Here are my thoughts about money, relationships, and everything else I've learned along the way - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan - LIMITED TIME: Get 2 FREE STOCKS ON WEBULL when you deposit $100 (Valued up to $1600): :
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I know this doesn't have much to do with Investing - building wealth - or passive income - but finding a partner who thinks the same way can be incredibly important.
Here’s what I’ve come to realize over the years: You WILL ATTRACT what you think you’re worth and what you put out there, and how you portray yourself WILL have a direct affect on the type of people you meet and how they view you. This goes much further than just relationships, by the way - this includes friends, colleagues, business parters, and acquaintances - if you LEAD and ATTRACT people with flashy clothing, cars, and status - you WILL ATTRACT THE PEOPLE who are most receptive to those qualities.
Here’s what I’m getting at: if you want to meet someone who thinks the same way as you do, who shares those same beliefs…THAT’S what you need to make known from the very beginning. Be EXACTLY who you are, and don’t be apologetic about it…if you embrace exactly what you’re looking for, and you believe in what you’re doing…it’s going to make it THAT much easier to find someone else who thinks the exact same way.
I ALSO don’t think it’s unreasonable to place an emphasis on financial compatibility…I know money has previously been this topic that no one talks about because it’s not proper etiquette…but, I think it’s a very realistic component to any relationship, and logistically - when you’re in a serious relationship - you need to be upfront with how you plan to manage finances, and whether or not your long term goals will clash with each other.
And remember: this has NOTHING to do with how much money someone makes…I’ve seen people making $500,000 per year but they’re the most financially irresponsible people who constantly live paycheck to paycheck…just like I’ve seen people who make $25,000 per year and somehow manage to save half of their income.
This IS JUST about Financial Responsibility, and setting the expectation and framework upfront about what works with you and what doesn’t - generally, it’s important that both people have a positive, health attitude towards finances - and as long as there’s the emphasis towards working together towards a unified goal, how much money either person makes is largely irrelevant.
And listen…at the end of day, a relationship can bring an IMMENSE amount of joy into your life in so many immeasurable ways…but, it’s just as important to make sure you’re attracting the type of people who are RIGHT for you, and being totally UPFRONT with who you are, what you want, and what you expect - without purposely doing things “just to get in a relationship.” Ideally, I think it’s just as important to learn to be completely comfortable on your own, first, so that you can build the confidence of becoming self sufficient as a person…something like that just comes naturally, and everyone will move on their own timeline - there’s no rush, and it’s not a race.
Relationships are an incredible learning and growing experience as a person, and it’s NOT something to shy away from because you think money complicates things…but, learning how to showcase who you are and what you stand for is a quality that not only a future partner will appreciate, but will also help shape you into a more confident person in general. The sooner you get in the habit of doing this, the easier it will be in the future.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up you guys, it's graham here so a little over a year ago, i posted a video about why i was single and uh. Well, lo and behold, weird timing, but right after i posted the video, i met my girlfriend macy and since then i've largely shut the door in addressing relationship topics here in the channel because well we're an investment channel. We keep things money related around here, but i also know that many of you have been asking for my thoughts on money in relationships and whether or not it complicates things and how to go about meeting someone else, who's financially, like-minded, so i'll give in i'll share. My experiences and exactly what i've learned along the way because listen, i get it as fun as it could be to build up your career, invest consistently, grow your wealth increase your credit score and smash the like button for the youtube algorithm.

At the end of the day, i'm sure most of you aren't just doing this to watch your bank account multiply in zeros and you would love to meet a partner along the way who you could share those experiences with and grow in the same direction. So here's my experience when it comes to this - and i say this as a now 30 year old, who has been laser career, driven, focused and extremely frugal - we're actually i'm going to refer to it as being diligently financially responsible, because that sounds a lot better. I know this video is not necessarily investment related, but i think when we really get down to it, it's a very important subject that i think more people should openly talk about so i'll start as soon as you smash that like button for the youtube algorithm that, Like button better, not be single, so just by giving it a quick tap, you're telling it that you will love and cherish it forever. So thanks so much and let's begin right here.

