AMC Live Q&A With Matt Kohrs

It's white, it's transparent, as i mean we have nothing to hide yeah, so i mean i'm not going to introduce you in the stream right i mean if people click on the video i mean um, it's safe to say that your growth has surpassed any any any Trajectory i've seen, i mean the fastest growing channels. I've seen have not grown in your pace. I i was part of one of your streams. A few weeks ago.

Okay and like you, you kind of left me a note on twitter and i come back and you have like 250 000 more subscribers, it's been uh, it's been crazy. It's like i mean in my mind emotionally, i think of it more as like a limelight moment because like, but i always think of that, like i feel like i'm like teetering on some sort of tight rope. But then it just keeps going like the insanity. Just like keeps running with all this.

It's just uh man, it's just been amazing, it's been so crazy. Can i tell you something what you're pulling right now and for some i mean there's some people in the chat. We haven't started the interview yet so chill you're just here for the pre-show. We just let you glance of what a what it would sound like if you were in the room with us and you're, pulling like joe rogan numbers.

Bro yeah he's pulling like 70 80 000 uh live concurrent viewers on stream and i'm looking at your and it's like 60 70, 000 bro yeah and rogan numbers. My i peaked my like my one moment of glory. I hit 88 000.. That was like my peak concurrent viewership, and i don't know like i want to just like.

I love it, because i want to spread the story. I want to like explain this psychology of what's going on because, as as like you know, it's so far beyond just like this stock like, and we hear that all the time in mainstream media like oh, it's not it's fundamentally overvalued. Why are they even talking about it and like they're, just missing it like they're missing what this story is, and oh man, it frustrates me so so much, but even that, like i mean i've tried to um, get on joe rogan's radar to explain this and, like I'm like a little speedboat on the other side of the ocean and he's like a mega cargo ship like that, like you, just don't get the attention of someone like that. The thing about joe from what i heard is that if he for some reason likes you and you get on this, raider he'll find a way to get you on, and then i mean he made careers happen.

He made the joke. Willing's career, like everybody who went on that, show like pretty much a lot of people were made from that podcast. I think it's a great story to tell. I just don't think it's in this radar, because not because of specifically you but i think the whole.

Like short squeeze is so out of the comfort zone of what he usually likes to talk about. I mean i heard him, talk about it and he's a smart dude, the way he explained it to some guy who was across the studio from him. I was like yeah, that's a really good explanation, but i mean he's clearly not interested. I mean in this in the in the big story: um, it's it's just it's almost like.
I feel i'm on the verge, or i'm almost like too old, for this, i'm like i'm like the elder statesman, i'm 40 years old and i feel like so old, like the average, the average age group of people who are in this um, i mean there's a There's few other people for the most part. It's it's people like your age group rather than mine, but i i don't want to i mean i just watched a reverse repo video. So for those of you learning like especially in this amc gme world, a little bit has been coming on our radar about reverse repos. If you want to learn more, go check that video out, i just watched myself, i mean even me, i learned i don't.

I don't want you to quit man you're, giving out some good education, so i have to ask you a question man now that it's basically you're for good or for bad and you'll have to find a way. Out of this later, you have kind of become the man like when these people think amc. They think about you. They think about trey, and you have become kind of the you know.

Every good call brand needs a face right, so you guys become the faces of the movement and obviously that comes with a lot of benefits and also, i think, a lot of um i mean there will be you'll have to fight out of this to build, like The your yourself later on down the road when this thing actually blows over, but i mean how did you find this because you were talking about this when this was like two and a half dollars three dollars? I remember way back when you were digging into this. Nobody was talking about amc, nobody. How did you find this yeah, so mine um? I mean for the people like i guess tuning in in terms of like stand-alone amc videos, i would actually say: trey was kind of the first one, because mine were amc and jamie. Like i was like always, and even today i put them together because i think they're gon na play out together um.

So the way i found out you can see they're correlated completely oh yeah, so like it came on my radar um, so where uh, basically i mean, let me bring you back just a little bit so um. I went to college, i studied computer science and then, with like i was working in new york and new york. Like was one of the first cities to go completely belly up in 2020.. So with that, i just had a lot of free time.

I made the youtube channel, but also my uh consumption of wall street bets went through the roof like i always enjoyed it. Uh, like in college, like i don't know like i found it and i was like reading it and it was cool just to see the yolo bets. It was fun like you just like. Why not read about these crazy, crazy stories, but anyway in 2020, i was on it every single day, reading it like avidly and that's when roaring kitty, like i mean dfv uh what he was on wall street bets, that's where he came onto my radar and i Just like seeing his updates, i found him in about august september, and that was right from the point when he was posting monthly to kind of weekly every week every day and then by december of 2020.
It was just like what's going on, we need to know what what like roaring kitty is possibly doing so. I was just one of those guys like i loved this story, i loved what was happening and for me i never felt the most comfortable on camera. It's funny that i even started youtube just computer science uh, definitely introvert, i i wasn't good. I wasn't comfortable i needed to work on my public speaking, so i started live streaming.

I started live streaming. My first one ever was december 31st of 2020, like a new year's thing, and it was for me it was just to rip it like this, like i didn't want to sound scripted and that's that was the biggest issue in my earliest videos. So i try to live stream once a week every sunday, just like a market wrap-up thing. So at the end of january, because i was following roaring kitty, i had some gme myself.

It started to like really move, and i was just too excited like i - couldn't sit down to script, a video to write it or anything, and it was wednesday january 27th that i was like i'll. Just livestream like it was a wednesday and i was like how whatever apple had its earnings announcement. Tesla had is it's, and this is like one of those moments like where your lucky stars align. So what had happened was tim cook did his earnings.

There was down time and then elon was coming out with teslas and in between that time, reddit took wall street bets down and i went from like a hundred viewers. I was like oh i'll switch the title. Let's talk about this because we had like an hour to kill and for me i went to a thousand viewers, and i was like this is crazy. I have figured out youtube and then uh the next day.

