keep my clients informed and that's what it's all about.

Love all my clients and i post it on instagram or on my stories. And if you follow me on instagram you're, seeing that i've now got lots and lots and lots of clients that are literally posting day, you know 100 of 300 of days, i'm making my calls day, 10 of 100 and they're challenging each other by tagging. Me tagging their coach tagging a couple of their girl bosses or their pals, or their buddies as the reminder of that social fabric. Accountability that keeps us all doing it.

Does that make sense. So what do you want to do? You want to get prepped? You want to get your mindset right and then make the phone calls and then posted, so people say wow she's with it. Oh, my goodness, she's 71 and she's making her phone calls. I want to be like judy right, like you, will inspire people and show people your grittiness and you're willing to do whatever it takes to make a difference and serve them and remember it's a contact sport, that's how it works.
So what'd you get is it? Are you going to share this? Are you going to send this, maybe to a few of your buddies and say: hey, let's do this together, let's make a challenge. We got a hundred days left what if we did 70 of those days between now and the end of the year, and over that time we talked to 10 people a day. I think that'd be 700 people, omg wtf, that's where's tom ferry. Your business would explode, and that is what i want.

So let me know i want to see it in the comments. I want to see some shares and more most importantly, i want you to remember this everything you do matters it's easy to. Do it's easy not to do make your calls.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

15 thoughts on “3 steps to help you make your calls | #tbt”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Supernovarealestate says:

    This is what i needed today! thank you !

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vusumzi Sokhamo says:

    Heโ€™s my plug when motivation seems to fail me.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christine Helou says:

    So good!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Ewert says:

    I'm a brand new real estate agent in a new area I have not lived before no idea where to start to develop a sphere of influence or leads or people nearby to call. What do I do what script do I use help BTW did I mention I'm broke too

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Dorcey says:

    On boarding with my broker tomorrow, and frankly I'm so stoked for the calls!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Castro says:

    Great video Tom! Content is great and filled with value!๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleveland Sainpreux says:

    This is a contact sport ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Hayes says:

    Thanks Tom.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hudson The Agent says:

    Where's Tom Ferry = WTF ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eric archer says:

    Got back in the business full time in July and havenโ€™t been making my call like I should.Just farming and internet promotion.DC is a competitive market!I hooked up with my manager for a 2021 marketing plan and heโ€™s giving me 400-500 contacts to call!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qtsssim says:

    Agreed 101%. The pandemic has really ingrained too many bad habits in me. Thanks for the wake up call.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Mike Janik says:

    This is the one thing I tell every agent who asks for my advice. If you commit to making your calls EVERY DAY there is No WAY you can fail. The agents that donโ€™t sell donโ€™t call. Always a great message Tom. Thank you.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashlee Bonds says:

    I'm new but I've been following you for awhile. This is a great video, I listened to it the other week on podcast, and there's nothing like a refresher/reminder! Thanx!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Judith Bell says:

    Thank you for the crucial reminder. I commit to making 25 calls today. Thank you Tom!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Penny Flow - Real Estate & Investing Strategies says:

    Thank you for another valuable content, getting real estate leads is really difficult, I just learnt something new ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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