First, i want to talk about something that i see commented a lot and that's the notion that money complicates things or it becomes very difficult to tell if someone likes you for you or if they like you for what you have - and i come at this from A very unique viewpoint: on the one hand, i'm extremely open about how much money i make and from where probably to a fault, because you could look me up and it's all right there right out in the open. But on the other hand, i love saving money and trying to find new ways to cut back on my spending like until recently, i would use my grocery bags as trash bags, so it saved me a few cents and i would save the restaurant condiment packets because I didn't want to buy my own bottle of ketchup and soy sauce yeah. You can't tell me that women see that and they're like yeah. I met the perfect guy, the other night.

He told me he hasn't bought a bottle of ketchup in years and he uses grocery bags as trash bags. That's when i knew he was the one here's what i've realized over the years. You will attract what you think you're worth and what you put out there and how you portray yourself will have a direct effect on the type of people you meet and how they view you. This goes much further than just relationships by the way.
This includes friends, business colleagues, acquaintances, you name it. If you lead and attract people with flashy cars, clothing and status, you will tend to attract the people who are most receptive to those qualities. There's a saying out there that says that, like attracts like and you subconsciously, gravitate towards people who share your same beliefs if you're a negative person, guess what you're going to be turning away the positive and gravitating towards other negative thinking, people who reaffirm exactly what you Believe or if you have low self-esteem, you're going to be subconsciously more comfortable around other people with low self-esteem, because that's what you believe you're capable of receiving. I say this because, if you're worried about attracting the wrong type of person - not always, but usually it has to do with how you portray yourself to others and it's up to you to reevaluate what type of people you're bringing into your life and if they're, the Right type of fit for you when it comes to myself, i've never tried to hide who i am and how much i value financial responsibility.

I enjoy saving money. I like investing. I like parking a few blocks away, so i don't have to pay a parking meter and i like getting good deals and by shamelessly putting it out there. I happen to meet someone else who shares those exact same values except she doesn't like when i use grocery bags as trash bags.

I agreed to compromise, but we still do laundry during off-peak electrical hours. Here's what i'm getting at. If you want to meet someone who thinks the same way, you do and shares those same beliefs. That is what you need to make known from the very beginning, be exactly who you are and don't be apologetic about it.

If you embrace exactly what you're looking for and you believe in what you're doing it's gon na make it that much easier to find someone else who thinks the exact same way, i also don't think it's unreasonable to place an emphasis on financial compatibility. I know money has previously been this taboo topic that no one talks about, because it's not proper etiquette, but i think it's a very realistic component to any long-term relationship and logistically, when you're in a serious relationship. You need to be upfront with how you plan to manage your finances and whether or not your long-term goals will clash with each other. For example, if one person is a live at the moment, spend money today because you could die tomorrow, type and the other person is deeply into early retirement, with the intention of spending as little money as possible.

So it could last the rest of their lives eventually. Something has to give and if one person compromises their own beliefs for the other, eventually, that could lead to resentment and in a relationship that's never healthy. I personally think that everyone has their own right to how they want to live their lives and how they want to spend their money. It's not a one-size-fits-all approach and even though i preach the gospel of trying to save as much money as possible, so you could go and invest it.
I'm actually only talking to a really small portion of the entire population out there that enjoys that and resonates with what i have to say. Anyone else is free to do whatever they want, and i have no ill feelings towards that. But it's important to acknowledge that if you're gon na have a long-term relationship and partner that your belief should ideally line up about finances and what goals are important to save for and remember, this has nothing to do with how much money someone makes i've seen. People make five hundred thousand dollars a year, yet they're the most financially irresponsible people.

I've ever met, who constantly seem to live paycheck to paycheck, just like i've seen other people who make twenty five thousand dollars a year, yet somehow managed to save half of it. This is just about financial responsibility and setting the expectation and framework upfront about what works with you and what doesn't generally, it's important that both people have a healthy, positive attitude towards finances and as long as there's the emphasis about working together towards a unified goal. How much money each person makes is somewhat irrelevant. Remember: there's no right or wrong or best or worst it's just what works with you.

