According to multiple news outlets, a 2019 Tesla vehicle crashed in Texas. The media is saying that it had "no one" driving the vehicle, which crashed into a tree and burned for multiple hours with firefighters struggling to put out the fire due to batteries re-igniting multiple times.
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So the first story of the day is what happened in texas, a very horrific and tragic accident. Two people lost their lives in a tesla accident, which is unfortunate, tragic and extremely sad, my condolences to their families and there's a lot of on this on mainstream media. Unfortunately, we have to talk about it. Mainstream media basically tells you the story.

This narrative, that a tesla in autopilot nobody was driving. The car slammed all the way into a tree, killing two people, because the car was on fire for four hours. The firemen could not put it out because the batteries kept reigniting, they had to call tesla to figure out how to put out the car. It was a horrific scene and tesla is so horrible, so unsafe, you should never come near.

It fiery crash that left two men dead, the victims were in a tesla that burned for four hours, the cause still under investigation, but authorities say they are quote certain. No one was driving the vehicle at the time of impact, here's the actual story. The way i understand it and again very tragic - i feel horrible even talking about it, but we have to unpack the first of all. Would it be possible for a car to go into autopilot mode without a driver actually driving the car, and you know what they say a picture is worth 1 000 words.

Let me play you a clip from the short video showing you why this scenario would be extremely unplausible, hey everyone. I know i haven't posted a video in a really long time, but there hasn't been any software updates. However, i need to show something because there was a bad accident that just happened in texas, um two people just died and the news is reporting that it was a full self-drive tesla, which i don't believe is the case, because i need to show everyone this, because The car is not designed to drive without your seatbelt on, especially with fsd software, i'm going to turn on fsd mode. Now i don't have a nav point set i'm going to unbuckle.

This is what happens immediately. The car literally has come to a stop and put on my hazards, and you can't drive so i just wanted to show everyone that this happens. I wanted to show everyone what happens when you actually unbuckle with fsc software. So now, as you just saw in this video getting out of a driver's seat while in autopilot would be extremely difficult.

You can't unbuckle, and even if you unbuckle, if you don't apply pressure on the steering wheel, the car is going to stop the autopilot mode, and i do believe that even as a tesla fan, you have to agree with what i'm about to say here. I don't like the name autopilot, i don't like the name full self-driving. I think they're shitty names, because you have to make these cars idiot proof and i'm not saying that the people who passed away this accident are idiots by no means. I'm just saying that the name is not very good.

When you're talking about a driver assist system, you have to be extremely clear about it to prevent idiots from actually tampering with it and causing horrible accidents again, not saying that these people did it. But i'm just saying you have to be very clear with how you name these systems, the names i'm not a fan of, and that's coming out from a tesla fan and an elon fan. I think the names have to go now. The other part is how plausible is this claim is because when you read mainstream media, it sounds almost like an axiom.
Nobody was driving the car. Well, you just saw in the video it couldn't be done, there's no way for a properly functioning car to let you go to the back seat and stay in autopilot. Moreover, even if somehow, you managed to override the system either build some sort of a maniacal contraption to simulate a human being or you tampered with the software, which means you're stupid enough to do it. But yet smart enough to do it, which is kind of a self-contradicted statement, but even somehow somebody managed to do it.

The autopilot can't go about five miles versus the speed limit in order to crash to a tree like this crash actually happened, and they were inside a cul-de-sac inside a street. The tesla could not have been driving that fast and autopilot, even if somehow they turned it. On now, of course, there's always a possibility that the car malfunctioned allowing them to take their hands and ass off the steering wheel and the seat and move to the back seat and the passenger seat. If that actually happened.

Well, it's a malfunction and then this whole debate is meaningless. However, the numbers don't support that claim out of 175 tesla related this since april 2013, only three and a half percent six in total in eight years have anything to do with an autopilot malfunction. That would be extremely unlikely. However, it's even more unlikely when you compare this number six deaths in eight years versus about 40 000 deaths on american roads every single year.

It's a very low percentage. It would be extremely unlikely, but we don't know it might have happened, but here's the actual story. You need to understand here. There's a lot of talk about tesla actually going up in flames because the batteries kept reigniting, which is a valid point.

I'm not gon na sit here and tell you. Well batteries, don't ignite. Of course. There are, however, there's a counter argument here.

You need to understand. While you don't have batteries in ice vehicles which will not ignite, you have gasoline which will ignite. Plus you have a badass engine block right in front of your face. That's gon na ram into your face.

The minute you hit a wall or a tree, so you pretty much have to pick your poison, i mean in an icy car, you have gasoline and an engine and you have batteries in an electrical vehicle. I mean both of them are dangerous. If you hit a wall or a tree. What did you expect? Teslas are not bulletproof, i mean it's a dangerous vehicle when you slam into.
However, when you look at teslas, their crash testing perform way above average than ice cars. They usually get five stars, so if i had to pick what's more dangerous, an engine block right in front of my face or a battery that may ignite, i probably take the battery. But that's my personal preference, just my opinion might be an accurate, might be wrong. Like everything i say in this video, it is just my opinion.

