PLTR STOCK: New Skywise Test Cases Showcase Palantir’s Future
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DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

So on the screen right now i have information that i received for somebody inside airbus. In fact, if you take a look at this, this is a kind of a video which she sent me where you can see the amount of updates that are going through every day for the software and on this list you can see all the different aspects where Skywise, which is just literally foundry, is actually being implemented inside an airline, a us flagship carrier tracking to save 13 million per year in fuel costs after integrating load sheets dispatch, data, sensor, data and flight, ops data and aircraft technical data hey. This is tom and today's video is going to be about talenteers. So if you have any sort of interest in valentine, i think you should watch this video now.

My approach to the whole content i do about talenteer is i try to provide something that the market doesn't have. That's why? I think my videos were popular in the past is because i give you something different, either from an analysis standpoint that does not exist out there or from a resource standpoint, because people from these companies actually reach out to me and give me a lot of information That i can share with you in this video. I want to do a hybrid between these two now, for once, we have to finally close the chapter on the whole sbc argument. I read the seeking alpha article, who completely botched the sbc issue, with valentir sbc being the stock based compensation.

I'm going to take apart that article and i'm going to prove you that whoever wrote it doesn't really understand how corporate-based compensation works with these type of companies. Also, the other thing i'm going to do is i'm going to share with you some test cases. I got from an employee inside the organization that works with foundry, specifically an airline organization that has a lot of test cases to share, and i'm going to put it on the screen. There's no other place to see it.

This is the only place where you get to see these test cases, because they also show you a lot about the way palantir works and a lot about the way. Foundry works a lot of interesting insights, mostly the value that they bring, is clearly evident there. The third thing i finally want to review is the whole nonsense. I hear people talking about.

Palantir is a consultancy. It's not a software company and, to this point, there's a lot of people who actually debate about it and they say different things in today's video. I'm going to show you proof, 100, irrefutable proof that this is a software company, not a consultancy, using data, irrefutable evidence to finally close the chapter. Somebody texts me in the middle of my spiel close the chapter on the whole palantir is a consultancy.

So let's get started, my name is tom nash and i quit my corporate job as a senior financial analyst to break down companies for you there's one thing you need to know about me: i don't take from anybody. If this is your first time here, my name is tom. I used to be a financial analyst now, as you can see, i'm a full-time youtuber, i'm here to bring you my knowledge, my information about the stock market and the only thing i ask of you is not to click nothing not to smash nothing not to buy Nothing not to sign up or subscribe to. Nothing.
Just give me your attention. If you came across any articles of valentine, you probably heard these two arguments number one stock based competition, delusion is killing palantir number two volunteer is not scaled up. It's a consultancy, not a software company and number three. Nobody understands what the hell volunteer is doing.

What is their product? How does it work? How does it take money for the customers that it actually serves and in this video i'm going to solve all three? Let's start with the stock based compensation, now i'm not going to give clout to this gentleman who wrote the article on seeking alpha, although i think that article deserves a one out of ten for understanding how corporate stock-based compensation works. Essentially, i'm just going to show you the claim and i'm going to refute it in five seconds, because it's that easy that gentleman basically said well here are the numbers for the stock based compensation for palantir and the numbers are very high. Look at how much stock based comp they're giving to their employees and that causing dilution basically causing you actually to get less money or less value. As an investor.

I guess that's the claim and while i'm not going to argue here that stock based compensation isn't high for volunteer, it's definitely way way up there. But i'm going to argue that it's a good thing and i'll explain to you why it's a good thing - and this is not coming from some seeking alpha rider. This is coming from a guy who worked in corporate america in massive corporations who understand what stock based comp is and how it works. So you have to understand that, with massive corporations like tesla and microsoft, google and facebook volunteer they're competing for a very small pool of excellence.

The majority of companies in the world are competing for a minority of the top employees, the top twenty percent of companies in the world, the google, the facebooks, the teslas, the volunteers - are competing for the top one percent of employees and it's a tough competition now granted. If you're, not in the top one percent, you are the one hunting for a job. It's not your oyster. I mean you're having a difficult time.

You have to interview you're, basically trying to get a job. These guys, the top 1 percenters they're the ones being hunted in fact, they're interviewing the employers. I mean they're, basically, an nba player going into a massive club with a ton of women. Now, in that club, there's gon na be a lot of dudes a lot of girls, but you know that most girls will be looking at lebron or kd or whatever, whatever nba player walks into the door, the same thing with the top one percent of employees.
Now these companies compete very harshly for these employees and, if you're, a cash rich company like a facebook or a google or tesla, if you're established, if you're massive you can throw. Basically, it brings truck at them, hey here's a ton of money and then they can basically compete amongst themselves. A company like palantir can't do that, even though it's a massive company with 40 billion dollars of valuation, they can't compete with the googles, the facebooks as far as the level of monetary compensation they give to the top employees. They just can't.