You want to make sure that you have a similar outlook on saving spending, investing borrowing, debt and cost of living, and then you got to find a balance that you enjoy and don't expect everyone is going to agree with that or work with that, and that's perfectly Okay, i would say just the more clearer you are about what you want, the more likely you are to find someone who shares those same beliefs with that. It's also important to acknowledge that you can't change someone and the saying what you see is what you get is probably a realistic mantra of what to expect like if you're dating someone with a terrible spending habit, don't expect that you could change that person in any Type of meaningful way, without that person actually wanting to change like they say you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink and that could be true with just about any faucet of any relationship. That's why i've learned that over time you can't expect a person to change for you nor you for them. Now, that's not to say there shouldn't be any amount of compromise because that's to be expected.

But fundamentally, if you see flaws in a person that you're trying to fix in order for them to fit the mold of exactly what you're looking for then most likely they're, probably not the right fit for you as hard as that might be to acknowledge again. People could certainly change, but they need to want to do it for themselves in order for that change, to be long, lasting, otherwise, you'll likely be setting yourself up for disappointment and with a topic like this, it's impossible to talk in absolutes, because people are well people. We don't always make sense, we're not always logical and predictable and many times your own ego can throw things wildly off, but relatively speaking, if you could expect and accept the other person for who they are and that works for you then great. If not, then it's better to recognize that sooner than later, so you could free yourself up to meet someone else who might be a better fit, and my advice when it comes to this, at least from my own experience, is that when you're looking for something or Trying to get in a relationship you tend not to find it instead, the best way to meet someone is organically, is you're already going through your own path and purpose, and it just so happens by focusing on yourself and being comfortable with who you are first you're.
Naturally, going to put yourself out there in such a way that people gravitate towards and from that you tend to meet other great, like-minded people who are a really good fit. That's not just for relationships by the way, but this also applies to friends and colleagues, and also nothing about dating or being in. A relationship needs to be expensive either like macy, and i will go to dinner and split a meal most of the time, because the portions are just massive or we'll make dinner at home and try to make our way through watching season 5 of dexter. Sometimes it's just the smallest most basic things or really.

The experiences that you'll never forget being in a relationship does not mean driving around ferraris and chartering helicopters for wine tasting in santa barbara on sunday. What matters the most is just the thought behind it and being in a relationship does not need to be expensive. Finally, i know i can't talk about money in relationships without addressing the elephant in the room that i have been asked about for years now that i've never addressed, and that would be my thoughts on prenuptial agreements now for anyone who's not aware this is an agreement That clarifies how things like money, investments and assets will be divided before getting married. Now here's the thing i realize how sensitive of a topic this is and how it's often warped into this notion of make sure you don't lose out of your money.

But when you take a step back from a practical standpoint, what a prenup really accomplishes is an agreement between two people that could be used instead of relying on a state's template in terms of a separation as it stands, without a prenuptial agreement. Your financial contract is one with the state, not one, that's tailored and customized between two individuals, so this agreement outlines the expectations up front in the event, something were to happen oftentimes. This also brings up very important discussions that i think are worth having before getting married. This is up to both of you to decide what's fair, but i don't think a prenup in any way invalidates a relationship or implies that you're planning for failure.
In fact, i actually think the opposite, even though you don't plan to get in a car accident, you still wear a seatbelt. You still get health insurance, even though you don't plan on getting ill. You still get home insurance, even though you don't anticipate anything happening to your house, it's precautionary, but the best case is that it never mattered anyway, and the worst case is that both parties have already agreed to the terms ahead of time. So they know exactly what to expect in terms of what's fair.

Well, that's really for two people to decide, and that's way above my qualification to ever give any type of advice on this. What people decide to do amongst themselves is totally fine with me as long as both people are okay with it and agree with it. But a prenuptial agreement to me could be a healthy agreement with very little downside, even though you never expect it to come into play anyway and listen at the end of the day. A relationship could bring an immense amount of joy into your life in so many immeasurable ways, but it's just as equally important to make sure you're attracting the people who are the right fit for you and being totally upfront with who you are what you want and What you expect, without doing things, purposely just to get in a relationship.

