Here you go - This is EXACTLY how much I make from ad revenue on YouTube with 2 Million Subscribers - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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The YouTube Creator Academy:
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My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment:
Why I'm making this video:
For me - I’ve enjoyed watching videos like this from other people who chose to share their experiences, and I just find it INSANELY inspirational to see how people got to where they are, and everything involved in the, I’m going to cover everything I possible can, and hopefully, this will be helpful to anyone who wants to make their own YouTube videos one day…or, even if you’re just curious how much a YouTube channel with 2.5 million subscribers makes in the finance space…here you go.
Overall, I’ve done my best to stay as consistent as possible, I read nearly all of the comments to see what types of videos people want to see, I read hours per day of news to understand exactly what’s happening in the finance - investing - stock market - passive income - and financial independence community, and I spend as much time as I can to bring you the best possible videos as I can make. I also hired a full time assistant and editor for the second channel, so that way I can make sure nothing falls through.
I’ve also started a podcast with the help of my colleague and editor, Jack, called The Iced Coffee Hour
It’s absolutely unreal to even think something like this is possible, and that I get to spend every day doing something that I find so fulfilling and fun…and I owe all of that to YouTube for making this possible, and YOU watching this for all of your support on the channel. I could NOT have done this without you, and I’m just happy to be able to give you the information you want me to make, and do my best to bring about more financial awareness and show people how personal finance and building credit can be fun.
But, seriously - ALL of this is because of you, so thank you - and that’s why I always do my best to read the comments, respond to as many of you as I can, and listen when you say something - I love that we’ve built such a supportive community where we all want each other to succeed, because it’s very true - a rising tide lifts all boats, and if we learn something new, it’s up to us to share that with each other and do our best to help everyone succeed.
My content is far from perfect, I make mistakes, and I’m human…but, I love making videos, I like sharing information, I love investing, and if I can encourage you to do the same, then I’ve done what I’ve set out to do….and lastly, if you’ve made it this far in the video, it would mean a lot to me if you gave it a like. It helps out the algorithm, and if we can get this video in front of people who find it helpful…it would make me really happy. Thanks!
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up you guys, it's graham here so after nearly four years of making videos here on youtube, i'm gon na break down exactly how much i make with a channel of about two and a half million subscribers, because recently i wouldn't even believe it myself. If i didn't see it firsthand, but here we are so i'm to pull back the curtain of my entire channel and share how much i make and how i got here, because i know at least for me. I've really enjoyed watching videos like this from other people who choose to share their experiences, so i'm just going to cover everything i possibly can, and hopefully this is going to be helpful to anyone who wants to make their own youtube videos one day or even if You're just curious how much youtube channel makes with two and a half million subscribers. Here you go now for those who are new to the channel.

Let me bring you up to speed on christmas day of 2016. I started this channel to share my excitement towards saving money, personal finance, investing real estate and credit cards back. Then i had no idea what i was doing. I had no idea how to film a video.

I had no idea how to edit a video, but after years of telling myself that i didn't have what it takes or that who would want to listen to what i have to say. I finally posted a video see for me, youtube was always my go-to place for entertainment and education. I wouldn't watch tv, i wouldn't watch movies, but i would find myself spending hours watching youtube videos absorbing as much information as i could and using it as a tool for learning. I knew i always wanted to make videos, but i was held back by the fear that no one would want to watch me or even worse.

I would get a dislike. Thankfully, though, after many years i was able to push past that fear and finally post my first video and once i did i was hooked and when i saw how much it helped people on their quest towards financial literacy, it just made me want to create even More and more and more content back then i was working full time as a real estate agent and every single day after work. I would get home and film and edit youtube videos until about two o'clock in the morning, because it was just that much fun. No joke it actually got to the point where i look forward to making youtube videos every single night, because it became my outlet for self-expression and talking about the topics that i found really interesting.

So without further ado, let me take you into my youtube studio and i'll. Show you exactly how much i make so we'll start back at the very beginning, and when i was first making videos, i was making nothing. In fact, i purposely turned off monetization because i was worried. It would distract from the message of the video, but then i started thinking to myself.