Gamestop was still moving like the next day. I think it hit like 300 400, so i was like just streaming that and like so i saw huge movement in it and then all of a sudden, everyone was talking about the highly shorted stocks, amc, uh, bb noke, like all of those nakd and like i Was just getting a position and all of them running it just because, like at that point, some of the newer people who was catching the story. Gme was already very, very expensive so for people to buy, like, i don't know, 10 shares of one of like amc or one of gme. A lot of people started pouring into amc, but what was interesting is in early february when it came down with robin hood and all that good stuff.

What i noticed was reddit youtube discord, uh twitter, all of it the amc community. Slowly but surely like it. Just didn't disappear and gamestops was there, but i would say it was a bit more constant and now it's growing again, even if you just look at like the google trend metrics but amc's man, it was always grind like slowly grinding higher and in the past two To three weeks it hit some form of critical mass across all social media and, like that's, why we're talking now it's just like it just took the world by storm, and so there's people who've been in this fight from january february. So it's like it does feel good to be like where we are now but like.
I guess, for anyone listening understand like we're closer to the end of this than we are the start, but, like the fight is still raging on in the markets. I think the reason people tend to come in and stay on your streams for hours and hours, and i don't know how you stay on your streams on ours and i i think the reason is because you provide a very pragmatic, um, realistic, non-emotional view of. What's going on, that's the part i enjoy the most whenever things get a little bit hectic, either good or bad. I always swing by your channel.

Okay, let me see what the hell is going on. Let me hear like like an unbiased like very kind of it's. It's almost like you're, the responsible grown-up in that group, over 60 000 people. Okay, this is what's gon na chill yeah.

I definitely uh more of that calm cool collected of like all right because, like it, is crazy money like for a lot of people like, i guess it's one of those things that sometimes i'm on camera sitting there but like. If i had a, i want to get like a heart monitor on the bottom of my screen, because when even when i see these movements, i'm just like uh like what's going on yeah, so do you feel uh. I remember i was in the stream i'm in these streams a lot and a few days ago. I remember that when it was dipping people starting to get really antsy and throwing shade at you and basically calling you out so obviously that happens to me as well and - and you know i can't go every single comment and just say: hey, listen like i do Value investing long term mostly, so i can go every single conversation well, this is what mid short term looks.

Like i mean uh, i noticed what you did in your community instead of engaging with them. You just kind of went into members chat and then it's like a circuit breaker. I like that. I was like okay.

This is the circuit breaker on foot and then you came back to general chat and do you do you feel like when this happens? Um as if uh people are misunderstanding, and you kind of okay, so they're misguided or do you kind of get upset for people being so short-sighted, because i got ta be honest with you. I have mixed feelings about these comments because i'm like. Why are you watching my channel if you don't have patience yeah? So it's one of those things that, like i don't like to get like down on myself, because, like i actively signed up for this, you get the highest highs with the low lows so like, and i get why it's going. It's one of those things that, like it's, the yin and yang of the situation of like when i'm live streaming all day and when we're ripping from 30 all the way up to 70.
Everyone's emotions are high, we're all all on cloud nine and like that's the massive benefit, and then this week, when you had three red days in a row like well like you get that low low. I think it's just a it's a human thing, especially because, like it's not one of those things where you're talking about like a middleman asset like people are literally just seeing their net worth going up and down like i get the emotions of it and with the Members chat thing i really really try to avoid it like the way i run mine is. Is this community? I really want people to make money like that's like. I want to send the message like i want to help just spread a little bit of education and entertainment, and i understand - and i respect that some people are not in the financial position to even be able to afford a membership.

So i don't want them to feel like they're on the out crowd for that, so i use it as a last resort. When i see like a lot, i would almost argue it's a lot of bot comments because, like my mods will tell me it's the exact same message, but from like 20 different accounts and they're, just spamming it over and over and like it'll, be just messages of Like cell, it's crashing, and it's just like that's not what i'm here to do and i think they're like unduly spreading fear and like it may be to someone who just joined the community it's like. Well, i see all these people saying it's about to crash. I might sell, and they might not even understand that it is fake accounts.

And then i think some of these accounts are also real and i would assume it's more of people who just joined it and maybe bought it at a higher value. Because, like most of my viewers right now are up a considerable amount of money like i ran a little test in my discord and we added up just everyone's total pnl, like the discord alone, that people have been tracking this as a group we're up millions of Dollars right now, it's incredible, but with that being said, i respect that. There's some people who just got in that might be under on a position, and i totally understand - and i have empathy for like that - but that's also the market like i try to make everyone understand if you're listening right now, nothing is ever ever guaranteed. You just can't do that in the stock market.

I'm sure tom you'd agree with that that there's no such thing as a hundred percent or zero percent chance, like it's just one of the most complex multivariate equations out there that's dynamically, literally per micro. Second, with high frequency traders, the situation is always always changing. So we're here trying to spread the information and give us some odds of like okay, here's the current setup, but at the end of the day, it's your losses. It's your gains, i'm not a financial like planner advisor or any of that good stuff.

We're just in this together, like that's like at the most basic level, we're all like i'm. If i could tell the future, i would love to tell you folks, like i wish i had that power, but unfortunately i don't. I wish i had that sports book. That marty mcfly had and back to them yeah.
That thing would be a game changer for me, i, like sometimes i daydream of like, even if i just knew at the start of january, like if i like, if a little bird just told me like gamestop amc about to like run, i would have mortgaged everything Possible the amount i would have shaken like every couch out there. I would have gotten every single dime and just gone in and become like a multi-multi-millionaire, i'm like sitting on a beach, probably like what roaring kitty's doing just like enjoying it. Do you think that the uh well, i feel, like the there's, a almost kind of a dichotomy between the gamestop community and the amc community? It's almost they exist and they respect each other. But it's almost like they're working separately, which kind of feels weird to me because for me there's not a lot of difference.

