RJ Scaringe, the CEO and founder of Rivian, has previously gotten lots of support from the EV community for his charismatic personality and talented engineering skills. However, I have lost all my respect for Rivian after the automaker was caught in the midst of IP theft. In this video, I expose Rivian's illegal plan to take on Tesla.
Tesla's Lawsuit Against Rivian: https://www.scribd.com/document/470141365/Tesla-sues-Rivian #fullscreen&from_embed
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Rj scarange, the ceo and founder of rivien, has gotten a lot of support from the eevee community in the past, after graduating, from mit with a phd in mechanical engineering, rj worked on rivien for 10 years before releasing his electric vehicle to the public, while elon musk Enjoys competition he certainly doesn't support ip theft, which is where riven comes into play in this video. I'm going to show you the exact details of rivian's illegal plan to take on tesla and how the automaker was caught red-handed if you're new to the channel. Please consider subscribing for more content like this and let's get right into it in order to steal tesla's trade secrets, rivian attempted to learn tesla's employees with money and get those employees to obtain information. So far, tesla has caught four former employees, stealing tesla's private engineering information.

These employees are tammy, pascal, a former senior manager at tesla for leadership, recruiting kim wong a former field recruiter at tesla jessica, siren, a former environmental health and safety manager at tesla and carrington bradley, a former manager of tesla supercharging network. Now, before we assume those employees are guilty, let's actually take a look at the evidence and decide for ourselves in the lawsuit filed by tesla, tesla stated that tesla investigators discovered the misappropriation and interviewed pasquel by phone on july 6, 2020. pascal falsely denied taking any documents From tesla, when pressed, she continued her denial claiming to only have taken personal documents only after investigators confronted her with specific documents she had taken pascal finally confessed to taking the confidential and proprietary documents. Essentially, what this means is that before tami pascal, a previous senior manager at tesla for leadership recruiting left to join rivian, she downloaded private documents about mass recruiting for production and sales, along with important pay scale documents to her personal laptop.

These documents include candidate lists, tesla, recruiting organizational charts, information about tesla recruiters companies from which tesla sources, candidates and additional tesla forms and templates. Now the story for how pascal got exposed stealing tesla's information is quite hilarious when asked to work with one of the tesla investigators to delete tesla documents from her personal cloud storage. Pascal declined, claiming she didn't have access to a computer at a residence. In fact, as tesla later learned, pascal still had possession of her tesla laptop and her husband is an i.t professional.

So after pascal joined rivian, she kept her tesla laptop so that her husband could help her steal tesla's documents, just by keeping tesla's laptop pascal already made the case extremely suspicious. After a back and forth, pascal shared the screen of her phone and claimed she had already deleted the documents throughout this process, however, pascal stopped screen sharing several times preventing tesla investigators from seeing what she was doing when she did. Numerous files were briefly visible to tesla investigators with the screen share, but pascal abruptly ended the session and said all the remaining files were personal. That move right.
There was beyond careless. Pascal went on a zoom call with tesla investigators kept on stopping her screen, share and opening back up and then later agreed to searching up the keyword tesla, which revealed many of the confidential documents stolen. If you truly want to steal intellectual property, which is obviously not smart in the first place at least be intelligent, when doing it, pascal may be confirmed to be guilty of stealing private intellectual property, but it still may seem like pascal, is taking the documents for herself. Rather than for rivien, this is where a woman named kim wong comes into play, while pascal isn't confirmed to be directed by rivian tesla claims that they have evidence showing that a different employee was instructed by rivien to steal intellectual property.

This employee is kim wong, who is formerly a field recruiter at tesla. Earlier this year, wong was contacted by vince durian at rivien, who had been her manager when he was at tesla before wong left tesla. During instructed her. That riven did not have the recruiting templates structures, formulas or documents that would be needed for rivien's recruitment efforts on july 7, 2020 after wang's conversation with durin and the same day that wong received an update on her background check by rivian.

