The big 4 US banks currently have $168tn in unrealized derivative liabilities, dark pool transactions are. upsignificantly, credit default swaps are up over 3,000%, the debt crisis is still ongoing and the US treasury is just about to run out of cash.
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This is all cumulating to one large major market event. This will cause many forced liquidations. The long positions can be leant to the DTCC but the short positions (such as AMC shorts) will have to be covered with the cash borrowed from the DTCC.
This will cause the AMC short squeeze, the $168tn also does not include synthetic shares or anything else, so actual debt levels are likely much higher.
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#AMC #ShortSqueeze #AMCStock

Welcome back to the channel everyone today, i want to talk about how u.s banks have cumulatively 168 trillion dollars of unrealized derivative liabilities and how, interestingly, this is a good thing for amc. I've also got a few other key data points that i also want to update. You on so stay tuned and let's make some money, but guys before i dive into the video. I just want to give a massive shout out to the 3 800 of you that are currently doing that notification bell, because you guys are always the first to watch a new video as soon as it's released so guys be sure to drop a like down below Subscribe to the channel and ding that notification bell, if you haven't already so that you don't miss another video, just like this one and just a quick one, if you haven't already be sure to sign up with moomoo, to get four free stocks worth up to three Thousand three hundred and fifty dollars, but make sure you sign up and deposit at least a hundred dollars to get most of the free stocks, if possible, be sure to deposit five thousand to get all four free stocks linked in the description below, and i wan na Dive straight in with the key information, so if retail owns 80 of amc and adam aaron actually confirmed last week in his interview with trays trades, the retail now owns over 80 of amc's float and institutions owned 28.5.

Then something doesn't add up, and here we can see a tweet from gogarvin that says the amc institutional ownership is now up to 28.5 percent of the flow institutions now own around 5 billion of amc stock, and this is a screenshot directly from the bloomberg terminal. That confirms that, if you didn't know to get access to the bloomberg terminal, the membership cost is around 28 000 a year for a sole party. Stick stocks did some calculations and realized that 22 billion shares of amc have been traded so far in 2021.. I can't get over that.

It's a simple numbers game. After today, the current float has been traded roughly 50 times this year. That's insanity, more fake shares than real ones. At this point either you get this or you don't considering apes own.

Over 80 of the amc float, which is around 400 million shares and haven't really been selling any of their shares. That means the remaining 100 million shares have been traded back and forth so many times that it's equated to 22 billion shares worth of volume either the hedges and the institutions are quite literally paying hot potato with the remaining shares or more likely, there's many many times. The float in existence in synthetic shares. We also have an update from peter han the investment portfolio manager.

He says i keep seeing multiple media reports about amc being a fool's trade that it's being driven by adam aaron and he's leading a bunch of market inexperienced millennials to their doom. And when someone like myself joins in clearly the old boy has lost it and drank too much of the reddit kool-aid. I know you should hate the game and not the player, but quite frankly, i find the outlets that put out this crap rather pathetic. There are many indicators that large institutions with serious pocketbooks and assumingly strong, analytical research departments are jumping and buying amc.
Last week i mentioned that the swiss national bank had increased their holdings by over 300 percent. The latest 13f filings showed that renaissance technologies llc also increased their stake by 251 percent. This chart shows institutional buying and selling by quarter since 2018.. As you can see, in quarter three alone, institutions have bought 2.14 billion dollars of amc, which is substantially more than any other quarter in the past four years, pretty much and now onto the meat and potatoes of today's video dark pool used by the top four banks.

Increased by 38.2 in quarter, one of 2021 credit default swaps are up 3437, there's 168 trillion dollars in unrealized losses in derivatives alone, not including naked shorts. Synthetic shares failed to delivers and more. The cbo admits inflation and gdp to suppress its maximum sustainable value. I assume now this is an absolutely huge post here by boss, blunts, i'm not going to read the entire post word for word, as that would be very boring, so i'll just pick out the key information, but i will leave a link to this post in the Description below, if you do, want to go through and read absolutely all of it word for word.