I mean the it's it's. The interests are aligned identically, the same and uh, but i haven't seen any collaboration cooperation between these two and it seems to me the reason and tell me, if that's what you're seeing as well, is that we're seeing right now with the game sub community, what they're Going through with super stonk and their youtube channel and the quality of content that they're bringing the quality of people that are, that are basically they're. Changing the discourse on mainstream media they're, really making an impact as far as the narrative, so they've matured. Through this phase of early hysteria, early euphoria and they've matured into this political movement, while the amc movement is still in the early stages, you have a lot of this kind of young love.

You know what i mean a lot of emotions, so i think that's the reason they can't really vibe, because it's in different stages in the in the movement. But for me i think that there's a lot of makes a lot of sense to to bring this thing. Somehow, together, because it's the same people on both sides of these um i'd love to see more corporation, more collaboration, but it's um. I don't see that happening right now.

I see complete separation. I think they're i mean i agree with you like. If there was a venn diagram, there's like a certain percentage over an overlap, but obviously each side kind of has their own um. Let's call them purists and i mean i get it, but i don't know if i agree with it because, like you, i i think their success to a certain degree is dependent on the other.

I don't expect a reality where one goes completely to the moon and the other doesn't like i at whether you like it or not. They are maybe not attached at the hip but like they're, pretty close to it. So, like i view it, as i mean i'm in both, i have shares in both. I have options on both like i i i enjoy both and like i mean i've been studying both, but i do agree with you that there's, like i don't know like i said i guess the purest thing and i think maybe it's a form of like jealousy Or selfishness of like they view it of like okay, if someone out there is all in on amc, we're all in ng me well, they want other people to be like that because they know it then benefits their own initial position like they.
Don't think that the money should go anywhere else and even in like this last week we saw certain runners like clove was one and people got really mad about that like so, i heard people got mad at you for saying that's, not a distraction. Just let him have him make some money. Why not yeah like the way i thought of it is like we win. This game there is a holding, is good.

Holding is obviously way way better than selling, obviously, but also the way a stock moves is by new buying. So whether it's an existing person in the ape nation or it's a new ape, you need new money. The amount of people like who i get it of like, if all of a sudden, if we see all these other like high runners like i, could see how that distracts. But let's just take clove as like one example.

The amount of people were like i just made 20k off of clove i've just made 50k off a clove. I just made 100k off of clothes guess where it's all going right into amc. So it's like that fine line of like how we are actually defining a distraction if all of a sudden people are pulling money out of amc money out of gme, to put it in something else, all right, i think that's more of a viable argument, but all Of a sudden, if someone has some extra capital, they just 10x it on clove and then take some of that money and put it into amc. Well, that's good for us! You should you should want that because it's new buying pressure and it pushes the stock up.

So it's more of, i guess, like a nuanced argument of like when does it actually cross the line of being a detraction? Do i think the line exists 100, but do i think it exists like a quick hour two hour day, trade where then they put the money into like these, like kind of og high shorted stocks? To begin with, i don't real, like that's a net benefit. I like it because it benefits my position and it benefits your position if you're in amc or gme uh, so i obviously you've become a household name. So at this point i'm seeing you on fox business and i mean uh last when the early, the first gamestop run-up happened. I mean, i don't think you even had a youtube channel, which was just like what months ago it seems like it was a different lifetime.

So when the first gamestop run happened and uh before your fame, which is actually well deserved, so uh, i had a guy which i interviewed on on the on the show um his name is will and he was up 1.5 million dollars on games wow with a Wow with the freaking margin account he's 17 year old broke, broke head, really smart, but just margin. All then up one he wouldn't sell like i got him on. Bonzinga jason was telling him sell at least half a second, so the dude is still holding. So i i see a lot of this religious belief.
I mean he bought a car. I convinced him to get a car and at least he got a mercedes, thank god at least something, but i mean there's always there's almost this religious belief around it. So how i noticed that you're also, if i read between the lines, what scares me the most is, i don't want us to become an echo chamber where you're not allowed. When i say in my videos - hey dudes just so you know - and i hope that doesn't happen, but this thing can go to zero like any other stock, especially if it's a volatile stock, oh you're, spreading fun.

You should never say that it can never literally go to. I said: no, that's not how the stock market works. I mean um enron used to be the biggest company in the world. They went to zero, arthur anderson used to be the biggest accounting firm in the world.

They went to zero with so um worldcom. There's plenty of examples. Companies go up and down like crazy. This is the stock market.

This is like the craziest business uh to be in especially if you're in the volatile stock, so i always say like it is, i said: listen i think it looks good. I hope you all kill it yeah. However, you got to be careful, you can't say well, this is guaranteed because, as you mentioned, so how do you kind of find a way? Because if you just come up to somebody, you know when you have a debate and you're trying to convince somebody of something and - and if you don't touch that emotional point correctly you're going to get a like a pushback yeah. So how do you find on your channel the way kind of to um? Should i say you know how like to people to play responsibly? You know what i mean yeah i mean i guess with it.

I've thought a lot about that. So when you're, starting on any form of social media and let's just youtube, use youtube as an example, that's the goal you want everyone to like you, you want everyone to subscribe. You want, like you, just want always a positive response and through kind of like actually gamestop a little bit and then like the when things were a bit more calm and now picking up again. I realized that i could do that, and i could be that echo chamber that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy on the inside of like okay.

This is like great, like matches said like what i spent my money on. It's a good idea because of x y and z. I feel better about it and that's good in the short term, but i think very, very detrimental in the long term. I i don't know how a brand of any brand would ever succeed if you're, just not being transparent like across the board all the time.