She sent at least 16 highly confidential and trade secret, recruiting documents from tesla's network to her gmail account the very types of documents that duron had instructed her that rivien needed similar to the previous case. It seems quite obvious that vince tanner duran purposely stole tesla's intellectual property after joining rivian as a senior manager of talent, acquisition, vince told wang to steal 16 confidential, recruiting documents from tesla, which were the exact same documents that wang ended up. Stealing these confidential documents were about tesla's, recruiting strategies which included templates and guides to help recruit talented engineers. Some documents included highly sensitive trade secret compensation and bonus information for tesla sales personnel for use at rivien, including base pay rates, target bonuses, new higher equity awards and incentive based compensation numbers.

For example, the tesla advisor overview document that she took had salary rates, equity grants, bonus, tiers and fluctuations darin for various positions and performance levels. The fact that huang stole plenty of confidential documents without expecting to be caught is so foolish. Given the information in tesla's lawsuit. It's quite obvious that wang is guilty of ip theft and will have to see where the lawsuit settles at jessica, sieren, a former environmental health and safety manager at tesla was caught red-handed after stealing confidential engineering documents, as an ehs manager, sieren shouldn't even be touching.
Tesla's engineering data on march 24th, 2020 cyrin used her tesla issued laptop to access several confidential and proprietary documents from the ehs file share and other locations on the tesla network. Sirian then sent the documents to her personal gmail account and afterwards tried to steal them from her desktop computer. These documents consisted of highly sensitive trade, secret, confidential and proprietary engineering information about manufacturing project management control, specifications for manufacturing equipment specifications regarding manufacturing, robotics and manufacturing equipment requirements. These documents would be used rarely if at all, by syrian as a manager of environmental, health and safety.

Yet she exported them shortly after accepting her offer at rivien. The funny thing about jessica siren is that, after being pressed by tesla investigators, sieren admitted to sending only one confidential document to herself and claimed no knowledge of the rest. To claim that you only stole one document and didn't steal the others, even though you sent all of them to your personal gmail, is not only hilarious but insanely dumb on a larger scope. The case of jessica siren truly shows how desperate rivien is to start selling its vehicles.

Rivian couldn't even learn in a tesla engineer who was working on the confidential projects that had the information it needed. Instead, rivien had to instruct a former ehs manager to steal data from a project she never even touched or seen before the case of jessica sieren truly undermines any of the engineering feats riven ceo, rj scarange has achieved up to this point. For years, tesla has dominated the market for electric vehicles, not just by selling superior vehicles, but also by having a wide supercharging network. On the other hand, rivien's charging network is on a laughable scale.

This is where karentine bradley comes into play. Carrington used to work as tesla as a manager for his charging network before joining rivian on march 20th, 2020 as a senior manager for charging development on march 19, 2020. The day before he left tesla to go to rivien bradley forwarded to his personal email, address a list of highly curated select group of high-level tesla employees, who are experts in the development and management of charging networks. Precisely the type of team rivian needs to deploy its own charging network.

The information would allow rivien to target for recruitment the members of that group, which is responsible for the selection, development and management of tesla's global supercharger network. Unlike the other cases, carrington sent to himself a confidential document of the tesla supercharging experts so that it would be easier for rivien to poach tesla employees. After obtaining this list, carrington began recruiting these experts to rivien tesla stated in its lawsuit that soon after bradley began, working for rivian members of the select group were recruited by rivien tammy, pasquale, kim wong, jessica, siren and carrington. Bradley are the four defendants that tesla has caught red-handed.
However, the truth is that many other rivian employees likely got away with ip theft. Tesla stated that its continuing investigation has revealed information showing that at least two other employees likely took trade secret, confidential and proprietary information about tesla, as they were, leaving to go to rivien to top it off. About 70 tesla employees joined rivien directly from tesla, with 22 of those leaving in the last four months. We don't know how many of these tesla employees leaked confidential documents, as those that are remaining were likely smart enough not to leave a blatantly obvious trail of evidence.