This began as an investigation into the correlations from 2008 2011 2013 and i think that should say the 2020 stock market crashes and debt ceiling issues, but it turned into my biggest nightmare and there's no good outcome buy calls on my therapist 65 strike price. As of the 1st of august 2021, we are entering a new debt ceiling crisis with congress on a six-week vacation combined with an expired rent memorandum, where 6.2 million renters face evictions, the homeowners of said tenants, houses will likely never receive back pay for rent owed, possibly Causing record high bankruptcies akin to 2008 or worse, and without even taking this into account, the cbo projects, a federal budget deficit of 3 trillion dollars this year as the economic disruption caused by the 2020 2021 pandemic, with legislation enacted in response continuing to boost the deficit. As a comparison in august 2011 during the debt ceiling crisis, the congressional budget office, the cbo projected that the federal budget would only show a deficit of close to 1.5 trillion. Half of the deficit expected this year for the period of economic expansion from the second quarter of 2009 through to the fourth quarter of 2019, real gdp increased at an annual rate of 2.3 for the period of economic expansion from the second quarter of 2020 through the First quarter of 2021 real gdp increased at an annual rate of 14.1, which, in my opinion and as shown by these reports below, is due almost entirely to the insanely high levels of newly printed money and stimulus payments.
Making it completely artificial, disposable personal income decreased by 1.42 trillion dollars in the second quarter, in contrast to an increase of 2.27 trillion in the first quarter, which is obviously fake gains through the stimi real disposable personal income decreased by thirty point: six percent in quarter two Disposable means money, that's considered non-essential and it decreased by over 890 billion dollars for americans in quarter two of 2021 alone, but at the same time, personal outlays or expenses increased by 680 billion dollars in quarter two after already having increased by 538.8 billion in quarter. One. The personal savings rate, which is personal savings as a percentage of disposable personal income, was down 10.9 percent in the second quarter, which was already down 20.8 in the first quarter. This means americans have lost 2 trillion dollars in savings in quarter 2 of 2021 alone.

The cbo said in july of this year as the pandemic eases and demand for consumer services surges real inflation-adjusted gdp in cbo's productions grows by 7.4 percent this year and suppresses its potential maximum sustainable level. By the end of the year, janet yellen said the u.s could run out of money using extraordinary measures by september soon after congress returns from recess, which means the u.s could possibly default on its debt. For the first time in history. In my video yesterday, i showed you this website that shows the us treasury had around 351 billion dollars in cash reserves and is losing around 20 to 30 billion dollars each and every day.

Therefore, it's likely that the us treasury will be out of cash potentially by the start of september. On the 30th of july, the federal reserve announced commercial bank assets and liabilities numbers, and the liabilities have grown big time since last year the fed released commercial bank assets and liabilities numbers for july 2021 and they show year-over-year losses, have increased tremendously in the 100s of Trillions of dollar region, a large majority of this is based on derivatives, call and put options. Mortgage-Backed securities swaps of all kinds, rehypothecated shares, naked shorts, synthetic shares and even more four large banks hold 89 of the total banking industry. Notional, amounts of derivatives out of a total of 1 385 insured u.s commercial banks and savings associations.

Those are jp, morgan bank of america, citibank and goldman sachs. Additionally, derivatives contracts remain concentrated in interest rate products, which represented 72 of total derivative notional amounts the percentage of centrally cleared derivative transactions being transactions that are cleared through the actual stock exchanges increased quarter over quarter to 38.2 percent in the first quarter of 2021.. That means 61.8 of all of their volume, is being traded on dark pools. This is a chart that shows the total derivative liabilities without taking into account naked shorts and synthetic shares.
This is effectively just the legal derivative liabilities. As you can see, the top four banks have 168 trillion dollars in total derivative liabilities. Most of those coming from interest rate swaps or just swaps in general 189. Trillion dollars is the total derivative liabilities for all of the banks without taking into account naked shorts and synthetic shares, as well as shorts being marked as long that need to be covered, which would revert the asset back into a liability and therefore increase this even further.