One of the best ways to not have to remember your own lies to check is by just always consistently telling the truth and that's actually the most hate i've gotten of like i've gotten some hate on the opposite side of like some mainstream media articles. Written about me of blah blah like just the the typical stuff you could expect, but have i actually gotten more hate from this community when i don't arbitrarily conform to confirmation bias? I believe that the the fud that the whoever, let's just call mainstream media and confirmation bias they're on the opposite ends, but i think that they're, both detrimental, i think the way to win something of this complex complexity is, if we're all, on the exact same page Of reality, and with it um, maybe it's like i'm not the best bedside manner. Just because my background in computer science, like i just live in the world of like black and white and data - and this is what it is - and i, as a creator sometimes miss on that emotional undertone. That's very very important, like i 100, and i'm trying to get better at that.
But at the end of the day, i'm not just gon na sit there and say something that, like i just know, is verifiably like inaccurate, like just for a little bit of an example. People have kind of once again stumbled onto the finra sec website and then they're just seeing that the citadel securities they're looking at the trading volume, which is a retail wholesaler, they're confusing with citadel the hedge fund, and then they think citizens maker yeah, so they're. Looking at that and they're like oh look at all these short positions when it's literally just a volume and that's creeping up again and there were that happened before, like i don't know in february march, and i made that video too, of like hey. Actually, this isn't like as good as you get like it's it's not talking about naked shorts.

It's not talking about shorts. It's literally talking about volume and like that was they're like oh you're, not an ape, i'm like no, i'm i'm the guy trying to tell you the truth here. So like it's one of those things that, like it's easy once in a while to say what you need to for like that short term, like i guess likeness, but in the long term i just don't see how it plays out. So sometimes i take the little like gut punches when i say something: that's just fact, and people don't like it, but at the end of the day, like i think that makes um in terms of this community.

More of like a truly because i'm going to tell you how it is like i'm not just going to sit there, because i understand. There's a lot of people, there's a small segment who wants to be like hype, hoorah 100 of the time. But i think a larger portion of the audience is like hey. I seriously have this student debt.

I seriously have this medical debt. I seriously have these bills, i have to pay. I need the truth to possibly be successful in this situation. So i for me and my brand moving forward if people don't like the 100 like just telling you what you want to hear like that's, okay, because i don't expect them to grow with my brand, like, i think, people that want to grow with my brand they're Gon na grow with me because they know like to the best of my ability, i'm at least explaining the truth.
Recently i made a video where i stated something incorrectly. I get that the first thing i did on the very next stream was. I said this wrong: it wasn't as good as it seems you have to just take your medicine. Sometimes that's life you're not going to be right all the time.

I noticed that uh in your channel, when you talk about the technical trading, which is something by the way shout out to the 3 000 people in the stream right now, we're we're nearing a map, numbers uh. So so for me, usually that's between two and four thousand on the good streams, so you're you're pulling good views, and so i noticed again when you explain technical trading, which is not my expertise at all. Okay, i don't do technical trading, i don't understand it, but i did like when you say, and - and i heard you say it multiple times - is that every technical trading analysis can be interpreted both ways and literally there is a lot of intuition involved in interpreting these Movements because there's just a 50 50 split of what can happen so for every example that this actually leads to this there's another example, so so, basically you're going against the grain almost as if you're the magician who's calling out the magicians basically saying well. Technical trading is just an intuition-based game where you can use these technicals, but you have to have gut feeling otherwise you're going to suck at it, and i've never heard the technical creator talk like this.

I think i mentioned this in one of your streams, which is something that was really, i think people vibe with that yeah i mean it's just i guess, what's that old adage of like, if you give someone a fish cool they ate for a day, but like I'm here to try to teach like what i actually know, so they could do it in the future without me, and all that at the most basic level, it's all some sort of statistical chance of risk and reward. That's all it is like 100, so like if you're sitting down at a casino and you're playing blackjack and you're you're dealt like two kings. That's awesome, you're gon na do really really well, but you're not gon na win every time, so you're you're always looking for those opportunities when the risk reward favors you and you don't go all in because sometimes you don't win on those but like. If you always always continually bet on like superior setups, well, that's uh.

I guess a methodology for long-term success and that's all it is. Somebody says tom is rambling. That's that's my brand! Thank you. I appreciate it.

Tom is rambling and then i just go on endless. Rants, so it's just brand development. Somebody says that you need the lighter background i kind of like the black one. It gives a more dramatic vibe.
I think it's just calmer, especially for me of like i'm sitting in this room with that, like it was so bright. So, like i've switched my setup 180, where i had that really bright back wall, and now i actually i want to somehow incorporate this like. I have this moon that i could change like its colors. Oh i like it.

It moves yeah, so it like moves, but it's not showing up. I don't know, but what i have coming for everyone. I think i've said this. I'm just going to get a neon sign that says moon gang in the back, to give it a bit more color, but also you have to remember when i'm live streaming, this box is going to be super small, like it's just my face, like the the important Things the chart and whatever's on the page yeah you never go full full out.

Uh i've never seen you go like just you on the screen. It's it's just always the chart, and so we need sing with the super chat biggest confusion, not spreading fud. Many people are saying most itm calls expiring. 18Th june have already been hedged, hence no gamma squeeze.

Well. That's your realm of the. I don't understand that at all yeah, so winnie and i i was actually thinking about making a video this evening, specifically explaining a short squeeze, gamma squeeze and fomo buying, but just like a quick rundown for you. Um most in the money, as in the the stock is trading above those strike prices, most likely they're, all like they're, most likely all going to already be hedged for.

So when people are talking about a gamma squeeze, it's when the stock trends upward and more of the out of the money go in the money that, like hasn't previously been seen, and then the market makers to hedge those buy more shares, and then it becomes a Self-Fulfilling prophecy, it pushes it up even higher, which means that more out of the money go to in the money. So then they buy more and it's just like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Basically, but in the money, most likely hedge for we're talking about out of the money ones that we want to get hedged for when the stock trends upward. So i hope that helps winnie okay.