You got ta, do your own research find it for yourselves, allegedly blah blah mother effing blah. So what do i think about this whole story? First of all, from an operational point of view, what actually happened there? I honestly don't know - and i don't think we'll probably will never find out if we will great there's literally five options here: option number one and i'm just speculating there was a third driver and he ran away option number two that somebody was thrusted by the force Of the impact into the back seat or the passenger seat option number three that somebody physically climbed out after the crash in order to get away from the flames, or something like that. Of course, there's an option of a malfunction and, of course, there's always an option of tampering if they tampered with the system to allow it to turn on, even though they're not in the front seat. That could explain what happened, but we will probably never find out again.

This might have been just a malfunction on the side of the car. We can't know i'm just speculating. In my opinion, it's highly unlikely, usually when you take a look at investigations by the ntsb. It's more often than not driver error, it's usually not mechanical stuff.

But again we don't know, and in all of this we still have to talk about tesla the company and tested the stock. I think the stock definitely takes a hit today, it's probably well into the 600s. I don't exactly know, maybe not in any case, if it actually dips below 650, i'm probably buying even more today. I think it's a really good price to get in, but again this has nothing to do with the crash.

Just a straight up stock analysis with a five year horizon. I think if it lowers the price to 650, probably for me a good time to reduce my cost basis. Now, let me know below what you think shout out to our palantirs to the patrons to the channel members to the teslas. We'll see you guys next video, you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “What the tesla autopilot crash in texas event really exposed”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars azamsharp says:

    What happens if you unbuckle on a highway? Will Tesla tries to pull on the shoulder and then stop, which is extremely dangerous.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lets Discuss says:

    There are films of people in the back of their Tesla’s as it drives or playing games and sleeping, it certainly seems possible to not be driving. There are clips of autopilot swerving into traffic and a few cases of it not understanding the lanes and crashing. There are also loads of clips of the Tesla saving people. Did it save more lives than deaths it caused difficult to know and I do not have the data to prove either way but the statements made in this video can be demonstrated to be false by numerous other videos.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Ren says:

    The street is very short, and it’ll likely take a few seconds to reach the curve when they left their house. There isn’t enough time to get out of the drivers seat or even turn on autopilot. My Toyota Corolla will steer on cruise control without touching the steering wheel, but it doesn’t turn smoothly and goes side by side in the lane. I heard these people were test driving it, and they may not have known what they were doing. When I test drove one, they wanted me to take it for a few hours, and I didn’t want to drive it alone at first due to no experience.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fachadolid says:

    Tesla is very unsafe, id say it doesnt have the safety standards established brands have

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Van Dahl says:

    No one asked how the passenger in the back seat burned to death…
    I think more shall be revealed about how that person couldn’t get out. If this was a regular vehicle I’m sure the rear passenger should have been able to get out. Maybe the Tesla doors wouldn’t open? We don’t know. I hope more info comes out.
    I think this is this 3rd time ppl have burned to death while they still survived the crash at least when this situation has happened…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Chang says:

    when a moving object meets a stationary object… well physics will explain the rest… and chemistry will explain the fire

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Therese Ember says:

    Elon Musk should be in PRISON! TOO many MURDEROUS DEATHS from this Tesla auto-pilot bullshit.

    These Tesla auto-pilot cars have been crashing into ambulances w/ flashing lights and police cars w/ flashing lights. They crashed into stopped semis and overturned semis.

    Why the HELL would Elon Musk make an experimental self-driving auto-pilot car that drives 150 mph?

    STOP acting like these murderous auto-pilot car DEATHS aren’t valid enough for you to care about!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kurt Maxberry says:

    If that car is burning. I’d be trying to get out too. If I could get out the front I would be trying the back too. That’s what happened. Fucking Tesla lies

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Captain CJ 97 says:

    I see this even getting worst for clout, show off to friends & family, & such.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stealther says:

    If you think you cannot abuse autopilot, search YouTube for β€œAnother dumba** abusing Tesla AP”

    The driver uses his foot to give steering wheel input.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p. body says:

    A shitty truth is that a crash like this will make Tesla cars and their software better and safer.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeBee Corley says:

    April 27, there was a dent in the steering wheel. The fire department poured water on the batteries for 4 hours to keep them cool, while an investigation was being conducted, and the bodies were being removed.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Genie Sourcing says:

    The fire chief on site said it only took a few minutes to put the fire out, the remainder of the 4 hours was spent keeping the car cool until they knew for sure it wouldn’t reignite cos the crash investigators have to inspect the car on site etc etc

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick K says:

    There are multiple videos showing Tesla’s with people not sitting in the drivers seat with their hands or with their hands on the wheel, yet autonomous driving is enabled.
    You don’t have to build a β€œmaniacal contraption” lmfao.
    This video is so misleading.
    You can tell it’s made by a Musk sycophant.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alan pina says:

    that video doesn’t prove anything u can put the seatbelt on and not have it on

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nate clips says:

    You should probably go checkout Consumer Reports’ video they just released.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Shull says:

    Bahahhhaaa! Tom…I have come to love you my brother. You get it. thanks for the VERY RAW commentary. Truly entertaining and informative. I'm considering your $250/mo for a couple months (if available).