Maybe youtube would be more likely to recommend monetized content because that way, they're able to generate revenue from it. So i decided just to give it a shot and turn on monetization. So now, officially, on january 20th, 2017 monetization was in full effect and i made a whopping seven cents, but it doesn't end there after continuing to post three videos a week. One month later, i was earning an average of about one dollar a day, and i know it sounds kind of corny to say this, but i was thrilled to the moon and back to be able to earn one dollar a day from youtube and for some context.
Here at the time i was making about 500 000 a year in gross commissions as a real estate agent here in los angeles at the oppenheim group, but i was more excited about making a dollar a day on youtube, because that was just so foreign to me. Now, by that same time, next month in 2017, i was earning an average of 12 to 20 a day, all of a sudden, my video started picking up a little bit. They were getting a little bit more views and youtube was recommending it to a small audience. I think youtube began seeing consistent uploads combined with high user engagement, which meant that people who watch my videos would be likely to comment subscribe, hit the notification bell like the video and then go and watch other of my videos which, by the way, if you like The video subscribe or comment down below it helps me out tremendously, but anyway, when youtube sees those videos getting good signals, it's likely to push that video out to an even larger audience.

That is when i realized that if i upload consistently and i keep making content people enjoy watching the youtube algorithm will work in my favor and i can grow the channel well. Lo and behold it worked and later on that month, i started making about and twenty dollars a day when one of my videos started taking off. It was the first video i had ever made and it was how i got into real estate and real estate. Investing just out of high school and when i saw that happening, i just knew internally that i was onto something and i had to keep this going because for the first time in my entire life i felt like i was contributing towards something that was much bigger Than just myself, i felt like i had purpose, i was teaching people personal finance and i was having a lot of fun doing it.

So this is when it officially clicked and i dove headfirst into youtube now throughout the rest of the year, it certainly had its ups and downs, but throughout 2017 most days would earn at least 20 dollars or as high as 250, depending on the video - and this Is when i was posting three videos a week and spending about seven hours a day, seven days a week, working on youtube on top of working full-time as a real estate, agent and investor. Now, in total, for the entire year of 2017, i earned 26 966 dollars and 69 cents from youtube. Then in 2018 things picked up even more now. The way youtube works is that once you get a backlog of videos on your channel, it starts to work a little bit like a snowball and that you start getting more views which gets you more views which attracts you more views.
So the more you post consistently the faster it grows and that's what happened here in the beginning of 2018, my base ad revenue was about a hundred dollars a day with some days about 120., but then, in april of 2018, things began picking up a lot. My videos started getting more views and attracting more subscribers, and those subscribers would continually watch each and every one of my videos, so everything started growing rather quickly. At this point, most days were about 200 to 350 dollars in ad revenue and consistently that just kept increasing in july of 2018. It was a high of 855 dollars per day and even though the views slowed down a little bit after that, the trend was consistently.

The same the highs just kept getting higher and the lows just kept getting less frequent. Then in november of 2018 everything changed. I was able to get my hands on what many would consider to be the holy grail of credit cards. The 10 million dollar jp morgan reserve card.

In a last minute decision, i decided to film an unboxing, video and post it on my channel to share my excitement for getting the credit card and almost instantly that video went viral within a week. It had a million views and it brought in an entirely new audience to the channel and gave me so much more exposure that catapulted everything to the next level that single video, elevated everything and on november 15th, i earned three thousand four hundred and twenty dollars in A single day from ad revenue, after that my view stayed consistently high to the point where every day earned just over a thousand dollars in ad revenue and throughout the entire year i earned one hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and forty five dollars and sixty cents. Just from ad revenue on youtube, not including anything else like program, sales, sponsorships and affiliates, so, as i mentioned in this video everything else, combined earned just over 256 thousand dollars after that in 2019. I realized that i was really onto something here and there's a big audience that wants to learn more about saving money, personal finance, investing real estate, credit cards and smashing the like button for the youtube algorithm.

So this is the exact moment where i decided to give it a 100 and double down on everything that i was doing. It just seemed like this gut level feeling that was pulling me in that direction, and everything was lining up for me to do this. So i did this is when i started taking content really seriously and it was very strategic about which videos i would post and when and i would make sure that each video flows from one to another, so people can watch them continuously and i begin networking with Other creators to learn what they were doing at this time. I also created my own program, called the youtube creator academy to teach other people how they could make videos on youtube and grow their channel.
In addition to that, in the beginning of 2019, i started the second channel, the graham stefan show, so i could diversify my content and make reaction, videos and take phone calls in more of a talk, show style format. So now i had two channels that played against one another, so if one channel got views a portion of those people would watch the other channel and vice versa. Now at this point i was probably working about 10 hours a day on youtube on top of working as a real estate agent and investing in real estate. But i made it my mission to post one video a day every single day without missing an upload.