Now we have a we're going for the mad super chat pace now, but if there's more, i'm not used to it, usually my audience knows not to super chat. Since i don't read comments, but since you're here we're going to do it all right, it's an opportunity for them to ask you questions, uh matt. What would be a good end of day price point? I hate these questions for this coming friday, the 18th. Looking for a general idea where you want the pressure to on short positions and keep momentum on our side, good luck with that one yeah i mean you guys know: i'm never calling out um any price, but like just logically, obviously higher the better uh.
I think things get really they're gon na get interesting if amc successfully gets above and hold 60, but when we break out above that 7075 region like right now, the all-time high is 72 and then 77, if you count extended hours trading. But at that point i think you're, just gon na see a massive amount of fomo buying, which then could lead to more of a gamma squeeze. We have a lot of options expiring around 145. So if we get a quick spike up to like 120 130 they're going to start getting hedge for and that's a lot of buying and then of course right now, i think the last time i checked um just for the legitimate shorts that we know not counting The illegitimate ones, that's still about, like 70 million short that could be like a squeeze again so um the.

I guess the price levels where i believe things become extraordinarily interesting kind of happens at 60, but i mean the the pedal to the metal around 70.75 and also so just so. You know june 18th is actually quadruple witching, um, that's just a fancy way to say that there's a bunch of futures contracts and options, uh all expiring on june 18th, once again, not bullish, not bearish, just high high volatility. So because of that, like expect volatility kind of all this week, especially going into june 18th, but not bullish, not bearish, just um big ranges are to be expected. I was muted, i always meet myself when i let you answer these as i'm breathing, i'm breathing heavily.

I'm a heavy breather. I hate that closing on 4 000 viewers. Let's go, you got some: let's do it you're, bringing the clout um kenneth, mraz, uh, jason's brother. I have an important question about how you and matt feel about deep out of the money calls and posts on amc, but it's long.

How can i ask in it in chat? I i don't understand the question. I don't do options at all. Let's see you again uh, i think well he's saying that the question he asks uh. I think it requires too many characters for a super chat like the way it's capped on twitter.

Oh um can can you type in the comment and i'll try to fish it from the crowd yeah at least that's how i'm interpreting it yeah. Let's put in the question and i'll i'll find it, and if, once you put it i'll, i'm going to find it, don't worry about it and i'll keep an eye on from now on. For the for your question: um, okay! So i'm missing another super chat. This is getting when these fast super chats come in.

I know now what you're struggling with and people get annoyed. If you miss one right, so i mean it's their money and ryan patrick is asking hey gents. What are both of your thoughts on apes being divided right now with? How do you say that fake, basically fake leaders - i don't know, i'm too rushing for this word, leading people away from plays other than and well? We spoke about this with clove and and the and and the disparity between gamestop calling amc out as being distraction, vice versa, uh. I think i have a clear position where i i literally spoke about this a minute ago.
For me, all the interests are aligned. It doesn't matter where the pressure is coming from uh all the highly shorted stocks can apply the same amount of pressure on on the same amount of institutionals um, i'm sure with the new short plays like low. For example, you had a lot of hedges on both sides of the game. They always jump in when it gets.

You know interesting and lucrative. They always jump in, but at least for gamestop and gme um. I mean i don't view them as counter as mutually exclusive, but if you have, i think you have the same opinion right man, yeah, so um, well, ryan, patrick uh, he's also a frequenter of my live stream. So i think i have a little bit more um insight into where this question is coming from he's referring to some of the these people who have been like, i guess, chasing the amc wave to try to grow their own brand and now some of them i've.

Even seen are saying to get out of amc and jimmy to go on to the next thing, uh so right there like um, i've, always had suspicions that some of these new people like coming out of the woodwork, are fake for this community and now they're, just Proving it like, there's um people for like i don't know, i i don't understand why i have developed some sort of respect as if they are like true dd or whatever, but, like i don't get it like. I go through painstaking research to provide it. It's like hey, this is where i'm getting this opinion from i'll link. It below check it out yourself and then there's other people like without like starting youtube or drama it's just like they just sit there and talk.

No due diligence ever like and there's a group of them that do it i mean there's one guy who will say something. No facts will just say like oh we're doing this and then at the end of the video he's pitching his own hedge fund. I'm like do you even get the ethos of this movement at all, like you're, pitching your own hedge fund, like it blows my mind but um for everyone listening out there like, if you're new to it, just look at the creators and see how long they've been Talking about amc find out the people who've been in this from january and february and have still been in it. Not someone who like had just started posting videos within the past month, like um, do a little bit of dd on who you're getting your dd from it's a lot of dd, okay, so um, let's keep it up.

Mitch is definitely one of your subscribers. That's definitely one of yours. You wan na you can take this one uh when getting calls out of the money is the profit percentage more than getting a call option close to the money? Yes, but also your risk goes up the farther out of the money. You go.

You just jack. Your risk reward up, so your risk is higher because, like obviously that means that the stock has to have a bigger percentage growth. But if you are right, you're going to be rewarded accordingly, so, for example, this upcoming week um. Let's say that there's some people who get out of the money calls at 55 for june 18th and then other people who get 145s.
Let's say in some scenario that amc goes way beyond that. Your percentage gains on the 145s will be greater than the 55s just because you took a larger risk, um, i'm just kenneth from earlier. I can't find your comment since it's going super fast um. You can send me a dm on social media and i promise to get back to you personally, i don't want you to waste your super chat.

I always answer my dms, not like matt. He said he's. Hollywood, okay, i try. I try, i'm kidding, i'm kidding, i'm kidding, obviously otherwise.

He wouldn't have been here and happy birthday, matt, not asking for financial advice. But how do i put call options on the amount of duck shirts you will have after the squeeze i'm working on i'm working on setting up my own market for that and we're also going to be setting up a market for tulips uh. So we can all start reinvesting in that, but even that that was the joke. Matt lores, someone who called me out on a yahoo finance article.