Ideally, i think it's really important to learn how to be comfortable with yourself first, so that you could build the confidence of being self-sufficient as a person. Something like that. Just comes with time and there's no rush and there's no race to the finish line. Relationships are an incredible and integral growing and learning experience as a person, and it's not something to shy away from, because you believe money complicates things but learning how to showcase exactly who you are and what you stand for is not only a quality that a future Partner will appreciate, but it's also going to help shape you into a more confident person in general, the sooner you get in the habit of doing this, the easier it's going to be in the future.

This, basically all just comes down to this. You are the sum of your own actions and it's important to take responsibility for the decisions that you've made. So let this decision be one of them and smash the like button for the youtube algorithm, because it means a lot and i really appreciate it all right. I read exactly what you told me to say word for word: gon na go now yeah, i guess so.

Are we gon na go get me those louboutins now and the matching ferrari? I guess so all right with that said you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram, i posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there. As on my second channel, the graham stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here.
So if you want to see a brand new video from me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And lastly, if you want a free stock weeble's holding a promotion where they will give you a totally free stock worth at minimum, eight dollars all the way up to one thousand sixteen hundred dollars when you deposit a hundred dollars on the platform and again, eight dollars, Is now the absolute minimum, so if you're interested in a totally free stock with a great free stock trading program, the link is down below, enjoy the free stock. Let me know which one you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time,.

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36 thoughts on “My thoughts on money and relationships”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephanie says:

    I love how to talked about how people choose, for the most part, who they attract.

    So many men flash their money, cars and fancy things and get angry when all the people (specifically women) all only want them for their money.
    If you use cheese as bait, you're bound to attract rats.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IMPACT PROPERTIES LONDON says:

    We need to consider these aspects way more than they are promoted – thank you Graham.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mariya Dimitrova says:

    When you live in the Balkans and just now learn that people are buying garbage bags and not reusing grocery bags.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob says:

    I watched this video and broke up with my girlfriend, thanks Graham!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chulasexychica11 says:

    Lol i knew my husband was the one when he payed with a coupon on our first date

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ArdentLion says:

    Look up youtube channels Coach Red Pill, Coach Greg Adams, Better Bachelor, and Strong Successful Male.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OWL says:

    Right after uploading a video called "The reason i'm single" a millioniare find a girlfriend. Lmao.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars g says:

    Marriage is a governmental contract. To marry is "to let government decide". But if you don't want the government to decide, sign a pre-nup, we say…..Hmmm🤔? Why sign a contract, the rules of which you don't like, so that you can sign yet another contract to make sure that the original contract's rules don't apply (since you don't like them). Isn't it easier to just not sign any contract in the first place? I personally think marriage is useless, first of all. Secondly, there are too many cases out there, in which prenups turn out to be futile and not taken seriously by courts! In other words, courts have power to neglect your prenuptial agreement at their whim and they often do just that. So why bother with marriage at all? In my opinion, when it comes to relationships, it's the love that should matter and not external paraphernalia with the risk of governmental involvement.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harley H says:

    You will save yourself alot of time, hassle and bullshit if you're straight up with what you're looking for in a relationship from the beginning

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 大魚BigFishTokyoCat東京猫 says:

    I earn 20,000 a year and Save about %60, 20% rent 12% Tax 8% food. Am good now

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Futurist Dreamer says:

    Prenups: an agreement about what will happen that will be completely ignored by the courts if one party disagrees.

    Not worth the paper they are printed on.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter Igo says:

    It seems like he thinks he figured out wemen. He is screwed in a year or two.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAY JAY says:

    Ain’t going to lie, the ending caught me off guard and was hilarious

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Men Guarding Their Own Wallets says:

    When the money goes, so do the garden hoes. (whatever that means?)

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oralia Lafond says:

    The remarkable summer behaviorally twist because popcorn coincidingly wave until a square copper. scientific, demonic ethiopia

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Off Brand Bubbly says:

    “Free yourself up to find someone who is a better fit” the story of my dating life

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Ponce says:

    seriously though do most people not use grocery bags as trash bags?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StardustDNA says:

    I use cloth diaper bags used as liners for small trash cans, and once a week dump everything into the big kitchen trash (normal or biodegradable liners). Just wash cloth liners weekly or bi-weekly.