Now, i'll be honest, it was incredibly challenging to keep up that level of consistency and most nights. I was up until about two o'clock in the morning trying to get the next day's video uploaded with no downtime at all, but i was somehow able to make it happen and it all paid off. As far as how much i made from youtube, though, this is where it gets utterly insane in the beginning of 2019, most days were averaging about fifteen hundred dollars in ad revenue, but in march something new happened and i got a tesla now at the time. My car lease was coming due and i had to find a replacement, and it just so happened that the 35 000 tesla model 3 was announced.

So i crunched the numbers, and i realized that wait a second. This is a nearly free car for me to drive with all the tax, write-offs and incentives, so i bought it, and i was super happy that it was only going to cost me net 78 a month. So i chose to turn that experience into a youtube video. While i documented the process of buying a tesla, i was actually really nervous about posting it because it's not the usual finance content.

I post on the channel so last minute, i included the mathematics behind how the car's final price was 78 dollars a month. That way, everyone watching would be able to understand my reasoning behind the purchase, and maybe it could better help them understand the incentives of buying the car. Within days of posting, the video got over a million views and on april 7th i made over 6 900 in ad revenue from the channel. Then, a month later, i made a video posting about how much i made from a viral video and that video ended up getting over 1.2 million views too.

After that, it just seemed like my entire channel grew considerably day after day, and the ad revenue increased to two thousand dollars per day on the low end to six thousand dollars per day on the high end for the rest of the year. In total. For that year i earned one million hundred and thirty 141 dollars and forty three cents for my main channel in 2019 and my second channel. The gram stefan show earned an additional 170 428 dollars and 75 cents.

I also earned another 500 000 from program sales and another ninety thousand dollars from sponsors and affiliates, bringing my total 2019 youtube income to one million nine hundred and four thousand dollars now since posting that video things have continued to grow beyond my wildest dreams. In fact, most days it doesn't even seem like something like this is even possible, but here we are, and after almost a year since updating everyone on how much the channel is earning here, you go beginning in january, the channel was consistently bringing in about three thousand To six thousand dollars per day in ad revenue, but then the illness struck almost instantaneously overnight. Ad rates went back down to about two thousand dollars, as everyone began, cutting back when that happened, i was completely expecting ad rates to stay down, or at the very least, maybe it takes a year or so for advertisers to come back. To my surprise, that did not happen.
Unbeknownst to me, as all of this was going on, people suddenly began taking an interest in personal finance and investing not only that, but people were home all day and they wanted a free source of entertainment, and that would be youtube. As a result of that, i was able to bring everyone consistent content about the current state of the economy and telling everyone not to sell their investments and keep buying in as the market was collapsing and bring everyone updates about each stimulus proposal. As it happened. I tried my best to shift my content around what people wanted to see and cover newsworthy topics, because, frankly, a lot of these news outlets just would give you these scary headlines without explaining the full context of what this really means and how it actually affects you.

In terms of revenue, though, by april, the channel was back to where it was in the beginning of the year earning about four to six thousand dollars a day, and then it started growing even more throughout that month. Most days earned anywhere from six thousand to eight thousand dollars a day with may 19th, bringing in over ten thousand dollars. Since then, i do my best to stay as consistent as possible without ever missing an upload. I read nearly all the comments to see what you think of the videos and what types of videos you want to see next and i spend as much time as i possibly can to try to bring you the best content i could possibly make and still to This day, the channel earns anywhere from four thousand to eight thousand dollars per day, with some recent days exceeding eleven thousand dollars.

That means in total for 2020. So far, this channel has made one million five hundred and eighty three thousand seven hundred and fifty five dollars and eighty one cents in ad revenue and the gram stefan show is made two hundred and ninety seven thousand eight hundred and fifty seven dollars and thirty five Cents i also started a podcast with my colleague and editor jack called the iced coffee hour and we post episodes every single sunday morning and so far that channel has earned about eight thousand dollars this year. That means so far in 2020, all three channels combined have made one million, eight hundred and eighty nine thousand nine hundred and seventy two dollars and fifty seven cents. That number is, in addition to program sales, sponsorships and affiliates.
So if we go ahead and add everything up, it's most likely going to be so far over 4 million dollars in 2020.. Now, it's absolutely incredible to think that something like this is even possible and that i get to spend every single day doing something i find fulfilling and so much fun. And i owe all of this to youtube for making this possible and you for watching the channel and your support. I could not have done this without you and i'm really happy to give you the content that you want me to make and do my best to bring about more financial awareness and show people that saving money, investing in personal finance can be fun.

That's why i always do my best to read the comments respond as much as i can and listen to what you have to say. It means so much to me that we've built such a supportive community, where we each want each other to succeed, because this saying is very true. A rising tide lifts all boats and if we learn something new, it's up to us to share that with everyone around us and help each other succeed. So there you go, that's exactly how much i make from where and the steps that i've taken to get there.