This table shows the credit equivalent exposures for the top 25 commercial banks. It shows the total assets, the derivatives total risk-based capital and more effectively leading to the total credit exposure to capital. So you can see that the top three big banks and also state street bank here are way over exposed currently to their derivative positions. This poster reckons that, sadly, many americans will lose their homes, businesses, savings 401ks and likely more so than in 2008.

This could lead to the collapse of the dollar if the government defaults on its debt for the first time, possibly the collapse or rise of crypto, potentially war with china issues with the middle east, blackrock and corporation taking over land and all of housing. I want to go back to the title of this video because i think it summarizes the post the best the dark pool use by the top four banks increased by 38.2 in quarter, one of 2021 credit default swaps are up 3437 and there's 168 trillion dollars in Unrealized losses or unrealized liabilities in derivatives alone, not including naked shorts, synthetic shares, felt, delivers and more. These massive massive debt levels overvalued companies in the s p, 500 and the debt ceiling crisis is all leading to one thing, which is the major market event. When this all comes toppling down, this is going to lead to major liquidations in major banks and major hedge funds.

Major liquidations is gon na mean those short positions have to be covered and their long positions have to be sold off when they get liquidated. Yes, the long positions can be lent to the dtcc in exchange for cash, but short positions cannot be len. Therefore, short positions have to be covered. Considering that short positions have to be covered.

This means that their amc, short positions have to be covered and they have to go into the market and buy real shares of amc to cover their positions. This effectively means buying stock from us apes at any price. We set any price we set and finally guys, if you didn't already know, i'm currently holding a 600 giveaway drawing the winner on the 28th of august to be in with a chance of winning. All you have to do is join the patreon linked in the description below and you also get a bunch of other benefits while you're there as well.
I give my team urgent news and due diligence and updates about amc and other stocks before i even make a video and you're always free to ask me and anyone else in the team questions whenever you might have them and as always guys. If you enjoyed this video be sure to check out some of my others, alternatively subscribe to the channel and in that notification bell, because that way, you'll be alerted. When i upload a new video cheers.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Amc: $168tn in unrealized losses! – this is big πŸ”₯ – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AXM MCMXVI AXM says:

    How does he get the number of 5 billion shares? I'm AMC long but the image only proves 108.5% float. Trying to find sources.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PaulieV705 says:

    So in other words, the U.S. economy is about to default and crash. A huge amount of money will be transferred from institutions and the market to retail investors, essentially making the Apes the most influential force of the U.S. stock market.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zack alakoozaii says:

    Can I just point out how organized your videos are and how informative you are Thomas? you have single handed become my new favorite youtuber. Thank you !

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Ali says:

    This doesnt surprise me πŸ₯± the U.S. itself is a reorganized and reincorporated version of the East India Trade Company operating on the hypothecation of a land grant made to William Penn. This whole shit has and will always be fraudulent and usurious πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ at least we’ll make it decent this time

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Raymond says:

    Fidelity couldn't fill order of… only partial… I only ordered 10 LOL..they filled 2…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myst Silver says:

    it will be the second time in history that the USA defaults. the first time was the last time they allowed the debt ceiling to expire and our country's credit rating was even downgraded

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fight4Right says:

    168 Trillion??? Congress is trying to pass 3.1 Trillion?
    A drop in the bucket?
    Numbers don’t add up!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Queen diy/ challenge Sam says:

    Ideanomics Inc Instrument ExchangeNASDAQ: Instrument Symbol IDEX. New memo stock πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ musk going partner

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BBR Germany says:

    Question: if Shitadel have lose every penny before they covered. What’s than? What will happened, when they failed to deliver for ever? What will happening in this scenario?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BBR Germany says:

    Quality of your videos are constantly good. Thank you. Greetings from Germany

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrPmj00 says:

    Yep, I bought a ton on the dip. It's getting cheaper relative to its current earnings (half compared to last year).