They didn't even get my name right. They're, like i think his name's and i was like dude, come on like if you're gon na talk me like. Do it right, okay, hold on yeah yeah, i can see all of your all of your subscribers are in the chat right now by the amount of super chats um cost of hedges to cover shorts and why they don't cover. I mean right now, roughly the average age of shares loaned out what you have to do to take a legal short position is pushing 60 days, and if you do some like, if you just look back on the chart, that means roughly they got a short position Around the 10 mark, so by that percentage, they're down 400 percent right now, roughly very, very root crude math, but about you want to expect moon is another one of yours, i'll have to check it out.

It sounds like he just made some sort of uh moon gang amc, abe santa we'll check that out that'll be awesome. Oh, i found kenneth the kenneth's comment. Actually, okay, here we go uh. Okay, so kenneth is asking tom nash a lot of uh times.

Big big corporate holdings will buy severely out of the money options to mitigate profit, taxes and pension payouts. They never intended for these contracts to hit the strike, so you mean like a hedging mechanism. It sounds like a hedging mechanism, but also like for taxes, though, to mitigate profits. I feel like that's out of my wheelhouse, i'm not familiar with anybody trying to cause a capital loss, because uh capital loss essentially means you're losing money um.

If people carry forward capital losses, but i've never heard of people um intentionally causing capital losses to offset profits, i mean because you're losing more money, money yeah. Exactly so maybe a misunderstanding, but hey just shoot me a dm. Let's have a chat, i'm always open. I'm not hollywood like mad.
When will you talk to iron chic baby? That's i want to bring him on so bad. Also with rampage jackson. I know both of those guys are like in this world, like they're, actively involved with amc. I think it'd be so cool if i could get them on for like a quick, just chat to get us all fired up like i think the it's gon na be the perfect convention of the apes yeah.

You can call you can call the you can call the the podcast planet of the apes planet of the apes. I've just been jokingly, uh to just poke fun at it. I, like intro, all my stuff now like this is dumb money with your host matt coors um. I have so many questions to ask you, but people keep super chatting so we'll we'll do the questions we'll respect their their donations gotcha.

I have 80 20 june calls or another options, questions which i can't answer. Since i don't know nothing about options, would it be smart to roll into a 30 call the way i can pay less? I know it's not financial advice, your opinion, i mean there's no right or wrong answer. First of all, i can't give you financial advice, but if i were in your shoes, if you roll into the 30s, it's just less risk reward. So it's like what i don't know, your financial background, your risk tolerance, your personality to handle like the crazy swings, but um just know that if you go into the 30s you're going to be lessening your risk to reward.

So if that's something you're interested in like that could be a good play, but if you're a little bit more like me and you just like every single time, you're up at bat and you're swinging for the fences, i mean i like a bit more risk. But that's also like i guess, a function of where i'm at in my life, you have a shout out from jbw thanking you for giving him exactly the answer who's. Looking for for the price point, don't i hate those questions are so hard. I mean i don't hate um when i say hate i mean hate in the sense, they're really impossible to answer.

It's like guessing a price point. It's one thing to guess: a target price when you're talking about long-term, investing the other to guess the price point. In short and medium term, it's essentially as as tough as trying to guess when it's you had too much to drink yourself, it's it's supposed to it's impossible, to definitely analogy you always know after the fact you can never know in real time that you're having too Much drinks that is an absolutely perfect analogy: yeah, that's so tough uh, oh okay! I'm trying to catch up with the super chess. Give me a second.

I don't have usually so many super chats here i mean. Oh, that's, that's that's tough um! I may have missed a few - i'm sorry, okay, i'm trying to keep up as much as i can and macaron after party. I love that name. I have a few setting up my final trades.
If slash one big squeeze takes place. Neon people need help for maximizing profit ice, stop loss. That's a very general question. I mean i mean the concept of maximizing profits uh just so you understand.

There's a lot of luck into it, you're, basically asking how can you top ticket and if someone consistently knew how to top ticket trade, they would be the world's richest person like overnight um. The way i would think about, it is look to take a majority of the trade whenever i get into a trade if it's a trend following trade, i'm looking to take 60 70 80 of the move, and i count that as a win. But this game of, like oh buying it at the exact low price and selling it at the exact high price. That's luck like there's no trader out there, who does that time and time again take a majority of the move.

So, basically, you ride it as high as you can, when you think that the trend's over, when you think that the shorts have covered okay, that's your exit scenario then, but don't try to top tick like we'll, try to, but just understand that, like it's borderline impossible To do that accurately, my uh, my finest professor, when i was doing my mba, was a dude that used to work for lehman brothers. He was a smart dude and he explained to me it's called the drunk man. Theory. Have you heard about it? No, but i like the sound of it so he's saying that predicting short-term moves in the stock market, it's like predicting literally somebody wobbling down the street like ultra drunk trying to write an algorithm, that's going to predict where each step is going to fall.

It says it's impossible: it's just too random, yeah there's just like it comes back to the infinite amount of variables, yeah and crowd psychology, and all this like yeah aliens um. Here you go, ask matt after the squeeze is finally going to come. People love you! No sims, 2. 4.

24. 7.. Moon guy got my an nsa nasa jacket for the end of the captain. It's for life.

I love these comments, they're so funny. These people are so creative and what day of the week do market makers, hedge typically heading into friday? Basically, what's the do they not hedge every single day, man, i mean yeah, it's a gradient. They don't do it by it's a function of volatility and the stock price of the day. So it's not a day of the week as the stock is trending upward.

For more of these calls going from out of the money to in the money, it's a great it's not a binary system of like we hedge! Now we don't it's like a sliding scale like okay, we're closer, so we'll head to hedge, a bit more and then, as it goes away, they kind of unhedge. It's just like it's almost like your gas gauge or something like it's just kind of up kind of down. It's not a binary event of yes or no and by the way, what's going on right now, if you wanted proof that this is not over not even close, it's only picking up look at the views that people are getting on amc content. Look at! What's going on in this stream, i mean you, we've i mean as youtubers.
We feel like. What's hot, what's trending i mean fc afc amc has never been hotter than it is right. Now it's not losing any traction, at least as far as relevance everybody's still talking about it even more. I mean it's just picking up pace from what i'm feeling, at least from a relevance point of view.