    Then use reusable bags (including for produce) at the store. Saves money and the environment in the long run.

    Its hard to be eco-friendly, frugal and time efficent. I'm not fully there yet. XP

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oralia Lafond says:

    The odd violet tentatively pop because morning simultaneously avoid within a quiet magazine. macho, tightfisted debtor

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheSajeGuy says:

    How does Graham sleep at night, knowing he promotes pre-marital smashing of the like button.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars serioushamster says:

    Word on the street is that pre nups are quite worthless in CA.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johann Koenitz says:

    The elephant in the room… Is narcissism. There are people out there, who got raised on the idea they are only a loveable hooman, if they earn X or look like Y. Everbody should be aware of that. They just feel loved then, if u treat them positively about these surface things. They just have a different connotation of love and most likely not gonna change that. So a woman which demands all that stuff is in fact trying to feel loved from you, because thats what they learned love means. But if ur idea of love is different, stay away. Greetings from Germany

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill BanDoh says:

    Wait… what do yall use as bags for your mini bathroom trash bags ?!?!?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars You Tuber says:

    Graham , you’re awesome!! You deserve an awesome woman and I am sure she is…. because you’re transparent, honest and real.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel ouf says:

    Graham start using a reusable grocery bag, it saves me about 20cent each time, or 2.4eur a month

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teo James says:

    Graham!… Should a man pay for a first date? And how do YOU personally receive whether or not she offers to pay half?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eva Stapaard says:

    having much money looks like a lot of work lol.
    I have always been wise with money. I'm dutch!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blake Allen says:

    Parking farther away means more calories burned/ more learning when commuting

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MIchelle Aguilar says:

    i’m only 3 mins into the video and this is already the best relationship advice i’ve received

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colleen Jones says:

    Ah Graham as usual not a bitter bone in his body and just look at what he attracted into his life! High respect and value for woman and in enters a high quality woman who respects and values him for himself. Well done, Graham yet again.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sparcx86 Channel says:

    The single the richer
    Mgtow is the way to go few women really worth’s very few and if you find one of those is like win the lottery.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sebrina Shelton says:

    Dont most people use grocery bags as trashbags for their smaller trashcans??

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jes H says:

    Thats how some Asians can be so filthy rich. They save up tonnes of recyclable plastic bags, reused them as trash bags and teach their generations to do so.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Well Oiled Machine says:

    Yes!!! Love watching your channel but this is one that got me to comment! Lol! I agree- 100% 😍😍 nicely said!

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GuppyPal says:

    I really appreciate your videos, Graham. Even though you say a lot of the same things in them, you help me feel sane as we have very similar thoughts and approaches to things. I make enough that I save nearly half my income each year, and I also use grocery bags for trash bags and rarely eat out because eating at home is healthier, WAAAY cheaper, and just more time efficient. It's important to enjoy life, but there are a lot of ways to do that without spending a lot of money.

    Thanks again, and keep it up.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandi CeCe Bort says:

    Hi there 😊 ok…. Question: ( regarding my son) what happens if this is his 1st love ( due to Shurmann kyphosis scoliosis 13 surgeries age 14-18 body rejected the titanium) My son is Just like U frugal lol but that's why u both are doing well Thank God! Check out his story on Instagram : Brand name is " Doing over saying " I believe this young lady is sweet but definitely has baggage ( spent all $7000 in a couple of months 😤 has NO family value ( he has always been "momma's boy " Now it's like…. I'm done with u ( to me 🥺) breaks my heart…. Help…. Tit for tat….. I subbed to u 🌹🙏❤ please sub to my son, read his journey ( it's not long) should I say something or back off 😤? Remember tit for tat….. If u wanna subscribe to me hey just tap my pick lol God Bless u….. Ur advise has given me inspiration to clean up my credit….amount 2-3 more influencers Credit Game , last name Yoon) please he is u….. Frugal.. Entrepreneur.. Motivational but I don't see that in her definitely has potential but lazy
    … Help!!!

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