    Amazon invested $14 billion in the last quarter alone, the same as it spent in 6 months before that. It is a do not sell stock.

    …With the Delta virus coming at full speed ahead, pandemic sales will make a comeback.

    Amazon is investing so much money, that no competitor will ever be able to catch up.

    Amazon's not going anywhere so I know that eventually it will come back.
    Fidelity considers Amazon as a large growth company (probably because as big as it is, it still only has 7% of the retail market)

    Get on board or be runover, it's up to you.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Kalinovic | Boss Blunts says:

    Great coverage Thomas πŸ‘ πŸ‘
    Please note there was a small correction to the posts title which I indicated directly beneath the title of the reddit post

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bierzeltboxer says:

    This shit has the potential to get a share to several millions which are worth nothing… hodl anyways because i am smooth brained.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jsh111 says:

    We haven't forgotten about those Brazilian puts that conveniently disappeared within a day either!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nomad without freedom says:

    I'm Holding…..But I'm starting to accept the Realization that with all of the Market Manipulation, A short squeeze Will not occur. They are not going to let it happen.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nunya D. Biz says:

    Imagine being allowed to create, and place an ad to sell a 1969 Camaro, 40,000 original miles and garage kept since its original date of purchase.
    Now, mind you, the car doesn't really exist but you "sell" that car to 10,000 people who responded to your ad.
    When you don't deliver the car, and the buyers begin asking questions, imagine the authorities ignoring the situation and making no attempts to prosecute the fraud.
    What would prevent you from selling another 10,000, or more even?
    That's where we are.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J4 says:

    If they’re so deep in sht with AMC derivatives, I wonder how deep they are in GME since they keep doubling, tripling etc…haven’t closed their positions.
    And don’t forget GME SI% is 226% and that’s back in January. I’d buy more GME even if it’s fractional

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LWS says:

    I feel like we topped off fuel and are ready for takeoff… GME & AMC πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Steward says:

    Fantastic!!!! That much unrealized debt without concidering synthetics.. omg.. this is HUGE!

    Sorry late to the party! And am considering joining your discord group

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Free Love says:

    Shitadel going down like leeman brothers. The last crash only 1 banker went to jail.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Klaus Wilmsmeyer says:

    Idiot. We had all the oil in our back yard. But he canned it. Idiot

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael dawson says:

    This why you are the best to come to Youtube for the BEST DD about AMC! TO THE MOON!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jqop mowq says:

    If they collapses the dollar, how the hell are gonna spend all our gains?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frederick Miles says:

    Great video – It all points to a depression…the one we avoided with insane low near term rates and massive government spending – papering over the inherent and unmitigated risk found in the digital market place that has given rise to corrupt and global oligarchs. Literall reverse repo's are banks saying there is no one credit worthy to lend too and therefore I will park my cash at the Fed to get some kind of tiny return.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stump says:

    Been say this for a while its not kicking the can down the road its a game of hot a potato one of them will have to file default.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J says:

    I told people realistically we don't have as much as we think we do

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Annis says:

    God does not step back when we step forward he is always there. But the hedges keep stepping back.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars acid847 says:

    Good video, as matt kohrs has said, and I do agree these are not synthetic shares – these are counterfeit and is completely stupid and illegal.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael says:

    The fun part will be when the 13F and 13Gs add up to more than outstanding shares without even counting retail

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whitey O'Banion says:

    That's why we let the Tailiban take over Kabal, so we can go back to war, giving the economy a shot in the arm. Start loading up on the military-industrial stocks folks.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bosko Markoski says:

    This why we need to make them pay. The super rich morons have been playing with our livelihood & that's why those same idiot's call us the dumb money. Let's get the last laugh Ape's.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flvolleyball24 says:

    I can see it now. Hey we are almost out of money. How can we get some
    Money. Trigger the MOASS. Lol

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