Yeah i mean we can even see it uh quantitatively, in just the google search google trends. Amc is just going higher and higher. So that's obviously good for us on the ape nation yep el des poulos del exito whoa, that's a cool. If i was a mexican, that would be my name worldwide apes love, you matt great work, supply and demand baby apes on the float dumb money in action.

Warm regards disciple wealth. I love it shout out. I love the name carlos santos. What does matt think about luz? Let's not call anybody personally, but i would just say that let's talk about outlandish claims about share price, i mean, would you not say matt that in general you don't need this thing to go to five thousand dollars per share to make a on the money? You don't need it to go into two thousand yeah.

I mean people have already made millions when it went to seven yeah like and it just goes higher and higher, and i the higher the better but this game of like an individual price um. I mean to talk about that. I didn't i've never heard of this 1900 thing but, like i, i think throwing out dates and price targets is just dangerous because, like you either have people it hits and then you end it or like you then miss on expectations. So, just in general, i think it's it's in poor taste to do dates or price targets like let's play it day to day and as long as the trends in our favor as long as the fundamentals are in our favor and as long as they're still shorts.

Well, we're still in the play: it's that simple. Are there still shorts? Is the stock still trending up? Yes? Yes, all right, sweet we're still in it, because even right there like what, if someone puts out a price - and it was just going to completely blow by it, but now you have all these people selling at that price. You just stop the squeeze then so, like i don't like this game of price targets and like a little bit more in depth of that of you're, not going to trade differently on a dark pool. Um i mean people are referencing.

This picture that was used. I mean i could go into any web page right now, edit the css and change the price. It's not that hard. There's no reason for someone to have sold on a dark pool at price, whatever price x.

That means someone bought it at pricex. Why would you buy it at such a high price now, when you could go to the quote, unquote normal market and buy it for fifty dollars? It just doesn't make sense, it's misinformation and i think it's kind of like confusing a lot of the community. Let's just stick to the basics: the short interest, the chart, the fundamentals we don't really have to over - complicate it much more than that. This is a phenomenal question by zach, a very important question i mean i think what he's asking here is.
Quite it has not been asked before, at least on my streams, and it's very important - i mean, if you don't have to repay the stock if it's a naked short. Why is this a problem for the hedge funds yeah? So this? This is a great great question. Zach i appreciate it, so this is more of like now we're kind of into the weeds of like the stock market. Plumbing remember that it could be kind of assumed that the hedge funds might not even know it naked shorts are actually prompted by the prime brokers.

So the the hedge fund calls up their broker the way we use whatever weeble robin hood e-trade any of those guys. They took the position. They might think it's just a legitimate position. The issue arises when the prime broker does not locate the shares so right there and then then it comes into the issue of the clearing corp, the dtcc and then they're gon na be like hang on, you took this short position and you never found it so On them, like the sec forces them to buy it and that's kind of what wes christian was talking about with the obligation warehouse of like okay, you have to buy those shares off the market because you messed up, but then it gets even more nefarious because they Might not locate it and then they might be like oh okay, and then they mark it as a long position instead of a short and that's those are the things that we're just like.

We want transparency across the board. The dark pools retail wholesalers brokers give us the information like. Why is it behind like a veil of secrecy? We want to look into those things and, like i think, that's what like i mean part of my job is like that's what i'm fighting for, but the naked short thing, the accountability. The onus comes to the prime brokers, who allowed the position to be taken when they should have never taken it.

Yeah wes was talking about the failure to deliver warehouse. Did you hear about this thing? Yeah, okay, which is just like it's just like ridiculous. The thing is the, and even that, like we have the way that data works is this upcoming week we'll get an idea of the failure to delivers for the second half of may it's that delayed like at best you're already two weeks behind.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “Amc live q&a with matt kohrs”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ride Time Moto says:

    These guys are very sharp, I'm going to learn all I can from them. Yet, There is one Market guarantee; The next candle will be either red or green.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FordMoorePerformance says:

    Start automatic ground launch sequencer

    Retract orbiter access arm (T-7 minutes, 30 seconds)

    Start auxiliary power units (T-5 minutes, 0 seconds)

    Arm solid rocket booster range safety safe and arm devices (T-5 minutes, 0 seconds)

    Start orbiter aerosurface profile test, followed by main engine gimbal profile test (T-3 minutes, 55 seconds)

    Retract gaseous oxygen vent arm, or "beanie cap" (T-2 minutes, 55 seconds)

    Crew members close and lock their visors (T-2 minutes, 0 seconds)

    Orbiter transfers from ground to internal power (T-50 seconds)

    Ground launch sequencer is go for auto sequence start (T-31 seconds)

    Activate launch pad sound suppression system (T-16 seconds)

    Activate main engine hydrogen burnoff system (T-10 seconds)

    Main engine start (T-6.6 seconds)

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krystal1969yahoo com says:

    Guys making the AMC videos and going live please stress what it means to HODL. I was a newbie at one time and sold and bought back at a lower price and more shares with the profit. In the long run if everyone is doing that ..we are bringing the price down per share.
    HOLD and HODL to keep the price up! Supply and demand! It’s also risky to sell your stock and the price goes up and you can’t buy back because it’s too high. I know we all say HODL, but are we really holding if we sell and buy back….nope, that’s not holding! Hoping to see and hear of many AMC stock millionaires …now HODL…for real!