I really hope this video is helpful, because if i saw a video like this five years ago before i started making videos, it would just get me so excited to film everything i possibly could and if you're anything like me and you think you don't have what It takes to make youtube videos, i want to tell you that's absolutely best and you could do it and if you don't believe me when i say that i literally posted on reddit five years ago, that i don't have the personality or charisma to start my own Channel, i'm not the type that would do well in front of the camera. That was me over five years ago, and a lot can change. Everything you need to learn is already on youtube for free and, if you don't know something it's as easy as one search away, my content is far from perfect. I make mistakes, i'm human, but i love making videos.

I like sharing information, i'm obsessed with investing and saving money and personal finance and credit cards and trying to get you to smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. And if i could encourage you to do the same, then i've set out what i've meant to do. And lastly, if you made it this far in the video and you enjoy it, it would mean a lot to me if you just give it a quick like it, helps out the youtube algorithm. And if we get this video in front of people who would find it helpful, that would make me very happy so again.

Thank you so much for everything and with that said, thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell if you have not done that already also feel free to add me on instagram, i posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there. As on my second channel, the gram stefan show i'm posting there every single day, don't post here.
So if you want to see a brand new video from me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And, lastly, if you want two free stocks use the link down below in the description and weeble is going to be giving you two free stocks. When you deposit 100, on the platform with one of those stocks, potentially worth all the way up to 1 600, so if you want the two free stocks use the link down below, let me know which two you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time,.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “How much i make with 2 million subscribers”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars corrlee says:

    Or you can feed turtles by hand and make millions lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Paparazzi Gamer [TPG] says:

    Funny. I have bigger numbers when it comes to views and watch time then him. Yet he blows me away in all the parts that matter, money. Lol.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emoji King says:

    I have 141 subs but I never posted a video 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teresa Mallery says:

    I just added to your pocket and you just gave me hope. I think I win! Thank you.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J P says:

    Congrats man. Nice to know you worked hard to get where you got to.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bee Chantal says:

    Congratulations on your success! I really wish I had something to offer. My finances are awful and I am struggling. All I want to to buy a home for my children and I and create a beautiful life for them.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Husam Saffarini says:

    Great job… but I was wondering, why would anyone dislike such a video!!!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShadaePrincess s Beneficial knowledge says:

    Do epic $hit his books says😅

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesus Penalver says:

    Great Content and great personality!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Taylor says:

    Awesome I really like how open you are with your with the revenue. I just found your channel and have been a fresh breath air. I have been thinking about posting about life insurance. Ok I may try to get my channel up and running.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gordon Toles says:

    thanks for making this video I've always wanted to know how much YouTubers make

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Re Run says:

    Your thumbnail photo is idiotic

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Taylor says:

    Ahh man I really want to take a nap now.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Landi Le Roux says:

    I'm so glad I found your channel…I seriously need help with finances etc seeing I live in SA and saving is nearly impossible. I've been wanting to start a channel but I'm not really good at anything to be honest and I don't have anything other people would really be interested in

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eber Anaya says:

    Glad I found this channel

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrett Lindsay says:

    How much do you get taxed for your youtube adsense?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TipTopAxle says:

    omg I commented just for you

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar Owens says:

    Super inspirational, I'm excited!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Jaxs says:

    How much do you keep after taxes, editing and your staff?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ꧁Gaming With Mercy𓆪꧂ says:

    Subscribers is what matters the most if you don't have the subs ypur ads won't get any views

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tr0ymachine says:

    I find it hilarious that you thought you don't have the personality or charisma to start your own channel. You have loads of both and I 100% enjoy all of your content!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars felix romano says:

    His cpm is really high

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jakob Bonas says:

    do you get to keep that money or does it get cut and you get less?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I'm Sd says:

    Sure sub = money, fk logic = this video

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobi Ojo says:

    I really like this guy. All the personal finance, real estate, investing and general inspiration aside, I really enjoy how creatively he can ask people to smash the like button every video 😂

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adnomo says:

    Good video, I liked and subcribed

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mouse Mansion says:

    You’re the most brutal honest guy!😃

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Richardson says:

    That’s a lot of money

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dustin Davis says:

    How much of that went to taxes I wonder

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ride fast don't die! says:

    Your an absolute genius

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arielzshell says:

    Wow, you are pretty open about your earnings… happy for you!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Games Room says:

    YouTube make us Rich.

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