Like the others did, living has responded to these allegations in what seems like a pr stunt after electric contacted rivien about the matter. Reviewing stated we admire tesla for its leadership in resetting expectations of what an electric car can be. This suits allegations our baseless and run counter to rivien's culture ethos and corporate policies. Tesla has evidence backing up its allegations against rivien, whereas rivien just claims that the lawsuit is wrong.

This comes off as incredibly suspicious and, without a doubt, i'll have to side with tesla on the lawsuit because of the overwhelming evidence provided against rivian. Now the fact that rivien has been stealing intellectual property from tesla completely loses my respect for the automaker. Encouraging competition has always been an activity elon musk enjoys, but when it comes to ip theft, this is certainly taking it too far. The list of companies that have been accused of stealing tesla's intellectual property now includes fisker, automotive, zoox, x-ping motors and rivian.

Let me know what you think about rivian's illegal plan to take on tesla in the comments section below, if you're interested in reading the full lawsuit that tesla filed against vivian i'll, have it linked in the description below. Also, if you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one.

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33 thoughts on “Exposing rivian’s illegal plan to take on tesla”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark nelson says:

    Rivians may be a great pickup. But how do you charge it. (Network). Who will fix it (repair) There’s more to a pickup than a good design!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LoudValves says:

    so many deceitful, ungrateful pieces of shit that Tesla has to deal with….

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Anderson says:

    Rivian Retaliates, Files Motion Saying Its Reputation Was Affected (insideevs.com)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IvanPlayStation4LiFe says:

    Everyone is against Tesla like they are Trump but in the end the true wins. We love Tesla.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex says:

    How would a recruiting manager have access to anything important from Tesla? We all already have the same candidate lists, and the Tesla org chart is already easily publicly available. I work in tech (streaming) and our recruiters do not have access to any files that could help a competitor. These claims are ridiculous. I know people who work for Tesla and they agree that their HR/recruiting management has no access to important documents. “Trade secret and bonus information”?!?!? That’s all available on Glassdoor you moron! We all poach from one another!!!! It’s business as usual! Poaching from each other is not equivalent to IP theft you fucking nincompoop.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matthew portilla says:

    This needs to go to trial so we can see all the discovery. I also wouldn’t put it passed Tesla to lie about what happened.

    Also, recruiting and EHS are not proprietary they’re literally legal compliance requirements. Calling an application that you give out to anyone that applies “IP” is disingenuous.

    Also, recruiting a team is called capitalism.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mitchio86 says:

    This stuff happens all the time, don't see what the fuss is about.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Hinkle says:

    You understand that anyone can accuse anyone of anything they want in a lawsuit, right? For example, I think this video could be the grounds for Rivian suing you for libel. Are you guilty? That’s for a court to decide. Just because Tesla is accusing people of doing these things doesn’t mean they did. You also are assuming they are guilty of this. Has the lawsuit settled? Has it been taken to trial? How do you know this isn’t retaliation for these employees leaving Tesla? How do you know this isn’t a baseless lawsuit meant to tie up funds for years that Rivian needs for R&D? How do you know this document wasn’t leaked so Tesla could badmouth it’s former employees and a rival? You don’t.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Fotopoulos says:

    he who steals first USA 2020 and after put the blame on trump and biden , full of fakers and thiefs

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Aminiel says:

    I would like to believe that people switch jobs and those people won't go to work for ford,Gm or other gas automaker but an EV automaker. Therefore, rivian is the only promising fully electric car company that people moving from tesla would look for jobs at. I'm trying to think fairly and exclude our own speculation but talk of normal life employment and oportunities.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fourbypete says:

    Maybe they were stealing Tesla information and intellectual property so that they didn't accidentally copy what Tesla where doing. It can really set a company back years if you are found to be doing something the same way that another company is doing it. Then you would have to scrap vehicles and completely redesign your work. I feel like Rivian may use this in any court case as an argument against Tesla or other companies they might have stolen from.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DADventureTV says:

    You know what they didn’t steal, the design documents for the Cybertruck!!! Phew, lucky for them. 😂😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fast Times says:

    Space X did the same illegal thing stealing from Northrop, Boeing and JPL. Don’t see any videos on that. Oh yeah

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Arrington says:

    So all this looks like is Rivian hiring Tesla employees who say they will be able to set up these structures after they are hired and those people just stole the templates instead of recreating them. If it was able to be linked back to VRvian with proof. there would be federal investigations for corporate espionage… which is taken very seriously

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N.W.A /IceCube says:

    A lot of snakes surrounding Elon after all struggle of no one believing i him they want to go dirty now, that makes me respect the dude even more

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Williamson says:

    Elon is going to start recruiting lawyers for Tesla at this rate, pretty dirty and saves these sleazy outfits countless billions in R D that Elon had to pay for, if the extent of the theft is so complete that only the body style is different yea that defines intellectual property theft such bussiness practices, speak volumes of both the product and especially the owner, as for China they have a long sordid history intellectual property theft but the market is so big you just have to par take.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Williamson says:

    It seems like not so long ago there was something called loyalty, trust,etc. Such aggressive intellectual property rights need stronger laws and punishments to those offering the bribe as well as the backstabber.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yale Zhang says:

    How does Tesla know the documents were uploaded to Gmail if it's encrypted. Did they get a search warrant for the account? Is there any email that cannot be searched without a key?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teemo says:

    That's why that guy at "E for electric" is a fraud..he had been a bear on tesla and getting kick backs from rivan lol.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PJ says:

    To be honest, this practices are pretty normal in automotive industry

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gavin martin says:

    I would take pictures of this stuff than send it how dumb are these people?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Hawk says:

    Stealing from tesla is worthless I rather make my own technology that's just is good

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars carls apartments says:

    What is Ford Saying about Rivians practices, will they dump them?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Bazan says:

    Rivian isn't the next Tesla, rather it's the next Nikola. And I've thought that for awhile. From its secret development (!) to its double-Edsel headlights. GM even wouldn't partner with them! And Ford soon backed off from their Rivian Lincoln. Lucid seems the only legit Tesla competitor.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Sohn says:

    Bloody hell!! A lawsuit is not a verdict. You folks acting like this is all fact and a verdict has been found.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S Young says:

    Know your history !! the Big Three Auto makers , Employees moved from one company to the other . brought there Knowledge and the SECRETS with them this has been the way of life ( Unfortunately ) , Empires steel intellectual secrets ( China ) / Company steel intellectual secrets . Remember Apple / Samsung , this will to shall Pass and the consumer will be better off in the Long run . Just my two cents .

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert sharpe says:

    Who cares it’s the nature of the beast u don’t have to say their name every time very annoying

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Mcdonald says:

    If they can't go after rivian then they're going to go after the people people start cracking and fessing up whistleblowers they're not going to go to jail for rivian.
    or rivian going to give Tesla royalties for every vehicle sold.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prince Choudhary says:

    Nobody is pure, all companies steal from each other. I bet Tesla might have also stolen a lot of technologies from others. This is how it works. This is how they survive and compete. All that matters is we as the customer get the best out of it.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lenta Jzx says:

    Wao Elon really struck gold with this move on buying this Tesla brand.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N A says:

    This video is trash and full of slander. Author is an idiot. "I believe everything Tesla says at face value and nothing Rivian says". Do you not realize the burden of proof lies with the accuser? And yes, of course "Tesla investigators" are going to find information that helps Tesla. Duh? They're not impartial. They work for Tesla. Hello? Rivian's counter-suit is entirely within reality. Tesla filed suit shortly after Rivian announced raising $2.5 billion. Sounds like Tesla just wants to hurt Rivian's reputation. This lawsuit is almost certainly symbolic at best, and downright malevolent at worst. PS every video on this dude's channel is about Tesla. Complete bias.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Petrik Meer says:

    Why is tesla so stupid to allow employees by contract to work for another car producer after stepping away from them? Surely there should be something they can do to prevent this. What they have been doing until now is incredibly naive!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cam says:

    Clearly a fan boy, just be careful what you hear and read like everything else.

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