    Many holders sell and try to buy AMC back at a lower price, but that hurts our mission because every time some one sells the price drops and when you sell it gives the hedge fund traders the opportunity to buy back more stock because we are lowering the price when we sell …even if you buy right back it makes the stock price fall. This is a msg that we are trying to share with the AMC community, especially the newbies. Please share! I’m holding for you and you hold for me $$$$ Thank you! HODL …it’s the only way to increase the price per share. HOLD ON FOR DEAR LIFE.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Testa says:

    Matt is the Goat! Listen to him daily.
    Humble guy, drives a fukin corolla!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars salim ourari says:

    Can you please make a video on PSTH ? So many retail investors are in it and want to know your opinion

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Kalmuratov says:

    bad thing is that new investors are stuck in CLOV, NAKD etc. instead of being a part of AMC community. wouldn't it be better if new investor's money come directly to AMC bypassing very risky mushrooms like CLOV?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt-tastic (AUS) says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ishtar0077 says:

    Get Joey Diaz on the stream . It will be fun crazy stream hahaha

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mac D says:

    My daughter asked if you can get a green background for computer scenes.😁

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Millard Brown says:

    Robinhood is a scam. Robinhood works for the hedge funds not you. One of the best scams they have is selling your options at 3PM instead of market close. They let you buy an option on day of expiration and hold it while the market goes sideways all day (bots bouncing it back and forth) but right as the market is about to make the move in the last hour Robinhood sells you out. So you sat on an option that lost value all day long and they don't even give you a chance to make a profit on it. I think they do this to protect the hedge funds. I wonder how much money they save the hedge funds with this scam?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Craphone says:

    I have 10 shares of AMC. Will I become millionaire. 🤑🤞🏼

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fan Xia says:

    It can happen because of actions we took. You got people buying and holding few shares whenever they can. You got people stacking calls to force delta hedging. There was a lot of efforts being put into this 100k AMC goal. Need confidence, real efforts and it will happen.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Grubaugh says:

    When they talk about people getting nervous when the price drops…. wtf? I get excited and buy more!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Bacano says:

    Tom great interview! I saw Matt when he joined Andre Jihk. Matt’s personality and conviction on AMC is contagious. You are a bit of an Oscar the Grouch of stocks but your analysis is exemplary!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vanessa N R says:

    Tom you are an awesome interviewer and thanks for keeping it fun and interesting! I think at the end of the day Matt’s success is due to his humbleness. He comes across more as a mentor than a leader. He takes his time to explain to us what’s going on without sounding condescending, regardless of how silly the question may sound.
    Thanks for keeping it easy to follow but full of insight!
    You two should consider doing a AMC podcast together…the chemistry is there!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Kim says:

    At this point it is 100% undeniable that Tom is a compensated shill. If AMC was to get this much promotion there is absolutely no way shape or form GME does not get two videos when the DD behind GME is extremely more convincing.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Chen says:

    i bet a signed dollar that a cybertruck will be more tanky

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monte Barger says:

    This is not about risk tolerance, this is about conviction, the largest transfer of wealth in history. This is about fighting for our future and our children's futures. This about creating a free, transparent and efficient market. This is about the future of our great Nation and supporting American industry and innovation. This is about creating a future where great companies who we the people believe in can compete on a global stage. This is not about getting a 20k paycheck a stimulus check if you would. This is about retribution for all the times that we the people of this great Nation have bailed out Wallstreet and the banks just to have them continue destroying American business, lives and jobs. This is about being a Ape, not a Bear or a Bull but a Ape who seizes the future and refuse to let go until we enact the changes we so desperately need. I love you all my fellow Apes, AMC and GME to the moon


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moonbeam Magic says:

    Tom thanks for hosting this. You did great handling the superchats. You are both Celebrities. Thanks for teaching me/us. I watch both channels. I’ve been doing the all day stream with Matt last week and watching every video he posts and this was a fun review of the inside jokes….and new ones I hadn’t heard….I love the Money Rake! Thanks Ape nation for the humor. Happy Birthday Matt! Happy Birthday Everyone!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Lott says:

    Both of my favorite YouTubers, the spread of knowledge is priceless thanks again I’m 23 to give you some stats on AMC shareholders

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Ape says:

    If AMC hits $500 I'm going to get AMC tattooed on my face 🚀

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike yaeger says:

    I think both you guys are great but “if I would have known I would have put everything into it” is the most mr. obvious comment I’ve ever heard! Otherwise awesome job 🤙🏻

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jr. M. says:

    Wouldnt it take 100 halts and 7 days to reach $1,000??

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay G says:

    Right on Tom! Really psyched that you are covering AMC and GME!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serkan Golcukluoglu says:

    Tom I always loved your videos waayyyy before amc. But now seeing both of you guys is like the best of 2worlds coming together.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Jesus paid for sins! says:

    For me, Matt and Trey comes across sincere and not actors🤗

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony JR says:

    I’ll be selling some Tesla shares tomorrow and buying 100 shares of AMC 💪 . True 🦍 here

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexis Anttila says:

    I already commented that I absolutely loved this stream, but I just loved it so much I had to write it again.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Albert says:

    The AMC/GME dichotomy was very much like big brother/little brother. Big brother had the spotlight and the attention. When AMC came in, I think GME apes thought AMC was a distraction like a lot of the rest of the other shorted stocks. I think GME apes have come to love little brother over time and realize they are also true diamond handed apes like big brother. I’m have more AMC shares but you better fucking believe I bought the GME dip on Thursday. I am not just an AMC ape. I am an ape. And apes strong together. AMC and GME to the motherfucking moon

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elie Mounsef says:

    I would like to invest 700k live with Matt on his channel, is there a way to get ahold of him?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Sr says:

    Hey wow Matt doing collabs with some titans now. Hard work with right decision making is what you get here. Congratulations to both of you

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexis Anttila says:

    Loved this interview! Matt, do more interviews with Tom!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Who Me? says:

    APES!! BE STOIC!! This (rare)friday's 15% green could be a trap to get our hopes up for the week, then they could be planning to drop some nasty fud to get us down again, to emotionally drain us!! Just be stoic ANY COLOR DAY!! ITS A PSYCHOLOGICAL GAME AT THIS POINT!!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CorePump says:

    My two channels I MUST watch daily are Matt and Trey’s channels!

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beverages Collections says:

    The youngers should watch this movie Serpico,he ‘s the one digest police corruptions .Let’s go clean up crooked hedgeis!

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