They also don't have enough clout, i mean it's far, cooler to say you work for facebook or google at the dinner table with all your family, like the all 30 of them are for you them, rather than valentin. Now they have to change it somewhere. They have to make it more attractive for those one percenters to pick them rather than google or facebook or tesla. If you walk through the door and you're that one percenter you're going to be doing massive important work from day, one you're not going to be moving up the chain you're going to be doing interesting, exciting projects from day one and you're getting equity in the company.

Even though we're a 17 year old company, which is kind of strange to give out basically startup level equity, but we're doing this to attract you, the best employees, so essentially, as the company gets older, they give out less and less equity. Basically, that's how it works. When the companies become like a 20 30 year old company, there's no equity, there's no options, but if you're a startup you're giving up a lot of equity. Because you don't have a lot of money so patently are making a conscious choice to behave like a startup.

Giving people a lot of equity so they can attract them and retain them. This level of compensation costs the company zero dollars. So as a cash flow item, that's not existent you're, giving away something in the future. No cash is being spent right.

Now more cash can go to r d into resources into actually building your infrastructure and you're getting to retain that employee because he becomes a shareholder in your business right away. I think it's genius and i think, i'm kind of surprised. Other companies at volunteers level know that there's a lot of companies. Volunteers level are not doing the same thing saying that this is a disadvantage, and this is a problem for volunteer, shows a lack of understanding of how real life, corporate competition for a place works and before we go through the third part.

Where i'm going to show you actual test cases that came from volunteer clients that send it to me to show you the actual numbers, that's going to blow you away one more point of emphasis here, so i want to address the issue that people are saying about. Volunteering well done planned here is a consultancy. It's not a software company, blah blah blah blah blah blah. Now a lot of people who pretend to be professionals.
They have big white boards where they jog and they sell software, and all this they pretend to know what the hell they're talking about. Obviously uh, not so much so let me explain, palette is definitely another consultancy. All you need is just a look at. What's going on with their user base, so on the screen right now i have information that i received from somebody inside airbus and that guy inside airbus basically showed me how many active users this software actually has just in airbus, we're not talking about all the other Clients, that's one volunteer client, how many users are using the system on a daily basis, how many active users, as you can see in the screen right now, the active users went from 15 000 to 20 000, just in the last year alone.

So, as of today, we have 20 000 active users to this software, just in one single client of palantir. Those numbers cannot be consultancy just on the face of it. In fact, if you take a look at this, this is a kind of a video which she sent me where you can see the amount of updates that are going through every day for the software, as you can see on the screen, a lot of updating just Every single day, that's not the consultancy business, sorry, 20, 000 users per customer; it's not a consultancy. If somebody tells you otherwise, you know what to think about them.

Now, let's move on to the third point. I want to show you some test cases about here which are going to blow your mind they're, making me really excited in a good way. Let me show you so on the screen right now, you're, seeing a page from the presentation i got from an ln employee who uses foundry and on this list you can see all the different aspects where skywise, which is just literally foundry, is actually being implemented inside An airline now i want to show some live test cases. Let me show you some cool stuff, so this is flight operations and ground operations check it out.

Challenge zero fuel weight calculations are often outdated and not specific to a particular aircraft. As a result, unnecessary fuel padding, intentional overestimation of zero fuel weight for aircraft and unnecessary fuel weight being carried. The entire flight are common problems. Carrying extra weight significantly increases fuel costs, skywise solution, skywise, consolidates data across maintenance, flight ops weight and balance and dispatch systems to create a unified view of actual zero fuel weight as compared with calculated zero fuel weight allowing dispatchers to more accurately fuel aircraft for the planned Flight instead of overestimating required fuel enabling active monitoring of fuel, optimization policies, impact a u.s flagship carrier tracking to save 13 million per year in fuel costs after integrating load sheets dispatch, data sensor, data and flight, ops data and aircraft technical data required data is flights load Sheets, aircraft, technical data, everything that is actually in existence right now, the only thing patented does is - brings them together and saves you 13 million dollars per year.
That's a good business challenge. Critical information about aircraft on the ground and recovery is scattered across spreadsheets mis system maintenance, logs and sensor data, preventing airlines from diagnosing drivers and allocating resources to mitigate them. Skywise is a central source of crude for all aog information capturing both the cause of aog and steps taking to return the aircraft to service aog's aircraft on the ground, tracking everything related to diagnosing the root cause of aog procuring needed parts and executing the required maintenance. This data is being integrated with relevant contextual data to determine top drivers and actions for preventing or mitigating them impact.