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A C says:

    They never said it was on autopilot.. just that nobody was in the driver's seat.

    Also in ic cars the engine block is actually part of the crumple zone and adds to the structural rigidity.. and if the crashes very severe the engine block drops down underneath the car as designed.

    As an engineer the fanboyism around Tesla and their ability to do no wrong really bothers me. Tesla is no more your friend than GM or Ford.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fester Adams says:

    If these guys actually did what seems to be the case, lets cut the the chase here…they were idiots worthy of a Darwin Award. Lets see the vehicle data. Elon is an extremely smart guy and as done many things (i.e. SpaceX) that people said just couldn't be done. What Elon has not factored into the designs (in the case the Tesla) is, as an extremely wise man once said, "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity".

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Bush says:

    If you sit on a buckled seatbelt and hang a weight from the steering wheel, you can slide from the driver's seat to the passenger seat with autopilot engaged. So Tesla should now be held responsible for that type of behavior? It is difficult to build in protections against any type of possible bad behavior by the driver. Don't penalize the responsible drivers who use these assist features correctly and safely by taking them away because others abuse them!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Bush says:

    Why should Tesla have to build in Darwin Award candidate protection?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert McDonnold says:

    I heard a report from the fire chief on the scene. He said they had the fire out in 2 to 3 MINUTES.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg And Karuna says:

    Consumer reports showed how to over ride the Autopilot system and its super easy to override it.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Forth says:

    Good coverage of this issue πŸ‘, and I agree with your assessment of their naming being misleading, which opens Tesla up to liability risk, as does the fact that they don’t have any cameras insuring that there is an actual driver looking in front of them in the drivers seat. An additional issues that concerns me is that their lead counsel left (right after this incident) to go and work for leading LIDAR (you know that tech that is a waste of money according to Elon πŸ™„)! The timing of these two events has me somewhat concerned, since civil liability, in reference to safety, looks at whether the company has β€˜cut corners’ with safety to save money (ie no driver facing camera, LIDAR, map reference, etc.) as compared to their competitors. Stating that these are FSD, or autopilot certainly doesn’t help!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Smith says:

    Look up the definition of auto pilot, and then tell me if the naming is incorrect.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Brig says:

    The could have buckled the seatbelt then got in the seat, engaged cruise control, by mistake thinking it was AutoPilot, then jumped in the back seat.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flycam user says:

    is it possible to buckle the belt before you sit in and maybe trick the system??

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Tang says:

    Think they were trying to show off and launch the car, lost control and crashed. Was either thrown from the driver seat or crawled to passenger or rear to get out. . Very unfortunate they weren’t able to escape. Read somewhere that the car was pinned between some trees so that may explain why they couldn’t open the front doors.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Allauigan says:

    When do we start holding this fake news mainstream media accountable? Do just twist the news with lies and half truths without any consequences

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bonitto Housen says:

    Webster Definition of autopilot

    1: a device for automatically steering ships, aircraft, and spacecraft

    also : the automatic control provided by such a device

    Based on the definitions (everywhere) an operator is still required because autopilot by definition is a driver assist system to combat fatigue. The term was developed for the airline and shipping industry. This is why Elon associates autonomy with FSD not autopilot..

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bonitto Housen says:

    @Tom Nash you have to look up the dictionary definition of autopilot. Based on the definition Tesla's Autopilot is properly name. Example, do you believe that airlines and shipping/cruise company need to get rid of their pilots/captains because the planes/ships have autopilot?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Tsai says:

    MSM seems to be more interested in pushing articles with eyeball capturing headlines and reporting, but care less about what actually happened.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick O says:

    Autopilot has always been pilot assist. Autopilot is the perfect name to avoid confusion.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JosΓ© Renato BraΓΊna says:

    Aqui no Brasil jÑ sonda a especulação de que a tecnologia não é eficiente, mídia manipuladora.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Wagenet says:

    The fire chief asserts that they put out the fire in 2-3 minutes, then stayed around to keep the batteries cool as they continued to deteriorate while the other first-responders analyzed the crash. It did not take them 3-4 hours to extinguish the fire.

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