For the first time, regional carriers have visibility into the causes of aog's and also into recovery bottlenecks. This information is being used to design maintenance, technician, training, programs and inventory management schemes to accelerate aog recovery, resulting in a 25 decrease of aog hours, and let me explain something: regional carriers usually operate just the a320s or the similar planes, essentially they're buses. Every time that bus is parked instead of driving companies losing money, these planes cannot sit on the ground they're, not like a 747 or an a380. These need to be in the air the entire time.

Aog's, for these sort of regional carriers is a death sentence. Reducing 25 of it, based on this software alone, is a massive feat. Airlines lack the ability to utilize the full history of operational interruptions to inform the probability of mechanical issue without skywise data is distributed across too many sources: technical logs, mel work, orders, sensor, data, etc. Skywise integrates all this data, i'm not going to go through the entire but check it out impact using skywise latem, the airline reduced delays with prior mechanical issues from 24 to 15, by identifying which mechanical issues were likely to generate a future operational interruption and proactively.

Resolving the issue before before it could recur and cause a delay. Oh my god. A 300 aircraft fleet regional carrier calculates 36 less aircraft on the ground annually, a 5 reduction as a result of using skywise. This is massive money for companies that operate on a very slim margins challenge with data siloed across different systems.

It is very difficult for an airline to understand how maintenance data, cabin reports and default messages interact to action. The most severe cabin defects, given the cabin is often thought of as the face of an airline. Rapid triage of severe defects is priority. Now, basically, this software, as you know, integrates all this data and here's the result.
One flagship regional carrier estimates two to four million per year in savings by using skyways to tackle chronic cabin defects and if that's not the quickest way to save two to four million dollars per year. I don't know what is flight safety. This is huge check. It out understanding historical safety trends well enough to identify, address potential hazards and reduce the rate of high severity occurrences in the future.

This is a safety issue. Basically again, the impact here by skywise is we enabled the group safety team responsible for flight safety oversight across seven distinct aocs to enforce safety policies, including uncovering 40 safety events, which required additional findings to be reported from flight crews, essentially making planes safer. There's no price tag here, even though the costs are enormous challenge. Most airlines under claim on warranties matching removals of warranty policies, filing claims and tracking those claims is a manual process that often results in missed claims.

Basically again, skywise does a thing impact based on unclaimed and warranty removals discovered using skywise one flagship regional carrier estimated they had been under claiming on warranties by four to seven million per year. Do we really need to do more of this? I mean i have pages and pages of these test cases. Every single one of them is better than the other. If you have any sort of desire to understand planetary better, i suggest you do your own research, because everything i say in this video is still just my opinion, which means it might be inaccurate.

It might be wrong, it might be the ramblings of amendment. You have to do your own research, allegedly blah blah mother, effing blah. As always. I hope i brought for you what you needed from this video as far as reliable data and my own unbiased information and opinion.

I hope you enjoyed this video, a huge shout out to our channel members and our patrons. If you want to join the community and support the channel, it's five bucks per month. The links are below we'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Pltr stock: new skywise test cases showcase palantir’s future”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seattle Data Guy says:

    PLTR is great, but I feel like SNOW is still going to be a far more valuable company. Being someone that works in the data space, the real money is actually in data storage and management, because these always have to come BEFORE you can do what PLTR does. So whatever you think PLTR is worth, likely, SNOW will be worth. Just my 2 cents. But I am in no way a stocks person, just a data consultant.

    Just like in the boardroom, people go crazy over data science and AI while they are spending millions on their data storage and data infrastructure consultants.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Westin Galante says:

    Any shorts are going to louse their shorts. Stop 🛑 I need their money. Make some FUD VIDEOS SO I CAN LIKE AND SHARE….🦔<🦧
    🦍🥖I like the stock!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James says:

    PLTR will be over $56 in next 9 months so get in now or miss the ride….choice is your!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aber dunsky says:

    im long term into PLTR..seems like a future global leader in fintech

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Copy Right says:

    That's actually what Peter Thiel explains in his book.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CarpeDiem1320 says:

    Tom… you know that by saying not to smash nothing that we’re gonna smash something right ? Lol double like for the creativity.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Burke says:

    Great analysis, I’m also a aircraft line maintenance person. I totally understand everything here you presented. I wish one day i have a chance to use skywise. As for now I just buy and hold the stock. I love this company. I think they are on the right track, seeking alpha writers need to wake up! Most just don’t understand the pltr company and write nonsense just to see there name on SA. Keep on holding palantards!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J R says:

    It would be nice to actually SEE how palantir works. Think if they showed test cases it would open a lot of eyes

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deborah Philip says:

    Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profit is like turning water into wine you would need a miracle, thats why i trade with Mrs sliver Alex, her skills set is exceptional.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james shin says:

    Palantir is like BASF. They dont make your product. They makenit better.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ludovico says:

    I work with Palantir Foundry and it’s a great platform, I am really happy to invest in it

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Herschel Foster says:

    PLTR going to test resistance at 31. Short squeeze happening right now. The bears are crying, so sad, too bad.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Baez says:

    Just as long as safety is not compromised and we end with planes falling out of the skies. Safety first over profits!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Phillips says:

    Jesus shut the hell up about this crappy company!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JohnMyUsername says:

    hey tom love your videos. when will you have a video on a deep dive on coinbase?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Bell says:

    A little off topic here, but today was the IPO for the company Sprinklr(CXM). What are your thoughts & views on this company and the interesting concept of "social listening?"

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Thomas says:

    Just wondering, is palantir a growth stock and if it is and they have all of these outstanding contracts making big money why isn't it showing in the price of the stock 🤔

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David C says:

    Tom, thanks for this info. It’s awesome to see the challenges the software is resolving. I can see the need for this software increasing.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karos says:

    Not gonna lie, whenever Tom uploads a video about PLTR whether it’s good or bad I get excited lol

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ape-3PO says:

    So I just watch a video
    Lastnight about Amazon street not sure if your familiar pltr will be tying into it it’s like a back door to steal you internet and invade privacy just like Alexa has already done think of it as skynet I know it sounds crazy but it’s a real thing thoughts

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete Wehe says:

    Are these the backup figures for the $50m that Foundry found or saved Airbus within weeks of their implementation?
    I’m also curious if the IBM connection has developed any contracts for PLTR?
    Thank you for this release. It was the first “hands on” demonstration of how it works.
    SA just published another doomsday article while I was watching this, “Don’t buy PLTR until you read this”.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erwin Thakur says:

    451 shares and buying more. I have multiple friends who used Palantir while we were deployed and they said it was mission essential.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marcel mugurel says:

    Everyone Palantir is the beat, Palantir is great, big news, and pltr still sits low level. Is like an paid advert.
    You guys can find a better stock. I will come back here in 5 years and i will still hear the same story: palantir will sky rocket to the mooouunn :)))
    I have 100 shares and i will start to sell even on red. Pltr is one of the few i have in RED. Goodby palantir gang. See you in 5 years at $29.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turning Point says:

    Mr Nash, please can we have a video on Hertz and where they stand at the moment.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GrófAzUhl says:

    Sir nash i like your videos some feedbak from me:
    -> i don't like these weird interrupts you had twice in this video
    -> please include all the data about the stock at the start price, short, avg volume, ur expectations just like in a 3 mins cut before you go onto why you like the company.

    i mainly listen to you when i'm working and these interrupts and the lack of the other part is smth i would really apprechiate.

    aside i like thanks for reading

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sixtynine999 says:

    Seriously worried about the CEO being taken out by James Bond now.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harm Won says:

    Good news on PLTR. I'm ready for my stocks to drop another percent.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHris G says:

    Another brilliant video Tom , thank you you so much , I’m learning loads from your videos 😀👍👍

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fit. Mind. Body says:

    Tom fir the next John Wick movie…. He can be the Russian accountant that uses Foundry to steal money from 3 letter organizations…. With each digital heist a screen mock that says “I stole all your money.. allegedly…. 😈”

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arny trezzi says:

    analysts do not know how it feels to be a shareholder

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cedric dellafaille says:

    yeah yeah share dillution… what about the CEO?! his salary is WAY TO HIGH! definately for the size of palantir say whatever you want

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quinones says:

    From my experience with Palantir software in DoD, it's definitely not a consultancy. For my uses, it's nothing more than a search engine that provides published reports and profiles. The profiles auto compile anything related to that profile. Sometimes, there's a graph here or there if anyone bothered to dedicate days of work to figuring out the software. From my perspective, I think it's useful enough and widely enough used that the DoD will continue to use it for the foreseeable future.

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